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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 21, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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(whistles) yeek. not cryin', are ya? let's tighten that. (fabric ripping) ooh. - wait, wh- wh- what was that? - huh? what, that? no, don't worry about that. here we go. - asking the right question can greatly impact your future. - are, are you qualified to do this? - what? - especially when it comes to your finances. - yeehaw! - do you have a question? - are you a certified financial planner™? - yes. i'm a cfp® professional. - cfp® professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfp®. find your cfp® professional at stuart: singing along with this one. this is my least favorite beatles song. is there a reason? kind of pop songy. i digress. good morning, 10:00 eastern. let's get to the money.
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dow up 300 points. look at the nasdaq, up one. one%. the nasdaq composite of one hundred 37 points despite the fact that yields are going up. first of all look at the 10 year treasury yield up to 3. 58%. usually when yields go up nasdaq stock prices go down. not the case today. nasdaq up, yields up. crude oil $69 a barrel, still below $70. gas prices continue to come down. bitcoin, the rally continues, 28,000 one hundred dollars, that has been one, that has been a rally for bitcoin, 70% up or something like that. here is some important news and numbers for realtor business, latest read on existing home sales. lauren: 4.
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58 million existing homes sold on a seasonally adjusted annual basis, big big beat. at the same time, price down, medium price 363,000 and inventory, month supply on the market falling 2.6 months. supply down, price down, sales up. stuart: that tells me prices are coming down. lauren: we are heading into the spring, the christmas season. stuart: i don't see an impact on the market. stocks are up today, the nasdaq maintaining a 300 point lead with strong real estate news. now this. president biden will not take a step back on climate. no pause in the onward - to a carbon free future.
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he may try to reverse his failures on the border and crime but when it comes to climate not a moment of reflection. he issued his first veto about environmentalists telling you how to invest your pension money. the president wants to make sure the greens have control so he vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have protected your retirement savings from politicized investment decisions. you have to put up and shut up. don't complain if investments dictated for you, the president's veto means you cannot sue. you have no redress. the greens and grabbed control of your money and the president moved to keep it that way. it is part of a broader plan to divert private money into companies that promote climate and social justice, this is the environment, social, government movement, you are being forced to be woke with your money. esg has in fact a lot of major corporations, they are towing the esg line and the president is forcing you to go along.
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senate leader chuck schumer says investors have to adapt to the green future, this is for your own good and the good of the country. thank you, mister senator and thank you, mister president but this is america, we don't like our investment decisions dictated by the elites, the second hour of varney just getting started. stuart: more on this. here is what the president had to say when he signed that veto. >> president biden: i just signed this veto because legislation passed by congress would put at risk the retirement savings of individuals across the country. it didn't take into consideration investment impacted by climate, impacted by overpaying executives. that is why i decided to veto it. stuart: former governor of arkansas mike huckabee joining us now. you are smiling.
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biden says amaga republicans put retirement savings at risk. do you think voters will buy that? >> if they are stupid they will. that is the only way they would accept this is all about amag republicans, democrats voted to try to remove financial decisions from this woke ideology nonsense. this is like the government has become mommy and daddy putting a plate of carrot in front of us telling it you get nothing. some of us would rather say the constitution says the government works for the people. it is not the other way around. the purpose of a corporation in the business is to make money for the investors, shareholders and to serve its customers, not to carry out some agenda that president biden thinks is more important than god almighty. stuart: it is a political agenda, we are being forced into it by this president and
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this administration. i can't believe that americans will stand for this. by what right do they tell me where i can put my pension money? i don't get it. >> i would like my pension money somewhere it will do the greatest good for my ultimate retirement if i decide to retire which i doubt i will. if not, maybe for my estate so i can move some money to charitable deposits i like. my kids are doing okay and i want to make them suffer a little bit. i would like to control a little of what i worked hard for and not have the government tell me what i have to think when it comes to issues that are political in nature. this is crazy. joe manchin, one democrat said this is plain idiocy. i wish more democrats would follow his lead. stuart: los angeles school
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district shutdown, one thousand schools close, 420,000 students not in school, they've gone on strike for more pay and the teachers union joined in. what is it with democrats that they screw up schools so consistently? >> they do a good job of it and are consistent across the board, parents are demanding change. in arkansas, this new governor, i heard she is pretty spectacular, she just passed an incredible education reform that gives parents the opportunity to move their kids wherever they want the kids to go and doesn't depend solely on telling them where they can go to school but something i wish teachers understood. teachers don't have to belong to a union. no law forces them to. they are forced into and often told you can't just not be part of the union. you have a constitutional right to put that money your pocket
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and keep it and wish more teachers would because teachers unions don't care about kids, they care about protecting teachers paychecks and that is it. stuart: take the unions out of the school system. great stuff. the governor of arkansas. senator joe manchin reacted to president biden's esg veto. lauren: he was one of the two senate democrats to vote with republicans to get esg out of your retirement account. it was not lost on senator manchin that the president's first veto protected esg. he said this administration continues to prioritize the radical policy agenda over the economic, energy, national security needs of our country and it is infuriating, in my hard-earned retirement savings, he is up for reelection.
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joe manchin is an the president might be running again in 2024. this is a rift the way i see it. lauren: i thought the president might be coming towards the middle on some issues like crime, but this veto, not on this one. stuart: scott shelladdy, i always like to say that. a funny mood, i am in a good mood. sorry, scott, leaving you out of the conversation. is the banking crisis winding down? >> a little pause but it was only a day and 1/2 ago, in the face of sp be.
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nothing like this leaves the this fast. this is going to hang around, people get comfortable but we haven't solved the problem. a lot of central banks going arm in arm to prop up the contagion but we haven't solved the problem. they are trying to solve a psychological problem with monetary policy that is one of the most pivotal things to do. with monetary things i don't know if that will work in the long run. we still have a serious problem. stuart: did you see what was reported nine minutes ago? a 6 thing home sales surged 14%, 4.58 million homes sold on an annual basis, biggest increase since july of 2,020. i believe the federal reserve will look at strength in the housing market and inclined to put rates up because of it. what say you?
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>> i think they will put rates up to continue their pattern, go 1/4 tomorrow. that housing number, i heard of some areas of the country when it comes to housing, it could be a false don here. i would be wary of getting involved. all programs on your show, there are systemic risks out there. i don't want to go down this rabbit hole too deep but what you just heard about nationalizing the banks, getting rid of esg, these things remind me of someone, we will keep your money safe, you haven't been able to choose the right thing, you don't understand the retirement funds, don't worry about signing away the right to pay back your student loans. we will take care of you.
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in the middle of this, they are introducing a central bank digital currency this july, they will take that away. slowly but surely we are entering this huge nanny state where they want to take care of us, be careful going down that route. stuart: thanks very much, see you again soon. let's look at the movers the dow up 260, nike up 2%. lauren: sales expected to rise but because of discounting, profits to fall, look at the inventory levels, they have so much supply, it was up 43% so watch that level, through of those. stuart: show me a harley-davidson police, they are up today, 4.7%. lauren: shares are going to 50,
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confidence in the core motorcycle business, they put electrification to the side. stuart: roger federer on holdings. >> stock has been stronger annual revenue. and those costs are going down, i will show you what they look like, stronger profit margins. i like hearing margins are getting healthy again. stuart: how much did you pay? >> got them on sale. they are pink. doctor fauci and the mayor of dc went door to door, didn't go down well.
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>> i will not be lining a shot for something that wasn't clear in the first place. >> of thousands of people like you don't get vaccinated, in this country and in this world. >> the campaign is about fear. >> web the mayor and doctor fauci share this? and the covert origins bill declassified when the pandemic started. what happens next? we will tell you. chinese president xi jinping meeting with larry boudin in moscow. a call between president biden and xi jinping is not scheduled. jackie heinrich has the story from the white house next. ♪ ♪
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ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. stuart: some signs that the banking problem may mitigated, thousand 230, nasdaq up one hundred points. xi jinping meeting with putin in moscow again. the white house was asked why a call between xi and biden has still not been scheduled. what did the white house say? >> reporter: we don't have clear answers why this hasn't happened, the back stories when the president said he would have this call, he backed off of that.
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that has since happened, and xi xinping and farmer boudin have the second day of tops following the closed-door meeting in which china is warned afterward that they would be standing guard over world order with his dear friend putin as he put it and other questions about why president biden has allowed this to become so close but if the white house is concerned about this they are not letting on. >> we don't view this discussion with this burgeoning closeness of these countries is anything but a marriage of convenience. president xi finds in president boudin a useful foil for pushing back at us leadership around the world on the european continent, president putin needs xi. >> reporter: he said putin has
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made great strides in its development and putin replied, china made a colossal leap ahead causing genuine interest around the world and we even feel envious. we discuss those issues including your initiative that we respect. republican members of congress warned this could be the beginning of an effort toward a new world order. kevin mccarthy said this alliance was able to flourish when president biden signaled weakness during the afghanistan withdrawal lifting sanctions on nordstream 2 and allowing saudi arabia to prioritize a relationship with china over one with the us. >> leadership of strength, questioning the commitment of america. where they can trust us. in and underlying side is the energy policy of america, gave russia an opportunity to open up, bound together a lot of strife.
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>> reporter: you are likely only to seize partnership grow deeper and the unholy alliance as he described it extends to north korea and iran. president biden did not comment on these meetings but we hope today maybe he will. stuart: you almost escaped, they queued it just right. thanks very much. peter doocy pressed john kirby over xi's meeting with putin. >> it seems these superpowers are teaming up against the us. why did president biden let this happen? >> these are two countries that had long chafed as i said to jeff. us leadership around the world and the network of alliances -- this is not something these
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countries cooked up since president biden got elected. stuart: why did he let it happen? senator marsha blackburn joins me here in new york. why did biden let this happen? >> he's got the axis of evil, russia, china, iran, north korea, 2018, this is a new axis of evil forming out there. you've got the democrats led by president biden who think that china and russia are competitors, not adversaries, and they are an adversary. look at what they are doing. right now biden is week. they know he is weak. xi jinping wants to see china as the 20 first century, that should be the china century in his mind, he wants to be globally dominant by 2050 with biden being so weak, they feel they have some running room. if they vacate with the sunshine this is their time to get out and get to it.
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stuart: what should we do? >> president biden should call xi jinping. this business of sending anthony blinken in, president biden should call him and say that $1 trillion trade deficit is going to go bye-bye and that you come clean on covid, stop shifting -- shipping fentanyl into this country and stop surveilling us. stuart: can you really interrupt trade? >> would have stepped up and said you come to the table and we negotiated this and sanction you and start near shoring, start re-shoring and we are not going to be beholden to you and we don't want you messing in the western hemisphere with honduras, brazil, chile and saudi arabia.
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the aggressiveness of the chinese communist party is something to be watchful of. the philippines, carrying out a genocide on their own people. hong kong freedom fighters. i would be a little tougher. i think president biden needs to grow a backbone. stuart: i'm going to leave it right there. senator marsha blackburn, republican tennessee, welcome to new york. president biden signed the covid declassification bill so that we can see intelligence on how covid started. tell me what happens next. ashley: what comes next according to republican senator josh holly is to hold federal bureaucrats accountable, release of the declassified reports may reveal what the
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government knew about the origins of covid. it allows the director of national intelligence to produce intelligence related to china's will hand lab. president biden says the it ministration will share as much information as possible without compromising national security. republican lawmakers says it has been three years since covid surfaced and there are basic unanswered questions about the origin of the virus and that is simply unacceptable. stuart: dying to see what's on "the intelligence report," see you again later. the president of mexico blame the fentanyl crisis on lack of love and hugs on american families. he tells american lawmakers he's prepared to help us deal with the crisis. engaging with china, how about that?
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we've got the story. alejandra mayorkas heading to the border, border agents report one million illegal migrants had encounters since october. will mayorkas's 12 the border visit spark any real change? tom homan reports after this. ♪
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stuart: i see green. not as good as it was an hour ago but still pretty good, thousand 200 come nasdaq up 76. the movers include google, which is up nicely. lauren: they rolled out barred which competes with chat gpt. two of them covered, this is open access, users can join a waitlist if they want to. stuart: real estate numbers at the top of the hour. lauren: this is going to $130 from 103 now. new home prices are stabilizing. stuart: we haven't mentioned has light yet today. stock is up 4%. lauren: insurance relations grew for the fourth straight week, deliveries in china might
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do that. stuart: that is pretty good. we will bring a lawn later. alejandro mayorkas will head to the southern border, make the trip with katie hugs. you and your crew, groups of chinese nationals apprehended. you've seen is for four straight days. will mayorkas see what you've been witnessing? >> i hope he does. it dawned on me watching of the market, there's no ticker stock, to show for the smugglers business but rest assured it is billing, they are in the green because chinese nationals are paying 30 to $50,000. there are so many chinese here that yesterday i was doing a shot at 6:30 p.m. . two chinese walked up to our
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live shot while we were on the air, they are not all from china. there was a moment before the sun was up, we were out with dcs troopers and encountered a two-year-old toddler was dropped across the river moments before we walked up. the woman is not with the child, she was another migrant trying to help the child. 2 years old with a sign around his neck to border officials telling them to send him to an adult in louisiana, brings home the callousness, a little ways away, take a look at this video. six chinese nationals, the fourth straight day i walked up with my camera rolling just like this.
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the chinese have their hands up. they didn't speak english. they are going to be processed later today and likely released to the public. look at this video. fox news capturing this video in brownsville, and our away. we saw not one but two busloads of chinese nationals released to ngo publicly, notices to appear but there are so many chinese coming here, they have run out of space, no place to house, no more bed space for chinese nationals, that's part of the problem here. when mayorkas get to dallas hopefully the port director will be with him. and two days they seized 2.5 million fentanyl pills.
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stuart: thank you very much. look who is here with me in the studio, that would be tom homan who knows more about this than anybody. what is with the surge of chinese nationals arriving at the southern border. >> to be smuggled from mainland china, very concerning, they had 170 countries arrested. china should be concerned after processing, to do proper vetting. it doesn't appear to be overcrowding and two days later on the terrorist watch list. the chinese are not arresting, since president biden took the
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white house, not a guess, during video, central traffic, we've seen them across the border. 170 different countries, 164 in this country, how many 1.3? that scares everybody. stuart: 1 million encounters since last year. mayorkas goes to the border, do you expect any change of any kind? >> the wrong choices tell him what was said last week. the border is not secure. it is between ports of entry,
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the difference that most fentanyl is seized at the port of entry but between the ports of entry. those who don't want to turn the selves and, trafficking women or children, the secretary has done nothing to secure the border. stuart: the house freedom caucus in the house of representatives, their proposed budget would hurt border security, the chair, congressman scott perry, watch this. >> having the president lecture anybody in america about the border is like having arsonist lecture you on fire prevention. since he became president nothing has changed in the law. what has changed is president biden's refusal to follow our laws. please, let's get serious about what is happening, let's stop
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with the fear and smear and get to fixing the problems all americans have. stuart: you want to respond? >> it gives border patrol millions less. griff, releasing the chinese nationals, the trump administration paying 55,000 people. right now 20,000. the secretary is shutting down ice detention facilities, no room to put them. you created that chaos, continuing catch and release, they will keep coming, why wouldn't they? get processed, get released, the city of choice at taxpayers expense, you get work compensation and when you lose your case, no one is looking to deport you. the secretary told ice, being in the country illegally is not enough. stuart: have to keep on going.
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thanks for being with us. there is more on this. the president of mexico told lawmakers he is prepared to take on the crisis personally. he's bringing china into this? ashley: it is yet to be confirmed. the bipartisan group of us lawmakers, the he will meet with chinese officials to try to stop the shipment of ingredients that make fentanyl but are processed into the deadly drug in mexico. it comes after several weeks of snickering over issues tied to the fentanyl trade, to label mexican cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. mexican official is not confirming the claim about talks with china but the discussion is seen as recognition that the labs run by drug cartels are playing a
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key role in producing the fentanyl that we know is feeding the opioid crisis. we will see if mr. obrador follows through. stuart: he wants china to stick its nose into our business. we will get back to you later on this. senators lambasting the pentagon for advertising woke jobs that pay we 6 figures. how do deer jobs in the military address growing threats from china, iran? russia? oregon introduces a bill that would give the homeless one thousand dollars a month, dozens of cities across the country testing out similar universal basic income programs. lauren will break it down for us next. ♪ ♪
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eh, pretty good! (whistles) yeek. not cryin', are ya? let's tighten that. (fabric ripping) ooh. - wait, wh- wh- what was that? - huh? what, that? no, don't worry about that. here we go. - asking the right question can greatly impact your future. - are, are you qualified to do this? - what? - especially when it comes to your finances. - yeehaw! - do you have a question? - are you a certified financial planner™? - yes. i'm a cfp® professional. - cfp® professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfp®. find your cfp® professional at
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stuart: the pentagon criticized over 6-figure woke jobs. what exactly are these jobs? ashley: how about administrative specialists for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the navy. it pays up to $183,500 per year, good salary. senator eric schmidt, republican from missouri, asking why the military appears to be distracted by woke issues. the pentagon says there are several job listings that out very comfortable 6-figure salaries. a letter to austin, china will
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not be defeated by the ei and claims the focus on woke issues is a drain on resources that weakens the country's defense, the senator is asking osten to identify how many the ei related positions exist broken down by service branches, specifics about job titles and salary ranges. those are legitimate questions. a lot of money for the ei positions. stuart: back to you later, dozens of cities are testing pilot programs that provide residents with monthly income. where is it happening? how much do people get paid? lauren: i would say in 2 dozen cities, the amount would be $250-$1500 a month, cities that are supporting basic income using public funding. look at that map. the state of oregon has
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introduced a bill to give the homeless their one thousand dollars for two years, no strings attached. we spoke to people on the are americans and want to help those in need with c >> i appreciated the handout. when you give something to someone, if it gets implemented that will be like social security. >> has to come from somewhere. you would have to raise taxes for something to get the money from somewhere or cut it from something else. >> you think the spending increases the price of goods for everybody. >> it could help individuals who are fiscally compromised, in need of assistance. i think that's good. >> reporter: these are pilot programs that could produce universal basic income. stuart: good stuff. more varney after this. e prett, but at fisher investments we're clearly different.
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or upgrade to the speed that's right for you today. stuart: in two seconds brian kilmeade will appear on the right-hand side. bear with me. i want you to watch this video, doctor anthony fauci and mayor of bowser in dc did not get a
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good reception trying to push the covid vaccine. roll the tape please. >> i will not be lining up taking a shot on vaccination for something that wasn't clear in the first place. >> the only reason i'm talking to you right now as i've been vaccinated. >> when you talk about incentivizing that, something else going on. >> it's about inciting fear in people, your tech people with fear, that is what this pandemic is. >> it doesn't stop you from getting it. >> on the rare chance that you do get it even if you are vaccinated, it is very good at protecting you. stuart: but you did get it several times, that's the problem. in hindsight it doesn't look good.
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>> the same thing, if you tweet about it, get shadow band or warned or flat out sidelined from facebook, you had some questions, misinformation, was that guy showing irresponsibility or being honest? you came to get vaccinated, haranguing get me to get vaccinated, not to count natural immunity or studies when it comes to masks, talking about six feet, nine feet apart, you made that up under whole cloth and to see that anthony fauci was getting on the street, i was shocked to see it. stuart: i understood it when we didn't know what we were dealing with but after we got into it, the truth being a parent, we shouldn't -- should have been honest about it. we one law enforcement tells fox they don't expect donald trump to be arraigned today,
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maybe next week. let's suppose an indictment does come down. >> every one, donald trump or talking about donald trump, may or may not be in the race, from vivek ramaswami to mike pompeo, mike pence, governor desantis weighed in. donald trump is the front runner, there might be short-term game. look how thin the case is, democrats know it, don't know what to do with this case. it was a zombie case without substance that happened 17 years ago. that is why you go after the former president, you could throw someone on the tracks to get a warning or desk appearance, but if you are a but day go, they put you on rikers island but the cfo of the trump organization, former president that used to live
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here and help grow the economy, no one buys it but when you look at the big picture, alvin bragg fired back, when told you could be coming in front of congress to defend yourself and find out who is paying you to bring this case forward. seeing a president getting fingerprinted, putting a mug shot out there, terrible for the country and long-term not good for the president, three more cases coming up. atlanta, january 6th and mar-a-lago, if that results in more indictments, terrible for the country, that something they do in pakistan or brazil, you have a leader you deposed, you beat and then arrest that leader. that is what is happening and that is the perception as we -- stuart: is bad for our country. brian kilmeade, thank you for being here.
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back to the markets, nasdaq up 60 points. looks like the banking crisis is cooling down. look at the big banks, the american banks, all up significantly, 2% or 3%. regionals, same story except the gains are huge, first republic up 38%, western alliance 15, big gains by the regional banks, the 10 year treasury, the yield up 3.54%. florida congressman mike walt's, pete hegseth will join us, brian bremberg and matthew whitaker. 6,000 students will stay home today, school staff is on strike and there will be no remote learning. public education, especially in big cities, is a national disgrace. that is "my take" next. ♪
10:57 am
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