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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 7, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EST

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good thursday morning. thanks very much for joining us i hope you are having a good morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is thursday, march 7, 8:01 east coast the topic of the hour president biden taking podium for third state of the union address he will have to convince voters he is up to the job despite concerns about his age his mental acuity he will have to defend policies that have failed including excess spending the open border, former president trump calling for debates before general election posting on truth social, i am ready any time anywhere any place says 45, the biden campaign told fox news digital i know donald trump thirsty for attention if
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desperate to see president biden in primetime join tens of millions tuning in to watch state of the union peter doocy grilled white house about a debate yesterday, watch. >>. >> all right. -- >> is president biden going to complit to debate with donald trump. >> that is something for the campaign he to speak to -- >> it is possible there will be no -- joe biden-donald trump debate. >> is that what you are excited about is that what you want to see. maria: president biden do in a debate? i am not asking question about the specific debate i am asking how he would do in debate i know. >> literally saw just last year back in january 2023 after state of the union, republicans a major speech. >> i don't know why so struck by his question, any american would want to see a debate is between two presidential candidates right. >> you would think common
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sense, what is wrong. >> he can't debate knows he can't do that to a frail doesn't have acuity, it is rare to see towards press asking basic questions indicative of the fact they know a very weak candidate scrambling i think is to many issues his age first and foremost people know he is very old does not seem altogether not able to stand up onstage with trump has a lot of stamina for his age look like a viable case a nixon kennedy effect all over again. president trump sat with me two weeks ago we did interview answered my questions for an hour and 20 minutes i don't think president biden would be willing to do that we asked to have him on show all the time he didn't want to come on to answer questions from house oversight committee about potential money laundering bribe, doesn't want to answer about policies plummeting poll
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numbers white house facing questions about polls among black voters how he plans to use state of the union to show how committed to the voting bloc of blacks watch this. how much is the president be as opportunity to lay out what he believes he has done to have -- black americans -- >> voting rights first couple days of this administration put forward an executive action, to do everything he could on the federal level to deal with, to deal with that issue so he did that. he took executive action, when congress could not move in the george floyd justice policing act you covered that he walked into the administration, unpointed for black community over 9% now 5% because of the work this administration has taken, think about american rescue plan, the -- the child tax credit really cut child
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poverty in the community by half. maria: krysia reaction. >> not showing in the poll numbers quote/unquote achievement, the "new york times" siena poll trump gaining ground there 26% in favor, this is supposedly great reset calling it karine jean-pierre saying this the future is going to be in line with the past, but really the reset is that donald trump needs to come back joe biden has reset the policiesw now harming americans, and the black community like any community is feeling it especially the crisis at the border we are all experiencing it, it will be difficult to get out of this crisis, and he is completely. >> can you imagine on sunday attorney general merrick garland appeared along sided kamala harris in alabama he many pledged, pledged to fight voter idlaws, this is the
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attorney general. fighting saying that we are going to fight voter id laws and other election integrity measures he deems discriminatory burdensome unnecessary your voter id is discriminatory? >> it is pat ron i'ding offensive to people can't get id, this is what the american people are looking for, from them, particularly when you look at the decrease in are into bhongs black community what they are looking for us economic breathing room this is entrepreneurial community a lot of bits a lot of time talking to people in communities they are concerned with regulations, licenses, he keeps trying to scapegoat kofrpgs for economic proposition kofrpgs make up 18% of companies most small businesses harmed by policies as much as individuals are i think offensive you need to get down to business address the real things that are roadblocks for community --
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>> i wanted to divide and conquer big business versus individuals black versus white. mark: victim versus heterosexual. >> he has most divisive president in the history of this country, and to krysia's point about "new york times" siena college poll look at grounds president trump is gaining whether with black voters hispanics younger voters, pretty remarkable unfor the nat bar so low for state of the union for president biden's performance, that we just want to see if being stay awake will he stick to the script stick to podium? you know, i mean. >> lot the watch out for getting started stay with us we are slip in a short break tennessee senator marsha blackburn here with her take one who should replace mitch mcconnell as senate minority
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leader ask maria is back leave me a question we will check it out the end of the show don't miss that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ . ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. ♪
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just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at maria: welcome back a court filing from traditional prosecutors reveals the brother of laken riley superintendented killer illegal migrant from venezuela linked to a game called tren de aragua benefit been talk about this gang some raging in new york laken riley's parents turning down republican congressman mike collins' invitation to tend the state of the union, colin says leaving empty seat to honor riley all american victims of illegal crime tennessee senator marsha blackburn member of senate judiciary versatiles affairs consumers and finance committee you are
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working on bill i will to gich pour to enforce federal immigration law helping deport illegal migrants, do you think the president will bring up laken riley tonight? >> so that i do not expect that he will bring up laken riley, he should have invited her parents he should have said her same he should have publicly apologized, to this family. or the skepticism failed laken riley twice. new york, where they apprehended let him go then, again, in athens when he was stopped for shoplifting, and then the police there let him go because these are cities that declared themselves sanctuary cities that is why i dusted off the clear act legislation i have for now in the house, and it would require ice to work with local law enforcement, and apprehend
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someone get that order removal have to take them remove them, and this is how you deal with criminal illegal aliens that are in this country, maria, joe biden should admit this border policy of his, an open border is what has caused so much harm so much crime, has caused murders here in our country. and it is because of joe biden's border policy that you are seeing rapes murders carjackings, thefts, it is terrible. the gangs that are in the country now, because of this policy. maria: i want to get your take on with a one of your colleagues told me, this week, that is senator roger marshall from kansas told me that chinese chinese is really the senior player here they are working with the junior player the drug cartels, they are helping people into america
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and then the ccp setting up massage parlors other stores that are fronts for human trafficking. then i asked john shell chief of patrol from nypd if he is seeing this he said yes, so i want you to comment, react to what we ladder from kansas o senator roger mar shale followed by john cell chief of patrol at nypd. >> we're seeing explosion of human trafficking, the chinese triad which is an organized crime unit, multianalyzing around a hundred some years behind this fentanyl trafficking. >> we have more massage parlors than starbucks, can be said most state the triad
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sophist indicates cartels doing dirty work chinese triad sophisticated harvard trains lawyers accountants master money laundering part next to them a restaurant or hair salon nail salon those types of things. >> we have shut down this year about 13 brothels, asian workers, and migrant workers. we still going after it. and it is terrible. the community applauds us for it we are trying to help women who are victims of these people it is terrible, the queen's d.a. working to local elected officials, working with -- a problem we see it dealing with it. maria: what is your reaction john said in new york headquarters for that you will in flushing queens roosevelt avenue very specific, what have you been seeing?
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>> what we innovative is human trafficking is 150-billion-dollar a year industry as they call it globally, yes, you do have the chinese are cartel if you will working with the mexican cartel, and they are the pushers on drugs, fentanyl into this country which is the largest killer of our young people, they are pushing the human trafficking rings, i would also note that as we have seen, these chinese oriented police stations, if you want to call them that, for lack of a better word spring up, and you do see the sex trafficking you have big city mayors sanctuary cities now complaining about this you are seeing infiltrationings into nation's universities you are seeing it different religious organizations
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because what this chinese cartel likes to do is go pick off somebody, that they think is credible use them to try to needle push begins people for the rule of law. and they are very aggressive, because you know what? joe biden is weak. they know he is weak. they know not going to call them down the feel running room if taking us down internally. >> chinese young men across the border in one year not explainable i joe biden's border policy has broken this he is held responsible for it. maria: i would like to know if changes in the senate will mean changes here will you be able to secure the widespread in new jersey senator menendez facing new obstruction charges in bribe case chuck schumer refusing to call for his resignation watch this.
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>> -- another round of indictments -- time to resign. >> looking the bottom line as i said the senate has certain standards that we must live up to, i am very disappointed the senator menendez has lived up to standards. >> any -- about -- >> as i said, senate has standards we should all be living up to those standards i am deeply disappointed that senator menendez has not. >> senator he is deeply disappointed but not disappointed enough to throw him out of the senate because he needs his vote. >> the senate has the democrats have that one vote majority. and, you know, maria, i am putting my efforts in being certain that republicans take the majority in the senate and that we have a republican majority leader we have donald trump, in the white house.
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so we can get this country back on track. maria: yeah mitch mcconnell, finally endorsed donald trump on his way out, for president we know that now, but sd senator john thune techs senator john cornyn running to replace mitch mcconnell in november i spoke with your colleagues about this kentucky senator rand paul with me yesterday side he will not support either of them watch this. >> they're advocates of spend sending money to ukraine as well, i am not going to support any candidate wants to shovel hormone to foreign countries i am not voting for anybody in leadership, who continues to work with democrats to bankrupt the xhun domestic spending continues to send money overseas i am not voting for those people many of those running are no different than senator mcconnell in perspective. >> what jdvance said who do you want to see in that set
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too. >> i want to see somebody in the seat can actually give a strong message to the american people, about what we need to do to save this country. i want somebody, in that set too who is going to say to donald trump i am going to be your partner and your wingman, let's get things done in the u.s. senate, that is what i am wanting to see because, we have a country to save as a mom as a grand mom someone talks to tennesseeans every single day, this is what they want to see, this is what they are wanting me to ask for, and in a republican majority leader for the senate. maria: all right. we will be watching that senator, good to see you as always thank you so much senator marsha blackburn joining us. we'll be right back. . moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence.
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the r . maria: welcome back. take a look at foughts rally this morning dow industrials up 78 narz up 96 extending gains from yesterday, european central bank left rates unchanged, 4% expecting a cut from ecb later in the year take a look at interest rates, 4.1% on 10-year now below that, down 2 1/2 basis points at 4.08% rates are dropping, federal reserve chairman jay powell told the committee
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won't start cutting interest rates until confident inflation under control suggested cuts are coming will test before senate banking committee today piper sandler, jake, did you hear anything new from fed what do you expect. >> i don't think surprise powell continue to over steer on inflation given logarithm missed by upside,tremendous last six months pce, strip out shelter, so we are clearly there in terms of target, but they fear a surprise to upside fear labor market too tight january print i think freaked them out they changed messaging on that that is going to unwind through the months a door wide-open if they want more cuts i think what is interesting with you look at market m terms of how pricing fed out right? on average the market looking 3 to 4, by -- of next year,
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but very bimodal the undergo risk preconditions in economy distribution of potential outcomes for growth, have a negative skew to them, right about 80 administrators chance right now fed does nothing this year, but 20% chance they do a lot, right so that is how we're kind of managing that process right now. maria: a i want to ask you about what that means for macrostory in your latest note you write the consumers spent all koifrd stimulus money you say spending out erupts incomes and savings now digging into core savings to fuel with consumption that exceeds income that is what jamie dimon side when i spoke with him earlier in the year listen to what he said about all that money flowing around, watch. >> stock pricesr up consumers in good shape. but the extra money they got during covid trillions of dollars kind of running out looks to us as -- pushing out now, but runs out this year. >> that is basically what you
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said your conclusion consumers spent all covid surplus money now digging into core savings to fuel examine consumption that clearly exceeds incomes tell us more. >> you look at the path of income and spending course last three years, spending outpacing about full 3 percentage points equivalent to gdp unsustainable last time close to that everybody taking mortgage equity out of homes for gsc, over spending relative to income has to resolve itself mechanism driving that jamie pointed out clearly dried up moerp markets fund seats cash assets the lower 99% new york chort top doesn't matter don't change behavior that much the bottom 99% that is below pre-covid trendline rooeth into savings when it comes to that what kept consumer afloat credit card extension buy now, pay later, that was 40 to 50% coerce of the holiday shopping
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this was mechanism that consumers are using to keep over spending relative to income i think they ep keep doing that short term schur whating to crystalize on press 'tis of that. >> we are waiting for jobless claims out any moment. mark: when it comes to employment one biggest issue when you actually look at underlyings data from 2023 as example, at economy we've lost i think 90,000 full-time jobs gaining 800,000 part time jobs we are in this economy whereby in addition to consumers, draining their savings, in addition to consumers piling on additional credit card debt to get by not working second jobs cool when michael jordan comes out of retirement but 65-year-old, retiree all of a sudden has to drive uber one
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or two nights a week that is not cool what is your take on that setup. >> what you are referencing the appearance in household survey much weaker employment growth than number force littered with problems fake add to the number the rest is driven by healthcare education just recovering after blasted by covid cycle employment was negative before january surprise, problematic as well. maria: check jobless claims crossing the tape cheryl has the numbers. cheryl: , to labor i think interesting first the initial jobless claims hotter than expected 217,000 looking for 215 continuing times ticking higher than we thought 1.906 million looking for 1.889 million, remember this is ahead of the jobs' report for february going to get tomorrow but the productivity labor numbers, interesting here,
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productivity higher than first read for the fourth quarter last year 3.2% previously it was -- it was well, estimate 3.1, 3.2, labor costs, jumping .4% estimate .of the issue right there. >> labor costs there is a story right so i think that you know all of this you are having discussion about powell's testimony talking about tight labor market we are more productive working harder for well more a little bit less money, that is what numbers tell us. maria: from corporate standpoint correct me if wrong corporate standpoint companies had to pay up for labor, that is one of the big sxens. >> interesting about productivity report made this since it started rising first half last year the productivity report use complete different input when they come up with a number output for employee pour, decimated in financial
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corporate america almost at lows of rl covid, through third quarter fourth quarter going to show something similar to that employment i think flatlining since first quarter of last year productivity report closer to what household survey has been saying if that is true, this is how you are managing labor costs down keeping floiment flat cutting hours income should look much lower more evidence of this got quarterly census employment wages from states this is anybody paying into unemployment insurance basically everybody, right on a biweekly basis nonfarm payrolls over reported last year about 40% they used that when they do benchmark revisions not knowing about until august a lot of detail here, besides nfp report ordered man how the weakness across the board claims, quick comment what i am sealing continued to making highs initially claims still
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low, unemployment stickier continuing higher relative to low incredible look at challenger job cuts over last two months, very significant uptick highest since last year tech going through massive layoff spree telling us claims glowing to tick up next few months at least by three months. maria: mark highlights an economy slower. mark: without a doubt, then you also had you know 330-billion-dollar of economic growth in the fourth quarter was financed via 830 billion of new debt way to grow, piggyback about surveys data participation rates in the surveys continuing to go down maybe a decade ago maybe there was 65% participation, the report down to 40% for that. maria: great conversation final word. >> just pig backing on that makes at about volatility more
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accent aitdz signal voices noise decreased but initial cut 55, 60% hit rate on parents parsepants, before covid. >> jake, piper sandler we'll be right back. . there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪)
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governor katie hobbs veetsdz a bill would have allowed state police to arrest illegal migrants make it a misdemeanor to illegally across the the border what we're doing does not secure our border it will be alarm full for communities businesses in our state a burden for law enforcement,
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personnel. >> joining me right now is cochise county arizona sheriff, thanks very much for being here reaction to what you just heard from katie hobbs. >> well thanks for having me, let me say this. i respect certain parts what the governor is saying, and, not everything there are parts i agree with let me share what i am talking about here is over last two years in our county we booked 2884 people for border related crimes murder you double digital murders fentanyl last near 111 million into arizona, 5 percent fentanyl in country to arizona in four border counties we saw majority my plan is we are resource maxed out i don't know what we do if oat bill to deal with this i do agree with governor said in the past the federal government has abandoned us down here the white house,
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president biden abandoned us 51% congress abandoned us states local law enforcement sheriffs doing everything they can to secure keep communities safe while federal government failed to acknowledge it, we are frustrated with that, but, again, more laws not going to solve this at state level the federal government needs to do their job. maria: i mean that is the thing, why not just follow the law in place? these folks are breaking the law by breaching into america are they not? why are we even having a discussion whether or not legal for the state to arrest these people suspect it legal given the fact they broke the law? >> well there are federal laws maria that is the problem, coming across the border immigration federal law something we don't have, trying to make state law my point on this agreements in governor the fact we don't have resources capacity to
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even address that we've already i have a -- houses built for 162 people we double bunked them 3,000 people in two years for state crimes let lone immigration trespassing a slap on the wrist, we have to fix this we need to fix it through elections right now it is, obviously, president biden and congress have turned their back on this country, my county my communities throughout united states, and enough is enough here. but this is where the problem lies not like means or partners on border sheriffs doing everything to have enforce the law. i know you are i know you and all of your team are trying, but this comes from the top, and the biden administration, wants an open border, they give their directive whatever way they can for mainstream media follows through msnbc rachel maddow jen psaki
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mocking virginia voters yesterday because they list will theed border immigration as top priority during tuesday coverage. >> i live in virginia immigration, was number one issue, [laughter] again could change, in if -- virginia virginia does have a border with west virginia [laughter] > so, sheriff the border patrol union responded on x, saying has jen psaki rachel maddow ininvited illegal aliens to live in their ritzy homes for neighborhood millions made to a place to say addressing comedy hour on msnbc, will probably take on serious tone, your reaction what do they not are they uninformed on the issue? >> no, i think very informed the problem here is they won't acknowledge it they docht to nooj it -- to acknowledge it i
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deal with this every day five people running from law enforcement all five will probably die as a result of this, last night smuggled we they these everyday citizens in harm's way they sit back and laugh hundreds of miles away they need a reality check what is going on come see it then tell families losing loved ones throughout the united states fentanyl poisoning that is very -- disappointing to hear from -- from what we call professional journalists. >> i glad you mentioned fentanyl poisoning it is poisoning not overdose, the way so many people try to refer to it, but, you know,, we're want to mother what you are seeing specifically there in arizona i know numbers have shifted from texas into arizona into san diego, now we are learning about chinese so-called snake head gangs working with mexican will will cartels senator roger moorshal
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told me snake heeds helping ccp transport people and drugs. >> chinese triad, expert ought money laundering, we're going to see organized crime grow with and grow and grow. they are smuggle people from china, to turkey, so-called snake heads within triad something called snake heads like coyotes purposes they hand them to cartel materiality brings them into places lie kansas not just working massage parlors, an explosion what they call weed farms marijuana farms chinese are involved with those, exporting labor for labor trafficking. >> you know the fentanyl is massive issue john, the chief of the nypd patrol was here yesterday told me, very small amount can kill you lacing all drugs with it now, the administration, biden administration, reportedly admitted to flying more than 300,000 migrants into america, they claim they did so to
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reduce number of crossings at the border frankly how are we going to believe anything -- says in state of the union if they lied so much about flights they actually flew the migrants into the country, you know dangerous trek taking migrants to go through texas, arizona border, administration actually just flew them to numbers would look lower tell us what you are seeing on the ground in arizona. >> well i can talk about it let me talk about fentanyl fentanyl firt of all last year 182 million fentanyl pills detected seized, 10% fentanyl changing lives every day this president, administration, border czar harris or 51% congress don't the even talk about war on drugs like it doesn't happen we are changing the culture of our country such negative way the second
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thing putting america second we have to prioritize our country, and starts with the president of the united states, what point does he acknowledge the fact that it has not worked apologize to the country put it back on track, i don't see that happening. that is why elections have to have results. maria: when you are watching the border there in arizona do you see impact in communities around the border? because i know gotaways go to tucson; right? >> well we deal with tucson sector my county lies is led nation in gotaways looking 15 to 20,000 in perspective last year at this time, we had between october 1, 104,000 encounters this year 282,000 encounters, we have taern worst case scenario made it new normal on southwest border okay with president biden that is why the bill has such challenges because we adopted a bad situation thought that
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it was good. it is not good we're seeing people down here my county so frustrated vulnerable every day we have to get handle on what is going on in starts in washington, d.c., shefr we will be watching all that thank you so much to you, for your work mark daniels, kelly o'grady now with more, kelly. >> maria that is right, tomorrow one year since last regional bank crisis we could be looking at root one coming up i tell you what the situation is at new york community bank how likely those could plead over into other regionals. that is next. .
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stress agreeing to deal with several investment firms more than a billion dollars, cash, infusion that in change for o equity in the business the cash infusion led by former treasury secretary minimum shooun's firm liberty strategic capital investment fund. >> this is déjà vu, tomorrow one-year anniversary from silicon valley bank crisis could mean another collapse moments awailing a lifeline in form of one-billion-dollar equity investment you mentioned stock halted multiple times during trading losing over 40% yesterday below 2 dollar mark finished 70% up, up premarket trading the majority of that billion dollars is coming from former treasury second steve minimum
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shooun, down 6 % year-to-date challenges admitting last week to material weakness in internal controls, would be common issue across the banking sector exposure to commercial real estate right 929 billion in loans coming due this year refinancing rate environment remains high could be tough further already overpaying to lure customers from big banks can't afford hiccups the question will customers feel comfortable or remove deposits we saw how quickly it causes contagion first rep was casualty of the signature troubled i note they assessed cash infusion before getting bought the fed announced would end bank term funding program on monday, it couldn't come at more precarious time i leave you with this monitoring a
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conference call nycbwas having said 80% ensured good news >>thanks very much kelly o'grady on regionals weapon stay with us we'll be right back. .
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♪ maria: welcome back. time for the big buzz of the morning. you asked and i answered. we asked viewers to send in their most pressing questions about president biden's state of the union speech tonight. the first question comes from rick online saying this: will he address the border crisis, ask and how many times will he blame
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trump for the economy? well, i am expecting him to blame trump for any failures in his policy, but let me just point out from 2017-2019 we had the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, we had an economy that was growing, and we had inflation at about 2% p. that compares to biden's economy where with inflation soared all the way up to 9.1%. that's the big difference between the economies of biden and trump. biden and the democrats' excess if i have spending, $6-7 trillion in three years, sent inflation to 40-year highs. it's way down9 from the if highs but still up 18% on biden's watch. the next question comes from marla, and and she wants to know why can they find billions to send to other countries and not the help our own first? why does he allow sanctuary with cities not report crime to fbi? this is not telling the truth to americans. where is the transparency? if all good points. let me just say part of the reason is because that is the
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agenda. the agenda is getting as many foreigners as possible into the country, wide open borders and insuring that you're sending money to places like ukraine. look, you heard chuck schumer say it the other day, he said the pressing issue right now is ukraine. we've got to send the money now. hannah, reaction. >> i think that the number of times he's going to blame trump tonight should not be a drinking game, because your going to be in bad trouble -- maria: wow, good point. and president trump's to going to be doing live play-by-play tonight. >> i'm so excited, because biden's words will ring hollow, and president trump will set the truth straight. we will truly know what's going if on from our former president. maria, and by the way, that's the great thing about economic numbers. these can all be quantified. >> yes. he can't lie about that. maria: he did say a recession is not a recession when it was actually a recession. have a great if day, everybody. "varney & company" begins now. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone.


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