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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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we will see how the votes come out tonight. super tuesday, but it is donald trump in command. there's no question about that. and it is one of the great political comebacks and much more to come and liz mcdonald to come, that's the key point right now. >> liz: thank you very much. picking up on these stories. we appreciate you so much, larry. hi everyone. welcome to the evening edit.
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in just a few minutes, senator ron johnson, and a congressman and art laffer will be joining us. former governor huckaby and new york post political reporter are here. great to see you both gentlemen on this super tuesday night. first to you, governor, huckabee, polls close in a few hours, in 16 states, 15 for the g.o.p. primary and caucuses in super tuesday, president trump is on a stunning comeback, what do you make of the voter polls showing the court cases not moving the needle with voters, governor? >> people are start enough to see through what's going on. these are political prosecutions. this is an attempt by the biden administration to try to disable donald trump rather than to defeat him. i think it is a really insult to the basic sense of american fairness. americans have great affinity for sports teams or political figures, but the one thing they want is a game that's played fairly. they don't even want their own team to cheat in order to win.
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and so when they see these kind of things, where the doj and the fbi and local prosecutors like alvin bragg and fannie willis are out to get trump just to keep him from being able to be president, people look at that, and they say, this isn't how america is supposed to work. all the more reason to support trump. >> liz: yeah, it is interesting what the governor just said, john, and then there's also this, the other big story is an expanding boycott vote against president biden. it reportedly could grow to 10 states including swing states like georgia and virginia. what do you think, john? >> it is right. as trump is consolidating his base, president biden's coalition is fracturing. we saw in michigan, 13 percent of michigan voters over 100,000 marked uncommitted. democratic primary voters, it is primarily to boycott president biden's handling of the israel gaza war, and the fact of the matter is, there's a core of democratic party voters, i hate to say this, who are openly pro hamas that want the united states to abandon israel our closest ally in the region and
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be on the side of iran and their proxies, hamas and hezbollah. they are a vocal minority. we saw them in michigan. that same uncommitted option exists in many other states i believe you said 10 for super tuesday. it is an open question whether it's going to be a localized michigan protest or whether it will expand throughout the country. it shows there's a major amount of discontent in the democratic party. it does not bode well for him in a general election. >> nobody saw that one coming, what john just said. let's watch congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez getting heckled by anti-israel protesters at a film movie in brooklyn. you are going to see democratic congressman urging liberal voters to still support biden. watch this. >> i need you to understand -- >> you're not actively against it. >> i fully understand the protest votes of so many
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americans in the primary. but it will be very important that those voters come home and support biden in the general. >> liz: your reaction to that, governor? >> gee, it seems like i remember maxine watters talking about getting up in the face of trump voters. i remember aoc talking about how the whole point of a protest is to make people uncomfortable. it's amazing to me how these democrats have a set of rules they want to apply to republicans, trump supporters, and the people they like to call the republicans but when someone in their own party says if that's what you want us to do, heck, that will be great, we will do it to you, and suddenly it is absolutely unacceptable. these people have no self-awareness. it is becoming a comedy. frankly, i just can't think of any people who deserve it more than some of these democrats whose hypocrisy is glaring. >> liz: you know, reportedly, this other story coming in, biden's national security council officials watered down
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vice president kamala harris' speech sunday about an immediate six week cease-fire between israel and hamas. her original draft reportedly harsher on israel about the situation in gaza. now the white house is denying this. what we really like to get to, john, is this, super tuesday is about how voters feel about the state of america right now. let's get your reaction from -- to this from voters. watch this. >> i don't think biden knows what he's doing or where he's at. >> everything's gone wrong, just everything. spending money like it is going out of style. debt trillions of dollars. my great great great grand kid will still have this debt over his head. >> pretty sad. we're in rough shape right now. >> we're very worried about what's going on in the entire country, not only the economy, but well everything else. >> we're in a sad state. >> i mean the border's the biggest issue i think right now,
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and that needs to be up front and center on what he needs to address. >> i just would like to see some honesty. i want to know who is behind him and who is really pulling the strings of the presidency because it is not him. >> liz: what do you think, john? >> i mean, the american people get it. i mean, we all saw the special counsel's report. the president is a kindly old man with a poor memory or an elderly man with a poor memory. no spinning that away. you can give a press conference and say the economy is great. the fact of the matter is every time americans go into a supermarket or fill up their car, they know that's not true. so it's like you can't spin away reality at a certain point, and it's going to come home to roost in the general election no question. >> liz: final word, governor? >> i think john is right. people go to five guys, pay $24 for a hamburger, fries and a soft drink. they are not stupid. they know it didn't cost that much when biden took office. it didn't cost that much a year ago. and they realize that something's got to change. they remember it was good under donald trump. it's not so hot under joe biden. >> liz: governor huckabee, john levine, thank you very much for
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joining us tonight. let's get to more on the super tuesday action. we are live in virginia. what's driving voters to the polls today, grady? >> at this particular location, liz, we're hearing a lot about crime and immigration, but often at the top of folks' lists is the economy, and just like governor huckabee just said, that's because, you know, higher prices and higher interest rates, those are things that impact voters directly every time they go to the store for food, for gas, or when they're buying a house. so even though the biden administration has been touting the rate of inflation is coming down, that wages are finally outpacing inflation, a lot of the voters we've talked to say that is not how they feel. >> everybody knows what they are feeling when they go to the grocery store. everybody knows what they are feeling when they try to buy something. interest rates are out of control right now, so economy number one >> something as simple as going out to buy a hamburger now costs $15 for fast-food like going to
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a mcdonald's or say going to chick-fil-a. and that's just ridiculous. >> yes, people are employed, but are they gainfully employed? are they employed at the right level? and are they able to feed their families? and the answer i think is no. >> on the campaign trail, including on recent stops here in virginia in the past week, both former president trump and former south carolina governor nikki haley are promising to get the economy back on track. trump has it simply because he simply points to his record, liz. he's been bringing up his administration's tax and regulation cuts and lower grocery prices, gas prices, and interest rates when he was in office. i want to end on the turnout here today because this is the same polling location i was at in november, for state level elections here in virginia, and turnout is noticeably lower than it was back then. that could be because the weather was crummy this morning. it could also be, liz, buzz a lot of -- because a lot of voters on the republican and
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democrat side feel like it is a foregone conclusion who their nominees will be this november. >> liz: grady trimble, thank you very much. good to see you. joining us arizona congressman andy biggs. sit tight. we are going to show this press pool camera shot that was accidentally captured on video. the president has been using a gigantic teleprompter with very large type face that he still struggles to read. this is when he went to the border. you will be at the thursday's state of the union address. how long do you expect the president's address to last? i mean, he's been going at about an hour and five minutes or so. trump goes at about hour and 20 minutes. so what do you make of this? >> well, i mean, certainly president biden's stamina is weaker. his cognitive ability has been deteriorating. it's noticeable not just to people like you and i. it is noticeable to the world. it is noticeable to the public. and you know, who knows how long he will go.
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my guess is they will try to prime him up and get him ready to go to take about an hour. that's what i would expect him to go. i wouldn't expect him to go much further than that. i don't think he's capable of going much further than that. even with that big print, liz, you're going to hear some word salad stuff from time to time because he's incapable of actually staying focused. and he's also incapable of staying on script. >> liz: about 6 in 10 said they are not very or not at all confident in the president's mental capability to serve another term. "new york times" sienna poll, biden is losing ground with key democrat constituencies, women, black voters, hispanic voters, voters under 30, workers without college degrees. what do you think? >> well, certainly part of it is his mental capacity or the challenges that he has. i mean, we all see it. we all feel that. and by the way, we feel that that -- he's not actually in charge. i can't tell you how many people
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come up and tell me who is really running the country? it is his cabinet. but beyond that, i mean, it is just as the previous report was, you know, the economy remains bad. he tells you that the economy is good. so he's not telling the truth. i mean, i just paid 2 bucks more a gallon last night for gas than i paid when trump was in. you can't go to the grocery store. i'm still paying 3 1/2, 4 1/2 bucks for a loaf of bread. those are the things we all feel. then you add that to the questions about his cognitive ability, and we -- i just think it's normal for people, americans in particular, because we're not stupid to say this guy's not in charge. who is in charge? and why are things so bad? >> liz: let's watch hillary clinton. you will hear the media say, you know what? just accept it. joe biden's old. you're going to watch the president saying he's being told to actually stand on a pre-designated mark at events. he's told to stand at these events. you are going to see him holding note cards too. you see that increasingly in
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private events as well with donors. democrat donors have been raising concerns about this. watch this. >> somebody the other day said to me, well, but, you know, joe biden's old. i said you know what? joe biden's old. let's go ahead and accept the reality. joe biden is old. >> unfortunately, he can't get any younger. there's not that much they can do about it. >> trump headed to eagle pass and biden headed to brownsville. it was [ bleep ] [inaudible] versus the sundown kid, and biden was fired up. >> we're the united states of america. >> nailed it. he knew exactly where we are. [laughter] he knew what country we were in.
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bang boom. this is the united states of america! >> liz: that was john stewart there. your reaction, congressman? >> well, as funny as that is, it's also very sad, but i think it's true. i mean, the good news, he found his mark. he knew where we were. but i'm not sure what else he knows about policy, what's going on. and when i hear rumors coming out of the white house, it's always that his cabinet officials are around him. secretary austin doesn't even talk to him on a daily basis. quite frankly, why would he? and so i think it's something we should all be concerned about for sure, for sure. >> liz: congressman biggs, thank you very much for joining us tonight. good to see you >> thanks, liz. >> liz: we have coming up senator ron johnson, a congressman, former federal prosecutor, and former reagan economist art laffer, a jam-packed hour just ahead. new bombshell developments in the misconduct case to
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disqualify fulton county d.a. fanny willis from the georgia 2020 trial. and the president's state of the union address this week. will the president's new strategy fail to distract voters away from historic 18 percent compounded inflation that exploded on his watch? and the glaring contradiction in house democrat messaging in their new legislative push to try to keep trump off the ballot after that big loss at the supreme court. plus a major new setback in the president forcing america to buy only electric cars. fire officials testified, and they warned the u.s. is about to be hit with a meteoric rise of dangerous out of control fires. plus former federal prosecutor is joining us. former president trump tells president biden and democrats stop using the courts in a 2024 race. fight your fight yourself. all of this coming up on "the
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evening edit". >> we will win big on super tuesday, and this november, north carolina is going to tell crooked joe biden joe, you're fired. get out of here. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down.
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fellow there. it is so good to see you again on this super tuesday night. what do you make of this new push led by house democrats r raskin and swalwell to get legislation through to force trump off the ballot after the supreme court unanimously ruled even liberal justiceses said keep him on state ballot? slate magazine usa today saying what are you doing? let the voters decide. >> it is a fool's errand, liz, frankly, i mean, this was a unanimous decision. it was a broad decision in the sense that it read the language of section 3 of the 14th amendment, and it tied it together with section 5, which says congress is the one that has to establish the rules, not the states, and so i think it is a fool's errand, but they are politically messaging to satisfy the extreme left. that's all they are doing. >> liz: kelly, you know, the [inaudible] called the decision extreme as they have done in the past with the supreme court because it was unanimous, 9-0.
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liberal justices agreeing, this was a rare moment of unity on the supreme court, which is at times divided. >> yeah, and, you know, the three liberal justices did issue a short concurrence where they said that the court didn't need to go as far as it did with respect to the solution for accountability, but i mean, they still signed on to it, so it was a unanimous decision. i think they are just throwing out political confetti to the far left. >> liz: the media still in full meltdown mode so are the dems. watch former president trump on this. he's saying you know what? just fight the fight yourself. you will hear from congressman raskin. you will hear from the media. this montage is from news busters. watch this. >> i will say that president biden, number one, stop
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weaponization. fight your fight yourself. don't use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent, to try and damage your opponent so you can win an election. our country is much bigger than that. >> i'm working with a number of my colleagues including wasserman schultz and swalwell to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by section 3 of the 14th amendment. >> the court itself may have overstepped. >> the court went way further than it needed to go. >> criticism of the court is that they are playing interference? >> liz: your reaction to that? >> a complete bunch of crybabies and whiners. look, the court spoke with a unified voice. it was a relatively simple case that didn't have a chance in heck of succeeding when colorado did what they did, and the court put a stop to the shenanigan which is that the states get to decide who gets to be on the
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ballot especially when it is for a federal office, so it is a bunch of crybabies with their thumb in their mouth. >> liz: kelly, the voter polls show that this whole use of the courts to go after trump is not moving the needle with voters at all. what do you think of that? >> i think it is actually helping trump. that's the irony. i think that's probably the most frustrating thing for them. every time he gets indicted, his poll ratings go up. and then you see the whole fiasco going on in georgia with fanni willis and her lover and trump's poll ratings go up. it has to be incredibly frustrating for them. >> liz: always great having you on. thanks for joining us. >> thanks, liz. >> liz: coming up, we have attorney, she's an constitutional expert and expert in criminal defense law. katie cherkasky will be joining us. we have a new twist in the fanni willis case, the fulton county d.a. reportedly warned nathan wade's lawyer to stay quiet about their affair.
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that exploded into conflict of interest and misconduct charges against her. is this witness tampering? plus president biden now deploying his cabinet officials nationwide to talk up bidenomics, voter polls show america is not buying it. former reagan economist art laffer will break this down next on "the evening edit." trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute
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>> liz: okay. let's take you behind the scenes at the white house. the president is getting ready for his state of the union address. he's going to try to distract from inflation up dramatically on his watch. the president is going to bring back an old boogieman. he's going to resurrect obama's old play book. the villain is greedy corporations. polls show this ain't moving the needle with voters. edward lawrence is live at the white house with the latest. >> president biden back to now trying to deflect and blaming others for inflation, not his own policies. he announced a strike force
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today out of the competition council meeting he had this afternoon. it will have teeth. the ftc and the doj will be part of it looking for unfair and illegal pricing. however the president has tried to do this before when his poll numbers turned against him over higher gas prices in november of 21. he directed the ftc to look at oil companies for price-gouging. nothing came out of it. business prices went up under president biden because of inflation, in part, due to the president's policies. now, a posten o x by cookie monster opened the door for the administration to deflect blame for inflation to companies. the press secretary refusing to acknowledge any responsibility for inflation because of biden's policies. >> why did it take the cookie monster to speak up or an election year for this strike force to go? why not do it a couple years ago when inflation was 9 percent? >> i disagree with the premise of your question there. it did not take the cookie monster. if anything, it feels like the cookie monster is responding to us and what we have been saying
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about [inaudible] inflation. >> she went on to say they have taken a lot of action. the argument from the administration is that lower unemployment and the economy creating 5.4 million jobs after adding back those lost in the pandemic should be enough for people. some market watchers say the pain is much deeper than that. >> it's very ironic when you have such low unemployment, relatively strong wages, and awful consumer confidence. i think the american consumer is smart. they're seeing what's happening either at the border. they are seeing what's happening with deficits. they are seeing what's happening with crime. and i think combined, that's what is a big driver for the slowdown. >> the white house raising expectations for the state of the union address on thursday. the president is we're told going to talk about lowering costs. again, he's trying to deflect these poll numbers, turn them around, as americans are really feeling that pressure in their wallet. liz? >> liz: edward lawrence, you are always terrific. we appreciate you very much.
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let's welcome back to the show. look who is here, former reagan economist, presidential medal of freedom recipient, the one and only art laffer. it is so good to see you again. i thought inflation was transitory -- >> wonderful to see you. >> liz: good to see you. the white house, i thought inflation was transitory. that's what the president said. now it is greedy corporations? >> you know, inflation may be more transitory than we like to think, but prices aren't. the prices are still rising. they're just rising at a slower rate. and that's 18 percent up from when he took office. so inflation is still a very much of a problem, but higher prices will remain a huge problem. you're paying more all the time when you go in. that's the truth. the thing of jobs too, e mac, it is silly, a lot of increase of jobs came from illegal aliens 8 million of them coming over the border. i think about half of them are employed now. that's taken 4 million jobs from people who would have gotten those jobs. and so, you know, even the employment numbers just don't look good to me. >> liz: yeah, and, you know,
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let's get back to this too, art, biden is going to -- is he going to blame the greedy green energy companies he gave hundreds of billions to? he's talking about cookie monster tweeting about shrink flation. do puppets shop at the grocery store? >> i don't know if they do. the cookie monster is a good guy. he's not someone you want to blame. you have to look at the fed, the transfer payments, at what biden has done. there wasn't much inflation under trump at all, but it came as soon as biden came into office as you would have expected with their policies. if you look at the trump period, i mean, real incomes went up -- i think median incomes went up by $6,000? they are way down by biden. not a lot of good news here for the biden administration. and there is a lot of good information from trump. i mean, if you look at what he did with warp speed, and you look at what he did with the tax
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cuts and jobs act, and you look at what happened to the poverty levels for the poor, the minor 'tis, the disenfranchised, if you look to what happened with real gdp growth versus europe, tax revenues came in hire after the tax cuts -- came in higher after the tax cuts and j jobs act. all of that is positive. biden hasn't had many successes in the economy. i'm surprised he touts it. maybe it's because trump didn't have wars either. >> liz: that's interesting. her spending at wartime levels. -- they are spending at wartime levels. corporate profit margins have fallen back to prepandemic levels by the end of 2022. art, you know, jobs report is coming out friday. private sector payrolls, they're expected to rise by just 160,000, art. that's below january's much stronger than expected 317,000. some like 11 out of the 12 months last year, they revised the jobs report down. what's interesting -- what people aren't talking about, art, and you have your finger on
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the pulse here, the government workforce is exploding. the size of the government is getting bigger. it's now nearly a record 3 million government workers. the government is getting way too big. >> it is very large. if you see those numbers on new jobs coming down, now, please don't ask me to forecast what's going to happen on friday, because i don't have a clue, and i'm really not good at that. >> liz: right. >> but the history of these jobs has not been doing well, and i doubt very much if you will get much of a change coming this friday, a big change in the system, but frankly, the job market has not been to biden's advantage at all, and as i said earlier, a lot of those jobs have gone to people who have illegally come in here, and they're measured in the job numbers, but -- and they shouldn't be because they are jobs that wouldn't be here if they aren't here, and that would mean a much more sluggish market. >> liz: he's going to say he created 15 million jobs. what do you say? >> i don't think so. i don't think he's done anything like that. now, he has created jobs.
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there have been jobs created here, but not 15 million. you know, one of the things they always talk about is this boom stock market, but the stock market today whether you look at the dow or the s&p 500 or the nasdaq is lower now in real terms, if you take inflation away, than it was in 2021. so you know, even the stock market which they tout and yell about and all that has not been doing well. >> liz: senator britt is going to give response to the state of the union, probably going to say the pandemic shutdowns when they stopped created all those jobs, just clawed them back. >> that's just a bounceback. >> liz: it is a bounceback. art laffer, thank you for joining us. >> i love it, e mac. thanks for having me on. >> liz: love it too. joining me now is former federal prosecutor katie cherkasky. good to see you again. okay, this misconduct and conflict of interest case to disqualify fulton county d.a. fani willis from the georgia
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2020 trial, we have this codefendant, dave schafer, what do you make of this? new court filing, he says prosecutor cindy lee yeager ready to testify. she can corroborate that willis began her affair with special prosecutor nathan wade years earlier than they both testified to. what do you think of this? >> i think it's incredibly damming. i don't know if the judge even needs this evidence. i think he already had significant circumstantial evidence based on the testimony of wade, willis, and bradley, that was already before him. but certainly he could take additional testimony, if he thinks it might change his analysis of when this relationship started and then the subsequent conflicts that were created as a result. >> liz: you know, reports are they began their affair in 2019. maybe that early. and reportedly yeager spoke with nathan wade's divorce lawyer terrance bradley numerous times from august of 2023 through january of this year. i mean, the testimony lines up with a witness's testimony, that
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their affair began before nathan wade was hired in 2021. so this feels almost like -- did they possibly commit perjury? >> i think that was always the big question here, and again, the judge already had significant evidence to suggest that they had affirmatively perjured themselves. there's been no attacks on their credibility publicly at this point, and they don't have a motive to fabricate about these conversations unlike bradley, so it does move the needle further along in actual perjury finding which is very significant for willis, wade, and even bradley at this point all of whom are licensed attorneys. >> liz: the other news development here, fani willis has been accused of financially benefitting from hiring her boyfriend nathan wade on the case. bought them things like luxury vacation trips, but this prosecutor yeager also reportedly overheard fani willis on the phone last september telling her attorney terrance
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bradley -- wade's attorney terrance bradley quote, they are coming after us. you don't need to talk to them anything about us. in other words, be quiet about their affair because of what's coming down about potential misconduct charges. could this be a potential witness tampering? >> well, it certainly seems to have appearance of that. but in terms of an actual charge of witness tampering, the question would be whether there was an active investigation at that time that they were interfering with, and certainly, that is something that should be looked into, and for the bar purposes, there might very well be investigations into that sort of conduct. for the disqualification hearing, i don't know that the judge will make an affirmative analysis of that particular piece of information, but if he hears testimony from that additional attorney, then it will be something that will be under consideration. >> liz: katie cherkasky, you're terrific, thank you for joining us tonight. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> liz: coming up senator ron johnson from senate homeland security, big questions on how the president will handle the
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border collapse on his watch in his state of the union. this border crisis has deepened since the president visited the border. also, the supreme court temporarily blocks a new texas law letting the state arrest of illegal immigrants. governor greg abbott says he won't back down. first let's check in with our buddies. what do you have coming up next hour on the bottom line? >> we all know it is super tuesday, what should we be watching? and joe biden new polls come out, he doesn't believe them that he's losing to donald trump. we have a fantastic pollster on that. >> steve moore is here on the cookie monster and shrink flation and what the democrats say they are going to do about it forcing companies to raise prices in essence because they are a bunch of morons. joey jones on face the nation and having to watch an atf chief try to disassemble and reassemble a glock, which he
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could not do. alcohol tobacco and firearms? no just alcohol and tobacco apparently if it is the federal government, top of the hour. (♪) grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. ♪oh what a good time we will have♪
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>> liz: well, look who is book from homeland security, senator ron johnson. good to see you. so what do you make of this
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story, the supreme court has temporarily blocked until march 13th, that new texas law letting the state arrest illegal immigrants and deport them? it's so the high court can make a determination. texas governor abbott says he's not backing down. which way do you think the court will go? >> well, i hope it supports state sovereignty. i hope it supports governors who are trying to protect their own citizens when the president of our country is not doing so. so that's the way i hope it will go. i fear because it is true that it's the federal government that is really in charge of securing our borders and our immigration laws, the problem is we have a president that's not executing the law. we have a secretary of homeland security that hasn't done so as well. so the governors have to step up to the plate. i appreciate what governors like governor abbott are trying to do to protect their citizens. >> liz: you know, governor, excuse me, senator, the original judge, the federal judge that initially blocked the texas law, he says it could open the door to each state passing is own
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version of im -- passing its own version of immigration law. let me back up. let's think about this glaring contradiction for a second. so the white house and democrats argue that only the federal government controls all state borders, right? but then they argue u.s. states can each block or override federal election law, letting each state decide whether to ban trump? do they get the hypocrisy and the duplicity here? >> you're expecting me to be surprised at democrat hypocrisy? of course not. but listen, i do believe it's the role of -- and the responsibility and duty of every elected official to protect the citizens they represent. that includes governors as well. to me this is just basic fundamental good government, that a governor does need to protect the citizens of his state, and that's what governor abbott is trying to do. >> liz: so texas is saying under the u.s. constitution invasion clause, any state has a right to defend their border's integrity.
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the federal government under the constitution it looks like they are derelict in their duty to protect the border states like texas from a ground invasion. therefore, the state of texas is required to honor their oath of office, protect its constituents; right? >> i agree. this is an invasion -- i know we're not supposed to say that. this is an invasion. when you contemplate, for example, all the chinese men of military age, you know, they're massing down there in the daring gap and coming to this country. the number people on the terror watch list that we have caught and doesn't even include the ones who have come through the unknown and known got aways. what's really depressing about this is how the federal government, the biden administration is paying for this, that is facilitating this through money going to these non-governmental organizations, those flights coming in here, more than 300,000 people just flown into this country using the biden administration's app to circumvent our laws.
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this isn't getting the coverage it really deserves in the mainstream media. it is certainly not as a result producing the public outrage that we should be experiencing based on this invasion. >> liz: the other thing too is the white house keeps saying they are all about border security. you will hear white house spokesman john kirby admit president biden did not meet his border patrol chief until last thursday. you will hear this, watch. >> the president's engaged with the dhs. he is engaged with leadership there. >> why not border patrol? >> he was down there brownsville meeting and talking to those folks directly. >> he never met with the former or current chief. the current chief he's just met, been president for three years, just met him the other day. >> he again is engaged with everybody at dhs including the border patrol, down there at brownsville, talking to them on the ground. >> liz: okay. you see that? he dodged it. he didn't meet him until
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thursday. raul ortiz, the former border patrol chief under biden told 60 minutes he never talked to president biden and vice president harris in the two years he was on the job. >> president biden has lied repeatedly to the american public on a full range of issues including the border saying since day one he has been asking congress to fix this, no, president biden and his democrat colleagues in congress they want an open border. they caused this process. president biden used the same authority that president trump used to close the border to open it up. republicans are eager to strengthen that authority if president biden wants it. that's not what they were negotiating. they were negotiating political cover for democrats in congress who again want an open border. >> liz: got it. senator johnson, thank you very much. it's good to see you. >> have a good day. >> liz: okay, this story coming in, more and more every day, president biden's electric car mandate forcing americans to buy
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only electric cars is looking like a debacle. fire department officials testified that u.s. fire departments nationwide are not ready for the coming dangerous outbreak in electric battery and lithium ion battery fires about to hit america. congressman greg steube from house ways and means will break this down on "the evening edit" next. (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon.
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hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. elizabeth: we're excited to have budget congressman greg stuebe from house, ways and means. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: the president's electric carman date forces american to buy only american cars, it is looks
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like a debacle. fire departments are not ready for coming rise in electric car battery and lithium ion fires across the country, what is going on? >> i can tell you a story from my district in h hurricane ian with the flooding. the flooded ev's caught fire and burned houses down that is a huge problem. the electric vehicles have the problems where they catch on fire, there was an article, airport parking lot it caught on fire, and everything el caught on fire around it. it is endangering the safety and welfare of the firefighters, it is a hazard to american people and those who purchased those vehicles. elizabeth: white house is not talking about it, how electric car batteries lose half their power in 10
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years, and the weight will tear up the bridges and roads. let's listen to fire official dan muncy. from san bernardino county, he testified yeah, the fire departments nationwide are not ready. >> chief, as fire chief of san bernardino county, do you believe your fire department is fully prepared to handle the challenges that come with rapid rise of ev ownership in your area of expertise. >> no, n or do i believe that fire service is ready as a wheel, we needen to act legislation that the manufacturer of the electric vehicles prevent fires from happening. elizabeth: you know that is not happening. it takes up to 8 thousand gallons of water of over many hours to put just one of the fires out. let's get back to your home state of florida. when hurricanes hit, ocean
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saltwater comes in that triggers spontaneous combustion of electric car batteries and lithium ion batteries, they are in golf carts and scooters too. >> just like you said, biden administration's push, pushed to far left of the progressive part of his party they think we should spend the money on the eev 's, american people want vehicles they can get large distances, to be able to have the type of vehicles they want, they don't want the government telling them what type of car and vehicle they can purchase, unfortunate that biden administration and the democratic congress in the senate keep moving in that directed to force every american to vehicles, that they don't want and are dangerous. elizabeth: what do you think your colleagues will do about it. >> we have a pro-energy ajecteda in the house before the -- ajeng agenda in
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the house, there was a lot of money that went to the electric vehicle programs with 8500 bucks to purchase it we will shut that down. and my hope is that we focus on making the united states the energy place of the world in country and make us energy efficient. elizabeth: you worried about this? what is coming out of the white house? >> sluicely. absolutely. >> congressman greg stuebe thank you. >> thank you. elizabeth: joining us tomorrow, senator markwayne mullin. former speech writer for former president george w. bush bill mcgurn and jason chaffetz, i am elizabeth macdonald thank you for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, doi dagen and sean have a hot show for you. dagen: we do, thank you,


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