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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 12, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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maria: good tuesday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, march 12, you your top stories right now, 6:0. today inflation on deck. futures are mixed this morning ahead of the february consumer price index out this morning, expectations of a hot reading coming up at 8:30 a.m. eastern, dow industrials right now down 42 going into the number, the nasdaq is up 62, as all of the democrat spending comes home to roost. the president unveiling five and-a-half trillion dollars of new and higher taxes in his massive $7.3 trillion 2025 budget. taxpayers get stuck holding the bag after all of the president's spending led to 40 year highs. more on the cons m her with consumer with kohl'scoming out l
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take a look at oracle after reporting earnings last night. the stock this morning rallying almost 14% higher on oracle right now. then bitcoin on fire, touching another all-time high yesterday. take a look. bitcoin is pulling back from the record highs this morning, sitting at 71,905. everything you need to know about the digital space coming up. european markets this morning are mostly higher, the ft 100 is higher by 67, cac quarante in parises is flat, up 1 point, the dax index higher by 45 a. asia overnight, a mixed story. take a look at the indices, hang seng shooting up better than 3% he overnight. the house voting on a bill tomorrow that would ban tiktok in the united states if it does not divest from the chinese company bytedance. hear from fcc commissioner brendan carr7:45 eastern.
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president biden's classified document scandal back in the house light as robert hur testifies this morning. joining us this morning, caroline downy, luke lloyd is here and fox business' cheryl casone. "mornings with marias" is live right now. ♪ maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. the white house is pushing back this morning, insisting that president biden p did not you apologize for using the term illegal while describing laken riley's suspected killer. watch this. >> the president absolutely did not apologize.
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there was no apology anywhere in that conversation. he did not you apologize. he used a different word. there are some people who are playing politics with this young woman's tragic murder. let's not forget house republicans are standing in the way of a bipartisan border security agreement. maria: oh, yes, the white house is claiming that biden used a different word. however, here is the president during his state of the union youaddressand how he back tracks words over the weekend. >> lincoln riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. >> do you regret using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night, sir. >> technically, not supposed to be. >> i shouldn't have used illegal. it's undocumented. >> you regret using that word? >> yes. maria: meanwhile, president biden was asked about his plans to take executive action to address the record number be of migrants entering the country. here's what he said to that.
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>> mr. president, when is the border exec i've the action coming -- executive action on the border. >> it happened by itself, passing it. maria: happens by itself. caroline, your reaction? >> oh, gosh, it's absurd. i mean, in 2023, maria, many of the 3 million illegal aliens apprehended at the border were coming from hostile countries and 169 of those were unfortunately on a tear a wristt watch list and like consider it tosser i wray said in they the past -- christopher wray said in the past, it doesn't account forgot aways. maria: he's not going to take executive order on that. christopher wray was out again yesterday warning of a wide you array of dangerous threats that originate at the u.s. border including smugglers with ties to i isis. watch this. >> certainly we have had
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dangerous individuals enter the united states of a variety of sorts, from an fbi perspective we are seeing a wide aarray of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border and a lot of the violent in the united states is at the hands of gangs who are in distribution of fentanyl. one particular network, the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have a isis ties that we are very concerned about and we have spent an n nor enormousamount of effort invest. maria: it took 19 terrorists to bring down the world trade sun tear. a new gallup poll finds a record high number of americans say illegal immigration is a critical threat to the united states. cheryl, your reaction. >> well, look, over the last few years we've seen enough fentanyl y according to the
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administration to kill 270 million americans. of courses not going to put in the executive order because that's bad politics, you mentioned the bad polling. when you have former president trump and current president biden going to the border on the same day, you know it's an issue for voters. the national security threat, i'm glad the fbi is investigating this, i'm glad that christopher wray is on the topic. when you ha -- our colleague maa great point. when you have our current president apologizing about how he referenced a murderer, something is definitely wrong when it comes to the u.s. border. and so i hate to say this, we're talking about the death of a young girl but they're plight politicizing this, that's what the administrations is doing right now. this on your screen, they reversed all of this, they
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reversed everything when they walked into office. this is their fault and they may pay for it in november and they know it, maria. maria: luke, it doesn't feel to me like any of this is phasing biden. he just was asked what is he going to do about it, he said the action happens by itself at the border. he's not going to do an executive offed to change anything. >> i don't know why something bad has to happen to wake up all of america, including democrats. the new dthe new democratic pars reactionary. they're not preventative. in 2008 biden said sanctuary cities shouldn't be allowed to violate federal law and argued a fence was needed. now almost 4 million people are pouring in. they're reactionary, not prevent tip. maria: of course, this administration is doing spin control on what the president
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said about a murderer who murdered a wonderful 22-year-old nursing student, calling him illegal, he which is exactly what he is right now. we're just getting started this morning. quick break. markets are mixed this morning. we've got a major move in oracle shares. we're going to tell you what was behind the quarter and a we've got key inflation data, the february consumer price index is out in 2 and-a-half hours. we've got all hands on deck, dow is down 23, nasdaq is up 78. senior ebbing which you at thise with all the data. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ dance to the music.
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maria: welcome back. take a look at futures this morning. we're looking at a mixed opening with the dow industrials down right now 33 but the s&p and nasdaq higher. the s&p and nasdaq were lower yesterday but this morning the nasdaq is up 75 and s&p is up 10 and-a-half. yesterday we had weakness for a second straight session on the s&p and nays nasdaq, pulling bk from record highs. oracle can, the stock is soarint had better than expected earnings last night, reporting a 27% increase in net income, income coming in at $2.4 billion for the quarter with a 12% increase in sales for the company's cloud services, license support segment. the stock right now at 129, 20,
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that is up 13%. we've got the last bit of retail earnings this week, we'll hear from kohl's, followed by dollar tree tomorrow and dollar general on thursday. a good look at the consumer. joining me now is senior equity strategist, linda dissel. what is your thoughts on the earnings season which is pretty much wrapping up soon? >> good morning, maria. thanks so much for having me. the earnings season once again for the fourth quarter was really a surprise on the upside and in a broader way than many people would have thought. we know about the magnificent seven or six at this point but the rest of the market it seems is doing very, very well on what we've been watching very closely to see how long this can go on, is the strength of corporate profit margins and most companies saw those margins go up last quarter. so what a great strong way to start the new year. maria: yeah. i mean, one of the highlights from the oracle quarter was the
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a.i. cloud business, of course a.i.s has been driving this market for so long, this last year and-a-half. your thoughts on artificial intelligence and the promise of growth here. look at oracle this morning, up 13%. >> yes. i was there for the internet, ended up being a bubble and last week i don't know how many times you i you saw or read the word bubble, are we in a bubble with a.i. a.i. is very, very powerful, as powerful as the internet was back in the day but these companies are far more profitable than they were back then and that's what's really powering this market is that not only are the companies that are providing the a.i. chips and et cetera, the companies who are buying from them are also extremely well-to-do. so this is likely to continue ongoing and here we at a federated hermes we have 5200 target for the s&p this year.
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we've already touched this level. we may have to revisit for a return to normal scenario we have suggested, a good year, not n n a awesome year but it could become awesome as the growth continues to spread throughout the rest of the marketplace and people start checking out those stocks and not just tech stocks. maria: you mentioned the dot-com boom. i was there also, i think initially when people didn't know where the growth was and just started buying everything, all ships were lifted until things settled out and there was a big bubble, long-term the strong certainly held on there and that's why i asked howard lutnick, the chairman and ceo of cantor fitzgerald, whether or not all the you euphoria around a.i. is a bubble as well. here's his response. >> of course it's a dot-com bubble. what else could a.i. -- i mean, every show we talk about a.i., every time, you know it is
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overblown but had will be some excitement for a while and then the excitement will cool but right now nvidia's got the ball. everybody's got to infuse a.i. into their business. we have to. everybody has to. and that's great for their business. maria: so does the fed keep up this euphoria, linda? look at interest rates this morning, the 10 year treasury this morning is hangi han hangit around 4%. the majority of economists say the fed will cut rates at june. people think the fed is going to signal fewer cuts later in the year. we've got the next meeting, the end of march, the 30th and 31st. this morning we'll see if the cpi number informs the fed, that number's coming out at 8:30 a.m. eastern. economists are expecting month over month prices to be up four tenths of a percent. the new york fed survey said
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americans are bracing for high inflation to stick around over the next few years. so far, everyone that i asked their expectations for the cpi tell me they're expecting a hot number. are you as well? >> well, the cpi was hotter than exacted in january but pce was not bad and so that's looked to be an aberration after three months prior where we were kind of soft or what we at federated hermes see is inflation slowing a pace, disinflation that's slowing a pace and that's a very good result to see numbers below 4% would be good. to see wage hikes between 3 and-a-half to 4% and moving towards 3% by this year end, it's all a very nice, relaxed, slowing of inflation that we would expect to see occur this time. and if it does, then the market should really like that. the fed should like that. and why does the fed have to cut interest rates now when we continue to make new record
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highs? and the unemployment rate for the prime working age population us just 3.3%. there's nothing to complain about now. there's nothing to protect now. things are going well. maria: before you go, do you have any bitcoin in your portfolio? >> yes, we have a little bit of bitcoin in my portfolio and a the gentleman of the house is very, very interested in bitcoin. so it's -- maria: he's been right. wow, what a move. linda, good to see you. thanks very much. all right. linda dissel joining us this morning. quick break and then a president biden has unveiled his massive $7.3 trillion budget, it includes 5 and-a-half trillion dollars in new taxes. who would raise taxes by 5 and-a-half trillion dollars in an election year? that's what biden wants to do. we'll talk about it with tennessee congressman tim burchett, he's here with reaction from capitol hill. back in a moment.
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. her uncle's unhappy.
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gold. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back. well, the white house has unveiled 5 and-a-half trillion dollar package of higher taxes in president biden's massive 7.3 $7.3 trillion budget. he is proposing $9 billion in defense trillion, 4.3 billion for social security, medicare, medicaid and other programs. the committee for a responsible federal budget writing it falls short of putting the nation on a fiscal path and doesn't recognize the expense cost of expiring tax provisions. the wall street journal editorial board slamming the budget, calling it a fantasy. joining me now is tennessee congressman tim burchett. congressman, it's good to see you. thank you so much for being here. do you envision the president's budget passing congress? >> well, the problem with these budgets, maria, as you know is
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the uni party will read down into the budgets until they find what pork and what kaye street lobbyists they need to grease are in there and they vote for the bill. i hope we pick it apart and show that in fact keeps running this marxist diatribe how capitalism is pad a bad and all these folke evil. i remember i was in the state legislature, someone was talking about let's put another nickel on the six pack of beer. that affects working people. that's what this will do. this build back better program as you know was not going to raise taxes and it raised taxes. and he's claiming this will not raise taxes on folks that makes $400,000 or less. and we all know that's a lie. because we will pay more at the pump, we'll pay more at the store and it will just pass it onto working class americans
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which is what they always do. maria: he's got plenty of hand yohanhandoutsin the budget. it will pay for him forgiving student loan debt. you've got an economy that some people are still saying is on the doorstep of recession, jamie dimon he reiterated we could see a recession later this year as growth slows considerably given the federal reserve's higher interest rates. wouldn't higher taxes on anybody, small business, big business, rich people, wouldn't that put pressure on economic growth? >> yes, ma'am. sure it will. 400 billion increase, 5 trillion in new taxes, that's going to hit all of us, i think that will stifle growth and like i said, the economists that are add a ag them have a marxist bent on everything, capitalists are
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evil. the state of the union was just that. it was demonize the rich or folks that have gone out and made a living or invested in this economy and yet still they come back with more and more taxes is always their solution. and that's gutless. how about cutting government growth? we did that in tennessee and we had record surpluses. we cut taxes and we had record surpluses. maria: i mean, the president during the state of the union said he's already cut the deficit but the committee for a responsible federal budget says that was false, that in fact what he's talking about is the end of the covid money. in the new budget he claims he's going to cut the deficit by 3 tril$3 trillion. we'll look at where gets the number. i don't see it. if you're raising taxes by 5 and-a-half trillion dollars, maybe that revenue helps you cut the deficit. let me get your take on what else is happening this morning. robert hur will testify before
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the house judiciary committee this morning after his report on president biden's handling of classified document. he released the report to the public in february. he did not charge the president because he said he thought a jury would not convict, quote, a an elderly man with a poor memory, congressman. what are you expecting out of this testimony this morning. >> i expect he'll get drilled pretty bad for that. i think that was a lame comment to think it absolves him of any crime. to me it's beyond belief because as you well know, that's no defense in any other crime but of course when you're biden, they seem to make excuses and of course if he can't stand trial, if he doesn't have the mental capacity or cognitive level then why in the world are the democrats running him for president for a second term? this thing is out of control. you know, he just said the i quiet parts out loud, maria. the democrats are in agreement,
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be the you get them individually, they just shake their head and laugh about it because they realize that of obviously this man is not running this country. there's is the puppet masters at work. it's just a continuation, obama's third administration. maria: you think obamas' running things? >> i think his people are, he's got a couple 25-year-old kids whispering in his ear every now and then and he says stupid things. yes, ma'am, they are, 100%. 100%.maria: where are you on t? the house us is expected to vote on a bill tomorrow. it would require the chinese company bytedance to sell tiktok or face a ban in the united states. form r president trump is coming out against the bilker significant it will double facebook's business. he says why would you ban tiktok and give the business to facebook. there are reports that the ceo
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will come to washington this week. is that what you're expecting in. >> he might. the trouble is, it's not banning tiktok, it's banning the chinese communist influence in tiktok which they're using to harvest information from young americans and that's why when you talk about an issue and then all of a sudden you get a tiktok video on it, that's not by coincidence. that is a mining technique they use. it's probably illegal. but the communist chai noose do that and -- chinese do that. what the bill does in r realitys force them to sell it and hopefully some americans which are not communist leaning -- we had a 900% increase in anti-semitism on tiktok since the formation. there's a lot of bad things going on with tiktok. you weigh that on the first amendment. that's where you i am. i'm reading everything i can on the bill to find out exactly. it's not banning tiktok. it's just banning the communist
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chinese influence within that and in fact is that legal? is that constitutional? i don't know. i'm going to ask a few questions about that. maria: we know all about that chinese influence. what you said, you say you talk about something and all of a sudden you get stuff on tiktok in your e-mail. is that what you said, that just whby talking about something, they're mining what you're doing, what you're saying, not just writing but mine whack you're saying. >> yes, ma'am, sure they are. they mine what you're saying and they use that effectively in marketing. but of course they're influencing the way children think. we've seen that with the transgender movement and others, where they get that information, well, we were -- it popped up on a video and so i started looking at a it and they do the same thing with marketing. my wife and i were talking about a random product the other day and miraculously there was the video. so, yeah, they're doing that. yes, ma'am. maria: it's amazing. i was talking the other day on this program, and i've been
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researching temu, the chinese retailer, and i was talking about it because i know he that the stock of the parent company of temu is up big, they spent all this money on the super bowl. we've been looking at temu versus five below, versus wall walmart and suddenly i'm getting the propaganda from temu. okay. i think i'm going to start zipping it, congressman. that's incredible. thank you. >> thank you. maria: tim burchett, thank you. good to see you, sir. we'll be right back. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code.
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maria: welcome back. both president biden and president trump could clinch their respective party nominations after today's primary contest. we're expecting it soon. cheryl with all the details now. >> we could see the official
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nominees after today's contest in georgia, m mississippi, hawai and washington state. 254 democratic del gates and 11 rendell gaits are up for grabs today. president biden has 1,866 delegates and needs 102 more to clinch the democratic nomination. former president trump currently has 1,078 delegates, he needs 137 more to become the gop nominee. well, big changes at the republican national committee, newly installed leadership and presumptive gop nominee began pushing out dozens of icials of, long time chair mcdaniel officially stepping down. >> i'm stepping aside today because i long promised to put the nominee and their plans for the rnc first.
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winning the white house back is too important for me to do overwise. president trump deserves to have the team he wants in place at the rnc. >> the rnc's new chief operating officer says trump ad advise res describe the group as bloated and bureaucratic. the prime minister of haiti he resigning overnight after fleeing the country while armed gangs run the streets. he will turn authority over to a transitional council. the government will resign immediately after the installation of the council and will remain in office to handle current affairs until the appointment of a prime minister and new government. this comes hours after secretary of state antony blinken held an emergency meeting in the caribbean and pledged millions of dollars to support haiti. then there is this, the faa found dozens of issues with
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boning's 737 -- boeing's 7 737 x jet production. this is after the door plug flew off a flight in mid-january. spirit air systems failed 7 out of 13 audits. here's the stock. stock is down almost 2% in the premarket. meanwhile, there's this. a boeing whistleblower found dead in his truck outside a south carolina hotel days after evidence thing against the company, john barnett a quality manager, he worked for the company for 32 years. he retired in 2017. according to the charleston county coroner, he died from a self inflicted wound. maria: that is awful, the whistleblower found dead in his truck. my god. thank you, cheryl. the 2024 annual threat assessment of u.s. intelligence is warning the u.s. is facing, quote, an increasingly fragile global order this year. the report also says that, quote, ambitious but anxious
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china a confrontational china, some regional powers such as iran and more capable non-state actors are challenging long-standing rules of the international system as well as u.s. primacy within it. joining us now, general jack keane. general, i know you're not surprised by this assessment. we've been talking about this, leading up to it. what is your take away of the intelligence assessment yesterday? >> well, i certainly agree with it. and i mean, it underscores the fact that the united states is facing global security challenges on the scale we certainly haven't seen since the cold war and a most likely since world war ii. i mean, just look at the facts of it. adversaries are considerably more aggressive, russia invaded ukraine with the objective of expanding into nato and trying to break the nato alliance which obviously would mean a major war in europe. we've got iran who has
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operationalized all of their proxies with two stated objectives, to drive the united states out of the middle east region and to destroy the state of israel and they are about that every single day and we don't even talk about iran and then we have china whos is is oy very aggressive, attempting to dominate the indo-pacific region, replace the united states as the world's global leader. how do we know that? they talk about it all the time. and also, all of these countries are undermining the civil society in the united states. china's conducting aggressive cybers espionage on a regular basis, russia's had huge influence operations that are ongoing as we speak and iran is stepping up their game as well. i mean, the united states is clearly under attack here in our homeland and also in all of our interests overseas and where was the discussion of this in the state of the union? this after all is the
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administration's intelligence services laying out a threat we haven't seen like this in decades. but the president discusses none of this in terms of the comprehensiveness of it and tell the american people here's the problem we've got and here's what i intend to do about it. that discussion was not there. how sad is that? maria: it really was. and of course we talk about these worries every day. i mean, the fact that china is running a surveillance balloon across the united states with no fear whatsoever. i mean, i know they've been stealing intellectual property for decades but the continuation of the fentanyl flowing in and the surveillance, they don't have any fear of the united states and in this world of fear and in this world of obvious adversaries ainterrogatories, look -- aggression, look at the defense budget. the president released the 2025 he defense proposal yesterday, the wall street journal is
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slamming it, says biden offers a budget fantasy is the op-ed from the journal, writing this, it proposes defense spending as if the world is at peace, the proposal for national defense would increase a mere 1% next fiscal year. the number includes various and sundry energy department programs related to national security. the pentagon when you look at what the pentagon gets, it is getting $850 billion which is actually as we've discussed before a cut in military spending, a yo cut in military e after inflation. general, your thoughts on a cut in military muscle after inflation in the face of all that you've just laid out? >> yeah, well, i mean, it's absolutely staggering when you understand the seriousness of what we're facing here and then here comes the defense budget which is absolutely inadequate. what we have seen in the past, when we dealt with the cold war
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threats in the '80s, the defense budget on average was about 6% above inflation. that's about where we need to be. this is under water when you consider 1% increase and given what the inflation is out there. so we can't even catch up with a budget like that to where china is in terms of its a advancement in every single platform they have is considerably advancing the numbers way beyond anything the united states can deal with. i never said we had to go platform to platform with them but we certainly have to have a credible capability that they look at and say that's going to impose costs on us and we don't want to do it. thats is what we did with the soviet union for all those years and why the cold war was successful. but it takes a percentage of gdp to be able to do that and demonstrate with capabilities our resolve. the budget doesn't match the tht
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the president's own intelligence services have described to us. there's a huge mismatch there. maria: really disturbing and, you know, he's already raising, takes in this budget by 5 and-a-half trillion dollars. imagine if he -- and he's not going to add to defense spending but if he were to add to defense spending you're talking about a higher cost. the cost of the tax increases are because of the spending on the climate agenda and then of course there's israel, hamas, politico is reporting that if israel invades rafah which is the plan, we know that, biden will consider conditioning military aid to israel. look at this headline from politico. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he's going to go forward, he's planning to move forward withs israel's rafah operation despite president biden's warnings. watch this. >> would invasion of rafah, which we have urged him not to do, would that be a red line? >> i'm never going to leave
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israel. the defense of israel is still critical so there's no red line i'm going to cut off all weapons. >> you want to ensure that you go into rafah. >> oh, we'll go there. we're not going to leave there. i have a red line. you know what the red line is? that october 7 doesn't happen again. maria: general, your reaction to all of this back and forth >> well, this is really unfortunate. we have the president of the united states di disagreeing wih israel's military strategy in public spaces and that's regrettable to say the least. i mean, what has to happen here? we're talking about the survivability of israel and that's what netanyahu and his war cabinet is all about here. of course he has to deal with the four to six fig fighting battalions left in gaza and also the principal leaders alive in gaza, he has to finish the job of. not to do that would -- hamas will declare vi victory and in 8
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months we're back where we started on october 7th. they'll rearm and reattack. what they're trying to do is create such an insecure situation in israel where the people feel vulnerable, maria, and they don't want to live there. and there's just 7 or 8 mill 8 millionjews there to begin wi. it's a small country in terms of population to be sure and they want to drive that to extinction. that's what this is about. you see the strategic threat here and the president should be supporting netanyahu. look at, we've got the problem of the civilians. the israelis have developed an operational plan to move them. it's not an ideal situation. it would be better if they moved in the u.n. r refugee camps outside of rafah on egyptian territory but egyptians want no part of it. the israelis have to do the best they can in moving that population but to stand them down and suggest that we just walk away and leave those
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battalions and leaders intact, that's outrageous. that's an existential threat to the survival of israel. maria: and they're having this debate in the public, right? making it appear that the u.s. and israel are on different sides here and by the way, in this whole conversation of going into rafah and the israeli plan here, i haven't heard one peep about the hostages getting released, okay. hamas is still not even agreeing to let any hostages out so why do we keep even promising that maybe rafah is not a good idea? we need some information on the hostages. >> what's happened here, maria, hamas is digging their heels in. israel has a six week temporary cease fire in exchange for release of the hostages and a significant humanitarian aid program. that's on the table by the israelis but hamas is blowing it off. why? because they feel the wind at their back. widespread international
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condemnation and now even the united states -- maria: led by the united states. >> is playing hamas' hand and they're looking at that and a seeing political division. israel's number one ally is beginning to separate from it. that's playing into hamas' hand. maria: well said, general, great to see you. thank you, sir. >> great talking to you, maria. maria: general jack keane. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back. calls are now being made for chicago to deploy the national guard to pa a troll the transit system the. fox business' kelly seberi is live with more. >> reporter: that's what one local union transit president is hoping will come to the l trains and bus system the. take a listen. >> our drivers feel helpless. we feel like we're sitting ducks. even when the police come and arrest somebody, we pick up the same person the next day that brings us the same issue. the city has a lot going on and they need -- not saying they're not doing a good job but they need help and assistance. the national guard, bringing the presence of a national guard will be a major deterrence, may
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have a person thinking twice before they do something or attempt something. >> reporter: the chicago transit authority releasing a statement regarding crime on trains and bus, saying crime as a percentage of cta ridership remains very low. last year, overall transit trial was down 5% and the trend has continued in 2024 with overall transit crime in february down 16% compared to 2023. hill says half of the folks who get arrested for crimes in the cta are wearing ankle monitors, meaning they've already passed through the system. we'll see if his calls for help will reach the ears of illinois' governor. maria. maria: wow. all right, kelly, thanks very much. caroline, your reaction? >> yeah, i mean, in many progressive cities maria, police have been handicapped to actually crack down on crime in the transit system so they've had to take more legal measures. why don't we give them the power in the first place. maria: cheryl. >> this is what's going to
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happen in s chicago is what's happening in new york because governor kathy hochul put the national guard in the subway literally a week ago. the troops are down there because of the rampant p crime., homelessness, pushing of individuals onto the tracks. you bring the national guard in schicago and the progressives will start screaming and yelling saying it's too much, this infringes on our rights. that's already happening here in new york city, despite what you're seeing on your screen which is the nightmare of the new york city subways, now have progressives that are whining and complaining about the national guard so it's going to end up being, again, politicized, forget, safety, maria. it always comes down to what is the better political spin out of this and i'm telling you, i can see it happening in chicago unfortunately too. maria: we'll take a break. when we come back the biden white house trying to convince the american people that bidenomics is working so why
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does america's credit card debt keep surging? it's the hot topic of the hour. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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7:00 am
maria: welcome back. good tuesday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this mor


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