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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  August 13, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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i think it's good. jack: what kind of investor is this right for, risky stock were blue-chip. >> is a solid company a little bit of a turnaround. if you're a valued investor probably looks attractive. jack: ben, carlton, andrew, thank you all. to read more check at this week's edition at barron' don't forget to follow us on at, formerly twitter. it is barron's online, tha ♪. maria: good sunday morning everyone welcome to "sunday morning futures". thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo, d.o.j. powerplay joe biden's justice
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department navy to special counsel in the biden family business probe and in doing so possibly shutting down information flow to the house oversight committee investigating president biden, attorney general merrick garland navy one of his own u.s. attorney david weiss who already tried once to get immunity for hunter for all future times. texas editor ted cruz on who will have the upper hand on exposing high crime and misdemeanor at the white house. a new special counsel or gop investigators. investigative reporter john solomon of just news and emily joe mars on the next shoe to drop on the biden gravy chain from foreigners alleged influence peddling that the president continues to deny. >> there is a testimony by one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speakerphone about with them talking business. >> i never talk business, i knew
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you would have a lousy question. >> why is that a lousy question. >> is not the truth. >> why another weak response to communist china biden's executive order which was supposed to limit investment in the chinese military. >> it needs to be so much more formidable. then you have the one year hiatus for implementation. a typical dodge by the administration possibly for greater concessions to come. you have 0 involvement of the public capital markets of the united states were the hundreds of billions of dollars are going to chinese sanction did other corporate bad actors, many in the high-tech arena of the very type that were supposed to be concerned about and not one of them is placed off-limits in this executive order. in fact capital markets if you can believe it got a complete
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pass. maria: coming up tennessee senator marsha blackburn on why joe biden walks on egg shells around sheesh and ping and communist china. 2024 candidates dissented on the iowa state fair this weekend ♪ ♪. maria: the 2024 presidential candidate the ramaswamy breaking out a performance on stage. he will join me live on the state of the 2024 grace and what's at stake for america. it's all here right now on "sunday morning futures". maria: we begin this sunday morning with allegations of corruption and cover-up at the highest levels, republicans are slamming the justice department this weekend for appointed u.s. attorney david weiss as special counsel in the hunter biden
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investigation. weiss was the one behind the botched plea deal which was intended to shield hunter biden from all charges in the future. david weiss came up with that, the plea agreement blew up after a federal or judge raise concern that hunter would receive immunity from any potential criminal charges garlands move to appoint a special counsel for the biden probe could put a freeze on the gop's investigation of president biden and the biden family by stopping any information flow. the special counsel was announced one day after house oversight committee chairman james comer told me that the walls are closing in for the biden family and he's planning to subpoena biden family members as he released new bank records which appear to show millions of dollars additional millions taken by joe, hunter and biden family members. here is james comer with me on thursday "mornings with maria" on fox business. >> we are going to subpoena the
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family, were putting the case together to win in court. with the opposition and obstruction were getting from the biden attorneys now. we know this is going to end up in court when we subpoena the biden but i wish the media would ask the president, what exactly did your family do to receive this $21 million at the house oversight committee has proven. he continues to say that is a lie, that is not true. we have the bank records, they don't lie. maria: joining me now texas editor ted cruz who sits on the senate foreign relations and senate judiciary committee. senator cruz is the author of a new book on woke, how to defeat cultural marxism in america. it is available this november and preorder is possible now, thank you for joining us this morning. >> good morning maria, good to be with you. your reaction to david weiss being named special counsel. >> disappointment is camouflage
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and cover-up. i think it's disgraceful. david weiss was a u.s. attorney hand-picked to lead this investigation who spent the last five years covering it up. david weiss who was personally selected by the two democrat senators tom carper and chris spoon has gone nowhere to another to protect hunter biden in joe biden, david weiss is the one that is subject to two whistleblower complaints from senior career irs officials that came forward, they said they'd never stated investigation like this in their entire time in law enforcement. they said the department of justice, lawyers working for david weiss protected the biden family and they gave heads up to hunter biden before search warrants were executed presumably so he can hide incriminating evidence and refused to allow them to ask any
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questions at all about the big guy, joe biden that they were focused on, you could not inquire into president joe biden's personal corruption and the result of all of that is that david weiss either was an active participant in covering up the criminality and protecting joe biden and engaging in and obstruction of justice, that is option one or option two he was not the driver he was complicit he was so weak he could not stop the partisan and main justice from turning it into a political effort to protect joe biden. either case wildly inappropriate person to be a special counsel. we should have a special counsel number one, we should have a special counsel to investigate merrick garland whether he lied under oath the congress into questioning from the number one and whether he committed obstruction of justice.
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those are the allegations that came from the whistleblowers. number two we need a whistleblower not to go back and bury what hunter biden did which is what david weiss has been doing for five years. we need a special counsel to investigate joe biden and $20 million at his family received while he was vice president. the allegation for official favors he was selling, that is bribery not a gun charge on hunter is bribery of the president of the united states. this special counsel, he is not what you do anything to get to the bottom of that. maria: james comer put out a statement this move by ag garland as part of the justice department's efforts to attempt a biden family cover-up in light of the gop oversight mounting evidence of president biden's role in this family scheme selling the brand for millions of dollars to foreign nationals. i want to go to the latest
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allegations in the new bank records with you saturday. you are constitutional expert. it begs the question what is congress going to do about this. who has the upper hand from your standpoint in terms of the constitution. is it the special counsel david weiss that may be able to freeze for the congressional lawmakers and the congressional investigators who have unearthed all of this evidence? >> it is both and under our constitutional system we have checks and balances and we expect the executive and legislature to wrestle with each other but the executive has an advantage in only the executive and department of justice back again being a grand jury and only the executive that can bring an indictment and only the executive that can prosecute which means as long as the biden department of justice remains a partisan political apparatus they will not prosecute joe
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biden they will not prosecute hunter biden for serious offenses, they will not prosecute merrick garland for serious offenses and congress does not have the ability to do that. congress has its own authority and i believe the only progress will see over the next year end a half over this corruption will come from congress and the house of representatives, james comer and jim jordan both of whom are doing a phenomenal job, they have subpoena power they will use it and continue to use it. pause and look at what the houses uncovered already. james comer has released bank records that showed that the biden family and their associates receive over $20 million from russia, ukraine and kazakhstan while joe biden was vice president. that is one point that is really important not to miss, this is a over their entire career.
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this is while daddy was vp $20 million, any reporter that gives a flip about doing his or her job about asking the president in every state, what is your family do to earn $20 million while you were vice president doing during those eight years. number two lots of democrats in defending biden, they keep using reference to influence peddling or access, that's not what these allegations are. influence peddling and access happens a lot in washington there are gazillion washington lobbyist. the allegations that hunter was selling official favors from daddy when he was vice president of the united states. if you look at the fd 1023, the allegation is a oligarch who owned burisma, spent $10 million, 5,000,002 joe biden, 5 million to hunter biden in exchange for getting joe biden to fire the prosecutor who was prosecuting the corrupt oligarch, we know the second
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half of the pray quote poe happened. joe biden admitted he got the prosecutor fire, the allegation he was bribed to do it. number three it is important to understand this is discussed as hunter's business dealings, this was not hunter's business dealings. this was joe biden's business, hunter has no marketable skills no one on planet earth would pay him $2 million to do anything. what hunter was selling was daddy it was joe biden's business, not shaking down our friends or shaking down france or england or italy but shaking down corrupt oligarchs and communist china to the tune of over $20 million, hunter was a salesman but the product was joe biden's personal favors and that is if true corruption at the very highest level of government. maria: what does this mean of an impeachment inquiry, do you think the special counsel in the
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powerplay out of the d.o.j. warrants that impeachment inquiry sooner rather than later, do you support an impeachment inquiry? >> absolutely yes, i publicly called for three impeachment inquiries to proceed in the house. number one i believe the house should impeach alejandro mayorkas, the secretary of homeland security for opening up our borders and creating the greatest military history disaster in our history. number two i believe the house should impeach merrick garland, the attorney general for being brazenly lawless for committing perjury and obstruction of justice endeavor three, i believe the house should open an inquiry into impeaching joe biden. to impeach joe biden what needs to be demonstrated is bribery. a president can be impeached for treason, bribery, other high crimes and misdemeanors, it is enumerated. what does it take that bribery,
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bribery, the essence of bribery is a. while pro, you remember during the first impeachment we heard that over and over again quid pro quo, that is a latin phrase that means this for that. it means compensation, usually money in exchange for an official favor of a government officeholder read with respect to the parade quote pro, we know the quote happened. joe biden on television in an interview bragged that he held hostage over a billion dollars in u.s. loan guarantees to ukraine and forced them to fire the prosecutor that was investigating the oligarch that was painless on a million dollars a year and allegedly had paid him and his son $10 million altogether and joe biden said sativa pitch the prosecutor got fired. the only question for bribery is the quid, did the oligarch joe
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in hunter $10 million, 5 million to joe, 5 million to hunter. if yes, that is bribery inviting should be impeached, remove from office, prosecuted and go to jail. maria: senator what is going on in the senate with the republican colleagues. here's what mitch mcconnell said this week. i said two years ago not one but it incentivizes the other side to do the same thing impeachment ought to be rare is not good for the country, does mcconnell not understand the bribery charges, does he not see these bank records that we have right here let's put the bank records up on screen. we have the bank records, the house oversight committee lawmakers have released indicating the $5 million to hunter, the $5 million to joe, all of the 20 shell companies where foreigners are sending millions and eventually the money made its way into biden family bank accounts, what does
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mitch mcconnell say have you spoken to your colleague mitch mcconnell? >> i have no idea what mitch knows and doesn't know, there are very few people in the senate that are following closely the details of what is happening here, part of the reason senate democrats will have nothing to do with it so we will have a single hearing for the next two years in the senate judiciary on any of this because democrats do not care not a single democrat does not care whether the president of the united states has received millions of dollars in bribes from foreign nationals, it doesn't matter because they put partisan politics about the rule of law. with the democrats abuse impeachment power by impeaching trump twice they hated him the peaches were bogus, they were not well grounded and factually legally incisive at the time they were setting an emotional process for an impeachment becomes a weapon and each side uses against the other, that the bad dynamic.
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this is qualitatively different because the allegations here are a bribery, bribery is specifically enumerated in the constitution of the united states and the scope of it, $20 million while he was vice president by the way, another 8 million a few months after we finished being vice president from communist china we have whatsapp text that hunter allegedly said to a senior chinese communist official saying i'm sitting right here next to my father and if you don't pay me now, my father is going to punish you. one of the things that the irs whistleblower said, they wanted to use gps data to determine was joe biden sitting next to hunter. is the text accurate, joe was next to him, that shows joe as part of the threat trying to extort cash from the chinese and according to the irs whistleblower's, d.o.j. said no
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you cannot determine if joe was sitting next to hunter biden when hunter biden said my dad is next to me and we know the threat worked within weeks over 8 million was transferred to the chinese communist to the biden family. maria: we know all of this, i'm trying to understand what mitch mcconnell is uninformed on the subject. maria: that when you would have to ask mitch. good to see you, thank you very much, ted cruz joining us this morning. coming out more on the biden family business with investigative reporter john sullivan and emma joe morris, with new information. bidenomics is costing americans dearly, oil and gasoline surging again undermining any precontemplation while a national debt soars. $233 trillion. 2024 republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy is here com
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i will tell you this is the most charming man i've ever met it's
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important to step back from your personal preferences and judge people fairly. that's what we will try to do in this election cycle. ♪ >> the usa is a mess. our economy is crashing, inflation is out of control, china, russia, iran, north korea, form together as a menacing and destructive coalition like we've never seen before. our currency is crashing and no longer in my opinion will be the world standard if it keeps going like this which will be the single greatest defeat of our country in 200 years. we lose the power of the dollar. maria: that was former president trump on the campaign trail this weekend amidst new data showing inflation ticked higher in the month of july. americans are still feeling the squeeze of bidenomics. the labor department reporting
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inflation rose in july from june as higher oil prices and gasoline sent consumer prices up to 3.2% above the federal reserve target of 2%. president biden's handling of the economy is expected to be a topic at the presidential debate on august 23 which will be here live live on fox news. i hope you will join us. going into the debate president trump remains far and away, the leader of the gop field outpacing his nearest competitor, ron desantis by 33%. look at that number, donald trump is at 59%, ron desantis at 16%. vivek ramaswamy coming in at three, the third place at 8%. joy to be 2024 presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy who is at 8% of the vote. thank you very much for being here this morning. can you talk to us about your plan for america, what is your platform. >> my core platform, get in
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there and checked out the administrative deep state. the 30 303 letter agencies deep state, a federal constitutional republic. from the fbi to the irs to the atf to the u.s. department of education. i don't think we can incrementally reform those agencies, i think we have to get in there and shut them down. that is our ticket to not only restoring the integrity of our government but also to stimulate the economy. the three letter agencies are actually the source of the unconstitutional federal regulations that act like a wet blanket on businesses large and small on our economy. a centerpiece of my agenda is delivering gdp growth, economic growth. it is my conviction that young people, all people are proud of the country, more united behind the country when we are all making more money in that country. these things go hand in glove together to both restore the integrity of our constitutional republic by getting rid of the fourth branch while also
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stimulating the economy in the process. maria: that sounds very good, especially in the face of all the allegations of corruption and cover-up at the d.o.j. and fbi. it leads me to the next question, did you just say the other day that you want to pardon hunter biden. we have evidence, bank records a potential bribery, ted cruz said if this is true biden should go to jail. are you talking about pardoning the biden family? >> that was misquoted and purposeful opposition, you know how this game is played. i've been very clear the only presidential candidate who has been this clear. the first thing we need to do is clean house, shut down the fbi, refurb is the d.o.j. i'm the only candidate to pledge to pardon trump for all of the political persecution through prosecutions. even peaceful january 6 protesters on down. i'm happy to go on record, heard you talking about a before i'm on record going in favor of impeachment inquiry on biden.
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i believe the ukraine war is indeed every payment for a bribe made sending $200 billion of taxpayer money and the other direction. what i said, let me fast-forward to january 21, 2025. my second day in office after we issued the partings and set a motion. shutting down the fbi, not just reforming, restoring the integrity of our government. the question is, is the next thing that i want to do after we sent our nation forward, is it to focus my agenda on persecuting or prosecuting joe biden or his family. my answer to that is no lamina focus on stimulating the economy, ending the war in ukraine, declaring independence from china that's how we win as one nation. i'm not going to be guided by vengeance and grievance, good to be guided by integrity. the first step, there can be no reconciliation without truth. we have to get to the bottom of including a bribe. i believe paid to the biden
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family, how that is tied to our war in ukraine and the support in ukraine, get to the bottom of that first. i stand on the side of leading us forward to a national revival but we cannot get there without first being told the truth, that is where i'm at. maria: you are a businessman and you understand business at the inflation problem that we have. i got that, you just went through shutting down corruption, i got that, what about national security. we're worried about communist china in joe biden's weak response to all of this publication, what is your answer? >> my view we need a windrow doctrine. the dirty little secret, much of the military defense spending in the decades has not gone to national defense. the reality, if we do enter a serious conflict and i worry joe biden is sleepwalking us into potential nuclear conflict with russia and russia and china
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being in aligns with one another, that would mean both nations. we need defense capabilities of the homeland, nuclear defense capability, cyber defense capability, super amp electric magnetic pulse capabilities i take out the electric grid, we are way behind. the hallmark of my foreign policy, you don't mess with the homeland, start with that first. >> nice to hear toughness. you are at 8%, yet the debate coming up. if you do not get higher numbers, would you be prepared to work with perhaps president trump, have you spoken to president trump about being a part of his cabinet? >> i have not spoken him about being a part of his cabinet and not in being a part of mine. as somebody said i started 0% in march, i corrected them i started at 0.0% in march now i'm third in the national primary for the first debate on the same trajectory that trump was in 2015. i expect to be the nominee and i
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expect to win this election in a landslide. here's what i want. i respect president trump, i don't passion because i think is the next level president pre-we have a usual respect. i expect him to be an advisor, a mentor when i'm in the white house teaching me where the bodies are buried, how to go further than where he went that is my mission with our america first agenda and the relationship that i expect. maria: that sounds reason to celebrate which you did this weekend at the iowa state fair, let's take a look. ♪. maria: nice rap song, how did that come about? >> it was a total surprise, what are the questions governor reynolds asked me, what is your favorite closeout song.
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she asked all the candidates. when i'm leaving the stage, they play the song. i had the microphone in my hand i could not resist. during this campaign we have to have a little fun. on a more serious note, what are the things that were doing in this campaign, were reaching young people, we are bringing them along in droves with us. the difference between a 50.1 electoral margin and a landslide is young people. i think this can't be a 50.1 democrat versus republican tug-of-war. this needs to be a landslide a rag in 1980 style revolution. that's what i'm leading. honest to god i think i'm the only candidate in this field that could deliver the landslide by bringing the next generation with us. i'm the youngest guy to ever run for the republican nomination for u.s. president so i'm going to be doing some things differently. maria: it is a great point, great to have you with us. we will be watching. thank you very much. 2024 presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy.
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we will take a break, when we come back follow over merrick garland special counsel appointment and the hunter biden and joe biden investigation. breitbart political politics editor emma-jo morris and john solomon. they will join us right after this. stay wit (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile
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president of the government accountability institute with me on this program last weekend about the burner phone used by joe biden allegedly during the tenure as vice president, the phone was paid for by hunter biden as he was paying all the bills. in an e-mail by the daily mail hunter rights to devin archer in april of 2014 that they both need to buy a burner phone, via cell phone from a 711 or cvs tomorrow and i'll do the same. three days later archer met with vice president biden according to the visitor walks in several weeks later per reason announced it's putting hunter and archer on the board of directors of burisma. joining me now breitbart politics editor anna joe morris and john solomon. john yoo call that number connected to the cell phone and actually joe biden answer the phone, told to happen. >> i was calling to get it on a
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document in the fbi had gathered and i called and joe biden picked up and i said mr. vice president this is john so lemon. i cannot talk to you right now, he hung up and that was the extent of our conversation. >> is something he's still using that phone. it was one of the phone that measure whether the funds, i don't have my records anymore but i definitely called the phone the hunter biden had in his possession and joe biden answered. >> we've been talking all morning about the special counsel names by merrick garland, david weiss and the republicans are saying this is absolute cover-up. do you believe that now we have a special counsel, will that shut down information flow to the congressional lawmakers, the house oversight committee you have uncovered so much in terms of the biden bank records? >> first of all i think it is probably fair to say that david weiss should recuse himself. after what we've seen with the
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investigation that he is been doing over the past few years. what he has come up with and his credibility being destroyed in the eyes of the american people by these whistleblowers. i think that would be appropriate and as far as going to be able to obtain more documents by the house. i think my colleague joe polak harvard educated lawyer, he is a smart guy. honesknowing brigitta impeachede biden and allowing stronger subpoena power that would take them from a legislative purpose to acting more like a prosecutor, i think that would allow the house to obtain the documents and really get to the heart of this issue and what wen wondering and john, you and i are sitting here right now, what is joe biden's involvement in the did enter business. maria: same question for you, tell me about the case and david weiss special counsel.
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where does this had next, where are you watching. >> he goes into the next phase, the judge would not take his plea deal, the whistleblowers have exposed him for interference in the case and letting the statute of limitation and expire much more serious offenses. he has an opportunity he's pulling the case out of delaware then he's going to move it to washington in the two districts were hunter biden was living when he cheated on his taxes. if he brings a superseding indictment and has more serious charges for instance he can go back in charge of 2014 by bringing a conspiracy case to pay in 2017 was a conspiracy that goes back. if he does that he's going to get a lot more traction with republicans and conservatives who have long this trust him. if you warms up he's in big trouble. congress is going after joe biden's phone and bank records, they want to see how many times hunter and joe derive benefit from the foreign money that was coming into hunter's accounts that is a major escalation chairman culver told me on friday he's going to begin
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immunizing witnesses to try to get open testimony and expansive testimony from people who have been very reluctant, those are big dynamics, very much like the generate six select committee at a year end a half ago. the courts have ruled over and over a select committee can get what it wants. maria: you broke the news this weekend that congress is probing the fbi collection of phone location data as a january 6 civil liberty concerns rise. >> inc. about this, the last two years we had the fbi get bank records without a warrant, merits bank records were turned over without a warrant, the fbi gathered up all the phone records showing the location data, they did not know if anyone committed a crime they were looking for anybody in the facility to find a crime that is a serious constitutional issue, members of congress and civil and civil libertarians are talking about challenging that in court. maria: unbelievable.
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emma, you were at this at the store one of the first reporters to break open the laptop story, you were censored give us the specifics on what we know now, we're talking about allegations of bribery, what is the most damning stories out of this hunter biden, joe biden investigation from your standpoint based on the evidence. >> if you look at my reporting all the way back to 2020. my focus has only been on joe biden, hunter biden is obviously important that he's a bagman for what i think is a family business that leads back to joe. i am less concerned about what they're finding in terms of hunter and how he's distributing money. it's important as a broader picture, i think the most damning thing that we've seen since my reporting has been the alleged, is not alleged, the fbi file that joe biden accepted a
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5 million-dollar bribe on burisma, that is a line and the constitution, as outlined in the constitution as a reason why you cannot be president if that happens. maria: that is right. we heard from burisma, 5 billion to one biden and 5 billion to another biden. >> that's what the informant, it goes back to 2019 with the tape surface that joe biden bragged he fired the prosecutor, devon archer makes clear it was a problem and hunter was supposed to solve the problem. i think the storyline that joe biden gave during donald trump impeachment he was carried out u.s. policy next week information available that is going to fall into doubt when people see the new records that we want. maria: you all, fox, myself are among the few that are covering this this is not in the mainstream media the mainstream media will not cover this these are the most stunning obligations we've ever seen against the sitting president. where is this going? >> the american people are
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absorbing it in spite of the mainstream media. ms great reporting and peter schweizer, it's getting around the blockade, how do we know that, a majority believe joe biden committed impeachable offenses, they did not get that from the new york times and washington post. all of our work is going around that and americans are taking up in spite of the blockade on the media. maria: we've seen this before, i was among the report of the russian colusa story was a lie, nobody was held accountable. >> that is right, it's devastating, part of the reason the media refuses to cover it, blind, deaf and dumb that prevents public pressure from being mounted. i think the tide is a little bit turning. the washington post comes out. joe biden behavior not spotless. they don't go as far to say anything may be criminal but were not spotless, the new york times is expressing trepidation about their full-court press for joe biden.
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was he can never be too optimistic about these people. i think they are really struggling here. maria: it sounds like the impeachment inquiry is more important than ever. we're going to talk about that with marsha blackburn. emma-jo morris and chief john solomon. we thank you for your time. funding the expansion of our number one adversary communist china inside the gates of america and the march to military domination. tennessee senator marsha blackburn ♪this is what love looks like♪ ♪this is what love looks like♪ ♪ ♪this is what love looks like♪ trying vapes to quit smoking might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings
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>> we need to consider all capital outflows public and private in any outbound that focus on venture capital and private equity but exempt ets and mutual funds and individual stocks in my opinion will fail
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to address the national security threat because the private market represent only 15% of total u.s. capital investments in the prc company. maria: that was congressman mike gallagher chairman of the house select committee on china on "mornings with maria" on fox business on the need to cut off investment into ccp linked companies in particular companies that are tied to the chinese military. president biden signed an executive order on wednesday which is being called narrow, intended to stop u.s. investors from inadvertently funding china's military by regulating some u.s. investments in high-tech chinese companies that deal with advanced computer chips. microelectronics, quantum information technology in artificial intelligence. critics of the order says it does not go far enough. joining me with reaction tennessee senator marsha blackburn. a member of the senate finance and senate judiciary committe committee's. i want to get your take on this executive order but it also fits into a narrative that joe biden is weak on china and possibly because he is compromised. real quick before we get into
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the nuts and bolts of this executive order, what are your thoughts on impeachment inquiry, does the naming of a new special counsel, david weiss making inquiry of an impeachment more than ever today. >> maria, absolutely, more important because they will have subpoena power. if they do the impeachment inquiry. i think everyone knows that david weiss is not a prosecutor, he is not a special counsel, he is a collaborator. the sweetheart deal that he cooked up her hunter biden, now the good give him a sweetheart deal with the special counsel and run out the clock. the american people can see through this and they know what is going on. merrick garland owes the american people better than to do something like this. maria: is this executive order another weak response. >> absolutely, weak response, too little, too late.
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it is important that we deal with the chinese communist party and with their commercial and military sectors. maria: hold that thought, mike pompeo says the ccp is inside of the gates of america i got into debt in college, and no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with low low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. sofi get your money right. shingles. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation and last for weeks. it can make your workday feel impossible. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 50 years or older? ask your doctor about shingles. this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance
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maria: welcome back on backward tennessee senator marsha blackburn. i want to ask about these letters that your colleague sent to janet yellen marco rubio and tom collins sent to forbes by groups that are allegedly tied to the ccp. your thoughts? >> we have to make certain that ccp connected companies are not going to be buying our outlets, you can look the path that they are traveling. they are building out the technology, they are trying to pull in u.s. investors because they courted the market on lithium and rare-earth metals. if you look at what they've done with social media, tiktok and other applications and now you look at how they're trying to get into the u.s. and purchase our media outlets. this one is russia and china to of the axis of evil working together to get a respected
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media outlet that target younger individuals. maria: we are going to cover this, this is a weak res ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health.
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dr. michael youssef: hello, my friends. you know, we often refer to the story in luke 15 as the story of the prodigal son, which is true, but the whole emphasis, the first words our lord jesus uttered,


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