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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 7, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: fiscal situation, how about this, cut tax rates, stop spending, deregulate, drill, baby, drill. keep the dollars sound and you'll have a balanced budget. i'm kudlow, be back tomorrow night.
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lyrics, hi, i'm elizabeth macdonald and the state of the union is not happy and majority of voters say president biden took the u.s. in the wrong direction and even adam schiff is now saying that. the president, what he's going to do is a reset. edward lawrence is live at the white house with more. edward. reporter: yeah, there might be a political tint to it tonight. we know that prices are up 18% since president joe biden came into office. the president is back to blaming companies for inflation now, and the president also tonight, we will not hear him use the word inflation. it's like lord voldemort and he
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created 14 million he'll say and the truth is the economy added back all the jobs from the pandemic and created 5.4 million and the former clinton adviser here says the president needs to go beyond jobs tonight. >> in the past, americans were typically focused mostly on the jobs report and the unemployment rate, but with good employment numbers, the real thing that has people ticked off is, you know, that it costs more when you go to the grocery store or go out or do whatever it is you want to do in life or try to get a house and a mortgage. that's what he really needs to address. reporter: the president will say that he's bringing down costs but if you read the fine print on this one, it only covers small groups of people. republican senator kevin cramer says this president is simply disingenuous. >> the ones being left out now and by the white house's own admission obviously and how they can blame that on greed and others controlling the government for the last few years and the government that raised interest rates and that
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raised inflation much higher than family's incomes and i don't know how they can lay it on republicans and frankly i don't think it passes the smell test for the very americans who he says he's going to try and help. reporter: the white house raised expectations for this state of the union address. the president will likely have to be flawless on this speech. back to you, liz. elizabeth: we'll see about that, edward lawrence, you're terrific and thank you so much. joining us from senate finance and foreign relaces and senate budget and appropriations, senator roger marshal. good to see you again, sir. there doesn't seem to be a lot of energy. we're hearing lawmakers not even bothering to show up. >> yeah, liz, that's exactly right. state of thedownon day and everything is -- state of the union day and things are quiet and eerily quiet and begging me for my extra tickets and saying you want my ticket tonight and there's a dead crowd and we'll do the best we can. elizabeth: other thing that's happening and top democrats say the white house thinking is
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naive and washington post is reporting senator bernie sanders is saying that the biden white house and democrats eastern a "extraordinary bubble ignoring the economic pain people are in". basically the president is going to try and paint a picture tonight. senator. >> yeah, liz. look, joe biden is going down for the third time it looks like to me. he's fighting for his political life. he has to go on the air tonight and try to convince americans he's physically and mentally capable of serving another four years and go on the air and convince them their paycheck isn't shrinking and lastly he has to try and blame somebody else for the 10 million illegal immigrants that vascularized crossed the border that are -- have crossed the border and killing people and all those types of things we're aware of. elizabeth: the other thing too, senator, he campaigned on uniting america. he's going to talk tonight about
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dividing america and going after the trump voters. democrats wanted to impeach trump on day un-before he was inaugurated and blocked trump-appointed and working with fbi and intelligence officials to cripple the trump presidency, you know, and the media wept along with this but -- went along with this but, you know, former president trump will do another live play-by-play with the state of thedownon and watch that more than biden. >> yeah, the president weaponnized the justice department and a threat to democracy and your listenerring know that biden is the true threat to democracy and the person that has no respect for law and order and he's given us an open boarder and cashless bail and grab and go as well and all these types of things that are making americans less safe and americans otherwise and
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americans don't say we feel like our paycheck is strong and the state of the union is not good. elizabeth: senator, so interesting and more and more in the polls and the working class voter, you know, minority voters moving to the republican party, that's on the up tick. that's reportedly of high concern for democrats. >> there's a lot of issues right now that have voters not feeling great about the country. >> work, harder than ever and struggling to pay the rent or mortgage or put food on the table. elizabeth: democrat adam schiff throwing the biden white house under the bus saying people are you think reigns leading and upset. what do you say? >> listen, two out of three americans feel like the economy is going the wrong direction. there's reasons that people are upset. that's why joe biden is going to struggling and will have a hard time running from the truth and
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bringing up statistics and figures lie and liars figure and americans are feeling the pinch at home and ready for a new direction. very concerned about the economy and concerned about their jobs and, look, joe biden destroyed america's economy from the middle out and from the bottom up. elizabeth: nbc reporting that top democrat donors are worried about what they're spending their money on and boycott vote against the president and spreading to more and more states including swing states and anywhere from 7 to 15 states seeing the boycott vote pick up. james caravelle is worried about riots and protests about the democrat convention like it's 1968 and you've been in dc and watched administrations and presidencies and where do you put this one? >> they have every reason to be worried and lowest approval rating i can remember at the end of a president's first term and no excitement on the democrat side right now.
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people would not want to cross the street so see joe biden and president trump was record breaking crowds and president trump has all the excitement going in the state of disbelief and don't know what to do is next. and america has realized once again that the biden policies. elizabeth: senator ronneller marshal, thank you so much. we appreciate you. >> thank you so much. elizabeth: chairman of house homeland security, marcus green. good to see you again, sir. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: good to have you on. this big question, how are president biden address the historic border collapse and nearly 100 executive actions and we're looking at record 9.5 million illegal immigrants crossing including the got aways and going to declare a national emergency? probably not. how will he deal with it? >> it's been a crisis for a very long time despite he and his
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secretary of homeland security have said it's been a secure border and no crisis ever since he got into office, but just a few months ago, he started talking about how it's been going on like this for decades and he'll blame congress, he'll say i need immigration, legislation. let's fix immigration and he'll bash us for not accepting that crazy bill that was put together in the senate. so those are the -- some of the things he's going to talk about on the border, but he's going to do everything but accept the blame and it was the policies we're not aware with and not adhering to laws on the books and executing laws on the books and they're going to pass the buck. elizabeth: chairman, that senate bill that didn't that failed, would have put in place and make a crisis level and even the obama white house was bad and crisis level. what do you make of the house just a few hours ago passing the laken riley act named of the georgia nursing student murdered
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allegedly by an illegal immigrant? there are growing calls for the president to actually say laken riley's name but he hasn't done that yet. >> yeah, he should absolutely pick up the phone and call that family and said i'm sorry and sadden about what happened and his open door policies resulted in that individual being released into the country. he should call the mothers that lost children to fentanyl and call fa family members whose auo accidents slain by illegal immigrants and there's a lot of phone calls that this president joes moms and dads and should say this young woman's name and tonight was speaker johnson or maybe it was congresswoman colins invited the family of laken riley to the state of the union and declined and asked for an empty seat and you'll see an empty seat representing all lives lost to illegal aliens in
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this country. you'll see that in the speech tonight. elizabeth: chairman, the other thing too that's happ happeningd president biden, new reports coming in his administration secretly flew in at least 320,000 illegal immigrants straight out of latin america into 43 u.s. cities via that cvp1 app they can use on their phone this. is the most of any president. but the white house and cvp won't say which u.s. cities they went to. ttom homan said you can imagine which cities. >> it's cuba, venezuela, nicaragua and haiti. it's about 357,000 to be exact and it's a program mr. mayorkas invented himself to bring the individuals into the country, violating the laws of the immigration nationality act and this is why we impeached him because he's in total disregard of the fact that the congress is a separate and equal branch of government, coequal branch of
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government so they are violating the laws, packaging people from other countries, bringing them directly into inner cities without going through the process and this is a violation of the law and it's wrong and i will tell you i can't get into details and some of these individuals are not good in your neighborhood. elizabeth: thank you for bringing us that information. listen to democrat senator joe manchin on news nation calling out the white house over this. watch this. >> the border today, chris, i think in my lifetime is one of the most dangerous things we've ever faced. it has the ability to brew into something that we can't even imagine. we don't know where an awful lot of these people are, what their intentions of coming here for. we weren't able to adjudicate them or vet them. that's what's got to stop. you know, joe biden owns it, he has to declare emergency, he has to secure the border immediately, and i hope he says
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that tomorrow night at state of the union. >> yeah, me too. still be late. but, you know, we only know -- >> very late. >> -- what he shows. elizabeth: chairman green, your final word. >> i would have loved for joe manchin to have said that months ago but i'm with him on what he said and couple million unknown got aways and no telling who's in that lot. elizabeth: chairman mark green, wearishuate you so much. thank you for joining us and good to see you again. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up, house oversight chair james comer and russel fry from house justice department dish area oversight and power of the future daniel turner and fox news contributor and author, joe concha and really getting rattled and top democrat donors checking wallet and warn about the growing bo cot vote against -- boycott vote and house oversight gave hunter biden what he wanted and he wanted a public hearing and he'll get it, march 20th. will he show up for the biden
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impeachment inquiry about how the family made millions of dollars selling government access overseas. this alarming story, the washington post warns the government is doing little to stop america from literally running out of power. that's the headline. and is this new 180 a real thing? are blue democrat-run cities really ditching their weak on crime push? we've got the update. plus, former deputy assistant attorney john yoo, what's behind this news that fulton county da fani willis met with vice president harris before the garcia trump indictment? all this coming up on "the evening edit". >> i mean, take a look, i was indicted by fani in georgia, fani. [ booing ]. >> how did that work out?
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we got him under a new plan. but then they unexpectedly unraveled their "price lock" guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the "un-carrier". you sing about "price lock" on those commercials. "the price lock, the price lock..." so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. elizabeth: get you updated on the trump cases. let's wet come to the show former -- welcome deputy assistant attorney general john yoo. we admire you. we're a big fan. you're extremely smart. what do you make of this, the supreme court set a date of april at that time to hear arguments on fecialer president trump's million issue immunity claims on criminal prosecution charges.
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where does this go in your assessment? >> i think president trump's going to have a hard time convincing the court to grant a blanket immunity, which can't even be prosecuted. but that doesn't mean that he won't win both in the short term and the long term. in the short term he's succeeded in pushing the trial further and further back and it's really hard to see the court issuing a decision now on immunity till the end of june, which has suspended all of the prosecution activities in the january 6 case. if maybe a trial gets started, it would be late august, maybe early september. it would be really, really rushed to get any kind of verdict and the long term issue is president trump has some very serious constitutional claims and challenges to the charges. for example, he's being charged with fraud and obstruction of congress, which don't really seem to fit what he did or may have done on january 6 so i think he's still got a whole bunch of legal issues that may return to the supreme court before any trial can get off the
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ground. elizabeth: you know, the due process is his team has got to go through 12 million documents in the cases; right? >> yeah, i think actually a judge who tries to bull rush this case through so that there is a trial that gets to an election and deeply unfair and getting to president trump and he has a right to put on a full affair offense and witnesses look through the pages and if this judge rushes things, there's a good claim his due process rights were not respected and didn't have a right to effective assistance of council and as i said, i think it'll be very hard for him to get tried before the election. elizabeth: now there's a new development in the georgia 2020 case. trump's codefendant, michael roman and attorney ashley merchant, ashley merchant disclosed at a georgia state senate hearing that white house visitor records show georgia da fani willis did meet with vice
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president kamala harris on february 28, 2023, shortly before bringing the indictment against former president trump. the reports that willis may have been at the white house for black history month. there's a debate about that. now, here's the issue, fani willis previously testified she did not visit the white house when she traveled to dc. lieutenants listen to ashley merchant during the georgia senate hearing on this. watch. >> do you have reason to suspect or can you confirm whether or not ms. willis or mr. wade were coordinating with the biden white house in the course of this investigation and prosecution? >> one of the other things i did was an open records for the white house access and we have records that ms. willis and the mayor of atlanta were the -- meeting with the vice president. >> this record chias shown on the screen shows fani willis was a visitor with the potus, i
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people vice president of the united states in >> yes, it was. >> what was the date of that? february sometime of 2023? >> february 8, 2023. >> is that before the indictment? >> yes. elizabeth: looking at this, that was before the indictment. okay, so we don't know whether she was at -- why she was at the white house. we don't know -- she could have met with the vice president. it should be pointed out her alleged boyfriend nathan wade, whom she hired and paid double the salary, he billed, you know, billed georgia taxpayers for multiple meetings at white house before the georgia trump indictment. can the trump team make hay with that? >> oh, definitely, and the thing to remember before we get into the real prosecutors of atlanta business is if you're going to take the step of prosecuting a former president for the first time in history and you're going to claim that the reelection campaign as a whole was some kind of organized crime enterprise, you as a prosecutor must be of the highest integrity
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and beyond reproach and this now we're learning on a daily basis here in fulton county is the exact opposite. people are coordinating with the white house to bring a prosecution that could damage this case. elizabeth: john yoo, you're terrific. thank you so much for joining us. it's good to see you. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: coming up, another very smart person. daniel turner. he's the founder of power the future. this really concerning story out of the washington post: america is literally running out of power. you 'tilty regulators beg -- utility regulators beg for more fossil fuel plants because ai, data centers and biden's green energy push and electric cars and more. plus house oversight chair james comer is back and house impeachment manager including the manager hunter biden what he demanded and a public hearing. it's going to happen. it's going to be talking about corruption allegations swirling around president biden in the impeachment inquiry.
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the question is: will hunter show up? it's coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down.
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elizabeth: joining us now, house oversight chairman congressman james comer. congressman, it's good to see you again. okay, so you're basically telling hunter biden put up or shut up. you invited hunter biden is tony bobulinski and devin archer to come testify publicly on march 20th for the impeachment inquiry into president biden. this is what hunter biden has been demand asking a public hearing. is he going to show up? you guys are getting a lot of pushback pause beam are saying -- because people are saying where's the smoking gun and the president wasn't getting money directly from this and impeepment hearings are failing hawaii do you say to all that criticism? >> this investigation has been a sewage success. we've proven -- huge success. we've proven that president biden took in millions from enemies around the world and
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hunter biden is jim biden had several hours of depositions to explain what they did to earn the $30 million. we never got a clear answer. the fact that the president said initially he had never met any of these people who sent his family money while he was running for president after our investigation we proved he's met with about every single one and many he had dinner with and shook hands with and spoke on the phone with often. when we had the deposition and interviews with both jim and hunter biden, there were some discrepancy in what they said versus what some of their business partners at the time said. we want to bring everyone in, let the american people see in a transparent manner because this is very concerning. we have proven that the bidens were peddling and joe biden lied about his family's influence peddling scheme and proven that joe biden took in at least a quarter of a million dollars as a result of this family influence peddling scheme. i think we've been very successful in providing the
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american people the truth about the extent to the influence peddling schemes and the crimes that the biden family committed. elizabeth: you're dealing with somebody in dc since 1973/74. he knows how to push the lever of powers behind the scenes. it is not normal to have anybody sitting in the white house with having any family member anywhere near selling their office. it's just not right. the american people know it, especially the families of men and women that go to fight for the nation overseas. they don't want to feel like they're putting their lives on the line for a president that's making a buck off the chair he's sitting in. the other story is the due date for the justice department to turn over the transcript and interview with president biden is hur reported that the president is so cognitive impaired and he can't stand trial for mishandling of u.s. secrets and has the doj responded to your te teams and
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other committee's subpoenas for this? >> no, and that's due today. we figure they'll probably respond at some point during the state of the union address to try and drown it out with the press. what we want to know from the hur report is which documents the president mishandled, specifically which documents within ukraine and russia because the president's family has taken in millions and millions of dollars from ukraine, russia, and china, and we want to know if part of the documents that president biden mishandled pertain to those countries and were his family family members involved in trying to profit off of joe biden's mishandling of the classified documents. this is a very important request we have for the department of justice and to our investigation, and the fact that the hur report was so damaging provers that we need to have access to this. elizabeth: yeah, what's happening is they've basically been obstructing the house
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impeachment inquiry right and left. nbc is reporting big money democrat donors are sounding the alarm about that boycott vote against biden spreading, people voting uncommitted. more and more states -- it's coming out of michigan and going into swing states like massachusetts and minnesota. you know, democrats strategist james caravelle said he's afraid of 1968 chicago democrat convention riots. democrats are gone to hold their convention in chicago and that's the op ed from james caravelle. we want your reaction to this. watch. >> the problem of course with biden is we all know it is he's got a huge issue to overcome in terms of his age. this is a big obstacle that they're faced with, and they have to deal with it. elizabeth: so, that's the full
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issue. what are you expecting tonight, sir, what it comes to that? >> well, the bar is so low for joe biden is all he has to do is somehow mumble his speech and it's going to be definitive success by the mainstream media. i believe his biggest problems are the policies and the fact that he's lied to the american people about his knowledge of and participation in the family's influence peddling schemes. joe biden has a huge problem. the problem the democrats have quite frankly, liz, is he's their best candidate and their best candidate is flawed, and i think this will be a good election this november for the republicans and republicans are motivated and we're going to turn out and we're going to try to drain the swamp. elizabeth: about the turnout. chairman comer, thank you for joining us. good to see you. bring in and we're excited to welcome to the show from power of the future, the founder and
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executive director daniel turner. daniel, it's great to see you again. so let's get your reaction to this. democrat congresswoman ro khanna went after john kerry. john kerry immediate the claims about -- made claims about russia and climate and ukraine, crazy stuff. watch this. >> if russia has the ability to wage a war, illegally, and invade another country, they ought to be able to find the effort to be responsible on climate issue. russia is one of the largest emitters in the world. if russia wanted to show good faith, they could go out and announce what their redubses are going to be and make a greater effort to reduce emissions now, and maybe that would open up the door for people to feel better about what russia is choosing to do at this point in time. >> that's a ridiculous, that's absurd comment. i don't know what he was thinking but i can't defend
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that. that's an absurd comment. elizabeth: what do you think, sir? >> it's not absurd. it's the focus of john kerry's life and administration. it's insane issue don't get me wrong, if you're pushing in climate narrative, then you see climate chip as the only important issue to deal with. yeah, russia is invading ukraine and that's too bad. but it's worse that they're not attacking climate change? this is a level of insanity the green movement pushes on american people. elizabeth: we hear you loud and clear. what's happening behind the scenes, we're wondering it you saw the story, this alarming story out of the washington post: america literally running out of power in states like texas, arizona, georgia, virginia. it sees electricity hungry data centers for the cloud, clean technology factories, swamping utilities and that's the president east green energy push for electric cars and solar
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panels but the washington post make this is point there are "no credible plans to expand the nation's really ricketty arthritic power grid". the government is behind the 8 ball and not stepping up. what do you think? >> we have so many fossil fuels in this country. we have generations of oil and natural gas and coal. our parents didn't deal with this grid power, our grandparents didn't. these are new problems and it's because we're attacking the fossil fuel industry. here's the best example of it, remember just two years ago, joe biden was in boston and he was outside of a power plant that closed, a coal plant and he said we're going to build wind and solar. they didn't build wind and solar first. they dismantled the coal plant first and that's what we're doing. we're shutting down coal and natural gas and they are saying the wind and solar will get built. in that delta we're having grid problems. this is not remotely surprising. elizabeth: stay on that for a second, it's grid problems and
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this, utility power companies are stressed. new reports coming in, utility excel energy said it may have ignited the texas wild fires and biggest in state history and burning more than a million acres and destroying hopes and killing thousands of livestock and when you see xcel energy struggling like this and in california, because the power grid is stressed from what the biden white house is putting on it with electric car mandates and solar panels and ai and data centers and more, the fire was so extensive it's taking -- took a week for a handful of fires to burn as much as -- landing thousands of fires as far as 2021. are they getting -- is it getting overhauled in go ahead. >> the maui fires were similar. electric grid pro problems that people knew were a problem but they were put on hold because the electric grid company was
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push ago green agenda. california has seen this. the electric grid company is push ago green agenda and not doing their job of keeping wiren lines up to date et cetera. this sun surprising and the electric grid and not blaming the utilities and they're burdened with the green agenda and not able to do their job. elizabeth: got it. daniel turner, thank you for joining us. coming up, we have fox news contributor joe concha. is this really a verne versus frequency sal, are democrat -- reversal, democrat-run cities are getting a wakeup call. they're ditching weak on crime push after so much suffering by american's citizens and criminal experts warn watch out for the president tonight. he's not going to give you the full picture of u.s. crime hitting u.s. cities. it's coming up on the evening edit. we want to hear first from our buddies dagen and sean. what's coming up on the bottom line? >> hey, we have a two hour state of the union special tonight. it's going to be fantast and i can we're going to razzle and dazzle. can republicans keep america
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safe from the vision joe biden has for our country? we have the house majority whip tom emmer here on that as well as biden has not delivered full minorities in america. can trump win that voting block? bion donalds to dis--- byron donalds to discuss. >> ron johnson and scott perry on the biden blame game. we talk immigration, we talk corporations. again with biden having to point fingers if these things weren't a problem in the first place? a problem in the first place? oh, we're fired up. t 6:00. tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders.
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philadelphia city leaders are vowing new aggressive police tactics after eight high school students were shot in a single incident yesterday. >> there's an active plan to reduce these incidents in these areas. that is all based on targeted of directed. >> violent crime remained on the rise and violent crime nearly doubled and this week the district's progressive city council approved new sweeping anticrime legislation. in effect reversing many reforms that the same chamber put in place after the murder of george floyd. >> we have a responsibility to provide for the safety and well being of our residents, visitors and businesses in the city, and i think today we lived up to that responsibility. >> you see a lot of cities doing crime 180s, but if the president ends up speaking to falling
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crime rates as he sees during the state of the yawnon tonight, dc really is an interesting place to try and make that point because, e elizabeth, they've not fallen at all here. elizabeth: what a great journalist and thank you for your report. joe concha is joining us now. do you believe this story. politico is reporting that democrat-run blue cities like san francisco, dc, new york are going back to tough on crime policies. do you believe it? >> liz, yeah, i do believe it because this is a surrender, a surrender we haven't seen since world war ii and a surrender by all those that have pushed to funding the police or i love this one and reimagine the police by cutting police budgets or preventing cops from doing their jobs and the way it has to be done to reduce crime and all those ideas are officially dead. never again to we have to hear about some sort of strategy that says well, if you're softer on crime, crime gets reduced and it completely and totally defies
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logic and now we're seeing democrats trying to save their hides by adopting the measure they never should have gotten away in the first place quite frankly. elizabeth: people were killed and they were attacked, you know, there was more rapes, more sexual assaults because of what happened. i think you're going to mention that senator tom cotton said send in the troops, but now that's what new york governor kathy hochul is doing and sending the national guard into the new york subway system and looks like tsa airport security check point. >> yeah, send in the troops, of course refers to senator tom cotton's op ed in the new york times in the summer of 2020 and argue that had national guard troops should be use when had riots get out of control and that caused a pulitzer winner to
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dash a opinion people agreed with. if you put this many national guard in there, feels like a police state so what are we trading at this point? we want more security but in the end what we want is for attorney generals to do their jobs after police arrest people for violent crimes. if you do that, you don't need the national guard. it's two pronged here; right? arrests and incarceration for violent crime. elizabeth: you make an important point and they're letting repeat offenders out of no cash bail. recidivism raised really high and get rearrested but they're bringing in the military to search through peep's bags and pocketbooks and the governor of new york said if you don't do that, you're not going to take the subway, really? also joe, you're very astute about this and the president is going to cite a drop in crime tonight in the state of the union. he'll be possibly comparing to 2022. crime is way up double digits since before the pandemic. and before the 2020 defund police push, are you going to be looking for that?
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>> that's what i'm hearing, liz. they're going to tell you d they're going to spit in your face and tell you it's not raining and joe biden is going to say see, in 2023 we have crime that's here and it was actually here in 20226789 that's not how it -- 2022. that's not how it works. take it from 2019 and that's your measuring stick and going down a little bit and take it from a high point, it's airstrike and no one falls for it. elizabeth: got it. you're so good, joe concha. thank you for joining us. >> oh, thank you. elizabeth: good to see you. we have the sound of democrat senate chuck schumer who was called out for refusing to say senator bob menendez should resign amid bribery charges and senator menendez can sit in on classified intelligence briefings. plus, china launching a major new pushback against the u.s. and congress member of house and judiciary breaking it all down next on "the evening edit".
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elizabeth: look who's book with us from house oversight congressman russell fry. what are you expecting out of the president's state of the union on foreign policy, we hear foreign policies, saying that america looks weak in the world. and china is really pushing back, it will push out of china all u.s. technology. by 2027. that includes dell, ibm, cisco, microsoft and more acle. >> i think we'll see a lot of gaslights from this administration, he had 3 years to do things and be a leader, he has failed to do that, i expect to hear a
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bunch of fluff in anticipation for november. elizabeth: you don't. you will be impressed. but, when you look in a bipartisan way at what foreign policy pros are saying about how u.s. looks weak on the world stage, what does that tell you? >> i think that shows we have -- there is a vacuum of leadership, we're seeing this play out in a lot of ways on the world stage with ukraine with china's emergence in hostile take on taiwan and in the red sea, there are so many ways in which u.s. is not leading on world stage because we have a wake president -- weak president. elizabeth: you will hear chuck schumer, he declined to answer whether democrat senator menendez should resign on bribery charges.
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>> another round of indictments, is it time for him to resign? >> look the bottom line is, the senate has certain standards that we must live up to, i am very disappointed that senator menendez has not lived up to them. >> why are you okay with him serving in your caucus, sitting on the committees, and classified briefings. >> as i have said, senate has standards, we should all be living up to the standards, i am deeply disappointed that senator menendez has not. elizabeth: george santos got pushed out, you can sit in on classified briefings. >> right and get gold bars on the trip in his wife was jujust -- indicted this week, you have a u.s. senator, whatever the standards are, they should not be sitting in classified
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briefings, here we are, if it were a republican senator chuck schumer would be having a press cone friend every day -- conference every day outside of capitol. elizabeth: what do you start hammering and fighting back? >> well, i think to some extent some of us are doing that now, for sure, menendez, this is like, this is the most clear cut thing ever, with gold bars and indictments your wife was indicted. we have to take the fight we should. elizabeth: congressman russell fry thank you for joining us. >> joining us tomorrow former home depot ceo bob nardelli, kevin o'leary and lee carter and much more, thank you so much for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, that is it for us, we sitting h here, dagen and sean are fired up, take it away. dagen: two hours thank you, emac. elizabeth: two


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