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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 1, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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maria: good friday morning, thanks for joining us this morning. i am maria but aroma and hope
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you're having a good morning, it is friday, march 1, 7 am, donald trump slamming president biden's border crisis as the two leaders made dueling visits to different areas in texas. >> allowing thousands and thousands of people to come and from china, iran, yemen, the congo, syria and a lot of other nations, many nations are not very friendly to us, transported the entire columns of fighting age men in the united states is being overrun by the biden migrant crime, a new form of vicious violation to our country. migrant crime. emptying out because they are dumping them into the united states and these guys try to make like wonderful, they don't have a clue. i think they are looking for votes, looking for something.
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maria: president biden was in brownsville, texas, urging republicans to back the controversial senate border bill while taking the opportunity to push the climate agenda as wildfires scorch the state. >> president biden: the bipartisan security deal is a win for the american people, and a win for the people of texas and for those who have a legitimate right to come here. it's time for us to move on this. we can't wait any longer. in my first day as president i introduced a bill i sent to congress, a comprehensive plan to fix the broken immigration system and to secure the border but no action was taken. the idea there is no such thing as climate change. i love that, some of my neanderthal friends who still think there is no climate change. my administration will kill building on the progress we have made fighting the climate crisis. maria: talking about the climate crisis as he goes to the border. ahead of the border visit the white house refer to illegal
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immigrants as newcomers. that is the people who break in and what is the president saying when he says they have a legitimate reason and a legitimate idea to come here? they are breaking the law. >> reporter: under the immigration law if someone comes and claims asylum even though they don't have any rational reason as to why. if you come from a country that the economy is not working for you, if you feel you don't have economic opportunities that may be a reason to come to another country but not a reason to get asylum. the way the system works, they have to individually that these claims and what is happening at the border, they are overwhelmed and in the last ten years, the number of people that have been processed has fallen by half. the problem here, the president has not said let's put money
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into this program. let's make sure we can vet folks coming through. they are overwhelmed. part of the challenge they have as the border numbers continue to increase, 1.7 in 2021, 2.1 in 2022, 2.4 in 2023 and expected to be over 3 million this year. how do we deal with these numbers. maria: you were a homeland security official for the state of new york, homeland security adviser and you've watched these numbers increase. connect the dots to national security because you were there watching this and when you don't know who is coming in, that is a complete unknown risk. >> it was probably one of the worst fears we had in the days following 9/11 as to who was here in the country, what were their capabilities, their motivations, did they have any
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type of training. if you are an intelligence agency of a foreign government that wants to do us harm and you know that people can get in through the border, why wouldn't you set up intelligence officials through that border and weapon eyes immigration. that's what's going on in other parts of the world, that, we believe is going on right here, they are weapon icing immigration. maria: we heard from national border patrol president brandon judd and he is there every day, whether it be arizona or texas, he slamming president biden for his policies, he did so yesterday during the press conference. >> i want to know, my agents are mad as hell. absolutely mad that president biden went to brownsville texas rather than arizona, rather than going to san diego california rather than coming to eagle pass, texas which has been the epicenter. maria: he doesn't want to see
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the epicenter, doesn't want the cameras traveling with him to be able to shoot the video of these people coming across, that is why he went to the place where they were four apprehensions in brownsville the other day. >> this is an invited for asian of our country, a total, this is what biden should be impeached for is the total disregard for our sovereignty as a nation because everything about this is intentional, this is no accident, not funding the program to make sure these people are vetted and claims are coming in, not forcing nation status on mexico and the only leverage the republicans have is the budget and they are completely afraid to shut down the government because it's an easy solution. shutting down the government until you shutdown the border. they are afraid to do it even
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though it would be wildly popular among their base and might give house republicans a chance of holding onto the house this fall. maria: democrats don't want to do it. soundbite of chuck schumer, we want the money to ukraine now to ukraine. the border is an issue but we will deal with that later. this is the way they see things, we will keep a spotlight on it and just getting started, short break, then markets on the move on the first trading day of march. looking at more earnings and economic data. the word on wall street panel coming up with expectations, you're watching "mornings with maria" on fox business. ♪ meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase.
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maria: time for the word on wall street. michael lee, a look at markets which are trading down fractionally on the first trading day of march, down just real down 52, s&p down 4. 5, nasdaq extending the record performance, the nasdaq closed at a record high for the first time since november 2021 and it is up again a fraction. yesterday closed at 16,091. nasdaq at 16,090 one, stocks are up across the board for february, the major averages closing the month with a fourth monthly gain, down industrial top 2% in february, nasdaq up 6% in february, the s&p 500 higher by 5%. year to date these numbers are similar, the dow is soaring this morning reporting a double beat on earnings and revenue, expectations cited rising demand for ai servers, stock is up 22% and we are looking at
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more retail earnings next week. we are from target, costco, nordstream and bj's. i want your thoughts on earnings season so far and your take on the disaster of the morning, community bank court bank ct. stock is 20%, 30% actually. >> earnings season is pretty good. more specifically if you look at the market over the last 15 months it has been the story of the magnificent seven. to me that's a verification that the underlying economy is not doing is that good and you have a concentration of performance from a couple things, first of all, a netflix that's becoming a consumer stable, your new proctor and gamble. no one is canceling their netflix subscription and the other side of that is more exciting, more interesting, artificial intelligence and all the major players delivered significant beats. these were massive expectations
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particularly by nvidia, people talk about the valuation of nvidia. nvidia is a much cheaper stock and forward-looking p/e ratio than it was a year ago or two years ago. if the ceo is right that this is going to be a $300 billion bargain by 2026 this stock could triple from here so what is driving these stocks are massive earnings gains. massive revenue gains because the face of computing has changed and that has bled out into the entire earnings season. maria: but look, you are talking about a triple from here, stock is up better than 230% over the last year. i know you are on the board of a small ai company and you are really focused on block chain, not necessarily bitcoin. how do you see it? >> in his book the four battlegrounds author paul sharp
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talks about the four areas of competition to implement artificial intelligence, the first is data, the second is computing, the third is talent and the fourth is institutions so what we are seeing in the stock market is things like nvidia and dell, that's part of the compute and that is going to have to increase dramatically in order to take the data and launch it into a usable commodity and people don't understand necessarily that the ai is not -- just a commodity itself. it is a system that learns and devolves and this is the challenge and why you are seeing these stocks continue to grow and i believe you see a confluence of these stocks growing. bitcoin is linked to continue to be value because of the block chain. the ability to know how things have been changed during the register of that. that is a tremendously
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important aspect of bitcoin. maria: when nvidia reported earnings a couple weeks ago the wall street journal wrote about the quarter and how the ceo was saying it is created a whole new industry but they also said right now you are not seeing broadly speaking corporate america investing in ai. meta sending huge amounts of money, google parent alphabet investing huge in ai, not necessarily corporate america, does that mean there's a runway to come for ai once america starts investing big in this? >> i agree with you because you will see options. every investor wants options, the ability to move money in different places to hedge the bet, that is what bitcoin is going to provide. they are not in there now but there will be money they have
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to place somewhere and easy stocks and safe stocks and massive growth stocks which bitcoin represents. maria: michael lee, get back in here, we are seeing a deterioration in community bancorp, that stock is plunging this want to, disclosed internal control issues last night, announced departure of its ceo, the bank announced an amendment to fourth-quarter earnings results, reporting losses of $2.4 billion more than earlier stated. this stock has lost 55% of its value year to date and you are talking another 25% haircut this morning. is this telling me there are problems under the hood in terms of the market. >> i believe new york state killed this stock with covid regulations and driving people out of the office market, with no bail reform, it's these
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small community banks writing the loans, jpmorgan and wells fargo putting them together and sell them off, and in addition the rent control housing, with the cost of everything and regulations going up and now that you have rent control buildings where rent can't go up a lot of landlords are just handing back the keys so it is a unique situation for them but you are going to start to see problems with the smaller regional banks in these office loans so a lot of these office loans start rolling over in succession. equities too far away from where the landlord wants to put money and you will see more bank failures, more difficulty and if you see our flight on deposits like we saw after silicon valley bank this could be a massive disaster. maria: that's what i wanted to ask you about. if we see this spiral and
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become a problem for the major banks, that's where you start seeing the idea the entire market is going to get impacted by this. do you. of the larger banks will be holding the back of this? >> i believe larger banks will benefit dramatically from this. if you look at jpmorgan's earnings growth in the last year it has been substantial, the pickup they got from first republic was spectacular, the number of people going from these regional banks that have wonderful service, personalized relationships and global banks has been dramatic, it has been, jpmorgan in particular has profited handsomely from that. the fed will be holding the bag for the small banks which is bullish for bitcoin to take it all back. maria: you mentioned the legislation backdrop for bitcoin. i know bitcoin is rallying but right now the securities and exchange commission and other
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agencies are trying to figure out the right regulatory backdrop. the crypto currency closed in february at $62,000 with its best month since 2020. i know you are a fan of what's going on but would you put no money to work in bitcoin today at $62,000. >> what's the biggest thing about investing, photo portfolio together, make sure it is balanced and waited properly, if you have one portion that goes to this, certainly not placed on bitcoin. maria: you agree with that? >> absolutely. before i took my sports betting money and put it in bitcoin, i've done better. maria: that's good. we appreciate it. stay right there. a lot more to come. "mornings with maria" is live, donald trump calling out president biden for refusing to
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take responsibility for his border policy and the border crisis after dueling visits yesterday. we will talk to texas congress on troy nell's weighing in on what is happening in his home state next, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. this looks like an actual farm. it looked cute on the app. ( ♪ )
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>> president biden: here's what i would say to mister trump. such a planned policy put into. tell moves of congress to block this legislation. join me. or i will join you in telling congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. we can do it together. >> the united states is being overrun by the biden migrant crime, a new form of vicious violation to our country, migrant crime. biden migrant crime. maria: president biden and donald trump speaking at different parts of the texas border yesterday, biden is calling on congress to pass the senate border deal, trump is sounding the alarm on migrant crime. the house judiciary committee
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subpoenaing alejandro mayorkas for documents on the texas migrant surge and razor wire fight. running years troy nels of the house transportation and judiciary committee, and former texas sheriff. thanks for being here this morning. you sent a second letter to mayorkas demanding information about the venezuelan prisoners entering the united states. this is a subject i'm very concerned with because i know that there is a gang from venezuela right now running around new york stealing people's purposes and attacking people. tell me what you want to know about these prisoners from venezuela. >> i sent the letter in september 2022 to secretary mayorkas expressing concerns about the reports we've heard from border patrol that venezuela was sending in rapists, murderers, emptying their jails, their prisons and sending their bad breaks.
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or member what trump said along, they are not going to send us their best, they are going to sanders their worst and he is right again. we've seen an increase in venezuelans entering the southern border and with the parole provisions we have with this administration they struggled their release into communities and we have individuals, innocent victims like miss riley being murdered by these thugs. i sent that letter, as 10 questions and you never hear from them, never heard from them and this administration has blood on their hands. i sent another letter not just this week, seeing of the administration would reach out to us and explain what's happening with these individuals, over half a million. venezuelans entered the southern border in the last three years. i don't expect to hear anything. maria: it is unbelievable. what is the motivation here, why would he be okay, with venezuela emptying their
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prisons and sending these people here. i don't understand why this would be okay, and this gang in new york, they have these specific tattoos showing they are part of the gang, this is incredibly dangerous. >> it's dangerous, the american people are paying for it because this administration puts the american people last, we had millions of people coming up through latin america, mexico, coming from across the entire globe. the problem with the venezuelans is maduro, the president is releasing these individuals, prisoners infiltrating these caravans on the way up but there's no way for us to check who they are and maduro has made very clear he doesn't want them back so if you are brought into this country from venezuela and you are arrested in this country like mister abara, that murderous thug, we can't send him back, we can't send him back because maduro says i don't want them.
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so we've got a problem here. maria: can't send them back -- china will not repatriate people either and i wonder what the motivation is. no one in their right mind would open up america to prisoners and let these people go and do the things we are reporting on like murder of laken riley. i got a text from a friend who told me she was waiting at a food truck in queens and was approached by two people who looked like they were illegals, one had tattoos all over his face, they said to her high, miss, do you want to sign up to be a democrat and vote? ? is this what they're doing? putting these migrants to work to try to engage people to become democrat voters? what's the motivation? >> that's exactly what it is.
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this administration has allowed millions of people over the last three years to enter the southern border and is all by design. i have a book on it borderless by design about the amnesty claims, we get them into our country and the naturalization mill starts clicking, all of a sudden offer these people citizenship and it's all about 1-party rule. that's what this is about, this is by design, not by accident. the administration knows in the long game these individuals that have come across the southern border are going to remember the party that brought them here in the long-term goal of the democrats eventually give these individuals citizenship and then it is 1-party rule forever. they did this in the 1800s when the people were coming through and started making individual citizens each and every day more and more citizens and they vote democrat, it's by design. maria: good piece by the federalist yesterday than we 9 ways the feds are using biden
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boxed a regular 2,024 election. that something everybody should look at but i want to ask you about the national security threat here and look at what is going on between the relationship between china and the biden family because the transcript of hunter biden's deposition was released yesterday. let me tell you what the washington times is reporting, breathtaking general warns of china's expansion of nuclear weapons. china is becoming more dangerous by the day and yet we've got this business we are learning more about between the biden family and the ccp, hunter s transcript is released, still claiming his father was never involved in his business deals despite admitting he would put him on speakerphone and invited his father, then vice president to drop by several of his business lunches, hunter admitted he and
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business partner were not able -- the ccp linked investment fund until vice president biden flew to beijing on air force 2 on official business. they weren't even allowed to do the deal, china would not do the deal until they had face time with president biden. what did you learn in that meeting yesterday that testimony from hunter biden. >> we learned everything the republicans have said for the past year and 1/2, two years is compromised and they are corrupt. we know who the big guy is, a bigger -- we know they have personally profited from relationships not only with china but ukraine with hunter being on the board of burisma. president biden used influence to fire the prosecutor looking into burisma so everybody knows the american people know so we have exposed this family and the american people know about
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it, they truly know, they know what is taking place. maria: who else is compromising congress? who else is getting paid by china i want to know because i don't understand why we never respond to the aggression, we allowed a surveillance balloon to travel the country before it was shot down. there was no accountability for covid leaking from the wuhan lab in the cover-up by the ccp not to mention the years of intellectual property theft, the fentanyl flowing, kentucky senator mitch mcconnell announced he is stepping down as republican leader in november. john cornyn announcing he wants the job running to replace mcconnell. your thoughts on this and what changes without mcconnell in the lead of the senate? >> the most important issue right now for the republican party is to make sure we do everything we can to get the white house back and that is
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donald trump. mitch mcconnell said he's not going to seek reelection. he will be done in november. whether you have senator cornyn or thune you will have others that will want that position but i believe donald trump will play a significant role in who the next leader is in the senate and he should because donald trump will be our president, he will be the 40 seventh president and he is going to want to make sure that whoever is leading the charge in the senate understands donald trump and his policies to make america great again again. maria: we will leave it there, we will be watching your work, thank you. stay with us, we will be right back.
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maria: iran giving hezbollah the green light to escalate attacks on israel's northern border ordering hezbollah to launch a, quote, large-scale assault being described in israeli state media as october 7th part 2. the houthi rebel leader is warning the terrorist group is preparing military surprises in its red sea operations that its enemies will, quote, not expect. joining me is the executive vice president and senior policy advisor and former senior advisory to make pompeo back with us.
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good to see you. >> great to see you again. maria: your reaction to all of this. >> iran is the source of the violence and problems and horrors in the middle east and the problem in israel is that they have limited capacity, waging war in gaza to eliminate how mass, but they do face the larger threat from hezbollah which possesses an enormous number of rockets and capabilities that how mass doesn't possess in gaza or at least didn't possess in gaza so this is what everyone is worried about and this is why it is so important to push back on tehran and unfortunately we got very confused policies coming out of washington and when you get policy, you get dangerous and confused results so we paid them for us hostages, we have allowed iran to continue to sell energy to china, we have allowed them to equip the russian forces in
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ukraine with drones and other capabilities so as a result, israel faces an enormous threat and it is the threat from the north that will turn this conflict which israel has successfully contained, might light a fire that could engulf the middle east. maria: this is a complete change from when you were in government working good for secretary of state mike pompeo. what do you see as the most appropriate response for all of this aggression from iran? >> i mentioned a couple actions that should be immediately taken. we should be reimposing maximum pressure campaign. putting financial pressure on tehran so they can't afford to send troops and weapons to places like lebanon and the west bank, syria and iran, that should be done immediately, we have to unleash us energy because that cuts off a revenue
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source but we have to step up our efforts to interdict weapons they are sending through other channels to the fight but ultimately we can't see this as an iran problem. i see this all the time, you have to see the world as it is and what we are facing is an axis of iran, china, russia and north korea. you have to step back and say we have to treat iran like an enemy but china is also an enemy and we' ve got computers policy their too and we need to say that clearly and treat them as such. secondary sanctions would be a good step, pressure on iran's nuclear program. and effort of the united nations to get our friends together and reimpose significant sanctions on the ballistic missile program. we are taking the eye off the ball little bit. iran is developing nuclear weapons. that is a serious serious problem. talk about destabilization in
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the middle east. imagine if iran got a nuke so it takes a comprehensive but clear eyed strategy where we are recognizing who our enemies are, explaining that to the american people and taking appropriate action to stop them. this wishy-washy both sides thing, we will get involved in israeli politics, no, we need to back our friends, help them defeat our enemies because that serves our national interests. ultimately what we don't want is the broader middle east war, where there is a threat to the united states and american soldiers could be pulled back in. that's what we don't want to happen. i hope they change course in the white house. what i'm telling client is there is no evidence of that just yet. maria: that is why mike pompeo led the abraham accords which were very successful but the same wishy-washy response is
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applicable to china. this president does not react. the latest is president biden is launching an investigation into what he calls foreign aid software of cars. after concerns over china's efforts to dominate the global auto industry biden said this. connecting vehicles from china would collect sensitive data about our citizens and infrastructure and send the data back to the people's republic of china. these vehicles could be remotely accessed or disabled, says the president. so i am wondering what he is referring to. the vehicles that are made in china. separate and apart from this is the mysterious death of angela chow, sister-in-law of mitch mcconnell. this is now an investigation according to a texas sheriff. that's a criminal investigation
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into how she died. until we can rule out criminality here. we know that her toes the back into her pond on a private ranch and now she's dead. i don't know if this has anything to do with what triggered president biden to launch an investigation into foreign-made parts out of china but what are your thoughts on foreign-made cars, cars made in china and the ability for the communist party to track our citizens. >> we have confused policy toward beijing that's giving us confused outcomes. it's a good thing that we have us officials and the white house starting to talk about the threat that you just described of chips and things and products that are coming out of china the track us. we talked at length about the threat from wall way and
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chinese made phones that are not just feeding a propaganda but can listen in on everything that you are saying but it leads one to wonder if it is such a threat why aren't we banning this stuff but we are not banning it because we haven't officially because the us government determine china is an enemy and therefore we have confused messaging, us ambassador to beijing in these last days striking a deal to try to bring more us students to china. why would you want to send americans to a country that practices hostages diplomacy, that has taken canadians and taiwanese and australians and dual citizen chinese americans hostage and continues to do so today. very strange thing to do, very dangerous thing to do. you have a neo-executive order that was issued on protecting americans data being sold into china. that's a good step but on the other hand the chamber of commerce chief suzanne clark
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going to beijing meeting the chinese premier and trying to encourage us business to go over there. it's very confused can but that's because we haven't leveled with the american people about the totality of the threat, china, go read the china military power accord or read the introduction and look at the number of nuclear weapons they have, no visibility into that. 500 weapons going to to 1000 x 2030, space weaponry, biochemical weapons programs, the third largest air force, million man army constantly threatening taiwan and their neighbors, india for instance, vietnam, indonesia, malaysia, these are the things we are grappling with and that's why we need to be clear about the threat and level with the american people. maria: there is a piece out of the washington times, the title is breathtaking, strat, general is warning of china's expansion of nuclear weapons.
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the nuclear wargames between china, russia, north korea and iran. a putin's warning about the risk of nuclear war, during his annual address to moscow's federal assembly yesterday, if western nations send troops to ukraine, he says, he is threatening the world, plan report and said western nations must realize that we have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. this threatens our conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. this is what we heard from putin yesterday. >> putin is deterring president biden, president biden has not equipped ukraine to the extent that he could to win quickly because putin has deterred him. we need to flip that around. we need to deter vladimir putin, we need to determine xi xinping and we need to see them as a combined entity, not as a singular problem. maria: we will leave it there. great to get your insights which thank you from dallas. quick break, then lydia is live this morning in texas in
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brownsville where president biden was with more on the border crisis. >> reporter: while we've been in brownsville we've talked to small business owners about what they think is driving the migrant crisis. here their take on what they say must change. all of that coming up. (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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maria: president biden and donald trump visited texas yesterday touring two different parts of the southern border. lydia spoke to business owners to find out some steps that can be taken to solve this crisis. >> we talked with small business owners and they say they think the opportunity to find work here is driving and incentivizing migrants to cross the border. we spoke to one rancher who has a massive ranch 40 miles away from border and he shared the perspective he has developed over his lifetime of running the ranch. teresa miller is a fifth-generation texas rancher. to him there is one critical issue at the heart of the border crisis. >> you need to really clean up the work program. people are coming here looking
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for jobs, not welfare. >> reporter: according to mother, stiffer penalties are needed to deter migrants and employers. >> we need to penalize americans that are taking advantage of this cheap labor. >> reporter: the system now encourages risktaking. >> seeing dead bodies out here, it's tragic because it didn't have to be that way. >> reporter: she said some of those bodies were found in elevated huts for hunters or nature photographers. from here, trespassers are sometimes a spotted. >> it's quiet and all of a sudden you see 20 or 30 people crossing 200 yards away in military style fashion. that doesn't make your heart race, you don't know what their intent is. >> reporter: that means there's one rule on the ranch. >> everybody on the ranch is been told by my brother and daughter they are supposed to carry some firearm when traveling anywhere on this ranch. >> reporter: miller told us he welcomed visits to the border from president biden and donald
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trump. >> basically this is not a republican problem or democrat problem, this is an american problem. this will impact our kids and grandkids. >> reporter: miller says our country is not adequately caring for our own veterans and american homeless and he says now that the balance of caring for hundreds of thousands of migrants is going to push us to a connect economic brink. maria: thanks very much. it's an incredible situation, michael lee. when i was at the border i spoke with ranchers and they told me they don't throw the garbage out without holding their pistol because they are afraid of who is on their property. >> reporter: there was a rancher near the border who had an invader, felt threatened for his life, ended up shooting and killing him. is not the illegal that was trespassing and threatening for the homeowner that is under indictment. it is the landowner. we live in a banana republic
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where illegal immigrants from other parts of the world have more rights and privileges than our own citizens. maria: it changed quickly and three years. this is where we find ourselves. michael:you listen to that rancher, he is on the front lines of this national issue and has a lot of common sense, he sits there and says if they want jobs what are we doing about the jobs program, what about the people exploiting them and taking them for cheap labor, what are we doing to stop this from being this beacon for people coming across the world to try to come here. it's a sanctuary city issue. everybody on that caravan train have cell phones, they know what the internet says, they know what cities will be welcoming to them. we have to have a national policy on that and we don't. maria: we will take a break, when we come back, house majority leader steve scully's
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is here with reaction to the dueling border trips and short-term funding bill to keep government open, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, we will be right back. this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay.
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