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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 20, 2023 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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and so they're dealing with decentralized assets but they themselves are centralized and they haven't been as transparent as a lot of u.s. based companies like coin base. maria: i'm wondering if elizabeth warren is running for president again. she wants to be heard in the banking sector. she wanted rules rolled back, now she wants rules back in place and now she's talking about bitcoin. >> the problem with elizabeth warren running for president from my perspective is the things she's trying to -- spends the bulk of her time on, finance, is something she doesn't ayou peer to really understand. so i think her candidacy falls apart against someone who actually does understand finance. maria: what is your take at this point in terps of this banking crisis? markets this morning now are higher and the federal reserve is now expected, 60% expect a 25 basis point hike on wednesday. your thoughts on where we are in all of this? >> well, again, i had a front row seat for this in 2008 as
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managing director at lehmans brothers. i believe the idea y you can separate regulatory policy from monetary policy once you get into a crisis the board is come call. they need to -- comical. they need to pause this week. forward guidance has been a disastrous policy. the fed thinks it's super efficacious but it's not and it actually traps them into bad policy. this week they should truly do nothing, provide no guidance, say we're going to watch the some. the good news about this crisis was, it was created by monetary policy. so monetary policy can fix the problem. as opposed to 2008 where we had bad assets that were going to take years to run off bank balance sheets. all we have now is government securities and mortgage backed securities that are under waters because of the aggressive tightening. the stop tightening, ease a bit, then the bond to rally back
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that, the $1.8 billion loss that sib took today would be zero. so -- maria: we'll see if they could do that. you think they're going to raise 25. >> yeah. i think it will come in between there. i think they need to restore confidence. that's the biggest thing right now. you have european central bank that needs lick ridity. they're doing -- liquidity. they're doing it on daily basis, not weekly. i think they're making moves to restore confidence and bitcoin is the safety net for everyone. maria: confidence is the most important. the op-ed you mentioned, zero to hero, why are being celebrated celebratefor taking on the simir problems they helped to create. the next hour of "mornings with maria" begins right now. it was certainly a weekend of panicked deals and bailout as bank stress ex expanded europes acquired credit suisse for $3.2 billion, waived certain rules to support the deal. shares solve of credit suisse are tanking in the united states.
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take a look, on track for the biggest daily decline ever. credit suisse group down 58%, right now. back in washington, the fdic is announcing new york community bank will buy out much of signature as as the fdic moves toward a breakup plan for silicon valley bank and other mid-size regionals are urging regulators to secure de depositt regionals. the nays athe treasury yields am binge. tumbling. time for the word on wall street, joining us now, gregory farinello, jay hatfield an barry knapp. a deal to acquire credit suisse, ubs, coming in here to the rescue, swiss regulators putting the deal together. your reaction. >> thanks for having me on,
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maria. i think this is what's required is we need to bail out the most vulnerable banks. the issue, the reason why futures were weaker earlier is we still have to deal with first republic. so we were hoping for some sort of capital injection over the weekend. that hasn't happened. so that's really one of the key risks is the fdic needs to step up as senator warren mentioned, we need to at least have a $2 million guarantee and then of course the fed needs to reverse course, hopefully we'll get had that on wednesday. maria: what about this cured coordinated effort by five central banks announcing to improve liquidity by moving u.s. dollars between themselves every day. your thoughts? >> look, it's a big week. obviously. i think the fed is certainly putting some measures in place that really some of these programs have already been in place so i think they're just reinforcing h that a but the
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markets are -- i think the markets are telling the fed very clearly here that it's time to slow down. right. i mean, they grew rates very, very quickly within a short period of time. i think the real economy at least to what we have right you have right nowis holding up bete banking system. i think the banking system is telling the fed very clearly right now it's time to pause. maria: back off. tom hoenig said to me there will be more banks to look at. you mentioned first republic. was that 30 billion injection from the 11 banks not enough? >> what that didn't deal with was the capital program. this is not just a problem b with first republic. really all banks if you to do what the fed did where you inject that much equity, blow up deposits and do this unprecedented weight increase you're going to blow up the banks. it's a little 20/20 hindsight.
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the thing the fed is missing and i hope they take in consideration on wednesday is we're actually in a deflation. look at oil, oil is down 15% in the last week. that should reduce headline inflation by 2. there's a bleed-through. this fed has an inl a inabilityo process real time data. they do the opposite of what they should be doing. they should cut 25 basis points. maria: we had a guest on last week, larry mc mcdonald said thy will cut by july 4th. >> larry sat behind me in lehman brothers. before the process started i was urging them to be more active with respect to the balance sheet and less active with respect to rate policy because if you go back to the easing, easing was 150 basis points of rate cuts and the equivalent of 250 basis points of bond purchases. so then when they started unwinding it they said let's do nothing with the bond portfolio,
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will be really passive with qt and aggressive with rate hikes. the two, tens treasury curve inverts by 110 basis points. that's how banking works. you borrow short, you lend long. so the whole policy unwind or tightening has been optimal. opt -- suboptimal. they could have been more aggressive unwinding the bond portfolio, kept the curve positively sloped and you wouldn't have the banking system -- maria: how worried are you about the macro story? it feels really dicey. you've got credit suisse in emergency deal acquired by ubs, it's competitor. you've got major banks trying to shore up first republic. you've got regionals saying we need a bailout, we need you to say you're going to security ' secure deposits. >> i'm fairly concerned for sure. the macro picture i t i think hs changed very quickly. the fallout i think from here on out is probably going to be
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economic. >> it's really up to the fed, hopefully they reverse course and recognize we're in a deflation, housing prices dropping 6% a year. as usual, they're a year behind, fighting last year's problems. >> the problem was created by monetary policy. it can be mixed by monetary policy. with all due respect to professors, i'm concerned that they will not recognize the magnitude of the problem running through the markets and will try to continue the hiking process. maria: recession this year? >> if they make a mistake this week -- maria: it's all about the fed. >> have a a hawkish outlook le september a -- >> it's likely. maria: thank you very much. gregory, jay, great to see you both. barry, you're with us all morning. thank you for had that. coming up, president trump says he will face possible indictment
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as soon as tomorrow. tennessee senator marsha blackburn is here to react. she'll be with me next. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so... ...glad we did this. [kid plays drums] life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones who's on it with jardiance? ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're on it with jardiance. join the growing number of people who are on it with the once-daily pill, jardiance. jardiance not only lowers a1c, it goes beyond to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease.
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maria: welcome back. chinese president xi jinping arriving in moscow this morning for a three day visit and talks with russian president vladimir putin. this after the international criminal court issued an arrest warrant for putin over alleged war crimes committed in russia's war in ukraine. beijing calling xi's visit a, quote, trip for peace where he is expected to push for skas for peacetalks. joining me now, senator marsha blackburn. what do you make of this visit, xi jinping going to moscow. >> maria, this is the axis of evil as i call them, russia, china, iran, north korea. what you have is china is the leader of this pack. we know they're helping to bankroll russia right now.
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they are buying their oil. they are helping to finance iran. manufacturing drones in russia, they're encouraging north he korea to send rockets to russia, so here you see them beginning to build out what they see as their path to domination over us. couple this with the fact that china is expanding their belt and road initiative into the western hemisphere. and biden is weak. xi jinping knows this. and he feels like he's got some running room right now and gordon chang, who is always so good on this, will talk about how china plans to be globally dominant by the time we get to 2050 and they feel like this is their time to really make some headway and they see this as their open window and it is going to be up to us to stop them.
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maria: and joe biden doesn't appear ready to stop them at all. he has yet to bring up the origins of covid-19 and china's cull pant and the fact they -- culpableity and the fact they covered it up for so long. he has yet to bring up the fentanyl, the intellectual theft and last week we've got the biden family bank records, james comer was with me sunday and he told me this is the first deal but there are 11 more biden family may have taken money from foreign powers. how is he going to respond to xi jinping with all of this? >> this is the problem. you have to say are they compromised or are they fearful of what china will do to biden, incorporated, and that is why they're not going after him? as you said, covid, fentanyl, look at the trillion dollar trade deficit we have. joe biden should call xi jinping and say you know that trillion dollar trade deficit, if you don't knock off the fentanyl, if
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you don't come clean on covid, we're going to stop that and china has to have that. they evidence got to have the u.s. -- they've got to have the u.s. market. they had the best year they've ever had, exporting to the usa. the best year they've ever had in 2022. maria: and yet they have most favored nation status when it comes toed trade. would you be poised to change that? would you vote to support to change most favored nation status. >> of course we should change that. they are not our competitor. they are our adversary. maria: this is what -- >> we need to treat them that way. maria: that's the point i made earlier. competitors play by the same rules. that's not what we have here. meanwhile, is it any coincidence that president trump says the manhattan da's office is going to indict him tomorrow over an alleged hush money payment that he made before the 2016 election seven years ago to stormy daniels. the former president posted to truth social yesterday saying things michael cohen's former
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legal advisor will testify today to present supposedly consistent clue testify and irrefuteable information. what do you make of this now? >> it is political retribution. donald trump messed up their plan. barack obama told us they were going to radically transforms this country. they felt like they were well on their way and hillary clinton would be the third term barack obama. and donald trump messed that up so now they are after him. there is no limit, no end to the limits they will go to, to go after donald trump. and it is -- one of the things that concerns me, and what i hear so much about from tennesseeans that i'm talking to every single day, maria, they are beginning to say, hey, wait a minute, we're a nation of laws. we have respect for the rule of law but all of a sudden you have these people that are working outside of the rule of law and are trying on their own change
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the application of the law and it is of tremendous concern. maria: your colleague in the senate, massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, she seems like she wants to run for president again it appears to me, she's slamming federal reserve chairman jay powell, claiming he failed at his job following the collapse of silicon valley bank. >> i'm calling for an independent investigation of the fed and the whole regulatory system here, the fed doesn't just get to do its own investigation. i'm calling for the fed right now to reverse its weakened regulations and to bear down, to look at these banks with much more scrutiny and then i'm calling on congress as you rightly say to roll back the ability of the fed to weaken regulations and calls for these ceos to be held accountable. maria: she wants ceos to be
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held accountable, senator blackburn. you're a member of the senate finance committee. was it not elizabeth warren who a year ago or two years ago was pushing to actually make it easier for the mid-size banks, now she is saying they made a mistake, she wants thes rules back in place. >> what she should be looking at is the so supervisory role ad why did they discount what they were seeing svb. poor management? absolutely. wrong set of priorities? yes. they were focused on dei and esg and basically the biden administration and yellen, we had her before us last week, what they've done is to say, okay, if you're going to stay true to esg and dei, we've got you covered. and we are going to bail you out. so that is the marker that they have laid down. maria: i keep asking, would this administration and the democrats have been so fast to bail out silicon valley bank if
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it was called texas midland bank and all of its customers were oil and oil drillers. >> they would not have. and, see, if you look at what happened with svb, they went to goldman for help, couldn't get it. they tried to get a buyer. couldn't get it. couldn't get the bank to auction so then finally you have all of yellen and that group saying we can't let them go down, these are our friends. they're all in green energy. they're all in big tech. so we've got to go make them whole and to put chinese companies in front of u.s. taxpayers when she said that in committee, i could not even believe she admitted it and then she wanted to say when i ask her about nationalizing, if this was a pathway to nationalizing the banking system, maria, then she pivots and says oh, well, no, no, no, but of course it is. if you're going to say we're the
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guarantor of first choice, we've got the first position of guaranteeing the banks, that puts us on the path for nationalization. maria: it's unbelievable. had won't even admit it's a bailout. every knows it's a bailout. >> it's biden's big bank bailout, exactly. maria: attend of the day -- at the end of the day, aren't taxpayers on the hook. >> they'll be pay higher fees. maria: that's what the banks pay into the fdic fund. >> all their fees are going to go up. every community bank, every state charter bank, every federal bank. customers are going to see their fees go up. maria: a nervous time right now. >> very nervous time. i worry every day for the future of this country and, you know what, getting joe biden and this group that they're so focused on
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their goals, which are around dei, esg, being one of many, not america the exceptional. maria, it worries me every single day. maria: the consequences of this climate change agenda, also incredible. senator, good to see you. >> so great to join you. maria: we appreciate you being here. quick break, an investor group tied to russia set to potentially acquire forbes media. how the chinese communist party could be involve. take a look at these foreigners potentially getting into the media business. stay with us.
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for anyone struggling with weight and stress-related weight gain, i recommend golo to you. this is a real thing. this is not a hoax. you follow the plan, you'll lose weight. >> last summer it came to our attention that chinese linked companies were trying to acquire forbes. they were going to use that for their own prop p began da purposes. i and other senators pressured the secretary of treasury and biden administration to block that deal. it fell apart. now you have russia a aligned companies trying to buy forbes as well. we're going to put the exact same pressure on the biden administration to stop this bill from going forward. we would never in a million years during the cold war have allowed pravda to get a foothold into america's media environment. maria: that was senator tom cotton with me yesterday own sunday morning futures responding to the potential
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acquisition of forbes media by sun group, ties with russian government and vladimir putin. it's an interesting story. i want to get your the take on this. this company, forbes media, first was in a deal with the chinese government. the chinese government was interested in obtaining access to forbes and initially they did a deal with a group tied to the ccp, magnum opus, it had the backing of the chinese government cic entity but that was stopped because of the senators. and now the russians come in. this group, the sun group, they want to have exclusive rights to purchase forbes. your thoughts on a foreigner owning media in america? >> it's very reasonable to think this is a really the leading edge of the information war that's really what's going on. it's all about intelligence and legitimacy of the platform that you're receiving your information from. so if you can take a foreign power and basically interpret, have their news interpreted as something that is mainstream,
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like forbes is very mainstream, that gives people, yeah, okay, we'll accept that and you don't take a look at it, saying maybe we're trying to be influenced by the foreign power. it's an information war that's going on right now. facebook, 3.85 billion users, the largest platform. the information is out there and it's got to -- we have to know who is putting out their own spin on this. maria: right. that's the issue with tiktok, right, lee? you've done so much work on that. you also have the chinese prop bpropaganda. they spew out whatever they want, they're raging on twitter. what are your thoughts? >> well, forbes media has big-time reach and they've understood how to penetrate a lot of the social media platforms. they have access to data. there's one question if a foreign company, a foreign agent was to acquire this asset, what are you going to do with all that information?
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and then also -- maria: they've got the number one market share among u.s. millennials and generation z. >> they're definitely penetrating the younger generation. maria: yeah. >> now, also what about cree he den shaling -- credentialing? you are sending your reporter to capitol hill or white house press briefing room, how many credentials on capitol hill are you going to be giving this russian connected new outlet? so there's a lot to be he rereviewedhere. cfius is an ability for the federal government to dig deeper. we have the department of justice has utilized the foreign agent registration act, calling on media outlets to register. but that's a product of these agencies taking initiative, whether it's treasury, whether it is the department of justice and more. so there's a lot of questions here when an asset as big as
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forbes media with so much information could end up in the hands of a russian connected company. maria: the sun group and its partners have a 64 year history of trade with the former ussr, a long track record of supporting putin, background in facilitating pro kremlin messages and propaganda. it's amazing what's going on right now, barry. your thoughts. >> yeah. i'm just shocked that we would even get this far down the path. people are -- the whole skill of critical reading, critical thinking has sort of been muddied by the information that gets thrown at people, how we would ever consider a allowing this to occur. maria: we'll see what the senators who stopped the chinese from acquiring it, we'll see if they can do that effectively with the russian group as well. russian tied group. we're going to take a group. when we come back, white house oversight committee chairman james comer says there's more biden family deals to be concerned about.
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- yes. i'm a cfp® professional. - cfp® professionals are committed to acting in your best interest. that's why it's gotta be a cfp®. find your cfp® professional at maria: welcome back. it has been 20 years since the u.s. invaded iraq. now congress wants the power back in the people's house. cheryl casone with the details sheer. cheryl: the senate is set to vote on rescinding powers given to the office of the president of the united states. 20 years ago when the u.s. invaded iraq, congress gave then president george w. bush the power to use military force. well, now senators tim cane and todd young are proposing a measure that would repeal the authorization. senator chuck schumer supports the deal. employees at disney on edge as managers have been told to begin identifying layoff candidates with at least 4,000 cuts expected. ceo bob iger announcing job cuts
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during the first quarter earnings call. the layoffs and restructuring will be across t the board at te house of mouse. take a look at the stock in the premarket, disney shares are flat right now. well, new york city hosting a drag story hour on sunday, hosted by new york attorney general latisha james, saying the event was to combat hate and disinformation. they tweeted before the event, it's time for drag story hour, nyc with some amazing drag story hour nyc story hour, to kick off the drag story hour. now, remember, in florida governor ron de santis threatened to revoke a miami hotel's liquor license after they held a lewd show for kids
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he featuring drag queens. people were up in arms because it was pretty disgusting with the little children there. then the hotel did it again in miami. that's when he went after the liquor license. so i guess in new york it's all okay. do whatever you want. maria: what's with all of this drag queen stories and drag queen -- i mean, why is this so amplified. cheryl: i think it's the woke. i think it's the woke. it's latisha james, who can be more woke. maria: what's the point here? >> i saw there was a social media post, it was congresswoman caroline maloney, going back i think some time last year, it was showing little kids crawling across the carpet and they were the ones being targeted with this education on sex and like this kid doesn't even know how to walk, this kid doesn't know how to talk. maria: learn your abcs. >> former congresswoman. sorry. maria: james comer meanwhile
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discussing his investigation into the biden family's chinese business deals with me on sunday morning futures yesterday. here's what he told me, breaking news. >> we think there are as many as 11 more deals. we don't know what the bidens did in return for this money. the lawyers said it was seed capital for a business. we haven't been able to find a business, maria. right now, it looks like the biden family just pocketed this money. maria: well, the new york post miranda devine out with an op-ed, a potential trump didn't indictment is a side show for the biden family. joining us now, miranda deviefnlt that's what i thought yesterday. every time something happens a take puts them in a corner where they have to explain and now we've got bank records, they start a hurricane somewhere else and here it is with trump. your thoughts on this two
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standards of justice. >> hi, good morning, maria. that's exactly right. i think that the democrats just don't have a defense for joe biden. we have not heard one word to explain over two years what was going on, why joe biden was meeting with hunter's business partner, what was the meaning of all these millions of dollars that was flowing through to his son, hunter, his brother, jim, and now we find his daughter in law who also happened to be hunter's lover at one point, haley buy department as james comer and the oversight committee continued to subpoena bank records and followed the money trail, you can see the white house and joe biden becoming increasingly unhinged really. there was joe biden sort of doorstopped on the way back to delaware on the weekend and he looked incredibly flustered when
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there was one reporter, a foreign reporter, actually, who dared to ask him a question about this. he is so used to not being asked questions and the white house is so used to just fobbing off these sort of more and more evidence, increasing piece of evidence that are coming out and now just incontrivertible soming from the oversight committee. maria: i don't know if it was an act or if he was confused. here's the exchange you referred to. >> family deal? >> hunter biden business associate sent over a million dollars to three of your family members, any reaction. >> that's not true. maria: miranda, he says it's not true. can it not be true? we've got the bank records. there was a 3 -- first, there was an e-mail which of course you detailed in the laptop, great book, the laptop from
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hell. and there was an e-mail with hunter biden telling his chinese counterparts we've done everything you've damaged -- yoe asked. you haven't done anything for else. the next week $3 million check is sent to biden family associate. rob walker. the next day, we know this from the dates on all this, the next day a million dollars was distributed in small increment to biden family members. you write that if progressive da alvin bragg indicts president trump it will cement his status as a, quote, maga martyr. you think this is connected? >> well, look, i'm not sure it's connected but all the democrats have got to run on, you saw that in the midterms, is to whip up this demonization campaign against trump and maga, ultra maga, semifascist, we laughed
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joe biden when he did that blood red, bizarre speech. it sort of worked because its has cemented this idea among half the country that there is something really evil and wrong and bad about donald trump. so they have to always give that base red meat and so no matter how spurious, how completely unjust, how ridiculous these cases are, this manhattan da case about stormy daniels, supposed assignation, 17 years ago, you know, it's so threadbare that no one has touched it but it doesn't matter to them because they want to give the trump haters, they want to keep that hatred going. up until 2024. and i don't know whether they're so blinded by their hatred that they don't realize that they're actually assisting trump and making him more popular, making his base more loyal to him, or whether it's some devious plan to ensure that trump wins the
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republican nomination to be president, because they think that they can beat him even with joe biden. maria: wow. i mean, twitter ceo elon musk agrees, he tweeted trump will win a landslide in 2024 if this happens, if we see an indictment tomorrow. i want to get your thoughts on the bank records, you heard what james comer told me, there are 11 other deals. your thought on this? isn't it d interesting seven yes ago trump has this agreement with stormy daniels and we have an indictment expected tomorrow. hunter biden, they're investigating him for five or six years, the fbi has had the laptop since 2019. >> well, that's what's so extraordinary and i think really what the fbi has done is so lax and so wrong. they really appear to have been
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covering and this delaware investigation's been going on since 2018. what takes them so long? they just seem to be kicking the can down the road. i think that james comer is doing a terrific job just forensically bringing out particularly the money trail but also of planning to depose various of hunter biden's business partners. we know from the laptop that there is tens of millions of dollars that have gone from china, russia, ukraine, you name it to biden familiar cof -- family coffers. now he is able to push flesh on the bone. you can't argue with bank records. maria: what are your thoughts in terms of the impact if trump gets ticketed tomorrow. >> you -- indicted tomorrow. >> across the nation, looking at this and you're saying wait a minute, well, there's all these investigations. frankly, beginning with
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russiagate. no one ever held accountable for all of that and now you could do this and look at the timetables. cy vance declined to prosecute. you have the feds take a look at this, declined to prosecute. now you have this case coming out. is it a misdemeanor? is it a felony? if you're going after the former president of the united states, you better go after it with your best case. that's not what's happening here. maria: miranda, great to have you this morning. thanks so much. >> thanks, maria. maria: miranda devine joiningk us. we'll be rightprem back. stay with us. r - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card... like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more... plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases! and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas... ...a brilliant reality! the new ink business premier card from
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maria: welcome back. the wall street journal is reporting silicon valley executives including peter teal are forming an you alliance with washington lawmakers against china's involvement in the u.s. tech industry. they're calling themselves the hill and valley forum. they'll meet on wednesday to discuss china and protecting america's national security ahead of tiktok's testimony on capitol hill this week. the ceo of tiktok will testify thursday. joining me is competitive enterprise institute center for technology innovation court ink, jesjessmalusian. let's talk about this.
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>> i think you're seeing more proof this is one of the few bipartisan issues left o there, concern around china. you see the business community which probably has sincere national security concerns but also u view tiktok as a competitive threat in the app market and you're seeing them aligned with both parties in washington, the biden administration p pushing back on tiktok and lots of republicans in congress have had concerns for a great while. maria: there's another wildly popular chinese app, his is bytedance has another app in the u.s. called cap cut. it's a video editing app that many use for tiktok, instagram and youtube. meanwhile, the bbs is considering banning tiktok, telling its staff to delete the app unless they're using it for work purposes. the word is getting out there is potential surveillance, propaganda.
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what about the other app, wildly popular, cap cut? >> yeah. it just shows you this is a larger issue. right. so the concern has been name brand tiktok for a while. but really the issue is, is there data going back and forth from u.s. users to the chinese communist party. that's going to encompass more than the tiktok app. there needs to be a broader policy about the day flows. congress is going to have to act on this eventually. maria: michael, your thoughts. >> the social media, this is like how do you boil a frog, put it in cold water, not hot water, it gets warmer and warmer. that's what's happening you now. the platforms are so incorporated into he everyday life, the way many people receive their news is through tiktok. it's not just the platform itself. it's the way we receive the information. now what flows out is what the main concern is. it's all intelligence. maria: there's no coincidence all of he these governors are banning tiktok, lee. >> yeah.
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it's the right move, all 50 states should be banning tiktok. our information is going to this company where we need to understand chinese law, that the ccp, the chinese communist party can call on these companies to provide this information to them. it's their duty by law to -- so our american personal identifiable information ends up in the hands of the ccp when it seems lik like these apps are f, it's not he free. they're never free. maria: even if the ceo of tiktok on thursday says we won't give data to the chinese government, jessica, is that even possible? >> well, the last two years tiktok has been in negotiation with the foreign investment committee over at the treasury and they've spent -- the company spent over $1 billion trying to separate out all of those concerns. the question is, is that possible or not. and are they just going to have to divest in order to really put
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those concerns to rest. even when tiktok does this as we were saying, they're not going to be the only app, they're not going to be the only company. the u.s. really needs to decide where it is broadly and more encompassing on the data flow question. maria: what about this collapse of silicon valley bank last week, are you expecting that to impact the tech industry? look at all of those venture capital companies that couldn't get their money. now they've obviously been supported by the fdic but what's next and this venture capital industry and tech industry is being exposed for some weakness here. >> yeah, i think that's right. i think the short term problem because the fdic stepped in is probably shored up but the the bank was sort of like the hometown bank for the startups in silicon valley. they probably did them services in lending what that you couldn't ask other banks to do for better or worse. but i think that it's one more thing stacked against not just the tech industry, but american business right now.
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this economy is not conducive to turning a profit in growth. that's a large problem that now we see sort of coming even though silicon valley who had been escaping a lot of it because of the huge boom during covid but now it's sort of catching up with everyone everywhere. maria: jessica, thanks very much. jessica malujian. quick break and one san francisco supervisor is begging for more police in her district. guess what she voted for in 2020. the hot topic buzz is coming up. ? gimme a time out. huddle up! i call the time outs. didn't expect to see me so soon, huh? well, i invest in a fund that fuels innovation, like next gen video conferencing, and when i saw your defense in the first half, i had to step in! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. coach, what are you doing?! this thing goes fast. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus
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to see my ancestors' photos was just breathtaking. wow, look at all those! what'd you find? lorraine banks, look, county of macomb, michigan? oh my goodness... this whole journey has been such a huge gift for our family.
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>>. >>
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. >> i have been -- this department to give the mission what it deserves, in terms of police presence. all year long i have been told time and time and time and time again, that no officers that we can send -- >> more police presence san francisco board member pleading for police presence in her district guess about what she called for less than two years ago tweeted i want to make it clear i believe strongly in defunding the police reducing number of savers on our force, lee zeldin can't make this up. >> so many examples what happens if pendency aluminum swings the other way are you back on defund police
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bandwagon look for who was been consistent the average person who is on if streets, we are in manhattan right now, chicago philadelphia los angeles atlanta, you want to feel safe to walk illustrates to be able to ride subway you don't want pro criminal laws passed like cashless bail we want prosecutors who actually are innovating the law across the board, and unfortunately you have politicians who with are appeasing pandering radical far will have the base by ever way wind blows caught in double studs -- double standards remember who is speaking ep now stepping all over messaging from a couple years ago they need to get in office before pendulum swings
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back. >> i remember they will try to lie about it last week joe biden said the republicans are trying to defund police, we were all here, we remember what happened with democrats pushing for defunding of the police. >> so reckless about whole conversation about policing nobody takes time try to understand what policing is, how it effects public safety how you can't have knee-jerk policy reaction, you have to build up the capabilities the confidence of the public, that doesn't happen overnight you do see change no, not going to give you funding but no real plan that is incredibly reckless maria: no wondered resignationss, police officers new york city huge result of laws in place now, also, what is the respect for law enforcement going for why become a police officer? in an urban setting like this. >> ron desantis trying to get everybody to go to florida they are going to florida


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