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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 24, 2020 5:00am-6:00am EST

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a pop. i'm jamie colby. thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance." and remember, you can't take it with you. ♪ [ cannon blasts ] . lou: good evening, everybody another major breakthrough in the fight to wipe out the china virus, uk drugmaker astrazeneca and the university of oxford announcing their vaccine up to 90% effective in preventing the virus, the astrazeneca becomes a third candidate with at least 90% efficacy since election day. the other two motor not in pfizer biontech which are very
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highly effective vaccines, president is doing good to eradicate the china virus and ahead of the operation warp speed saying the first americans to receive the vaccine may come before the year's end. >> our plan is to be able to shift vaccines to the immunization side so within 24 hours, i would expect maybe on day two after approval on the 11th or the 12th of december hopefully the first people will be immunized across united states across all states and all the areas where the state department will have told us where to deliver the vaccines. lou: you can see how happy everyone is over cnn, msnbc, the broadcast networks, the new york times, the washington post, all the presidents heroics and extraordinary achievement, to
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americans who desperately need them. despite the unprecedented efforts in fighting the global pandemic, he remains embroiled in a battle for the white house. president trump faces an obstinate resistance within its own polit party, a left-wing politically corrupt left led by the party of hate that will stop at nothing to remove him from office as they have persisted in trying for years to do. we will take up the presidents fight against our electoral fraud with the trump legal team rudy giuliani, judicial watch president tom fitton, former congressman jason chaffetz, arizona congressman paul cozaar, all with us here tonight. let's get the focus on electoral relay goodies in this presidential election focusing on dominion voting systems in their machine subject to
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security breaches and tampering, dominion has denied any claim of corruption and this weekend a d.c. public relations firm to do its mouthpiece work. michael steele a partner with hamilton play strategies denies any fraud connected with dominion. he sounded like an activist but i'm sure he was trying to get to the truth. >> i'm a conservative republican, i worked for the conservatives that elected officials for nearly 20 years. i think these allegations are not allegations against a minion voting assistance, there against our elected officials at the state and ♪ local level, bipartisan watchers, the very system that inspires the confidence that we have for the love of our country is under attack through these allegations and it's all or obligation to defend the truth of the democracy and that's what we are trying to do here.
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lou: love of country. i have to wait a minute and collect myself as we consider any of us who are occasionally applying critical judgment to our electoral system could be disavowing love of country. steele never did answer exactly who owns dominion, isn't that odd, the question was not asked either, claiming it was funded by american capitalist, not foreign investment, good old american company. assuming that north america because there headquartered in toronto. michael steel also identified as a conservative republican as you heard there. it is the very definition of rino, michael steel has worked as an advisor for the well-known conservative jeb bush, conservative as they come. he helped him in his presidential run but it turned
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out he did not have the energy to finish it off and he served as press secretary for former house speaker john and paul ryan when he was a president for vice president, conservatives one after another. and steele is a partner at the pr firm hamilton play strategies, a firm whose partners include specialists of nancy pelosi, former deputy press secretary george w. bush white house, one who held senior rolls in the bush, mccain and romney presidential campaigns and another who worked on al gore and howard short trolls con and all conservatives if you listen to mr. steele. not to mention directors of staffers of former craddick dem, tom harper's comedic asian director, that means a swamp had a complete and full grip on the
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firm at all times. we invited michael steel to join us on our broadcast for a friendly conversation, a discussion of the facts surrounding dominion because we know that those facts right now simply are not in the public arena. they declined our offer to make this happen for the first time. it would've been nice, right here on "lou dobbs tonight" but not tonight apparently. nobody has been more outspoken about the issues raised by dominion voting systems then attorney sidney powell, she has connections in foreign countries, claims that dominion's algorithm rated joe biden's votes more than president trump. we do not know the truth of the matter but that is her claim. yesterday the presidents legal team stated that powell is not a member of the trump legal team despite appearing with him at a press briefing last week, despite the president recognizing her as such, powell
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agreed with the trump legal team and released a statement clarifying what she has been trying to do all along. powell said this, i agree with the campaign statement that i am not part of the campaign's legal team, i never signed a retainer agreement resent the president were campaign a bill for my expenses or fees. my intent has always been to expose all the fraud i could find and let the chips fall where they may whether it be upon republicans or democrats. the evidence i'm compiling is overwhelming, the software tool was used to shift millions of votes from president trump and other republican candidates to biden and other democrat candidates. we are proceeding to prepare a lawsuit and plaintiff violate this week. it will be epic. now to the latest on the battle for the white house, georgia will begin a third recount tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m., even though it certified the results last friday.
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this recount will count every ballot through scanner instead of a hand recount. the machine will be checking a machine. if the results do change the final tally could be recertified or decertified. there are three active lawsuits in three other states by the trump campaign. in nevada a hearing is set for december 1 on a state lawsuit of electoral fraud, trump campaign attorneys are trying to move that date up. in michigan a lawsuit on blocking the election observers in being appealed to the state appellate court and in pennsylvania rudy giuliani trying to block to a federal appellate court that after obama judge rejected the lawsuit this weekend. fox news correspondent ryan and has more on the legal battle for the white house with new developments in pennsylvania.
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>> good evening, the trump campaign and republicans at this hour are attempting to block the certification of the election results of his pennsylvania but time is running out, today is the deadline for pennsylvania, 67 counties to certify their election results with the common wealth department of state. this morning the board of elections home to pittsburgh voted 2 - one to certify their election results, trump campaigns legal efforts in pennsylvania delivered a blow over federal judge matthew briand who tossed out the campaigns lawsuit that democratic counties allowed them to fix their mail ballots will republican counties did not, they sought to stop the certification of the result, the judge in an obama appointee and registered republican said he could not throw out 7 million pennsylvania votes because this court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative
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accusations unsupported by evidence. the trump campaign filed an emergency appeal with the third circuit, the campaign wants the judge to issue a temporary restraining order to stop the certification of pennsylvania's result while the appeals courts litigate the case. the campaign claims the judge misinterpreted them over the weekend. the campaign is not seeking to disenfranchise 6.8 million pennsylvanians. the campaign only seeks to aside the defective mail ballots among 1.5 million cast in the defendant counties. the second lawsuit was filed by a group of republicans in pennsylvania, they too are seeking an emergency action by the state court to block the certification of election results while there lawsuit makes its way through the legal process, all of that while the pennsylvania supreme court decided tonight that 12000 absentee ballots that missed
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information on their outer envelopes, like a date or a signature while the pennsylvania supreme court decided those ballots should all count. that was decided a couple of hours ago. lou: thank you very much, very interesting court in pennsylvania it does not seem to matter what the rules are, everything goes. thank you so much for being with us. in michigan state legislators hold a hearing into election irregularities this coming wednesday, fox news correspondent garrett tenney with the latest. >> that hearing is likely part of an ongoing investigation the gop controlled state legislator shortly after the election looking into allegations that the election process was mishandled. that process took another step forward just a few minutes ago when the state board of canvassers voted to certify the election results cementing joe biden's victory in the state, the board which is comprised of two democrats and two
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republicans voted to certify 3 s not in favor of certification and had concerns about the tracking and recording of votes in wayne county voted to have stayed, the other said the board does not have any authority to investigate claims of fraud and had no choice but to certify, the fight over michigan does not stop here, for weeks the trump campaign and the gop have called for an audit or recount but state law does not allow that to happen until the results are certified. at this point they can make a formal request for those to happen, it is important to note that even among those who have been raising concerns about the election process in michigan, they have said the number of votes affected will likely not be enough to have any kind of impact on the outcome, what is important to them is the integrity of the process going forward. lou: thank you so much garrett tenney reporting.
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coming up next, more on the presidents fight for free and fair election, the president's lead attorney rudy giuliani joins us next, stay with us for coming back with much, much more on the battle for the white house. did you know that geico's whole 15 minutes thing... that came from me. really. my first idea was "in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower... over you. figuratively speaking." but that's not catchy, is it? that's not going to swim about in your brain. so i thought, what about... 15 minutes. 15 percent. serendipity. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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fireman? says "hose". -it says "horse"! not a hose! cedric! get over here! now our people can collaborate across silos, from across the globe. so how's the new place? it's a 4 bed, 2.5 bath igloo... it's great! yeah, but you have to live in the south pole. sir... -wait, are you sure? yes, we're that productive now. you hear that?! the kids get twice the presents! about time 2020 gave us some good news. whatever your business is facing... let's workflow it. servicenow.
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lou: of wall street raleigh, the
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dow jones industrial 28 points, the nasdaq and 26, volume in the big board picking up 5.1 billion shares, the market delighted with three vaccines moving to market, crude oil 42.92 a barrel and listen to my reports three times a day on the salem radio network. breaking news, michigan never disappoints, michigan's radical dems attorney general dana nestle looking into possible legal action against two republicanal state lawmakers who met with president trump last week. according to the reporting of theru washington post nestle is conferring with election law experts on whether officials may have violated any state laws prohibiting them from engaging in bribery, perjury and conspiracy, the attorney general is not an exactly an expert, first you have probable cause at
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those crimes. this despite the republican lawmakers saying they're not aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election, we asked the attorney general's office what isy the doing considering legal action, the office told us it cannot councomment on pending investign taken a page out of the fbi's book and political corruption it appears pre-joining us from washington, d.c., rudy giuliani president trump's personal attorney, former mayor of new york city, federalcu prosecutor, great american. great to have you on the broadcast. let's start with the attorney general in michigan deciding to go after two state legislators who met with the president. they are tough people in michigan, theig radical dems. >> were they wearing masks or innot wearing masks, maybe didnt cover the news, i'm not sure. the attorney general in michigan is missing the fact that 100,000
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ballots were brought in at 430 in the morning in detroit in trucks that look liken garbage trucks and garbage pails, all those ballots were counted for biden but no republican around. we have something called witnesses that could testify under oath but i guess the michigan attorne attorney generl doesn't like witnesses to oath the things that are damaging to the democrats, what a phony, total phony. what happened in detroit can only be described as the worst fraud i've ever seen carried out deliberately by the hack, democrat wicked party of detroit. of all the both 140, 150, 300%, how you can have 400%e all the votes without having fraud in the attorney general does not care about that because he does
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not care about democrats stealing the election. lou: is seems to be a broad theme, you would think it would be a bipartisan issue, electoral integrity, you think the democrats will be just as excited -- cricket, who knew they were so crooked in michigan, pennsylvania. the fact is we were not prepared for the selection it appears because some people are getting surprised by what were witnessing in philadelphia, detroit, chicago will be the next surprise. the question i have, now that we've been watching you pursue electoral fraud through the mail and ballots, electoral fraud through the software in the claims about dominion, a break with sidney powell over the weekend, what is behind that and
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what is the motive, the reason for the split between powell and giuliani at all. >> i think it's because were different theories, our theory of the case to get to the supreme court now in four places in soon going to be and to others in an overall lawsuit, is basically misconduct of the election by state officials in at least five or six different states in which the misconduct of the election involves deprivation of constitutional rights for the president. for example in one part of the state, you can fix the ballot, democrat, other part you cannot fix about, one part of the state the ballots were examined, another part of the state they did not care if the ballots were examined. in pennsylvania there are
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680,000 unexamined ballots that virtually were put in secretly by democrats alone. that is outrageous. that is misconduct of the election, elections are supposed to be conducted under the laws passed by the legislature and in fact they made a mockery of it in pennsylvania. the only place it may be worseig is michigan in particular the city of detroit, the city of detroit probably had more voters and citizens, i'm exaggerating a bit but all you have to do is look at the statistical data and you can see the fraud was rampant and out of control, what happened this time, we had these mail ballots that was part of the plan, they always treated somewhat with absentee ballots but for example they only hadye 450 absentee ballots four years ago in pennsylvania, this time in 2.6 million, that's like letting a couple of thieves free all night. the expert voter fraud people,
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you've got to say that pittsburgh and philadelphia and detroit had a great expertise in voter fraud, this is the first election they have stolen, this time they had massive ballots to do a it with and we have eviden, the evidence has been presented in the media lies that we have no evidence, there too lazy to read the 100 affidavits on the public record from american citizens. lou: i think we should not in any way this march the national left-wing media by calling them lazy, i think you and i both know they are politically corrupt and aligned to their corporate ownership with the establishment that means to carry out its will even in an election in which 74 million people cast votes apparently not
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knowing that the polls had told them going into it, suppression poles as it turned out the president points out. here we are three weeks tomorrow from the election, we are moving toward the dates of the eighth of december and the 14th of december, how much flexibility do you have and how urgent are those deadlines that approach? >> deadlines are urgent, no question about it, there isn't a lot of time but there is time and the fact is the facts are there, we just need to get them before a court that will be fair and listen to them. the court in pennsylvania cut it off without listening to a single fact, i don't know how the judge could've concluded that the facts are not substantial when they haven't even been presented yet, on a
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motion to dismiss they need to consider that. unfortunately we haven't yet gotten a fair decision. we will, we have to be a little patient, one fair decision and one good hearing and this will turn around. lou: rudy giuliani in charge of making sure that happens. we appreciate your time rudy giuliani, thank you for being with us. come back soon please. up next michael bloomberg, george soros, they are involved in the georgia senate runoff, we will take that up with tom fitton, stay with us about all the big money flowing into the state of georgia over to senatorial runoff elections. this is decision tech. find a stock based on your interests or what's trending. get real-time insights in your customized view of the market.
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♪ ♪ lou: george so process and
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lou: george sorrows and michael bloomberg pouring big money, they don't know any other kind of money, big money into the georgia senate runoff races, the black pack which is working to get black voters to the polls has received one and a half million dollars from the george sewer pack in more than 6 million from bloomberg, the black pack has raised almost 24 million this year and they mean for that money to work. joining us now from washington tom fitton, the president of judicial watch and great to have otyou with us, it is not often u hear of to senatorial race is in the same state to runoff senatorial elections of the same state in this much money pouring in to the one state, your thoughts about the external money frombo all quarters pourig into the estate, not just sorrels or bloomberg. >> not nearly as much of the
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left needs to spend, thick one big stories is how ineffectual the big left money has been in determining election outcomes, they failed in their efforts to overtake state legislatures, they barely kept control of the house and as were talking about now the senate is up for grab. this is why the great depression is so important where big tech is come in turn suppressing conservatives, they reckoned as they are losing when they're engaged in regular election hearing so they have to cheat, they are cheating by suppressing us online, they are cheating by using big media to suppress and sensor stories or otherwise keep quiet about corruption on their side of the philosophical divide but in the meantime if they were able too compete fairly they would not need to cheat.
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lou: would've, could've, should've, they are cheating, they're spending a lot of money and republicans never do that, that is awful unfair. the republicans have become a whiny party, it's like they didn't pay attention to what the democrats did in 2018 when they cheated, what they did to this president for over four years, they were carrying out a campaign of persecution against his president, baseles baselessd in the weaning days as we approach of the electors reading the 14th of december, the republicans are complaining about money going into georgia, the republicans are complaining about the fact that the supreme court of pennsylvania has five democrats tonc only two republicans on the bench, what
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in the hell, you listen to their attorneys and they sound like they're supplicants going before the judges saying please listen to her story, listen to the evidence. they are not demanding more from a damney thing, there in front f the judges, what in the t hell s happened to the republican party. we know what the democrats are, the party of hate, they will do everything they can to win, what the hell is the republican party, can you define in one sentence? >> to a degree it's an ongoing concern is because of one man, president trump who is motivated tens of millions of activists and voters quite obviously, it's not because any leadership from congress, you don't have to be a liberal or conservative to draw
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the conclusion and what's been so troubling to me headed judicial watch, seeing the government corruption by the republican clan in washington, d.c., they committed to impeachment in president trump, you would've thought that never would've happened and now you giuliani layout the massive violations of civil rights in pennsylvania and michigan targeting the people that please people in office, this is a massive civil rights attack on american citizens and if the courts do not want tor hear it. lou: and america. >> that is true, they're tellinr every american, your vote does not matter, we will re-get ifac necessary in various states. if i have went out to georgia, senator loeffler and purdue should say if things come down to it in january 6 when we get to certify this electoral college vote, we will raise questions, we will object to an election slate, electoral college state that comes out of a dirty election in pennsylvania. we will object that comes out of a dirty election in a chicken or wisconsin. lou: tom.
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>> it could result changing the outcome of the election as the left wanted to happen as opposed to what legal voters want. no leadership, nothing will ever get done. lou: there's only one leader in the republican party and his name is trump. by the way, i just imagine what this country is going to be without a whining complaining set of rinos senators on capitol hill. what will we do for the greek chorus, it is pathetic what were watching in the american people are seeing this, this president, it is his party for now and i think for decades to come. he is the only republican who is shown the guts and the brains and the principal to actually lead and that has scared the living hell out of the entire establishment in both political
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parties if truth be told and we are telling the truth, tom fitton, great to see you then. thank you so much. up next where is the republican party in its defense of the interim president as the little rinos, the cute rinos, they are telling the president to back down to an electoral fraud, it's just an election, what the hell, what's the problem with this president, he wants integrity, he wants votes to count. we will take it up with former congressman jason cha some hot cocoa?
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lou: breaking news, joe biden refuses to answer top questions and seems to be annoyed when someone asked him any kind of question. --tch how biden responds to cbs bowe erickson's question about children going back to school as the media is being pushed out of the room. here it is. >> mr. biden, the covid task force said it safer for students to be in class, or you can encourage unions to cooperate to bring their kids back to classrooms? >> let's go, out. lou: out, out. the national media may be
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getting some of the respect they deserve, also breaking tonight president trump continuing his fight against electoral fraud and receiving almost no help from the rinos who benefited from the presidency in support in the recent election, north dakota senator kevin cramer said it's past time for the president to begin a transition of power. take a look, senator pat toomey of pennsylvania, they called the president to unify the nation and begin a transition, it sounds very senatorial doesn't it. look at those two, look at those two, yami two. former congressman and former chairman of the house oversight committee is done under none other than jason chaffetz, fox business contributor and great american, jason chaffetz, tell me when you look at senator cramer and senator toomey, do
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you hear a hallelujah chorus in a righteous bugle as you go to political combat, those would be the guys when they? >> i was thinking of the mormon choir, they come marching in, those of b the two. , i do think that team biden can start through their process through the gsa, i think that is important, there's a reason why we go through this process, why states have not certified them, the why the electoral college has not gathered, you don't get deemed to be the president based on nbc nightly news, you get it done through a process in the president is exercising his right to go to court to challenge these results, that's as american as it gets, he's doing it the right and proper way in a respectful way. lou: good for you, it's not only
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his right, it's his responsibility, 74 million americans voted for the man and everybody who voted for him has a lot of questions, maybe the people who did not vote for him don't. but they do and the truth is we don't know a lot about the election yet, we did hear from dominion about who owns the company that has so many pieces of software and machinery involved in the selection and lots of questions but i don't even hear a reporter say who does own you mr. and mrs. dominion whoever the spokesperson is, why don't we know who owns you, why don't we know what your software does and how it does it and whether these algorithms are actually having an effect, how do you get into decimal out of an election when there are only truly two
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candidates and every candidate gets hold votes, this is bizarre stuff, don't you think somebody should be asking those questio questions. >> back to what hillary clinton said, was hillary clinton that said never ever concede, never ever give up no matter what happens. then donald trump does something like that and suddenly the world is coming unglued and he's going to get g criticized. i do think it was incumbent upon republicans and democrats, election officials to go through this exerciseit with dominion ad others before the election, i don't know why they could've highlighted this and said this is going to be the problem before the election, i think that would've been better but there are new technologies like block chain technology and other ways to go through this process but i think they should answer tough questions, what should we be afraid of, what might the
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answer be? lou: why a y are these democrats so overwhelmed with desperate urgency to wrap this thing up well before the deadline set for the electors to have their votes counted, why are they so anxio anxious. we were talking about in 2000, that did not get wrapped up until december 12 and were a ways away from that. we could be even farther away from it, we could be ended january without any problem at all. this is really very suspicious, what is it they don't want the americant people to know besides the fact that we have three election companies that we don't know who owns them, we don't know where their servers are located and we don't know how their accounting and we don't know why they're destroying ballots that they just processed
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just now. couldn't they find a place in the cloud to hang onto that so there wouldn't be any concern. this looks really, really bad and by the way what happened to william barr and john durham in the investigations, there is so many unanswered questions because we know there are a lot of politically corrupt actors who have been involved in our headlines for a very long time who have suddenly disappeared. >> were gonna need another hour, i cannot answer all those questions in a quick timeframe. the bottom line they all hate donald trump, they hate donald trump fundamentally, he fundamentally changed america and he did so for ther better. lou: absolutely. it looks like he has a real shot at continuing to make america
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even greater, jason chaffetz, thank you for being with us, we appreciated as always and will use up the better part of the next hour, i assure you on those questions. up next president trump's hispanic supporters say history is repeating itself as the left ist continuing to try that out the president. one of the defenders is congressman who joins us next on the epic battle for the white house. please stay with us. ♪
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♪ ♪ lou: joining us lou: joining us now congressman paul go start in turn entered of the oversight committee and a
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great american, it is great to have you with us. i want to start with first dominion, they are attracting a lot of attention and i haven't found anybody yet who knows who owns the company. they have quite a presence in arizona over the election, have you ever heard anybody talk about who owns them? >> we were trying but it is interesting that even the senate last year and a subcommittee reviewed the election and called them 100% corrupt, 100% corrupt, and we got all these senators lining up, displacing the president, it is sad, it is interesting that this software is in phoenix and maricopa county and also in las vegas where a lot of the corruption shows was happening.
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lou: let's take a look at the relationship between dominion and the swamp itself, few can put up the full screen, it is interesting to see dominion donated 25 - $50000 to the clinton foundation and had a 2.2 million dollar contract with the clinton foundation, hired nancy pelosi's former chief of staff, employees jeb bush, paul ryan, michael steel, contracts with them. theoes on, it really does, state of texas would not have anything to do with dominion and it's surprising to see any secretary of state anywhere in the country would given the track record that they are building for themselves right now, the split in the vote and maricopa county was 2%, 50 - 48 in favor of the vice president. what do you think accounts for
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that for that merging, this is a guide that would not leave hiso, basement to campaign. >> absolutely when you sellly ts president drawing crowds right and left, people coming from all over to see him. when you look at it, something is off, i'll give you two races, to state senate races that they outperform the president by 10000 votes and 7000 votes, when it was the president they stopped him across the finish line, that is absurd, when you look at the numbers, they just do notey match up, they do not match up and were seen these algorithms and changes president trump's votes to biden votes, that's why we asked to look manually at each of those ballots and tally the recipient
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aiof that vote and compare agait the machine because it is randomly jumping and changing. lou: congressman, these are questions that we still have, we need answers and i think 74 million americans deserve emuch more time than the left wants to give them to get those answers. i happen to be one that remains optimistic that we will get those answers and that's why the left is getting very, very anxious and impatient with then. president. congressman paul gosar come back soon. i am sorry paul, we apparently lost him, we will bring back paul very quickly if you would. we are going to have to take it
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6:00 am
the national bestseller the trump century, how our president change the course of history for everett lou dobbs please notice tomorrow and find out whether sidney pal will be accompanied by, crack it is dagen: good morning, i'm dagen mcdowell, in for mother maria bartiromo. a transition begins, president trump says that the general service administration can go ahead and start joe biden's formal transition into the next administration. however, the president says the fight to expose dominion voting systems is not over. meantime, biden makes his picks. we'll look at who will fill out in part biden's cabinet, including former federal reserve chief, janet yellen as treasury of secretary. coming up, retired four star general jack


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