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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 10, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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him a transphobe,. dagen: it is because calling people transphobe does not work any more, that is why the anger is louder and louder. and the cornering people. >> i'm still proud of l lincoln's test result. >> i don't believe he got 100. >> you don't know who he sits next to. today my anniversary with my wife rachel campos-duffy, we've been married for 24, wonderful years, she has givegiven me 9 kids, three are off in college and married. i could not can for a better wife, i'm getting sushi with her after this. >> congratulations thank you. >> kennedy are you there. kennedy: many years beautifully done, you are an
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incredible couple, and amazing family. your 25 anniversary party next year will be lit. sean: at your house. kennedy: come on. come over. sean: only the best. kennedy: thank you, guys. sleepy joe is running for reelection you better wake him up. but still is not confirming a thing, is do don with donald trump and other republicans on the attack, why is the president still so wishy-washy, hello from los angeles, i'm me. president biden has been teasing a reeligible reel election campaign for months last week we got the announcement, it was delayed until later this summer, when he is in bikini shape, al roker pushed him to
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making an answer. >> i plan to -- at least 3 or 44 -- or 5. maybe 6, what the humanitarian. hell. >> are you saying you would take part in our upcoming election in 2024. >> i'll either roll an egg or be the guy who is pushed them out. >> help a brother out. >> no, no. i plan on running now but we're not prepared to announce it yet. kennedy: rolling egg or push them out your bottom. why is the president being so coy? according to axios, his adviser think it is strategyically better to wait it could keep other democrats out of the race, if he does not run, went that dumb plan backfire on his party? after all the republicans already have two -- so
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fuerte . former president donald trump and florida governor ron desantis, trump is trying to push desantis out and other republicans have signaled the run, but the path for republicans is note clear because of a massive elephant in the room, former president's growing legal problems. a new abc news shows 48% of americans say trump should suspend his presidential campaign following the recent indictment, that is up five points in a week. keep in mind, election is more than a year and h half away, but who searle -- who is the early favorite, we break it down with our parties panel. jason meister, with democrat strategist and former biden cam pain of surrogate, the son of my california sky -- sun of my california sky kevin walling.
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and host of the podcast olivia rondeau. jason, i am starting with you. your former boss. the legal problems are not going away any time soon, a lot of senate republicans are saying they want him to take a powder and step aside. what do you think his strategy is? >> i think he will run, i think he is in the race, i think this indictment made him a martyr. he will have the opposite affect that political affect than democrats, i think thought or hoped for, i think that democrats never really thought they had a viable two term candidate in 2020 with joe biden, they chose most compromise. come . in my opinion that is what build back better is about, thinking about is over last few years our border is overrun, a run on banks, food and gas prices are
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unaffordable, there are chinese communist spy balloons traversing our military bases, they pushed our two largest adversaries china and russia closer together. we on brink of world war iii and now biden regime trying to imprison their f political opens. the controlled demolition of or country is well underway, i think democrats have ability to what they are trying to accomplish that is the controlled demolition of our country. kennedy: why would you want to do that? i don't understand. i don't understand waiting so long to announce it keeps others out of the race. the president has a hard time stringing a sentence together. let alone a second term agenda. either ano announce now or get out so someone
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competent can run. >> what you are in incumbent you want to delay. he is happy watching the republicans attack one another. you have donald trump attacking ron desantis on this network, and you if you are president biden you want to stand back and let them go at each other and allow closer to ma may, june with large fundraising number, he cleared the field, democrats are supporting him in terms of elected officials, he will run an aggressive campaign, he beat donald trump by 7 million votes. kennedy: do you think olivia that president is just waiting for this sweet release of death? >> you know, i don't want to confirm or deny, i might get an fbi visit to my house, i
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predict people in white house, officials in white house and dnc are probably in his ear saying you are not the most mentally competent, you are getting up there, hold off in announcing. that is my prediction. also, i don't think that joe biden has done anything aggressively in his life, i don't think if he runs -- healhe will not run an aggressive campaign, and trump versus desantis. -- >> he one once. kennedy: he was in a basement. >> in desantis choses to run, i would wait, if it is match up between biden and trump or desantis i think he will get blown out of the water. kennedy: i think people have to look around and go, this guy is not doing a bang up job. the problem is voters look at everyone and say, who the hell else do we have? this whole thing sucks,
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kamala harris' poll numbers are worse than bidens, and his are dropping like a kardashian pants in an nba locker room, to use untoward language, i will write apologies later. >> it's a family show. kennedy: our family, you me and the triplets. >> gavin newsom is a train wreck, political analyst say not if he runs or when. lucky us. lately it looks it could be sooner. he has been traveling the country touring republican lead states ramping up attacks on someone who could be his political rival. ron desantis newsom saying yet that desantis should wait a few years before running for president, watch. >> he will get rolled by trump. trump is just go doing roll him, thumped. if i were offering him political advice i tell him
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to pack up and wait a few years, and actually do hard work that includes governing. not just identity and cultural war. kennedy: so fun, he was giving advice to himself. he should be. she should be reserved that advice for the plan -- man in the mirror. you know how chicago voted out a progressive mayor and replaced her with a moldier lefty, why would anyone do the same with biden and newsom. with me, host of the gary shannon show, los angeles, gary hoffman, she running. >> 100% running, may not be this time. not in 2024, if you asked me that same question 6 months ago i would say gavin newsom is throwing his hat in the ring, midterms came -- democrats over performed and republicans under performed joe biden gets credit or blame, joe biden is still the head of the party high
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will be one that decided -- we'll pretend that joe biden is the one that decides if he will run for president. imagine if joe biden either can't or won't run in 2024, democrats have to figure out are they going to bypass kamala harris? and pick pick gavin newsom a issue, white, sis, straight, middled age guy. kennedy: and a horrible governor. >> he is just an awful 57. person in my opinion, with he moral authority to hold over ron desantis suggesting somehow while traveling that ron desantis to stay in his state and g govern glad glad. florida. gavin newsom has been traveling to other places. >> that is why that advice should be reserved for himself. if you drive around like, traffic sucks. he is forcing the electric vehicle transfer faster than
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federal government that says something, but when there is a storm or power outage, don't plug in your electric vehicles look at my teeth, i like women. >> people, voters in america are not interested in political combat, right now he is involved with that, ron desantis is smart enough to not punch back. the way that voters will decide whether or not california successful, is just by looking at tents, that is it counting the tents in major cities. >> i would have said the same thing about chicago, chicago is scary place to be, it does not file safe, you think about go there, no, maybe any elsewhere. but you think that people had enough, they are sick of the teachers union strikes and of the crime, they want cops to be supported. and they close gordon lightfoot out and they elect
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let's go brandon. kennedy: only difference is cold enough to have winter in chicago. human fecal matter freezes to point. kennedy: like a hockey puck. >> harder to do that in san francisco, moister and squisher and slippery it is bad. kennedy: it is the fog, you can't see the feces before you on the sidewalks. >> santa monica is next, it will be soggy, people will poop everywhere. kennedy: they are. it feel like future it is here. not a.i. it is feces covered streets and sidewalks. >> i don't get so south of nort hollywood. kennedy: i fear that people will be charged by gavin newsom. i think he has -- has a gyp gip see curse he.
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>> he is a charming guy. he lives in one of the most expectsive zip codes in the world with a getty for a g godfather, there is a tough hard scrabble life like i had. we grew up exists down the freeway from each other, i had everything and he had nothing. kennedy: you have dirt waffles on sunday. >> right. kennedy: gavin newsom had waffles made of gold. >> he had waffles made of gold, sprinkleed with gold, dipping them with gold and a gold spoon. kennedy: syrup. >> like g goal schlager. >> >> day shannon should join you. kennedy: people think that shannon is a great big fat pinc person.
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shy is beautiful. >> i am married to asianon. a -. kennedy: you don't host the show with your wife. >> no. >> they are both pretty. >> they are. >> i will be tied in the corner with a ball bag in my mouth again. >> the night is young. kennedy: coming up biden administration to unveil a plan to force electric vehicles on to streets, we teased it, it is getting worse, will it bankrupt auto industry? florida republican congresswoman will break down the delusion, she is next.
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kennedy: welcome web democrat demained future of electric vehicles start now. whether you like it or not. a lot of people don't according to new york times report epa proposing plain to make electric vehicles the majority of cars by 2032. that is less than a decade from now. only 5. 8% of cars so sold last year were electric. >> that is not only problem. even automakers say the goal is impossible. not to mention there are nowhere near enough charging stations it biden a electric vehicle plan going to get out of the driveway or a tail pipe dream. joining me to discuss,
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welcome. >> how are you. kennedy: i'm -- still drive a gas vehicle. i like the smell of gas, i like the feel of a car when it accelerates with fuel courses throughs this guts. i think this is too much too fast. and the market is not the thing dictating us, are we in trouble if we follow through the regulations? >> yeah, absolutely, think about this. like beijing biden strikes again. another clueless hair braining plan that actually has no basis in reality. when you think about the fact that like you said less than 10% of cars sold last year were electric. and most of these electric charging stations are powered by shock fossil fuel. it is almost like they don't could how it works, never mind the fact that these ev batteries are really impossible to manufacture here in the united states,
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making us. depend on china who controls the rare earth mineral supply chain. china will consider suspending export of rare earth magnets which are a critical component in electric vehicles and wind turbines. >> auto industry has complaints of their own with supply chain issues with the electric vehicles, not just the batteries, there are a whole host of things, but also, if you accelerate this timeline so much, you may mind a lot of people in very critical manufacturing states who will be out of work, because it takes a lot fewer people to build a electric car than it does to build cars with combustion engines. >> never mind the fact that we went find any do work,
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talk to anyone in any industry, they are hurting for reliable labor. interesting today, i was at a mining operation, a phosphate mining operation. we were talking about the fact that phosphate, used in virtually everything, it is in everything including c coca-cola, you name it these have not -- minerals have not been listed at critical. we're looking overseas for critical minerals that in in nearly every aspect of your lives, biden administration saying we want to make a move forward ev 's and support mining efforts they throw 500 million at it one of niece, just one of these manufacturer plants costs 5 billion. last week i was with a local dealership, he was saying, these iv batteries are good for about 10 years, you can't find them when you need them, they don't have techs to replace them, this
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is a disaster waiting to happen. this is not feasible today. kennedy: it is not feasible when average price of an electric vehicle is around 60 thousand a year. which is more than the median income for americans hard working in this country. it say tough sell, i know in the legislation, the inflation reduction act there is a 7500 dollar incentive from the government. but, like, that really doesn't lower the price of the 70 thousand dollar car enough to be that attractive to people. >> yeah. no. that seems to be the joke of the biden administration. one of many. where they said, you are concerned about rising gas prices, you peasant go out and buy an electric vehicle that costs 80 thousand dollars. it is absurd how out of
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touch this administration is. from the fact that we don't have the mining capability because they ignore the fact they shut down permitting for any domestic production whether it is fuel or minerals. and then supply chain is dependent to nations that don't like us like china. how much more -- >> guess what. >> how much more writing on the wall. kennedy: we might be going to war with them, congcongresswoman cammacs k thank you so much. call a flur plumber. the white house has a leak. we have latest. >> taiwan warning of an uncontrollable w world war with whine, commies say they are ready to fight, tensions would over? what should our response be? we'll get into that with
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kennedy: called the most damaging leak. doj launching investigation to how dozens of sen sensitive documents ended up on line -- with goods on china, middle east, several allies and ukraine war. who leaked it? the white house said they have no idea. surprise. >> do you believe the leak is contained a are there more documents. >> we don't know. >> main concern is they are out there period, they don't need to be, they shouldn't be. kennedy: all right, we know it may have been on-line for at least a month, officials claim some documents may
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have been altered. one nug, ukraine, might be running out of ammo next month, and ukrainians reportedly are changing their battle plans because of the leak. how serious is this? who done it? joining me in los angeles, fox news at night anchor. catrace gallagher, you look good in the background. kennedy: thank you. >> this is my home back ground, you are the visiting team. kennedy: is this real? >> it is. the question that everyone is asking, how in the world is this real. one, who leaked it? they don't know, they won't tell us, up to 91 there h -- to now there have been a lot of leaks, nobody had that you know that big feel, this one feels different, they wa want -- answers, the question that i have.
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you talk about intel, the leaks. the definition of intel is to be able to go at different sites, obscure sites, the chatter places where you hear this information that might be useful down the line. this stuff, bubbled up on this discord that obscure chat room out of san francisco used mostly for gamers, there were hundreds of documents on there bubbling around for weeks, and weeks, no one in intel department picked it up, how is this possible your job is to scan the sites, some of your most valuable information on this chat room where gamers talk about these things, you didn't pick it up until it was on wider social media. kennedy: then a story in media, people started to report on this, then they
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went, oh, my gosh, what is this? what hell has been wrought with our secrets about china, and ukraine. i'm looking at this going, so, ukraine has about 85 aircraft. russia has about shy of 500. ukraine is supposed to run out of bullets n next month, what happened to the 60 billion we gave them, is that in there. >> the answer would be some of that money is still being shifted over there. it is not like it happens overnight, the when you find out on these leaked documents that ukraine's airspace, may be used up by may. right? that is three weeks away. you think that is damaging. no matter who got this intel, or what happens, it
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changes the whole dynamic of the war, because it is russia's strategy eukraine strategy. you can't just go with it, they discovered the documents, you have to make changes. they are now in the process. as jennifer griffin all way of making adjustment to their war plan, in itself cost billions of w dollars, you go to other part we found out a russian fighter jet almost took out a british spy plane, then this goes from russia and ukraine to russia, and nato. this is important, and scary to think this information is out there and could have been picked you were. kennedy: like, we didn't pick it up, russia did. >> someone did. kennedy: china did, israel did, everyone knows what was not supposed to be known. they will make adjustments,
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ukraine trying to say it's all fake, russia put it out there. and john k kirby said no this is awful. >> we still don't know when the chinese spy balloon picked up, nothing. kennedy: we're good, you are not good, you are lying to us. you can spy on every man, woman and child, good job. trace gallagher. >> thank you. kennedy: all right. speaking of potential devastation, china wrapping up among naval season of taiwan. the taiwanese government sounding the alarm over potential for a real war, real soon. >> any accident might spark an uncontrollable war between taiwan and china.
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if other countries are trying to intervene it might be the start of a war of a grand scale. kennedy: i don't want a grand scale war, that does not sound good for the market, china said it's ready to fight today, oh, that is great. but white house on other hand saying there is no need to over react. and mike pompeo saying it's time for bootses on the ground. >> u.s. will have to be all in to protect american interesting throughout the pacific. that includes taiwan, japan and australia, south korea, this is in the american tradition. get deterrents right and we won't have to face that question. we should do everything we can. kennedy: so is war with the commies inevitable. that sounds like a horrible idea, with me now, u.s. army combat veteran bryan suits.
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suits, hot war, people from mike pompeo to lindsey graham are really warming found t -- up to this idea. >> here is the thing. this is almost at this point. we go to august. sitting speaker of house goes to taiwan. they sally, aircraft carriers do mayor missions then they end it with a buying ha big happy ending, if tsai ing-wen the president of taiwan, visits the current speaker at reagan library, they to a 3 day exercise with no live fire, it is almost performative, they do not intend to do anything but affect an election in taiwan, they are not expanding lives of their people to take taiwan, they
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know they have 20 years. i tell you the time, you ask me how to make the watch, they know how to make the watch, they have a 20 year patient stan on this has to happen before president xi jinping dies, he wants a victory parade in taipei. the sexy you know b-roll videos you see of china j-11 fighters, they are piloted by, we said before, the only sons of very influential chinese who are reason that xi is in power. they don't want to lose 100 thousand only sons, they are still in that gap of the one child policy, there is huge surplus av of males but not younger brothers. this is a difference between korean war and right now, they don't have human waves to send. they have single sons. >> how does this change the dynamic in terms much what
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the united states should do and what china will actually listen to? >> well, pompeo and lindsey graham are on to might be a good idea to threaten forward brace an american brigade in taiwan, we had american troops were based taiwan until 1979, we had a permanent presence there. and amazing piece of leverage, just spinning up the 25 infantry brigade from schofield base in hawaii moving them to to go, -- guaum would make the chinese reaction for once. kennedy: i would hate for anyone to be wrong about it, then in a full-scale war with china. that seemings like the worst
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idea of all. >> well not that -- >> go ahead. >> remember they have their second aircraft carrier now, we have 4 in the area. we're in a position of power, they are not, i love your earrings. kennedy: suits, i love everything about you, and thank you for being here, i wish you were in los angeles. then you know. >> move over gen-z, baby boomers are back in town, coming for your jobs, why companies are more likely to hire people 55 up and, that is next, stay with us. so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop,
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you could manufacture a whole new way of manufacturing. disrupt buying habits before they disrupt your business. and fuel the search for what comes next. so...what are you waiting for? kennedy: corporate america says okay boomer. new report claims some companies are recruiting seniors citizens, i like it. they have a stronger work
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ethic after that millennials and gen-zers some, hiring managers believe younger employee are more likely to arrive late for shifts, call out sick and spend work hours on social media, or aus millennial say, they can't even. what would you hire in an old fart or a young snowflake, party panel is back, jason meister, kevin walling, olivia rondeau, this is the best news, there are a lot of younger workers who are super lazy. and they are so in their feelings it makes them less productive, i love generational warfare. your thoughts. >> i actual agree, i read this report, younger jepping eer generations are most coddled, and they think that government is solution to their problems that is why they push for higher
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minimum wage, in america, that is zero dollars that is what you make when you don't have a job. i am all for this. kennedy: and and older gen-xers in their 50s. i am among them. i love the idea of elbowing the young ones out of the way, saying give maya mamy -- my money, i'm taking your job, i was raised i in. >> the amazing thing, part of reading about this largest portion of workers entering workforce are 55 and older, that is incredible. compared to younger generations that should be entering the workforce,. kennedy: they are like, i'm -- they are like.
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i am getting my sprinter van and i'm not coming in unless you have cereal for breakfast every day, what are our. >> they want to be influencers, which is incredible, that is now a profession. kennedy: not only is it a profession, they will be in charge offed biden reelection campaign, they are giving so much power and control to influencers. >> we'll talk about that other time. olivia, you are young, i know you work hard, but you are the exception not the rule. >> thank you, i was going to say i was a little offensed at the beginning, i am the panel residence gen-z, i get merhere on time, i do my job, you are right, but to look at people my own age, i see people who are pumped
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full of ssris and not cable of doing things for themselve, a lot of people my age live home and jobless. i don't know if that is 100% on their shoulders it has been hard in last 3 years to get that degree, move out, get that job. but it is time to pull ourselves up and get out there. and i think a lot of fellow gen-zers had a defeatist mind set that everyone is against me, i might as well not try, i'm against that, but you are right. and to see that over 55s are entering workforce at high are rate, i don't know if that is good. i think that there are issues with people who are should be saving for re retirement, absolutely gen-z could -- >> their re retirement
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accounts are down though, the stock market is down, inflation up and living on fixed income not as good as it was 5 years ago, i get it they don't have to be forced to work but if they work, they are working it will be dirty. thank you. a beautiful start to the week. >> thank you. kennedy: topical storm is next, stay with me. like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. nicorette knows quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like... just stop. go for a run. go for ten runs. run a marathon. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. starting a new chapter can be the most thrilling thing in the world.
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kennedy: nasa said new james webb space telescope obtained the clearest pictures of uranus. i hope they washed it. the government is invading your space. this is the topical storm. one. mug shot monday, we share a senior moment, 78-year-old bonnie gouch, there she is. woo hoo arrested for allegedly trying to rob a bank in missouri, she might have gotten away with it if she at any time have to stop and peo twice, she handed a note to bank teller, demanding 13 thousand small bills, adding thank you, sorry, done mean to scare you.
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police intercepted bonnie, she was leaving the scene in her getaway car, she was at 26 miles per hour with her left turn signal on. she smelled like alcohol, she was under the influence of more than just 700 club. she was convicted of robbing two banks before. making her a serial offender. topic two. new jersey uber driver telling story of how -- so sweet, he donated a kidney to one of his passengers. and still only got four-stars. what does it take? 33-year-old army veteran tim was driving an uber in winter 2021 he picked up a 73-year-old add dialysis treatment center, no word on what pick up line was used. through ut the ride william told him about his dialysis
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treatment. in new jersey considered polite driving concern vision, when he shared he needed a new kidney, tim offered to donate his own. my uber drivers won't share their iphone chargers, tim was inspired by the writing of. >> they are both still alive, thriving and feeling great. the next time you need a body part, try ordering an uber, if just body fluids, there are plenty in back of new york city yellow cab, it's yellow because of the piss. topic three. let's go to the florida keys, they held their easter egg hunt florida style. i don't just mean drunk. but they were. yep that is diver spencer
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flunking into the sea dressed at easter bunny, he was the fishiest thing in the ocean yesterday, spencer planted easter eggs all over the o for are in locals to check in baskets, he is only man who laid eggs this weekend than cast of "saturday night live," the hunt took place in shallow waters so children could participate and florida women are so full of silicone they float like buoys. >> topic 4. >> to a. dazoo in australia, watching the exotic animals get easter streets, a pair of greater b. >> next what is black and white and fed all over, a
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giant panda eating a cake by himself. he wonders why they call him giant, it's his ass. the cutest black and white movie star since shirley temple. and asian small clawed otters. eating breakfast at taco bell and the dingoes, they eiate my baby, tearing into rabbiting filled with kibble, they have been known to prey to human children, they have a lot in common with the dahley l dalai lama. you try too suck my tongue, you am pullback a bloody che trump itet monday. ight question can greatly impact your future. - are, are you qualified to do this? - what? - especially when it comes to your finances. - yeehaw! - do you have a question? - are you a certified financial planner™?
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if sports fans built a streaming service... hey, so... you know how we carry a ton of local sports networks? sure. boston, philly, chicago, phoenix. and... minnesota? so you hired twins? oh, yeah. from minnesota? you betcha! i love it. live tv and sports. and more! but mostly sports. that's fubo!
8:00 pm
kennedy: use hash tag mouth trumpet monday to fess guess this song on twitter, here we go. ♪ ♪ kennedy: thanks for watching the best hour of your day tomorrow, jas jason and greg stuebe, make every day a kenneday. or chestnuts roasti.


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