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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  March 14, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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it is 6. stuart: a big number. lauren: it is 6. it is 6 definitively. stuart: did you look it up? all right. it has got to be 6. there you go. the answer is indeed six. idaho borders washington, utah, wyoming -- i was corrected on the air several times which i used to say nevada. it is nevada. thank you for sticking around. send your friday feedback. we like to make short messages, send it to we will see you again tomorrow. i've got 8 seconds to go before coast-to-coast, coast-to-coast starts now.
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neil: gas driving inflation along with food and hotels, that's the threat sort of like 3 strikes and you're stockpiling is out. are costing more with the latest wholesale inflation report. we will not see the interest-rate cut for 3 more months. the june cut was looking good and more like a given. now not so much. the headline inflation numbers stronger than expected and paroled to higher prices. consumer is more resilient than expected. hoping the fed buddies up on interest rates when the cost of that gas keeps going up. larry glaser on what is adding fuel to the fire? >> reporter: you called it. gas prices continuing a multi-month high with the nation's battle against inflation, two steps forward, one step back.
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in this battle, what you see is lack of spending is not the problem, they are taking on debt to spending. credit card debt is soaring, delinquencies, auto loans but also at the federal level, federal debt is soaring. the national debt rising at $1 trillion. the spending is the issue but that's the problem because the cost to finance of that debt might slow this economy. we got a lot to unpack a but we know janet yellen regret saying inflation is transitory because every time you go to the grocery store, ask yourself is my grocery bill higher than it was four years ago and the answer is yes and now your gas prices are going up just ahead of the summer driving season which is a pain in the gas as you say. stuart: lauren: 1 you look at this,
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bottom line, a lot of people, the markets looking for interest rate cut, others seem to be putting it off. where are you in the timing issue? >> there' s wishful thinking, we want to believe interest rates can come down in this soft landing. the job markets really strong. if the job market is this strong, labor costs remain high, they might think about raising rates at some point which sounds like blasphemy on wall street. people anticipated not just the rate cut you were talking about but imagining the soft landing and the pivot. we get some rate cuts but in an election year it complicates everything and it doesn't want to look political where they are where they are. stuart: good catching up with you. we've got gerri willis on another incident.
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gmac the bad luck for boeing continues or the stakes continue. american airlines, boeing triple 777 made an emergency landing at los angeles international airport after a pilot reported possible mechanical issue. fox business confirmed they are investigating the situation. the plane landed, nobody was hurt, everybody got off the plane okay. the airline industry passengers were on edge after a string of safety issues at boeing were publicized since the start of the year. the aircraft were involved in 14 emergency landings. wednesday night being of 1/5 incident in the last week alone. boeing's attention to detail has been scrutinized with alaska airlines flights, the door blue out midflight, don't like that.
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the cost of missing boats installed during production. boeing announced they are adding additional jets and audits to correct these problems but airlines are not happy. united airlines, top competitor airbus, southwest ceo said boeing needs to become a better company. they never call anybody out. it is a big deal. investors are losing faith, stock is down 25% since the start of the year so boeing struggling get here. we have to see how this shapes out. stuart: just amazing. the aviation attorney and pilot. the 1-2 punch to cover something like this, good seeing you back again. what do you make of this latest incident. a lot of people getting anxious about this, air travel is safe
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again and again but incidents keep piling up. what do you think is going on here? should we be worried about something broader? >> a couple things. one of the main things, looking at boeing and every emergency, we have a lot of aircraft in the air at anyone time and they have emergencies every so often, doesn't mean that, the pilots have to do certain procedures but we are looking at the plane before we are looking at the emergency. when i heard about the tire falling off last night i said what kind of plane was it and the first thing you want to know, is it boeing or airbus? the only two players in the big airplane game. stuart: it wasn't long ago, i'm showing my age, you would have problems with many incidents and crashes in the 70s and 80s,
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many involving the dc-9, there were a number of planemakers that has shrunk considerably or emerged it into what we have today. is that part of the problem, the two that are surviving, they are behemoths, they had contractors, subcontractors but under each umbrella, is it too gigantic? >> i would like to see more competition because it keeps everybody on their toes. in absence of that, we want to have a lot of oversight. i'm happy michael whitaker, the faa administrator, he is the guy who what understand what's going on as opposed to looking at the washington seat in office.
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and i noticed this morning, a preliminary report showed boeing failed and 56 of the 33 of the major safety issues. they need to get a handle on this. that is supposed to be the faa. neil: the faa was concerned about how cooperative boeing has been and there was the issue of repairs going on at the store. a lot of things seem to indicate a company that can't keep track of its problems, contractors and subcontractors and subcontractors to subcontractors who deal with that. what do you make of the process, the way boeing is structured and how it accounts for accountability?
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>> a lot of this is playing from behind. i remember being in flight school, the first thing we drum into your mind is stay ahead of the airplane, make sure your mind is somewhere before the plane gets there so you know how to handle it. they are not doing that on the manufacturing level and even on the administrative level, we have more than boeing recently with air traffic control shortages, pilot shortages, all those things. instead of dealing with that when they should have, the administration let it go until now and now it is too late because it takes too long to get those people back into the system and to be proficient at what they do. stuart: neil: piles on unless you do something soon. in the meantime, drawing your attention to good news on the
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mortgage rate front, mortgage rates were declining up under 7%. than might be short-lived. interest rates have been backing up a little bit. the latest inflation report might be reflected in that, as we get to next week since a lot of these rates tend to be the 10 year note or 10 year bond taking the choice in the back of it two weeks in a row that we have this decline. we are focusing on what happens to tiktok as the senate debates whether to take up that issue or exploring that with someone who says it's not necessarily about tiktok but the opportunity to do business in social media. the cofounder and president, her take on what happens after this. ♪
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hi, i'm kevin, and i've lost 152 pounds on golo. i had just left a checkup with my doctor, and i'd weighed in at 345 pounds. my doctor prescribed a weight loss drug, but as soon as i stopped taking the drug, i gained all the weight back and then some. that's when i decided to give golo a try. taking the release supplement, i noticed a change within the first week, and each month the weight just kept coming off. with golo, you can keep the weight off. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: it is in the senate's hands, the senator chuck schumer, debatable whether he will take up this measure that the house passed in a bipartisan rant, tiktok, to get
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rid of it. the chinese owned parent company got rid of it itself. that's not in the finger right now but people are thinking of life after tiktok, 170 million american users out there. my next guest not necessarily married to tiktok itself. the cofounder and president, retail powerhouse extraordinaire, good to have you. explain to me how it works for you and how tiktok may indirectly work for you. >> are creators bring their customers there show products through their own lifestyle, publishing and whether a traditional creator or expert, those creators are earning by sales whether is there running shoes or their favorite quito snacks, everything from fashion
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and lifestyle, everything available to focus on the internet, like a new retailer. on the other side of the business, retailers are able to leverage this information and what they are able to do, across the entire internet and in paid campaigns. our mission is all about helping creators get paid. we started in 2011, my own problem is an influencer, that it wasn't lucrative and they paid $2.7 billion. when you look at a platform like tiktok but similar to many platforms, when we started we were pre-instagram, pinterest, snap and we lived through that history, crazy to think over the last 10 years almost every two years there's a new platform. this is one of the distribution points and marketing channels they use to reach their
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customers. neil: it is a powerful one. there aren't too many like it and don't wanted to go away. let me ask an extreme question, how would that work? >> it's all about the consumer and what they want. consumers love tiktok and they like to be there and they are spending a lot of time there but it's not about the brand tiktok, they are getting free entertainment made by creators, if you were to remove any of these platforms creators are publishing you would see a lift and shift from the consumer perspective, an hour a day, i think you would see that be redistributed to an entertainment platform source. neil: a lot of young people don't like the idea of tiktok
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going away, popular site for them, but the argument is a cynical one on the part of young people, in some way, shape or form, chinese or whatever. what do you say to that? >> it's the job of the government to protect its citizens. for the last decade these platforms, aggregated platforms consumers are coming to, we've not seen a lot of regulation around this. what we've seen play out similarly was in 2020, it was owned by the chinese and the divestiture in the platform continued on. lawmakers talk about divestiture which means creators, grants advertising here and consumers get to carry on and use this platform in the hands of a new owner. neil: a more generic question
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about retail sales and activity and what you think the consumers doing and getting hints of it slowing down. is that true? >> not what we are seeing on our platform. things are different, we are a new generation of commerce. entire generation of people who love having a creator as a ride whether they are an avid runner or schoolteacher or able to find someone to guide them through that. this is an industry with huge tailwinds and cultural movement. over $4 billion worth of product in the platform growing tremendously. whether this is going to double over the next three years or conservative view says it is ten years, everything is pointing at this as the next wave of retail.
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neil: continued success. we need that advice but the cofounder and resident. charlie gasparino has been crunching numbers talking about the tiktok threat. the worst case scenario, forced to do that if the parent company has to do vast. if it doesn't happen it is for sale, it would be a huge item. charles: you have to put the cart before the horse. jack: are front or back. charles: i talked to investment bankers. i wrote the story that microsoft was involved in talks with bike dance to buy the entire thing. essentially this was as the trump administration was trying to force the sale, then
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something weird happened in the trump administration. they didn't like microsoft buying it, donald trump's animist everything tech but he is best friends or good friends with larry ellison so the deal switched to oracle where oracle didn't exactly buy it but used -- in any event held up in courts, didn't happen, investor never happened. the investiture did not happen, talking to bankers and reminding me the chinese didn't want to give the algorithm, the secret sauce of tiktok which essentially allows when you go on haters to your preferences, your likes and you are bombarded with things, you are very big into polka dancing, didn't you tell me that? so you will get pulled car dance videos constantly on tiktok. on the other hand, i am into stuff that very meta and intellectual. so i get the marinara
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intellectual marinara recipes. the chinese don't want to give that up. i'm talking bankers involved in potentially, with potential buyers of this. they are microsoft, oracle, they will all line up and by this thing if they get the secret sauce out of it. the chinese don't want to give that up. why don't what they want to give it up? when example your prior guest mentioned with grinder, the gay dating apps and gave it up. why would they want to give up total control of the secret sauce on this? that secret sauce is a backdoor of espionage and that is why congress voted almost unanimously to break it up.
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neil: is it you? there would be $200 billion consumption. >> the chinese don't give stuff like this up. they are not giving up. julie: lose the us market. charles: the initiative, we are all in it for world domination. they don't care. my guess is chuck schumer will have vote to do vast because the president wants that. neil: we were close. charles: trump is against the divestiture because he doesn't want to be facebook rich for some reason but he votes for diverse to chair. my guess is it gets shut down because the chinese, that is what this is if you believe it. i don't have proof but there's
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been lots of stories about how the chinese use this. neil: is a political rail? disproportionately overwhelmingly democratic voters, they might not like or take kindly to something like that. charles: something used for espionage is donald trump going to say the chinese don't spy on us? >> it's dynamite. charles: people are thinking about that on the democratic side. steve bannon back in the day, sloppy steve is out there hinting that and others, whose the other guy, the crazy alex jones. >> appearing to, one of the contributors linked to the company. i didn't understand it.
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charles: there's conservative thought and libertarians coming out and saying why should government step in and create a precedent where they banned certain types of speech even if it is -- charles: the nancy mays argument, be careful what you wish for. do you volunteer to go on tiktok or does someone make you? it's your desire for those polka videos, never-ending. charles: people worrying this is going to go away and meta is going to have another crackdown on microsoft there are very few players. charles: they have the money these days. charles: do you see that happening? charles: if they give up the algorithm and control it. charles: they have to prove it. >> they have smart people, they understand how to unpack this thing where preferences come out right. do you think the chinese
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government will give that up? they wouldn't the last time, why would they do it now? there are more bent on world domination than ever before. it is the trump thing is interesting. here's why, make this one point, people think it's bad for biden and democrats but there's a crackup going on among in the maga when with sloppy steve and people like alex jones going out there attacking trump kind of. neil: the fact that so many republicans voted for this tells you this is where they felt they had room. very good seeing you again. neil: didn't notice that your handsome in your own conditions. thank you. you and i got that reference. charlie gasparino on all of that. the best of the best.
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>> free, free palestine. >> free free palestine. todd: the palestinian rally protesting president biden when he appeared in milwaukee yesterday but he came bearing gifts reminding those in the battleground state that the potential goodies and battery project for a lot of evs and all the rest, the fact is the president is very big on and
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echoed as he gets ready to go to michigan where the ev pushes on. let's go to daniel, the initiative president who makes what these visits are and who he's reaching out to. what do you think? especially bearing gifts and a lot of them to satisfy or win over voters in those states? >> that's what they are trying to do and it will be those 50/50 states like michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, nevada, arizona, critical states they will go after and latinos figure big is the biggest voting block in the country. neil: he's been criticized that he's taking those democratic blocks for granted much as was said about african-americans but latinas as well as the argument now, you were on this early that that was happening
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long before the urgent plea to the president to shore up his base, what did you see than that you see growing now? >> it was sort of a gradual rejection, biden policy of reckless spending and overtaxing and overregulation, attacks on energy, the indifference to what was happening at the border, not just biden policies but more and more latinos are recognizing republican candidates. republicans have better narratives, increasing productivity and jobs by lessening the tax burden, generate energy abundance that's keeping reliable especially for the most vulnerable, empower parents to choose education for their children and the democrat narrative, the economy under bidenomics, gumdrops, you are not feeling the pain from the
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lower wages and 20% increase on the cost of living, interest rates are not high, rent is affordable, it's the price you pay to be loved by the world, you ungrateful rube is. people are feeling real pain, democrats seem indifferent to it, you can read about it on which is our website that gives the true story of this. >> i want updates on the fallout of the border and migrant surge, how that's resonating with latino voters some of whom don't like the way the president has conducted it but don't take kindly to things donald trump has said. i'm curious how is that crisis folding up? >> you said latino voters, that to matters because i saw you dictate a lot of races in these 50/50 rates. they are angry at the indifference being shown by
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this administration to, for three years, the illegal crossings into the border, obviously this is something this administration has not shown itself capable of managing especially under alejandra mayorkas who was inept on this issue and gas lighting people that everything was lollipops and gumdrops when it came to the border. this angered a lot of latinos across the country because a lot of them did it the right way, they took the entry-level jobs, rose up in the rates through hard work and industry and arrived with prosperity and that is not, the american dream they are selling now. stuart: we have significant earthquake event, republican getting majority of that latino vote, that could be a game changer, always good seeing you, thank you very much. we will take a look, telling
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you about the gift from the president for wisconsin to get production going on something that could help with the batteries for these vehicles, might be too little too late fructose as those shares continue sinking. the fact is that drop in his stock, he's no longer the world's richest man. the pile on continues after this. ♪ as an independent financial advisor, my promise to you is simple. as a fiduciary, i promise to put your interests first, always. i promise that our relationship will go well beyond just investment decisions. it's the intersection of your money and your life where we can make the biggest difference. [announcer] charles schwab is proud to support the independent financial advisors
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suffer and we have reports that fisk are is looking at restructuring bankruptcy filing as sales in general, sales of all sorts slow dramatically, tesla itself the industry leader, slowdown continues for a long and painful, the administration still believes evs have a future and a bright one at that. and but lawrence talking no less than the treasury secretary of the united states, he joins us now. >>. med with evs but the energy department is announced the largest loan they've given to date and the energy secretary says this will skew the transition to electric vehicles and the energy department announced a conditional commitment for a loan guarantee of $2.6 billion to build a lithium processing facility next to her rare earth mining nevada. general motors invested in this processing plant and expects to
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be a main customer for the lithium. wanted to fully operational it is expected to score batteries for 800,000 cars and trucks. the problem is at the moment they sit on dealers lots. consumers don't want to buy them because fears of how far they will go. the big three automakers cut back on ev manufacturing matching consumer sentiment so i pressed the treasury secretary on the ev push. >> can government subsidies overcome that hesitancy? >> the future for evs is very bright. sales may not have grown in line with expectations the past year but they have grown markedly. >> you think people will want them? >> absolutely. >> she thinks once the ev charging stations are built, the biden administration will turn to electric vehicles, the charging stations won't be built until 2026 if it is on time. neil: thank you, great job with
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the treasury secretary. the automotive expert reports. you've been talking about this and warning what is going on in the ev front and it's coming to light. but to hear the administration tell others, evs at a speed bump. what do you say? >> it's more like a pothole, to be honest. consumers, some manufacturers have 400 days, over a year's supply of vehicles they can't sell. i'm sitting in a new 2024 hyundai santa fe that's available in hybrid and gas, no mention this morning as we drive these vehicles, of the word electric. they offer ev 9 and electric vehicles but they are having trouble selling them with their 100,000 mile warranty and only 12 vehicles meet the tax
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credit. what is interesting is they use the word conditionally. the reason we've done no mining in the us, we don't have the materials and the epa, you have to clear all those regulations was good luck with that because they put the regulations and then say we want to mine. you can't have both, chicken or egg, someone has to give so i don't think the epa will given and say you can start mining all this lithium and cobalt and rare earth minerals we need, other countries allow for this, who owns those minds is china. we are beholden to china, customers are not thinking about that aspect of it. they don't like the charging anxiety and though they take billions of hours and say we will build charging stations do you know how many they built with the $8 billion they took last time? one. one charging station. that doesn't cut it with your tax dollars. anytime it is infrastructure or anything, it is your tax
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dollars, your money. we needed for other things, roads, bridges, education and other things we can use it for. i think this is just for the election much like they are putting electric vehicle mandating rivers and a lot of states, they want to see who's the next president. neil: your thoughts on trying to goose sales by everyone getting on the same battery standard, tesla is opening up to sharing and retrofitting those who want to use its charging stations. what difference would it make if there was a sameness or a routine agreement on how and where to go to charge those things no matter what car? >> in europe they have that. the only person you don't have that is north america with different charging adapters so it does work, same problems charging infrastructure, the electrical grid can't support it, they are taking down nuclear power plants, don't want to use coal or natural
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gas, you can't live on wind and solar. there has to be something else. we are aware china has been putting up nuclear power plants and coal power plants, 7 to 9 per week because they know they've got electric will problems as well. getting the same charging connection to everyone in the us is fantastic. ford was first to get on the tesla charger, offering free chargers until june so just go on the website and order one and they are one hundred $50. remember if you've got one get your free adapter while you can. other brands like hyundai and kia and gmr on the same charging base, that's helpful for those who have electric cars. is that inspiring them? we are not seeing this, early adapters, people who purchase a demand everyone else is going hybrid, great solution. neil: always learn a lot. how would you like to work four
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days instead of five and get paid the same? some do that already because they work 5 days total hours and four days. what if you could cut the day off for 32 hours and get paid the same? bernie sanders has a plan for you. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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adam: it's almost built into our economy, the 40 hour work week. bernie sanders wants to make it a 32 hour workweek and says we will all be better for it. >> the plan is to cut hours but maintain pay at the current rate. supporters like bernie sanders site antiquated labor laws that date back 80 years and says the american economy has changed since then. >> american workers are over 400% more productive than they were in the 1940s. extraordinary. technology has made working people far more productive. >> reporter: sanders says ai will reduce the workload but one witness testified it's clear because ai is so young. republicans are opposed. they predicted bad economic consequences.
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>> for example you increase the cost of labor which means companies are more likely to automate. they are more likely to move overseas their operations for cheaper labor costs and lastly contributes to inflation. it's a bad deal for workers, one more example, free money, nothing is free. >> reporter: supporters of organized labor say the pandemic expose problems in the labor market. john fain says people are not willing to leave their house because they do not earn a solid wage. >> they are not lazy, they are fed up. fed up with being left behind, stripped of deadly, as it spirals out of control. they are fed up in america. >> sanders conceded this bill is not going anywhere anytime soon. the gop says the hearing was an election year ploy between voters on the left.
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>> to mike brown, the senator from indiana. good to see you. what do you make of this plan, how do you think it will be received in your state, making a 32 hour workweek the standard? >> i was just at that committee hearing not long ago and if you are wanting to take advice on a place like this, $1 trillion every 6 months, don't put much credence in people who were committee chairs to take advice from main street, that would never work. i made the point at the hearing unions, i believe in their buffeting power want to take on large companies, where there's a lot of wealth housed, you might try it there. don't ever do this in the form of a mandate. they can bargain for that, good luck.
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this place is getting less productive over time. our economy is about more government jobs than we ever had where they don't even come into the buildings to work. no mandates, especially don't hit small businesses with this nonsense. neil: should chuck schumer slapped down tiktok, the corporate owner that the vests tiktok but he is not into that, he is going to take it but what do you mean? >> i think he's probably listening to the most progressive side of the senate and his party in general. that was an overwhelming percentage in the house, as bipartisan as you are going to see. he will have to do some real explaining why he would bring that to the senate floor for a vote.
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it will then flush out some of the reasons they think politically it shouldn't be done. i'm torn between civil liberties and national security, when china forces their companies to interface with their intelligence agencies i would not trust that a non-handshake business partner would do other than something nefarious if it continues as is. >> one issue on chuck schumer is calling on benjamin netanyahu, the coalition government losing people's trust. but he's an american senator making that plea to the sovereign foreign leader, what do you think of that? >> that is maybe getting into a ballot week you probably shouldn't. it don't think it is going to
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resonate at all. israel has never been more united on flushing out hamas and doing it until they are taken out of the picture. there's no way you can leave a vestige of that remaining and that is agreed to in israel across the political spectrum. i don't know that schumer should be giving him advice. neil: presently running for governor of that state. the dow is down 114 points but we are more inclined to sell today.
12:57 pm
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1:00 pm
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