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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 14, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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i'm for bottom line. save america save your family, get cameras in the classroom so you know what your kids are being taught. kennedy: and stick it to them, loved it thank you.
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kennedy: i don't mean to sound all deep throater but follow t the money. how far down the r rabbit hole will the investigation go, places like china, and ukraine. hello biden. according to his laptop, the president might have been involved in some of those alleged moneymaking schemes, the house oversight committee demanding that bank of america turnover piles much records committee care james comer says why. >> we have a problem. with respect to trying to determine what this family was doing to receive these transactions from china. and i think that every american should be concerned. this is an issue of national
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security. kennedy: house oversight requesting, treasury department hand over suspicious activity reports, on biden family transactions and sales records for hunter biden art that was sold to anonymous buyers because it was so good. the president's allies calls this a witch-hunt, including jamie raskin is a head in part: kennedy: reg reregardless something does not smell right. when republicans are looking for, with me now host of the ben domenech show, a fox news contributor, ben domenech is back. so, ben, is this subpoena
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too broad, that is what jamie raskin is saying. >> no, i don't think so. i think that you know this looking back saying if the theory of the case is that the minute that joe biden became the vice president of the united states, this was something his family was engaged in. and hunter in particular was the point person on. i think that you have to ask for this type of a broad-based dive into those things. there was none of this type of concernation from ja jaimjamie raskin. >> what is important we don't go down the same route we saw democrats engaged in with trying to find things to embarrass their political opponents, there are as james comer said some very significant security questions reall late related to relationship that
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hunter biden had and speak to the indictment in a bipartisan way of failure of our current government system to guard against corruption that we've seen where foreign entities are allowed come in and buy families up, by -- buy a number of different politicians up, it is that hunter is so blatant about them. kennedy: which is worse? we saw so much reporting on the clinton foundation. it was very -- they reported their donations vaguely. you had governments from saudi arabia to banana stand giving clintons tens of millions of dollars around the auspices of that charitable umbrella, the clinton foundation. the bidens, their bag is a
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dirtbag. the people who wanted access to american power, they were willing to pay for it which is worse? >> you know, a hard question to answer. i think that you know, it a certain extent what is worse in this context is the fact that hunter seemed to have engaged in so much behaveior of directly interfacing with a number of nations in world that did not want best advantages for american people. clinton foundation was corrupt but also, where i think that they didn't always go running to america's enemies first. i think that hunter had the wisdom to understand those are people who are willing to pay a premium in terms of accessing political a anthon-- advantages on. this is important to get to bottom, to what we know
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about hunter biden situation, was he absolutely able to influence his father in some nair do well fashion or just a smoke without fire. i think that we'll find it is closer to the former. kennedy: there is a third biden in addition to the president's son and brother who is receiving what appeared to be la laundered payments through another business source, rob walker given 5 million by communist chinese officials through his bank account they could see he was dishing it out like pez from a pez dispenser to various bidens this could be problem attic, unless you say but trump is worse, then all can forgiforgiven. >> one thing that we gained too much tolerance for is willingness to look the other way when people are
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willing to work for america's enemies, one thing if you take payments, related to those who are still or allies still nations that we are going to largely work well with. in this c hunter was going to worse of the worse, he have continued to what he was promising in return for the money given his record and resume or lack there of. kennedy: and was it access to his dad? more important than the wing picks, ben thank you. >> good to be with you. kennedy: mexico president now claims his country is safer than ours? this is cartel crime reaches a breaking point, thanks to war on drugs, i dismantle pprohibition in my memo, next. ♪ ♪ p-- papa don't preach, i'm 2 ina, trouble deep ♪ ♪
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everything's changing so quickly. before the xfinity 10g network, we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here? when i was your age, we couldn't stream a movie when the power went out. you're only a year older than me. you have no idea how good you've got it. huh? what a time to be alive. introducing the next generation 10g network. only from xfinity. the future starts now. kennedy: well with americans getting kidnapped and killed in mexico, tourists are rethinking plans to travel south of the border. and politicians threatening to nuke cartels who supply americans with a steady stream of drugs, the drug
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war started with nixon. since conf then every success of administration carried torch of supply side disvdestruction which had little affect on demand. people want to enrich themselves and get high, when government trying to control these, people die. as we save lives. prohibition in every form is the root of destruction and corruption. it does not matter if it is alcohol or fentanyl. when the government monkeys with markets is throws it out of balance, you are left with murderous cartels who are rich enough to buy their own militaries and politicians, not unlike student debt crisis in u.s., cartels are colleges with a steady stream of paying students and no incentive to keep costs down, they know that government will keep funding loans, cartels know
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that appetite for tuning out will never fade. they have no up sens . >> in a will keep killing each other, journalists, womens and americans if it means staying in business. the more the governments get involved. the worse if gets, mexico president has been corrupted by cartels he sounds like a high pa paid crisis pr manager, . he is helping d democrats here winning elections. and lindsey graham wants to attack annuities with the cartel. all these w idea are bad
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and wrong. politicians are tainted by pursuits of power by force, i continue is unpopular to say it. but you are an adult, you can handle this. the war on drugs has failed on both sides of the border. prohibition gets people killed. even over regulated opioids, the drug war is the root of our immigration and border problem, and health care stickler that won't did gaway with uncle sam probing our parts and war on drugs make treatment more accessible for addicts stop relying on government. any government. to save you. chanchances are they will only make things worse that is the real madness that is the memo. woo. >> the president of mexico saying nothing on how to combat the cartels, but he is blaming u.s. republicans threatening to meddle in our electtions. >> either they change their
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freedom from mexico or real start information campaign in the united states so they know about the aggression against mexico. kennedy: is it possible for u.s. to count on a leader like that, let's meet the party panel, host of the sharp way show, larry sharp. democrat strategist radio host, lesley marshall and host of lawrence jones, lawrence jones. i will start with you. we have so many problems here but, people are either going way too par like lindsey graham or they are unserious and defensive. what do you do? >> i credit you kennedy for proposing a solution to the problem. as we know fentanyl is number one killer for ages
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18 to 45, part is not like these kids are running around saying, i want fentanyl, they take oxy, they think they are or any type of other things for depression, they are getting fentanyl they just don't know, i find it strange some states won't make it legal for kids to have testing strips to test the drug before they do them. they are now calling that drug contraband. there is a real problem i blame a lot on mexico, and the combination between their government and the cartel. they do business together. also i blame the american government for not being aggressive enough to provide kids with treatment they need, part is because of the pandemic, the kids are depressed, they were isolated and we're seeing it do a number of their brains they need help. kennedy: they are not getting appropriate mental health help. we're not getting people in
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to rehab appropriately. you see that in portland, 1% of people who are busted for crimes, they don't go to rehab, 99% do not. we're not doing it right. we have talke talked -- talk about it a lot the show. in is something missing, both parties in u.s. are addicted to war on drugs. >> i said, i think this is an issue where a lot of us will agree, i have two teenagers, i saw can't say on tv show, kill me, i saw situations with my children i had never seen before, i saw them and their friends depressed, and the school would be we'll kick them out if they can't get the gpa up, they couldn't think outside of the box, that is the problem, we can't think outside of the box, i lived in mexico years ago it is beautiful but it is krrpt.
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corrupt. cartel and government all the way to top have been to bed together for a very long time. whether it -- the military is afraid of the cartel, police are afraid. positions, and the people are afraid of the cartel. they are murderous business people, you can drop bombs on all of the gangs, and it is the going to stop them. kennedy: what does stop them? you talk about this a lot. >> all of the time, a small correction not the pandemic that did it, lesley is correct it was lockdowns that did it. right, lockdowns is what made our kids all of a sudden big problem. if you had a mental illness and you didn't have an addiction problem, after the lockdowns you had both. we were lonely, we were all by ourselves, and systems, and communities they don't have the institutional knowledge to support people, they fall back to
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government, government failed us, we can make it work. with mexico though, mexico is a narcostate, like russia is -- >> that is my worry, it has been hol hollowed out, they have got don't president. >> 100%. he decided to run it, eventually when we stop our dumb war on drugs, the cartel thugs will become union thugs, mexico building on a manufacturing base competing with china, our hope in future mexico will get money from manufacturing instead of drugs, these kids want fentanyl, they do. they are looking for it they want it. whur when you are an addict, if you had one in your life you know this, addicts' -- >> i think it's easier. >> i think majority of people that are taking it,
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it is not a overdose it say poison, they have no clue. kennedy: experience users, i share lesley's fear, i have a senior who is going to ledgcollege next year i am sending her with a gift certificate and test strips, i don't want her putting any of that stuff in her body but i will not be there and college the kids are not the brightest bulb. >> tomorrow i'm going to miami to do a special to spring break this year is dangerous, the kids they experiment, they are just testing things out, they want to have a good time, there was a point in time, where there were drugs they could take, and you knew the micro dose and all that. i'm not saying people had choices. but now, it is poisoning. kennedy: you don't know, like one dose of what you think is oxycodone. >> l let me be clearing
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you a are -- talking a couple kids makes mistake. kennedy: panel will be back in moments but now, we have more trouble brewing for silicon valley bank, doj and sec launching investigation to collapse probing potential misconduct by executives. federal government is insisting that silicon valley bank customers will get their money back, but the crisis appears to be spreading to other banks, will the feds resort to the b word? bail out, joining me now. capitalist pig hedge fund manager jonathan hoenig. >> thank you, i tell you, they're investigating the ceos, they should be investigating the egg regulators, banks are among the most regulated industries in the nation, 5
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federal and 50 plus state and federal reserve. there is no free market in banking. once again you have that gains are privatized this time the losses will be public. and there will be many more losses to come. kennedy: and this was not something that happened over night. the bank had reached insolvency last fall with more debt than equity because of the crashing bond market. they knew that. they were not diversified. neither were a lot of their clients because of the venture capital contracts were forced to bank with svb. but then you have what i thought of the curious. you talk about federal reserve asleep at wheel, jerome powell last week, was asked if rising interest rates were having any affect on the economy. negatively in terms of banking he said no. and then svb started to unravel two days later. how does jerome powell still
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have a job. >> what role does fed have. >> the fed is at the city strmple-- at the center, the fed, they brought interests to near zero, and banks like a silver gate, they like svb, theyo invested 5 and 10 years out at the ultra low interest rates, they are sitting of trillion of dollars in unrealized losses on massive investment portfolios, and as money leaves as depositors want their money back. you will see more and more banks fail, you have to roll your eyes when they say government will not pay for it. kennedy: how is that. >> insurance fund is 130 billion there is 2 trillion in bank de p -- deposits, and everyone day americans the pay the bill. kennedy: we can't afford it,
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we are already over leverages, we have already spent too much money and the president's propose at ridiculous budget, would hamstring and bankrupt us, jonathan hoenig thank you. >> be well. kennedy: keep it real. >> coming up. remember the jesse smollett fiasco. the nigerian brothers broken their silence on "fox nation," wait until you hear. >> nancy grace is here to discuss, she is next. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor—you're an owner. we got this, babe. that means that your dreams are ours too. and our financial planning tools can help you reach them. that's the value of ownership. hey guys, detect this: living with hiv, i learned that i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato.
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kennedy: anyone remember jjesse smollett. i liked him so much on empire, he is the disgraced actor who lied so badly he looks like george santos look like honest abe
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lincoln. brothers have teamed up who did team up with smollett to carry out his maga attack hoax are speaking out saying that jesse wanted to be poster child for activism and they faked the whole thing. >> we were in character the whole time. >> you think you are believable? >> 100%. >> first. -- >> yeah, let's make jesse great again, his attorneys appealed convection to keep him out of jail after serving 6 days of 150 days, is it too lit too late to revive his representation, joining me now, fox nation host, nancy grace. this case still smells to high heaven, what did you learn through your research? >> well i learned that i
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truly do believe those brothers, they have their say, unique presentation of the facts, but, that said, i have had to argue to juries sometimes you have to go to hell to get the witness to put the devil in jail, a lot of people may not believe the brothers because they were part of the ho hoax, paid according to them 3500 by jussie smollett, to put a noose around his neck, beat him and according to what he told police, put bleach on him, that sounds borderline funny, i have prosecute hate crimes, i took one hate crime against young black males in inner-city atlanta that were analy raped and shot in back of head with a 38, there was
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a string of them, that is hate crime. and to see this man, jussie smollett u.s. the use the system that i love the way he did, i want him to gur. >> under the jail, for juries in future that are faced with hate crime, they may wonder, hey, is he or she pulling a smollett? is it real. because of him. someone and -- i think it was you mentioned poster child for activism? what, this was to make more money, he was already pulling down more money than most people, he wanted more, he pulled this tranq praprank to get what, more money, what a backfire. another thing, since you done ask. appellate court warned his lawyers get your brief in on this appeal, hea he is
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in an out on an appeal bond. my twins might be watching. >> my twins are always watching. >> smollett is wandering free, whining. he needs to go to jail. kennedy: i mean everyone involved in this, is either corrupt or just odd, are the brothers victims here? >> i can tell you this much, they took part in it willingly for a price they almost went to jail for this. remember smollett was going to let them hang out in the wind. they had to convince authority its was staged. they could have gone to jail are in aggravated assault and a hate crime. kennedy: they got pulled aside by customs on the way
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back from nigeria and story fell apar apartment, i wonder who first suspicious officer was who involved. like, you know, not really maga country. you know not in 2019. >> i can't tell you how many thousands of cases i have handled, i heard these facts, i knew right thin, this is way wrong, this did not happen, you you don't wake up at 2:00 a.m., and get the munchies, and you go out in a polar vortex which is real. and walk to subway sandwich, no, that disu does not happen, you eat what is in the fridge go back to sleep. kennedy: i have gone through a snow storm for a 12 inch -- subway. >> you you are the wear few. kennedy: i love you, i love having you on, i watched you through scott peterson and
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case -- why are these people, they think that peterson is innocent. kennedy: i think you are amazing, come back. >> thank you. kennedy: forever. >> please invite me, yes. kennedy: i will. >> smal smollett is going down. >> i'll be here for it. nancy grace thank you. >> i'll be commenting on it. kennedy: can't wait. >> thank you. kennedy: for more on the story please watch jussie smollett, anatomy of a hoax, right no on fox nation. president trump on campaign trail but his mind is still stuck in florida. in iowa, the former fformer president mocked ron desantis. >> ron desantis opposed
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fentanyl, we don't know if he is running, if he is not running i will say he was fine on ethanol, ron reminds me a lot of mitt romney, i don't think ul do so well here. kennedy: we'll find out, mitt romney. desantis has not announced a campaign. he was also in iowa last week, so weird. and new cnn poll of republican voters has trump and desantis neck-and-neck 40 to 36%. so is meat ball ron getting under trump's skin? party panel is back. larry sharp, lesley marshall, lawrence jones, it is l night on ss kennedalia. i can't get enough. please keep it coming. keeps cards and letters coming. >> as someone that despises politicians, i love them
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beating each other up, but i think that republican party should take notes from 2016, when they have a primary, dems can as well, you have a strong primary. you will have a strong general election, that prepares candidate. i think there is real an ideology fight in the republican party they need this duked out they need to figure out what they believe, i think that election will do that. kennedy: i can doing something, polling is all over. you get one set of polls one day say trump up by 30% and 2 more, say trump up by 4 percent. what do cdc? see we see. >> we see popcorn sales for democratically myself going through the roof watching, in a sense a repeat, but part two, if donald trump
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does not get g.o.p. nominee, he will take up the oxygen in the room. kennedy: they love that. >> ralph nad e eric der. if he is the nominee, joe biden will beat him again, but aside from, that you have 6% with hail nikki haley and pence, nobody took my advice, hillary clinton should have made bernie sanders a running mate, she would have been over the finish line, and donald trump should have made ron desantis his vp or visa versa. >> that is the difference between the republicans and democrats, y'all squash the opposing view, the outsiders. >> they said that. >> they said that.
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>> says great things about. >> i'm saying. >> donald trump has to attack desantis, what trump gets most, when people are in trouble there. particularly republicans they want strength, they don't want resume or policy, they want strength he exudes strength over anything else if desantis cannot defend his attacks and counter attack. kennedy: he doesn't have to yet here, is not in the race. he will get so much more press for a counter attack if they are not affected, , rand paul got sucked into that, they could not beat trump at that game. >> desantis. >> i have noticed a difference in trump strategy as well. it looks like he is talking more policy, you can thank
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joe biden for that, no matter how harsh trump s is, people vote b based on what they are feeling, 70% of people are not better off, they didn't vote for joe biden, they were better off under donald trump, they did not like his tone. kennedy: but if you can thread the need needle. >> never say never. look at last two presidents. >> party panel thank you. >> beautiful. >> only tuesday. coming up chinese president xi jinping meeting with zelenskyy. for first time since ukraine war broke out. what is the communist strong man trying to accomplish? u.s. army combat veteran bryan suits will join me next. nothing.
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[music] brass monkey ♪ ♪ brass monkey ♪ ♪ that funky monkey ♪ ♪ kennedy: that was last night's mouth trumpet monday. all right, welcome to the zoo, you brass monkey, unlikely peace broker could be stepping up a new report claims chinese president xi jinping to meet with ukraine president zelenskyy after traveling to russia to meet with putin. so can president xi get the job down, joining me now, kt th . radio host, and combat veteran, bryan suit is back. >> brass monkey. kennedy: you are rate. a grat great flat top, what is wrong with china brokeerring peace?
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>> well, peace is better than war. but this is china trying to reestablish their representation after that black eye they got for releasing the bat suit fever, that affected the world for last 3 years. and what you know, coming off the success of weekend, they brokered a impossible deal reestablishing diplomatic ties between saudi arabia and iran you know that is a big victory in its own. as i have been telling you since china owns 11% of ukraine, they can go to moscow and tell -- dictate to putin what his position will be for armistice. and he can dictate to zelenskyy, he is a landlord, owning 11% of ukraine here,
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can say, you know, here is what you will agree to, that means russian speaking parts of ukraine, the crimea peninsula will probably remain in russia hands or internationally observed referendum, we know how it will go. kennedy: would that be how things slice up in 10 years? after this unnatural conflict naturally concludes? >> well, it will wind up with a dmz like situation between north and south korea. similar, there will be nato basis in ukraine. and you know the you message will be don't do it again, naughty, naughty, putin is the town rapist, and let's not do that again.
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so, you know everyone gets what they initially war range was, victory gets his -- putin with a victory parade and another day off in russia per year, we stop you know, drawing down our armory of ammunition and equipment, and give it to ukraine. kennedy: suits, we have with 45 seconds. we have both lost a good friend last week, louis lar gent music director at kroq in already, he was host of 120 minutes to mtv, we flew to mtv on the same day, andy shown, our best friend. >> i miss the guy, he was one of the good guys in the crappy business called radio, louis with a good heart, he really was that guy saw on 1 h 20 minutes, he was the guy you want to
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discuss music with at the bar. kennedy: god rest his soul, i am happy that brian and i were able it share time some space with him, suits thank you. >> yep. >> and rip louis, i will miss you, topical storm is next, tonight tickle me tuesday joke. pleasen to look it up. what breed of dog can jump higher than a skyscraper? so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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kennedy: new report crame claims mayor of new york city turned site of former mcdonald's to a migrant shelter, witnesses say it was over crowded and no one could speak english, then it became a migrant shelter. democrat giving illegal immigrants the franchise. topic one. gulf coast of florida been overrun by a toxic wave with a putrid smell not spring breakers, the red tide, natural build up of harmful algae, with dead fish piling up onshore, it smells like new jersey. the resulting stench causing
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breathing problems for locals and itchy red eyes, that could be from the obama abong loads of weed, some scientists trying to stem the tide with a chemical to sink the toxic algae to the floor of the ocean. that way it will only affect bottom feeders like shrimp and cnn anchors, ron desantis with sustainable solutions he is sends but loads of dead fish to vice president kamala harris house. >> police issued a warning about a new type of gas sgas station heroin. sold over the counter. the products can cause opioid like withdrawals and
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consuming them could end with overdose and death, almost as often at eating gat station sushi, they are also addictive. some spend thousands a month on the pills. even sacrificing food their families, state leaders take action to gas station heroin banded in mississippi, alabama, georgia and ohio. in california it is going further. they are banning the whole gas station. that is brave. topic three. red lobster is launching a line of grocery store frozen seafood products, it will be just as fresh as food in their restaurants, so not really fresh, they include red lobster cheddar bay b. >> naysay new lineup is or
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tomorrow for party appetizers but they might turn our guests to party poopers, they sell 7.48 wal-mart. red lobster says easy to keep the prices low they get their fish for free from the beautiful beaches of florida. smells like victory. stotop f, weight watchers getting to prescription truth business, instead of counting points of your food you will c coin -- count points of your driver license, to prescribe the drug. still focused on diet and exercise, by the shots will help users comply with their program.
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truth reportedly capa capacity -- comes with side effects. but boy will your bootedy look tight in the hospital gown. still, you might want to try more natural appetite sursup suppressants like watching the view. or one bite of a red lobster frozen dinner. time for ticket me tuesday. what breed of dog can jump higher than a skyscraper? any breed of dog, sky scrapers cond can't jump. >> oh, kennedy. kennedy: i know. two people got it right. that is impressive. a lot of you were like springers, no any dog, matt and mcken, you are right. i said it thank you so much
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good news! a new clinical study showed that centrum silver supports cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say... ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. who's on it with jardiance? ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're on it with jardiance. join the growing number of people who are on it with the once-daily pill, jardiance. jardiance not only lowers a1c, it goes beyond to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease. and jardiance may help you lose some weight. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, (that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function), and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis
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or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. a once-daily pill that goes beyond lowering a1c? we're on it. we're on it. we're on it with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. (dramatic music) (dramatic music continues) - we cannot hold this position.


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