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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 16, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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artificial intelligence. i could have told you that. he says generative a.i. systems are still very limited and lack understanding of the real-world, unlike our fury friends. jerry, i mean, you can just know that by spending some time with your dog. >> exactly. anybody who spends time with dogs knows how smart they are. just wonderfully loyal and faithful and emotional too, so yeah, we'll agree with that. maria: rebecca? >> of course. no, i've got two dogs, dick and lincoln and they are super smart and they know each of my kids so well so love those guys. maria: jonathan final word. >> a.i. might be smarter than me but it's not smarter than my dog, so -- maria: great show today, everybody. thanks so much. rebeccah heinrichs, gerry baker, jonathan fahey, "varney" & company begins right now. stu pick it up. stuart: good morning, maria, good morning, everyone. artificial intelligence. well, it is powering a stock
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market rally. a stable economy would declining inflation is also powering the market rally. even though we're coming up on a three-day weekend, the markets closed on monday for the junetee nth holiday there's no sell-off so far and yes there's buying. the dow up 428 points thursday. well-above the 34,000 level, holding firm this morning. maybe up another 50 points at the opening bell. the s&p same story. big gain yesterday. solid move up this morning, and will you look at the nasdaq? way up yesterday, and up another 60-odd points today at 15,000 on the nasdaq. how about that? how about nvidia? the a.i. darling holding firm above its trillion dollar valuation up again this morning, six bucks 1.5% and 4.33 on nvidia. microsoft expects $100 billion extra revenue from a.i. that's pushing the stock to
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350.24 a share. that's another new high. microsoft valued at just over, actually well-over $2.5 trillion the co-founder, bill gates, he's in beijing. he's meeting the leader of the chinese communist party xi-jinping talking business and in the photos, xi is smiling. secretary of state blinken goes to china this weekend, but he's not meeting the leader and he's already been told show some respect. different approach there. president biden showing his temper. he didn't look happy when questioned about alleged bribery he called it a "dumb question." friday, that be june 16, no dumb questions here. "varney" & company is about to begin.
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♪ ♪ stuart: don't tell me that's pit bull. lauren: featuring shakira. stuart: well that makes all of the difference. lauren: yes, it does, that female voice. stuart: that's midtown manhattan , on a friday morning not that much action. all right, it's a beautiful friday morning in new york city. we're starting off with your money. why not? look at futures, please. the dow is going to be up over 50 points at the opening bell and remember it was up what 400 yesterday, and the nasdaq up another 60, way above 15,000. it's like a rally doesn't it? kenny polcari with us this morning. i want to talk a.i. microsoft says, you know what i'm going from here. a.i. will help generate $100 billion in extra revenue for them by 2027. are you on board on a.i.? >> yeah. listen, i am on board on a.i. you and i have talked about this i think it's very much in its infant stages still so there's a long way to go and i'm glad that , you know, i wasn't panic king and getting out of the market last year like you
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didn't panic when half the street was telling you get out get out get out. we stayed in. we continued to add and look where we are going now and artificial intelligence really at the root of this recent rally but yes, i think it going higher over the long term. i think you have to stay involved. i think you have to have exposure to the sector whether it's microsoft, nvidia, c 3-pointai, whatever. listen even jpmorgan gives you exposure to artificial intelligence so no matter where you go, you're getting that exposure. stuart: so are we now off to the races? >> well, listen. momma mia, are they ever going to take a start because they go straight up in the line which you and i both know is not sustainable. it has to come back. now, i'm bullish long term, yes, but i think that this rally that we've seen over the last two weeks, really over the last three months, i guess, needs as a little bit long in the tooth. it needs to take a break but that doesn't mean all sectors because there are some sectors that underperformed now starting to see some real investor love
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and some money going into them, but i think tech is stretched and while i'm not panicking about it i wouldn't be surprised i'd actually want to see it kind of retreat a little bit and consolidate and build a base and then move higher once again but look i'm along for the ride. i'm happy it's going higher so and you are too, i'm sure. stuart: i'm absolutely delighted believe me, kenny, but i sense a good deal of fomo. you know, fear of missing out. the markets going up. people are oh, i've got to get in. you're seeing a lot of that, surely. >> well of course you are but that speaks exactly to the point that you and i discussed. all of these guys, a year ago, six months ago, that were talking about s&p 3,000 and oh, my god it's going to be worse and 2007 and 2008 so a lot of people get nervous and they went into treasuries, earned cash, they did other things and now when that never came true, they all realized that kind of under invested they missed the whole tech thing so now they interest running in the fear of missing out versus the fear of being in
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which i call fear of being in, f obi, so now you get all of these guys, all of these asset managers under invested in tech and under invested in the market as a whole because they were nervous and now they have to jump in. we're half way through the year and it doesn't look like s&p 3,000 or 3,200 or even 3,600. no, doesn't feel like that. stuart: i've got 30 seconds. tell me your a.i. play, now. >> well, the one i like the most right now is c 3 ai, but first it's only a $40 number i love microsoft and nvidia i still own it. i love apple i still own it but c 3 a.i. i got at 20 and it's trading at 45 and i like that as a real a.i. play. stuart: kenny polcari on hads a.i. good stuff, kenny have a great weekend. >> you as well. stuart: bill gates is the co- founder of microsoft. of course he met with china's leader xi-jinping. what did they discuss? lauren: a.i. stuart: of course. lauren: according to reuters and
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president xi welcomed u.s. firms including microsoft to bring their a.i. to china. stuart: oh, really? lauren: of course he would welcome that and according to chinese state media xi called gates an old friend in fact the first american friend he's met this year. okay? why is bill gates in china? a health summit. the secretary of state blinken is headed to china this weekend no confirmed meeting with president xi. my opinion, either way, all of this is good. we're going through the motions. committed to diplomacy. why? you setup a potential meeting between president biden and president xi later this year because you have to. you have to keep the dialogue open, particularly when your leaders of technology are headed there, and jamie dimon. jamie dimon, elon musk, bill gates who also went there recently? stuart: jamie dimon? did you say that? lauren: yeah, so, i mean -- stuart: that's your opinion? lauren: that's my opinion. you didn't ask for it. you have to keep the dialogue open. you do and keep president xi in
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check. stuart: thanks lauren. let's get to pure politics. a reporter tried to ask president biden about his role in the alleged bribery scheme. here is how he responded. roll tape. >> [inaudible] >> why do you ask such a dumb question. stuart: sean duffy is with me now. looking closely at that the president seemed angry at the question. do you think the bribery allegation is getting to him? >> well so yeah, he's feeling the heat, stuart. for a long time he felt like the fbi and the doj have my back they are going to sand bag this investigation. it's going to go nowhere. hunter and i are going to be fine. the problem he has is now he's hearing that burisma might have 17 tapes, 15 with hunter biden and two with him when he was the vice president. those tapes don't lie. that's his voice on the tape. that's a real problem for him but also, you have james comer
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in the house saying you know what? we're starting to get bank records and we think it wasn't 5 million just from burisma. we think there's 20-$30 million that funneled into the biden criminal enterprise and those bank records don't lie either, so the protection joe biden thought he had now he doesn't and he's feeling the heat and getting awfully sas sy when reporters don't stay in line and they actually ask questions that the american people want the answers to. stuart: you got that right. sean, i've got to talk about cryptos. take a look on the screen right now we've got bitcoin this morning just about 25,000 bucks i believe it is. 25, 500 and etherium 166 bucks okay, you know what my point of view is, sean. bitcoin held up reasonably well but i think it's time has come and gone. it's not the big new thing like a.i. anymore. you might call it the big old thing and i know i'm firing you up but go ahead and respond. >> all right, "varney" you bring me into talk about bitcoin
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when it's going down. you never bring me on to talk about it when it's going up so here is the deal with bitcoin and other alt coins. there's a fear of what is the administration going to do in regard to regulation. the regulatory fear has taken a hit to bitcoin but i'm sorry, stuart. when you look at $32 trillion in debt, a fed that has a $9 trillion balance sheet and there's no end in sight. this is going to continue to roll forward. you're going to set $50 trillion in 10 years in debt. there's a point that music stops and people look for quality inn crypto and bitcoin is the gold standard, and they are looking for other avenues to preserve their wealth and again, people are getting a little bit afraid of the dollar and bad policy coming from liberals and leftist s in government that seem to have taken over every corner of the american economy. stuart: have you bought any recently? any crypto in the last two months? >> i have, and i think i bought a 28, i'm down on that last part just listen, but i look out one year, five years, 10 years and i
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think i'm well-positioned. stuart: okay, we'll leave it right there, duffy. thanks very much for joining us. >> all right, "varney." stuart: exactly. you have a great weekend, duffy see you later. >> you too. stuart: by the way yes, we'll be watching sean duffy with the bottom line. it's with dagen and duffy, 6:00 p.m. eastern here on fox business. next case, jack tashira the air national guardsmen who leaked national intelligence secrets has been indicted. how long could he go to prison? lauren: 60 years, willful retention, transmission of national defense information. he's 21 years old. remember he bragged about it his top secret clearance on that online group chat and it's remarkable that went unnoticed by authorities for months. stuart: yes, that is true, thanks, lauren. futures pointing to the green this morning. huge rally yesterday, some more buying this morning, not bad. coming up, california governor newsom says highway patrol
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officers seized over nine pounds of fentanyl in san francisco just since may 1. that's enough to kill 2 million people. action in san francisco, that's new. and then there's this. new york city mayor eric adams backing away from his pledge to house migrants in his official home gracie mansion, and he's blaming his flip flop on legal issues. new york congresswoman elise stefanik live in the studio approaching the set as we speak. great to have you. ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam who make...? ...everyday products... ...designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius!
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hold on ♪ stuart: who is that? lauren: colby calai. she performs fox & friends concert series last weekend. stuart: in which case i think she's fabulous and that by the way is allentown, pennsylvania. 74 degrees right there. check futures, please it's a friday morning we're heading to the opening bell in about a quarter hour and i see green again. big rally yesterday, modest gain today. let's get to capitol hill. a number of senators both sides of the aisle stalling various government appointments. some critics are calling this political hostage-taking. elise stefanik is the republican congresswoman from here in new york city and joins us now. congresswoman, jd vance holding up justice department appointments. tommy tuberville holding up military appointments, joe manchin holding up epa appointments. is this a move to stop everything and biden? >> these are congressional tools and what's important to take a step back and realize the biden administration is holding up documents that we've requested we've had to threaten contempt multiple agencies
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whether it's the state department, whether it's department of defense, whether it's the fbi, the doj. they have to respond to congress , so i support senators using every tool to demand that accountability, and also, take back our constitutional responsibility. stuart: so you want the tapes, you want the transcripts, you want to know what's been going on, and when you get that information, you'll open up congress, is that it? >> certainly we want to make sure there is transparency and accountability and it should not be a question they turnover those documents. stuart: is it going to work? >> it better work. we're going to continue to focus on delivering that accountability and it has worked so far so these tools are an important tool for congress to assert our constitutional responsibility of oversight over these agencies. they respond to congress, not the other way around. we were elected by the american people to make sure these departments are focused solely on their mandate and not going overboard like we've seen in so many instances in this administration. stuart: got it. let's go local for a second here mayor adams of new york city, mayor adams, is backing off his
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pledge to house migrants in grac ie mansion. he says there are legal issues. watch this. >> i think that leading this challenge of the migrant problem is both substantive and symbolic and as i always say the good generals lead from the front. they don't send their troops into battle and ask how was the war? they lead them into battle. so the symbolism of saying hey, i'm willing to put a homeless family and gracie is that symbolism. stuart: that symbolism also has legal problems as he admitted. don't ordinary citizens have legal problems if they put a migrant in their own home? >> of course they do, this is all about illegal problems because this is illegal immigrants and pouring across the southern border and catastrophic and a crisis since joe biden has taken office and it impacts districts across the country. every district is a border district. every state has become a border state and what's happening is mayor adams is threatening and wants to send illegals from new
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york city to upstate counties who do not support this and are not sanctuary counties for joe biden's catastrophic border crisis so he is right that it is a legal problem but folk used on the wrong legal problem. that's the border crisis and the illegal immigration. stuart: he has no solution. >> no solution. stuart: do you? >> we do have a solution. house republicans passed a border security bill the strongest border security bill in the history of capitol hill, plus, we have been -- stuart: but that doesn't stop, the 5 million illegals here already. it may stop it in the future. >> it does stop it in the future. you stop that attraction for illegals to come to the united states because they see amnesty policies. stuart: what do we do with the 5 million we've got? >> we need to be a country based upon the rule of law. our legal immigration system we should not be rewarding breaking the law. stuart: what do we do with them? >> we're the only branch. stuart: what do we do with them, at the moment we're feeding them , housing them. >> we should not get citizenship. that is unacceptable and certainly i don't support that. stuart: shall we let them work? >> taxpayers don't support that
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i have supported strengthening our legal immigration system. we want a legal process to come to the united states. not illegal immigration. stuart: but look, please answer the question. there are 5 million people illegally here under the biden administration. >> they are not american citizens. stuart: okay, they aren't, okay, fine. what are you doing with them? >> we should not reward that. we need to secure the border. stuart: but we're paying for them. >> we have legal work. stuart: we're paying for them. >> we have legal work visa programs that need to be strengthened. we should never support amnesty. stuart: what do you do with the 5 million you've got? >> they are not american citizens and it's joe biden's catastrophic crisis. stuart: you aren't going to throw them out are you? >> certainly. stuart: no you aren't. that is impossible. >> if you would call amnesty i don't support illegal immigration. stuart: i just want to know what you're going to do with the 5 million we've got. >> obviously mayor adams doesn't have an answer to the question. joe biden doesn't have an answer to the question. republicans answer to the question is we need to secure the border then we can
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strengthen our legal immigration system, but we should not be rewarding illegals for pouring into this country. the american people do not support that. stuart: but i'm supporting them. elise stefanik that was good. thank you very much for address ing the question head on we appreciate that. >> great. stuart: see you soon. human smugglers are using tiktok to brag about their business on social media. that's a bold move, lauren. >> yeah. the drug cartels are so successful, now they are bold, right? they are part, they literally have a pr team of social media experts to solicit new customers for them. they are running a business that's making money, so if you go on tiktok, or other social media, you can find videos that talk about the adrenaline of the adventure of coming to the u.s.. you see smiles, family members reuniting. you see money like nice cars with sparkling water, in the cup holder and wads of cash. the new york post is calling them the kardashians of the coyote world and they are able to do this without getting
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caught by using captions like documenting the migrant experience. stuart: well, is there -- lauren: then you know how to solicit from there. stuart: where is the accountability? lauren: there is none. i saw $10, 800 to smuggle one person across the border. it's a lot of money because it's not that hard. stuart: former new york city mayor bill deblasio fined how he conducted his 2020 presidential campaign. we'll have more later. i think he was the worst mayor in american history but what did he do wrong? lauren: he ran for president and he spent a lot of taxpayer dollars on his being his consolidate it air service, his private detail taking him and his wife where he needed to go, so he has to pay a record 47 $5,000 for misusing his new york police department security detail. stuart: i've got an editorial on this coming up at 10:00 this morning a must-watch. lauren: 10:00? they are all must watch. this one even more. stuart: quick check of futures
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before we close out this block. up 70 on the dow look at that. the nasdaq up another 78 points, 15, 452. i'll call it a rally. the opening bell is next. ♪
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aims to double their mining capacity. all using low-cost green energy. hive blockchain technologies. stuart: on the futures market. look at that. the dow is up another 100 points it was up 400 yesterday looking at 100 point gain at the opening bell today. i'll confirm that is a rally. and look whose here, the star analyst, the man himself. mark mahaney, he's been right on so many things and made so much money for so many people. what are you going to do about uber? i know it's your top pick. >> well, and just, you know, for the happy friday, stu, and for the record i've made plenty of mistakes in my wall street career so no false promises here , please. let's see. uber is actually our number two pick. i like meta as number one but uber is number two pick and then we go amazon and then this company spotify. ubs uber is one starting to break out and we all know it as
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a ridesharing company and meal delivery company and other types of delivery too. this is a business finally really started generating material free cash flow. it didn't for the first four years of its life as a public company but once you get those transitions for stocks , that's when they can sometimes do awfully well and i don't think there's a short, you know, 10, 20% upside. i think this stock, we have a $75 price target and i think something like this , when it turns and if they start generating consistent positive earnings they start buying back stock they get added to the s&p 500, i think these value catalysts are what really can take the stop up materially from here so it's one of our top pick s. stuart: i'd love to see that. spotify, the music people obviously. you say they are in a "strategic sweet spot." you want to explain that? >> yeah, and so that's kind of a playoff the ticker spot so, i do my best there. what i find interesting is their competitors apple music and amazon music many of us use all of these services those companies implemented price increases last year so spotify is actually the leading online streaming service but
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it's cheaper than the other ones so that gives this kind of leverage. look they are either going to continue to gain market share and keep their prices lower or take their prices up a buck to match industry levels and their profitability will go up. you love to see companies when they get that strategic sweet spot and so it's the world's leading streaming service. it's got dramatically strong market share in the u.s. , western europe, asia, et cetera. it's a great way to play online music streaming spotify is the stock and price target is 185. stuart: mark, wall street is a fun place to be during a rally isn't it? >> yes, but now we've got to be careful. we've had some names we try to bring down in terms of our enthusiasm, netflix and google we're less interested in so just be careful as we go forward always be selective. >> [opening bell ringing] stuart: curb your enthusiasm. i like that. thanks, mark. see you again real soon. the man pressed the button and we're off and running will you look at the dow jones industrial average? my goodness, me. bottom right hand corner of the
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screen was it 428 yesterday? lauren: yup. stuart: in the very early going right now we've got it up another 124 points, 34, 500. if you look at the dow 30, it's a sea of green. i can see what, about four stock s that are down, five maybe the rest are up, headed by nike top performer up 1.3%. most of them are up. the s&p 500 also opening on the upside, not quite as strong as the dow, but .41% after a big gain yesterday and look at the nasdaq. it's up another half percentage point, 13, 858. you've got to show me big tech. that's where the action is. meta up again. microsoft close to 350. apple 186. microsoft 349 and amazon moving up as well, 127 there. let's start with microsoft. record high yesterday. another one this morning, in the very early going. it's all about a.i. right? lauren: and their valuation is
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now $2.5 trillion. yeah, it is all about a.i. microsoft executives predict $10 billion a year in sales from just artificial intelligence. they get that from their investment in chatgpt and open. a.i. and microsoft has been a winner this year record high for the stock right now. stuart: just checking on its actual market value it's $2.598 trillion. lauren: yes. stuart: a chunk of money. day two of trading for the restaurant chain cava. this was a sensation. it soared on its debut. is the momentum still there? lauren: look at that another near 4% gain so this is the sweet green or the chipotle of mediterranean food. it's exciting, because they ipo' d and people are excited about a company ipo'g that doesn't have a profit yet. it feels like the days of dot com and maybe a couple years ago. stuart: but it tells you about the overall state of the market and the ipo market. that was a very exciting beginning for a restaurant chain for heavens sake. lauren: like i said they are doing the sweet green/chipotle
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thing trying to make the greek dressing mainstream. you go in there and you can order like a rice bowl or certain type of dish and they are trying to get us familiar with, you know, we don't really have that many european-type fast food restaurants. it's not fast food but fast casual in the u.s.. stuart: okay. lauren: they are going into this market. stuart: remind me to check it out. lauren: unprofitable and ipo'g. stuart: i'm going to try tahini somehow or other this weekend having never heard of it before. lauren: come to my house. you'll see. stuart: virgin galactic please. lauren: 35%. stuart: they have their first commercial space flight. it takes off this month. lauren: yeah it does the end of the month called galactic 01 the launch date is between june 27 and june 30 they carry first three italians conducting micro-gravity research but wait. a second flight in early august can take you and me. private citizens, then you have
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those monthly flights recurring at a cost of $450,000 per rider. stuart: that's fascinating. lauren: space tourism is here. stuart: 450,000 bucks per trip. lauren: per rider. stuart: can you fill it up and make money? good question. stock says yes. i've got disney's finance chief stepping down and the stock is down, do we know why? lauren: her name is christine mccarty and the reason is family medical leave reportedly to take care of her husband whos been at a healthcare facility since the start of the year. just a word about her. she's a powerhouse executive. a workhorse. herself a two time cancer survivor. she would go to the hospital for her treatments and come back to work, because they were right near each other. she was a huge force in bringing bob iger back. she wanted chapek out of the way but the question is disney got rid of their dividend to conserve cash during covid. this new executive coming into replace her, she stays with the company in a different position. does her replacement reinstate the disney dividend? stuart: good question stock is
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down a fraction but it's at low level $192 a share. check the cryptos, question for you, lauren. blackrock is, here is the question, is blackrock getting into cryptos with a bitcoin etf? lauren: they are trying to but the securities and exchange commission has to greenlight it and they have not approved a single application for a spot bitcoin etf to date. so, blackrock $9 trillion money manager has filed for one. they want coinbase which is separately being sued by the sector operating an un registered exchange. they want coinbase to be the custodian, what is the sec going to say? if they approve it it's huge. stuart: i just feel cryptos are afraiding. i don't give them much time. >> it hasn't faded yet it's still out there trading in a relatively tight range but no enthusiasm. stuart: quickly on the screen please show me apple and microsoft both on that screen there. new highs for both of them. apple has just come down a couple of cents but still at 185
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, microsoft 348. lauren: members of the dow, they are down and the dow is up 177 points. stuart: good point. good point. still up 168 points, half percent, good stuff. check the big board. we just did. we're up 148 points as we speak. dow winners, well let me see that list always interested. top of that list is boeing, which is up 1.6%, nike, caterpillar, intel, honeywell on that list. s&p 500, corning, adobe, nice gain its been way up recently it's an a.i. play, general electric, your granddads stock, on the nasa doab eis the big winner there, sirius xm, m-phase, zscaler all up big. the 10 year treasury yield hadn't looked at that yet this morning coming up at 3.77%. the price of gold where's that? 1,970 per ounce not seeing much movement there recently. bitcoin holding at 25, 500. the price of oil hovering around 70 bucks a barrel.
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nat gas not much movement 256. the average price for a gallon of regular 3.58 oh, but california, its actually come down a fraction. it's only 4.87 per gallon. coming up, rampant crime pushing a new york city store owner to the brink. we'll hear from that business owner whose lost over 150,000 bucks to robbery. my question is why hasn't she moved? enough is enough with hip tipfla tion. we found a self check out machine at newark airport asking for a tip. i want to know who gets the money. and the governor of north dakota doug bergham is running for president. what's his main policy? is it energy? north dakota is an energy state. the 2024 gop hopeful is here after this. ♪ take a chance on me, take a chance on me ♪
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stuart: well, this is the kind of thing you like to see on a friday morning is it not? a rally as we end out the week right before a three day weekend too. the dow is up 80, nasdaq is up 13. not quite the gain that we had a few minutes ago but we're still seeing green. tomorrow, president biden holds his first campaign event. lucas tomlinson at the white house. all right, lucas. is this going to be a glorified fundraiser or a statement of campaign policy? reporter: i think you see a mixture of both, stuart. president biden going to philadelphia tomorrow, in fact hope most people can get thereafter the damage to i- 95. in philadelphia president biden expect to receive the endorsement from the largest labor union in the country the aflcio. of course it's the earliest the large labor union gave their endorsement since 1955. who did you expect them to endorse? here is the unions president earlier. >> we fully expect our general
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board to make that endorsement this morning. we are a democracy and so we've been engaging our members, listening to them, and they want someone who will stand up and fight for them and that's exact ly what this president has done. he said he wanted to be the most pro-union president when he took office, and he has absolutely delivered. reporter: so not exactly ronald regan and now rfk jr. trying to unseat the sitting incumbent trying to do what ronald regan tried to do in 1976, stuart. of course reagan came close to beating gerald ford. reagan only lost new hampshire primary by 1,500 votes and later won the north carolina primary when most around him told him to give up. the race went gop convention in kansas city. here is rfk jr. recently. >> his poll numbers are very high right now, and i don't think that he would rather not debate any of his opponents right now.
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>> do you think you could beat him in a primary? >> i think i can beat him in a primary. reporter: and one of the reasons why many democrats, many here in the white house, do not want to see new hampshire and iowa, independent-minded states do not want to see them lead off the caucus and primary. it's one of the reasons biden wants to go to south carolina first but the party still has not made that decision and been official. of course president biden's approval rating continues to be under water and its been that way since that hasty withdrawal from afghanistan let's take a look at the numbers. only 40% approve the job president biden is doing. this is actually up, stuart, from about 36% recently. now, in terms of competition. according to a fox news poll, biden only has about 62% of the democratic support. in fact about a quarter of all democrats as you can see here, stuart, 24% favor someone else. of course biden trying to do what ronald regan did, not likely be able to do it and that's of course reagan 1984 won
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44 states and won 49 states in 1988, the very almost impossible to do that but hope that helps. stuart: i was there for that by the way, lucas, great report. thank you, lucas tom lynn tomlinson. i want to bring in the governor of north dakota who is running for the presidency. governor, welcome to the show great to have you with us this morning. >> great to be with you, stu, thanks for having me on. stuart: let me tell you this , vivek ramaswamy, whose also running for the presidency as a gop candidate was on the program yesterday. he came up with a variety of brand new ideas. totally new. right out of the box. do you have any brand new ideas? >> well, stu, i think the thing we want to focus on in our campaign is three things and these are three things that the biden administration is not just a course correction. we've got to go 180 degrees in a different direction. the first of course is the economy whether that's taxes , spending, inflation, interest rates, wrong direction.
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on energy policy, north dakota as you mentioned big energy state. we're 180 degrees. we're literally asking our adversaries to produce more energy as opposed to the united states selling clean energy to ourselves and our allies so that's 180 degrees wrong and you can't separate those two things from national security. if we don't have a strong dynamic economy, we're not going to be able to continue the 75 years of prosperity the world is seeing and national security starts with border security, and the biden administration has been 100%, 180 degrees backwards on how they handle the border process. 110,000 overdose deaths in our country in 2022 with fentanyl pouring over our border. we should all be outraged. stuart: that sounds like a traditional republican campaign. how are you going to beat trump with that campaign? >> well, i think that you understand, stu, i mean you just got done talking about the markets here. the thing that matters the most,
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the most number of voters in our country is the economy, energy, and national security. these are things that touch every family that we have right now, and we're going to focus on these kitchen table issues that we know matter. on the ground in new hampshire in iowa over the last week, people were super-responsive to someone that was actually talking about the things that's hitting them there, in their pocketbook, hitting them everyday and going to do something about it. stuart: why are you running? you don't have, forgive me for saying but you don't have that much name recognition outside north dakota. i don't know how much money you've got. what's motivating you to run? >> well, stu, i grew up in a small town in north dakota. my dad passed away when i was a freshman in high school and i got a little bit of farm ground from him after college. i literally bet the farm. i mortgaged that ground to invest in a tiny start up that was the seed capitol for great plains. we built that company from less than 10 people to over 2,000
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team members. we had customers in over 120 countries and from that experience, i understand the global economy, technology is changing. every job, every company, every industry we've never had a president that understands the dynamic economy that we're in right now, and as the only governor and only business leader, the only job create or and i grew up, every job i had growing up i took a shower at the end of the day, not at the beginning of the day. i think america's ready for someone who understands what workers have to do to put food on the table. stuart: i think america is ready to have some business talent in the white house but that's another story. governor, it was a great pleasure. thank you very much for being on the show and hope to see you again real soon. >> thank you, stu. look forward to it. stuart: you got it, sir, thank you. now this. ron desantis calling out gavin newsom, again. what's the problem now? lauren: [laughter] a debate. shawn hannity wants to moderate it and desantis and newsom would go for two maybe three hours. newsom says he's up for it and desantis said this. >> stop pussy-footing around.
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are you going to throw your hat in the ring and challenge joe? are you going to get in and do it or are you just going to sit on the sidelines and chirp. lauren: okay just to be fair desantis kind of did the same thing. we were waiting for him to just put his hat in the ring and he finally did at the end of the florida legislative session and actually team desantis is campaigning on that slogan. they are selling gear that says stop pussy-footing around for instance. stuart: it's like two elections. trump vs. biden and another level florida vs. california. lauren: they are both showing up in eachothers state and challenging one another and yet, you know, newsom sits there and says well i still support the president so why are you on fox news doing an interview with shawn hannity. stuart: to some degree it makes politics fun again doesn't it? >> lauren: indeed. stuart: it's not too late to be on the show today don't forget so send in your friday feedback, varneyviewers otero at the u.s. open as it gets underway, so does the justice
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department's investigation into the pga deal with saudi-funded l iv golf. madison alworth has the story after this. ♪ you ok, man? the internet is telling me a million different ways i should be trading. look! what's up my trade dogs? you should be listening to me. you want to be rich like me? you want to trust me on this one. [inaudible] wow! yeah! it's time to take control of your investing education. cut through the noise with best-in-class education resources that match your preferred style of learning. learn your way. not theirs. td ameritrade. where smart investors get smarter℠.
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stuart: there could be trouble for the pga liv golf merger. madison alworth is here. what is the problem now? reporter: okay, well obviously, you know, we were all surprised last week when this happened, but now, the surprise deal between the pga tour and liv golf has caught the attention of multiple government entities and now has people wondering if it's going to go through at all. so, let's start at the top. the department of justice already had an ongoing anti-trust investigation into the pga tour when it banned liv golf from participating in historical tournaments but it now appears the investigation has been expanded to include this planned merger. also anti-trust concerns. when asked for comment on the report, both the doj and liv golf told us no comment, but the pga said we are confident once all stakeholders learn more about how the pga tour will lead this new venture they understand how it benefits
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our players, fans, and sport while protecting the american institution of golf. meanwhile, senator ron widen announced the opening of his investigation yesterday into the deal as part of the senate committee on finance. sending a letter to the pga tour leadership asking for details around the deal saying it "raise s significant questions about whether organizations that tie themselves to an authoritarian regime that has continually undermined the rule of law should continue to enjoy tax exempt status" so we're talking anti trust and tax concerns. widen not the only senate democrat interested in that very point. another investigation launched by senator richard blumenthal demanding communications and records from pga tour and liv golf regarding the planned merger. this deal was announced just last tuesday and before any investigations were even opened insiders guessed it would take at least a year for the two golf leagues to finalize the deal and become one. now, it's probably going to take
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longer if it happens at all. stuart: [laughter] it's in trouble. reporter: yeah. stuart: the idea that it should not take place because of its saudi arabia do not like saudi arabia and president biden called them a pariah, so i think that's quite a stumbling block. reporter: and if you look, if it's the saudi arabia point, there's so much saudi money going into sports soccer, is another big place where they are looking to get in, so, obviously , in the u.s. , pga and golf being the biggest focus, but it's not limited that. stuart: my opinion? the saudis have bought golf and at the are going to keep it. reporter: it's hard. you saw lots of golfers go and you think about the golfers that said no. what happens to them? stuart: madison great stuff. thank you very much indeed. tammy bruce coming up, nile gardner coming up, steve hilton and also miranda devine. the 10:00 hour of "varney" & company is next.
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