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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 27, 2023 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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arching folks, that is "kudlow". please have a great weekend. maria: good monday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us, i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, march 27. yotop stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. noseranother bank rescue to rep.
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there are continued worries over the banking system. this week, a set of congressional hearings on the bank collapses of the last two weeks, the state senate banking cocommittee hearing set for tuesday, the fdic, the fed and treasury's janet yellen testifying this week. futures this morning are rallying, the dow industrials adding onto a big week, up 161 this morning, one half of 1%, nasdaq right now higher by 34, about one quarter of a percent, s&p 500 higher by 20 points. last week, markets notched another pretty good winning streak, the dow industrials on the week up 1 and two thirds percent, i'm sorry, the dow industrials 1.1%, the nasdaq up 1 and two thirds percent, s&p 5 had hundred higher by 1 and a third percent. european markets, we see a firmer tone here as well. the ft 100 is up 54, the cac is
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up 73 and dax higher by 178. asia overnight, mostly red a across the board, japan on the upside with the nikkei average higher by a third of a percent, the hang seng in hong kong down 1 an three quarters percent. the house of representatives moving forward with tiktok legislation after last week's hearing on capitol hill. the gatestone institute senior fellow gordon chang is with me this morning to talk more about that. and back in new york, the trump grand jury set to he reconvene later today after multiple cancellations last week. the details coming up with congressman greg steube and former federal prosecutor, andrew mccarthy coming up in the 8:00 a.m. hour. joining me for the three hours this morning, breaking it down, michael lee strategy founder, michael lee and a pollster and maslansky and partners president, lee carter. right here, "mornings with maria" is live right now. and breaking overnight, first
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citizens bank and trust company acquiring nearly $72 billion of collapsed silicon valley bank as a et cetera. the fed is considering expanding emergency lending programs for first republic bank. the stock this morning is up 26% on the news. of course, this is the bank we saw many other large banks try to shore up their capital with $30 billion in deposits. joining me is the lpl financial chief global strategist, quincy crosby. thank you for being here this morning. the bank worries remain. we've got another bailout or rescue overnight. your rea action? >> well, you know, it's always good when a private bank or rather a private sector bank comes in and takes over some of the failing bank. that's better than the government coming in and bailing every bank out. so that's a positive. i think that's why the market is up. and also what we hear is that the government is going to give
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some more time for first rfirstrepublic. perhaps extending more of the bank facility they have and helping them find a public sector bank to come in and take over a good portion of that as well. that would of be a very good way to contain, help contain this banking crisis. maria: yeah. i understand what you're saying. people do not want to see the government coming in and doing bailout, it's much better to see it from the private sector. but what about the safety of these banks, quincy? i mean, what do you think about these regionals where there are worries about deposit run. where are we in this process as interest rates are expected to stay elevated and perhaps we'll see another hike from the fed. >> exactly. one piece of good news that we've had overnight is that the amount of money going in from the regional banks and small banks into the large money
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center banks has actually slowed, indicating that perhaps depositors feel more secure staying in their local banks. the other part of this sorry, he though, is had take we're seeing hedge funds come out and hunt for weak banks and doing what they did the in 200 of 8 and 2009, maria, the they go in, go after the bonds, push up insurance on the bonds, credit default swaps and short the underlying stock. this is something that is illegal. we saw they did it with deutsche bank and we hope they stay out and the legislators a take a look at this and try to halt it because it creates tremendous uncertainty and actually fear in the markets. maria: yeah. it's a great point to make. because it was really dicey last week with deutsche bank as we were watching that insurance on the default swaps rise and stocks go lower.
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people were worried when we saw credit suisse acquired by ubs in that deal. look, overall, we're looking at at regulators look at this most recent situation and say, well, maybe we need more stringent rule making so what does this look like on the other side of this? we've got a whole set of hearings this week in washington. we've got the senate banking committee, the house financial services committee and we'll hear from the fdic from the treasury, janet yellen, and of course the fed who will all testify there. i spoke with wisconsin senator ron johnson yesterday on sunday morning futures. he spoke about when janet yellen was in front of his committee two weeks ago and her take on the country's debt. watch this. >> admiral mike muleen in the 2010, 2011 timeframe said the greatest threat to the national security was the debt and deficit. it exceeds $32 trillion. the treasury secretary was talking about president biden driving the debt up to the
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$50 trillion over the 10 year budget window. she wouldn't admit mass i've deficit spending was a major contributor. maria: don't forget, we're on the doorstep of another potential major crisis with the debt ceiling being raised. there's going to be a fight between republicans and democrats in terms of cutting back spending. is that something that could be a market catalyst to the downside as well, as well as these congressional hearings this week on the bank collapse. anything there that you are expecting in terms of recommendations for more rules? >> well, at the very core there's a hierarchy of blame in terms of what happened couple of weeks ago. but at the very core of this is that the -- at the bottom, there was no supervision. even though chairman powell said o yeah, there were red flags but we don't know what happened to them. that's kind of questionable. they have to supervise the
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change, especially because the backdrop changed as rates started to rise. so in terms of move over, how about the officials speak from the same page because we know what happened last week at 3:00 on march 22nd when janet yellen contradicted herself and we saw the market immediately start to collapse. so this is something that has to be fixed but at the core of it is that there is a problem, because rates are rising. it doesn't mean that the fed has to stop. the fed has a job to do. it means financial stability but also price stability. we're going to find out at the end of this week how much of a job because the fed's favorite preferred inflation report will come out. the personal personal consumpte index. expectations are that is going to be higher than consistent sense you sus estimates. -- consiste consensus estimates.
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we're at a crossroads. it's important. this week is also the beginning of fed speak where they're all coming out with their opinions. that also confuses the market but nonetheless, at least we open up today with n an actual bank coming in and buying part of what started this whole thing, silicon valley bank and that's good news. maria: yeah. all right. i'll take it. i'll the take some good news here. it's good to see you. thanks very much. >> thank you. maria: the market is up 156 on the dow. let's slip they a short break. when we come back, congress is ready to consider legislation on tiktok after the ceo's concerning testimony on capitol hill last week. we'll talk about the plans for the chinese owned app on the other side of this break and then why president trump says the manhattan da has absolutely no case against him as the grand jury is expected to reconvene again today. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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>> hey, everyone, this is rep aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez. this is my first tiktok. of do i believe tiktok should be p banned? no. why should tiktok not be banned. the united states has never before banned a social media company from existence, from operating in our borders. this is an app that has over 150 million americans on it. maria: that was new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez posting her very first tiktok this weekend, saying that congress should focus on regulating social media companies instead of banning tiktok. this as we learn they that the parent company of tiktok bytedance donated $150,000 to nonprofits related to the house black and hispanic caucuses in
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december. house speaker kevin mccarthy announced the house will move forward with a bill on tiktok after the, quote, concerning testimony from its. ericceo.joining me is texas con, lieutenant colonel keith several. than-- keith self. thank you for being here this morning. it's interesting to see the governors ban tiktok, raising their hand about it being a national security threat and then you've got your colleague, alexandria ocasio-cortez, blowing all of that off and doing a video on tiktok. your reaction had? >> well, she is my colleague across the aisle but the republican majority in congress is going to take action on this because tiktok and the other very popular chinese based social media platforms are simply data collection agencies for the ccp and china. we've got to realize that is the bottom line. these are simply data collection agencies for the ccp and it's part of a very robust
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comprehensive worldwide attack on the united states. maria: yeah. well, that's what i'm saying. i mean, do you think that aoc is unaware of the risks? is she unaware of the threat of communist china? because why would she download -- she had to download the app, put it on her phone to do the video. is she not aware of the threat of communist china and the surveillance and propaganda? >> we conservatives think they're unaware. the entire federal governments is trying to take down the united states in form that we understand it as a he free nation. look across, the fbi is also spying on american citizens. they are being successful. the open border. the democrats are being successful, open border, tiktok, data collection for the ccp. we think it's bad. they think it is on pace for their program. maria: well, this is pretty extraordinary, that we've got such important issues in terms
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of communist china and the surveillance on america and your colleagues on the left are like you say trying to knock down the house in terms of our freedoms. president biden sees it completely the opposite. i mean, president biden is attacking you and your colleagues in the conservative area. he's saying house republicans want to defund border security. he tweeted this. in part. maga republican proposals would slash border funding and allow nearly 900 pounds of fentanyl into our country, congressman. this is what the president be is saying, despite the fact that 5 million plus individuals have breached our southern border and come into this country illegally on his watch. >> my goodsness, this is mirroring. this is projection. this is what he is doing. there is no enforcement on the southern border. i've been to the southern border twice. there is no enforcement. he will not allow the border
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patrol to secure the border. our border is completely open. the invitation is out to the world to come here. so i mean, this is projection for what the democratic party is doing today so the border -- the border issue, ccp, it's all wrapped up in taking down free america. maria: well, it's pretty incredible to me that they can just get away with, you know, pinning it on you. i've been to the border five times as well. i've watched and seen what's there. i know you're introducing the el chapo act. let me bring in lee carter. go a ahead, lee. >> i've been trying to understand the american voter and what they think about tiktok and the legislation and a third of americans trust the ceo of tiktok after hearing that. two thirds distrust him. 41% support a ban on tiktok. while only 2 2 25% oppose it. a third don't know what to make
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of everything right now. be be the there's one thing you want the american people to know right now about why they should support a ban on tiktok, what's one thing you want them to take away. there's a lot of uncertainty. >> i think that we've got to understand this is -- the ccp has total access to any data that is collected by tiktok. don't believe anything else because the ccp rules china. if they want something from any company in china, they're going to get it. this is an endangerment because data drives business today. you all know how important day taxer all data is to politics, to business, so this is why they are collecting data on the american population and eventually will be with able to influence the american population percept perceptions e ccp. maria: yeah, i mean, look, we've got a list of all of the data that tiktok collects and this is a serious issue. we don't know what the ccp will end up doing with that data.
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let me get back to the el chapo act, it would allow the u.s. government to seize assets from drug lords and use that money to secure the southern border. tell me about that, how will you get the drug lords' money. aren't they taking home billions of dollars every week? >> well, when el chapo was convicted of life plus 30 years, the government ordered the seizure of some $12 billion of his assets and there are other drug lords that we could also seize money from, so why don't we use that money to secure the border? to build the wall. it's more than enough. we can do this with the money that has been paid by our citizens for the illegal drugs that has now been seized from el chapo. let's simply use those funds to build the wall on the southern border. maria: well, i'm mean, if it's that easy, how come you haven't done it already? >> because the biden administration has no interest in closing the border,
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enforcement of the laws, building the wall, nothing. there is no -- the policy of the united states government today, we need to understand, is an open border. maria: yeah. just ex strai extraordinary. thank you. quick break and then only one bank giving up biden family bank records to the senate, why senator ron johnson tells me this could be a message from china to president biden, why he was only able to retrieve bank records from a chinese bank. that's next. my ameriprise advisor has helped me navigate uncertain times before, now is no different. with his advice, i'm confident i'm on track. the plan we created is for the long term. no wonder clients rate us 4.9 out of 5
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>> the only bank records wee got, this is pretty interesting, we got them from cafe bank. is that the chinese communist party's -- is that a shot across president biden's bow, saying listen, this is some of the information we have. if you don't tow the line, if you don't do things that please us we're going to provide more information, a bank from china, let's face it, the communist party controls those types of institutions. they willingly gave us the documents that backed up the treasury records. maria: that was wisconsin senator ron johnson with me yesterday on sunday morning futures revealing cafe bank p
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handed over biden family finance records. cafe bank is the oldest operating bank in the united states, it was founded by chinese americans to serve the chinese community. it has offices in los angeles, as well as representative offices in hong kong, beijing, shanghai, taipei. the gop's investigation finding the biden family received payments from hunter biden's business associate, rob walker, and their joint venture with a chinese energy r firm. mike, i thought this was really interesting that when ron johnson was demanding the financial records, it was only cafe bank who handed them over. now we know that james comer and the house oversight committee has received some banking records from american banks but only having to do with one deal. comber says there were 11 other deals out there that he thinks will be similar to what he saw you with the first deal which was rob walker got a check for $3 million.
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the very next day he sent 1 plus million of that discontribute the ted to biden family members. >> well, maria, you know, a lot of this information was leaked when hunter's laptop came out and some of the rosemont seneca banking records came out. look, when the democrats were in charge an demanded phone records watt wawithout warrants they wen over without a question. there was a dare to notice to try and sue to try and block that and it's funny how none of the banks will comply with congress now that it's a democrat. maria: yeah. >> it is beyond the pail of a two tiered justice system, the way these things work. let's go back in time and remind everyone like nobody gets a billion dollar sole mandate from a chinese government to start a private ebbing which you at this firm, especially someone that doesn't have private equity
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experience and a a de debilitag crack habit. they're setting up a new reserve currency to take out the united states of america. what did the bidens give up and what is it doing to our national security? maria: right. that's why we keep asking what exactly was that money used for. i mean, what were they paying the biden family for? what did they get? but lee, i think this point they that ron johnson made is really a scary one. and that is, cafe bank, were they so willing to give up the records as a message to joe biden. look, this is what we're doing now, we've got plenty of records, unless you do what we want, those records will be released publicly. that's what ron johnson was saying. >> yeah. i mean, it is a valid point. let's understand first of all this isn't just a chinese bank. this is an american bank that was founded by chinese americans but still the signal it sends i think is significant and important.
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and when you think about the american people and how they view this right now, trust in china is at an all time low in all of testing and that is saying something because imagine even after tiananmen square, even after everything we've been through with china, at this moment only 15% of americans trust china. and when you see this kind of a connection between a sitting president, his son, and the chinese government, when people just don't trust this and know it's one of the biggest threats facing us right now, that's a really big issue that needs to be addressed. the american people are rightly concerned. they deserve to have answers. and i think at a minimum the president needs to make a statement a address people concerns because they're valid. maria: yeah. we'll take a break. when we come back, a ban on gas stoves may actually be coming to one east coast state. we'll tell you which one when we come right back. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. several people are dead the in pennsylvania after a chocolate factory explodes. cheryl casone with all the details. cheryl. cheryl: maria, good morning. authorities revealing two more bodies were found in the aftermath had of the major explosion at a pennsylvania chocolate factory, raising the death toll to seven. search and rescue teams found one person alive in the rubble yesterday. a gas leak is likely to blame for the deadly explosion. the mayor of west reeding announcing a candlelight vigil will be held on friday night. well, cracker barrel becoming the latest company saying it will leave portland, oregon. but unlike walmart, which blamed rising crime and theft for leaving the areas cracker barrel says it's never made up its
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pandemic era losses at that store. a spokesperson telling fox business, quote, despite extra efforts made we couldn't viably continue to keep our doors open. restaurant's three locations already set down as of of march 20th. finally, there's this. new york state looking to become the first state to officially ban gas stoves in new buildings. this could be out of the state budget which is finalized this week. republicans, labor unions, gas companies and a lot of business groups oppose this all electric mandate, they say it's going to hurt consumers and going to raise costs. but he despite the polling, maria, i'm going to repeat that, despite the polling, she wants to go through with it and the democratic controlled legislature wants to as well. back to you. maria: wow. all right, cheryl. thanks so much. house speaker kevin mccarthy confirming had that the house will move forward with legislation on tiktok. he tweeted this.
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quote, it's very concerning that the ceo of tiktok can't be honest and admit what we already know to be true. china has access to tiktok user data. meanwhile, virginia senator mark warner claims the biden administration backs his bill which would give the commerce power to either ban tiktok or force a sale. >> i think the white house is very in favor of this bill. one of the things that may lead to a ban is the chinese communist party has said they felt like the algorithm, the source code that resides in beijing is so important that they would rather see a ban than give that source code up to be placed in a third country which again i think speaks volumes about the potential threat that this application poses. maria: i'm not so sure that the white house is fully behind this bill. joining me to talk about it is gatestone institute senior fellow, author of the coming collapse of china and the great u.s. china tech war, gordon chang is here. great to see you. thanks so much for being here.
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the warner theune bill doesn't mention tiktok, it mentions social 3450ed ya. media. that's the one he's saying the white house is behind. it almost feels like the white house wants to put something out there but they don't have to get aggressive on tiktok because it doesn't name tiktok in the bill. what do you sunshine. >> he yes. and we don't even need a bill to ban tiktok. the president can do that with his authority under the international emergency economic powers act and i think we should do dmore than just ban tiktok, e should ex appropriate it so we get the algorithm. at this point, that algorithm has been used to foment violence on america's streets. i think we need to go beyond the banning. maria: yeah. it's interesting because the chinese media, it's not even media, it's the state media, propaganda, they follow the conversationses in the united states.
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they're following our political he debates and jumping on-board and driving their own narrative. china ca is still growing global influence. honduras is establishing diplomatic relations with beijing after cutting ties with taiwan. i spoke with the former secretary of state yesterday, mike bomb pa pompeo on vice pret kamala harris' trip to africa this week, she's focusing on conquering the china threat, she says. what can she really do? watch this. >> there's no doubt, xi jinping is trying to control the whole world. that includes nations in africa, doing it two ways. one, buying up the rare earth minerals that this administration wants for its cry you matt change program and -- climate change program and buying up political leaders, bribing folks at every level inside the governments in n attempt to surround the united states of america, to make life difficult for our kids and grandkids here at home. it is part of a strategic effort on behalf of xi jinping to
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control the economic levers of the world. maria: gordon, what's your reaction? i mean, look, that's what the ccp is doing. they bought up about 7% of the land throughout african nations and they want those rare earth minerals as well. >> there's one simple thing that we can do. china has bribed the leaders of all these countries. they bribed them in dollars. every dollar transaction clears through new york. we can disclose the payments that china has made to african leaders. by the way, that's what happened in the solomon islands where discloture of payments to legislators from china and that's been effective although of course we need to do a lot more in the solomons but the point is we have the tools to be able to expose that corruption and, therefore, make advances of our own so that our companies can deal on a level playing field. maria: yeah. i just don't know if the administration is going to be able to wind any of this back. i mean, the ccp has its program
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in place. now he's partnering with russian president putin. putin is claiming that russia and china are not creating a military alliance. putin says, quote, we have cooperation in the sphere of military technical interaction. we're not hiding this. everything is transparent. there's nothing secret, gordon. how could do you assess this partnership between russia and china? >> well, putin is technically correct where there's not a military a alliance. in other words, an obligation to he defend. because china is so arrogant it would not enter into alliance with any other country except for north korea. china is all in supporting the ukraine war and that's with lethal assistance and the biden administration says the provision of lethal assistance is a red line but it refuses to acknowledge that china has ignored biden warnings and has been providing that lethal aassistance from pretty much the beginning of the war so, you know, maria, this is a hollow warning and hollow warnings always lead to trouble.
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maria: well, maybe. but you know, this administration isn't doing anything about any of this. i mean, they send kamala harris to africa under the guise of oh, we want to try to lure the african leadership and stop china but the truth is, the tone is set at the top. corporate america is all in, in terms of investing in china, because that's the law. china's commerce minister is going to be meeting ceo of apple, tim cook, meeting today in beijing, this ahead of the china development forum this weekend. big ceo conference. cook says apple and china have grown together and have, quote, a simi symiotic kind of relatio. jack m ma has returned to china after more than a years traveling overseas, because of a government crackdown on the chinese tech sector and pretty much the ccp taking away some of his wealth wealth h by taking ae
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of his ownership of alibaba. what's your thoughts on the ccp and the fact that corporate america is just looking at the dollar signs because the government has to set the tone and joe biden has not walled off any opportunities for corporate america in china. >> yes. biden can use his authority under the international emergency economic powers act of 1977 to do all sorts of things including getting american companies off chinese soil. but you know, right now, china is desperately concerned because they're worried that the international business community has started to shun china and that's why we see this charm offensive which is the reason why they've enticed jack ma back into china. let's remember, while they enticed jack ma they're holding bau fun for more than a month. he's a big tech fin financier.
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he's in detention. they're engaged in an attempt to bring them back in. maria: i wonder what that means for american businesses there, operating on ground. >> with increasing tension between the united states and china causing it, i think companies there are really foolish because one day they're going to wake up and they are going to find themselves ex appropriated which is what china did in 1950 or we're going to find that they will not be able to deliver products to consumers because their ports are going to be closed. this is really short sighted. this is where the president needs to use those powers that he has. maria: yeah. interesting. gordon, great to talk with you as always. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: quick break and then another round of severe weather expected to hit the south today after deadly tornadoes and storms ripped through you the region over the weekend. fox weather's robert ray is live from mississippi this morning. we'll have the that right on the other side of this break.
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maria: welcome back. deadly tornadoes ripping through parts of the country over the weekend. fox weathers' robert ray live in rolling fork, mississippi this morning. robert, good morning. tell us about the latest and
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these recovery efforts now being made. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, maria. and this morning before the sun even comes up, a very swift wind coming in here to rolling fork at least 15, 20-mile-an-hour gusts and look at where i'm standing here this morning. in a home, this is -- this used to be where families gathered in a living room. unfortunately, someone's chair is here on the ground and as you see behind me, the destruction of all of these people's belongings. a huge wood beam which was support for this house and all around this town of just under 2,000 people, this is the scene. literally home after home, business after business, destroyed. this town is in full ruin. but they're all in pick-up mode right now. i spoke to go governor tate rees yesterday.
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let's lynn to what he had to say. >> the resources of the people of rolling fork and the people throughout mississippi need, the help is on the way. it makes me damn proud to be a amann. mississippi an they stand up and they show up. >> reporter: and that is the message here from not only the governor, but fema as well. the issue, maria, here this morning is that this area has been under severe weather watches and warnings literally every week since christmas. the storm fatigue is intense and if you've gone through this situation like what you're looking at right now and you've lost everything, what's the short-term solution? and fema's saying to all of us they're going to be on the ground helping. we're going to hold them accountable to that. and on top of that, the governor is trying to work with ngos like the red cross, to get people shelter, food, and get
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families in a good se nature he yow. 25 -- scenario. 25 people dead in the state of mississippi, one in alabama and as the wind rolls in we've got more threats later this week in the forecast. just unbelievable to start off spring in a scenario like this, maria. maria: what a sad story. robert, thanks very much. we'll keep watching you for updates. thanks very much, robert ray. stay with fox weather for the latest on the storms and all of the updates. quick break, then how crypto prices are faring after the fed raised interest rates again last week. stay with us. ♪ whoa. okay. easy does it. we switched to liberty mutual and saved $652. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we thought we'd try electric unicycles. whoa! careful, babe!
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maria: welcome back. bitcoin liquidity hitting a ten month low despite pricing surging, near $28,000. bitcoin is up again this morning, just under 28,000. crypto prices rebounding last week following the fed's 25 basis point rate hike. joining me is bit wise asset management chief investment officer, matt hogan. great to see you. thank you for being here. i was questioning this over the last couple of weeks as markets were selling off, as the federal reserve was raising interest rates and the expectations that the fed would continue to raise rates despite the bank p failures. bitcoin also went higher. what do you think was behind
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that move in bitcoin last couple of weeks? >> great question, maria. i'm really glad to be here. i think this is the perfect market environment for bitcoin and crypto more broadly. we have the fed nearing the end of its rate hiking cycle. we have this breakdown in the underlying banking system. we have pushes to push us toward regulatory clarity from the s.e.c. so i think the crypto market is in a new major bull market cycle. all of that is pointing people towards this asset class. itit's been doing very well this year. maria: what are your thoughts in terms of where this goes next. first citizens bank and trust company acquiring nearly $72 billion of collapsed silicon valley bank assets, matt. how does that impact the crypto market? >> yeah, i think, again, that gets back down to this breakdown in the traditional banking sector and the fact that the fed has stepped in with a new form of qe, more currency debasement. that is all pushing people to
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the only viable alternative financial system we have which is the emerging system in bitcoin and crypto. i think people have woken up to the idea had that we need this alternative. that's why you're seeing the market move higher. bitcoin is the best performing asset in the world this year. i think that's a big part of the reason. maria: wow. that's amazing. so we're going to hear from gary gensler on wednesday, the chairman of the securities and exchange commission testifying in a whole host of newon the record testimonies that congress is holding hearings on the bank collapses and we're expecting gary gensler gets questions about crypto while the s.e.c. is threatening to sue coin base over claims it violated invisitor laws. the wall street journal reporting the ex-manager is convicted of insider trading, writing the industry uses civil suit to challenge regulator views that crypto assets are securities, matt. what are your thoughts on what
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gary gensler is going to be asked on wednesday regarding crypto. >> that's a great question. congress is much more pro-crypto, much more balanced and progressive on this new asset class than regulators are. i think he may be asked questions about whether crypto is being given a fair shake, whether there are clear rules of the road that will let entrepreneurs in the space build and grow. we're certainly going to get other questions from y across te aisle about risks in the market. where this is pointing is where crypto wants to go. all crypto is asking for is regulatory clarity, clear rules of the road, the belief in this industry is that our system is faster, more efficient, quicker than traditional financial ecosystem so as long as we can get clarity, we'll be in a good place. maria: right. we need clarity on over exactly who is going to be the overseer here. is it the s.e.c.? >> that's exactly right. maria: is it a different agency? mike lee, jump in here. >> it seems like all the stars are aligning and you're seeing
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that in the price of bitcoin. every time there's a crisis, the fed comes out and prints more money, typically with bank failures it's not just one. maybe the fed has it contained. but the only way they have it contained is by printing more money and as you mentioned, we seem to be getting closer towards the end of this rate hiking cycle which means there's probably more money printing on the way. do you see this -- can the stars align any better for what to expect for bitcoin than what we're seeing right now? >> i love that. that is exactly right. the stars have aligned. he yeah, inphi infinite qe, swas to international banks, every time there's a crisis we see the fed step in with more and more money. crypto is responding to that to say maybe we want a financial system that doesn't have short-term programs that doesn't debase the currency. not everyone will want to move to thats system of course. some frac shaven the world is
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recognize -- fraction of the world is recognizing it's good to have that alternative. that's all we need to see to this asset continue to appreciate as we have this year. maria: lee carter. >> the polling suggests that the trust in crypto or people's faith in crypto as an option right now is really low, only 8% of folks believe that this is a viable asset class for their investments. what do you say to them, what is one thing you wish they would understand to change their perceptions? >> yeah. you know, crypto's been declared dead by the mainstream media, i think it's 458 times. the system is anti-fragile. i think the number is going up. 8% sounds like a little. a few years ago it was 4% or 2%. i think if you step back and ask yourself, look, crypto hasn't gone away in the last 14 years. where do you think we will be not next week, not next month, but five years from now. i think if you give people that kind of time frame, they start to see maybe i should think
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about this, not as a big part of my portfolio but a little insurance in there in case things go wrong elsewhere. i think that's what we see from clients we talk to, from professional investors and i think that trend is growing. maria: matt, where do you think it will be in five years? >> i think you're going to see six digit bitcoin, not in five years, probably the next two years. i think we're in a new major bull market s cycle. it will be volatile. we'll come to new all-time highs sometime in the next two years is my best guess. maria: we'll be watching. matt, great to have you this morning, thank you. >> thanks for having me. maria: matt hogan joining us this morning on crypto. the next hour of "mornings with maria" begins right now. maria: and it is time for the word on wall street joining me now is michael lee strategy founder, michael lee and bull tech capital chief market strategist, katherine roon hey vera. -- rooney vera. mike, kicking things off with you with a market that is rall


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