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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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the market is up. everything is doing great but everything has been priced to perfection in my opinion and if we understand with what is happening with inflation right now, we have a hotter read. happening in unemployment, guess what? the numbers continue to get revised down after the headline comes out. we look back at these numbers, they're not as bullish as we started to see. >> right h. ashley: right. >> i think all forward indicators stirringsnalling recession are there right now, ashley. i think the backward looking ones the fed is paying attention to will catch up. ashley: i hear you loud and clear. message received david. [closing bell rings] thanks for joining us as we head towards the closing bell, the dow, how about that, up 56 point now in positive territory at least. nasdaq down. that's it for us. larry kudlow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so joe biden thinks he is going to tax his way into prosperity. that is in his new budget. he is wrong. never works, never has, never will, neither by by the way will his massive new spending and borrowing. art laffer and congressman byron donalds will carve the biden budget. and why are tax dollars being used to fly in joe biden's illegal immigrants? senator katie britt will have something to say about that. former small business cabinet officer linda mcmahon will tell us why the bidens hate small businesses. then mark simone, joe concha will talk about armed troops in new york subways, firefighters a booing letitia james, how woke were the oscars? we'll go through tiktok. should the united states ban tiktok or perhaps a chinese communist takeover will come to an end? but first up right here our own edward lawrence is live with all the good news.
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i'm congratulating joe biden. he followed through on his state of the union with this terrific budget proposal. edward, what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, tax-and-spend, right, that is exactly what he pitched at the state of the union. that is exactly what we're seeing. he wants to spend $7.3 trillion in this budget. that is more than last year. to pay for that in the budget he plans large tax increases, basically awe cross the board. those taxes would bring in $5.5 trillion which is more than 403 billion more than last year. still, leaving a deficit of $1.8 trillion in 2025. so the numbers don't add up. he wants to expand free community college. expanded child tax credit while creating a child care and development grants to pay for lower income families and national hepatitis-c elimination program. >> there is not virtually a
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single program that joe biden wants to get rid of or even wants to cut. basically expand programs, these new housing initiatives, new welfare programs, just more and more taxes on the top 1%. >> reporter: the president wants to expand medicare, increasing a special tax on families making more than $400,000 a year to do that. the corporate tax rate he wants to go up to 82%. he wants to raise the minimum corporate tax to 21% from 15. this is how president biden is making the argument for higher taxes basically across the board by highlighting his crusade to add a wealth tax on billionaire. listen. president biden: if we just charge them, had a tax code that charged them 25%, not the highest rate, 25%, you know how much that would raise over the next 10 years? $400 billion, $40 billion a year. imagine what we could do from cutting the deficit to providing
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for child care, providing health care to continue to provide military with all they need. >> reporter: the budget now goes over the congress. it has been submitted today. as you know republicans basically see this dead on arrival. the house speaker will look for areas to cut in this, larry. larry: edward lawrence what a joyous presentation. we appreciate it as always. a couple thoughts from me on this before we get to our distinguished guests. i want to congratulate president joe biden who continues to believe he can tax the country into prosperity. i say congrats the entire history of the tax hikes, the ref new increases pan out, the economy is depressed and investment falters and if that is enough, you would be emulating western europe which has been taxing itself into recession for many decades including right now by the way. it is not exactly big government socialism but it sure comes close, doesn't it? i'm proud of you, mr. president. you never miss a progressive
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beat. by the way i don't want to ignore the spending increases in the budget. i just felt like starting with tax hikes. now mr. biden flagged this in his bellicose, highly partisan and over caffeinated state of the union speech last week but in today's new biden budget it is all true blew, it is right there cold print. race corporate tax. let foreign governments tax our corporations. bring back the phone any so-called book value tax which ignores statutory credits, deductions or expenses. raise the top income tax, raise any number of investment taxes. go for the unconstitutional wealth tax on unrealized capital gains. jack up the medicare tax. lots of other tax goodies. comes to roughly $6 trillion over the next 10 years. so this is the point, when you raise corporate taxes you are hurting middle class working folks the most. that's what the data show. they are going to bear about 70%
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of the tax hike burden. taxing other investments or small businesses who pay the top tax rate or letting foreigners smash our first in class technology companies, all this drains the animal spirits from the economy, curtails after tax returns to work and investment and risk-taking and of course blunts the supply side of the economy which means, higher taxes plus the massive biden regulatory state creates fiscal inflation pressures. the budget deficit will get worse, not better under all these tax hikes and let it be known that revenues are not the problem, all right? never have been. they have been running steady at over 17% of gdp for many years now. the problem is spending which is running over 24% of gdp, much higher than the average of the past half century and where mr. biden is always increased spending and borrowing by at
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least six trillion dollars but in this new budget he has roughly three trillion bucks in new proposals, brand new spending proposals, child care, education training, earned income case, paid family and medical leave, mortgage credits for housing, plenty of other stuff we don't yet know about. oops, almost forgot one of them, student loan cancellations which the supremes ruled unconstitutional but mr. biden congrats for ignoring that as well. no matter what you've been telling us deficits will continue to run two trillion dollars a year at least as far as the eye can see, if not more. you've got a very good chance of achieving a $50 trillion in publicly held federal debt over the next 10 years. that would come to 120% of gdp in peacetime with less than 4% unemployment, turning john maynard keynes on his head.
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i'm proud of you, mr. president. you're breaking all known rules of all known economic schools except the progressive socialist school. but really taking a look at your economic polls in particular, and your overall polling performance in general, that progressive model you're clinging to doesn't seem to be working all that well for you. so, hate to say it, sir, it is time for a change. i happen to know somebody down in south florida who is just champing at the bit ready to take a big bite out of the apple and finally straighten america out. just a few thoughts on my part, humbly given this evening. joining me now we're going to have some fun, art laffer, former reagan economist, author of "taxes have consequences." florida congressman byron donalds who knows a thing or two about all of this. arthur, first of all, thank you for joining our esteemed congressman, byron donald.
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>> my pleasure. larry: congressman donalds thank you for joining me the esteemed art laffer, who taught me what little i know about economics. arthur, let me ask you about this right at the top, all across the board tax hikes, creative, not, across the board tax hikes. you're looking six trillion dollars in new taxes that is some phony revenue loss, arthur is there example in recent history, in deeper history where you can tax your way into prosperity, where raising taxes on individuals, on work effort, on investors, on capital gains, on corporations, on every darn thing that moves, is there an example? you just wrote a book about this, covering the last century or so, where is the evidence that shows you can tax your way into prosperity? >> based on the evidence, larry, based on tax returns, every single time you raise tax rates
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on the rich, three things have happened. number one, revenues from the rich have fallen. number two, the economy has underperformed, and number three, the biggest damage done is on the poor, the minorities, the disenfranchised, those in the lowest echelon ladder. when you ever lower tax rates the economy outperforms, you collect more revenues, the poor significantly are benefited dramatically in that process. that is the truth for the u.s. in the entire period for the u.s. income tax. if you look at states, states with highest tax rates underperform the states with the lowest tax. nine state without a income tax, those outperform the states by far of the highest tax rates. those states that adopted income tax since 1960, those 11 states, are the biggest underperformers all compared to the rest. look at countries across the world. the example is clear, not only in the u.s., not only
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historically but in the states and across countries. this is contrary to everything that facts tell us. now my path hypotheses, wishful thinking that is all i heard in the state of the union. he is dead wrong on the tax issues and the spending issues. larry: byron donalds, mr. biden said he would end trickle down, didn't work, he said people don't pay fair their share, the wealthy don't pay their fair share. these are assertions he makes time and time again during the course of his presidency into his fourth year. he said it again at the state of the union. it is in now, it is in the cold print of the budget that came out today. what do you make of that? he will not listen, he will not listen, nor will he look at the evidence, byron donalds? >> what i make of it, larry, is very simple, the president's budget is stupid, stupid document. it is not going to help the
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american economy. it is not going to help the american people. let me also add this, if you're looking at the way he wants to raise taxes, who you are going to squeeze more are young people in our country, minorities in our country, who are trying to find ways to build generational wealth. they are trying to find ways actually, raise a pot of money, build equity, and pass that onto the next generation. joe biden's budget and his tax philosophy will basically kill all of that. it will not make it possible. and last point i will make, larry, is, joe biden likes to talk about people not paying their fair share. he needs to look no further than his own son because his son was evading taxes. talk to his son first, make sure his son pays up. we he tries to get money out of the pockets of the american people. this kind of a tax policy would shred an economy already weakened and on its back because of joe biden and radical democrat policy. larry: you know, art, of course,
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byron has a point about his, about his kid. >> love it. larry: that's a good point. lord knows what his tax liability really is but you know, this stuff has been tried in europe. this stuff has been tried in south america, this tax the rich stuff. actually, as i saw it, in some cases i think with regard to corporate taxes and capital-gains taxes, the u.s. would have a higher tax rate than china, which strikes me as not a good idea since we're competing with china. they are our leading adversary or enemy in the world and the taxes don't, you know, the rich people don't pay their fair share, art. you have done work on this. the rich people don't pay their fair share, what does that mean exactly? i thought numbers showed exactly the reversed, that the rich pay half of the income system? >> think do pay half the income taxes. i don't know what their fair share is according to joe biden
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but the top 1% pays about 50% of all taxes and the bottom 1% is zero. in fact i think they collect money from the tax system. if you look what he talks about the corporate tax, larry, which is just, we had a very large tax rate reduction under donald trump and if you look at it, it paid for itself within two years, larry. it paid for itself. it created the lowest poverty levels for poor, minorities underprivileged undereducated those had the lowest possible unemployment rates ever. he wants to reverse that up to 28%, make us probably the highest corporate tax in the world now. now that would be undoing all of that advantage for the very groups that he is professing to want to help. he is going to hurt those people the most of all, frankly, if you look at these taxes, when gordon brown in britain raised highest marginal income tax in britain from 40 p, 50 p, 40% to 50%, taxes went down and britain went
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into a deep recession. cameron lowered from 350 to 45, afraid to go all the way but improved. it was classic everywhere in the world all times. in the u.s. over history it just doesn't work the way he is saying it done. no matter how wishful his thinking is, wishful think something not a plan, not a way to get success. look at the facts, laurie, only the facts. that is what should drive economic policy and that is the furthest thing from biden's mind. larry: i want to get to byron donalds on the spending side. >> sure. larry: biden is saying he will raise taxes by roughly $6 trillion, now that will lower the budget deficit. history will run against that, less growth, more sheltering, you will not realize the revenues. putting that aside for a second, this is gigantic, the federal government is running 25% of gdp under biden. that is higher than the 50 year average, way higher than the 50 year average.
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you know, if you add state and local, you would probably have the government's across the board would be running nearly half of our national income. but there is no effort to cut anything. that's the thing. 1% cut, 2% cut, pay fors, if you found something to be a positive initiative, why not pay for it with a spending cut some place else? i fear that even some of our republican friends have lost their, have lost their goal, have lost their enthusiasm for, they may complain about the budget deficit and the borrowing, byron donalds but nobody seems to really want to cut spending. this is it. biden is typical of that. no spending cuts, just grow government as big as you want to grow it. >> you're absolutely right, larry. there is a fever on capitol hill and it is spending other peoples money and it is not sustainable. let me give you a couple of things. first and foremost we already talked about it. we raised $5 trillion in taxes.
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we should take the federal agencies back to pre-covid spending levels. that would cut federal agencies 20%. it is a major step in the right direction. makes no sense the agencies are still spending if covid-19 is still going on the pandemic is over. you have to shrink the budgets. two, if you did that you would get consistency on capitol hill, if we made a strong push of republicans, i'm in favor of this, to actually cut spending the democrats are ones who would shut down the government. they would never agree to spending cuts. think of how insane that logic is. we say cut spending, democrats would stomp their feet say no. we would never come to an agreement what to spend. the government will close and turn around and blame republicans because republicans want to be fiscally responsible. republicans want to secure the border, republicans you know want to follow the law and follow the constitution. that is how reckless things are
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here up on capitol hill. i stress to my republican colleagues, especially our chairman and the leadership, we have got to get the fiscal house in order. we should be cutting spending dramatically in the next spending budget for the 25 fiscal year and if you have democrats who don't want to go along we should not capitulate to their rec recklessness barks us the country suffers f the country suffers, the american people will suffer even more. larry: just amazing byron, last point, i have to get out, you two are great, what is amazing he spent six trillion or so new in his first three years, the new budget would add three trillion, four trillion, the details come out, he spent all this money, he borrowed all this money and proposing tax hikes all the time, but byron, according to his polls, particularly on the economy, but in general his performance it
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hasn't done him a bit of good. it is like the american people are wising up to this tax-and-spend and progressive socialist, big government. it hasn't helped him. if it helped him he would be at 60% approval rating and 80% on the economy. he spent a bloody fortune. he borrowed us into you know what and it hadn't helped him one bit. i find that very interesting, maybe that is the only sliver, that is the only little kernel of optimism i can muster here. it hasn't helped him. last word, byron donald. >> you're absolutely right, it hasn't helped him. the reality is the democrats are a party of elites and party of people who rely on welfare. unfortunate, but that is the indicates. all the money they're spending goes to favorite the democrat elites who are taking the money to make other money for themselves and drown this country in massive amounts of debts. it is wrong, it is time for leadership on capitol hill and the white house in the form of
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donald trump. larry: yes, sir, i know somebody in south florida is waiting to darn to get a bite out of the apple. that is what i hear. anyway, arthur laffer, thank you, congressman byron donalds thank you. you're both fabulous. folks coming up why are tax dollars, this is another lousy story, why are tax dollars being used to fly in joe biden's illegal migrants. they are not just undocumented, they are illegal migrants. we will talk about that and some other matters with senator katie britt of alabama when "kudlow" returns. remember you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday every 4:00 p.m. every day right here on fox business. if for some reason you can't get us at 4:00, gee whiz, text your favorite nine-year-old, and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a biden tax hike every again, i promise. i'm kudlow. bye, bye.
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♪. larry: just coming up again, this is like a bad penny. this is a true story. why are tax dollars being used to fly in joe biden's illegal immigrants to the tune of what we can gather $325,000 or more but the government is not fessing up. let's bring in our friend, alabama senator katie britt. senator britt, this is a very bad story. you commented on it. newt gingrich wrote it up in a op-ed piece. this story keeps popping up. the bidens won't talk about it. the department of homeland security will not talk about it. this is infuriating what these
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people are. what kind of credentials, criminals, here we go again, what do you think? >> i think it is an absolute disgrace. this is more of the same. this is exactly why we need donald trump back in the white house immediately because he will stop these flights on day one. the fact that we have hard-working americans in every corner of this country who are hurting because of "bidenomics," because of the economy that joe biden has created and yet he is taking time to use taxpayer dollars to facilitate this mass migration is absolutely mind-boggling and it's a total disgrace. think about this, he takes them essentially to a city of their choice. there they are put up in hotels, essentially given a white glove service. then like i said, we have hard-working americans who are working to put enough gas in their car, put groceries on their table, saving up, looking at mortgage rates going through the roof and yet his priority seems to be just facilitating
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more illegal immigration instead of helping the american people once again putting the american people last. that is what joe biden does. larry: adding insult to injury is this whole episode, i hate to bring it up, i have to bring it up, the white house is lying all about, this president biden would not talk to laken riley, didn't know how to pronounce her name, this beautiful young woman murdered by an illegal criminal, but then he comes back and agrees with nancy pelosi, i was wrong to call them illegals. they are really undocumented. then they say today he din really say that. fox has been running the tape of him saying that again and again. this just adds insult to injury. why doesn't he get wise? he has, as you know, he has executive authority to implement a couple of mandates passed by congress and signed by presidents 20 years ago, including bill clinton. he could end this fiasco. he could end this scourge of
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crime and drugs and sex trafficking and so forth, stop the killing and murdering of beautiful young innocent women? why doesn't he get wise with this, senator britt? >> i i think you just nailed it. let me tell you this shows the stark contrast we have in november. you have president trump who embraced laken riley's family and embraced her grieving family on the exact same day that biden apologized to her killer. i mean this is completely totally unacceptable but i think that puts into focus what the american people are choosing between in november around the choice is clear. the choice is president trump, and guess what he also left a roadmap for biden how to secure our border, how to put the american people first. he can immediately put back in the "remain in mexico" policy which he should do. he should also i am -- immediately start to issue final orders of removal and actually
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execute them. getting people who are here illegally out of our country, larry. there is a ton of stuff he could do but unfortunately he continues to put americans last and he puts the facilitation of mass migration first and the laken riley, just tragedy, puts it into focus and the fact when he gets her name wrong, he doesn't take the time to actually correct that and properly grieve with her family. president trump did, what he does, he apologizes to her killer around it is a total disgrace. larry: you know, senator britt, you were making the other night in your rebuttal to the state of the union you were making kitchen table points. i want to read to you, i call it the affordability crisis, okay? under trump trump weekly wages, adjusted for inflation, weekly wages for average families went
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from 366 bucks a week to 399. that is a 9.2% increase. that is a 9% pay raise under trump. under biden the same measure has dropped from 399 to 380. that is a 4.9% drop. in other words, i know people are getting on your case, i don't really know why, because from a kitchen table standpoint people got a pay raise under trump and a pay cut under biden. these are bureau of labor statistics numbers, ma'am. you can get them. i'm not making them up, believe me. i have my own views about politics and policy but the numbers are the numbers. they got a pay raise under trump and a pay cut under biden. those are the facts. >> bingo and you see that credit card debt is the highest in our nation's history. it is actually overa trillion dollars for the first time, and these things matter. they're hitting hard-working families.
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they feel them around their kitchen table. and to your point earlier, i mean, joe biden actually mentioned the kitchen table issues and kitchen table in his rebuttal, in his actual speech but we tried to bring that center, the place the family gathers where we talk about these things that are affecting our daily life, then the liberals, then they want to say something about it. larry: any anyway, senator katie britt, thank you very much. you're always so gracious to us. >> appreciate being on. larry: coupling up former trump cabinet official, linda mcmahon, great friend of mine, will tell us why biden hates small business franchises. joe concha, will talk about armed troops in new york train stations and booing letitia
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james. how woke were the academy awards last night. they want to take a bite out of tiktok. take them out of america. that seems to be the congressional plan. please stick around folks. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪
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♪ larry: my great friend linda mcmahon writes in "the daily caller," the federal government is siding who can and can't start a small business. now she joins us, welcome back to the show, linda mcmahon, former trump head of small business administration, chair of the american first policy institute. linda, thank you for this. federal government can decide who and who can't. this is about franchising, right? if i understand this whole issue, you put a stop to it and trump put a stop to it. now like a bad penny it is turning up again, is that right? >> yeah, we found out it didn't work too well under the obama administration, you know?
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larry, i don't think that the president totally realizes that about you know, a third of franchised businesses are owned by minorities. when you put these kind of rules into effect which literally says that if a mother franchise if you will, mcdonald's corporation, there is a small franchisee comes in and starts his business, well now that small business will be treated like an employee/employer relationship which takes away all the incentive of the franchise owner to be its own marketing person, who hire who he needs or she needs to really reach out into the community, whatever relationships they want to develop. so what we found is, it just, it takes the air out of the balloon of franchise owners who really want to go out, be part of the community and the people who get affected the most by this are women and minorities. thank goodness this very broad rule was stopped this past friday. was supposed to go into effect today and a texas judge ruled it
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was too broad, it had to be looked at again and of course the national labor relations board is going to appeal it but this is really a bad rule. it costs franchise owners i think there were 376,000 jobs lost when it was in effect in the obama administration and it is just a crazy rule. we lost about $33 billion per year from these franchises under the obama administration. it is crazy. >> didn't the obamas, as i understand it, they wanted to slap a dei, diversity, equity inclusion requirement on small businesses in order to do business with the sba and other the but some judge knocked that down, said that, is unconstitutional. i think that's also the case. >> yeah. it clearly is. i mean when you -- if you take a look at what we did in sba under the trump administration it was just all-comers, come in, if you
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qualified for a loan under sba, we didn't look at race, look at color, creed, did you qualify with the banks who were supporting you in your line of business. now this particular rule that you just mentioned this is under the commerce department of the these are grants that go to small businesses. so that is the other side of that coin that the lawsuit was actually brought by those who were not part of the minorities which were black americans, hispanics, asia-pacific islanders, et cetera. they were came, they were white people who came and said this is discriminatory against us not to be able to get any of these grants and the judge actually ruled in their favor. so that was a good thing. so i think that we're going to see a lot more of these kind of activities. all about the biden administration wanting more control. larry: all right. last one, linda -- >> if you talk to, go ahead. larry: i'm sorry, i discuss have
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a moment, part of the issue with franchise, if the headquarters is unionized, if the headquarters votes to unionize all the franchisees have to be union. they don't get their own elections, is that part of the issue too? >> i'm not sure if that's part of this particular issue, larry, but clearly that is one of the issues that has come up. it just makes all of these franchise owners employees under the big umbrella, what they said they get actually less support from the big corporate franchiser than we did before. larry: elizabeth mcmahon, good op-ed piece. good morning to everybody. >> good to see you, larry, as always. larry: good to see. we have a couple things for the boys, national guard in new york city subways, woke oscars. oh, my gosh, mark simone, wor radio show host, joe concha, best-selling author and fox news
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contributor. mark simone, new yorker i don't know if you ride the subways. is that the national guard good idea? >> good idea for democrats they look for symbolic gestures than solve a problem. national guard cannot do anything in the subway. they're not trained for it. they're great for a flood or hurricane. what they will do, they won't have authority, they are spoused to search bags. no criminal brings luggage with them. no criminal has a briefcase. larry: really? >> no criminal has a purse. larry: my god. >> they're going to become victims, everybody on the police department off the record, same 2800 criminals over and over. they keep getting let out. if you could just arrest them and get a d.a. who will keep them in jail, the problem will be solved. >> you awe agree with that? nice to have a d.a. to keep criminals in jail without the national guard.
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briefcase. >> precisely. great point. do what rudy giuliani did for two terms, michael bloomberg did for three terms, five terms, when i lived in new york city you felt safe on the subway, or walking home from a bar at 2:00 in the morning because of policies they had, enforced laws on the books. get rid of alvin braggs of the world, you're in good shape. remember senator tom cotton in 2020 wrote an op-ed for "new york times," send in troops, when protests got out of control, and a "new york times" editor got fired over publishing that. larry: the whole place imploded, whole place imploded under that notion. i know you're both avid movie-goers. this is the sound from last night's oscars. we implied a woke test. >> shut down the oscars. humanity wins. >> right now we stand here as men who refute the jewishness
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and holocaust hijacked by occupation which led to conflict by so many innocent people. >> i just got a review and -- [laughter] has there ever been a worst host than jimmy kimmel at the oscars. thank you, president trump. thank you for watching. i'm surprised you're, isn't it past your jail time? larry: mark simone, has they're ever been a worst host than jimmy kimmel. >> david letterman didn't do so well although he is better guy than jimmy kimmel. kimmel looked brave reading tweet. he didn't read next couple sentences. lowest rated oscar shows. the ratings plunged. you see anti-israel, anti-whatever, they're just totally out of touch with america. larry: is it more or less woke than usual, joe. >> it was about what you would expect. larry: about the same? >> i didn't watch much to be honest with you. larry: even though, even though the great oscar winner.
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>> killian murphy. larry: killian murphy, in a sense, that is not a woke topic. a very serious topic about nuclear war. >> absolutely. one of the most important events of our lifetime, right? we had to beat the germans, the nazis from getting a nuclear bomb. that movie was meticulous, three hours may be a bit long, wonderfully acted. larry: oppenheimer turned his back on the far left and communists. he never joined the come nist party in order to put through other nuclear bomb. >> if i wanted to watch msnbc i tune into msnbc. i watch the oscars, a little escapism. one more. larry: do we have one more, cut of letitia james getting booed by the firefighters? here it comes? >> [booing] [applause] [booing] >> oh, come on, we're in a house
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of god. larry: what do you make of that, mark simone? >> well the fire commissioner said she would hunt down whoever booed go after them. alan dershowitz came out and said he will defend and launch a lawsuit apparently, it is unconstitutional, if you allah for applause, you have to allah for boos, you can't deny that right. if it is debate, no response from audience. if you allow any kind of reaction, you can't go after people for booing. larry: correct me if i'm wrong, but the current fire commissioner is not a long-time veteran of the fire department? >> first commissioner ever who had nothing to do with the fire department. she is a very nice woman but a obama -- larry: not making it personally. i'm saying it is an odd story. this is by and large letitia james and rest of them don't like the cops, do like alvin bragg and you got a fire commissioner there who many people say you would prefer someone with a lot of experience running the fire department. >> yeah, actually putting out
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fires, working your way up the the ladder. letitia james, if she is targeting people exercising their first amendment rights she should be gone. larry: great. tiktok up next. a very difficult story. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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♪ larry: all right, should congress try to boot tiktok out of america and is it possible? let's ask oklahoma congressman kevin hearn. he is the head of republican study committee. i know right now sentiment is the very strong. do you want to get bytedance, the chinese parent to divest itself of tiktok and turn tiktok into an american company or you want to get of the whole lot of them, that's the first question? >> i think that is a great question, larry, because exactly right. we don't want tiktok to go away. we're saying communist china can not own it. when we see what they're doing, gathering data, not only through tiktok and ukraine's ports and electric vehicles, what they're doing with the southern border, belt and road initiative around the world, china is trying to
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come after us to gather all the data they can get. couple that with a.i., imagine what kind of harm they can inflict upon the united states of america. larry: so it's not going to be easy to get bytedance to divest. you know, putting aside whether they would agree to it or not, it is a complicated matter. i'm sure you know this. and, i spoke to one leading candidate for president, you might know who this would be, who is concerned that facebook, or meta might actually buy tick tock and that wouldn't be a good thing either. >> well i certainly agree a as well as all the republicans up here agree with president trump. what facebook did in interfering with our elections is not right. we're all going after them. we're coupling to see what tiktok is doing through the communist china relationship, is they're collecting data that is involving our national security, it's involve, the security of the data for our kids and our businesses in the future and we
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need to address this right now t was just released today that the director of national intelligence said that they believe tiktok was going to interfere with the elections coming up. so we have the ability to do this. in a world today where everything is so partisan you see this coming out of the committee, going after tiktok to be divested of and buy bytedance, 50-0, 50-0 came out of energy and commerce division or to get that done or committee rather. larry: last one, kevin a float on the house floor and then over to the senate? >> certainly the speaker will get this coming forward and i think the senate needs to address this real quickly because this is imminent threat to american security as we go forward. larry: and you have all the support? you think the democrats will hold up with their support? >> i do. i think when you talk to them and they see what's going on, 50-0 out of energy and commerce committee, coming forward to the floor, i think that is a
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powerful statement to the senate. larry: congressman kevin hern, u you're terrific.zed i will be back with my last mak lanng has paid off. looks like you can make this work. word. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality.
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) c1 well just think of the tech spending they don't work they never work, middle-class what ae most democrats are completely uy wrong with this, entitled to retire joe biden and replace him with elizabeth mcdonald and how about that sweetie wel


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