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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 2, 2023 8:00am-9:00am EST

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bad. >> states, cities had no problems spending on homelessness not able o to twblg underlying causes usually drug addiction mental illness a city like los angeles allows you to sleep in public they have a much more significant problem than in new york. >> guardinging dogs. >> amazing a trend the wealthy are oppositeing f-- opting for protection i've got 140 pound, got my guard dog. maria: my baby dusty can't scare anybody but one heck of a guard dog doesn't miss a trick hears everything. so she is -- a guard dog. >> this fun and games we need to find out who let the dogs
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out before geek [laughter] >> awesome stay right there mark tepper great to have you as always going on this hour we appreciate you being here all morning next hour "mornings with maria" begins right now. maria: good thursday the morning. thanks very much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo it is thursday, march 2, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, merrick garland facing discussion of politicizeing the justice department 12 sources have come forward to accuse00 of criminal duck questioned garland about this investigation into the first son. >> the alleged volume similarity of the information would be banned at the justice department investigating the truth and being a contrasty of the information. >> i promised to leave a mountain of hunter biden in the hands of u.s. attorney, for the district of del away
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appointed in previous administration. >> joining me right now kentucky congressman chairman house o oversight committee james comer a pleasure thanks very much for being here is what your reaction to garland's testimony he says he is trying to stay out of it, that is his answer, for the accusations politicized this department. >> looks in the middle of it continues to say staying out of it that could be -- interpreted as code worked for don't touch this it is too hot. any american has a fraction of the violations of the law that hunter biden has would have already been indicted at the very least by now this another example of two-tiered system of justice in america if politically connected tloefkd officials house level you are getting by. if you are not probably going to be sitting rotting in a jail cell somewhere. >> what happened with hillary
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clinton as well she shad all emails a server in her basement, and -- she what there was no accountability came up with fact of lie about political enemy that trump colluded with russia viral across the world again who has been held accountable. >> i mean, the more evidence that comes out, the more explaining the department of justice is going to have to do when they get an opportunity to explain themselves they play dumb try to assume, that everyone in america, is unintelligent isn't paying tension i don't think that is the case i think more evidence that comes out on things, like the biden family influence peddling, i think the more, the average american is going to say we've got a department of justice that is not fair. and that needs to be replaced i think a huge issue forward i applaud senators trying to get
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truth out of garland an uphill battle. >> the washington free beacon reporting oolgd hunter biden whistleblower says doj is burying him he came forward with damning information about bidens, what could hunter as advisory to chinese energy conglomerate he tweeted i have been rested in cyprus on politically motivated extradition request about i united states, is claiming i am arms dealer doj trying to bury me to protect joe, jim, hunter biden, he tweeted out what do you know about this? >> well we're reaching out to him we're trick to communicate we are setting up a call, this is something that we take very seriously we identified this individual, we had hoped to have talked to him by now but for whatever reason unable to, i think this is the straw that broke the camel's back i tell
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you thisma we've had 3 people involved in the hundred hn shady business schemes the communicated with my committee staff this week i think a sign of good things to come i think a positive direction, and i think that people see heavy handedness of bidens you are genetic picked up by doj or you are getting a letter from hunter biden's personal attorney trying to intimidate you, into not coming in and talking to us so i think these people that have been involved with hunter biden they've ended up on losing side of it all loss money were all left out to dry. i think they want to tell their story, and we're going to give them the opportunity 20 tell their story even though the doj, and white house fighting this every step of the way. maria: a unbelievably fbi has the biden laptop since october 2019 we know everything that is on that laptop, and there has been nothing, no indictment, congressman i want to know what you've learned since you started digging in here there is a question as to
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whether or not hunter biden is influence peddling right now. in your face, his art dealer refusing to cooperate with your investigation, the art dealer says it is ethical arnlts arrangements where that he is do investigation stand. >> i don't think in this case supreme court to prevent him from working with us it is the white house we heard this from the -- special the general counsel for the national are a archives trying to give information, about the mishandling classified documents joe biden had he basically said, the white house and doj up preventing him from communicating with us all witnesses involved in the biden shady family business schemed with adversaries around the world getting letters from the biden lawyers, basically, telling them they don't need to cooperate with us, this is a
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this is an effort, to try to block any meaningful investigation, and not only that maria, the white house every day, comes attacked me for having nerve to try to get answers for the american pem. maria: so what are you going to do about it? we knew you were getting stone milwaukeed and you are will you be able to complete this investigation? >> yes, we will, we've got people coming forward, i think it is time heavy handness of the white house is backfiring i think people are upset i think i going to get banks records soon i am very optimistic about the direction we are heading with this investigation. maria: i mean there is is the 150 suspicious activity reports you've been asking i want to know why all the lies out of this administration? >> i mean, let's take covid, this is an issue that we should all agree on, we want to get to the bottom of how covid originated department of energy fbi now said covid 1
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leaked interest wuhan lab but white house is saying that, you know -- there is no conclusive evidence pushing back on assessment saying they won't go there yet congressman, why not? >> i don't know the white house only integrity in the world trying to imply the laptop is russian diss information everyone knows it is slit has not been compromised we know o covid originated in wuhan lab this white house has spread, a narrative, that has been false so long i think starting to believer it we are getting answers for american people i don't think the department of energy would have come out admitted that covid originated in the lab had we not sent out letters to 40 individuals within our federal government that had inside knowledge what was going on in that flab wuhan bringing them in to talk to us, i think the more we pressure people the more troops come out very optimistic about the direction of our investigation.
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maria: this is so extraordinary. do you think joe biden is protecting china because of all the money his family has taken in? >> that is a great question that is the whole purpose of our investigation, it sure looks like it maria we are giving him the benefit of the doubt he has opportunity to explain himself to us at any point, but all they do is attack me everyday, from the white house, press secretary box important work. maria: we are watching your work thanks very much for the learned leadership thank you. >> james come under washington, d.c., this morning tiktok takes toll on american people will white house weep country safe from chinese owned app swairnz, piper sandler chief investment strategist michael kantrowitz in the hours don't miss that potential recession how do invest around it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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6 . >> we have concerns about the app that is why we have called on congress to act i mentioned earlier moments ago including what a how china is trying to collect privacy of americans understands the way it would have it can present national security risks so, yes, we have concern about that we've been very clear tiktok poses a problem an issue, so, we have concerns about that, as relates to americans data collecting americans' data the potential national security risk. maria: are that is white house press secretary karine jean-pierre dodging a question what took so long to ban tiktok on government devices capitol hill gears up to ban
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tiktok how is foreign affairs committee voted to give president biden power for complete ban on chinese owned app all the hot talks joe borelli todd piro,. piper chief investment strategist michael kantrowitz thanks for joining the conversation your take on tiktok, joe it is very clear that not only are there surveillance worries but also lots of propaganda pushed out on tiktok about china. mario: every dui recipe begins with i saw on tiktok for my wife, i am concerned about privacy not just tiktok but you start getting ccp involved, it is difficult to explain to my wife i am sure to daughters to everyone who uses this app this a real problem, even though the app itself is tremendously fun useful, out performing the
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other categories of social media apps what its intend to do do. >> we are told on tiktok in america there's lots of dancing music all fun stuff as you say. but the tiktok in china is about educational things is to it is much more high end in china. relative to what is in united states another negative. >> the this is death by 1,000 cut strategy china is o employing dumbing our children building up their own children. >> that statement by karine jean-pierre, ban it, end of discussion, this is a weapon that is being utilized by them much like, balloons or spycraft, every -- fentanyl all part of the gameplan we need to wake up. maria: elon musk reportedly look to being build a chatgpt alternative that would quote
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combat woke a.i., mike what is your thought on that the chatgpt chat people worry to pass tested write papers. >> tool making people less smart allowing them less smart not learn on job per se. michael: interesting things with chatgpt, i think we will see how it he will evolves i am sure -- some pluses plenty mine uses. >> joe? i think go woke to bring capability improves lives go woke go broke get chatgpt away. >> tom cotton joining me to talk about that as well as fbi energy department confirmation about what we knew that it leaked from a lab, in wuhan, back in a minute.
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evidence the virus you originated in one of two laboratories in wuhan. back in january pretty we'll documented by china scientists did not originate in the food market wherever it originated we know the chinese communist party was both criminally negligentistic at first deliberately, deliberately malevolent in the way responded to this virus for their o own people and the world. maria: tom cotton with me on "sunday morning futures" in early 2020 spot-on about the origins of covid, this week energy department fbi director christopher wray confirmed what we knew covid 1 most looim leaked from could you hanlab the arkansas senator member of senate armed services judiciary intel joint committees author of the book "only the strong" reverseing
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the left plot to sabotage american power thanks for being here with with me this morning i want to thank you for courage honesty you came on that program "sunday morning futures" with me several times early 2020 you told what you say you knew, you told us based on the intelligence you had what you expected in terms of origins covid-19 you were slammed for it headlines from media "washington post" tom cotton keeps repeating a corner virus fringe theory stooichts s executed repeats fringe theory goes on and on here is politico tom cotton dangerous maim msnbc, cotton recorona virus theory. >> what do you say to media
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outlets. >> i appreciate you joining me, exploring the most likely explanation for this virus that wuhan labs, the only conspiracy back in early part 2020 was conspiracy of silence among liberals the media federal bureaucracy democrats in congress to surplus to evidence based evidence based inclusion so many reached that chinese communists were responsible because of negligent practices in this laub for unleashed the pandemic, on the world. that is the only conspiracy theory circulating around unfortunate, i still see, in some degree that conspiracy of silence, white house officials this week bending over backwards to say they don't have a consensus no conclusions to apologize, defend chinese communists last month same thing spy balloon to america speculating gof
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gotten blown, off course. >> the biden administration liberals in media have mind-set if we appease chinese communists kowtow to them they wouldn't take action against america . >> i am glad you used the word dangerous it has gotten downright dangerous we know the ccp wants do overtake united states we know stealing our intellectual property costing american business 6, 7, 800 billion dollars a year we know surveillance tools we know that they covered up opportune leashing of a deadly virus, and will not allow any investigation to take place. in wuhan. so i ask you why? why is this administration so soft on china and what can you as an elected official do about it? >> well part of pattern of joe biden's career he always
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excused chinese communist aggression, wrongdoing as regents as 2020 pain, saying china is not a competitor of the united states, he even questions out of his way still to say he doesn't want a war i don't either either most arkansans don't if china waijsdz a war against us our choice to winner lose unfortunately this administration has a losing policy right now what we should be doing is taking actions that are long overdue to make it clear to china, that there are consequences for unleashing the pandemic on the word consequences for invadinging our airspace things like banning tiktok banning chinese nationals from applying farmland in america reciprocal treatment for democrats spiedz in america they impose on americans in china, most arkansans think a very simply proposition whatever china does to us we should do to them searcher reciprocity. >> exactly what a handful of
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governors are doing stepping up because of the void that the biden administration is leaving in terms of the pushback, on china, so, i spoke with governor glenn youngkin on "sunday morning futures" sunday he told ford motor we don't want your ev you are factory in virginia you are using chinese technology, the company he mentioned was cattle, here is glenn youngkin with me. >> we went to work to fully understand what was going on between ford a company called cattle not just influenced but controlled by chinese communist party, to not allow them to use a trojan horse structure to gain access to taxpayer incentives, that were put into inflation reduction act, this is using taxpayer money to further enrich a chinese company at the compensates of america. >> ccp has been incredibly
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strategic smart the way infiltrated america from technology company cattle we learned later, is a hunter biden investment. so he also has a stake in cattle, energy the united states from things like that, to the universalities academia infiltration as well. >> hoo. >> maria first off i common governor youngkin for bold decision to refuse -- in virginia democrats reckless tax and spend package was designed to try o get america producing minimalization we technology for batteries for cars critical he will related technologies not designed do allow american the companies like ford to go, go joint ventures, the democrats in congress have regulations that allow it further point, too, the vast network of what i call china lobby, many are
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intentionally showing for the chinese communists but economic interests to deeply entwined, that they are sensitive to any political steps to hold china's communists accountable we have to expose china lob why it's. >> coming through wide-open border southern border i am told chinese citizens nationals chinese nationals who may be tied to ccp get directives go to america take information back, i was surprised to see so many chinese nationals coming through the border, because we know they are abusing the visa process they don't need to come to the border but wide-open so why not? and your committee grilled, attorney general merrick garland yesterday the judiciary committee on america's most pressing issues you had a chance to ask ag questions on this administration's asylum policies take a look at that. >> based on threats,
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specifically to individuals on gangs where country was unable to protect the person. >> okay, well your partly responsible for protecting americans honduras, government can protect its own people except for 6100,000 for murdered, guatemala 17 out of ever 100,000 new orleans 70 for ever 100,000 should american citizens in unless, baltimore st. louis seek asylum in countries like honduras and guatemala under your asylum he fleepz pleased with his answer yesterday? >> no, attorney general is run roughshod by proves in the department i made point asylum to protect on recommendations briefs political beliefs equity being is inity not the
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help escape dangerous, or poverty we've plenty of cities run by flats more dangerous than central american xhunzion not open boards to anyone because they want a better job or life if the case we would have billions want could to come to america we have to provide opportunities to people making life better for current marns the points of laws to improve lies of kisht citizens not throw indoors billions of people who want to improve their lives. >> is he o complicist he sends goons to raid president trump pictures of everything he found goes viral the senate voted to kill the biden administration esg investment rule, encouraging fiduciary duties to consider governance factors making a decision the
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president said he is going to veto it this move going to impact 150 million americans, what are your thoughts there? and what about merrick garland do you think that he is telling the truth when he says the border is secured or when he says you know purposely did not get involved in hunter biden investigation because of any conflicts this guy is walking around this investigation is how long now six years into influence peddling investigation merrick garland not telling truth for instance why we haven't-overed people who broke law protesting outside supreme court's homes, disented on point after point after on the. >> we are watching your leadership all that you have been doing, we appreciate it, our viewers would like answers. it has been a tough two years senator what is next, two years look like? >> well hopefully, with republican majority in the house going to pump brakes the
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worst parts of biden agenda begin to get accountability for their over roach from vast administrative state they weaponized begins so emamericans. maria: what are your priorities right now in the senate? >> most priorities rebuilding military making sure munition stoppabling piles ready to confront not just threat in europe the threat china poses in even with pacific. >> senator thanks very much for your work. we will be watching. >> thank you. >> good to see you this morning senator tom cotton markets mixed a look at macrostory with michael kantrowitz when we come back. ♪ living in a big city, never gonna be ♪ ♪ .
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maria: futures a mixed market this morning opening bell less than hour away dow industrials right now up 27 s&p down 25, nasdaq down 119.
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now year-to-date technology done well layoffs across the sector, as you can see, stocks up sharply meta up 44% this year year-to-date two months joining us right now piper sandler chief investment strategist michael kantrowitz, first off give your take what is going on tech up, value being looked at once again for the first time in 15 years or so, yet growth is outperforming beginning of this year. michael: a lot will going on nothing going on market is flat overall last six months we've gone up and down quite a bit if bullish bear iraq basically right or wrong every three months, so there is a lot going on in the question investors are trying to battle with, will the fed tightening cycle get extended from investors push into a recession hard landing, versus something more of a soft
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landing would be certainly a better outcome for equities. >> the best i heard no landing what the heck does that mean no landing? we are just a few weeks away from the one-year anniversary fed started all of this the first rate hike only 25 basis points, back march 16, last year. so does it take a year to catch up to actually have an impact. >> it takes a while. we've been at restaurants thought extra room for dessert an hour and a half later regretted that our body has not fully digested main course appetizer the same way economy works almost a year started seeing fed raise rates people think that well we're not seeing impact we're not seeing job losses, and it takes time to digest rate hikes plenty of work, plenty of history we can look into it takes at least a
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year approaching first 25 basis point rate hike where things broadly go housing most rate-sensitive quickly impacted by the tightening cycle. >> you considered policy decisions the supreme court is looking at the president's student loan bailout, likely going to rule against it because most people think it is unconstitutional you think taking that stimulus out is also a pressure for the markets. >> we have to recognize, that there has been quite a bit of stimulus put admit taken out of the economy over the last year. maria: i mean borrowed five trillion dollars in two years. >> yeah. maria: that is why you had inflation in 40-year highs. michael: that have a comes back 5 billion dollars consumer outlays has to go from wherever going now to back to paying student loan debt, significant number to me, even more relevant than debt ceiling down the road. maria: look at financial conditions because i know you are expecting recession this
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year. >> yeah. maria: so you wrote in your most recent note about the misconceptions of financial conditions put three charts in your mote money free conditions lending conditions financial conditions walk us through this. >> sure, there is, there is a lot of conversation, over the last several months about financial conditions, because we've got chairman powell trying to raise rates trying to rein in excesses of the economy, while the last three to four months the financial markets, have performed quite well. you highlighted tech stocks what fed is doing is not going to work i think investors oftentimes conflict three variables what fed is doing what commercial banks are doing with lending conditions financial markets with financial conditions financial conditions basically markets credit spreads equity markets are doing the volatility indices are doing, so a you can't say that financial conditions lead financial markets because they are
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financial markets. on the other hand, monetary conditions the fed is doing, money supply growth slowying u.n. ufsh further inverted, tighter lending conditions from anything from commercial real estate to consumer credit cards, those tightenings the tightening of those conditions, lead the economy and, therefore, lead financial conditions over a year as i mentioned we are only a year from beginning of first rate hike for fed, investors need to separate understand, how these things are different how they act on the economy. financial conditions are just financial markets what is more important where things are heading what the lag effects we're going to digest of tighter lending tighter monetary. >> you say banks started pulling in in terms of lending before the fe was finished i not not finished right now. michael: banks tightening every quarter pushes survey lending officers ask when are
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you easing or tightening, the peak of 2021 right after pandemic reopening we haddiest lending standards in history now banks have gone completely 180 have sharply tightened to level only sooep preceding in the past we think a hard landing or recession coming later this year we have three conditions of that preceded every single recession, fed tightening cycle tighter obtaining wlening standards inflation problem not recipe for soft landing it is one of a hard landing. maria: we've got hard statistics here prize of a dozen eggs up 70% year-over-year butter bread chicken above, double-digit gains so people are actually deciding that it is easier, cheaper to go to dinner than to cook at home, so, what do you want to do with nation elevated with federal reserve that is not finished, and like housing is already in recession, right now.
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right? and do you think there is a way to own certain segments of this market even while we've got a tougher macro backdrop. >> yeah, we are recommending to clines to get more defensive, out of vogue last four months four months ago markets at lows dealing with potential of the fed overdoing it, china, not opening, anytime soon europe having potential energy crisis, those three risks have been massively up until a few weeks ago with interest rates massively pushed out of the markets priced out of equities, request we see financial markets rally why we are seeing big moves in bigger lossesers from last year, defensive has been left behind we don't think a lot of upside if equities because we have to digest all that tightening we think investors should start looking back, getting more balanced looking into defense. >> defense meaning what can you talk about a couple groups sectors that you find defensive. >> areas that have really
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underperformed healthcare, staples utilities berlt performers last year when risks accelerated now come off a backdrop of risks declining, forward more and more evidence stacks up gindz this economy having a soft landing more likely having a hard landing would be scarcity of utilities, lower beta stocks, companies with good solid fundamentals. maria: great to get your advice sfieking around the rest of the no, we appreciate that about michael kantrowitz with us, ceo of biotech xaeven on breakthrough technology to help invite ovarian cancer we look where we are in fight against cancer you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back cancer, a biointelligent company working on breakthrough in or varian cancer research uses technology to instruct body into making cansr fighting molecules the president ceo, dr., great to have you this
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morning. >> talking about ovarian cancer during break if you can get your arms around ovarian cancer a huge deal one that is very hard to treat? we've made a lot of ground on cancer not ovarian cancer. >> we did, even ovarian cancer recently but still a very, very difficult cancer to treat a cancer that is characterized by the fact that the immune system not efficient to fight this type, so our approach is to try to use a database technology, to the system harness the system to fight this cancer. >> in clinical trials now. >> we are. maria: tell me about the growth at the company, where does it come from? what is the pipeline look like. >> sure we are in trails ovarian cancer with a product that will modulate immune
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system and fight the cancer cells, we are biotech company with, platform the beauty you can look at cancer types focusing how to treat cancer like ovarian but we have a lot of projects, for us, sky is the limit we want to in biotech company. >> we spoke with moderna about mrna a platform trying to use mrna technology, which is covid, but to apply to cancer that is what with you talk about when a platform. >> same principle. maria: same principle all right i want your take on cost, of course, the cost of all is also, very steep, eli lilly this week announcing a cap on out of pocket cost of insulin i thought a big dealcapping at 35 dollars a month give your take on the impact of such a cut and cap. >> i think very good useful for patients for sure especially for the patients
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who are you know, not fully ensured don't have insurance at all the price has a big impact. so going the right direction, i think, bringing the -- the question of value of medicines, this is where i believe that, you know, we need to do our best to drive most value for patients there is a lot the to be done we want to work for cures to make sure innovations, going in hands of patients if it ant in hands of patient can't apply to innovation, maybe sometimes price important for bringing value. maria: same thing we were talking about earlier, and that is when you don't have an incentive, to actually get a return, are you going to see the same kind of interest in terms of investing in some of these breakthroughs? like when we were in covid days you know a lot of people talked about let's give coincided secrets away give it
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away to whoever needs it because they need a covid vaccine, the at the end of the day doesn't that hinder new investment coming in? because we need investors to actually want to invest, in breakthroughs to get breakthroughs. >> i would say, a biotech a jewel for american economy i believe we need to -- for our industry flourish, other countries look at u.s. as example to follow so manyings innovations originated from this country, hope main contained for this. >> why don't you give your assessment of where we are in this fight against cancer you are working on such important things, in ovarian cancer. now, doctor, more younger
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people getting colon cancer researchers have not found out request we don't know what is behind this move can your research help in study of different cancers. >> potentially what we're looking as well with our research, like treatment of cancer has to you don't only focus on cansr cell on immune system, has dramatically improve outcome we want to continue doing this with potentially cancer vaccines where interesting approach in hard to treaty cancer. maria: huge. >> it would be huge, the inhibitors have bez but sometimes don't work in some cancer types because immune system is too we can, that is the point, for cancer
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clorectal, the fact that we see, you know, younger people don't think they need to go through screening, because screening is very efficient simple, it is just a stool test everybody should do it, so that is something to watch for. maria: how do you raise scale right now do you need to do a deal do you need the strength and capital of a larger pharma company to acquire you, or partner with you, in ordinary to gain that skill. >> we are look another every possibility i would say right now, to strategy, cash in the balance sheet to do this, until you know the end of '24, but the future of companies like ours is in, collaborations will seek, at
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greater pace developing. >> a great point i wondered where partnerships are. is this a partnership in the world of ovarian cancer reach. >> potentially, but looking at very broad types of partnerships, also institutions can help did he sign, real work on designing best possible. >> a great story we will keep following it, good to see you. >> thank you very much. >> we will be right back. stay with us. . maybe it's perfecting that special place that you want to keep in the family... ...or passing down the family business... ...or giving back to the places that inspire you. no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank, we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why? ♪
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♪talk and they will hear you... we all want our kids to grow up safe and healthy. so we show them how. and we tell them with honest conversations that let them know what we expect. that's especially important when it comes to alcohol and other drugs. kids need to know the dangers and how to avoid them. and when it comes to pain medications - opioids - they need to know that they should never be taken without a prescription and never shared with friends or family. it's dangerous and illegal. so, talk with your kids. because when you talk, they hear you.
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maria: welcome back. final thoughts now about 30 minutes away from the open, dow industrials up 58, nasdaq the down 120. the cbo says we're going to have interest rate payments of $10 trillion in the coming 10 years. >> interest rates keep going to the new highs, the cbo's estimates are we're going to see the economy elevating, likely underestimating, which is typical concern the. maria: big story. >> -- to push rates much higher and cost of debts much higher. it's. maria: it's been a great story. >> put down the tiktok, not just mrs. borelli. maria: thank you so much, joe, todd and we appreciate you joining us. we'll see you tomorrow. "varney & company" begins now. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. a win for republicans in the senate. with john fetterman hospitalized and joe manchin and jon tester voting with the gop, the


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