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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 13, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good wednesday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, march 13, i'm time for the hot top ebbing of the hour.
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house lawmakers grilling r former special counsel robert hur on his investigation into president biden's mishandling of classified documents. hur faced questions from democrats on his decision to include statements on biden's memory in the report. republicans pressed him on biden's ghost writer and his motivation to keep those classified documents. watch. >> the evidence and the president himself put his memory squarely at issue. we interviewed the president and asked him about his recorded statement, quote, i just found all the classified stuff downstairs, end quote. he told us that he didn't remember saying that to his ghost writer. he also said he didn't remember finding classified material in his home after his vice presidency and he didn't remember anything about how classified documents about afghanistan made their way into his garage. my assessment in the report about the relevance of the president's memory was necessary and accurate and fair. >> february 8th, the white
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house, question, mr. president, why did you share classified information with your ghost writer? the president, i did not share classified information, i did not share it. i guarantee i did not. that's not true, is it, mr. hur? >> that is inconsistent with the findings based on the evidence in my report. >> joe biden had 8 million reasons to break the rules. took classified information and shared it with the guy who was writing the book. maria: hur confirmed white house attorneys asked him to, quote, revise his description of biden's memory lapses before the report was released. todd, the fact that the white house asked him to revise what he had already wrote is also stunning. >> the facts in this report and the facts in robert hur's testimony are damning for this white house all around. now, while i may disagree with robert hur's overall assessment to not bring charges, i agree with the way he handled himself in that room and in the report because he produced facts that
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the white house and democrats cannot disagree with. yet they of course tried their best to bang the table, make a lot of noise where there should not have been noise. the fact of the matter is this. joe biden lied. this report did not exonerate him and robert hur made a decision based upon decisions that a lot of top notch prosecutors make. if i'm not guaranteed to get a conviction i'm not going to bring the case. that doesn't mean that a jury could not have found him guilty and when under oath robert hur admitted as much. he said i could have gotten a conviction. ism not 100% certain i would. that's the reason i didn't bring charging. maria: hur's testimony did contradict statements president biden made during a press conference during a report released last month. >> we identified evidence that the president willfully retained classified materials after a the end of his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. we identified other recorded conversations during which mr. biden read classified
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information allowed to his ghost writer -- aloud to his ghost writer. >> i did not share classified information. i did not share it. maria: well, this is actually showing us otherwise, the newly released transcript of hur's interview with biden confirms the president's memory lapses, are biden bringing up his son's death while discussing a book he wrote in 2017 but he appeared confused on the month and year of his son's death. at one point he said what month did beau die, oh, god, may 30th. he was reminded that his son died in 2015. he later asked, quote, was it 2015 that he had died. your thoughts? >> so, i think when you look at everything that happened yesterday, what are people going to take away? that's the big question. there was a lot of questioning, a lot of -- i think what people are going to take away from this is number one, joe biden is not -- his mental stability is not what it used to be.
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i think that's really, really important. number two, i think people will take away there seems toe be a real double standard, two tiered system of justice will come into play and i think that's why we're seeing polls that biden is not seen as honest and trustworthy, 43% of americans view him as honest and trustworthy and mental soundness, only 37% of americans think he's mentally sound. my guess is that number will continue to go down. maria: that's a huge number. >> it's a huge number. maria: for people to not say he's mentally there. >> 62% is where he was when he took office. the last four years he lost 25 points on this issue and i think americans are seeing it over and over again and thing think this is going to continue to hurt him. >> we saw during the state of the union, i know there were a lot of people who said wonderful job, he was strong, he got through it. he got through it. i counted 10 or 12 flubs in the middle of the speech and when he went off camera or not off
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camera, off prompter, talking about laken riley, it was nonsensical sentences or half sentences strung together. i think it's in plain view. democratic congressmen can question mr. hur about what was in the report but it was consider it tall clear. we saw in the state of the union, whether or not we want to see or admit what we saw is another story but it was out there. maria: the state of the union is supposed to be the state of the union. it's supposed to be a report card on our country. not a campaign speech. that's what it felt like. >> it's exactly right. i think one of the really interesting things is usually you see a bump, at least with your base, on the state of the union. so many people said he did a great job. actually, no bump has been seen for his approval ratings as a result of the state of the union even among democrats. and when you look at the rating, 65% of americans said they feel a little bit better about joe biden after seeing that but that is the worst performance out of the last six state of the unions, most times people say
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70, 80, 90% improvement based on what they hear. he didn't move the needle as much as people think. he's getting great applause. i think the bars was so low. >> the bar of not collapsing at the podium is a low bar. he met the bar. that doesn't inspire confidence in a president. maria: i believe cnn reported it was the worst polled state of the union in 25 years. let's take a break. we're just getting started. whave a lot coming up. bitcoin is booming, it's at a from all time high this morning at 73,312. we're going to take a look at it as the word on wall street panel is here with expectations. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ i'm on top of the world, hey. ♪ i'm on top of the world, hey. ♪ waiting on this for a while now. ♪
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is payne capital management president and the host of payne points of wealth podcast, ryan payne back with us. adam johnson with us all morning many thank you for joining the conversation. >> thanks, maria. maria: adam, want to kick things off with you. we are extending further into record territory this morning, the s&p and nasdaq closing higher yesterday, the dow jumped as well and we're looking at fractional gains this morning across the board. the a look at yesterday, the dow up better than 200 points, 235, higher, two thirds of a percent be even more compelling was the nasdaq, up 246 points yesterday, 1 and-a-half percent. the s&p 500 at another all time high this morning, 5175. but the nasdaq of course was led once again by nvidia and chip stocks. take a look at nvidia, yesterday up better than 7%. the semiconductor index before that had its worst two day loss
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in more than two months but of course it's still up huge this year and last year. nvidia is up again this morning. adam, i know you recently bought more of this. >> i know. and i laugh about that because i was also the guy who at 675 said i'm going to sell a little because i hit my target. i think that's prudent. when you buy a stock, you're only rational once, it's before the you buy the stock. if it goes to your target, you need to honor that and sell a little. you say why did you buy it back $300 higher? because something has changed. and that is, the earnings are accelerating even faster than i myself thought and i'm a bull. so 900 bucks, if you assume the company's going to make 30 of dollars in earnings this year and you put a 30 multiple on it, that's how you get to 900. what if they're going to make $35 and the pe multiple ought to be 35, 35 times 35, suddenly you're at 1200.
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that's my reasoning. if the s&p is trading at 21 times, 30 sounds too cheap for nvidia. maybe it should be 35. and so you know, if you just start to march it up. there comes a point where you say stop drinking your own kool-aid a. i don't think we're there yet. maria: i was struck with one thing the journal wrote about nvidia, after their earnings, when the ceo said they have a whole new industry created around a.i. and the journal wrote that so far we're seeing a lot of money and business coming from tech, like t meta and googe and big tech companies buying cloud software related to a.i. but we haven't seen it take place broadly in corporate america. is that another leg up, once corporate america starts boning up on cloud a.i. related software. >> just as in 2010 whenever company had to become an
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e-commerce company and in 2015 whenever company had to become a cloud company, now in 2024 every company has to be an a.i. company. that's your point. it's not just the googles and facebooks that need the chips, it's delta air lines to maximize efficiency of networks. you can can use a.i. there. it's to help companies find more customers. it's banks figuring out how to allocate capital more quickly, arguably wall street traders as well. so yes, as the demand, as the use cases broaden out for a.i., the demand for nvidia's chips increases and that's why earnings keep going up. maria: so i understand the thinking on that. i'm still trying to understand the thinking around bitcoin. ryan, look at bitcoin at another fresh high this morning. we're talking about $73,000 on bitcoin, up this morning again. this is an all-time high. can this keep going? >> i think it can. not for any good reason. the bottom line is, there's so much liquidity out there that's being poured into a lot of
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speculative assets. adam loves nvidia here but 20 times sales, a lot of good news baked into the stock. you have mass speculation. there's no wider adoption of using it to he buy goods and car i haveses, it's not backed -- services, is not backed by any company. you have etfs which people can trade in. it's up 50% since now you're able to trade etfs with bitcoin which gives it more accessibility to the general public. maria: i was reading the other day there's $6 trillion in money market accounts. >> that's insane. maria: that is so much money in money market accounts. normally when you h have that ch in your money market account, that's a temporary parking place. do you see that as potential to go into the stock market and keep the rally going. >> you get 5% on the money market fund today. the fed is probably going to cut
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interest rates this year which means your 5% is going to go away and you see the stock market going up. what are investors going to do? they're going to have fomo and money will find its way back into s market. i think a lot of bubbles that are forming will go higher. i said this last week. it's better to be early and out of this stuff. i don't know the magical day when all this stuff implodes. odds ar are probably will. maria: you said fomo, fear of missing out. >> we've never before seen 6 trillion in money market funds. that money has got to go in. when you step back and say what's happening actually on a fundamental side, you've got the most number of people ever working, making the most amount of money ever, and spending the most amount of money ever. that's good for earnings. it's good for the economy. so i think you have to put your money to work. maria: two big bulls up here this morning. ryan, great to see you. thanks so much.
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ryan payne. adam, you're with us all morning, we're grateful. pennsylvania congressman guy reschenthaler is here, we're talking about president biden's border crisis and the fbi's latest warnings on terrorism potential next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card.
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i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. maria: welcome back. president biden's border policies now facing criticism from his own party. 14 house democrats joining a dop led resolution which condemns biden's immigration policies, it says biden purposefully violated u.s. immigration law. biden said he doesn't plan on taking executive action to address the record number of migrants entering the country. joining us now, congressman guy reschenthaler, he's an iraq war veteran. thank you for being here. the border is wide open, despite the conversation broadening out among people. do you expect any action in the president? do you expect any action in
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congress to address this? >> maria, first off, thanks for having me on. always a joy. what can we expect from joe biden when it comes to the border? more of the same. he's not going to do anything. and if congress does pass legislation, remember, the house with all republican he votes passed, hr2, the first border security bill passed since the mid- '90s, the senate is not going to run that because they're controlled by democrats. if it goes past the senate, joe biden is not going to pass it into law. if it does get passed into law, mayorkas is not going to pass it. the biden administration is not going to enforce it. the only way to stop the chaos at the southern border, it's donald trump. that's why we need to get him elected. it's impossible to overstate what's going on at the southern border. last year we had more illegal crossings in the united states than natural births m the united states. you have more illegal immigrants that have crossed than the population of 36 different states. you have over 20,000 military
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aged men from china that have come across, i'll let the viewers speculate as to why they think that is. you have over 300 individuals that were on the terrorist watch list that were apprehended which begs the question, how many on the terrorist watch list were got aways and are i the interior of the united states waiting to unleash havoc when they get the call to unleash an international day of jihad. there's one person that's responsible. that's joe biden. there's one person that can reverse. and that's donald trump. maria: is this about voting if had the upcoming election? because there just seems to be lots of speculation around this as merrick garland, the attorney general, says that he's vowing to fight any voter id laws. i find it amazing that the attorney general is telling us he's going to vow to fight voter id. >> it's quite remarkable. you can't rent a car in this country without showing an id. there's office buildings in washington dc, you can't get
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into unless you show an id. to he vote, you don't need an id? the democrats basically admitted one of the reasons they want illegal immigrants is so they can have an inflation in the census and expand the areas that are under democrat controlled areas. so they can inflate the electoral college, can inflate the representation they the house of representatives. in this week in the rules committee congresswoman jiapole from seattle admitted she thinks illegal immigrants should be able to vote at least in local elections. that's just a precursor to allowing illegals to vote in federal elections which will dilute the votes of american citizens. they're trying to do this to dilute votes, to increase representation in the house of representatives. they're the blame america first crowd. they think we somehow deserve this influx of immigration for some kind of perceived crimes that western civilization has committed. totally backward thinking.
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going back to biden, he had 94 executive orders that undermine what trump did when he was president and his executive orders. biden could end this crisis tomorrow. he could reinstate catch and release, he could increase -- he could go back for increase for border border patrol, increasee wall. one person that can bring it back, reverse them, that's president trump. maria: so the jig is up. we know why we have the wide open border, putting our country in a vulnerable position so we can see more voters on the democrat party. this is outrageous, adam johnson. >> it is outrageous. and what i find stunning is that at this very moment we're realizing how o outrageous that is. 14 democrats sided with republican as maria pointed out. saying that president biden's border policies are unacceptal.
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what do you think the tipping point was for those 14 democrats to break ranks with the rest of their democrats? >> well, i don't think they're acting out of pure motives. the entire democratic party has been on the side of illegal immigration, open border policy. i would speculate the 14 democrats read some polling where most americans including independents are putting priority on the border and border security. inthem looking ahead at this fall and seeing poll numbers got them to sign onto that. the entire party is usually in locklock step with biden on then immigration policy. maria: it's hard to hide when you have murder happening at the hands of illegals, border patrol chief jason owens revealed his agency arrested three gang members attempting to illegally enter the country, border patrol arrested 215 illegals with gang affiliations this year and fbi director christopher wray spoke about it the other day, warning
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of dangerous threats at the border including smugglers with ties to isis. watch this. >> have any individuals who are known terrorists, suspected terrorists or on the no fly liss presented themselves at the southern border. >> we have seen over the last five years an increase of known or suspected terrorists attempting to cross the southern bore r deer. border manufac manufac. maria: how worried are you that this gets worse given the warnings we're hearing from christopher wray. >> incredibly worried about this. we caught 300 on the terrorist watch list. only 19 terrorists pulled off 9/11. there's more than 19 terrorists that are in the interior of the country. i was at the border in 2019,
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border patrol agents were showing me confiscated phones that had beheading videos on them. i prosecuted terrorists in iraq. the only reason to have a beheading video on their cell phone, it's because they're part of a terrorist organization. we would be naive to think there aren't sleeper cells of terrorists, and military aged chinese men that the chinese party have given the okay to come here, waiting to unleash chaos probably if and when china tries to invade taiwan. not only are we having a threat from terrorism, there's also a threat from the ccp here as well. maria: so you believe these chinese nationals that are coming through the border who do look largely military aged men, you believe they're being directed by the chinese government to come here? >> they're absolutely being directed. you can't do anything in china without approval from the government, let alone leave the country. so they're coming here. they're coming here with the direction that pla and the ccp and i would speculate that if
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china invades taiwan they would try to have some kind of cyber attack to throw us off guard, maybe have sleeper cells attack critical infrastructure, engage in espionage, maybe lead civil unrest with far left radical groups, debill debilitate our y to react to an impending invasion of taiwan. they're here at the doctor, of direction of theccp and pla. maria: i want to ask about the budget issues and spending issues. the white house announced a $300 million military aid package for ukraine after president biden requested $7.3 trillion for his annual budget proposal. that includes 5 and-a-half trillion dollars of new taxes. higher taxes for business and the highest earners. where is this going? >> it's going absolutely nowhere, maria, nor should it. the $5 trillion that the biden administration and far left democrats can say that's going
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to be targeted at the wealthiest americans, it's not. you could confiscate all the wealth of the wealthiest americans, it's not going to solve the problem. the 5.5 will be taken from the middle class. to collect the money, they want $104 billion on top of the 80 billion they already had to increase the irs. biden administration is coming for the middle class and their pocketbooks. maria: obviously he's not going to raise taxes this year. it gives you an indication of what biden's next four years would look like. 5 and-a-half trillion dollars of higher taxes, i don't know who would announce that during an election year but he just told us his plans so thank you for that. next friday we've got another government funding deadline. will we see a shutdown, will you be able to get the work done in terms of the appropriation bills. >> i think the last half will pass next week, pass on suspension. i'm optimistic we'll avoid a
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government you shoulddown. shutdown.maria: quick break ane test of tiktok is on, lawmakers readying a vote on a bill that could ban tiktok in the united e united states. frank mccourt junior is here to weigh in. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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maria: welcome back. president trump officially clinching the republican nomination for president, teeing up a 2020 rematch with president biden. cheryl casone with details now.
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>> it is official, president joe biden and former president donald trump are the presumptive nominees for their parties. biden saying, quote, the broad coalition of voters representing the rich he di diverses at thise diverseity have puttheir faith . trump says he is ready to get to work. >> republican national committee has just declared us the official nominee. we're not going to take time to celebrate. we'll secelebrate in eight montn the election is over, november 5th i believe will go down as the most important day in the history of our country. >> it is only the second time in our nation's history that we've had a rematch for the presidency. last time this happened, 1956. 3m naming a new ceo, bill brown, former chief of a defense contractor will succeed the
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current ceo, mike roman who will become the executive chairman, 3m is set to spin off the healthcare decision. the company continues legal battles over the so-called forever chemicals, pfas. anyway, shares of the dow component up a half iners the premarket. finally, your car may be spying on you. may be costing you money. several drivers of cars made by gm, ford, honda, say insurance rates went up after the company sent data about driving behavior to insurance companies without their permission. one driver telling the new york times his car insurance jumped 21% after the onstar smart driver system collected data on driving, his insurance agent confirming that's where they got the data from. some drivers are considering suing the car makers. check the user agreement. maria: follow that one. cheryl, thank you. the house is expected to vote on
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a bill today that could essentially ban tiktok in the unitedstates unless it divests m bytedance. tiktok's ceo trying lobby against the big. joining us now, the author of our biggest fight, frank mccourt junior is with us. frank, great to see you. thanks for being here. you have written so much about the internet. your thoughts on what's happening right now with regard to tiktok. >> well, i cover this in the book. the reason i wrote our biggest fight was to shed light on project liberty. and this is a $500 million initiative to basically reimagine how the internet works. right now, use cases and apps like tiktok scrape and aggregate our data and do stuff with it. in this case it's the chinese communist party. it's kind of creepy, right. we have to realize that our own platforms here are doing the
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same thing, scraping our data. so i think it's important. the tiktok issue is important. it sheds light on the issues. we need to not get blinded by it and really focus on the bigger issue of how the internet works and we need to reclaim control of our data because it's our personhood in the digital age away from the machinery of big tech and if the big tech ceos aren't going to do it and our elected officials aren't going to do it, let's innovate our way forward. we can fix the engineering problem, where we can actually put you in charge of your digital life on the internet. and that way, now we returned liberty and agency to people. i think that will be helpful. maria: this is a huge concept. i want to hear how you propose to do that. but is it too late? they're all scraping our data. what are they doing with it? the ccp is one thing. this is a foreign adversary misusing our data. what about meta, google, and the
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other companies that are scraping our data. what are they doing with it? they're making money on it. >> of course. look, i like you and millions of others, we know there's something broken. right if we see it. and we feel it. somethisomething's amiss. what i state in the book,s is that the problems we're having, whether it's foreign actors in our democracy, information ecosystem that's contaminated, harms to children, it's all connected to how the internet is working and how the platforms scrape our data and aggregate it and apply algorithms to it. it's doing bad things. why do we want an internet that does some good things and a lot of bad things, consider not get rid of the bad things and fix that, solve that before we make it more powerful with jen ray ge a.i. maria: it's getting more confusing and powerful. a u.s. government report is urging the u.s. to move quickly
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and decisively to prevent national security risks stemming from artificial intelligence. the report warned it could lead to human extinction through loss of control and weaponization. the report was obtained by time magazine, it states, quote, the rise of advanced a.i. and art a initial general intelligence has the potential to destabilize global security in ways reminiscent of the introduction of nuclear weapons. do you a agree with that? >> i do. project lib liberty is protectn following. i think artificial intelligence implemented properly with us in control of the data could be an awesome thing. i'm optimistic about the you futureon one condition. we fix how this powerful technology is working. we need to be in control. we need to regain control of not just our data, maria. people think data, l like what's
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data, he they don't relate to s a concrete thing. think of your data as who we are in the digital age. these platforms know everything about you. it's not just something you a new pair of shoes. it's knowing about how you think, how you behave, how you react to things. why do we want to feel manipulated. that's the on of opposite of frm and democracy. it's time we have the tech we used optimized for values and principles we want in our society and for individual freedom, individual liberty and choice. maria: can this be fixed? isn't it too late? >> no, it's not. this refrain about is it too late always happens with progress in technology. something's happening and then we see that it's not -- it's not he designed correctly or it's doing harms and we just need to get organized and fix it. so what i would like to leave
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you with about project liberty and i urge listeners to take a couple hours to read the book or go to the and learn more. we need to fix the tech and we need to engage other people. social scientists, moms who are concerned about their kids, just normal people need to -- we need to start talking about this at the kitchen table, the sidelines of the soccer fields, the school committee meetings. this is a big crisis. you and others do a fabulous job of reporting on the problems. we need to shift our focus on how to solve the problems. maria: what was your reaction we saw from google and gemini. google is restricting the a.i. chat bot gemini from answering election related questions. google writes we take our responsibility for pro vading h quality information seriously and are working to improve our
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protections. if your book you highlight the dangers. you're talking about the internet. google right now is coming off of a period where the information that was inputted in gemini created terrible outcomes, right? george washington, a black man. why? because they put all of this i did vdiversity input in theal hw algorithm. >> it's the data that's scrad from the internet, it's our data. it's all the data take that's input. right now we have data and information on the internet that's utterly false, created by machines and foreign ac. and actors.maria: there's so mo you fix it. >> garbage in, garbage out. that's where we're at. wouldn't you prefer to make your decision about what portions of your data are being used in the large language models and understand a bit how they work,
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be more transparent instead of the black box approach. maria: you can't even change wikpedia if you want. you go to wikpedia, and there's a ton of false stuff because somebody else is writing information about you. >> i'm not saying there won't be bad actors or that people won't do -- try to do false --ism saying we have an internet so poorly designed for how it's being used that the bad actors, it's easy for them. maria: they're exploiting it, sure. >> that's right. so let's just take a pause, step back, and say you know what, maybe the problem is that we're actually a device on the internet, not a person, we have an ip address. let's be a person on the internet. let's have to be a verifyable human being to have the privilege of using the internet and have control about how -- imagine an internet with apps that are built that click on our terms of use, our data, imagine an internet where there's transparency, imagine an
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internet where we're in control and imagine the internet where the value created which is enormous -- we know our data is massively valuable, is actually shared by those that create the data. it's a next level of evolution here. so we're not saying throw the internet away. the internet is awesome. but let's use it in the way that it was intended. yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the worldwide web. the person that created it said it's not used the way intended. i intended it to share accurate information, i intended it to be the tide that lifts all the boats and that's not what it is right now. it's what we do. we sit and recycle the problems. let's fix it. maria: really an interesting conversation, frank. we'll keep watching this and you're making really the right points in terms of fixing it. i don't know if it can be fixed at this point. but -- >> it can. as an engineer and builder, i can tell it can be fixed. we have to have the will.
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maria: fantastic, frank, great to talk with you. such a great conversation. quick break and then pad son al worth is live at lockheed martin's production site. madison. >> good morning, maria. lockheed martin, an iconic american country around for 100 years needed now more than ever, we have inside access to their facility here in georgia. we'll bring you that and some incredible video after this. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started?
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as we face this. lockheed martin has been around for over 100 years and what you're looking at behind me is the c130. it turns seven years old this year. they're expected to make 20. i want to bring in one of the guys who makes it possible, kevn mather. you have made 2700 of these. half of them are still operational. what needs to be done so the planes last for that long. >> we've got a a robust sustainment operation that makes sure we're p producing the parts and capabilities and make sure they're relevant over time. they have the full capability to do what it continues to do. >> the largest costmore, u.s. government. countries around the world look to lockheed martin for defense equipment. how do you vet? what is the process selling to
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foreign countries. >> it's done by the state department. configurations are approved in ad vans. we have the capability to do a direct commercial sale, a commercial contract. in most situations it's a foreign military sale. we sell to the u.s. customer and they sell to the foreign costcustomer. whichever configuration they choose. >> this is an important aircraft for the u.s. military and for georgia, this is a really important plant, lockheed martin does $4.4 billion in economic impact for the state and aerospace, that is the largest export for georgia. financially, and you can also tell size wise, physically it's a very large export as well. i'll send it back to you. maria: madison, great reporting, madison alworth this morning in marietta. so many questions around this issue, adam. because when you talk about the military, you want to ensure that you know exactly where the components are, where they're coming from. recently, i learned that there
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was purchases of drones from china. i mean, are we using chinese drones in the military? which would be so extraordinary. >> we may be. it seems crazy, incomprehensible. controlling supply chains is one of the lessons that came out of covid. if you rely on an international network it's hard logistically. number two, as you dig deeper, it begs the question, can you trust where the parts are coming from. maria: we learned that from prescription drugs during covid when the ccp put out a post saying maybe we won't send the prescription drugs under the chemicals or ingredients to the united states if sanctions and tariffs continue with the trump administration. they actually threatened us. that post was taken down, never to be seen again. >> so it begs the question, what next? do we need to fully decouple? and as subpoena somebody who haa manufacturing plant, has no
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experience in manufacturing, decoupling seems a great idea. to those trying to put together a business, decoupling is not that easy. what do you do to avoid the problems you mentioned. it's tough stuff. maria: there was reporting on ccp surveillance mechanisms on cranes and construction equipment. >> yes, yes. maria: a major worry sign. >> i think it's interesting when you look back to the election in 2016 and when donald trump was running on making sure we get jobs back from china, reduce dependence on china, he talked about it so much and democrats criticized him as xeno phobic, just strumming up fear. here we are. a majority of americans see the threat that china poses wants us to bring it back. he was ahead of his time and he was labeled a as a racist for i. maria: same thing with the
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border, remember when he said they're emptying out their prisons, they were saying he's a racist, hoe m, homophobic,. >> four years from now, it will be the order of the land that the democrats will be on board with it. it's shock how they come around. maria: when we come back, house judiciary committee member and wisconsin congressman tom tiffany is here, we'll take a look at what we learned from robert hur's testimony and president biden's documents scandal, after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data,
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