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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 20, 2023 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that's it for "kudlow." thanks for watching, folks. ♪ maria: good thursday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us, i'm maria bartiromo. it is thursday, april 20. your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. today, first quarter earnings
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driving stocks. at&t, american express and union pacific all reporting first quarter before the opening bell. markets digesting a mixed earnings season so far, and futures are trading lower this morning. the dow industrials down 142, nasdaq down 136, s&p 500 lower by 30. morgan stanleys r's chief u.s. equity strategist is here this morning. the interview coming up at 8:00 a.m. eastern. at 8:30, michael milken will join me. we'll get data on jobs this morning, the initial jobless claims numbers out at 8:30 a.m. eastern, 240,000 is the estimate. check european markets with a negative tone overall. the ft 100 is down 16, cac quarante down 30. 30, dax lower by116. in asia, markets finished mixed. the best before performer was hg
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and japan, a fraction higher. treasury secretary janet yellen is set to speak on the u.s.'s economic relationship with china today at 10 10:15 a.m. eastern. a major revelation in the hunter biden investigation, another whistleblower emerging on the bidenfully. a former irs staffer says he has the proof the biden administration interfered with the criminal probe into hunter biden around his overseas business dealings. the details coming up. joining the conversation all morning long, strategic wealth ceo, mark tepper, bob nardelli and kaley mcgee white right now. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ let's move tonight. ♪ share the spice of life. ♪
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maria: well, an irs whistleblower says he has the evidence that the biden administration interfered with the criminal investigation into hunter biden and his overseas business dealings influence peddling. mark litell, the attorney representing the unidentified whistleblower sending a letter to lawmakers claiming the agent has he protected disclosures, that quote, details examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols. he says his client is ready to provide more information to congress about the president's son. watch this. >> to him, the truth is one truth. and he wants to come forward with it. he's red i do be questioned about -- ready to be questioned about what he knows and experienced under the proper legal protections. ma.maria: james comer says new revelations do not look good for the biden family. >> this was a family
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enterprise. what were they doing? why were they getting this much money? it all points back to joe biden and we're going to continue until we get the truth to the american people. the walls are closing in on the buy done family. maria: we're getting more evidence this morning, mark, your thoughts? >> you know, the fact that the doj, the fbi, the irs, that they continue to cover up issues that the dems are doing while at the same time targeting the right is really disturbing and this is just another situation of special treatment, preferential treatment for the biden family, for the biden administration. and one of the interesting things the whistleblower said, he said the biden administration is mishandling the hunter biden probe which isn't surprising because they mishandled everything they've touched so far but the level of shadiness, corruption, deception, misdirection, everything that has happened
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incredibly disturbing and it's -- at the same time it's not surprising and that's tht we're not even surprised. maria: we're not surprised because the m mainstream media e refuses to cover this. our number one adversary, china, is getting more aggressive and we have to ask the question what does the ccp have on joe biden because all of these things that have happened, the provocations, are being met with no response. we had a surveillance balloon traverse the country for a week. we obviously police stations, we had two arrests there yesterday. that's about the most what that happened. covid-19, major coverup. your thoughts, bob nardelli. >> yeah, maria. i've been around a long time. i've never seen quite the amount of challenges and issues that we're facing here as americans. it's very disturbing to mark's point. i mean, it's almost like they don't respect us for having any intelligence when we listen to
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this thing. i'm pleased with congressman comer. he seems to be getting at these issues. i like the at tenacity and diligence with which he's taking these things on. the comment about the walls closing in on the biden family i think is true. it's unfortunate that someone in that stature and position in our country has this issue to deal with and we have to deal with it, maria. maria: unfortunately, we are watching in real-time two applications of the law, kaley. because trump was indicted. and trump's estate was raided. even though the same thing happened with joe biden and classified documents and not the same response. >> absolutely. i think mark is right, this is the least surprising story of the day. because remember, there were additional whistleblower reports last year that revealed the fbi was intngs nailly down-- was intentionally down-playing the hunter biden investigation. this is something we know the
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biden administration has been doing for at least a year now. i don't think it's a coincidence this whistleblower is coming forward at the same time house republicans are ramping up their own investigation into the biden family. remember this report that james comer released a few weeks ago that shows that there could be at least 11 other business deals that the biden family has struck with china that have financially benefited at least three known members of the biden family. who knows who the other unknown members of the biden family are. and so i don't think that this is a coincidence that the whistleblower's now coming and saying that the doj is intentionally using politics to down play the hunter biden -- maria: you talk about the 11 deals. we're also wondering what is all this money for? why did rob walker receive $3 million from china and then the next daddies tribute a million plus of it to the buy dep family members? what -- biden family members? what specifically are they paying for.
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>> and who is buying hunter's paintings for $250,000. i mean, look, when you look at all of these weird situations, where there's smoke there's fire. there's got to be something going on. i think it's a matter of time before the truth bombs blow up. it seems like we're headed in that direction and if the biden family is corrupt, if they're compromised, they need to be exposed. maria: we will keep a spotlight on this sorry. coming up, house speaker kevin mccarthy takes action to address the debt ceiling while the democrats sit on the sidelines. we're breaking down what the gop proposal is and what happened on the other side. then, new york's bail reform laws allows the city's worst criminals to roam the streets, the shocking numbers since da alvin bragg took over. it's making a buzz this morning. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ put my hands up, they're playing my song, the butterflies fly away. ♪ nodding my head like yeah,
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it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ >> house republicans are taking action. today i'm proud to announce that we are introducing the limit, save, grow act of 2023. president biden is skipping town to deliver a speech in maryland, rather than sitting down to you address the debt ceiling. he's giving america's debt the southern border treatment. ignore it and hope that it goes away. maria: that was house speaker kevin mccarthy yesterday announcing the gop's plan for the debt ceiling and spending restrictions in exchange for raising the nation's debt limit by $1.5 trillion. mccarthy wants p federal spending back at 2022 levels. a 1% cap on future spending and
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to rescind money going to buy done's student relief program and irs budget. the white house released a statement, slamming the house speaker's plan, writing this. speaker mccarthy sided with the extreme maga wing of his conference and released a blueprint to devastate hard working american families. joining me is texas congressman, member of the house appropriations committee, michael cloud. thank you very much for being here. you saw president biden's statements on the gop plan. what is your response? >> well, i can tell you, this is as good of a plan as we can get in a debt ceiling. as a fiscal conservative, i'm not excited about voting for a debt ceiling. let's remember how we got here. the dems were pushing massive spending bills and then two weeks later, oh, there's a debt ceiling you need to take care of. it's a trillion dollars of saving in the first year, 5 trillion over the next 10 years, gets the government off the backs of the american people
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and reignites the innovative engine of america and so this exciting to see how this is happening and you're seeing a difference in leadership between the management of crisis to crisis that we've seen in the last two years, we're coming out ahead of when the projected debt ceiling is with a plan and proposal and it's the right way a government is supposed to run. maria: you are seeing a difference. the speaker put out a serious plan with thoughts about how to rein in spending. the president came back with an unserious response, attacking the speaker, calling him maga extremism. here's may ya mcginnis from a committee for a responsible federal budget. rescinding remaining covid relief, preventing implementation of the student loan cancellation requirements, rescinding the irs he enforcement funding.
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house leadership estimates the plan will save more than 4 and-a-half trillion dollars over a decade. you don't have any of the calculation from president biden. what i'm asking is, what is your response to the president saying this is all about maga extremism? >> hey, ifs that's what maga extremism is, we need more of it. working to make america great is what we want. the american people don't want more irs agents. that's not what they're asking for. they want a government that's working efficiently and for us they're trying to make this effort to say that us finding savings for the american people is some sort of draconian way. all we're talking abouts is going to pre-covid spending. nobody thought pre-covid that the government was a streamlined efficient thing and so we're going back to pre-covid spending. we're going to make america work for the people and some of the things like t the rein's act tht rein's in the federal bureaucracy that has been pushing a burden on the american
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people and bringing the regulatory effort and shift the power back to congress, electioned officials where there's accountability is where it's supposed to be. there's a lot of things in here that unleash the american people to do their best work. maria: i understand. but you need a willing partner in the white house in order to push this through and the president is playing the blame game. he's blaming the maga republicans, now he's traveling to maryland yesterday and he blamed and attacked oil executives along with maga republicans. here's the president yesterday. watch. i want to cut the wasteful subs subsidies for big oil. maga republicans want to protect those subsidies for big oil. we just finally beat big f phara by giving medicare the power to negotiate lower drug costs. maga wants big pharma back in power. maria: it's all about somebody else's fault. kaley, the climate change agenda
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has been the root cause of the weakness in this economy. the president is doubling down on it. >> yeah. and biden's tendency to constantly attack fossil fuel, big oil and the oil companies when these are the companies that provide energy independence for the united states is really disturbing. these are the companies that are keeping us you aafloat. we need them. we can't transition to the a full clean energy spectrum realistically within even the next 10 years so his entire agenda is unrealistic. maria: that's why oil is where it is, above 82 right now. >> par -- i've been a big zelt for energy independence. in his first day he did more to cripple energy independence, the biggest contributor to inflation. it affects everything we do.
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it compounded the problems we're facing as businesss in measuring today. it's devastating. maria: you're seeing it from a business standpoint. congressman, final word here. what's your plan b if the president doesn't go along with this? >> we're going to be strong on this. we've got to push forth an agenda that's going to stay strong. what you're talking about, energy is so important. part of this is rescinding subsidies that go to the green knee deal plan that delegated our strength to china. we have to get back to american energy dominance. this is a strong plan that will put us there. we're going to continue to stand for it. maria: we will leave it there. congressman, good to see you. michael cloud joining us in d.c. coming up, you i want to ask about oil and whether or not this is an investable moment. futures are falling as investors digest the latest corporate earnings. we're previewing the reports that are on deck today and the rest of the week. we'll look ahead to the next fed meeting, may 2nd and third. back in a minute.
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maria: welcome back. let's take a look at futures, a busy week of earnings. the dow industrials near the lows of the morning, down 166, the nasdaq down 135.
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we are looking at the earnings that are driving the market here. tesla stock one to watch after reporting its profit yesterday, stock is down 6 and three quarters percent. the company's price cuts contributed to a 24% decline in first quarter profits at tesla. the stock is still up 46% year-to-date. but it's having a rough time this morning. joining me is the fitz-gerald group principal, keith fitz-gerald. thank you for being here. what does the earnings picture tell you, compare that to the valuation, we have a market up year-to-date in the double digits if you look at the nasdaq. >> well, it's not too bad, is it. for all the negative headlines the numbers with regards to stocks and specific stocks are actually pretty darn good. i think it's a chance to refocus on the stocks that matter, to use an expression that mark i know is fond of, you keep it on tthe fairway. this is time to be selective. tesla is a great example of
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this. we've seen this before with regard to batteries, the charging network. i think he's playing from a position of strength. many companies are in fact. maria: maybe. mark tepper jump in here. as you noted in the past, the rally in the nasdaq is v narrow. it's about five or six stocks. >> keith, i want to get your take on the breadth of this market because only about 60% of the s&p is actually trading above the 200 day moving average and that's down from over 70% about a month or two ago so it's trending in the wrong direction. s&p's up 8% this year. but if we look at the equal weighted s&p, that's only up 3%. 90% of the s&p's returns have come from 10 companies. so what do you make of that? is this a healthy rally? is it unhealthy? what do you make of the breadth issues we're seeing in the market? >> excellent question of. the way i look at this, it's like old fashioned cable television. you've got to pay for the stocks. you don't want to get the stocks, you do if you're a fund
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investser. -- investor. it tells me it's times to be selective. there's a lot of capital looking to chase very few comparatively good stocks. that's why you're seeing the narrowing. it's a time of focus and patience. importantly, we know as individual investors that when everybody knows something, investors tend to do the wrong thing at the right time so to me this is a buying opportunity for very cautious, very focused investors. maria: what does that mean for the fed and the macro story. chicago's federal reserve president spoke on the outlook for the economy, he said we're waiting to see whether there are other credit shoes to drop. how much squeezing is going to be coming up from the bank side, it's going to matter for whether this economy is going to he slow down, keith. so what about that? we've been talking, mark and me, about commercial real estate now for a while and we're waiting for that to see if that's going to be another shoe to drop. next fed meeting, may 3rd, most people expect another rate
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hike. where does that take the broader story? >> i've got to be honest. i wish they would take the microphone everybody at the february except for the chairman. it confuses markets and disservice to individual investors. commercial real estate is a serious problem. all the vacancies will never return to pro-covid levels, got problems getting people into the office. there's a huge dialogue. with regard to the broader macro picture i think we've already been in a recession, i think we're closer to the end than we are to the beginning of it. i look at the calculus a little differently. maria: bob, jump in here, what are you seeing in terms of the macro story. >> keith, i would ask you the following questions. i mean, i've talked a little about -- i see tremendous amount of debt coming due. we saw bed bath and beyond who have been struggling for some time talking about going into bang run he circumstance rite aid struggling a bit. i think there's another shoe that's going to drop in the second half. your opinion on that, please.
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>> i would share that opinion. i think that the distinction, though, is that it's very important to remember, you can be an economic bear but still a market bull with regard to specific stocks. if the you're playing to a long-term strategic vision and you know this better than i do, that you want to act to that vision. i think the right companies are doing that, apple's a great example. it's moving forward three, four, five moves ahead of the stock market. as investors if you do your homework, i think you've got a great setup for the visionary ceos, not necessarily the broader macro story itself m. maria: keith, always a pleasure. good to see you, sir. quick break and then the white house dod dodging questions agan this time over when president biden will finally confront chinese president xi jinping, what is the holdup, mr. president? we're on it, when we come back. ♪ i'm on the edge of glory. ♪ and i'm hanging on a moment of truth. ♪ i'm on the edge of glory. ♪ and i'm hanging on the moment
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maria: welcome back. the supreme court is 408ding off on making a decision about an abortion pill. cheryl with t the details. cheryl: the highest court allowing the pill to remain on the market until friday, puts off a ruling on whether to block access, the justices are considering emergency requests from the biden administration and the pill's drug make wanting to keep it on market while the case against it makes its way through the court. it was approved by the fda back in 2000 and a has been deregulated in the last few years. the food and drug administration announcing its pulling aproofer for pfizer and moderna's original covi covid-19 vaccine. they were given emergency authorization under the trump
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administration's operation warp speed. the fda says that the older vaccines mo mo longer fully protect against the new strains of covid. well, bed, bath and beyond is preparing for a bankruptcy filing according to reports this morning. sources say the retailer could file as soon as this weekend after failing to raise enough capital to avoid going into default. they said they needed to raise $300 million by april 2 26th to avoid cap cheer 11. -- chapter 11. the stock is trading below a dollar a share. what is the number one thing in your insta cart cart. ffor most americans, i can't mae this into a quiz, unfortunately. it's bananas. they are the -- the company revealing it delivered more than a billion bananas to date. the most popular item, the consumer ifs in the midwest buy more than those in southern states and hawaii. basically, if you place bananas
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end to end, it would go around the world five times. [laughter] cheryl: useless fact at 6:34 in the morning. iowa, south dakota, minnesota, pennsylvania, they are the top banana purchasing states. maria: i like it. thanks, cheryl. the biden administration dodging questions once again from fox news white house correspondent peter doocy on when the president plans to confront chinese leader xi jinping on all of the aggression recently. watch. >> china is setting up police stations in the u.s., there's more proof now that they created covid, there's reason to think there were more spy balloons than the white house has said. why is it taking so long for president biden to call xi and tell him to cut it out. >> we have said over and over again had that the president intends to call can president xi. we believe it's important to maintain open lines of communication with china. we believe that it is an important bilateral
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relationship. maria: right. the fbi's also warning yesterday that china is using new tactics to silence critics in the united states and influence u.s. policy. joining me is the atlas organization founder, the author of the new book, de decisive decade, jonathan dt ward is here. it's good to see you. you named the book the decisive decade because you say this is the decade that the united states and the free world needs to be he decisive on communist china. walk us through that what do you mean? >> that's right, maria. good to be with you you. first of all, what we have to do, we have to begin to enact containment strategy of china, we feed to have an economic theory of victory to know how to rebuild the country and restructure the economy to it he depends ma far less on the peops republic of china and convert that to having superior military power so the united states and allies can be over russia and china for the long term the. we're losing ground. this is the period when many of
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the communist party's own strategies culminate. they had this vision of surpassing the united states. they realize a lot of that is in their eyes meant to take shape by the 2030s. we have to get our act together, take the actions we need to do and begin to have an economic strategy that can win and rebuild the deterrent capacity of the entire fee world. we're running out of time on that. maria: we're not doing it, jonathan. we had a segment on the fact that all of this aggression from communist china has been met with no response from this administration whether it's the covicovid-19 leak, the coverup around covid-19, the balloon that was sending data about our military installations back to beijing in real-time. not to mention so much that you document in the book about intellectual property, theft, as well as the ccp ramping up its military. what if we don't? what if we don't meet that expectation that you write about in this decade? >> well, if we don't do this,
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then we're back to my first book, chinas' vision of victory. they have a very clear outcome, very clear strategy in mind. they see themselves as becoming the dominant power in the world. they're working on that strategy. it's something we have to take absolutely seriously. if we lose, i moon, it's like losing the cold war. it would be catastrophic outcome for the u.s. so we have to take this seriously as a whole country, not just the government alone. we have to get i think as a nation as citizens, as business leaders, all the different elements of american power need to come together to deal with a whole of na nation strategy tows our primary adversary. maria: you mention corporate america and whether corporate america understands the national security risks so. we're reporting this morning how the fbi is telling us that china is upping its momentum in terms of infiltrating america and the west, silencing critics. walk us through how they do what
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that. >> sure, the fbi revelations i think have been very important. they're pulling out about 40 different operatives that are trying to put pressure on dissidents in china. we need to be a haven for dissidents that speak against this regime, really the free world is the place where people should be able to cross into it and be unafraid of the reach of these regimes so to spree chinaa opening up police stations in the united states and around the world, a human rights group in europe reported there are 100 be prc, ccp police stations around the world that are taking these sorts of actions and some of it is just pressure on social media, they're emulating russian tactics. from the beginning it's been clear that russia and china will learn from each other when it comes to information operations and activities a abroad but on the other hand it's actually going after dissidents and we can't have that on our own soil and we can't have that on allied soil. our countries have to be safe for those that are critics of
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this regime and the other horrific regimes that we're dealing with geopolitically. it's good to see the fbi pull the curtain back on this and there's probably much more going on. maria: the new york post report that these police stations are also monitoring secret u.s. network of police stations and they're ordered to harass dissidents. they're also ordered to monitor any divisive remarks about xi jinping and his resemblance to winwinnie the pooh. the leake leaked pentagon docums say the chinese military could release a high altitude spy drone, traveling three times the speed of sound. it could target war ships and military bases near taiwan and carry out future missile strikes. clearly, beijing is increasing
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its investment and acumen in the military. >> well, that's right. they've transformed the military balance. their missile forces can range pretty much the entireity of the u.s. presence in the pacific. their navy is the largest in the world. athis drone program is meant to provide intelligence, surveilto givethem visibility ie pacific theater. we retained certain advantages in undersea for example but they've put together a pretty powerful force here that -- they made their intentions clear. they're talk about preparing to fight wars. they made it clear that taiwan is essential to the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation. that has been stoked even among the public now in china. so the ccp's made clear what it's intending to do. we're going to have to respond. we're going to have to build up
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our own deterrence posture, engage allies from japan to australia, philippines, south korea and get ready to provide deterrence in the pacific. they're moving full steam ahead on this issue and we i think -- i think this needs to be a priority and expressed very clearly to the person people. maria: corporate america is not going to do anything different until it is the law. treasury secretary janet yellen will address the u.s./china relationship later this morning. in her prepared remarks, we've got some of that embargoed. this what is she says. we seek a healthy economic relationship with china, one that fosters growth and innovation in both countries, a growing china that plays by the international rules is good for the united states and the world. yellen's speech comes as the white house is preparing to announce an executive order, limiting u.s. investments in china according to politico but i'll believe it when i see it because if they were going to do anything on investments, i assume they would have done it
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already but what would you like to see in terms of rule making out of the wh white house, an executive order the in terms of investing in china. this is what i'm saying. corporate america is going to do anything they can do do to sell to 1.4 billion people in china. they're not going to change what they're doing and that means investing in china, chinese companies perhaps tied to the military, unless there is a tone set by the white house. will we see that tone and what would you like to see corporate america do? >> well, look, i think the executive order apparently is going to be narrowly he focused on the tech sector which is a good start but that's not enough for the u.s./china competition. we also need to i think scale back and prohibit capital going into china. we need to get our pension funds out of china. we're pouring hundreds of billions of dollars every year into the rise of our primary adversary. that needs to change. treasury could be one of the most powerful departments in the u.s./china economic he competition. we need to see a clear vision from the us government about the nature of the relationship.
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china is not -- a growing china that plays fairly is just not what we have. that's not at all where we are. so we need a clear economic strategy from the white house and i think businesses need to get focused on what china risk really means. to understand the geo politics of this, to realize the ccp's intentions means that you're making a very dangerous bet in an adversary market. there's mo no question these are not going to be wise bets in the long run. even if the white house is not making it clear, i think business exact testifies need to start -- executives need to get the picture on their own. we are going to see increasing action from u.s. government, congress is going to have to lead some of this but economic containment is where we have to go. it's the only response to beijing's actual economic strategy and we'll see if yellen really is willing to take beijing's real strategy to task. maria: yes, we will see. right now, beijing still enjoys that most favored nation status when it comes to trade with the united states. jonathan, thanks very much.
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always a pleasure. good to see you, sir. jonathan dt ward joining us on china. quick break and then new york's bail reform law allows suspected felons to walk free. find out how many are roaming the streets right now under new york city's da alvin bragg. it's the hot topic buzz, right after this. ♪ impart of you indefinitely. ♪ boy, don't you know you can't escape me. ♪ oh, darling, because you'll always be my baby. ♪ and we'll linger ♪de sam who make...? ...everyday products... ...designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card... like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more... plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases! and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas... ...a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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maria: welcome back many time for the "hot topic buzz." a federal judge denying manhattan da alvin bragg's request to block his ex prosecutor from testifying before the house judiciary committee, part of you lawmakers' investigation into bragg's handling of the trump indictment. the judge writes this he must appear for the congressional deposition, no one is above the law. this comes as suspected felons are reportedly walking through in half of cases since alvin bragg took office. the da's office turned away more cases under bragg, a reflection of his soft on crime policies, talking about new york, bob nardelli. you're also seeing this in atlanta as a result of the same
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issues. the weak das. >> there's no question, maria. i think we're all concerned here as u.s. citizens the rate of crime, the increase, we see it in chicago, we see it in atlanta, we see it in san francisco, we see it certainly in new york city and what's compounding that, what concerns me is the amount of violence that's going back, the amount of shootings that we're seeing, multiple shootings for really no reason at all. you got let go from a bank so you go in and shoot everybody. so it just seems to be a lawless society that's being fostered out there today. maria: that's exactly the word, lawless. kaley, what about the mark pomeranz situation, what happened in the da's office that caused pomeranz to leave and what will he tell the judiciary committee under oath that we didn't know. >> i'm sure he'll expose why the trump investigation was launched in the first place. we know it was political. alvin bragg doesn't want to admit that. i love the judge's line that no
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one is above the you law. that's what alvin bragg has been saying to justify the trump indictment. the judge is turning his own words back to him and we -- alvin bragg has twisted the law into all sorts of different pretzel shapes in order to get the charges against trump. there is clearly a double standard here. the more we can do to expose the double standard, the better our society will. maria: it's scary, mark, to see if you're not on the political side they want you to be on, you're in jeopardy. >> yeah. so look, no one's above the law. but no one should be a target of the law either. that's another saying we've heard a lot recently. you know, and this relates to obviously alvin bragg and the entire left targeting donald trump. when we talk about lawlessness across the country, the progressive das are enabling it and when you enable lawlessness eventually there will be consequences. the issue is they don't happen fast enough but the consequence% the good people decide they're
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moving out, then the fortune 500 companies decide if i can't hire good people we're moving out and that's the path you're seeing some of these cities head down. chicago's case in point. maria: that's a great point. we'll take a break. when we come back, we're telling you everything you need to know about google's new a.i. chat bot, you thought a.i. chat was worrisome, wait until you see the google chat bot, what it is, how it works and how you can sign up, next. ♪ best thing about being a woman. ♪ is the prerogative to have a little fun. ♪ oh, oh, oh, get totally crazy. ♪ forget i'm a lady. ♪ man shirts --
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>> he really seemed to be once digital super intelligence, basically digital god, if you will, as soon as possible. >> he wanted that? >> yes. he's made many public statements over the years that the whole goal of google is what's called ai artificial intelligence. i don't disagree with him that there's potential for good but there's also for bad. maria: revealing that google cofounder larry page wanted the search engine to be intelligence
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program. calling the chat bot, quote, worse than useless and pathological liar. joining us technology analyst, chief of staff pete, great to see you, thank you very much for being here. first tell us about barred, the google ai product and some of the criticism even from inside google. >> barred is google's answer to new crop of ai chat bots that essentially give you content, usually text in response the prompts. kind of seems like a magical technology when you first use id. chat gpt was the big splash that happened last fall and amazing. it can prepare meal plans for you, fixated on giving you the right answer with whatever detail you want as opposed to a
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big page of links. maria: that's right. why do people say and one of them that it's a liar, a path logical liar? >> what they are doing is predicting the next word. they are trained on millions of pieces of text and pieces of content and essentially guessing, they are really, really good at guessing but they do occasionally get things bad and the thing about barred and issues they have having, it's getting things bad more than competitors and making it bad pr move for google especially with the internal feedback leaking out. borderline useless. apparently there was a case how someone asked about how to land
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a plane the results would have crashed the plane. mark: i feel like google is in troubled waters right now. the number one search in binge was google. now you've got pretty much an about face happening where samsung, i believe, it was, is now thinking of replacing google with binge on all of their phones. maria: that's a big deal. mark: that's a huge deal. seems like google may not be in trouble for ai standpoint but other issues as well. maria: how did google lose number 1 spot? wasn't it number 1 spot? >> yeah. it was known for ai for a while, doing google assistant which is found on android phones and predirective text and e-mail. it had all the features out ahead and criticized for it.
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i'm old enough to remember debut feature where the google assistant would call pizza and orders for you. they got scrutiny on that. you guys are caught up on what you can do, you haven't asked whether you should do it. internally google created this ethics committee and program to scrutinize ai and the products before they came out. the problem with that is even though it's well-intentioned it's essentially like not great for progress because you get a lot of internal turmoil but all reports testify kind of a disaster. some people were sidelined and people complaining about the people being sidelined and when chat gpt came out years later, they were completely caught flat-footed and cause code red. they've slapped the label excerpt on it. that's lick a step down from


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