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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 5, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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numbers coming out, to her point, on friday. can't wait for the revisions, maria. [laughter] a month ago i told you, i said forget if january, let's just talk about the february number because this is ridiculous are, how they're calculating -- maria: look at this stock. target is up 9.33% right now on this better than expected report. the stock has been gaining momentum throughout the time we've been on air. the opening bell now 30 minutes away. thank you so much, ladies. great show today. lee carter, rebecca walser, cheryl casone, we appreciate your time. we've got a big show tomorrow as we anticipate the chairman of the fed speaking on capitol hill tomorrow and on thursday. we'll are all of that for you with. and, of course, we're going to preview all of that jobs data. we've got two major reports on jobs tomorrow and the big kahuna on friday. "varney & company" picks it up, stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. it's super tuesday.
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15 states and 1 territory holding republican and democratic primaries today. trump's widely expected to win all the gop races, picking up most of the 854 tell gates at stage -- at stake. by the end of the day, he will be the presumptive nominee, that's my opinion. he told fox this morning that biden is the worst president in history. virginia is considered nikki haley's best hope, but he has no events scheduled -- she has no events schedule canned after today's contests. biden has to worry about a big uncommitted vote, seven states allow that write-in. if the uncommitted get anything like the 13% they got in michigan, biden is in trouble. for some time michelle obama has been talked about as a possible replacement for biden. it's not going to happen. nbc reports the former first lady, quote, will not be running for president in 2024. the supreme court says unanimously trump will not be on the ballot. democrats not happy but they'll try again. democrat jamie raskin says he'll
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still try to get him off the a ballot, this time by using legislation. to the markets, and bitcoin holding on to its recent rally and then some. we're looking at $67,700 this morning. it had been $68,000, getting close to an all-time high. a modest pullback for stocks. the dow's going to be down about 100, the nasdaq down about 130. that's not moderate, that's -- not a selloff, it's some moderate selling, let's put it like that, okay? interest rates, they're just a little lower, the 10- year coming in at 4.15. that that's a sharp reduction there, 4.16 now. and the 2-year still above 4.5%, but it's at 4.57 right now. gasoline, $3.36 for regular on average. diesel, $4.05. on the show today, biden blames corporations for inflation. he's creating a strike force to hold companies accountable when they engage in unfair and illegal practices. aoc getting a taste the of her own medicine. she went to a movie with her
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fiance but was pursued in the street by protesters demanding she use the word genocide in gaza. she was very upset. but in 2020 she tweeted that the okay for protesters to make people feel uncomfortable. if tuesday, march 5th, 2024, varney and and company is about to begin. ♪ ♪ finish muck so if i'm going to go at all, go big or go ♪ [laughter] stuart: good choice, producers. lauren: well done. stuart: well done, indeed. could be a big win for trump today. most people are expecting. that's a rotten day in new york city, isn't it? is look at that. it's rainy, cold, blustery. stay inside, everybody. voters heading to the polls in 15 states today. 854 gop delegates up for grabs. right now president trump has
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273, haley 43. trump joined "fox & friends" earlier this morning. lauren, what else did he have to say? lauren: there's no path for nikki haley, the republican party is unified. it is time to take on joe biden and beat the democrats because with, quote, they play dirty. listen n. -- listen in. >> well, my if focus is really on this the point on biden. we should win almost every state today, i think every state. last night, as you know, we won with 87 of the vote -- 87 of the vote is, north dakota, a great state with a great governor, by the way. but we really look -- we're really looking at biden. we think we're going to be very unified, ands we have more enthusiasm now than we had in 2020 the or 2016, and that's a lot. lauren: yeah. trump says it is a much different country than it was just four years ago. his strategy back with to the oval office, leave no city, no state behind. he wants to flip virginia and new york, and he might be able
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to do it. stuart: that would be interesting, wouldn't it? lauren: i thought he sounded good on "fox & friends." sounded strong. stuart: democrat congressman jamie raskin, he's looking for another way to kick trump off the a ballot. roll tape. >> i am working with a number of my colleagues including debbie wasserman schultz and erin swalwell to revive -- eric swalwell to revive legislation to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed i didn't rex is disqualified by section 3 of the 14th amendment. and the house of representatives already impeached donald trump for participating in since by inciting i. so the the house has already pronounced upon that, and there was also a 57-43 vote in the senate. the question we is whether speak speaker mike johnson would allow us to bring this to the floor of the house. stuart: trouble is, trump's never been tried or convicted for insurrection. will cain is with us this morning. democrats try to tie trump up in
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court, it seems to be failing, but they won't give up. that tells me they're a little desperate here. >> no, they won't give up, stuart. hey, by the way with, welcome to texas, the allen café. a good tree farmer like you, you're always welcome down here in texas. it is amazing, stuart, how much they're willing to read the playbook out to you in order to save democracy. they will destroy everything about a constitutional republic. we should start a running list, stuart, because it is included now voting, it's included the actual process of democracy, prix speech,, the supreme court, the separation of powers. you name every american value, and they deemed it as an enemy of democrat crass that must be destroyed in order to save democracy. stuart: yeah, you got i. biden's asking the supreme court to stop texas from using police officers to arrest migrants. he won't fix the border, but he will prevent texas from solving the problem that biden created. what do you make of this? somewhere well, you know, it's also part of the previous
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question you asked me where the democrats are looking to be saved by the justice system, saved by the doj, saved by the supreme court. that's why they feel so betray thed on a 9-0 decision saying that trump wont be removed from the ballot. whether or noting it's one of the hitny of cases against donald trump -- litany of cases against donald trump or stopping greg abbott from enforcing the laws at the border, they are failing people like you and me, and so they're turning to anything they can do to stop the real values of americans which, by the way, didn't use to be a republican value, enforcing the southern border. that was a but if partisan idea. that was an american idea, stuart. so we'll see what they say is. the fifth circuit said abbott can enforce the law, we'll see what the supreme court says, whether or not we can enforce the southern border. stuart: according to a new rt report, michelle obama will not run for president this year. of do you think that's a blow for the democrats? what do the people in the diner think about it? >> you want me to ask 'em?
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okay. hey, news as of today, michelle obama says she will not run for president. what do you think -- [cheers and applause] [laughter] stuart: that's a very solid -- >> quick straw poll, stuart. [laughter] stuart: is that a completely trump crowd? [laughter] >> stuart, i'm to not being -- this isn't rhetorical, it is 100% a crowd for trump. [cheers and applause] [laughter] not 90. but, hey, stuart, stuart, i are tell you i had this discussion yesterday on the will cain show with the guys from the ruthless podcast, watch the democratic convention. watch them four or five people -- they can't skip kamala harris, but they can put her in a pool of four or five people, and they will switch from joe biden at the democratic convention. stuart: maureen dowd in "the new york times" suggested biden at the convention released his delegates, that's how they'll
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make the switch. that's what you're talking about here, isn't it? >> that's what i'm talking about. i think that is a probable prediction. you can't look at the polling and the way it exists today and run joe biden for president. stuart: well said. will cain, all good with. thanks very much for defining us. -- joining us. do our pot teem at the diner -- our best to the people at the diner. hillary clinton is weighing in. what's she saying? lauren: a common sense choice is to rote for biden because they're old old, but biden will save democracy and trump, as a duck today to have, will destroy it. [laughter] >> -- dictator. >> this is not someone who we want to give power to again. let's go ahead and accept the reality. joe biden is old, so we have a contest between one candidate who's old but who's done an effective job and doesn't threaten our democracy, and we have another candidate who is old, barely makes sense hen he -- when he talks, is dangers
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and threatens our democracy. so really pick between your two old ones -- [laughter] and figure out how you're going to save our democracy. hour lawyer she hates trump, but that is not a runging endorsement for joe biden -- ringing endorsement for joe biden. stuart: no, it's not. i think she's still bitter about her loss in 2016. lauren: i would say so. but she really hates trump. stuart: yeah, she really does. [laughter] that's a very true. lauren: and the fact that it could happen again. stuart: think e how she would react -- lauren: she'd move to canada. stuart: let's move on. we're going to check the markets, please. it is tuesday. i see some red out there, down 140 on the dow, down 120 on the nasdaq. mike lee with me this morning. mike, i don't want to talk stocks yet, i want to talk about bitcoin. quite a rally. $68,000 a coin as of this morning, 67,6 right now. is that a bubble, do you think? >> stuart, i don't think even
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close. so the whole point of bitcoin, it was created right after the inception of quantitative easing, is as an alternative to fiat currency. and so the fed balance sheet at that point was roughly a trillion dollars, it's now $7.a 5 trillion. -- 7.5. the federal department was 12, 13 trillion, now it's $34 trillion and we're creating a new trillion dollars of debt every hundred days. and i think the key appointment for bitcoin was last year -- moment for bitcoin was last year after the failure of silicon valley bank when janet yellen said they could bail out every depositor in the system. and so at that point, bitcoin went from $17,000 and 27,000 when the rest of markets sold off. and that's the first tame where you had a risk-off event where bitcoin rallied. what i would be on the lookout for is if it hits a new all-time high, three out of the last you are four times it hit a new
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all-time high, it doubled within two and a half weeks. stuart: whoa. we better remember that a one. i do want to raise one stock, one issue here. google, it had its a.i. disaster. does it hurt the stock of google long them? -- long term? >> you know, i don't think it does. i think this is a short-term mishap, but it goes to show how the woke mind virus can contaminate even one of the most brilliant companies in the world. stuart: okay. we'll take it at that. mike lee, thanks very much for joining us. we're really going to follow bit coyne. you're leading the -- you're leading the way on that one. thanks a lot. biden attacked trump during a a rare interview. he called him an ungraceful loser and predicted victory in november. why wasn't this interview on camera, you know? a group of pro-palestinian protesters accosted aoc and her fiance outside a movie theater. they wanted her to call israel's offensive in gaza genocide.
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florida congressman mike waltz on that next. ♪
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stuart: interesting, treasury yields are going down, but stocks are also a going down. that's an unusual combination. dow's off 150, nasdaq's down about 130 points. congress gave request harvard university a deadline of yesterday for documents concerning anti-semitism on campus. molly line is at harvard. did they come up with the documents on time? >> reporter: there was a large submission of documents that were turned in yesterday, and what we're waiting to find out is whether that big with swath of documents given to the house
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education and oversight work force committee that are looking into with things, if that actually satisfied that committee's demands as they continue to hook into anti-semitism on campuses all across the country, specifically looking into whether or not what harvard turned in meets what was requested in those unprecedented spain thats include colluding -- subpoenas, including information on disciplinary action taken against those accused of targeting jewish students. committee chairwoman, representative virginia foxx, has previously expressed dissatisfaction with or harvard's production of ferrells, but a harvard spokesperson is defending this latest submission and harvard's overall efforts to combat anti-semitism writing, with an additional submission today -- meaning yesterday e -- harvard has provided nearly 4,900 pages of information in 11 submissions since january including nonpublic information and internal communications along with public information that the committee requested harvard to
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compile. we're still awaiting reaction from the house education and work force committee regarding harvard's response at this hour, if it was sufficient, and it's worth noting while harvard is the first to receive subpoenas, a number of other prestigious universities are also under investigation, or mit, columbia, u-penn, for instance. stuart, back to you. stuart: thank you very much, molly. progressive congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez was confronted by pro-palestinian protesters. look at how it e went. roll it. >> -- call it a genocide. [inaudible conversations] >> that this is not okay. >> it's not okay that there's a genocide happening and you're not -- >> you're lying. >> do you have any comments? >> -- and you're going to cut this and clip this so that it's completely out of context. i already said that it was, and y'all are just going to pretend that it wasn't over and over again. it's [bleep] -- >> live tv. >> -- and you're not helping them. stuart: not okay? well, back in 2020aoc tweeted
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this: to folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable, that's the point. it was okay then but not when it's her. congressman mike waltz joins me now. congressman, she got a taste of their open -- taste of her own medicine. have a go at it. [laughter] >> yeah. well, we remember sarah huckabee sanders being with rejected with her family, kicked out of restaurants. we remember cabinet officials with president trump being hounded alongside their families if other members of congress saying get in their face. and, yeah, you're right, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, a taste of her own medicine on this one. notably, stu, she juan say that it was a genocide -- she wouldn't say that it was a genocide. it was just a very interesting exchange there. stuart: yeah. vice president harris met with netanyahu's main political rival benny if ganz at the white house yesterday. she's called for an immediate ceasefire. what's going on, congressman?
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who sents our israel -- who sets our israel policy in. >> well, look, you know, benny if ganz was a former head of the idf if -- benny ganz. i think be a fine leader. but right now netanyahu is the leader. they're a country at war, and we can't have our greatest ally and israel's greatest ally seeming to undercut netanyahu on the world stage the while hamas, hezbollah and iran are all watching. finish maybe you do a private meeting, that's fine. we have to work with whoever the israeli people decide to lead that government. but to do so publicly, i think, sends the wrong message from the biden administration, frankly. and pulling the rug, politically seemingly, out from under the israeli government led by net if an ya a hue, it's just, it's horrible timing and horrible optics. stuart: i'm looking across the whole spectrum of court cases involving donald trump brought by biden as an attack on trump
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using the courts. i think that attack is beginning to fall to pieces. there are holes in it. it's not going well. they're not going to get the trials and convictions they wanted before the election. they might not get any trials. that whole tactic is really falling to piecesif really hurting biden. now, that's my opinion. what say you? >> well, i think it's a tactic, stu, that's hurting the country. it is rich to listen to democrats talk about saving democracy when they are the literally weaponizing and openly talking about using the justice system to take out a key political rival. that happens in places like pakistan the or where where i served in africa. i never thought i'd see it here. but now to see the media talk about this it's like it was just a normal political tactic that didn't work. it's really kind of mind-blowing, because it never should have been tried, and it's
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further completely destroying trust in, you know, a third branch of our government, our judicial system. and it is, it's shocking and it's sad. but it isn't working. they're going to have to run against donald trump on the issues -- stuart: yes. >> -- on how americans feel today versus how they felt four years ago, and that's what they're so afraid of because they're going to lose. stuart: you save democracy at the ballot box, not in court. congressman, thanks for joining us. thank you. >> thank you. stuart: quick check of futures, please. down 150 on the dow, down 130 on the nasdaq. the opening bell is next. ♪ hey, i just met you and this is crazy -- ♪ but here's my number, so call me maybe. ♪ it's hard to look right at you, baby. ♪ but here's my number, so call me maybe ♪
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in the chase mobile app. stuart: what we're seeing right now in the stock market is some selling. stocks largely down this tuesday morning. now show me gold, please. that's gone up. it just hit a new all-time high. $2,140 per ounce. david nicholas with me now. i believe, david, that you've been, you've been saying buy gld, that's sort of the etf for gold. you've been putting your subscribers into this for some time, is that right if. >> stuart, i'll tell you right now, i'm a big fan of gold right now, and this has a lot to do with mainly what the feds are going to do. gold is one of the best hedges against a weak u.s. dollar. so if our viewers have fears like i do that if the fed starts easing, that's going to put pressure on the u.s. dollar, thatten means gold could rally. stuart, i could seizely see a 15-20% -- easily see a 15-20% rise from here. so we're buyers.
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stuart: that's gld. you see it going up 10 is, 15, maybe 20% from here. that would put it more like $2,500 an ounce, wouldn't it? >> that's right. that's exactly right. stuart: a hedge against the declining dollar, i've got it. now, talk to me about google. they had this a.i. disaster. is it going to hurt or the stock long term? >> you know, stuart, i think it e does. this is nothing you just fix overnight. google had everything right going for a.i. they make their own chips, they have their own cloud network, massive user base, a lot of a.i. talent, and their gemini a.i. rollout where they essentiallyly raced all of white americans' contribution to history wasn't just embarrassing, okay, it was dangerous. it was evil. when americans are searching for information, they want unbiased information. they don't want to be brainwashed with what is racist, communist ideology. i think this hurts the stock long term because this is not just a small thing. this is a virus that has
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infected google as a company. i want to be very clear in case i've minced words. if you're a hard working, god-fearing american, i want to be very clear, google hates you. stop using their product, and you should sell their stock. that's what we're doing, stuart, and i'm very passionate about it. stuart: i can tell. good stuff. david, thanks very much for joining us. you love gold, going up 15%, you don't like google, you sell it. i think that's pretty succinct and very much to the point. thanks very much, indeed, david nicholas. let's take you to wall street, show you what's happening there. the market's about to open, and we're expecting some selling right9 from the get go. how much selling, we don't know. how the market closes, we haven't got a clue. but at that ohming bell -- opening bell, i do believe we'll see some downside mauve. lauren: -- tomorrow and thursday, annual testimony. investors are waiting whether he gives any clues. stuart: yep, including the negative. press the button, thank you very much, indeed. the market is now open. the dow is.
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up off 100 points, 119, to be precise is. there's more sellers than buyers among the dow 30. apple, look at that, bottom right-hand corner, we'll get to that in a moment, but taking it on the chin, it's down to $170 a shower, down 2%. -- a share. s&p, where's that going now? down by .4%. the nasdaq also on the downside in the very early going,. .83%. let me see big tech, please. i presume there's some heavy selling going on there. yes, there is. microsoft, amazon, meta, alphabet, apple all down. see apple there? if 171. now, target, they reported before the opening bell this morning. it must have been a great report because the thing is up 11%. lauren: look at that. there's hope for target. their annual fore if cast was pretty good, gross margins topping 25%. they've got new products, opening more than 300 new stores, and they have a new membership program that launches next month. that's the good news. but, wait, there is bad news.
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their same stores fell in the christmas quarter by more than 4%, and their sales for all of last year fell for the first time in seven years. stuart: but that's looking backward. lauren: but there's hope on the horizon. yeah. and maybe they won't be as woke. stuart: let's get to apple. this intrigue withs me. it's down about 10% so far this calendar year. i believe they just got some more bad news9. china? lauren: yep, iphone sales down 24% in the first six weeks of this new year. they face competition from the domestic rivals there the like what huawei. they have a great new phone, and and vivo. i mean, that's a cheaper phone. the researchers are saying that the chinese customers aren't upgrading their iphones as fast because they're lacking bell withs and whistles that make them want to spend that much money. but that's just china. what happened in europe yesterday? apple was fined $2 billion. because of market manipulation in the music strep thing -- streaming business. and here in the u.s., what have we told you the past couple of days? ditching their car project, slow
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to adopt artificial intelligence. i mean, it's acting more like a value than a growth stock the when so many of the magnificent seven are value and growth stocks. stuart: i can't remember a time when there were so many negatives attached to apple. lauren: agreed. >> this is all a negative. lauren: not counting them out but, yes, it seems negative. stuart: nio, chinese ev maker, losing more money just like the rest are of the industry. tell me more. lauren: wider losses, the story. the stock's down 10%. the good news is they are delivering more cars. the number was 50,000 in the quarter, and they're strengthening their margins, and heavy got more than $8 billion in cash. -- they've got more than $8 billion in cash. but another ev maker is losing more money. today it's nio. stuart: i wonder if we'll let hair cars into the united states because they're price competitive with anything america can produce p including tesla. am if d, it's been working on an a.i. chip to sell specifically to china. how's it going? why's the stock down? lauren: well, amd is up 150% this year.
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i just wanted to point that out. the commerce if department has blocked this new chip, and now amd needs to apply if for an export license to sell it in china. it actually had lower power, which is what congress wants. they don't want our adversaries getting their best chips to train their chatgpts and to use in their military. but this one they didn't approve. the stock's at 200 now. but china, like nvidia for amd, is about a fifth of their overall revenue comes from china. that's big business. amd down about 3%. stuart: let's get back to bitcoin. this morning it soared above $68,000 a coin, 67,4 right now. it's real close to a record high. lauren: yeah. it could be blastoff all at once, right? this thieling -- feeling that everyone has to get in. i'd make the argument this is price discovery that's going on right now. we're so close to taking out a new record, right, and figuring out if it does that where it wants to go from there. i'm going to talk about three catalysts that could push prices way up.
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the halving event next month will take a lot of supply if off the market. more pension funds buying. public pension funds looking to get returns by buying one of the etfs. and and could you imagine a sovereign wealth fund buying bitcoin via one of these etfs? there are 11, by the way. blackrock's is the biggest. yesterday alone, $1 billion came in to blackrock's etf. stuart: intriguing, isn't it? i missed it. i'm into etherium a little bit -- lauren: there could be an etf for that in may. stuart: that's right. and you should see the rally for etherium. wait a second, tesla -- lauren: love this story. stuart: berlin factory was hit by an an arson attack and you love this story? lauren: by an environmentalist group. , explain this to me many. tesla is a green company. they make electric vehicles, and the greenies are mad at them. go figure. this is happening right outside the tesla berlin factory. this environmental group stopped
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tesla, built treehouses in the forest. they don't want tesla expanding. they say you build more kindergartens and more factories, you're going to hurt the water supply. there's a report in the german paper that they set a fire which hit a nearby tower which cut off the power to tesla and that tesla berlin plant had to be evacuated and shut down, production halted because of that. stuart: i wonder if anybody gets arrested and actually goes to prison for causing this kind of damage. lauren: how do environmentalists go after tesla? stuart: stuart they'll go after anybody. lauren: this is, like, the gold standard in vehicles. stuart: it's owned by an american. lauren lan true. stuart: where are we now? five minutes in, that's right, five minutes in, we're down 174 points. that is roughly one-half of 1%. a little selling today. dow winners, who's the top of that list? are there any winners? yes. j&j, walmart, morgan, chevron. the s&p 500, the leader there is target. why not?
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11% higher. ebay, newmont gold corp.. gold's at a record high today. nasdaq, constellation energy p dollar treeing or wall green boots and dexcon. the price of gold, new record high, $2,139 per ounce. bitcoin, $67,6 right now, but it was real chose to the record high of $69,000 earlier this morning. oil, $78. nat gas under $2 still, $1.92. average price for a gallon of regular, $3.36. and is diesel, $4.05 this morning. coming up, take a look at this op-ed, loser nikki haley mining for humiliation. charles hurt wrote that. he'll tell us more later in the show. mark cuban says he'd vote for biden over trump no matter what, even if the president was being given his last rites. what? we'll get into it. and the latest polls awful for
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bind, but that's not stopping democrats from trying to spin the numbers. bret bair here on set with me next. ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we ask smart questions about opportunities
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it's close to the top. and the biden administration has been touting president biden's economic record, but poll after poll shows -- and we're hearing it from voters here as well -- that they feel off worse -- worse off financially than when president biden took office a. >> everybody's feeling the crunch whether at the grocery store or buying other goods, my wife says every time she comes home, strawberries went up again, and it's getting to be a little bit out of hand. >> stock market's healthy, jobs are on the rise, but at the same time the cost of living prices are up. there's a lot that's not right with the system. >> me being a realtor and the interest rates are discouraging people from buying, people are locked in with a golden handcuff with the low interest rates. they can't afford the move now because you're going to pay more for less. >> reporter: on the campaign trail including on recent stops here in virginia in the past week, both former president trump and former south carolina governor nikki haley are promising to get the economy back on track. for her part, haley blames
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rampant spending by both democrats and republicans in d.c. saying it's time to put an accountant in the white house. trump, on the other hand, is bringing up his administration's tax and regulation cuts and the lower grocery prices, gas prices and interest rates when he was in office, of course, before covid. trump says he'll get rid of bidenomics and bring back what he calls maga-nomics, but i think that's a message that's resonating with voters here and across the country, that former president trump is able to point to his record. for some voters, they certainly felt better off financially and in better financial shape back when he was president. stu? if. stuart: got it, grady. thank you very much is, indeed. the democrats along with members of the media looking to spin biden's poor polling numbers. watch this. >> when it comes to messaging, we're at our worst when we try and, you know, speak to the head and we try and get all cerebral. >> i think the president is an
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incredibly compelling figure. >> to give president biden some credit, he's made remarkable progress on the economy on most macro measures, the stock market, unemployment. >> this is a president that has done more in his three years as president than most presidents have done in their two terms. >> you look at joe biden, he exercises every day. you look how fit and trim the he is -- stuart: look who's here now -- [laughter] we're enjoying all of this, aren't we? if. [laughter] >> yeah. stuart: why won't democrats accept the reality that voters are not e buying, not happy with biden? if. >> listen, they're spinning these poll numbers, but the poll numbers if you look at the recent polls are heinous. the new york sienna poll is just really bad. stuart: yeah. >> the interims are bad. the people, 73% say he's too old to be president. the hispanic numbers have shifted to the former president. black population has shifted a
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number of points, enough to make a big difference in the general election. if these numbers held, former president trump as the nominee would win with exponentially in the swing states, and and that's what democrats are afraid of, and they're trying to spin it. people look at what they see day-to-day with the president, and and, you know, it's your lying eyes. stuart: after the ney times poll was published -- can new york times poll was published on saturday, 7:00 in the morning, i thought that is a disaster. surely, the democrats are at a five-alarm fire situation to figure out how they can not get rid of the president, but exchange him for somebody else. that's what they're trying to do, isn't it? >> yeah. and lo gistically, that's tough to see how shoes fall where -- how the shoes fall where you could somehow if get around vice president kamala harris. her poll numbers, by the way, are worse than president biden, and that's part of the issue here. stuart: congressman jamie raskin, he says he's working on
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legislation, legislation that would disqualify trump from the ballot to. that smacks to me of desperation after the supreme court said, no, he's in. >> 9-0, they said it. unanimous. so, yes. look, if trying to do this legislate i havety -- legislatively is what the court said, it has to be done through congress. but the fact that they think somehow they're going to get support for that after the supreme court said you can't take somebody off the ballot, meanwhile the special counsel who was appointed to handle all of this, january 6th, has not charged the president, the former president, with insurrection or seditious conspiracy. he's not charged or convicted, and yet this is happening. stuart: today, super tuesday. that leaves, what -- at least 7 of the 15 statements will have a line for uncommitted on the democrat primary. in the uncommitted vote comes anywhere near the 13% it was in michigan, then biden has a huge problem. >> yeah. i think michigan was an anomaly
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as far as that number because of the arab population there, and they were really motivated to express themselves. there'll be some, definitely. but i think that the president probably will roll here. the question is, you know, what kind of support does he see as you get closer and closer to the convention. you know, listen, concern about a his age is not going to get better with. it's not suddenly like it's going to turn around. stuart: right. >> it only goes one way. stuart: true. maureen dowd in "the new york times" suggested that the way to do it is for biden to release his democrats -- delegates at the convention and let them choose somebody else. i could see that. >> yeah. and democrats are a lot more leeway when it comes to that. republicans are locked in, their delegates. a lot of things can happen, and it's a chicago convention for democrats. 1968 was quite a convention -- stuart: oh, i remember it well. i was in college in london at the time, we had all these
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americans coming back, look what we did, we destroyed the presidency. any comment on michelle obama will not be running this year? >> i've got a lot of money that she's not going to run. i've had a lot of people saying that her name comes up, but i've talked to people very close to the obamas who are convinced that there's no way. stuart: well, she's not. nbc said she's decided not the run. there you go. you, along with martha the maccallum, are going to be hosting fox's super tuesday coverage tonight. can you just tell me when we might get the first results? >> right when the polls close at a 7:00 in some of these states because with going in, once we get some of the raw vote total it'll show us that it's probably going to be the former president's night. stuart: you work hard but you really love this. >> i do love it. it's fun. stuart: bret baier, thank you, sir. coming up, the only way to beat donald trump is at the ballot box with. it's about time democrats learned that wonderful truth about democracy. they've mounted a massive legal
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challenge, they want to use the courts to beat him. that is not good. that's my take, top of the hour. ultra-liberal san francisco votes on legislation that would require drug screening for welfare recipients. you know what? it's going to pass. lauren has the story after this. ♪ your love, your love, your love is my drug. ♪ if your love, your love, your love. ♪ i said your love, your love, your love is my drug ♪ that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. planning to move? join the 6 million families who discovered a smarter, more flexible way to move, with pods. save up to 20% now for a limited time. whether you're moving across town or across the country. save up to 20% at pods dot com today.
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stuart: san francisco could soon require drug screening for anyone receiving welfare benefits. this is san francisco. lauren: yeah. stuart: and it's expected to pass? lauren: because it's common sense, yeah. they're fed up -- stuart: well, they don't vote for common sense. lauren: well, things have gotten so bad. public drug use with, rampant crime. now they're admitting these liberal policies do not work, and they're trying to make the changes at the ballot box. they will vote on seven different measures today including prop if e, would give police more power to go after nonviolent criminals. think thieves. wow, imagine that. prop if f would mandate drug screening for those receiving welfare. 5200 san fran us cans get cash
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assistances every month. it could be as high as $712. it's momentummed one-third of those recipients use drugs. and now some of the city's democrats say it's time for tough love. >> listen, i am -- i consider myself a liberal democrat, and i feel very strongly are especially as somebody who has a journey in recovery from if addiction myself, it is progressive values and it is liberal to do everything we can to disincentivize drug use and to incentivize drug recovery. lauren: so do the opposite of everything they've been doing. if this passes, san francisco joins -- look at this map -- mostly red states, tying cash assistance to screening for and treating addiction. my opinion, these ballot initiatives are an admission that four year of liberal policies have completely failed san francisco, and they're trying to get 500,000 signatures to get an amendment to prop preponderance 47 which says --
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prop 47 which says you can steal less than $950 of stuff and be fine on the ballot in november. stuart: wouldn't that be great? lauren: enough's enough. stuart: reason and reality. lauren: unit talk to a single are republican. i am talking to democrats who are fed up. stuart: got it. thanks, lauren. quick check of the markets, please. the dow's down 200, and the nasdaq's down 185 points. plenty of red now. still ahead, vice president harris met with israeli prime minister's netanyahu's rival benny ganz at the white house. what's going on here? if who is setting the policy on israel, the president or vice president? can, and t mcfarland on that. voters say trump's economy was better than biden's. okay. does biden get any if credit for low unemployment and solid government? i'll ask monica crowley. hillary clinton wants to accept what's -- wants you to accept the reality that biden is old and vote for him anyway with. jimmy failla probably has a lot to say about that. good.
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