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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 6, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: i just want to kind of repeat this. we've got a couple extra seconds, we're going to take it. former president trump last night outlined a supply-side is economic growth agenda, and he was very clear. he said absolutely no inflation because that destroys countries. then he talked about another round of tax cuts, more deregulation and, of course, drill, baby, drill to produce more energy and get those prices down, which will help inflation. this is a unifying theme for economic growth. it is a supply-side plan for economic success that the will rev up the animal if spirits. and every wage earner, no matter race or color, will love this. and this is something that i think people miss, what trump said last night. and now, liz macdonald, one of my favorite supply side isers of all time. elizabeth: i agree with you, larry. and you know what's going to happen? here's what you're going to see, more and more in the media are
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going to manipulate the covid pandemic to attack trump but to benefit biden. we're seeing it right now. we're trend spotting. larry, you're terrific. nothing unifies the nation more than what you've talked about, prosperity. larry: thank, lizzie. take care. elizabeth: joining us now, we're bringing in senator mark wayne nudge. senator, it's great of to have you on again, sir -- markwayne mullennen. what do you think of the trump comeback? who would have thought this in 2021? >> yeah, i wouldn't have thought he was going to run again. in fact, jim jordan and i met him in the white house right before he was leaving, and i would have swore he wasn't plan being on running again. the idea that he is, it's exciting, the party's exciting. i don't think anybody's cleared out a primary field faster than president trump. it's -- and the people are responding to it. there's a lot of people making the fact that nikki haley got 25% of the vote, but everybody that's been in office nose as an incumbent, which is the way
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president trump is viewed, there's 25-30% of the party that'll never vote for you. and so he, he's outpunting his coverage by far. it's exciting to see us finally unified around our next president of the united states, donald j. trump. elizabeth: so nikki haley is still not yet endorsing former president trump. if she has dropped out of the race. a lot of debate about whether her voters will go to biden anyway. so it's not a -- now a rematch between biden and trump. let's watch former president trump. here's what's happening, he's unifying the nation, he's electrifying democrat vote iser bases, pulling them to him. why? because he's talking about policy. senator, let's get your reaction to this. watch. >> we're going to make sure -- [cheers and applause] we are, we are going to do it right. we're going to have a greatest
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economy ever in the history of our country. we're going to top what we did -- [applause] we're going to become an energy center of the world. we're ready to become energy dominant, and and they stopped that. we're going to do things that nobody if thought was possible. you know what we hadn't done in our second phase of the tax cuts. when we did the tax cuts, we a had no inflation. inflation is destroying the middle class. it's destroying everything. he's the worst president in the history of our country. [background sounds] there's never been anything like what's happening to our country. elizabeth: okay. here's the breaking news, the white house today will not say whether president biden will debate trump. do you think they're not going to do that? >> no, there's no way they can put biden on stage. listen, he has a hard time finishing his own press conferences the way they are. he gets lost on stage. and this is no -- i'm not hitting him because he's a democrat, i'm hitting him because he has his own, his own
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doj came out and said he has cognitive issues. they were concerned by it. the fbi that did a special counsel investigation had concerns by it. so there's no way they can possibly put him on stage with donald trump and compare the two. the energy levels aren't even close. and what is he going to defend? his insecure border? no. we have the worst border national security risk going on at the southern and northern borders now than we've had in the history of the united states. we have inflation still at 17% plus. we have energy costs over 30, and here you have a business guy that's running against a career politician. there's no way when you start talking about inflation that they add up. and i love the idea that president trump mentioned energy. see, this is a business guy that understands that energy's the backbone of our economy. without reliable and affordable energy, you can't have a reliable and affordable economy because everything we create and and everything that gets delivered is based on energy cost. and so you have to bring down the cost of energy to bring down inflation, and that's what
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president trump is talking about. elizabeth: and u.s. energy, which the president undercut with multiple executive actions and regulation, is a national security issue too. so when you see what's happenin- >> that's right, liz. elizabeth: when you see what's happening with the form former president, his base is electrified now. it's galvanized. and he's pulling away from biden. the polls show this. >> right. elizabeth: the economy is the single most important issues. we're talking independent votest, working class voters, trump is taking away democrat voter bases. he's almost doubling the black vote for a republican candidate. 46% of latinos now say they'll vote for trump. here's why. paychecks grew faster than inflation under trump. average weekly earnings up after inflation if nearly 9 under trump -- 9% under trump. home ownership increased 2%, record 66%. the atlanta fed, watch this, senator, says more and more u.s. workers under biden -- atlanta
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fed says this -- more workers are not seeing tear pay go up at all for the last year, senator. that's the most number of workers in two years. >> right. and look at this, you look at the numbers even farther, you realize that $1 100 more this month than it cost you underneath trump. the average household is spending $1100 more based on the biden economy and inflation than underneath president trump, you know? and i expect tonight biden will tout about the jobs that he's created, and this is the how ridiculous politicians are. they don't realize those jobs are not being created, they're being recycled. what they need to show is how many people left a job and got rehired by somebody else. so we're recycling the same employees, but we're not bringing more people to the work force. elizabeth: you know, senator, you're making an important point here. every election is about turnout. >> right. elizabeth: you don't see the excitement for biden at all -- >> absolutely not. elizabeth: in other words, senator, you see it going in
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reverse. show the numbers. show the protest vote, the boycott vote against biden. it grew. nearly 19% boycotted biden in minnesota. >> wow. elizabeth: 13% in north carolina. nearly 10% in massachusetts. he's getting a protest vote in swing states. have you ever seen anything like this -- >> no. elizabeth: -- at any time in modern u.s. history? >> no. not since jimmy carter and ronald reagan. because under jimmy9 carter we had about the same type of economy. underneath biden you're having the same type of economy too, and people are reacting with their wallet and out of fear pause they know the southern border is also a huge national security, and people aren't saying if it's going to happen, people know it's when it happens that something that happened on the southern border by someone being released or being let into the country is going to attack the united states. we don't like to know, we don't like to think about, but the american people know this. and so it's your wallet and it's the way you feel at home. people feel more unsecure at
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home than they ever have in the lifetime that they've lived in america. elizabeth: wow. senator markwayne mullin, thank you so much for joining us tonight, sir. it's good to see you. of hope to have you back on again soon. let's bring in former utah congressman jason chaffetz. jason, it's good to see you again. okaying state tight, we want to get your -- sit tight, we want to get your reaction to this controversy making headlines. please watch rachel maddow and her fellow msnbc hosts laughing at virginia voters in exit polls saying they are worried about safety. they're worried about border security. watch this. >> if you look at some of these exit policy, i mean, i live in virginia is. immigration was the number one issue -- [laughter] i mean, again, these could change, in virginia. >> well, virginia does have a border with west virginia. [laughter] very contested area. build a wall. >> according to federal prosecutors, 21-year-old ramos if punched an immigration and customs enforcement officer in the face on january 4th in springfield, virginia. this happened while ramos was
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out on bond in fairfax county facing state charges for sexually abusing a minor and producing child pornography. elizabeth: so we showed msnbc hosts laughing after illegal immigrant crime in virginia, two illegal immigrants arrested in two separate incidents in virginia sexually assaulting and abusing two children, two separate incidents. also an illegal immigrant from mexico arrested in bedford if county, virginia, for kidnap being a 15-year-old girl in ohio. she was found in virginia. how can msnbc hosts make fun of this? >> yeah, they keep chuckling, but america understands that when you bring in billions of people, there are consequences. part of it is crime. part of it is these millions of people are going into the inner cities including places in virginia, shocking for them to learn, and they're sucking out all of these resources. they're being treated better than americans are being
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treated. so when you look at the limited resources that we have as a support structure for, say, homeless veterans or people with mental, you know, mental challenges that are going on, all of these things happening plus all the crime that you see there up on the screen, expect if illegal immigrant community are getting the benefit. some of them are are being paid $400 a night for their housing. that's not happening to americans. that's why it's the number one issue. it's crime plus all of the othe- elizabeth: stay on that. >> -- things that it costs in order to do that. elizabeth: stay on that, because here's what, how the debate is getting twisted and distorted over at place like msnbc. voters are saying it's about crime, full stop, period. they're trying to paint anything that you and i have going to talk about and others saying the same thing, jason, as racism. it's not ray similar. this is -- racism. this is hitting minority communities. it's hitting black and hispanic communities. it's hitting asian communities. it's about crime it's not about
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racism. so this is what, you know, you look at the new york times-sienna if poll, jason, only 2% of voters surveyed look at msnbc, turn to msnbc the most for news. new york times-city again that ranked them near the bottom out of nearly 20 news sources, and here's why. it's because they're in a bubble, they're out of touch with the american people, and they don't care. their opinions, they think, are facts. think they their thoughts are facts. that's the problem, when you talk in amen corner to each other and you don't step out of it to get the facts. >> yeah. they have regularly as a routine not aired the speeches of donald trump. i guess they didden recently, but they often times will not do it because they think he's going to, they're foreshadowing that he might lie. i mean, i don't know how rachel maddow thinks she's so clairvoyant that she already knows what president trump's going to say. donald trump is newsworthy, and yet they don't do it. elizabeth: you know what else is
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newsworthy, jason? stay on this for one more second. what quinnipiac, pew research, gallup, monmouth, emerson and reuters-ipsos polls show, voters are worried about public safety, they're worried about crime, they're worried about the border collapse this president united with more than, i think, 94 executive actions in his first 100 actions weakening and undercutting the border. those are facts. final word. >> yeah. i think this election's about safety, satiety in your wallet, at home, on the street, at the border and certainly the safety of our american troops overseas. that is the number one issue for people, it's safety. elizabeth: well, jason, we're in a for a wild ride already. it's good to have you on. it's good to see you, jason. come back soon. coming up, congressman tim burchett, former acting i.c.e. director tom homan, gop strategist ford o'connell and political advisor and commentator can c.j. pearson. the hill magazine out of d.c. reports democrats are, quote, ready to hit the panic button
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over the trump-biden 2024 remassachusetts and democrat senators -- rematch. and democrat senator are upset the trump cases will not go to trial before the election. and biden white house is reportedly admitting, yeah, they are secretly flying 320,000 illegal immigrants from overseas directly into the u.s., likely not a lot of vetting there. the president has done this more than any other u.s. presidentful and -- president. and and protesters interrupted adam schiff's super tuesday speech, shouting him off the stage. we've got the video. and for the very first time, a houthi missile strike kills two on a cargo ship in the red sea. this is escalating. plus, "wall street journal" columnist bill mcgurn on what to expect from the president's state of the union address tomorrow. he's going to put -- it's going to put in sharp focus his cognitive issues. plus a big debate on the economy under biden and trump. and the new white house battle plan pushing back on the president's heavy use of notecards and teleprompters.
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going to take it on next on "the evening edit d.s. ♪ ♪ get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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brain on this. okay, the president's state of the union address tomorrow night, big focus on his cognitive issues, right? also tomorrow though is a deadline house lawmakers gave attorney general merrick garland and the justice department to hand over special counsel robert hur's interview transcript of the president detailing why hur said the president could not be put on trial for mishandling u.s. secrets because he's an elderly man with, quote, diminished faculties. robert hur's going to testify next week. what do you make of these two events on the same day? >> first of all, the state of the union, in all honesty, is the speech writer's worst speech. it's a nightmare. t usually a grab bag of issues, it lasts forever, it's edited forever sometimes the up to the last minute it goes out there. joe biden's task, as you kind of laid out, is twofold. not only does he have to deliver a state of the union, and i think he has to explain his policies in the
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middle east with regard to ukraine, with regard to the border, some big issues where he hasn't really talked to the american people. he has to do that. what everyone's going to be watching for is what you said, is he up to it. can joe deliver it. he just looks older and older. and it's the not just -- it's not just mixing up words, saying one name when he means another. it's the way he shuffles on and off the stage and everything. he's clearly older and diminished. elizabeth: you know, so that's going to be in focus. what's also in focus as you've been pointing out are the issues, right? if the voter polls show the economy and inflation are top concerns across the board no matter the demographic. but watch the coverage here at msnbc. watch what they focus on over there. again, it's not about the economic facts, it's about opinions. watch. >> republican voters don't vote that that way. they don't vote based on
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economics or based on the benefits they're getting economically from the if president. they're increasingly, from the tea party on, they're voting on race. they're just voting specifically on racial animus at this stage. it isn't about economics. donald trump inherited a strong, growing economy and managed to ruin it by ruining, by messing up his one crisis which was covid which is why the border went crazy, it's why inflation went crazy. elizabeth: forgive me. this is incompetent analysis. msnbc making this about race claiming republican voters are about a race? new york times, sienna poll, politico reports biden is losing black and hispanic voters because they're upset about record 18% compounded inflation under biden. people are getting pay cuts. the atlanta fed if -- >> right. elizabeth: -- has said, bill, they've never if seen in the if last two years one out of seven workers are seeing no pay increases. the average inflation rate under
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donald trump was 1.%. if -- 1.9%. 2017, 2019, hovered around 2%. then the lockdowns hit. then inflation hit a record high of 9% in 2022 under biden. biden ranks the third worst since eisenhower on inflation behind carter and ford. this is according to federal ree serve reports. >> yeah. i mean, look, the first comment that was made in that group i think was directed at the border, implying that republicans are just racists, that that's why they oppose the illegal immigration. finish they should talk to eric adams, the african-american mayor of new york, who's been critical of joe biden and his policies. look, everyone in the country knows we have a problem that has blown up because joe biden came in with the rationale to the border that a just said what did donald trump do, i'm going to do the opposite and undo it.
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he did, and the result is his. i mean, there's no contest about that. the same with inflation. people are always telling us, oh, the economy's so great, you're just too dumb to realize it. like, people know the prices are still high. they've stayed high even though the rate of going up has slowed. so they don't have good stories to tell on a lot of this, and -- elizabeth: and, you know, they're manipulating it, bill. >> right. elizabeth: you know what they're doing now, they're using the pandemic to benefit biden, because biden's going to say tomorrow night he created 15 million jobs. he didn't. the economy was shut down. when it opened up again, the economy clawed back with, like, 14 million, whatever -- 22 million jobs, actually. he may have created maybe 4 million, 5 million jobs. you know, when trump -- the period under trump, he extended the longest business cycle on record. he had the lowest jobless rate in 350 years. >> right -- to 50 years.
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elizabeth: he picked up from the obama white house before the pandemic hit. so you see what they're going to do? they're going to use the pandemic to attack trump and use the pandemic to benefit biden. >> yeah. no one believes that. you know, just the sell, like, remember e when he was out selling bidenomics? if he didn't make the sale. no one buys it. one of the things in that's really striking to me -- that's really striking to me was that the president doesn't sell his policies. he doesn't take an address the nation on each of the policies, ukraine, israel, the border, whatever it is. elizabeth: okay. >> and i think people see that. and now they're wondering whether he can physically do it. elizabeth: got it. bill mcgurn, thank you so much. it's good to see you. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth we hope to see you soon. okay, coming up, gop separate -- strategist ford o'connell. white house panic, polls show biden is weaker than he was four
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years ago. "the hill" says democrat senators are upset that the trump court cases are not yet hitting trials. plus, former acting i.c.e. director tom homan. the biden white house admits to secretly flying into the u.s. 320,000 illegal immigrants from overseas. why is this going on? he's done it more than any other president in u.s. history. on "the evening edit" next. ♪ you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected
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elizabeth: okay, another backlash. the biden white house is now facing. the president has made more use of what's called the migrant parole program than any if other president. this is about secretly flying hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants directly into the united states from outside the nation. alexis mcadams live in new york city with the story. >> reporter: hey, liz. yeah, a lot of people are shocked about this because we hear about the border crossings every day, but this is about flying migrants in. they're being flown in, arriving
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at airports across the united states. the biden administration has flown in more than 350,000 my grant withs into this country -- migrants using this controversial program to grant can humanitarian parole. and with immigration as a top issue this election, those flights are now in the spotlight on the campaign trail. watch. >> i said that must be a mistake. they flew 325,000 migrants, flew 'em in over the borders and into our country. [background sounds] >> reporter: but it's not a mistake. customs and border patrol data show. >>ing here that 357,000 migrants have been flown into the country from cuba, hay haiti -- haiti, nicaragua and venezuela just through the end of january alone. it's part of a special program called the chnv parole program and grants migrants two years of humanitarian parole. as crossings comet on a daily basis -- continue on a daily basis, the cbp is refusing to share more details on where they drop the migrants off, what airports. the agency just denied a foia
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request to name airports where the migrant cans arrive citing security concerns. so the migrants in this special program are then able to the apply for asylum using this cell phone app you see there. it's called the cbp1 app. just a few clicks, they can apply. there are strict eligibility requirements we're told like security vetting, and once the two years are up, they're supposed to apply for renewal or leave the country. we'll see if that happens. republicans argue the migrants using this program are just going to end up staying in the country illegally, and gop states have already sued this administration if over the legality of this program but, hey, we're still waiting on that ruling, lizth. elizabeth: great reporting as always, alexis. we appreciate you so much. thank you for your work there. joining us now, former acting i.c.e. director tom 40man . are they vetted here, people coming in? >> it's unbelievable, what this administration has done. and i know this has been going with on, but that's a great question because here is the issue: they're not properly
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vetted. do we really think because part of these countries they're coming through this program, family reunification program, haiti, cuba, venezuela. do we really think we're getting criminal information from those countries? most of those countries don't even have a criminal database. and even if they did, they're certainly not going to share it with us. and the only vetting we can do is with information we have availabletous like ncic. if they've never been in the united states and arrested, there's no if information on them. vetting is very poor. we don't know who these people really are. stuart: that stale senate bill, the biden white house keeps saying, oh, we could have fixed the border if not for that failed senate bill, blaming trump for that. that senate bill would not top the president's what's being called an abuse of this migrant parole program p. and homeland security will not release the names of the 43 u.s. airports involved because they're saying it would create security vulnerabilities from, quote, bad actors who could then to to
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these airports and create problems, compromising public safety because people would get upset about what's going on. >> that's just a bunch of crap, because here's what i think. these cities that are flying them in, the local law enforcement agencies need to know how many are coming in, where they're coming from and who they are. like i said, we don't know what their criminal history is, what the public safety threat is. the local community, the taxpayers, the mayor, the city council, they need to know how much of a tax burden they're getting. they just can't not share this information. for instance, if they're flying into with milwaukee, doesn't the city of mill milwaukee need to know that they're going to get 12,000 aliens flown into the airport this month, using their social services, their hospitals, their trauma centers, their schools? if i mean, the local community -- the taxpayers have a right to know what the united states government's doing. elizabeth: so, tom, which airports do you know are involved? >> i know miami's involved, i
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know laguardia's involved. this is just from sources i have. but as far as all these airports, i don't know -- elizabeth: there's 43 of them, right? >> exactly. elizabeth: you can imagine it's major u.s. cities if there's 43 of them, right? >> absolutely. it'd be major u.s. cities where they have a huge cbp presence at the airport to do the processing. but this should not be happening at all. if they want to come into the country and claim asylum, the cbp1 app -- which i think's illegal. but they're flying straight from their country into our country, which it makes it a hell of a lot easier rather than transiting, paying the cartels. they're making it easier for people that have no authorization to enter this country, no documents to enter this country, no the right to enter this country. we're flying them straight into the interior of the united states. that is a huge national security crisis, because i just explained we can't vet them proper orally. it's a misuse of taxpayers' funds. and what's really disgusting, they won't share the information with us, the taxpayers. elizabeth: tom, you have repeatedly said you're worried
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about neighborhoods, minority communities, worried about crime. you have supported and you are for legal immigration. immigrants who have come here legally say they're upset about what's going on. they don't think it's fair, they don't think it's right. the u.s. is built on legal immigration. it's built on security for everybody. tom homan, thank you so much. good to see you. >> good to see you. thank you for having me. elizabeth: the state of the union address tomorrow night, new york times-sienna if poll, the majority of biden's 2020 voters now say, quote, he's too old to be effective. the white house is firing back about the president's heavy reliance on notecards, big jumbotron teleprompters, you know, also scripted q&a sessions with even democrat donors. democrat donors, axios reported, have been really worried about what they're seeing going on behind the scenes. edward lawrence is at the white house with the latest. edward. >> reporter: well, liz, now that we have it basically down
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to two candidates, president joe biden and former president trump donald trump, the -- president donald trump, the democrats have started to take a new line. hillary clinton saying it's a choice twine two -- between two old candidates. the president asking for permission to stay in a meeting yesterday or on friday with the italian prime minister mixing up ukraine and gaza. >> we're going to join with our friends in jordan and others in providing airdrops of additional food and supplies in the ukraine and seek to continue to open up other avenues in ukraine including the possibility of a marine corridor. >> reporter: the president also relies on a teleprompter, so i asked about the president's other crutch. why does the president rely so heavily on notecards? >> you're upset because the president has motecards? you're asking me a question about the president having notecards? the president whos has had a -- probably one of the most successful first tree years of an -- three years of an administration than any modern day?
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>> reporter: she did not answer why he relies so heavily on the notecards. the latest fox news polling shows only 37% of people believe president biden has the mental soundness for the job. 4% of people say -- 47% of people say president trump has the mental soundness. we will hear a lot about a it between now and the election. elizabeth: edward lawrence, always great reporting from you. let's welcome ford o'connell. so, ford, we've got democrats worried about the president's a cognitive issues and age. it's david axlerod, it's james carville, it's hillary clinton, it's democrat ad a visors and strategists saying, you know what? yeah, this looks like it's an issue. >> oh, it absolutely is an issue, and democrats are absolutely right to be panicked. when you look at the national polls and the swing state polls, donald trump has been leading joe biden for nearly six months. and what's crazier is some of the democratic surrogates, you're starting to hear them say the plan to help biden win was
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to manufacture a criminal conviction against donald trump. leapt me tell you right now, donald trump has the better hand heading into the 2024 election. elizabeth: let's get your reaction to senator bernie sanders on the president's age and cognitive issues. watch this. >> look, age is a factor, all right? but what you want to look at is the totality of the person and what he or she accomplishes. elizabeth: okay. it's more than that. so "the hill" is reporting democrats are starting to9 hit the panic button. there's an implosion, ford, in former president trump's, you know -- let me back up. what they're saying is democrat senators are really upset there's not been an implosion yet in trump's campaign. you know, we've got a series of polls suggesting president biden is weak or now than he was four years ago. but what the democrat senators like dick durbin is saying, they're upset that court cases against trump have not yet gone to trial. they don't like to hear that.
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"the hill "is reporting that. the supreme court's going to hear president trump's presidential immunity claim april 25th. where do you see this going? >> look, i think the supreme court's going to issue a mixed ruling, and what it's going to essentially say is that there is no absolute presidential immunity from criminal prosecution. there is absolute immunity though when it comes to an official act a, and because they will argue back and forth about what an official act is, we're not going to see this january 6th case before the election. elizabeth: so, you know, we had a state senate hearing in georgia on fani willis' alleged, you know, misconduct charges, conflict of interest charges and accusations against her to push to disqualify fani willis from georgia's 2020 case. that's underway. new york times-sienna follow, ford, react to this, polls show fewer americans think trump actually committed crimes. the share of americans that say he committed serious federal climbs steadily, you know, fall d -- steadily falling.
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it's declined since december. >> well, that's exactly right because the american public is waking up to what is going on and has the democrats have weaponized the justice system against the leading political opponent. you're talking about four cases in four different jumps dicks in the same calendar year. -- jurisdictions. i have a better with chance of winning powerball than that happening. elizabeth: democrats are 7 percentage points less likely to say trump commit committed crimes. the same with independents, down 9 percentage points. again, you're seeing across the board voters are basically less likely to say they think trump committed crimes. it's really interesting, new york times-sienna poll. ford o'connell, thank you so much. it's good to see you. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: okay. adam schiff is, he's push on to be the senator out of california. of he's taking the on steve garvey, but adam schiff clearly shaken, rattled after protesters disrupted his super tuesday speech. we've got the video. and republican steve garvey is hammering away at crime in california in his senate race.
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but first, we want to check in with our buddies dagen and sean to hear what they've got coming up on "the bottom line." sean: hey, e-mac. the divider in chief is giving the state of the union tomorrow as well as is china prepping for war? if congressman john james here on that. dagen: the surrogate shrews of biden's over at msnbc yuking it up over the suffering of those because of illegal immigration. ken cucinelli here on that. mark morano on john kerry, the climate czar's, last day. how much damage did he do to america? who the hell knows? we still don't know who was working for him. top of the hour. ♪ ♪ but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy.
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elizabeth: joining us now, conservative activist c.j. pearson. c.j., it's so good to see you again. okay, here's what's happening -- >> so good to see you, liz. elizabeth: democrat representative adam schiff, he was going to make a victory speech last night, but protesters shouted him off the stage. he was visibly shake is. en, c.j. are we going to see more of these protests nationwide? because biden was hit with a major protest boycott vote from, like, at least seven is states including swing states. >> yeah. you know, welsh liz, here's what i'll tell you, i'm not going to
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condemn this, and the reason is because politicians hike are adam schiff and aoc, they have paid their bed, and they should be forced to lay with it. these people are being heckled by their own creation, these people who are actively rooting for israel's demise. and, honestly, i don't feel bad for them. israel has an une gave call right to exist, and but at the end of the day, adam schiff and poll tugs like him, their continuing -- has created this situation is for them, and they're going to have to contend with it. i think it's going to hurt bind especially as we march towards or november. elizabeth: steve garvey is hammering away at things like this, at things like crime. los angeles police department, c.j., they're now warning residents of los angeles about burglaries involving wi-fi-yaming technology -- jamming technology that can disarm surveillance cameras and
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alarms using a wireless signal, c. j. >> yeah. yeah, you know, i think this is exactly why we're seeing people fleeing the democrat party and moving to red states like georgia, moving to states like florida because progressive policies have turned these enclaves into third world countries. people want to feel safe as they walk down their sidewalks, and we're not seeing that. steve garvey's performance yesterday, i think, shows even in california, even in the people's republic of california, people want something different, they want something new, they want conservative policies and conservative change. elizabeth: they want safety. you know, you look at this study out of john college about bail reform -- john jay college, this was a study the outside new york city's suburbs and upstate. two out of three defendants freed if under bail reform despite recent prior felonies and arrests, rearrested for new crimes within just two years. manager like 66%. -- something like 66%.
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nearly half released under bail reform hauled in for new felonies, a quarter for violent crimes, c.j. >> yeah. you know, list, these people -- liz, these people aren't focused on going after criminallings. they'd rather go after police for doing their job. it applies to illegal aliens too. you look at the death of laken riley are the past week, the murder of her by an illegal alien who murdered her, beat her and left her in the woods for dead, he had committed multiple crimes despite the fact that he had illegally entered our country. he was let out by new york city major eric adams. it is unconscionable, what is happening in our country right now and the fact that democrats seem to care more about giving criminals prix rein to commit harm and terror in our country than holding them accountable for their actions. elizabeth: c.j. pearson, thanks for joining us. it's good to see you. >> thanks for having me. elizabeth: coming up, congress congressman tim burchett, the houthis not letting up on red
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sea attacks to disrupt trade. iran just exebb ported a -- exported a record amount of oil. also this story, two crew members killed on a car ship from a houthi missile strike. these are the first casualties in this escalated conflict, next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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elizabeth: joining us now, congressman good to see you again, okay. now we have hit a first. the first casualties in escalating conflict in the red sea, what do you make of two crew members killed in a houthi missile strike at a cargo ship out of p barbados. >> a tragedy, you have to realize in february. the houthis took the lives of three americans as well, this shows they are fearless, and we're funding it, that is the sad thing with the sanctions that biden removed from iran, they are pumping out record aims of oil, they have done a million barrels a day to communist red china. what do we do? real -- we'll probably write
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them a strong letter, and warn them not to do it again. elizabeth: yes iran was reportedly moving to seas -- so, those reports are coming in. what do you make of u.s. destroyer shooting down drowns and a missile launched by yemen houthi rebels, they are targeting u.s.-navy ships. >> it is open warfare on american ships and americans, we have do that, that is sort of minor at what really will end up happening i'm afraid, they you know, again, we're not answering with the proper response, we used to be under trump, you mess with america, we would take out more than you did. you know they have i think they have 40 ships for hauling crude under when
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trump was in the white house, now they have close to 400. you know they -- just a massive profit center for them, they are funding the houthis, they are funding hamas, and it is iran. we just let them get by with it. elizabeth: congressman let's watch former president trump. >> we have watched our country take a great beating over the last 3 years, nobody thought a thing like this would be possible, we wouldn't have russia attacking ukraine, we wouldn't have israel being attacked iran size y -- as you know was broke when we were running things. elizabeth: your reaction? >> he is one of the few presidents in my lifetime that no new wars started under him across the globe, as a matter of fact he ended them. we didn't have iraq or iran,
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under that house they opened those flood gates, they have allowed them you know, the biggest pro pro confident for joe biden should be iran he is making them rich, and the terrorists in the world that are shooting at us, we're in effect funding the terrorists that are shooting at our own men, that is why, i keep saying, 20 million americans, so-called conservatives decided to stay home last election cycle, this is what we got, we got rid of donald trump, we replaced him with an old man who honestly is so feeble and mentally incapable, i don't know if he even knows this stuff is going on, this is just beyond belief of the amount of profits we're allowing iran to do to use against us. the fifth of all -- elizabeth: a fifth of all traded oil passes through the straight of the
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report final word, highlighted biden white house hesitant to enforce oil sanctions on iran, how long can this go on? >> until donald trump is back in the white house. i expect. think we're compromised on all levels on this the only ones not profiting are the american people, unfortunately, it is open game on americans until donald trump gets back in will white house, i believe this house is incompetent, more i see you will see more lies and tancasionsism congressman burchett thank you. >> tomorrow senator roger marshall, and congressman james comer. that does it for us, thank you for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, now time for dagen and sean. dagen: thanks emac.


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