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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 21, 2023 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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believe this you truthful i am guilty as charging i have done this before i have posted a job posting trying to see if i could get that a+ player that i had been looking for if you don't get a plus player you don't liar, in my opinion, good quality companies are always looking to add a+ talent wlefr they can one thing surprising if we define the real jobs as those posted within the last 60 days, are we only a third of job postings according to survey would be real, which is crazy. maria: it is stay right there next hour "mornings with maria" begins right now. . maria: good tuesday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo.
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it is tuesday, march 21, top stories 8:00 a.m. on the east coast. today, the fed dilemma futures indicating a big rally in trading opening bell an hour and a half away we gt rally underway dow industrials up 280, nasdaq up 92, s&p higher by 34. we look ahead to federal reserve two-day meeting kicks off this morning, will the fed continue to fight inflation another hike he in interest rates, or will the fed i pivot to financial stability? have given the increasing stress around our nation's banks. the futures market pricing in, less than 20% chance that we will see no rate hike tomorrow, yields are higher take a look 10-year up 7 basis points right now 1.560% stocks higher yesterday as well take a look at market big rally underway at the close dow industrials up 382 one and a quarter percent nasdaq higher by 45 s&p higher by 35
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regional banks bank stocks rallying taking this market higher on news that jamie dimon, is leading an efforts the "the wall street journal" is reporting, jpmorgan ceo working with bank executives to rescue first republic bank after two bank collapsing government led takeover of credit suisse by ubs. >> first republic up 22%, european markets ft 100 in london, we are looking at gain 115, 1 1/2% cac quarante up 116, one and two-thirds percent dax higher by 265, 1 3/4, hong kong best performer japan was closed for holiday, but the hang seng up 1 and a third % day two of talks between xi jinping and vladimir putin in moscow, then that potential arrest of president trump on the hush
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more than case? sources tell fox news that law enforcement officials do not expect the former president to be arrested today, grand jury will vote on any charges that is expected on wednesday according to the journal, sources say arraignment could be possible next week, the house judiciary committee meanwhile, demanding new york d.a. alvin bragg testify before congress about his handling of this case, joining me to break its down this morning, mark tepper columnist fox news contributor liz peek. >> treasure officials looking for ways to temporarily guarantee all bank deposits and an fdic insurance without congressional approval the crisis worse enz fdic announced extending big window for silicon valley bank until friday night white house says congress should not be let off the hook, needs to take he being a, joining me wisconsin
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senator ron johnson a member of the senate finance homeland security and governmentaires committee senator it is great to see you welcome back to the program. >> good morning, maria. . >> so you heard what white house says you and your colleagues are not off the hook you need to act. what do you wants's in the face of all this worry about banking sector? first of all a if i wering of blame on anybody blame this administration and members of congress that have routinely voted for this massive deficit spending caused inflation inflation caused interest rate increases, interest rate increases reduced value of bonds put banks in jeopardy my propitious congress acted you too much in the past i am concerned about nationalizing when no consequences people take greater risks to make system less stable so that is a problem we are in right now
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highly concerned about nationalizing, kufrnz, obviously dodd-frank didn't work the marketplace screws flings up. >> you raised when when you grilled janet yellen last week let's take a look at that watch. >> would you -- those top three causes of inflation. >> deficit spending high energy costs, supply dislocations. >> i don't believe deficit spending one of the main causes of inflation. >> you don't? >> she says not deficit spending sflor, okay. if democrats borrowed five trillion dollars is mr., in the last two years, yellin going to speak to american bankers association washington, d.c. summit happening this morning she is saying a lot of the same
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things. >> she is either delusional or not being honest with american people i don't think this administration is being honest with public, but i also know denying reality as well not very doesn't boost your confidence when you have the -- treasury secretary complete denying reality not understanding exactly what causes this massive inflation how getting under control we know now, not under control we are going to keep hiking interest rates until more layoffs you slow economy down classic, stagflation i have been predicting since january 2021 when started talking about massive spending bills coming out of recession with trillions around economy pent-up demand last thing you need more fuel to five by more deficit spending. >> exactly what they did we are all trying to understand,
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why it is taking joe biden so long, to sign the bill toll declassify the intelligence on thank you origins of covid-19 said in a saiment yesterday senator this, my administration, will declassify and share as much of that information as possible. consistent with my constitutional authority. to protect against the a disclosure of information that would harm national security so senator is this his way of saying yes sure i will sign bill but not going to declassify much? >> well, maria you know how long i have been doing investigations, over years trying to -- pull will documents information out of both administrations hoejsr honestly "deep state" does not given up secrets easily i don't think drastic change right now, hopefully we will get the truths, but when it comes to origins of the coronavirus my concern is, who, world health organization was so corrupted, the chinese
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government i think basic information destroyed main piece of evidence to me seems obvious this thing originated in wuhan leaked from a lab primarily probably was virus probably man-made. >> we know that senator that is what we are all expecting but joe biden doesn't want to confirm it, why? is he compromised? have you were among first to, you know, unleash all this information on hunter biden laptop. what is your reaction, to what james comer is fining out now? he 11 more after wire transfer three-million-dollar check to walker from communist china next day distributed a million bucks to biden family member all in plain sight. >> representative, comer jordan are doing a great job following on guys senator grassly and i did we laid out
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case, the biden crime family was corrupt involved in all kinds of sleazy conflict of interests, comer following up hopefully subpoena bank records we not only know about suspicious activity reports senator gasly and i reported on but slow in and out of banks into hunter biden, and biden family members potentially including the president. >> unbelievably, where is the mainstream media? nowhere good to see you this morning ron johnson in wisconsin we will continue to focus and keep a spotlight on all of this much more ahead, coming up over one million migrant encounters at the southern border this fiscal year since october how much worse will president biden allow the border crisis to get? the panel weighs in right
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maria: welcome back. well, there are now more than 1 million illegalging migrants encountered at the southern border border patrol chief tweeted in past 72 hours, agents proevend more than 13,000 migrants, 72 hours, including four sex offenders two murderers one gang member agents seized over 200 pounds drugs including 99 upon pounds of fentanyl, mayorkas, katie hobbs will hold a joint news conference in tucson i guess we are going to hear mayorkas tell us the border is secure again. liz: i think, and i know this is radical, that congress should renew its articles of impeachment against mau may one lying to congress two
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because there is a law he has broken has not upheld, his responsibility for indeed securing the border. this is so offensive on so many levels hurting our country, costing cities like mine, new york, tens of millions of dollars, to deal with all these people who are here, with no means of support, other than the taxpayer across the country we are all paying for these people, maria. it is a democrat led initiative to ensure future voters offensive, yes, illegal, mayorkas needs to go. maria: you forgot one word it is offensive it is illegal but how about dangerous? and we are looking at a dangerous situation getting worse then you've got chinese communist party wanting to overtake united states as number one superpower, and now even the ccp, is exploiting the southern border fox news cameras captured footage of
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five more chinese nationalize illegally crossing southern border yesterday rio grande valley sector alone, las seen an increase of,ing nationals up 920% year-over-year don't need to come through southern border they have abused visa policy yet they are. so what is going on that we're not able to account for all these people mexico's president reportedly telling u.s. lawmakers he would personally work with clooin to fight the flow of fentanyl but comes after he said a lack of, u.s. to blame for drug crisis not cartels could you have a imagine? liz: i have no idea what he is talking about. maria: chinese nationals a big story i worn if something afoot with ccp, getting as many people into america as possible, now, that we cannot
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you know count and know have an accounting of anyone we've got police stations, ccp police situations in america as well. mark: doing everything to infiltrate our country when you look at the border crisis a complete definitive from criminals coming across the border people with bad intentions you've got fentanyl you've got human trafficking all that going on there, and the biggest thing that has me confused, is you take president biden, wlo is this self-proclaimed family man, who has a son, in active recovery who was such a bad addict he reported to smoking parmesan cheese not taken a force if you feel stance against potentially saving his son's life we know done a good job hiding all past screwups. event finance could easy if
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hunter were to relapse take him out of this world joe biden made a decision that he is going to the prioritize the left's agenda which is to accumulate as many voters as possible, by any means necessary, over protecting american people from fentanyl crisis and specifically his own son. maria: let's be clear, the drug problems that hunter biden has has nothing to do with all his influence peddling. let's be clear about this i know we are supposed to feel bad about all the drug use all that. this is influence peddling, he is paid tens of millions of dollars from adversary as it hundreds. >> we are checking on federal reserve two-day meeting happening today. .
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away from the opening bell a rally underway take a look dow industrials up 288 points that is near the highs of the morning, the nasdaq up 79 s&p up 33 all lifted because of this jpmorgan jamie dimon working to crack a new rescue plan for first republic one option capital raise stock up 23% on news lifting all boats in the sector lifting the entire market officials are studying ways fdic being could and an to cover all deposits loss in the banking crisis i find this 18 trillion dollars, in bank depositors right now joining plea chairman ceo of strategis, jason trennert, isn't this hazard if you look for fdic to support and secure all deposits everywhere? >> i would say so i think it
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is in some way a big debate about this in morning meeting this morning, in my opinion, this almost, would be a soft nationalization of the banks, doesn't mean government would own banks but would mean the government would have an enormous influence on how banks behave, hard to see good for banking system and longer term at least profitability would it be very hard to see that being good for the system as a whole, economic growth. and this is i part and parcel o capitalistic system risk i am sympathetic to deposit holders there have to be limits essentially no limits since 2008, in terms of the federal governments influence over the banking system, and, in my opinion, it led to a lot of unintended consequences, bad outcomes. maria: ia i totally agree
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would send val of banks lower because it would be impossible to distinguish you know strong from weak, distinguish among franchises leaving investors to probably sell banks don't you think? >> i think so, again i think just for your viewers all of us to think, do you want the federal government to have more power? do you want federal government to have power over the entire banking system? >> and i would arguend financials are one of the most regulated businesses, at least banks are, there are non bank banks out others that are not this is not i don't think this is particularly good development, if you are looking, for banks to create capital. or look for capital formation this something will unfortunately knowing human nature the political influence on banking, decisions, will
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only grow, if extend assurance to all dpoifrz or greatly increase i heard senator warren talking about five million or 10 million dollars that is really the i would say that is the opposite of what banking is all about, and, are how banks work. >>. maria: of course,. >> you can socialize losses privatize some gains in the low the way should it work. maria: i think, that is probably, one thing that jamie dimon is thinking about whether he is trying to -- rally banks to help first republic put on banks let banks do something don't get federal government here, you know securing all deposits, meanwhile, we've got two-day meeting take kicking off day jour take on this futures market is pricing in less than 20% chance of no rate hike tomorrow jason. we are expecting 25 basis points hike, but, you know, this debate that is now
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underway, all central banks decide are we going to continue procure fighting inflation higher interest rates despite string of rate hikes has been a shock to certain banks, an investors. and causing a slowing economy or do we pivot to focus on financial stability given worries about stress around the banks? what are you expecting? >> it is a toughy, no good options for the fed i would say unfortunate this is a creation of its own design by central banks globally and, again, you have almost -- hobson's choice between two one my opinion i think fed will tiny 25 basis points tomorrow a coin flip a guess like anybody else's as valid as anyone's else, in my opinion, i think fed should continue to tighten just to the extent to when inflation is still an issue, and
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inflation affects everyone, particularly very regressive working class people poor people much more than effects wealthier people i think that is the fed primary job, that is central bank's primary job ecb has single mandate tightened 50 basis points last week came as a surprise to many people, but i think it was the right the right move. i think other things that the fed can do i also think private sector solutions to some of the problems in the banks as you alluded to before i don't think this is yet systemic for the system i think there are clearly significant problems, but i think i would much rather see them dealt with, in the private sector as opposed to fed policy again, has pretty clear mandate to try to provide for price stability. >> well stayed jason let me get your take on market, we've got 300-point rally right now,
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we've got 380-point rally yesterday, markets opening in about an hour would you buy this market buy into strength or do you want to sell it? >> i would fade it, i really i would be very careful would i be focusing if an investor as i am in my person account focusing much more on safety, much more, on companies with fortress style balance sheets we call shorter duration equities fancy way of saying companies generating their cash fro distribute back to shareholders through buybacks or dividends would i focus i wouldn't pioneer with companies that we have not really seen full impact of fed tightening on economic growth. the unemployment rate is still 3.6%. so, by any standard i don't think we've seen much in the way i know a tough year, for investors but the economy is
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far from recession, i would argue that inflation is still an issue, so, we have a lot more unfortunately i believe we have more pain, to see and that is is why i would be careful as investor. maria: jason recession this year what do you say? >> i would say it is highly likely whatever your odds were two weeks ago, it is they are higher now, if you one in four two weeks ago, it has got to be 50% if you thought 50% as we thought, two weeks ago more like 75%. credit is going to tighten very strong relationship between, availability of credit and jobs, seem to me jobs that are going to be risk as a result. >> always a pleasure to seek with you jason thank you so much for being here this morning. >> yes. thank you. >> all right jason trennert, quick break with house judiciary committee demanding new york d.a. alvin bragg testify, about his handling of the possible indictment of former president trump. i will be speaking with
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harvard law professor he mere 'tis alan dershowitz about this his analysis on the other side of this break. back in a moment. . ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ get $1500 purchase allowance on a 2023 cadillac xt5 and xt6. ♪ visit your local cadillac dealer today.
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dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. life is for living. we got this. let's partner for all of it. edward jones maria: welcome back. sources are telling fox news that law enforcement officials do not expect to arrest president trump today, as president trump tweeted the other day but arraignment is possible, next week. the former president wrote on truth social yesterday this is many years beyond statute of limitations, joining me right now harvard law professor emeritus author of "get trump" alan dershowitz is here great to have you congratulations on book could not be more relevant your book give your
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sense of this attack, this latest attack on president trump. >> well when i was a young civil rights worker, i was training to go down south as observer our instructors told us never spit on sidewalk, don't put out a cigarette in the street you are targeted by sheriffs and police they will turn your spitting on the street into a felony of destruction of property we took that very seriously. and now, district attorney bragg is following the precedent of the segregationist south targeting donald trump for facts that are even myself, he paid 130,000 dollars did they expect him to enter in books, as hush money paid to porn star to avoid revelation
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aadulterous favor nobody has ever done that in none disclosure agreement of not ena misdemeanor but the reason he did it to avoid disclosure committed a federal felony, that is -- violation of campaign financing it is the most stretched the most object surrendered i have to tell you 60 years of practicing criminal law, i have never seen a worse abuse of prosecutorial discretion. and the left including today's "new york times" including cnn, cheering on as if it won't establish a terrible precedent today against president trump tomorrow against a democrat day after tomorrow uncle charlie or your nephew one of the most serious viengs of rule of law i experienced in 60 years from a democrat somebody against trump not political how rule
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of law is being destroyed by zealous attempt to tr somebody . >> i wand to hear from you you are an independent minded slel scholar, look. we all know, how alvin bragg felt about trump take a look at what he said while he was campaigning, two years ago, watch this. >> i am the candidate in race has experience with donald trump, i was chief deputy in the attorney general's office, we sued trump administration, over 100 times, i know how to litigate, with him. maria: so there you go he is telling us right there let's get trump. >> well, at the attorney general of new york leticia james i like as a person campaigned on exactly the words get trump, the title from my book get trump did not originate with me comes from leticia campaign slogan promise to get trump if she doesn't get him won't be
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reelected he the same thing true with bragg like soviet union used to do head of kgb said stalin slow me the man i will find crime south ancan dictators for friends everything for enemies no law not the way american law is to operate american law is supposed to have a crime look for who committed it not first decide who you want to prosecute, and then rummage through statute books to try to find a technical violation worse than al capone in al capone he committed that violation, went after him, here, there was no crime, they have to make it up combine, a nonexistent state misdemeanor between statute of limitations to a federal felony was not prosecuted by the federal government, also i don't understand statute of limitations and say one in one
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equals 11 isn't the way american justice works, everybody should protest this i cannot saying on streets, self-serving read my book buy my book will help send a message to bragg you can't just get away i am going to continue to write about this continue to tell american public their liberties at risks when people get away with this kind of prosecutorial abuse. >> good for you alan they keep getting away with it okay in delays it keeps happening you and i have same discussion four years ago, over the russia collusion lie we figured out russia collusion with trump a lie a political campaign to take down o opponent goes viral across world media drove it here we are again same thing with impeachment for trump did with it biden laptop, even did with it the origins of covid-19 the media ran with it. >> and they getaway with it
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because nobody is prepared police department to bring charges against lawyers, who are abusing the process, instead, those of us who any way defended the constitution, on behalf of trump, we are being investigated we are being remember charged with complaints the opposite ought to be true people like district attorney who abused their discretion, should be held responsible by the bar associations unless they are they're going to continue to do this it is going to spread become part of the precedence of american justice, if you run for president your opponent will try to find something on you that is banana republic not what united states stands for. . >> absolutely right, yep, let me bring in liz peek. liz: you made a good case this i will ledge it ballot do you think republicans in congress demanding bragg talk
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to them set off howl of interference, with the justice process, is a good idea or bad idea do you think they risk having this thing just thrown out of court making it even more political? >> -- obstruction of justice what democrats are saying. >> i don't want to to see weaponization of justice against either party i don't want to see that. i want to see people held to accountability for legal ethics i taught legal ethics 35 years at harvard with former prosecutors, we have never seen a case like this prosecutors have enormous power as we know in income say a grand jury if prosecutor wants will indict a ham sandwich in blue city of work a petit jury might convict a ham sandwich prorz have to protect citizens from abuse of law there are statutes make
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everything criminal the job of prosecutor never used this combination of statutes go avenue anybody if anybody out there who believes they would prosecute somebody other than a up-to-datal candidate i have a bridge to brooklyn i will sell them, there is no truth to this this targeted injustice. >> you are a gem for this country your reaction to michael cohen situation, because the former legal adviser to michael cohen costello appeared two hours yesterday before manhattan grand jury told he reporters cohn cannot be trusted wash in. i have listened. michael could hern stand in front of courthouse say things correctly contrary to what he said to us my obligation is to bring the truth, to both the district attorney, and to trump's lawyers that is exactly what i did. if they want to go after donald trump solid received be it but michael cohen is far from solid evidence.
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>> i -- shoot somebody whatever it takes i am not going to jail he went to jail now on a revenge tour. >> he came across great on that alan was that testimony or fact that they figured out actually helping trump, because it is in plain sight the way politicking this is not seeing him arrested. >> i think because bragg didn't want his predicts to come true great gist to give trump use cohen as witness the easiest to devastate, destroy, to hurt the credibility of the prosecution case much splatter to try to make the case without him just as trump would be smarter not to deny that he had an affair with stormy daniels i don't know if he did or not but jury will not believe that denial, that would affect the credibility of his case both sides would be smart to put on recess rather than more.
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i think trump will be indicted i don't think perp walked or handcuffed would play into hands of trump's reelection again, he would make if they do a mugshot of him, make it public that will be his campaign portfolio. >> in a is what i said exactly what i said -- >> my god alan great to talk with you, thanks so much please come back soon. thank you. >> i will, thank you so much for having me. maria: s alan dershowitz joining us. stay with us. we'll be right back. .
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i tiktok has lessr known app gaining momentum fox business madison alworth is near this is rising in popularity avoided scrutiny tiktok has seen owned by bytedance parent company of tiktok last night number two on top free app section of apple store tiktok in 6th to edit videos because tool editing not social media
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platform largely avoided scrutiny over how it he handles data in the app, capcut collects data it tells "the wall street journal" in line with tools company saying stores set data in u.s. and singapore similar to tiktok we asked if data is shared with china, the company did not comment, to give a sense how much this app has grown in popularity 3 o 2 milliontive users, 35% increase year-over-year concerts warn moultd of chinese based apps should be examined not just for data but the power of their algorithms ability to sway the public. >> we need to be really sure you know if you know, if somehow, a company owned 100 newspapers,or advanced, tv stations we would be like wait a second what is going on here? here you've got technology, where the decision about what
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so many of us see, is determined by -- >> so tiktok has around one billion active users thursday ceo will testify in front of krong a problem expands beyond one social media app back to you. maria: madison great reporting, this is the reason we zeroed in on are forbes media yesterday because first chinese wanted to buy forbes media now a group tied to russia is trying to buy that brand in america great story here madison, thank you, joining me right now to react is montana attorney general, are , ag thanks very much for being here, your reaction to this app that is not getting the same scrutiny that tiktok has got but, also, owned by china, bytedance. >> a yeah. thanks for having me ignoring good here, you know. we've seen with chinese communist party is doing with tiktok and fact they've got another app out there that is
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climbing in popularity being used by a lot of americans who probably don't know where this coming from very concerning, because i bet going through the privacy settings, in that new app you are going to find similar to what tiktok is very concerning. >> that is right, so, ag, what is your take on tiktok now? the company announced a refresh to the community guidelines, and refresh to approach moderation adding content created by a.i. ceo, posted a video message ahead of congressional hearing on thursday watch this. >> -- some performances started talking about banning tiktok could take tiktok away from 150 million of you all i will testify before congress this week to share all we are doing to protect americans using app deliver on mission
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to kreetivity to bring joy. >> a move to bant tv largely from my office we've seen chinese communist party engage in unprecedented levels of spying their rattling saber in south china sea harassing warships, our planes jets in international air international waters let's look what else they've done mere in montana month ago flew a spy balloon over our largest nuclear missile base. here in montana to get a look at it this is very concerning. and what did biden administration do pretty much nothing let thing fly across the country unimpeded tiktok we node used by chinese communist party to spy, on americans. they barely hide it anymore, so i think gotten no place
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montana no place in america the fact looking at rebranding you a few things doesn't make me feel better at all. maria: we will see ways says thursday a about surveillance but the what do we get from joe biden we laer same lines they send surveillance balloon across the country, says, oh, we are not looking for conflict with china? that is it? cover-up covid-19 a million americans dead not looking for conflict with china on and on all they say we're not looking for conflict but china is bringing it. >> i think the biden administration, specifically the biden family is not looking for conflict in china they are looking for checks from china you have seen the banking records come out we wonder why is biden administration being so patty-cake hands-off with china, easy to see why now, we see banking records are just absolutely devastating, i
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think president is commodity on china. maria: that is why we keep asking the questions ag great to see you we will keep a spotlight on it, thank you, sir. . >> you thanks, maria. >> we'll be right back. . affects your glucose, making it easier to spend more time in range and lower your a1c. manage your diabetes with confidence. (vo) the fully electric audi e-tron family is here.
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recognize your dog with 99% accuracy by using their a face and their nose print. it allows other users to scan your pet's face if they are lost and send you a notification to increase the chances of reuniting. mark, what do you think? >> this is pretty remarkable given that dogs of the same breed all is are similar features. who would have thought that they that had this unique nose print. i'm not really sure it would work on my dog can, he's always walking with whatever food he ate last stuffed on his nose -- maria: he's so cute. look how gorgeous your dog is. >> he's a big boy. maria: dusty has such a cute nose, i think it could work. dusty is my girl, my baby here. there she is. liz, what do you think? >> my husband once went to pick up our bijon at the groomer, and they handed him the wrong dog, and the dog promptly bit him. [laughter] having a facial recognition app
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on his phone could have been helpful to the my husband. i think it's a nutty thing, but it could be helpful. there's a lot of thievery going on amongst pets now, so this would be maybe a good way to cut down on that. maria: great point. let's get a quick check of these markets here, guys. you see what's going on on wall street with worries about moral has hazard as the u.s. is studying ways to cover all bank goes fits, that would -- goes fits -- deposits, that would be $18 trillion. opening bell 30 minutes away. mark tepper, liz peek, it's been greating being with you. >> thanks, maria. >> likewise. maria: have a great day, everybody. "varney & company" begins now. stu, take the it away. stuart: yes, it does. good morning, everyone. new day, same question. is the banking crisis winding down? if you look at stock prices, maybth


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