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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 11, 2024 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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back. good monday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning i hope you are having a good monday i am maria bartiromo, monday, march 11, 8:01 on the east coast
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time for hot topic of the hour president biden walking walk use of the word illegal to describe laken riley's alleged killer during state of the union. >> i should pt -- undocumented i am not going to choose any of these people with disrespect. >> they built the country the reason our economy is growing we have to control border more orderly slow but i don't share the view at all. >> you regret using that word? >> yes. >> he doesn't want to treat laken riley's murderer with disrespect laken riley mother slamming biden first mispronouncing caught's hiem pathetic blamed biden's border
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pails. implemented a policy that illegal aliens intruding into united states granted community from deportation when this monster shot up at our border was is the free immediately under the program i call it free -- >> got the name wrong, joe biden went on television apologized for calling laken riley's mother illegal he should have called him undocumented not an illegal they have a new name, too, neighbor they want to call them neighbor did you hear the other one? knew comer a newcomer to our country. are we going crazy or what is this country going crazy? >> just stunning, stunning the president biden is -- is saying that he should not have called this murderer an
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illegal, here is reaction from -- from south carolina tim scott i asked him about this yesterday. >> disgusting joe biden more worried about using the word illegal or undocumented the word he should have used is murderer here we have donald trump our president sitting down with laken riley's family, you have joe biden, apoll jooiz for with a shourd 70,000 americans dying of fentanyl getting certifies tough on border that is disreinspect full to the family so thankful that president trump sat down with the family. maria: nuvenl your reaction. mark: only apology should have been to laken riley family for calling her a football coach lincoln riley
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only apology when it comes to catering to criminals nowadays you know, the school of thought is that criminals are victims right there is something happened to them in when growing up some root caused problem idiotic thought process nowadays, our government needs a reality check they need to wake up and figure out, who do they work for do they work for american taxpayers? or do they work for illegal migrants do they work for criminals who do they work for i think asking who they work for the is probably important question to ask government they seem to think we all work for the government not the way this was ever supposed to be the government works for us. maria: incredible, u.s. immigration customs and border protectionr under arrested another illegal in rhode
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island found guilty of felony assault, domestic issue last month released into community authorities ignored ice detainer request he entered as a got away anybody with practical sense, of this country, has to question what the heck this is all about. why do we have a wide-open border why is nobody being vetted? some of these people on terrorist watch list, drugs are flowing in, people are getting murdered, migrant crime is on the rise. we spoke with john chell he told thus about migrant crime. >> he said, pick pocketing all over new york stealing and this is a migrant crime that is on the rise, but, lara trump had an answer for it thinks the reason all of these illegals are in the country is
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for one reason that is for the democrats to get more voters, watch this. >> people say why do we have a fully open southern border yes, it you are willing to allow fentanyl to pour over kill 100,000 americans a year why allowing 169 people on terror watch list last fiscal year to come over? i think only thing people can figure that democrats are bleeding and hemorrhaging voters understand cannot,pull people in they have to import people the only reason you want voter id if you want people who cannot vote to vote he in these elections. it is insane. >> i think exactly right, what else could it be? like what nothing else makes sense, because, the fact that willing to let murderers out the fact president biden, just apologized to murderer, it is kind of into he never
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apologized to border patrol agents that he accused of whipping migrantsor called strapping for ray challenge motivation but apologized to this guys i think mark's point great who do they work for? and it is interesting that illegal migrants illegal immigrants illegal aliens whatever you want to call them have a greater representation, in this administration than american citizens, it is truly stunning, you know, the drug cartels traffickers for biden they know lives have been so much better because of his policies, and going to even get better nothing else makes sense, there have been what lara trump says you think about it, this administration came in and intent and state of purpose was to bring in as many illegal immigrants as possible for political reasons what would they have done differently than what they did
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now? there is nothing. everything they've done designed to comreef illegal immigration deter enforcement. >> i want to talk request bill hagerty, mississippi secretary of state just sent letter to doj telling them stop enforcing a biden executive order used he said to release convicts illegal immigrants, markets on move ahead of a busy week earnings, the consumer price tomorrow dollar stores reporting earnings laffer tengler chief investment officer nancy tengler is here. ♪ ♪ why choose a sleep number smart bed? ♪ .
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in the chase mobile app. maria: welcome back check futures where we are looking at selling pressure this morning markets at lows of the morning dow industrials down 164, the nasdaq down 108, the s&p lower by 24, still marks up across the board so far this year has been a very good beginning of the year, with the dow industrials up 3%, the nasdaq up better than 7% s&p 500 higher by 7 and 1/2% year-to-date on top of outsized gains in 2023 as well joining me laffer tengler investment ceo chief investment officer nancy tengler you think this rally is showing a similar pattern to the 1900s talking global 90s dot com boom. >> kind of yeah i was the
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portfolio manager back then many on wall street weren't managing money then a similar setup inflation higher than average 3% on average entire decade interest rates between, 5 and 7% on 10-year labor shortage spending productivity in that mode i'm sorry spending on technology improving productivity so seeing productivity gains democraticly pretty strong is this be disinflationariry over time we can talk about inflation i am concerned february is coming in hot there is a lot of similarities in terms of the geopolitical situation as well, so i think, one of the thing you want to do is pay attention to the companies the sectors you own, but don't run away from this market i that i buy, the dip environment. >> you said cpi could be lot for february looking at yields
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this morning 10-year treasury, around 4% right now, ahead of big week of economic data we've got february, consumer price index tomorrow, retail sales on thursday the january number was hot. right? and that probability now suggesting a hot february, above consensus up 3/10 of a percent the january cpi hot drove 3% sell-off in stocks nancy if we get a hot cpi tomorrow, february, are you expecting a sell-off? >> well, i think kind of getting one we will see how deep it is but we got a correction of about 10% once every 10, 12 months historically we need to see things kind of pull back, regroup. the good news is or the bad news really aren't catalysts other than economic data points, fed-speak i think
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poised for correction i wouldn't be concerned about that long-term if your horizon is more than three weeks this is an opportunity to buy high quality names. >> maybe this sell-off we're seeing this morning down 183 on dow maybe anticipation of a hot number tomorrow morning nancy? >> yeah. it could be maria, i think, also just that kind of -- the buying momentum had earnings great for this year good 11%, 13% potentially for next year this is a trend you want to own stocks, but you can't you know they don't go straight up forever despite nvidia charge. >> nvidia has been incredible congratulations you rang the closing bell friday chicago board options exchange international women's day thrilled for you you are an international woman, congrats your, team glrtell us more about the etf.
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>> headwinds at laffer tengler we got a lot of interest on shows like yourself we wanted to open up flagship products to retail investors launched it also celebrate my book the second edition of woman's guide 95% of us end up managing the family at some point a combo i appreciate you mentioning it fun a last real trading, it was exciting i was nervous but fun. maria: i agree on women, women are ceo of households, important to recognize that. we know what family is spending money on you know, have the instinct in terms of where the growth stories are, so, we should have more confidence as woman mark jump? mark: congrats on etf good for you i got to see if ppr
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is available for me in the future great job i ask about jobs' report from friday, blockbuster number 275,000 you start to look at, downward revisions of 167,000, over the prior two months, you look at the fact we lost roughly 180,000 full-time jobs we keep adding, doordash delivery men uber drivers not full-time job gains what do you make of the jobs' report. >> i think we ought to put the estimates or the report itself in the trash bining the revisions are remarkable, yet market trades on it on intraday baseing the participation rate, up a tenth down a tenth month-to-month, the average hours worked, that
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is an important number to watch i think what we know that is the labor market seems to be, tempering i don't know if weakening dramatically but it is slowing down i think that is going to give fed cover, but i do think you with an to pay attention to revisions, because don't trade this on the number look at the long-term trend, long-term trends, i don't think this is you know an environment where we are going to continue to see wage gains like last year. maria: great analysis as always nancy good to see you come back soon thanks very much. >> thank you, maria. >> nancy tengler. are democrats looking to shore up votes from as well of illegal migrants entering the country tennessee senator bill has beenity to weigh in wait until you hear about his amendment that did not pass
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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people say why do we have a fully open southern border
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why is it you are willing to allow fentanyl to pour over kill 100,000 americans a year? yes, it you are allowing 169 people on terror watch list last fiscal year to come over? i think only thing people can figure is that the democrats are pleading hemorrhaging voters they understand, that they cannot fool people in this country any longer so they have to export people the only reason you wouldn't want voter id if you want people who cannot vote to vote in these elections, it is insane. maria: this is becoming the issue to watch that was rnc co-chair lara trump with me yesterday on "sunday morning futures." warning the democrats are using illegal migrants to harvvt voters senate democrat blocked amendment on friday would have prevented illegal migrants from being counted for congressman districting electoral college all
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democrats and lisa murkowski voted begins that senator bying hality moved to include this in the spending package thanks very much for being here i want you to tell us about your amendment it was barring illegal aliens from being counted in allotting congressional seats electoral college votes sound practical. >> certain does sound practical i think most americans shocked to find out today illegal migrants are used in the calculation of the number of people in given state to allocate congressional districts he elect terroral college votes to that state lara is right democrats harvesting electoral power on backs of illegal migrants it shouldn't be happening i put a simple vote forward that only citizens, can be counted for the purposes of allocating to districts he wlek forral votes democrats went nuts chuck schumer threatened to shut government down ground down to last hour finally i think an
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important event to taken place they agreed to put it to the floor for vote as you said every single democrat voted to thought allow just citizens alone counted but also include counting of illegal migrants think about people fleeing citizens leaving new york leaving i will know leaving cha sanctuary cities located, chicago san francisco, los angeles creating plagsets to backfill, create more quote bodies to count so that they can get more electoral votes we got one of the -- u.s. congressman from brooklyn, clark said the quite part out allowed said i need the migration for purposes of redistricting. her district same one chuck schumer had when he served in congress has school in brooklyn told schoolchildren to go home study by zoom they needed that schoolhouse to house illegal migrants that is
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happening here in america, that is the motive behind the crime at our border. maria: so disturbing, senator, you are an elected official is is there nothing else you can do about this? severe head for presidential election. do you worry illegal population in america will vote in this upcoming election? >> a great concern, as lara mentioned in clip earlier great concern states, instead of id that type of thing a commission a was put in place back in 90s, led by president jimmy carter by secretary of state baker o two hil respected individuals identified several things lead to deep concern in voter integrity mail out ballots ballot harvesting no voter id subject elections to deteriorate concerns regarding resort integrity exactly what democrats are pushing you think about fact able to count, illegal migrants in terms of holding on to congressional seats electoral
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votes makes it they win before they got these people to vote, the power of those citizens if you will who do vote in states have a high proportion illegal migrants more pour in states than states like tennessee where we don't have such a high proportion of illegal migrants. >> is this why job is you apologizeing for calling laken riley's murderer illegal, former president trump meeting with laken riley's family at georgia rally saturday as president biden was on another network apologizing, for calling a murderer illegal, watch this. >> i shouldn't have used illegal it was undocumented i am not going to choose any -- any -- any of these people with disrespect they built our country we have to control border more orderly, i don't share that view at all. >> you regret using that word?
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>> yes. >> unbelievable. >> they built the country? okay a murderer murdered 22-year-old georgia nursing student who is illegal broke into country illegally committed crimes committed murder we are supposed to be sorry for calling him illegal, they call him newcomer undocumented. >> could not be a sharp er contrast you have president meeting with laken riley's parents president trump into evidence significant sanctions on maduro regime in venezuela president biden listed those when venezuelans come to our border we have no information whatever the biden proposition wave them in fleeing to ka to have consequences, criminal comes to new york admits a crime begins a released on bail goes to georgia commits the most heinous of crimes of all, joe biden going on air
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apologizing for calling him illegal insulting laken's family thaifrpged go we've got president trump the family field appreciated by eliminate even though completely disrespected by joe biden. >> amazing again i think that, this proves the motive behind the crime in our border, they want illegal migrants in here to create more electoral power for them their blue states, basically creating sanctuary stefz to be a magnet so people disproportionately flow to blue states shipping this as rapidly as they can since a joe biden came to office as highs 10 million people have come in here 13 extra congressional districts with allocated right way a tremendous power the democrats are bringing in giving their voters blue state voters disproportionately more pour than giving my voters in tennessee. >> what about the budget white house to reeves the budget today president wish list will
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promises to lower costs for families he claims he also claims he is going to reduce the deficit by three trillion dollars, he wants to raise taxes, on the highest earners, he says protect strengthen then medicare social security i want to say at state of the union, the president said i've already cut deficit by over one trillion dollars, the committee for responsible federal budget says that is absolutely not true. more than the entirety of the fall of the deficit can be explained by covid reef money going away expiring, how are we to believe this is going to cut deficit by three trillion dollars if he just said a mistruth at state stalemate he already cut one trillion. >> i think a continuation of that surreal state of the union address gone into full on politics mode this budget we had it looked at nothing but partisan politics talking about, closing the budget up getting rich to pay their fair share? top 1% pay more than ever in
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history. joe biden still wants to continue to tax away, earnings more and more and o more doing to disincentivize growth cripple the country more inflationary i shoir you doing nothing to secure our nation make families like laken riley feel like they don't have to worry about their child nightmare. >> really disturbing times senator we will watch your work we so preern your time this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you so that senator bill hagerty in new york, governor kathy hochul sends national guard troops to subway, former nypd inspector is here with more on that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . . (♪) (♪) (♪)
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conclusions could be coming in the fani willis drama cheryl casone with details. cheryl: so, fullerton county judge setting is a friday deadline whether or not will be thrown off the case for election interference ethics violations surrounding her relationship with fellow prosecutor nathan wade going to rule if that is fair, disqualifies her. >> pressure for boeing the department of justice, opening a criminal investigation, into the blowout alaska airlines flight transportation secretary pete buttigieg case, there is statement we have not found documentation alaska issuing a statement in event normal for doj to be conducting investigation, not good we are learning another boeing jet 787 dreamliner
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suffered a technical problem, during a flight from city to auckland they landed off 50 people injured hospitalized waiting for details boeing stock is under pressure this morning towards the opening bell back to you. maria: amazing how many incidents that happened at this point, we will be watching for sure, thank you meanwhile, kathy hochul orderings over 700 national guard groups to combat rise in crime, the "new york post" reporting gun shurs jumped 113% in subway, bus this year joining me ops founder lawyer fox news contributor paul moro back is this right news of our national guard?
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reaction. >> one things we have to krr deploying national guard are they trained in policing encounters, police encounters have specific rules of engagement i have to imagine in spontaneous way rolled out a number wondering what powers are what they are not, are they integrated into nypd in an and control a crisis situation a quick response needed we see every kayou have to say how well organized, supervised is this when you consider what we've seen with let's say daniel penny you realize how fast things can occur. maria: so, what is the answer to all of this migrant crime? we spoke with head of the patrol john chell last week here is what he said. >> we've been seeing with migrants the crime wave if you will, is robberies purse snatches, pick pockets on
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train in times square we've seen domestic vs recently mob like activity. >> you are knitting violent crimes against new yorkers this country you should be put in jail once over you forfeit right to american dream out of our country. >> paul we are seeing murder, we are told, that the killer of laken riley was an illegal migrant came to this country through el paso, texas open border in september 2022, former new york governor cuomo calling this crisis a government blund said during a speech at church yesterday wrong for new york city to take on flood of migrants into the state because all new politicians don't want the problem in the rest of new york. how do you see it. >> we we're seeing what i call defund, did he industry
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deflect, they tried municipalities going on deflecting hard andrew cuomo right at lead of this because his political aspirations are beginning to revive take a step back, governor cuomo is the person put executive order making new york state sanctuary a lot to answer for gang bangers from countries migrants, in state custody could be turned over to the feds or the state and federal government allowed to talk to each other the general public, law enforcement is one entity this is the kind of thing got us in trouble for 9/11 silos enforcement not allowed to liaise. >> anybody in government knows information is your currency you have to share it, hochul could resolve that tomorrow rescinding that executive order, maybe we wouldn't have to deploy 1,000 military
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units, into our new york city subways. >> that is what i was referring to military units, they really the people should be searching bags, in the subway, i mean you know criminal gang bangers you just called them these people have ties to ms-13 reportedly selling fake green cards social security cards to migrants on streets in queens. we know this happened in houston one of the biggest ambitions i reported in texas, that they just sell fake ids now in streets of new york, your reaction. >> new york city cops are working very, very hard. they are do everything they can, the gun colars in subways up arrests jurisdictions meant up 50% they can't do it alone they have rerecruitment issues retention issues the, green cards, passports along that corridor roosevelt avenue i am familiar with al federal
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crimes we see no reaction from federal government, where is fbi where is homeland security investigations? these are capable agencies being held back on a least could be make at weaker level ties to venezuela to el salvador the kind of cases, that we're familiar with from mafia days take down institutional groups liar arcual, 30 bodies at a time message goes out nonsense can stop. >> you know it is originate at border kansas senator told us putting people into america to work as basically prostitutes, setting up human trafficking drug trafficking businesses in america. he says there are more massage parlors in kansas than
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starbucks, so what about that what are they doing when they get here, and have -- and forced to pay drug cartels? >> yeah, this is old story i mean new immigrants to america we all know very vulnerable they are -- generally want to work most are good people, but vulnerable to exploitation from their kind that goes back into the history of america back through old, and before one of the things we should recognize, is that the biden administration has put in so many new operations to get migrants into the country, that the whole thing is a morass at this point "catch and release" the allegedly killer of laken riley appears here on some sort of sponsorship program nobody seems to give an answer won'ts talk to me i have asked everybody i can in ice relative to what program was here under if he is being sponsored, that means somebody owns him is responsible for his care and feeding the fact
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so willing, maria, the fact ice came out right away said oh, he is illegal i am very skeptical of that generally obfuscate that i don't think looking hard at some programs sponsorship seems no checks and balances put a sponsor down doesn't get checked out you are in country if you are from a couple nations have a favored nation status biden administration put in venezuela one. >> has been executive order on federal agencies must and an voting access in their states, so lara trump saying they want all people here so they can vote, they want illegals to vote that is the issue of the moment we just spoke with the senator from tennessee, bill lagity amendment he tried to get in that failed just tell me before you go about this dangerous gang there a is in new york right now, from
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venezuela. and, are, what we should be aware of. >> tren de aragua, first of all identifiable by tattoos point to back border patrol looking at at twos now they will go don't get gang tag until the country past the border there are powerful gang punch above wait in south america expand beyond venezuela wrote migrant routes into ecuador panama to southern border, organized, a great force multiplier comes to the ability to put together big federal level organizational cases until we recognize that problem, going to proliferate we are having a problem going forward, because this election year is going to come and go we have these guys here just seems no willingness to enforce at large level. >> unbelievable great conversation we so appreciate your time paul mauro joining us this morning.
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new film released on international women's day highlights italian immigrant and her arrival in new york in 1889 shy was greeted by crime disease poverty follows her
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mission to help those in need receive housing healthcare joining me right now man brought her story to life the director. alejandro monteverde, congratulations to you thanks for being here tell us more about if movie and francesca's life. >>,honor to be here, you know, for me, i didn't know anything about who she was, when i found out who she was i was ashamed that i didn't know who she was. this was a woman came here as immigrant in late 1800s, in times of women have -- choose -- [line noise interference] -- under -- others it was not about immigration was about immigrant human being, and she changed had, back to new yorkr
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revolutionized system one of the greatest hospitals in new york the underdog story more than anything a movie celebrates the power of the woman's voice. maria: lovely to see an italian immigrant doing all of this, it was beautifully shown the pictures incredible, a story, for everybody to understood why did you feel you wand to bring this to light at this moment in time. >> going to sound cliché, non for knocking on doors her motto would change a no for yes, even with people she disagreed to make things happen in this case, she knocked on my door i didn't
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know about her got a phone call asked me if i wanted to make a movie, if could i read the script i say automatically when i found out subject matter a pleasure to deal with anybody that works -- i said i don't want to may be a movie about a nun, the minute i read the script arrived this was -- happens to be -- but the woman that wanted to -- really work and give her life to live for others change the life of others human dignity to have those forgotten her life shined a light into darkness times i wand to shine a light in her live through power of cinema. >> moved me as well incredible film, and you've got two
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blockbusters back-to-back sound of freedom now cabrini what was important about the sound of freedom tell us what is next. >> for me, i am always attracted to things that are very important in many cases defy societies i like to make films when mover ends it begins what do i mean a conversation begins a social conversations in this case sound of freedom child trafficking in this film complex matter any kind of movie proposes things that are current in our society, they speak to me. right now working on a film
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about the most well-known woman that ever worked this earth, i consider her, a fact most famous woman of literally changed history, that is why we are working on right now. >> who is that woman? >> the woman take a guess -- mary, first time i say it mary. of course mother of god i love it congratulations, your work is so important we appreciate it. thanks for joining me alejandra monteverde check out the film cabrini. we'll be right back. .
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maria: america under selling pressure now industrials and 151, nasdaq done 51 in nasdaq lower by 20 as we await the consumer price index tomorrow morning. mark tepper final word. >> in a be interesting to see what investor appetite there is for read it and looking forward to nvidia, can nvidia bounce back about being d pipers on friday. jonathan fahey final word. >> thank you for having me like they get a be interesting to see how the immigration issue with the recent events in georgia. stuart: especially with the expectation that they want them to vote, thank you everybody, great show we will see you tomorrow.


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