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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 25, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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it. we got to stop the drugs and human trafficking flowing into the country because people, lives are being lost every day, american lives. elizabeth: sheriff mark lamb, thanks for your service to our country, it's good to see you. i'm elizabeth macdonald, you've been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the finest hour of your day and it looks like we have our first trillion air. elon musk $40 and sealed the twitter deal. written in the ink of terrified tears from filling free speech who are melting down across the globe. delicious. not 14 days ago. i bet new york libertarian gubernatorial candidate larry sharpe a pair of christians musk
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would follow through on his hypnotic takeover plan. let us take control down memory lane. larry. >> what if there is a change in six months, which i get? [laughter] >> by me a pair of nice boots if you're wrong, deal? >> done, yes. kennedy: i love shoes. he was wrong in two weeks. size 38.5, larry. you know the address. the whiny twitter children tried to use their addiction to content moderation and sidetrack shareholders who fortunately will ultimate, the sky is falling. after a bootylicious bottom line, the guy the rockets plans for added buttons and open algorithms, he might be the only thing with moonshot to propel the company out of a dying like this gutter. social media has been perplexing to all who interfaced with her,
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she moves too fast for government like is elizabeth warren, she makes flyers of the socially awkward like mark zuckerberg who shamefully exploit young adolescents girls from money, mental illness consequence again, she bullied the conservative liberty minded of public spaces and makes strange pillows out of josh hawley. now she will be changed forever by someone who understands the value of openness, idea and money. i'm looking forward to longer tweets and annihilation of uncreated box and solving san francisco's growing homeless crisis by turning twitter headquarters into west coast fanciest shelter, excommunicated former ceo [bleep] dorsey will sit right in, nice when billionaires and bias nice things but even better when a smart person put his money were all of our mouths should be and keeps the government as far away as possible on social media and censorship. i will take free speech
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capitalism over federal budget tree any freaking day. that's the memo. if you like the free exchange of ideas, elon musk twitter news should be music to your ears which is why they are crying over at cnn. >> i think that's an example for twitter which is, if you get invited to something where there are no rules, total freedom for everybody, do you want to go to that party or are you going to decide to stay home? that's a question for twitter users, some love the idea, no moderation or no rules at all. others might not want to be anywhere near that. elizabeth: brian stelter wouldn't know a party if it hit him in the face with a potato. if you go to a fun party where they do cool stuff, let's go or would you sit at home?
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i know what i do. how will this twitter deal work? fox news contributor professor of business and economics at the king's college here in manhattan, time for brian nomex with brian brenberg. this is an exciting day as you have been pointing out, this is so unheard of a guy with a bunch of money takes a public company and flips it on its head, what exactly happened? >> what so great is its capitalism, somebody who looks at a company that's broken, it doesn't work, doesn't uphold the principles we care about. so not going to complain about it or petition the government to regulate it, i'm going to buy it and change it and make it what i want to make it, i love it. what's fascinating is the board of directors at twitter didn't want this to happen but what does elon musk do? he says about the cash and 80 million people following my every word. you do not take a deal that makes sense, i'm going to take
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them on you and you will not be able to withstand it. the whole context of dealmaking is shifted, a guy like elon musk and companies like twitter. kennedy: he's known as being a pretty avid twitter troll but they say you don't have the money, you may have 300 billing, you don't have the money to buy twitter and he's like oh my gosh, watch this. >> can days he gets thanks to put up debt along with his equity and he's got the cash and the twitter board, what are we going to do now? if they say no, they will get shareholders suing them for breach of fiduciary responsibly, it's a good deal. twitter as it is is not worth the money elon musk is paying for and he knows that. he'll make it something else, it's a deal they have to take shareholders. kennedy: they do and when they were faced with that money, i sure a lot of them were like we have been flirting with billionaires in the past but now it's very real and possible,
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impossible to turn down. they were almost swayed by the culture which is so prevalent in silicon valley all about feelings and he's such a demon, bulger and file and we can have him near our precious company. they were almost -- >> and you noticed brian stelter, you want to go to a place where there are no rules? that's not what he's building. he doesn't understand building something is probably more something like first amendment which has rules, things he can or can't do even in a free-speech environment. everybody agrees there are things you can't do. they're trying to paint it as a wild west, it's not. it's a public square where as long as you are not inciting violence on somebody else or committing outright fraud, you can say what you want to, share ideas and debate things, that's attractive to people and why he's paying money because he thinks free speech which is part of the founding part of the
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country can be attractive again and make money doing it and defend american principles. kennedy: he's also been shut down, he understands how twitter works and how it can work better. you're right because the sky is falling crowd, they say what they say every time to libertarians when they have ideas about shrinking the size of government, you want to turn into somalia. it's like no, it's not about free-form wasteland, this is someone who has 82 million followers and understands how it works and also how it can be made better. people in that part of the country have been insulated in a bubble for so long they've had no problem ostracizing conservatives and libertarians and elon musk was like no, actually everyone can participate. >> and they are so condescending to libertarians and conservatives who don't have time for politics, probably wouldn't even label themselves
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as that but they are people who want to know what's going on and they want a place where all ideas can be expressed and they don't think a secret algorithm run by 25-year-old kid in silicon valley is weeding out things they ought to know. musk is like we are going to change that and make it clear to you if anything is moderated, you will see how it works, people like that. they want to understand integrity on the inside so they can trust what's happening on the outside. kennedy: would love to see it and i do hope former president trump comes back and babylon comes back and i hope people run around like it feels like their hair is on fire because it's not on fire, things are going to be okay. it's okay to express opinions and the press has been lazy when they cover president trump because we let them everywhere with twitter, i don't know what they are going to do now that they don't have to work. >> they are going to go to parties with brian stelter. kennedy: and their like oh my gosh, this is so much more fun. who wants to have a good time
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with party pros and hose? not me, brian. the brian enberg. thank you for coming up. well elon twitter takeover actually mean things like political discourse here in the u.s. and beyond? let's get into it with tonight party panel, host of fox across america on fox news radio, and rested and ready, jimmy failla. former biden campaign surrogate and democrat strategist, his heart is as blue as a twitter bird, kevin. foundation for economic education content manager and politics cofounder, hannah cox. everyone is delightful and i don't know how delighted people are jimmy but can you explain the diversity and reaction to the facts the deal was finalized today? >> i love the dichotomy so much because everyone freaking out about elon musk buying twitter drives a tesla so there's a bit of a weird hypocrisy because
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they were all his best friends like a year ago and now they are like what you mean, free-speech? we hate this but brian stelter, the earlier points, he's never been invited to a party, not even his own birthday party. i'm pretty sure he had the kids over and eight cupcakes without them and told brian to go somewhere else. kennedy: brian, go to your room. your friends want to eat cupcakes. >> so true but we are going to benefit from this in the long run, you member net neutrality and everything, people would literally die and now we never talk about it again. we are all going to be fine, we might laugh ourselves to death reading hotcakes from like elizabeth warren and people like that but it's a net win for america and congrats to elon musk unfulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming tom from myspace. now we are all their friends. >> what happened to him? kennedy: he's everyone's friend. are you excited donald trump?
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a lot for the left to react to. this is exactly the boost you need it ahead of the midterms. >> with less than 200 days until the midterms, i am ecstatic to have donald trump back on that platform. bring it on. i'll check his account tonight, i'd love to have him back on there's so much especially on the left, let's wait and see what happens, i'm all about free speech. i love the first amendment, let's bring everyone back on. obviously we have to draw lines when it comes to violence and hate speech and things like that but everyone is freaking out especially on the left and i'm excited to see what happens. kennedy: hannah, you've been following the reaction online and social media, on twitter, what are people saying? what is there main gripe with elon musk closing this deal? >> it seems the main part is a lot of people on the left think
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we need more content moderation to protect democracy which is high keep funny if they think that's true we need to center people and shut down and prevent open discourse for democracy to flourish that doesn't track whatsoever. i think what you see is a lot of people who can't push back on ideas they disagree with and cannot defend the ideas they want to push forward in society so they have the urge to shut down people and censor them and push it away and we see people on the left including former president obama saying this is what we need to do for society, our society can't uphold itself with open discourse in our system will come crashing down, it's hyperbolic and ridiculous but shows you their game, to shut down anybody who disagrees with their narrative. kennedy: but jimmy, that's the whole thing of founding united states of america. that's why the first amendment comes first. you have the ability to say the things and worship the things and assemble in ways, all of that, they put that primary that
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is implicit in the foundation and expression of the united states. >> a million% i agree, that's why i love this, we are getting back to being america. i don't agree with what you say but fight to the death for your right to say it and even for you kevin walling. >> the two of us on that platform, bring it on. i don't want to ban you, i'll just fight you. >> you can't ban me, that's the joy. kennedy: i know you don't like everything kevin says that he has a pretty mouth so i will allow it. >> i've always said that. >> you leave my search history out of this, this is a cable news show, no time to go to my laptop. kennedy: you are going to stick around. more with the panel in just a little bit. secretaries of state and kyiv over the weekend to deliver aliens more in aid to ukraine but will the weapons of war ever
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translate to peace? peter meyer joins me next to discuss. ♪♪
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this is xfinity rewards. our way of saying thanks, with rewards for the whole family! from epic trips... to the original jurassic park... on us. join over 3 million members and start enjoying rewards like these, and so much more in the xfinity app! and check out jurassic world: dominion, in theaters june 10th.
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well it looks like the u.s. can be getting more involved in the war in ukraine. antony blinken today and secretary of defense lloyd austin month they both should resign, secretly traveling to kyiv yesterday to meet with president zelenskyy. they announced return of u.s. diplomats, a new u.s. ambassador and ended over $322 million in additional military aid not to mention an additional 100 million for other nations in europe. how much more will ukraine need to keep putin at they and why are we the only ones paying for it? joining me now, michigan republican congressman, peter meijer. he's worn the uniform and served as a private contractor in the middle east. you know war and the problems it never solves inside and out. i will ask you directly, will weapons of war ever equate to peace? >> i think if their defensive
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weapons peace is something only ukrainians can achieve on their own terms if they can defend themselves and it's their best shot. spent time in iraq, afghanistan, humanitarian aid, those were wars the u.s. got involved with and found ourselves in the middle of the civil war and didn't end up well for us are interest but when it comes to ukraine, this is russian aggression plain and simple, if russia wants peace tomorrow, they leave ukraine. kennedy: that is true and would be helpful if the u.s. were fostering that. i have a problem with the biden administration, i'm happy they are showing some restraint but they are like we are staying out of it, no, we are not getting involved, we are not over there, we are over here. maybe sending a few things but not involved but i will tell you it's like saying we did not make
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congress in the same bed but i still sent a turkey baster and make a baby that way. >> that's an analogy i haven't heard before but one thing we tried to make clear, bipartisan very early on, living with congress, if we get involved in a conflict, if we sent was in, there needs to be approval. president biden, he was hesitant to commit to take things slow in some areas where he is too hesitant and i wish we wouldn't have done the hand wringing but now it seems to rhetoric and talking about weakening russia and expanding the scope and i think that definitely is in overcorrection from that hesitation and i think the risk of escalation is something we need to be mindful of seems like it's something as the election gets closer they might throw caution out the window. kennedy: and we've trained forces in foreign lands before
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and we have that backfire. afghanistan, in the 80s and in the 2000, of course vietnam so why would we expect train people in ukraine would turn out differently? >> it's always the question of, what is it because it was for action and in action? i think we've seen plenty of times in the 90s and 2000 square we failed to act and terrible things happen as a result. as always tension between action and what it will bring -- i don't think we will know. kennedy: the same in germany? they asking themselves about action in europe? it seems like most of the action is expected of the united states and we have screwed up and have screwed it up for ourselves and paid with the lives of service men and women, many of whom you
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know and new but the world is looking to us like we are the ones who are supposed to be a stalemate for another 20 years. why are they asking themselves those questions? why are we doing enough, are we sending enough? >> i think sometimes they want to hide behind but if you look at sweden and finland who were completely hostile to the idea of nato membership, there is still demand for the u.s. to leave and we need to play the smart. we've screwed up in the past something american leadership meant we could go anywhere and do anything and we made strategic mistakes we are still paying for today so it's a time for us to be thoughtful on how we proceed but that doesn't necessarily mean you shrink when the moment demands it. kennedy: i understand but what if sanctions and weapons don't
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work? >> i think that is a dark possibility we have to keep in mind but i'd rather we try the minimal steps and to say it's not a problem until it gets to where it may become a problem because instability and europe and spiraling conflict of russia proceeded beyond ukraine into other countries, the destabilizing effect on the u.s. and the world would be beyond what we are seeing today. kennedy: congressman, thank you for your time and for answering some on orthodox questions. appreciate it. coming up, johnny depp and amber heard yet again today, the testimony got fuzzy. being of train wrecks, weight until you can hear how meghan and harry reacted after the family gusted them. the panel returns next to discuss. ♪♪
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more recordings of johnny depp and amber heard toxic relationships surfacing in court like this one where johnny and amber fight about the constant drug use. >> all the coke you done today, has it helped us? has it helped us? i know because yesterday you were 1000 times better. kennedy: recording amber telling john if he told the world he was a victim of domestic violence no one would believe him. >> first time. >> . i had a -- i had it on my nose. >> it was a fair fight. the attorney and judge, tell the
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world, johnny. [inaudible] it's a fair fight. see how many people believe that. >> it doesn't matter. kennedy: who do you side with? the maniac or the lunatic? jimmy favor, kevin walling and hannah cox. jim? i want to hate everyone involved. so far, it's been a success. >> if the whole reason for the trial is to make the rest of us feel better about the relationship, this is a smash hit but if you want to know the truth because i'm in touch with the street, johnny depp is winning in the court of public opinion. the reason why and my son told me this, everybody in his middle school now calls her amber toward because she pooped on his bed and you can't come back from that. i know it's a little more for
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this show but amber heard, there's no getting off the mess or the mattress. kennedy: he had his finger cut off when she through vodka at him and she wrote on the walls and he says she defecated in their matrimonial bed to get revenge, who do you believe here? >> all i know is jimmy better lock his bedroom door because i'm getting ideas from all of this. [laughter] >> your never getting in there again. >> your son is going to let me in. [laughter] number two, these are two miserable rich people and it's a good one, supposed to make us feel better about our relationships, it certainly has. the text in calls and recordings are horrific and sad to see,
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domestic abuse and violence is a horrible thing and it sounds like they were miserable together. it's a miserable trial to watch between these two and i hope they both get what's coming to them. kennedy: and it goes to show that two people can be in a horrible relationship and can both be incredibly violent and abusive. i think that is the one thing we can take away from this because what did you see in the "me too" movement playing out different with this trial now? >> i think what we have seen as a woman ruining the most famous man in hollywood career on allegations that so far seem either baseless or she was doing the equivalent to what she blames him for doing and all kids should be shown this relationship, do not go in this territory cautionary tale but it's important to remind why we can't just not believe all women. newsflash, some women lie and have motivations to lie and why
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we need due process and evidence and we don't need to convict people in the court of public opinion. we already get it wrong when it goes to the justice system, countless numbers of times, we need safeguards around these claims so i hope this is sorted out but this is not where you want to find yourself, it's bleak. kennedy: it is but i think there is still hope for them yet. [laughter] >> they can turn it around. i would love that there's no hope for his career, nobody wants to work with him, he's now doing a film called porch pirates of the caribbean where he steals packages up people's porches. [laughter] kennedy: we go to the bahamas, amanda and every red somebody get something nice. johnny depp swoops in, he shakes and takes it. i hope there are sticks and stones and porch pirates in the caribbean. i would absolutely watch that. we have to shift to an even more revolting celebrity couple if
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possible, i guess that's like angelina jolie and mark ruffalo. it's an insider revealing details about prince harry and meghan markle. tina brown has a new book that claims the couple is intended there infamous megxit from the royal family negotiation ploy to get more from the palace and they were quote stunned, stunned i say when the queen shut the door. there's allegations of meghan fighting with just about everyone she met leading up to the wedding, one royal aide said the couple had a mutual addiction to drum up. what's? is that white president trump set the new vaccination interview that harry was like no person i've ever seen? kevin walling, i can't stand them. i cannot stand them and i dislike meghan markle. why do i dislike both of them so much?
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>> we talked about this a long time, i think the book comes out tomorrow and there's a lot of details b2 but she is british and she knows some things. >> i think she's got a lot of insiders, there's a lot of people within the firm and buckingham palace and other places eager to talk about this because it sounds like meghan markle is a bit of a drama addicted person in this and harry loves drama as well but sad to see, i think it's all playing out, the mother is in the last couple of years, it's been incredible so to go out with this kind of drama and these stories sad to watch collapse in and around her. >> it's no surprise she drinks every day. >> these people are a hot mess and i have to say trump's comments on the couple have me hoping he does get his twitter back because he was hilarious
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early on about these two, as a whole, it looks like they burned every bridge except maybe london bridge, i don't know how they thought doing this. kennedy: she would try to bring that down, to. >> she's been banned. [laughter] honestly i feel another cautionary tale, be careful who you marry, if you marry the wrong woman, can derail your reputation and your family, he used to be well-liked as a whole. kennedy: he was and a great deal of sympathy, he knew he wasn't going to be the heirs to the throne and he put on a uniform and it's like -- >> i have one of those. >> that was a little. kennedy: that was not a high for him. he was naked in the vegas hotel room covering his junk. >> that was a high. [laughter] for some of us.
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>> that wasn't fun. >> this is why we hate meghan markle, harry was like arthur in the movie arthur. there's no way and we knew that about him, he is getting drunk in the pool, he got kicked out of the bay in vegas, you know how hard it is to get kicked out of their in vegas? >> a lot of people don't know this, amber heard took a giant shatner in the mandalay bay, they gave her a free cabana and bottle service. >> free cabana for that's why we hate her, she clearly hijacked him for her own relevance because she came into this knowing the only way harry could wear the crown is if he celebrated his birthday at burger king was because he was in -- it's a true but because he was in the proximity to the queen she made all about her,
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she's not a real royal she's like a kansas city royal, shut up. i have to tell you -- as someone who knows human nature -- she is. thank you, walling, it doesn't even hurt me. i'm so dead on the inside. stick with me though. i once watched her do an interview where she was in a village of people wounded by landmines and she was telling the interviewer how no one stops to think of how hard this job on her is. i want to be like yeah meghan, everybody would walk a mile in their shoes if only they had feet. that's the problem and there she is . kennedy: how come nobody asked me how i am? because no one likes you. >> get out of here. kennedy: harry was running a mental health foundation with his brother, the future king. you'd think they couldn't care up a therapist like everyone in the palace wants discussion she
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had to cry and the baby was born, it's devastating. he is -- she's worse than the worst and i don't even know how to qualify that. [laughter] but i will say this, i look forward to their divorce trial. [laughter] >> it's going to be epic and harry can talk to his family again because right now the only way he can call them is on friends and ex- royal family plans. hopefully you get back in. kennedy: we will see. i want to thank you all for being here. great to see you all. someday you will be a fact in person i hear in my loving arms. i want to hug you so bad, kevin. coming up, if you can have any car in the world, what would it be? new foxbusiness prime time show, my dream car shows you and asks the question, with heartwarming
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results, daniel trotta joins me next. there she is. ♪♪
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♪♪ going to be in a video, god rest his soul. i don't know if he's passed on, someone will tell me. tonight 9:00 p.m. here on the foxbusiness network kids are turning their car loving parent dreams into reality, it incredible the peak of tonight debut episode featuring restoration of a 68 firebird. watch this. >> first day of a rebuild is like the first day of pool, excited but anxious, there's no rebuild that doesn't take work. the question is how much it will take. >> this is the firebird. ♪♪
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>> it looks amazing, way better shape than i thought. >> a lot of good stuff going. >> when we talked before, i said i wouldn't have minded something with a little bit of pepper, this has a lot of pet. [laughter] >> i think the car is gorgeous and cool whoever previously owned the car was building it to be a racecar. kennedy: that's fantastic, how did they go from garage relic to street legal? the host of my green car here, danielle trotta i'm excited for the debut of this show. >> i'm excited, too. i can't believe it's debuting in an hour and 15 minutes, it's been six months of amazing work with these families to get here and i can't wait for everyone to share in the joy of it, it's amazing. kennedy: how long does the process take, how many times do you go back and watch the
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transformation and the incredible reveal? >> a kind of the middleman between the family and restoration car experts so because these families are storing a car for their loved ones, they have lives, they can't be part of it every single day so i'm constantly checking in with our car builders throughout the course of six months until the reveal is there to stay on budget and on time. kennedy: that's incredible because there are so many people love cars and you have an attachment to one era. if you were lucky enough to own a car in high school, that's stuck in your head, that's all you dream about and all you want and you think there's no way i could, $100,000 just to take something i can afford and turn into a work of art. >> i feel like that's why a lot of these amazing classic cars are rotting away because it takes a lot of money and time. there's a million things you have to get to with kids and cars and bills and it's never
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getting done. now these kids are grown and like let me do something for mom and dad. they would probably never get to this on their own and i love that. kennedy: if you look back at the series, i'm sure you have your top three cars, but was one car where you saw and would like -- you are a car person so you understand the feeling of seeing something that powerful and special and well designed and complete. >> there was one, a 64 impala convertible, it was aqua blue with a white droptop, so much chrome all over, it looked like a piece of jewelry, bigger than about, you know how the cars were back then, i don't know how they parked it. if you car, i want that car, if your dad doesn't want it, i'll come get it. it was the most beautiful car i've ever seen.
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kennedy: that's all anyone wanted in high school, they don't like them. the young people in california, they took them up. where are the car hubs around the country where people spend a lot of time focus on the restoration? >> i think there are great car builders everywhere, we've found great builders and cars and north carolina. i feel like it's hopping, we filmed in tampa florida for a couple episodes, great cars there. we don't in montana, kansas, the midwest, they have great car collectors. one of our episodes will feature a revealing campus but there's cars all across our country. kennedy: and the lefties and climate freaks wanted to give up cars and ride buses. >> don't do it. kennedy: when people realize what they can do thanks to this show, they are going to apply desperately. thank you so much. >> thank you for what you do.
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kennedy: you can check out the show 9:00 p.m. eastern here on foxbusiness, debut of my dream car, get it. topical storm is next. ♪♪
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this is xfinity rewards. our way of saying thanks, with rewards for the whole family! from epic trips... to the original jurassic park... on us. join over 3 million members and start enjoying rewards like these, and so much more in the xfinity app! and check out jurassic world: dominion, in theaters june 10th.
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this is xfinity rewards. our way of saying thanks, with rewards for the whole family! from epic trips... to the original jurassic park... on us. join over 3 million members and start enjoying rewards like these, and so much more in the xfinity app! and check out jurassic world: dominion, in theaters june 10th.
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marijuana now legal in new jersey so new jersey still smells. just different way. it's getting in the weeds of the garden state and this is topical storm, topic number one. speaking of the devil's lettuce, mug shot monday and tonight to women from laura cut up in a crime of puff puff passion. 42-year-old arrested on her wedding day, a great way to save money on a wedding photographer and this is her wedding caterer, jocelyn bryant. they are facing felony charges for allegedly conspiring to surprise her wedding guests by spiking their food with weed. like all of their weddings, they spent a lot of money on lowers. wink. some of the guests panicked to called police after feeling dizzy, blacking out and going up. also note in florida as the weekend. police say her new husband had no idea about the prank making it the most dysfunctional
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marriage i've seen since 15 minutes ago. topic number two. talk about releasing a collection inspired by food. finally a luggage collection for people going nowhere. these are bags from taco bell allowing you to show the world how much you love taco bell in case they couldn't already tell. each bag is colored like a different taco bell hotdog like the fire carry-on bag created a compartment of an airplane, this is helpful letting them know you will need to get up to use the restroom a lot. there's a hot duffel bag, shoulder bag and five piece cube set on the bright side, the first items taco bell is oversold that stage where you put them more than an hour. so far they've got great reviews from everyone who attended donya's wedding.
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i love your bag. sorry, jokes on my own heart. topic number three. food technology company announcing plans to sell lab grown tiger stakes. from what i hear, they are great. the primeval food company says it's on a mission to make exotic rare meat. opposed to president biden on the mission to make meat exotic and rare. they grow meat by cloning tissues from wild animals, the hard part is getting them to blow their noses into the tissues in addition to siberian tigers, it comes a lion and cancer cells so basically a bunch of copycats. the plan is to sell exotic needs to michelin star restaurant so they can experience the taste of wild jungle animals but don't worry, normal folks can still enjoy wild cap meat going to brooklyn and ordering compound chicken. that's creative. topic four.
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college baseball pitcher has been kicked off team for violently attacking an opposing player during a game. they never should have had mike tyson as a pitching coast. this was in north texas after player game lead with a two run homer for the best way to give your team runs, taco bell. the pitcher lost his mind and charged the better tackling him to the ground with a grand body slam, the pitcher explained the batter made a g.i. jane joke. this violence was completely justified. not only was the pitcher punished but almost everyone on the team wouldn't sit for two games because they ran onto the field to defend their teammate so the lesson is, if your teammate is attacked, stay in the dugout and cower in shame also known as republican midterm strategy. there you go, fellows. we'll be right back. it's monday. mouth trumpet monday, i said it. by. ♪♪
7:56 pm
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7:57 pm
basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be?
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♪ ♪ kennedy: it is time for our trumpet monday. use the hashtag mouth trap monday. here we go. ♪ ♪ [laughter] kennedy: it's so bad. ♪ ken ken that was horrible.
8:00 pm
no one's going to get it. you can follow he on twitter and instagram. tomorrow night can't watch the show -- [inaudible] mike: hi, i'm mike rowe, and this episode e is all about the mendo and women of law enforcement. why? because personally, i don't think we hear enough stories aboutng the 800,000 cops in this country who show up every single day and do their jobs with diligence and excellence. we hear plenty of stories about a tiny fraction of a tiny percentage of bad cops who do bad things. and, obviously, we need to tell those stories because one bad cop is one too many. but if those are the only stories we tell, if those are


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