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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 3, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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deduct qualifying medical expenses if they exceed seven and half percent of your just a gross income like a lot of those things out of life as mri scans so you can sit there and that includes things like nursing home costs, other care facilities headed delta games you know your long-term premium healthcare and things of that nature so lost their loss to go through run the numbers to what is good advice now. al: and ups for the magazine, that i agree with him and earnings turnarounds going to entry point and ups, look around you for your portfolio c1 nice and thank you allen making a man all great ideas three more check out this edition edition of barron's .com and don't forget to follows on the next at barron's online that is all for us and we will see you next week on barron's roundtable. topic. pete: go to church. have a great sunday, everybody. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning.
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welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo. thanks so much for joan ising us today ahead of a major week with super tuesday. the chairman of the fed testifying in front of congress. president biden and his tate of the union and the chinese communist party with new ways to undermine america while trying to buy american leadership. coming up right here ahead of this upcoming super tuesday, more than 800 gop if delegates at stake. ohio senator j.d. vance on the election, the agenda and why he wants to see google broken up. then, home homelessness, crime, potentially under the boot of communist china. california in the pot light ahead of its primary this tuesday where adam schiff is trying to tightennen his grip on government with a senate seat win. coming up,. steve: garvey is former los angeles dodgers' first baseman and 1981 world series champion on his effort to take on schiff this november in the general election. then, a new soft war on america with the creation of chinese
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massage parlors under our noses across the country as the ccp reportedly works with dangerous drug cartels on human trafficking, making billions inside the gates of america. kansas senator roger marshall on the senate homeland security or committee with new information on the ccp's exploitation of america's wide open border. then who exactly is allowing this and why? peter schweitzer, president of the government accountability institute, author of the brand new bestseller, "blood money: why the powerful turn a blind eye while china kills americans" with a look at who's making money on all of this. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ if. ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with a look ahead to a major week. super tuesday now two days away with more than one-third of all delegates at stake for republicans and democrats.
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854 delegates at a stake for president trump, 1,420 delegates potentially at stake for president biden throughout 16 state primaries this tuesday. ten on thursday the president will deliver his state of the union address, his report card for the nation on his watch. will he address the most important issues for americans today? the southern border where 10 million illegals have breached the border and been apprehended during biden's open border policy including would-be terrorists on the terrorist watch list wanted for murder, individuals from venezuela and elsewhere, thousands of military-aged chinese men and thousands and thousands of pounds of deadly fentanyl flowing into america? will he discuss the economy after congress extended the budget deadline this week for a fourth time since september? as the u.s. national debt climbs to a record $34.5 trillion with interest on the debt alone more than three-quarters of a trillion. will he mention inflation which is up 18% on biden's watch?
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or will he raise the potential impeachment of himself over house oversight committee charges of money land arerring and is bribery or the impeachment of his homeland security secretary, al has been hand degree mayorkas, has the senate awaits the articles from the house for mayorkas' failure to secure the southern border, opening up chaos and crime across the country? some senate democrats dismissing the impeachment outright, instead holding a trial which would only need a simple majority to pass the upper chamber. on thursday dueling border trips crystallized the different approaches. biden was in brownsville which is tame in terms of crossings versus trump at what has been one of the hot item beds for illegals -- hotbeds for if illegals, eagle pass, texas. >> this is a joe biden invasion is. over the past three years, it's allowing thousands and and thousands of people to come in from china, iran, yemen, the congo, or syria. a lot of other nations, many nations that are not very friendly to us.
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he's transported the entire columns of foughting-age men -- fighting-age men. they're all at a certain age, and you look at them, they look like warriors to me. something's going on that's bad. maria: so what is going on? joining me right now in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive is ohio senator j.d. vance. senator, great to have youing thanks so much for being here. >> thanks for having me, maria. maria: what do you think's going on at the border? >> well, it's pretty simple, maria, joe biden opened up the floodgates. he implement ifed over 90 executive orders that were meant to open the border. he and his secretary of homeland security, they bragged about it. they said they were undoing the trump border policies and now three years later we're living with the disaster of it. we just go back to this terrible murder of laken riley who was killed doing what young kids just do, he was out exercising, enjoy ising her life and was brutally murdered by someone who shouldn't have been here. that person was paroled by the biden administration.
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and i'd just say it's not just a radical departure from the trump border policies, it's in some ways a radical departure from the obama policies. barack obama paroled about 5,000 illegal aliens per year, joe biden is paroling close to a million per year including the person who brutally murdered laken riley. so we have a problem. it is a problem called joe biden, and unless we get him out of the oval office, we're never going to have a secure border because he doesn't have the will to do basic border enforcement. maria: and you know now president biden is blaming republicans for the open border and trying his hardest to blame president trump as many of your colleagues in the senate demand putting ukraine first ahead of the border. i want to get your take on what chuck schumer said as soon as he came out of the white house meeting this past week when discussing the deadlines on the budgets. watch this. >> the meeting on ukraine was one of the most intense i have ever encountered in my many meetings in the oval office.
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the overwhelming sentiment in that meeting is we've got to do ukraine now, and there are other issues including border which we should address, but not now. we said to the speeg per, get it done. i told him this is one of the moments -- i said i've been with around here a long time. it's maybe four or five times that history is looking over your shoulder. and if you don't do the right thing, whatever the immediate politics are, you will regret it. maria: senator, your reaction. >> well, i think it's so shameful, maria, that you have all of these people whose job it is to look after the american people and to lead this country, but they're obsessed with eastern europe and with ukraine. look, we have terrible problems because of our border. we have the fentanyl problem, the sex trafficking problem. you have people if ohio who take their kids to the emergency room for emergency medical care but have to wait 6, 8 hours in line because there are so many people illegally in this country who are getting put in front of the line of american citizens.
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this is disgraceful. if you are a leader of this country, of the united states of america, you should be getting fired up about that. you can believe that we should support ukraine or not ukraine, but if you are not most focused on the problems of this country, what are you doing in senate leadership? i just think it's so disgraceful. by the way, maria, credit to mike johnson for being the one person in that meeting who's standing this saying we've got to put the interest of our own citizens first. i don't think we should be spending more money on ukraine. maybe mike johnson disagrees with me, but however you come out on that issue, we've got to focus on our own citizens first, and credit to mike if johnson for doing that. maria: yeah. look, joe biden mentioned george floyd this week many times. he did it, obviously, more than laken riley. we have not heard joe biden say anything about laken riley. you would think that you would want to see laken riley's family sitting next to jill biden this week at the state of the union but, in fact, i understand she has a woman next to her who
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needed an abortion, doesn't get the abortion then got the aa borg, that's going to be her guest at the state of the union. the president is expected to attack republicans for not doing the senate deal. you say that senate border deal was wrong because of what it did with parole. talk to us about that real quick before i move on. >> just a couple of quick things, maria. first of all, the senate border deal did nothing meaningful on parole. 5,000 people paroled during the obama administration, over a million or close to a million the during one year of the biden administration. if you've not -- you're not fixing that problem, you're not serious about border security. and also a, and this is really important p maria, it handed the ability to waive in people and grant them citizenship the some of the most liberal people in the immigration enforcement program, taking it away from immigration judges and giving it away to these agents who can literally with the stroke of a pen make an illegal alien a permanent u.s. resident. this was a disgraceful deal. it would have made the border
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crisis worse and, again, or joe biden can do all of this by himself. 90 executive orders that he could undo and bring back trump border security policies. he needs to do it because the country needs it. maria: i want to get your take on mitch mcconnell stepping down. i know that the the senate is considering who would take his place. do you have a favorite who you want to see in mitch if mcconnell's spot? and, by the way, condolences to mcconnell's family. angela chao is dead, she was a very gentlewoman, and now we understand this is under criminal investigation, how she died in this car accident. your thoughts. >> well, i haven't is heard that. of course, condolences to mitch mcconnell's family. i've had my if disagreement with mitch, but i certainly wish him the best. i think we have to use this leadership election to turn the page on republican senate leadership, maria.
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you cannot have a senate republican leader who is far more obsessed with securing ukraine 's border than he is focused on the american border. you can't have a senate republican leader who seems to ooze hatred and dismay for the very people who vote most of the republican elected leaders. our base, i happen to think they're good people and that we should be listening to them more than we do. but you can't have another establishment politician who seems to dislike the people who actually vote for the republican party. maria: yeah. >> whatever we do, we need to focus on getting a republican leader who i think is trusted by the broad majority of republicans. that's the most important thing, and that's what's actually going to help us win elections and govern. maria: yeah, i think -- [laughter] i think that's the right call, get somebody who doesn't hate the base. senator, you've talked this week about a google and, of course, you mentioned gemini where they were inputting all this stuff based on their own narratives and their own ideologies which gave us the wrong information. on the a.i. gemini program.
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do you want to see google split up? >> absolutely, maria. this is one of the most dangerous companies in the world. it actively solicits and forces left-wing bias down the throats of the american nation. look, maria, just take an example. go in to google and type in can a man become pregnant. the result google will spit back out is, yes. now, we can joke about that and say this is absurd, but what happens when our 12 yielder children are going and doing that -- 12-year-old children are doing that google search? think about the effect this has on the presidential election when unbiased, noncommitted voters are searching things about donald trump and joe biden right before they cast their ballots? we cannot allow a company that is in bed with some of the worst people in the if world to control the flow of information and to bias it in a a left-wing direction. we've got to break this company up and bring back some common sense, in my view, common carrier standards so that we
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don't let these companies control the flow of information in our country. maria: i mean, do you think that's likely? do you think that could happen, a google brach-up? -- break-up? >> i actually think you hear growing calls and, frankly, from across the political spectrum recognizing that google is too big, too powerful and they use their market power to control american politics and to control american democracy. you hear a lot of my friends on the left, maria, say they feel like our democracy is under threat. the biggest way our democracy is under threat is you have these massive, you know, international companies that are sort of controlling what we think, what we read, what information we consume. that's a big problem, and i actually do think that there's going to be growing momentum to rein google in. we saw this with the release of gemini. this is a radically left-wing company that is trying to control how we consume information. if we let that happen, we are going to get exactly what we deserve. maria: that's incredible, about the google search on men getting pregnant. senator, it's great to see you.
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thanks very much for your leadership, and we'll be watching your work. thank you, sir. >> thank, maria. maria: ohio senator if j.d. vance there. quick break, and then communist china is exploiting america's open border. breaking news on new chinese massage parlors popping up across america said to be fronts for human trafficking. big business for china's organized crime networks who are working with mexican cartels. plus, is joe biden compromise after his family allegedly accepted money from china? mustn't -- hunter biden tells congress the president had no involvement in his business deals, then he indirectly admits his father is, in fact, the big guy. peter schweizer with the latest on congress' impeachment inquiry against president biden and china's relentless aggression inside of perk. that's next. ♪ inside of america.
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>> i've never discussed my business or their business, my sons and daughters -- i never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with ukraine. i've never spoken with my son about his overseas business dealing. i've never discussed with my son is, with my brother or nip else anything having to do with their businesses, period. [inaudible conversations] >> no.
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maria: and that was president biden over the years being very clear, denying any knowledge if or any involvement in his family's overseas business deals as his son, hunter biden, sat for a closed door deposition on thursday in his father's impeachment inquiry and said joe biden did stop by during dinner with his business associates and that joe did, in fact, join conference calls with hunter biden's partners to say hello. hunter told the house oversight and judiciary committees, quote, i did not involve my father in his business, not while i was a practicing lawyer, not in my investments or my trans-alaskas domestic or international, not as a board member, not even as an artist. but then hunter implied the e-mails in which he wrote 10% in equity held by h for the big guy is, in fact, a reference to his father, the big guy, joe biden. but he's till denying that his father was involved in that deal with chinese energy company cefc. hunter also revealed he was
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drunk and probably high when he sent the text message to a chinese business associate in 2017 that he was sitting next the his father just before the transfer of more than $5 million into the bank accounts linked to the biden family. hunter claimed his father was not, in fact, sitting next to him at the time that he sent the text message and that the message was actually meant for raymond zhao, an executive with cefc. joining me now with reaction and a further look at how the ccp is undermining america in plain sight is the president of the government accountability institute, peter schweizer. peter peter is the best selling author, and his latest book is incredible, "blood money: why the powerful turn a blind eye while china kills americans." the book is available right now. peter, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> great to be with you as always. thanks, maria. maria: i want to get your take on what's going on with the chinese communist party and whey it seems to have no fear whatsoever is of joe biden and the biden family.
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does the ccp is are something on the biden family? -- have something on the biden family? >> yeah, i think absolutely, they do. you have these financial connections as you've talked about and i've talked about with more than $30 million from china going to the biden family. as i point out in the new book, maria, it also now includes an element of chinese organized crime, and i think it's the reason that joe biden is not talking about fentanyl in the context of china's involvement. specifically, there's a chinese gang called ubg that's widely credited with setting up the sin sin sin low -- sinaloa cartel in mexico and making them the kings of fentanyl. the leader of that gang goes by the name white wolf. it was white wolf's business with partner who wired a $5 million if interest-free, forgivable loan to the biden family. and it was specifically designated not just for hunter, for the family.
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so does joe biden want to have a conversation about these tough issues? does he want to hold china to account? absolutely not, and i'm convinced it's because of these financial entanglements. maria: so you think that this is the -- if you're one degree of separation away from joe biden or the biden family, you don't get the sanctions. i mean, we saw that with maria bat arena, an oligarch in russi. she's the one who you wrote about who sent i hunter biden a check for $3.5 million several years ago. >> yeah, you're right. there's a pattern here because, guess what? white wolf is not on the sanctions list either even though joe biden has, you know, touted the fact that he's holding chinese leaders that are involved in the fentanyl if trade and he's using sanction ises as a tool. white wolf is not on that list. by the way, i should add that chinese leaders laugh at these sanction ises. in fact, there was a gentleman
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named juan who was sanctioned by the biden administrations who was involved in the fentanyl trade by the treasury department. a couple of months later he was given an award by the kcp for his work, and -- ccp, and he talked about how he was using his criminal organization working with others to help china in its battle with the united states. so they do not take joe biden seriously on fentanyl at all even though this is a chinese operation much more so than it is the a mexican cartel operation. maria: that's a really important point. you say that the chinese are the senior partner here in terms of the drug trade, these billion dollar businesses that they're flowing fentanyl and even worse, meth and all these over drugs. tell me about that -- other drugs. we've been talking about the mexican cartels, the dangerous drug cartels that are in charge. you say they're the junior partner. >> yeah, that's right. i mean, i lay it out in "blood money" in excruciating detail. we know the precursors for
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fentanyl come from china. they go to a port on the west coast of mexico. guess who runs the international terminal where 90% of those precur corpses flow? if a chinese company. those precursors are then shipped to a town in northern mexico where, according to our own federal government, 2,000 chinese nationals just happen to be in this mexican town, and they take those precursors and turn them into fentanyl. now you need to take that fentanyl and put them into pill form because, remember, a lot of people dying from fentanyl poison ising don't even know they're taking fentanyl. they think they're taking vicodin or adderall. you need pill presses to make them look like the real thing even though they're fake. those pill presses come from china and according to our department of homeland security, the chinese are selling pill press to the mexican cartels at cost. they're not price gouging. and then the final steps, maria, if you are a drug organization
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operating in the united states, you need secure communications. guess what the mexican are drug cartels use for secure communications? they use chinese apps and chinese-incriminated communications because they knoe they know the chinese won't share that with the united states. and the final step is a criminal drug organization needs to launder money. in the days of cocaine, they used latin american banksment they now using chinese state-owned banks to launder the money, and they often times use chinese students in the united states on education visas to do so. so the mention pecan cartels are the junior -- the mexican cartels are the junior partners. it is china that is running this operation as a strategy to poison americans. it's now the leading cause of death in america for people urn the age of 45. maria: manufacture and you've written so much about tiktok. you also is have tiktok in the book. why should we take joe biden seriously when he says tiktok is
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a threat and he's got governments, you know, government agencies banned from having tiktok on their phones and yet what is he doing? he's using tiktok to campaign to speak to young people. >> yeah. yeah. no, that's right. i mean, or joe biden, of course, has a lot of powerful financial backers that have big investment stakes in bytedance, the parent if company, so he's got that pressure. but the larger issue is while we're debating in the united states whether tiktok is a threat or what it represents, as i point out in the book, maria, that's not the chinese view. i quote extensively from chinese propaganda ministry officials and military officials, they call tiktok the trojan horse that they're using against the west, and they lay out in excruciating detail how they use it as a propaganda tool to undermine the faith of american young people in their own country. and it's shocking. when you read their quotes, i'm telling you, you are going to look at this and say this is
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what's been going on over the last five years. so it is astounding to me that a company like tiktok run by bytedance, which does joint ventures with the chinese ministry of state security in artificial intelligence, we are give them unfettered access to young people in our country and pretending like, oh, there's nothing here to worry about. maria: this is absolutely stunning. john at cliff has been on this -- john ratcliffe told us he believes china will interfear in the upcoming election. hay want their guy, joe biden, in the white house. and you say? >> absolutely. they're already doing it in multiple ways. and we knead to realize that china the has -- we need to realize that china has preferences just like other countries, and they want joe biden back. under president trump they faced a lot of resistance. trump would call them out verbally. joe biden doesn't to that. on fentanyl he says he a raises the issue with and xi but there must be, quote, no
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finger-pointing. why are now not going to point -- you not going to point fingers? if this is literally killing americans. that's the thing, this is a kinetic war in the sense that americans are dying. we're not having soldiers fighting each other, but unlike the cold war with the soviet union, millions of americans have died because of the policies that china is carrying out. and the fact that this president will not call them out or even mention it publicly is a atrocious. maria: it sure is atrocious. peter, thank you very much. we'll be following your work. congratulations on this incredible book, "blood money," available now. peter schweizer joining us this morning. thank you, sir. >> thanks, maria. maria: coming up, the deadly consequences of president biden's wide open border policy as a 22-year-old nursing student, laken riley, was laid to rest on friday. she was murdered on the university of georgia campus alleged by i -- allegedly by a venezuelan national who processed the border in el paso, texas n september 2022.
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kansas senator roger marshall sits on the homeland security committee in the senate. he's got new information on how china is exploiting the open border and undermining america by building new massage parlor businesses throughout the country. that's next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day...
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nationwide encounters with chinese illegal us -- nationals have surpassed both fiscal years 2021 and 2022. we're talking about almost 30,000 people just from october. in january oklahoma attorney general drummond testified on capitol hill that his tate has seen a rise in human and drug trafficking involving chinese nationals due to biden's failure to secure the southern border. joining me right now in this "sunday morning futures" exclusive is kansas senator roger marshall, a member of the senate homeland security committee. senator, thanks very much for being here. >> maria, glad to be with you. maria: i want to talk about some of the work that you've been doing on all of this. first off, these chinese nationals coming to the country look largely military-aged men. hay look like they are creating a mini army in america. what do you think they're doing here, and what are they going to be working on? >> yeah. well, maria, we have done some human trafficking round tables in kansas over the last two
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weeks, and we're seeing an explosion of human trafficking. what your listeners immediate to understand is that the chinese triad, which is an organized crime unit, multi-national, been around for hundreds of years, is behind this. and wherever you're seeing fentanyl trafficking, you're going to see human trafficking explode as well. and this actually goes back, as i try to understand who chinese triadd is, it goat back -- goes back to chairman mao when he had ccp labs making methamphetamine if precursors, now they're making fentanyl precursors. this chinese mafia smuggles it to mexico, and they hand that over to the cartel and into the united states it comes. over the last five years, this chinese triad has monopolized money laundering. they have that down to an art a now, and now we're seeing this explosion of massage parlors which the chinese triad is running. so i just scratched the surface there, but it's very serious. the chinese triad is in charge
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of this human trafficking, part of this 40,000 chinese nationals you see, but it's way more than that. maria: so we talked before today, and you told me that within the next two years we're going to be talking more about human trafficking or just as much as we talk about fentanyl. tell me about these massage parlors because you've seen a number of massage parlors, new businesses, spike in just your state of kansas. what are you seeing? >> right. so we have more massage parlors than we do starbucks now in kansas and, certainly, i think that can be said in most every state. so this chinese trithe add, i mean, they are sophisticated. your listeners need to understand this is not the dirty workers like the cartel. the cartel is doing the dirty work, but the chinese triad is very sophisticated, harvard-trained lawyers, hard saturday-trained accountants that master the money laundering part of this. so you're going to see massage parlors spring up and next to them might be a restaurant,, it might be a hair salon, a nail
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salon, those types of thing, but the chinese triad has become an expert at money laundering, and we're going to see this organized crime just grow and grow and grow. they're smuggling people from china to you are the -- to turkey. there's called snakeheads. think of them as like coyotes, very purposeful. and like secretary pompeo said, no one goes in or out of china without the ccp if knowing this. so they hand them over to the cartel, and the cartel brings them on in to places like kansas. they're not just working massage parlors, an education emotion of what they call weed farms, marijuana farms where the chinese are intimately involved with those and exploiting this labor for labor trafficking. maria: this is just stunning, unbelievable. now, the women that they are able to get over the border, are they now being forced to work at these massage parlors as prostitutes? is that what you're suggesting? >> yeah, exactly. it's interesting, as these snakeheads bring them across
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into colombia, actually, they sneak them across the dare january straight, and by the time they get to panama, women as well as men are exhausted, they're willing to sell their soul to finish this journey. and that's when the snakeheads say we'll get you the rest of the withdraw, but this is what you have to do -- the rest of the way. not only have they been raped and pillages the entire trip so far, they're being told you have to sell yourself into bondage, into sex slavery. we're going to put you up at these massage parlors, the men they're taking to these weed factories, weed farms, i suppose some of the chinese nationals are running this ring as well. it's very complicated but, yes, they are selling these women into sex slavery for the rest of their lives. maria: i mean, look, you got a briefing on this, you're getting briefings on this being a member of the senate homeland security committee. i manage if you're getting these white house and president biden is aware of this. why is nothing being done about
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it? >> well, again, i think that's a question we've been asking the white house for three years now, is why are you willing to sacrifice 300 american lives every day for fentanyl poisoning in order to get these 10,000 people across the border every day? obviously, they think there's political gain to that. they don't recognize the national security is issues. to me, it's always been a national security issue, but to the white house this has always been an immigration and a political issue, so they don't have an answer. maria: is this the new way that the ccp is trueing to undermine america -- trying to undermine america and americans, by coming up with these new businesses, massage parlors, as a front for human trafficking? >> right. so, again, americans, we're so naive, we assume the best of people. but there is no line between illegal and legal activities by the chinese triad. to them, they see nothing wrong with this. this is business to them. this is like american, kansas farmers growing wheat and
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selling it across the country as well. so to china, they're just exporting a human resource here, they're exporting the fentanyl. this is just another crop to the ccp. and, again, it goes back to chairman m if ao trying to undermine america. the opium war of revenge. this is the next chapter. so in china you see their economy faltering, failing, propped up by the ccp, so this is their next economy. this money laundering is going to be so important that we get on top of that. i'm telling you that they're able to -- we'll have have an exporter, a chinese national exporting dollars to china, and they'll send back about, you know, one cent on the dollar in exchange for that. it's very complicated, but it's the money laundering is the key to this, and we need the fbi getting back on top of this as well. maria: i mean, is the f cbi and the cia aware of all of this -- fbi and cia,? >> maria, to be honest, i have no idea. this is from my sheriffs'
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officers, the local kansas bureau investigation. that's where i'm getting my information. maria: okay. >> our homeland security committee, not so much. maria: senator, real quick on the other issues that will likely be part of the state of the union from pride if opinion this week, i -- president biden this week, i assume he's not going to mention how the ccp is undermining america at a every turn including these massage parlors, but what about the economic part of this in terms of inflation? what do you expect the to address in the state of the union? >> well, i think this'll be the president's blame game. he's going to blame republicans for everything. he's going to blame republicans for the stale economy, for inflation. he's going to blame the border crisis. so this'll be the blame game, joe biden not willing to be accountable for any of his policies. i expect it to be a big nothing burger. i just expect him to sit there and blame republicans. if only we would give him more money, if only we would change policy. but americans are smarter than in this. they know that come november if joe biden's got to go, that we need a new president in the
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white house. maria: senator, thanks very much for all of the information. we appreciate it. >> thank you, maria. maria: kansas senator roger hard that shall joining me. up next, congressman adam schiff told us donald trump colluded with russia, remember? if even though he knew otherwise as then-chairman of the house intelligence committee. now schiff wants to become a senator, and the primary is this tuesday. a world series winner and champion, however, is trying to stop him. california republican senate candidate and former major leaguer, steve garvey, is here live on facing off against adam schiff this super tuesday and garvey's vision for america. stay with us. ♪ you got this. let's go. gobble gobble. i've seen bigger legs on a turkey! rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq,
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foreign adversary during a campaign. maria: oh, yes, a little déjà vu. that was california congressman adam schiff, then the chairman of the house intelligence committee, pushing the debunked, made-up russia collusion story despite if knowing as chairman of the committee that there was, in fact, no evidence to support such a thing and saying so during president trump's term in office. schiff's role in promoting the widely-discredited steele dossier with ended up costing him his seat on the house intelligence committee last year when he was ousted by former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy. now schiff is looking for a promotion to the upper chamber of congress as he is one of several candidates running for the senate seat in california this upcoming tuesday on super tuesday. it was formerly held by the late dianne feinstein. joining me right now is one of schiff's opponents, former major league baseball player steve garvey who, in the latest poll from uc-berkeley, is currently leading the field with the top two vote-getters advancing to the general election this
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november. steve, it's wonderful to have you here on the program. welcome. >> thank you, maria. it's great to be with you. maria: so let's talk about your platform and whether or not you have a path to win. you are going up against adam schiff, you hope, in november. what's most important going into super tuesday for you? >> well, maria, i've had 50 years of currency here in california, you know, in my days of playing for the dodgers and padres, september 1st of '69 i got to dodger stadium. i put a uniform on for the first time, my dreams came true. and that's really what california's all about. over the last 50 years, people have come here with hair dreams. they wanted to start families, great schools for their kids. they had their dreams and, you know what? a one-party state has suppressed it. it's taken the hard working people of california, and it's put them into a malaise. and i've walked the state the last seven months and talked to
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the people, looked them in the eye, asked them about their life, their quality of life. is it better now than it was three years ago. and is moms had tears in their eyes. they said, steve, we get up in the morning and try to figure out how we get through the week with. dads are saying i go to the gas station, and hard working californians are buying $10 worth of gas and not 10 gallons. young families like mine, they can't buy a house, the single greatest currency, because mortgage rates are too high. i'm running for soul of california. maria: and right now president biden and governor gavin newsom are trying to make it ease writer for the illegals to get a mortgage with no interest. this was a story this past week about these new mortgages being offered to illegals. you went to the border in san diego, and i know now this is being called the new hotbed because governor abbott has put razor wire in place in texas. they're coming in through san diego. what can you tell us? >> maria, the two wars, the --
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the true war is the war against america by illegal ill grants. i went to the border with congressman dale issa. we went down to the ocean, started there. this is a point where the immigrants swim around, they're given life vests, they die frequently. and, by the way, mexico dumps its sue iage a on the coastline. it comes to america in 2 or 3 miles, 4 miles have to be hut down. we need to deal with mexico. then we went to the top of the wall, and we saw openings that weren't finished by this administration. we saw a village, and in that village was a big mansion in the middle. and we asked the border patrol, what's that. they said that's the terrorist cartel that are vetting these people before they come across, stealing their money, doing whatever to them, inhumane things. our u.s. border patrol, god bless them, maria, and i.c.e. is doing the best job they can, but they're having no support from this administration. they really only want with power and the ability to be deceitful
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to the american people. so that border, those terrorist cartels are destructing america. we've got to go and secure the border. and let's top chinese gangs that are bringing -- stop chinese gangs that are bringing in drugs and human traffic thing. all things that shouldn't happen. let's get back to title 42, let's deal with mexico, let's start dealing with with these immigrants that have come across and vet them again. this is america. let's get back to law and order. the fight against crime on the border, in our streets and around the world. maria: all right. i want to take a short break and then come back and talk to you about the path to victory, can you win in a state that is largely liberal of california. i'm talking with senate candidate steve forward i have, and we'll be right back with -- garvey in just a moment. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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maria: welcome back. and i am back with california senate candidate steve garvey. steve, you are running in a highly liberal state. do you have a path of victory come november? >> we do, maria. this is probably the single most difficult seat in america for a conservative moderate. we have a narrow bath -- path. but, you know, that path is built on common sense if compassion, consensus building. i've built championship teams, i unite people.
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but more importantly, i talk to moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers about their future, their families, their children. i talk about this is a campaign for their soul ises, you know? i don't judge people. i listen to them from the inside out, and they're speaking loudly now about it's time for change. this fresh-faced young kid finish. [laughter] he's got common sense who we know, who we trust, who we used to watch 30,000 people went to work with me and watched me go out with passion every day. you know, i never took the field for republicans or democrats or independents, i took the field for all the fans, and now i'm running for all the people. maria: and you say you run into people and they say thank you, they're glad that they have an alternative. >> and god bless you. we get up on sunday morning, we listen to you, we go to church, we thank god if for our lives living in california, in this great country. and then seven months ago i decided i was better than this, i had a voice, i was going to stand up for the people, and now they're making their voices
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heard. maria: yeah. >> we're going to go from here -- maria: -- adam schiff, your number one opponent if right now? >> well, in the debate i said is you were censored, one of only three congressmen in history, and you lied to 300 million people, and you can't take that back. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did.
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