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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  August 14, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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stuart: we asked who is the 22nd president of the united states and lauren cheated. stuart: i did not cheat but i think i know the answer. i think the answer is grover cleveland. lauren: to be honest i said woodward wilson but you are correct. stuart: grover cleveland 189 1895 - 1899 and 93 to 97 make it the 22nd and the 24th president. you should've known that, larry kudlow has donald trump this week on his show. "coast to coast" starts now. >> coming up on cavuto "coast to coast", the two front rotors for 2024 facing new legal troubles as voters try to figure out who can help them with the economic troubles. plus a devastating wildfire and now we leading to a lawsuit, who is getting the blame, that is
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coming up. a flash mob ransacked los angeles nordstrom in broad daylight, crime is going to be a hot topic on next week's debate stage but will presidential candidate larry elder be there, we're going to ask him, he is here, a lot going on this hour. let's get to it. i'm cheryl casone in for neil cavuto. cheryl: the growing legal problems, fox news white house correspondent jacqui heinrich is here at the white house with the very latest. there has been plenty of criticism over david why special counsel appointment particularly for those who criticize the plea deal who pushed through, which was later rejected by the delaware judge and hunter bidens attorney abby lowe who is
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suggesting if weiss ends up bringing more charges, then were already brought against hunter then something else will be fueling that suggested it might be political pressure. >> as a democrat i adore joe biden, he saved this country. my real call to action is not about me, the call to action is to ask the president to pass the torch. >> that was the wrong soundbite, they were trying to play a soundbite from abby the said everything has been looked at so the special counsel does it go by the deal it'll be something other than the facts. in meantime congressional democrats are free be this much differently, their sin to a point but of david weiss affirms yet ultimate authority all along to bring any charges which might have to be brought another states, disappointment well allow him to do but economist steve forbes is among those who
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say that this case with the president's son may drag down his father in 2024. forbes also points to the president's age and voter concerns about the economy. those concerns are being echoed by one congressional democrat who you just heard from congressman dean phillips was calling on president biden to pass the torch, phillips has been mowing a presidential bid of his own, he says that's in response to calls from donors who believe the country needs to move on for president biden. about a rick governor from the heartland ip the best shot of keeping a democrat in the white house and the 2024. president biden has not responded to any questions about any of this including when he returned to the white house from rehobeth beach, he walked right past, do not take questions. we have a briefing coming up at 3:00 o'clock. it'll be the first one since july 27. a whole lot of questions to get answers to from the white house. cheryl: we hope so, jacqui
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heinrich. thank you. in the meantime republican florida congressman greg steube is leading the charge to impeach president biden over his alleged ties to his son hunter's business dealings. this is what he had to say when asked of special counsel david weiss is protecting the family from an investigation. >> payments made to what the democrat said, there is no evidence he was involved there was absolutely evidence that joe was involved. you witness testimony, financial records, irs whistleblowers and the special counsel supposed to be an unbiased separate person broaden for the purpose to investigate crimes, this is the same guy investigated for five years in gave this as mr. comer said the sweetheart deal to hunter biden and on top of that allowed for felony crimes, the most egregious crimes for the statute of limitations. >> tiana lowe doescher joints be
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now. your reaction to this move by greg steube. this is a little different from kevin mccarthy saying there was impeachment inquiries, we can discuss and investigate. greg steube was now, let's file right now abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and financial involvement in drugs and prostitution. >> calling out those articles for an outline of what an inquiry might look like is not a ban on shabbat planted all especially considering the impeachment number one against donald trump they could not get obstruction of justice they could not get obstruction of congress, were talking obstruction of justice against joe biden shows how serious this is. you talk to members of the house gop, we know there are not votes to impeach the president and you only get one bite at the apple which is why we have seen james comer and kevin mccarthy be so careful about this in terms of
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how the and rollout data and evidence in the next step will be witnesses and subpoenas. we've seen james comer is issued subpoena in hunter biden even if he is able to get out of something. hunter can't in the president was already set under the trap administration would donald trump jr. was subpoenaed and it would have to do nine hours of questioning by house democrats. up next is going to be the inquiry, they probably have the votes to move forward with an inquiry relatively soon but you only get one bite at the apple so no one wants to jump the gun and lay out articles of impeachment that haven't failed the first time. cheryl: a lot of colleagues disagree with this move, she's actually joining me later on in the hour nancy mace, she said that she thinks you don't want to politicize as nancy pelosi did the impeachment of a
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president. remember when nancy pelosi was in charge of the house. he had to run that donald trump for impeachment. that was nancy pelosi. let's slow this down and not basically dilute which could be a serious charge against any sitting president. >> congresswoman mace has good reason to say that considering what we saw under trump, we saw the first impeachment was poorly executed and they could've gotten possibly better than obstruction of congress which was a made up charge and arguably that help dilute the power of the second impeachment against trump after january 6. it is very difficult to get members of congress to try impeach a president of their own party, even after january 6, democrats were able to get it done. the mandate for congress is not just to put biden on trial.
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i think most americans are much more concerned about his policies, prices beat up 16% since he took office. regulatory regime hampering supply. foreign crises overseas. the fact that we evacuate u.s. embassy after u.s. embassy, that does not change the fact that the hunter biden disaster is a big deal and most importantly the president's involvement, not just in his overseas influence peddling but also shutting down the irs investigation into it. with that being said is important for republicans to not make it seemed like it's a political witch-hunt. cheryl: exactly, that's what congressman mason saying, let's keep up with donald trump now. he is bracing for a fourth potential indictment, the georgia da looks like she's presenting evidence of alleged efforts by the former president to overture the 2020 election results to a grand jury. what is different about this it is a state-level indictment, if
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he were to win the white house again he could not pardon himself. but let's talk about the applications of georgia is there a strong enough case do we think, this is the fourth indictment of the former president. >> we saw in the jack smith special counsel indictment. he had to manipulate 153-year-old loss in novel ways to employ them. the fulton county da does not actually have to do that, the laws of the talking about interpreting are going to be straightforwardly read and also you have a jury pool that will be very unfavorable to trump, biden one and fulton county by 33%, there is the real worry that trump is again working with an unfavorable jury. unlike the federal documents, the handling of misclassified documents case. i think this is an issue that resonates with voters, do people
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care about classified documents especially how it was handled with hillary clinton, probably not. do people like january 6 when they are reminded about it, no. ordinary voters first and foremost you have inflation you have oil supply chain, your foreign policy, january 6 is registered relatively low in the political richter scale but if you continually have to think about it and considering the fact it was trump sparring against very popular republican like brian kemp and brad raffensperger. cheryl: they did not help them out at the time and they're not helping them out now. tiana lowe doescher, thank you so much. from a political punch to an economic hit new analysis from moody's finds americans are spending $709 per month then two years ago this is the white house celebrates one year of the inflation reduction act.
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edward lawrence joins us with the latest. >> president joe biden is working to message his way out of the economic stresses that american's are seen every day for the president wants bidenomics to be a household word and get a good warm feeling. what they see is food prices up about 70% since january of 2021, overall inflation of 15% and that time. that means that people are making 3% less than their paychecks and everything else is more expensive. you talked about it, moody analytics say americans are spending $709 per month more than two years ago for the same stuff that they bought and now gas prices are on the rise. >> if you not only look at food prices but you look at fuel prices, the average fuel price, $3.84 a gallon across the united states. most of dollars and 40 cents greater than when joe biden came
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into office. bidenomics is doing nothing to help the average american family deal with the increasing prices and i argue is added to inflation. >> the white house sending a slew of representatives out this week and bidenomics will in the future work, the president will be in wisconsin on tuesday. you see the vice president in seattle the treasury secretary in las vegas today will say as we move away from fossil fuels we remain concerned about the risks of overconcentration and clean energy supply chain, today the production of clinical clean energy from batteries to solar panels to critical minerals is concentrated in a handful of countries. she's talking about china and she's good to go want to say she would like to see the manufacturing for the clean items move back here to the united states at some point in the future and that's what they're working on. the last jobs report
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manufacturing lost 2000 jobs. cheryl: edward lawrence i remember it well. let's take a look at the markets, stocks trying to find their footing to begin the week after a sluggish start to the month we love the big retailers coming out let's get the read from freedom capital market chief global strategist, we have home home depot tomorrow and they were getting target, walmart, tjx, what's expectation on your end. >> were getting action, slow summer monday. each one has a different story, walmart and t.j. maxx all-time highs, home depot with interesting critical level, had a nice three month run, target list focused of the shrink factor in the theft and stores, they said they couldn't take a $1.3 billion hit over the fiscal
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year as a result of that and that raised eyebrows, it has been basic about the 130 level, the brace 135 i would be very concerned. i think of all the stocks. it's very interesting to me and home depot, will see if we can get going and that stock for an all-time highs is another $60 up from here, will see what they say as well and the pride displays, they got really hit for the pride displays back in june some of the fashion choices specifically not the overall displays. he hit the bottom line, let's talk about the fed minutes on wednesday and will get a get retail sales tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. think the retail more than the minutes is going to give us a data point for the fed. >> without a doubt the minutes are a snooze -fest, we know what was said we get to see where the tension was amongst the people
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voting. when it comes to jackson hole, that's what will be talking about to see what powell says in the future of rate hikes will be. whether they take a victory that i would seriously doubt that things have been going well. last year he threw cold water on a raleigh. the jackson hole meeting is what were focused on. retail sales this is another data point cpi, ppi jobless claims are much higher and will move the markets more in retail sales or something that we're watching but it will be overshadowed by the big retailers reporting earnings later this week. cheryl: thank you j with a commentary. we appreciate it. >> 96 people are confirmed dead in the deadliest buyer in modern u.s. history, how did the fire start what we know about the lahaina fire
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golo takes a systematic approach to eating that focuses on optimizing insulin levels. we tackle the cause of weight gain, not just the symptom. when you have good metabolic health, weight loss is easy. i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it wasn't. the weight just fell off. i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. cheryl: officials trying to figure out the exact cause of the mall we wildfires, as first responders sifting through the rubble looking for survivors. fox weather's max gorden is live in maui with all the latest. >> so much sadness and heartbreak on the island of maui
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and no official answer as to why the fire started. over the weekend class-action lawsuit against hawaii and electric, that is the power provider alleging the power provider did not deenergize the lines when they do about the high wind advisory, the red flag warnings and downed power lines cause the fire that killed so many people. the state's governor is demanding more from an investigation that firefighters thought that this fire was out but in 80 mile-per-hour wind caused what he describes a fire hurricane. take a listen. >> that meant that fire traveled 1 mile every minute resulting in this tragedy. with those kind of wins and a thousand degrees temperatures, ultimately all of the pictures that you will see will be easy to understand. >> the local government limiting access to the town of lahaina
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devastated by fire saying it's unsafe and they're still recovering bodies. in one case an entire family of four was identifying its victims. the west side of maui 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. with axis during the day, limited residency people with hotel reservations. according to the governor more than 2700 buildings were destroyed, the vast majority being houses, somebody people without homes, the need is immense, the county estimates 4500 people need shelter in many waiting for word of love one still missing. >> it's very hard. >> never, i think in my life i imagine that we would have something like this. i cannot describe the feelings i get. >> the dental is expected to rise, hundreds are still mis
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missing, people are being urged to submit dna swabs to help identify victims. cheryl: think for the light report. as people in hawaii struggle to cope. joy dennis michael caponi he is in hawaii right now. describe what is the biggest need right now for those with those that you been in contact with. >> our organization arrived on day two. it's absolutely we bidden over 300 disasters throughout the world as absolutely armageddon it is completely level flat. we have worked in paradise fires years ago and their team is from the paradise fires and they are here with us helping the
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situation. in bringing families and bringing actual supplies into ground zero. and also with the program with bethany frankel's, be strong and we were giving visa cards to all the people in the shelters so they can have short-term incidentals, we got a good temperature on everything that's going on. they have probably been sleeping three or four hours a day. the biggest need is to get people stabilized and out of the shelters in this 4500 shelters all thousands of people staying with friends and they can't be in the area or their houses for so we need to stabilize the housing situation so we have a partnership with their b&b, there's vouchers and we start distribute in them today. they are short term stays and after that our fund has to start
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buying out what is possible. we have done that with the surfside collapse. our agency relocated every single person after the surfside collapse into new permanent housing that lasted a one-year lease. cheryl: that's at least what they're going to need that is a minimum, this is going to take years to rebuild. i was looking at the estimates, $5.5 billion is now the estimate to rebuild. more than 2200 structures, 86 are believed to be residential and 9% commercial, 4500 residents are going to need shelter. is everyone in shelter now, those that are accounted for because were also hearing reports because were still searching for the missing, possibly hundred more that are
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missing. >> there's a lot of missing people, a lot and we pray that people are found or they have a bit able to communicate and no communication in the area, it's hard we can't use our phones. there's always been a housing shortage in maui. most people have used the vacation rental program with their homes, the rates are very high they used to getting five, six, $800 a day for their vacation rental property. we are to get everybody at the most important thing just all this crisis short-term aspect of it. vacation rental people must lower their rates completely so you can foundations like ours to do a buyout and pay 2500 and then we can put them in their. cheryl: i wish i could say that that could happen. i don't know that that will
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because people are people and will see what happens. it is devastating. michael caponi thank you for your assistance. i'm sure you will do a lot of good for those in maui that needed. were trying to do good outbox. if you're looking for ways to help those impacted from these fires in hawaii, you can donate red the donations to prepare, responded help people recover from these types of disasters. a scary situation, when a mob stormed into a los angeles nordstrom ramp sacking the luxury retailer, gop presidential candidate larry elder is going to be here next with his plan to combat the t crimhie crisis like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected.
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cheryl: this was los angeles nordstrom saturday 4:00 p.m. when a group of 30 people rushed and nvm sacked the store, policing the suspects got away with $100,000 worth of merchandise. 2024 gop presidential candidate larry elder joins me now. it's good to speak with you, welcome back. >> thank you for having me i appreciate it. cheryl: what is your plan to combat the crime crisis is happening in this country in particular like l.a., san francisco, new york and chicago. >> let me apologize for the hoarseness of my voice, the only candidate that doesn't lose his voice if he is not working hard. as you see i'm working hard. the reason i'm asking people to go to my website, larry and contribute 1 dollar to the 40000 individual donation to qualify for the first debate is because the 10000-pound elephant in the room
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that nobody's talking about on our side is a real epidemic in america it's not covid it's fatherlessness, 70% of black kid today without a father in the home married to the mother, up from 25% 1965, 25% of white kids into the world without a father in the home married to the mother and the stats are clear when you raise without a doubt your five times likely to be poor and commit crime 20 times likely to end up in jail. unless you are prepared to say black people are inclined to make more crime. you have to ask yourself out of a population of 30% half of the homicide victims are black, almost all killed by other black people, 60% of the homicides, the shooting and the robberies are committed by black people against other black people pretty young black male is age 10 - 4313 times more likely i'm not making this up more likely to be murdered in the same demo.
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in genetically inclined, you have to ask yourself what the devil is going on it is epidemic of fatherlessness. we are incentivizing women to be that the government and the men debated them were ability, nobody is talking about is the genesis of all of this. if i were involved in the smash and grab i would be more afraid what my father would do and what the cops were due to me, these kids are freedom either because they don't have the father in the home and the cops are demoralizing and the not engaging in policing and there is a result of thousands of excess casualties that have taken place in city after city because the cops are not engaged in policing and morell is down and as a result manpower is down and when you make it easier for a bad guy to steal and do bad things, crime goes up they may be criminals but they're not stupid. cheryl: it's devastating what's happening. i do not doubt your statistics one bit.
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, miami mayor if he doesn't make the gop debate stage, you have not met the criteria yet. will you say today if you don't meet the criteria by august 23 that you will drop out of the race. >> such negativity i'm on track to the 40000 individual donors. i don't have a plan b it's to make plan a work, i will see you in milwaukee, hold my beer, go to my website, larry this question is now moved. cheryl: that is an answer and i'll take it. we hope to see you there. we certainly hope that you would join us as well. larry elder always great to see you. thank you very much. you want to be sure to tune into fox on august 23 for coverage of the first republican presidential debate with martha
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maccallum and bret baier and fox business on september 27 for the second republican presidential debate at the ronald reagan presidential library. goldman sachs ceo david solomon is facing a lot of criticism after comments he made about fossil fuels enraging a group of students, did he actually say what is being accused of saying it were to take a closer look after the break. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪
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you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. cheryl: goldman sachs ceo david solomon is in hot water after referring to is fossil fuels divestment as stupid. founder and ceo for the founder of industrial progress joins me to discuss. basically the students are alleging that he made a racially
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charged sentiment that they got from him, he was patronizing disrespectful and it came from a position of power and they said they called us hypocritical for advocating for divestment because we use electricity and drive cars. >> as far as i can tell the main thing he said something true which the vesting from fossil fuels with u.s. companies doesn't do anything to change the fact that the world needs more energy and fossil fuels are the most effective way of getting energy which is why we have china building two new coal plants designed to last 40 years. my criticism is only saying it to the kids at hamilton college. he should be saying this to the world instead of promoting esg propaganda to the public. cheryl: i would say a statement was given to business insider goldman sachs did say david sullivan has enormous respect
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for hamilton and would not say things and we strongly beat the claims that he did. he did not know we were in the room but certainly the allegations are very serious and he gives a lot of money to the school. let's talk about esg and divestment. some of the things that were seen with these types of investments, shareholders are now getting fed up and receiving more shareholder lawsuits against companies because of esg, do you think the trend continues. >> i hope it continues, the basic idea of esg that certain political beliefs, left-wing political beliefs should be imposed by companies because voters won't vote for them. for years this is a free pass even though violates fiduciary duty to do what's best for the shareholders. i think it's great people are waking up, for years everyone was treating esg like a perfect thing that gives you halo prolific it's great that is getting challenged and to become
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a four letter word. i hope it continues. cheryl: three letters to four letters. mcdonald's, it appears that they've actually taken the phrase esg and abbreviation away from the website for instance before it was esg approach in progress and now on the website is our approach and progress. before performance and esg on the website says gold performance and reporting, why do you think mcdonald's is doing this or not answering questions as to the changes why do you speculate they are. >> and very confident there is a general change in the perception of esg for years i know a lot of people oil and gas companies in all of them were using the term were esg, it's so dangerous to use the term that your enemies come up with, that's what the oil companies did, esg is a product of the un leftist fossil
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fuel movement. everybody was. it because it's fashionable now it's not fashionable so people are rejecting it they shouldn't accept toxic terms in the first place in my view. >> i don't care about fashionable i care about losing money and i think people watching this network agree. cheryl: mark zuckerberg says he is moving on from any fight with elon musk. a few days ago they were talking about fighting in the coliseum of rome, how did it fall apart, where did it go wrong let's begin lauren simonetti. >> your guess is as good as mine. the story of the summer has sizzled. mark zuckerberg put the nail in the coffin, elon musk is not serious about a cage fight and it's time to move on, here's what he wrote, elon musk won't confirm a date then he says he needs surgery and now asked to do a practice round in my backyard. zuckerberg built the usc octagon in his backyard and elon musk
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texted him and said hey albion palo alto today let's fight in your yard, elon musk admitted i hadn't been practicing much and even though i'm larger than you are, you could be a modern-day bruce lee and you might actually win so zuckerberg responded to that and he said you're not serious and publicly that text message exchange was shared on ask i elon musk. if the fight were serious it would be great tv viewing. it would be funny. >> a billion dollars going to charity, like you just said. cheryl: my favorite part was elon musk attended the back-and-forth you're a chicken, that's where were at, they are billionaires. >> are taking marks a birds sidk
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zuckerberg side. i'm going ins to graham and elon musk will keep tweeting to keep it going. cheryl: the story has to keep going, i cannot cover this next couple of weeks. thank you very much. until tomorrow. time to check in with brian brenberg in the big-money show coming up in about 15 minutes. >> resident biden is going to spend this week touting the self-proclaimed success in the inflation reduction act as americans struggle to make ends meet. robo taxes coming to a city near you. we will ask jimmy failla if he will get into one. first more "coast to coast" after this. ♪
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hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. golo's helped me transition to a healthier, sustainable lifestyle. i'm so surprised just how crazy my metabolism has fired up. i have a trust in golo 'cause i know it works. golo isn't like every other program out there, and i'm living proof of it. (announcer) change your life at that's cheryl: today marks david weiss full week on the job after merrick garland tapped into lead the investigation into hunter biden. my next guest is on the committee investigated the biden
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family finances. is she worried the special probe will hurt congressional probes, congresswoman nancy mace joins me now. it's great to see you, that is the question that was raised by the editorial board of the wall street journal this morning that this could hurt your probe into hunter biden and joe biden. >> perhaps that's why the special counsel was instigated. the same people that were trying to cover up and hide information from our committees whether the memes and means oversight that it can be involved in the special counsel. the american people don't trust congress but they should trust the evidence that is coming forward the oversight committee and other investigative committees that we have going on so they can make the decision about whether or not the president is fit to serve in office, et cetera. it's very important that were transparent, we show all the evidence it ever going to continue to pursue this that were very transparent with the american people and show them
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everything that we have for and against this investigation. >> besides that i want to move on to something else making news, this includes you, this is greg steube, your colleague on the hill filing the articles of impeachment against president joe biden, there are four articles, you been quoted as saying you think it's too soon that kevin mccarthy said he sets this out, have you changed your mind at all in your opinion of what greg steube is doing. >> i think there are investigative tools and impeachment vote is too soon that was two weeks ago we have to make sure that the evidence that we put forward in a vote like that is overwhelming and it's undeniable and that the american people have seen hundreds suspicious activity reports and bank records to back up allegations of corruption but we have to show everything to the american people including
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bank records and reports of potential money laundering, those kinds of things so they can understand why we are doing this. i don't think were there yet and i do believe we will be at some point later this year. cheryl: the proof, no one wants to see a smoking gun that isn't smoking. how close are we to gaining the information. there are news outlets that say they indeed have information payments made to the biden family upwards of $20 million, james comer has come out publicly and says the proof is there, they've seen the records but the american people already to see the records. are we close? >> i hope that we are, were not allowed to share the suspicious activity reports but i've seen suspicious activity that make me believe the amount of money the biden's family was paid off is north of $50 million not just joe biden, hunter biden, james biden's brother they received money from communist china we've
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seen it and since were not allowed to show the reports because of confidential we have to connect the dots and have bank records and testimony from eyewitnesses. it's an amount and i believe the evidence will come forward but it doesn't happen overnight and i don't want this to be tit-for-tat i want us to be deliberative, thoughtful and i want to show the american people the truth, don't trust us but trust the evidence that will come forward. at the end of the day that the most we can ask for. >> 50 million is a new figure that were hearing from you right now. thank you for that. the other fear if you go after impeachment inquiries, nancy pelosi was the queen of impeachments for president at the time donald trump, those impeachments didn't go anywhere she's given credit for politicizing and impeachment proceeding in congress. it seems like you're trying to
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back off a little bit and as you say take your time and be methodical and make sure the proof is there before we go down this road. >> she absolutely politicized impeachment and that's a last thing we want to do. i don't want it tit-for-tat, take my job seriously. a represent an independent district and they don't want to take sides without showing evidence in the proof and that's the least the making people want and deserve. they can come to their own conclusion, this leads to an impeachment inquiry and that will happen. but we don't want to rush the process, we have to be seen better the nancy pelosi, we have to be seen better than the left, we want to make a people to know and trust what were putting forward and not think this is political. it shouldn't be political it should be about the evidence. >> speaking of politics, a big day in iowa on saturday with the candidates including president trump on the ground, the ford
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governor ron desantis. i did want to ask you is expected that we make it a fourth indictment of the former president. his polls seem to go up in his fundraising goes up every time he's indicted. your reaction to another pending indictment from georgia from president trump. >> he only gets stronger when he's indicted. i've been traveling as part of the house armed services committee visiting different military installations during that part of my job i missed out on i missed i was fair and read a few reports and he gets stronger and that's what we see him right away with the nomination. at this juncture will see if he debates other candidates on stage here soon and august. i hope that happens. cheryl: do you think you will come to the stage. >> i hope so i what is he the nominee if it's donald trump or anybody else i want them to debate joe biden. i don't want anybody to give joe biden and out if every single
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candidate debates on the stage then joe biden will also have to debate our nominee. we can't deny that we don't want to give them the path to avoid a debate next year. >> it's always great to talk to, come back anytime. let's take a quick look at the markets we have stocks moving, nvidia is a big mover the stock is up 5.5%. morgan stanley naming the company as one of the topics. this has room to run and on the flipside take a look at tesla this stock is lagging as a comedy because prices in china for the model why versions, the stock down 1.5%. we can have more "coast to coast" right after this. could s. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community
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dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this.
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yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones cheryl: taking a quick look at the markets before we send it over to the next show stocks trying to find their footing. the dow is down lower, nasdaq s up by 91 points. that does it for "coast to coast", neil is back tomorrow, brian brenberg, the big-money show is here to take it to the next hour. brian: hello i am brian brian brenberg. >> i'm jackie deangelis. >> i am taylor. >> president biden returning from another vacation to celebrate a year of his so-called inflation reduction act that hasn't seen much progress. millions of americans


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