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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  April 10, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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have and be of the world in terms of ventilators, germany would like some, france would like some, we will help countries out, spain needs him desperately, italy needs them desperately, mexico needs him desperately, he asked me last night would be possible to get 10000 ventilators and within a short period of time i'll be able to help out mexico, just the opposite of your question, it is not no, no, no, it's yes, yes, yes. we are in great shape. what is happening now is the numbers are horrible but take a look at the number of beds, we have beds available all over new york, new york been the epicenter. new york has experienced something that has been absolutely horrific. i saw those people being buried yesterday, fortunately we have the beds and you can speak to mary de blasio and governor cuomo, people cannot even
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believe the job that we have done. they cannot even believe it. i give tremendous credit to the military, there's been a military operation with private people, wait a minute. i give tremendous credit to our military, the army corps of engineers, fema, these people, the job that they have done is incredible. and you should not be asking that kind of a question. jim honestly -- i really don't believe you're that bad. you should not be asking that kind of a question. you should say, you know what, it is been really incredible what has been happening. jim, nobody is asking, what governor, let me ask you this. what governor, we have more test than anybody in the world -- we have virtually every country in the world calling us, asking us, how do we get these tests that you have, your testing is the best in the world, how do we get it, they've done a fantastic job and when you ask a question like
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that it's very insulting to a lot of great people. one more. >> you may have seen how sweden has responded to the pandemic, the schools are open, bars and restaurants are open. >> suite it is different. >> regret not following that approach. >> if we did follow that approach i think we might have 2 million people dead. and sweden is having a lot of difficulty. i'm very friendly with the leadership in sweden, they took a different approach. they are very disciplined country to start off with but they took a different and other places trident, the u tried it. and you saw what happened in the uk, is set them back a lot. a lot of time, their having a tough time, other countries have tried it and sweden is suffering greatly, sweden is suffering greatly and if we went with the herd as they say, we would have
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potentially, nobody knows fortunately because we are going to be substantially less than the minimum unless something happens that would be tragic. we had a minimum number if we did, one of the reasons we are so far below the number because nobody thought the american people could be so disciplined. nobody thought it was possible. and i guess when they watched us appear everyday and they listen to the representatives and governors, nobody thought that the american people can be so disciplined. they have been unbelievable. and because of that, you've a minimum number of 100,000 and then you have 2.2 number that if it did nothing, if we kept working and everybody kept dropping dead on the subway, no, if we would've lost a million people, take the 2.2 million and cut in half, cut in more than
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half, making 1 million people. now take that number and cut in half, making 500,000 people, that's what we did nothing. it's unacceptable. >> that's too many people. we spent more money on stimulus. who cares by comparison you take to point to any cut in half and cut in half and if you keep cutting in half, i don't care what number you choose. 500,000, 400,000, we are going to have 50, 60, 65 maybe but what we have entered would've done what one country tried and it's been very tough for them. very, very nasty, very tough. but if we would've done that here and you have to remember the uk trident. i was a little surprised and they were going about two weeks and they said we have to stop because it was going to have a whole country infected.
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so when all that being said we have to get back to work, we have to get her country open, we could've lost a million people, we could've lost 1 million people, we could've lost a half a million people. if we would've lost 500,000 people, i'll say this also, from the same point being president and vice president, we are doing the herd and we will bullet through it, do you honestly think people like tim and yourself and other people, jeff, would've put up with it as people are dying all over the place, they would've said this man is crazy. because the numbers at a minimum would've been many, many times greater than the numbers we are talking about. so i'm very honored by our decision, all of us, we talk about all the time. i said do you want to let them -- you just write it right through. we would a loss potentially millions of people. it would've been unsustainable,
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it would've been impossible to do. in the american people have been so disciplined, it is been my honor to be the president. i've said it before, i'll say it again, it's been my great honor to have been the president and i have a big decision coming up and i only hope to god that it's a right decision. it will be based on the input from a very long untalented and smart people and people that love our country. thank you all very much. thank you. >> president trump wrapping up a lengthy reaping from the white house went on for over two hours with his coronavirus task force members on hand, a number of other issues discussed the task force talked about the fact that they are finally starting to see encouraging data on the medical side coming out of metropolitan areas, new york included around
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the united states, the president talked in length to reopen the economy, he said he will listen to the health experts if they tell them that it may first date does not work out there and is open to shutting the country down if the coronavirus cases were to spike in the united states. with that, good to see lauren, i'm connell mcshane. >> hi connell, i am lawrence and amenity and from melissa rinses, this is "after the bell". like berman with the latest from the white house and edward lawrence in washington, let's start with blake. good to see you. >> good to see you both as we heard the president talk for more than two hours, one of the themes throughout the president's press conference that there will be no bigger but decision that he will have to make in the decision at the end of the month whether or not to reopen the economy, essentially reopen the country or not. the ending by saying i only hope
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to god it is the right decision. we have heard from the president over the last week or so, his inclination that he wants to see this economy up and running again, it could happen sooner or rather than later. the present was asked if the health experts tell you otherwise. this was his response. >> i will certainly listen. >> to take that advice. >> i understand the other side of the argument very well because i look at both sides of an argument. i will listen to them very carefully. connell: the president was asked if he would vouch for shutting down the country again should there be another outbreak that occurs after the reopening, the president seemed open to that possibility. >> depending on outbreak, yeah. it's happened is you know in a couple of countries, you know what i'm doing, i'm watching
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other countries in many cases they are ahead of us from the standpoint that it hit them first. and i'm watching what's happening with respect to certain other countries. >> there has been discussion as to whether or not he would have an economic task force to help them along and make that decision, parallel task force to the health group we have seen on the president side over the last handful of weeks. instead the president said he will have what he is calling in opening our country counsel and thinking he will make that official announcement who is sitting on the council on tuesday, he says not only would be members of the business community but doctors on that counsel along with governors and mayors as well to given input to help them out with what he says will be the biggest decision he will ever have to make. back to you. lauren: if it's bipartisan the president said i did not even think to ask that.
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like berman, thank you, have a good easter and we can. it's good edward lawrence with the latest details on the small business loans and the backbone of our country is getting the help that we need. >> senator chuck schumer saying he could see a deal to add $250 billion to the payroll protection program by early next week, small businesses needing a little frustrated with the big banks, they've accepted applications but not yet processed through them, seven days into the program, the community banks have been leading the way, take a look at the numbers, $160 billion has processed through and were talking about 630,000 small businesses getting these loans. the businesses employed 15.3 million people who were to possibly lost their jobs without the program, that is 10% of the u.s. workforce getting paid by
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these possibly forgivable loans. the president saying there's added with other stimulus will work. >> the money is getting now, the applications are far beyond what we ever anticipated. and that's why we are going -- this is one that goes essentially to the workers. we want the businesses to hold onto their workers. >> the president of the cleveland federal reserve said today that we need to bridge, we need an economic bridge like the payroll protection program to make sure the economic rebound will be robust, she said the economic fundamental is going into this were solid and the foundation is still there when the economy opens up. she says the need to expand fiscal and monetary policy help, on that front the senior treasury official telling me monday or tuesday the first direct deposit checks will go directly into eligible americans bank accounts, the first checks being made to that direct stimulus, the actual paper checks will be the week of apri.
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back to you. lauren: thank you very much. connell: let's go to steve forbes for some analysis of all of us, forbes media chairman, i guess we learned for one thing that the president is certainly not taking advice from the wall street journal editorial board or anyone else for that matter in the link the briefings, we decided to our reaping from the white house, one thing that blake brought this up, he is talked about announcing the council if the open of the country counsel on tuesday and business leaders, medical leaders to come up with a plan for how we reopen. what are your thoughts, have you been approached personally by the white house to take part? >> no, but i have not been shy about giving my thoughts on how we get this economy reunited and get out of this terrible contraption that were in and one of the things that i hope they will consider is suspending the idea that has been around for one year, the payroll tax which
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is 15% of workers salary so you're making $46000 a year, suspended for a year, that's $3000 for workers and that increases take-home pay immediately tax-free, it reduces the cost of labor for businesses which can be very important getting people back to work from these horrific numbers you are seeing now in increasing on appointment. connell: i think the president supports that personally from the last few days. >> he needs to get that done. connell: maybe they will next week when they start talking about it. in terms of timing, they may first date has been thrown around as maybe we start to get going, how do you think it should be structured, it seems to be your mindset for risk would come into play, whether you think the risk is opening up too soon or the risk economically is staying close for too long, which is a bigger risk as you see it. >> one of the huge risks is what's happening to people, not
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getting the care that they need because the focus on this terrible disease and what is happening in terms of psychology and the likes, suicide and the like, it's not just the economics and in terms of the economy the key thing is when we start to reopen, they have to do it in a way, this is why we need much more testing than what were doing now so we can make informed decisions, it may mean in the new york, new jersey area that we might still be in something of a lockdown and other parts of the country will be able to do more. they have to have the data to make these informed decisions, it will not do is be a blanket thing all or nothing. connell: governor cuomo talked about that today, it's interesting because we got hit the hardest, our curve now in new york as a funds, we hope things get turned around, but if you do not have the data and we have attesting official on yesterday the developed antibody test, they have the test but in terms of ramping it up do we need more governor enter government involvement in terms of ramping up the test because
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there could be a lot of people sitting around in your area that have been exposed but maybe do not know it. >> that's where the government can play a good role and for example we know abbott has a fantastic test, 5 - 15 minutes to find out if you have the thing, abbott should be licensee not to other manufacturers to ramp up production. there are other things that can be done to ramp up the testing, were doing 150,000 test today and experts tell us we should do 500, 600,000 test today to get the data that we need to know how we can open up the economy, open up america without a resurgence of this terrible disease. the disease will be out there, this is where the corona hydroxs so important in these kinds of treatments, people know you can get a three-day treatment, that is also going to help the psychology of the country, france had a test coming out yesterday of over 1000 patients and over 90% success rate done
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by experts, recognized around the root. they are promising things out there even though if they get the terrible disease they can be detected immediately and have a treatment that is very effective fast. connell: testing, testing, testing. always great to have you insight. you join us a lot of times on a friday, good to see her. thank you. lauren: more than 1.65 million coronavirus cases worldwide, 486,000 of them right here in the united states, that number doubling in one weeks time which is more than 80% of all u.s. coronavirus deaths happening in the last ten days, will have the latest on the pandemic, this hour in the small businesses fighting right now to stay afloat. plus new york under pressure, the state has more coronavirus cases then any country outside the united states. the state has more than any country in hospitals continue to face a shortage of supplies,
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connell: we have evidence that the curb in new york may be
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flattening, we've seen the last few days, the number of covid-19 patients in icu dropped for the very first time since the outbreak began, you see steps like that but the governor of the state issued a new warning today and you can hear about all of this from david lee miller who is at mount sinai hospital in new york. >> new york is flattening the curve, that is the word from new york governor andrew cuomo at his daily briefing earlier today, he said the hospitalization statewide has showing what he termed a dramatic decline for the first time since the crisis began, there are fewer people in intensive care and he says social distancing is making a difference, he said that new york state continues to lose a tremendous number of lives in a span of 24 hours, 777 people died from the virus and down slightly from the previous state. the governor said antibody testing to determine who had the virus and recovered is crucial to getting back to work in restoring the economy, he o args
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state government can do the job on the scale necessary without the help of the federal government and he warned trying to get back to business as usual too soon could result in a second wave similar to what happened in other countries. >> hong kong appeared to have the virus under control, they let his guard down, the virus came back. hong kong reported the biggest rising cases and a new wave of infections. >> here at mount sinai hospital, doctors are trying to experimental programs to save lives, some of the most seriously ill coronavirus patients receiving blood plasma for people who have recovered, test of an existing treatment that have been successful in treating a number of diseases, they say they expected no if this therapy is working here in two weeks time. lastly, most of the coronavirus cases including the vitali's are here in new york city, today in good friday the city in many
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ways is a ghost town, many streets deserted, underscoring how quiet the city is, the mta and the metropolitan transit authority's reporting that subway ridership which is normally jammed is now down to 7% capacity. back to you. connell: 7% capacity. david lee miller live from the streets of manhattan once again for us. >> a test that can determine the course of reopening our economy, stanford university developing a serologic test that detects coronavirus antibodies and an individual. let's bring in doctor lloyd, stanford university school of medicine dean, thank you for coming on. we just heard from our reporter david lee miller that was outside mount sinai hospital in new york city where they are using antibody from patients who have recovered and giving that
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to severely ill patients and are you developing a similar test, if so, how effective has it been. >> thank you lauren, it's good to be with you, we have validated and implemented a test to identify antibodies associated with exposure to or infection with the virus that causes covid-19. that test is being rolled out here initially to healthcare workers, will be expanded and it's one of the components that we need to make the decision or to inform the decision about when policymakers can release the shelter in place or reduce the shelter in place or commendation and start getting people back to work. it's also very important as you pointed out in identifying potential donors for that convalescent serum that can be used to treat severely ill patients from the coronavirus
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infection. >> i'm asking about the accuracy because in south korea we are seeing cases reactivate, essentially someone recovered, they tested negative and then they tested positive for covid-19 again. what is the potential of that actually happening, what do we know and not know about the virus. >> there is more that we don't know that we do know at this point. and you make a very important point that the presence of antibodies does not mean necessarily that there's immunity, the presence of antibodies means there's been an immune response to the virus that is to whether or not they immune response in the antibody response is powerful enough to combat the infection or prevented, that is something that will be determined in the studies that will determine that will also be ongoing along with the work that is being done to make antibody testing more
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broadly available than it is today. lauren: so far we tested 2.1 million americans, 2.1 million, less than 1% of the u.s. population, there is a debate between your governor, the epicenter of coronavirus in the u.s. and the president of the united states, cuomo says test test test but the president says i don't think we need massive testing. where do you stand. >> there are two components of testing, one testing done to identify the virus and to identify people who are infected. the other is a testing done to identify an immune response to the virus, those are the antibody test. in both cases, i think we will need more testing moving forward and we are seeing already evidence that that testing is becoming more widely available but what will be important when policymakers do make the recommendations that they sheltered in place guidelines can be relaxed and people in
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some circumstances can return to work environment, social distancing can be relaxed, those decisions have to be informed by the prevalence of the virus in the community and by the prevalence of an immune response of people in the community. both components are going to be important to inform the policymaking decisions moving forward. >> thank you for everything that you are doing. connell: we know millions of people are staying inside and i'll say one effect to that, we see business booming at the home improvement retails around the country. we will check in there next. ♪ isn't just a department.
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connell: so many americans are forced to stay in their homes these days and coming up with ways to pass the time, there is
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a survey out this is more than 30% have turned to a home improvement project. i can tell you jeff, i am firmly anyone of my family will come from this that 70% camp, we do not know this was an option to fix up the home. >> i kind of am, when you get old you figure out how to do things, you are too young for that, you should get somebody to do it for you, look at all these other people out here are thinking the same thing, there is apparently a boom going on based on the numbers you cited of people engaging in homes repair and improvement projects, these are not contractors, of course there is a line because in part they are limiting the number of anyone people in the start the one time. is not just home depot, i got pictures i have another one called minard's, it's in the midwest, also packed, their
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disinfecting the carts and all that sort of thing but the people are coming, doing projects, stuck around their homes, maybe looking at the house that needs painting, a room that needs bursting up and there died in writing, were talking to the man of the ceo, bill dorsey with his take. >> i think people investing in items, projects and the homelike painting or looking towards a dy eye or remodel gives them a sense of control over their environment in a society that we do not feel like we have a lot of control over. >> i only cautioned about that if you think you have control over home-improvement project, i can speak from some experience, we have some pictures, i'm one of the ones who decided to dive incoming of downtime and around the house all the time, let's go ahead and demolish the kitchen that i know that needs updating. so i dove in on that and the only thing is you think you have
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control but maybe you don't have any more control of your home improvement project of the coronavirus situation right now. bill darcy does say that he thinks is possible he will start a dyi project is that people will have to go back to work and then you have to call up a pro that can help the economy recover as well. connell: that's a glass half full, especially demolition a lot of us can handle about putting it back together could be -- >> we will check back in. thank you jeff, always great. lauren: was at his kitchen we were looking at, how is he eating right now. that's what i want to know. coming up a crisis, will be talking to small business owners
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stuck in limbo awaiting emergency relief, that is next plus finding ways to celebrate amid the pandemic holiday are moving online like everything else and some are attracting pretty big talent and take a look at this. more than 100 landmarks across new york were honoring healthcare professionals, first responders and other essential workers on the front line, the tribute will continue every thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern, how beautiful, we'll be right back. ♪ did you know that feeling sluggish or weighed down
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connell: we want to talk more about small businesses who have been hit hard by the pandemic, a story we've been tried to stand top of as much as we can, it's been one week since applications for the paycheck protection program opened up and we had a number of small business owners telling us that they had some problems with the program and some other issues that have developed as well, we welcome to the show today chris and andrew who own their own small business, they have a terrific coffee shop in new jersey and it's great to see both of you and i want to talk about some of the issues everybody's had with applying for loans but tell me about your shop and how you been able to work through this period of time. how are things going. >> things are definitely a little bit slower than they normally are. you go from bringing in a few thousand dollars a day to a few hundred dollars a day, that's
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enough to give any small business owner a little bit of a heart attack. connell: you did stay open, young people taking take-out? how are you working on. >> we had to close our doors unfortunately so the shop is not running but we are doing online orders, we have all of our coffee and tea going out the door but only by online orders and delivery. however, it is been really nice because a lot of people have been sharing our page and sharing your story that way, we had a much bigger social media presence and we never had and we have a long lin line of online orders, it's been very small light they were holding onto. connell: maybe that will help you on the other side when everything gets back to normal and more people will know about you. as chris says to be serious, you
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go for making all that money to not making or not making hardly any money at all, what steps have you taken, as i said a moment ago, we talked a lot, we talked to a different small business owner on the show and they seem to be having one issue or another and trying to get a loner going to the application process, what is your experience been like train to get some help. >> think fully between my financial advisor that we have in my accountant, they have been incredibly helpful because when it comes to numbers, i don't really know a whole lot about them, they have been incredibly helpful in gathering all the information that we need, helping us gather the paperwork, think fully when it came to applying we have not run into any kind of issue yet, the only issue were running into is now waiting to see if anyone is going to say yes and how long is it going to take for any kind of fund to actually make it to us, that waiting game. connell: you don't have the money yet? >> no.
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>> unfortunately. connell: did they tell you anything. >> nothing yet. very uncomfortable place to be in. i will not lie. unfortunately we had to close their doors without any answers. we had to work faster than the virus and now we have a waiting game of figuring out whether or not we will be financially stable after all of this. connell: so many people, keep us up-to-date if you can, were trying to track the stories as we can to bring light to them and hope that they get their act together on the government side as a small business administration in the banking side, we understand it's a tough process, a lot of demand and a lot of loans to get these things processed the way that they promised that they would which is within a few hours, clearly that is not happening but listen hopefully pretty soon we can come down and have a good cup of coffee, hang in there and i hope you get there. >> will have the hot and ready for you.
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connell: i appreciate that. lauren: more than 10% of the american workforce is now unemployed due to closures brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, millions of people trying to find their way and make ends meet, ryan spoke to some who lost their jobs about the challenges they now face as they tried to apply for benefits and brian we heard from small business owners, this is not easy, very time-consuming, what have you heard. >> that's exactly right, this is exactly why you guys have been trying to do, put a face to all these numbers that we have been seen. millions of americans are struggling and when you talk to food banks across the country, they will tell you they are serving more mills than they ever have, here in manhattan, we were there, they are serving twofold the meals that they normally do because people are trying to put food on the table. it is not just workers, small business owners like zach, e he
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owns fibers in north carolina, he is on a plane for the first time in his life, he's worried about his family and 80 plus of his employees, he apply for federal relief but he has not heard back yet, the paycheck protection program is 75% to pay for his employees but it does not leave enough to cover his business expenses, nor for his own personal expenses and he talked about how he is concerned about taking out federal loans. >> the thing that scares me, we are building up more and more debt and getting ourselves into a bigger hole and we have no control over the situation, we did not bring this on ourselves, we are stuck and when we finally are out of this quarantine, i'm not sure how much money it will take to restart our business. >> then we spoke to stephanie, hairstylist in illinois, she's been unable to apply for employment benefits because the state system is not set up for self-employed people. she is also pregnant and due in
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july. >> i know a lot of my hairdresser friends have gone on in applied, me included and when we put in my information it comes back and says, the amount is 0, i don't get paid maternity leave so i am saving now so i can afford my maternity leave, i don't know if i will get maternity leave. >> jenna is an actor and unemployed, she played lady magdalene in the traveling tour of the 50th anniversary of jesus christ superstar. >> a lot of our subscribers are in the 50, 60, 70 range and these smaller theaters or smaller budgeted shows will never see the light of day, that is hundreds of jobs, that is years of people's lives pouring their heart and soul into making this material that we will never see that come to for wishon.
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>> lauren in new york city broadway theaters on schedule to open at least june 7. lauren: brian, thank you very much. connell: a helping hand in a time of need, the little caesar ceo coming up talking about the company's efforts to feed hospital workers on the frontline. stick around for that. ♪ that. which is why we're ready to listen. and ready to help you find opportunity. so. let's talk. edward jones. it's time for investing to feel individual.
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lauren: communities are coming together across the country, little caesars announced a nationwide initiative to donate 1 million pizzas to first responders, little caesar ceo joined is now, thank you for coming on. thank you for donating. how are you and how is business. >> i am doing great, my family is doing great, business is okay. there has been some struggles, the delivery and carry out, we have options, that part of the business is going well. lauren: i wanted to ask you about that but let me ask you a few for enter for load any workers or cut any hours back for your employees. >> at this point we have not, headquarters staff is fully functioning at our stores, we hire as needed and we are still
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hiring, we certainly could use some great people. so we are still functioning really, really well. lauren: you have to make the pizzas then deliver them. last friday we ordered from a local pizza shop and took them two hours to deliver the wrong order. but nonetheless, tell me abou about -- i know you always delivered but tell me about the transition right now when you are doing it at a much busier pace in a contact list. >> you go on our app and deliver for delivery, we started delivering in january, you have a contact option and you can get that delivered which is really good. of course with this donation you are talking about earlier, we are offering customers an opportunity to deliver to a first responder or healthcare worker, that is part of the 1 million pizza donation. lauren: it starts on monday, you
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donate the pizzas the healthcare frontline workers, and customers can also do the same. >> how it works, we are doing a million pizzas, we started that this week, on tuesday we delivered, i was there, we delivered 600 pizzas to detroit down the street from our headquarters and then we already got secure donations for a thousand hospitals and over 700 police stations around the country, so far 125,000 pizzas in the first three days starting monday, customers can going little and they can do what we do, pry it forward for the healthcare worker or a first responder. lauren: awesome, i will be doing that. in about ten minutes, we are having pizza for dinner. good to see you, thank you very much. connell: inspires us all, good friday. were all trying to adopt to a
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new normal with a growing number of holiday traditions moving online, millions of americans staying home so we will talk about some of those next. ♪ i have always wanted to be a teacher. i've been teaching for over 20 years. with everything going on, we've had to alter our classroom settings. we have to transition into virtual learning. .. al access to "times" journalism.
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heading in a new direction. but when you're with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, there's nothing to stop you from moving forward. lauren: easter celebrations unlike any other as churches move their celebrations online. but some churches are moving their celebrations online. reporter: many people finding strength in faith even though they may not be able to celebrate the way they normally would. streaming services is the new trends. joel olsteen is hosting mariah carey and kanye west to take
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over part of the program. if kanye isn't your speed. andre bocelli will be streaming from milan, italy. he says music can become a prayer in times like these. but if you are looking for a higher authority, you can stream pope francis. church home pastors had this to say about the new remote services. >> this easter will be a turning point. but i do not believe communities of faith, houses of faith will ever be quite the same again. >> i imagine people gathering around the screen whether they are watching pope francis deliver easter mass or watching joel olsteen. families will gather together
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and experience something genuine. reporter: these are going to be the new normal, lauren. lauren: oh boy, at least it's nice because that's what we have right now. i hope you have a beautiful easter. connell, how are you celebrating easter? connell: i think it will be close to this studio setup we have right here. good luck with that pizza order tonight. crazy times. i thought that was some good work from kanye west to pope francis. if you didn't get your options or easter service. enjoy easter with your family and the little ones and we'll
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see you back here soon. thanks for joining us today and every day. melissa and i will see you back here at this time on monday. have a happy ease sister. and we'll see you monday. "lou dobbs tonight" starts right now. [♪] lou: good evening, everybody, president trump standing with his coronavirus task force today. he delivered a promising message about the country's fight against the deadly wuhan virus. president trump says there are growing signs his administration's aggressive strategy to save american lives is working. president trump: we are seeing hospital admissions declining substantially. the number of new cases nationwide per day is flattening suggesting we are near the peak and our comprehensive


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