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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  October 4, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> but it is competitive. in jackie tested like crazy for she took the test. >> that is what i did. >> if you practice and put your nose to the grind stone, you will beat the competitors. i did not do well at all on the sats. that's it for "bulls & bears". >> breaking news, fox business alert, reports coming in ironic use of cyber attacks on a trump campaign and all of the 2020 candidates likely targets. more than 2700 attempts to break into the candidates campaigns as well as government officials and journalists covering the race. it's a massive strike. microsoft says it looks like it came from iran. russia and north korea actively targeting the 2020 presidential organization. the hot debate, we know who the bad guys are, why is the u.s. in congress behind, where is it to go in office to make it harder
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for the bad guys. that is investigating tonight. the market soaring on expectation of the federal reserve. it will cut rates even more after mixed jobs report. plus bullish comments from larry kudlow on the trade talks. he says no recession. we have the economic update that you need on what you can expect about recession in the forecast for growth and peace in 2020. also the update on the impeachment play. house democrats now requesting documents from the impeachment inquiry from vice president michael pence. now for the impeachment push, the washington post slamming adam schiff giving him pinocchio for falsehood. and he is last for being a biased arbiter not being neutral. they say he used his heads up
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with a whistleblower information ahead of time before it became public to fire off tweets in the impeachment push. also, we have the progressive democrats who claim democrats were actually looking to arrest trump officials. also we take into the border, the supreme court will now hear the president bid for a law against encouraging illegal immigration. another 2020 democrat saying yes, you taxpayer should cover it and pay for the healthcare cost of illegal aliens. take you for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ >> to the breaking news with fox business alert, iran accuses saudi oil fields and now this, a massive cyber attack with iran
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multiple attempts to hack into the 2020 trump campaign and all of the 2020 candidates. this is coming from the new york times, as well as foreign and current u.s. officials and covering the race. with us now deputy national security advisor to vice president cheney. >> your take on this? >> it's an important reminder that after years of focusing on what russia was alleged in 2016, the top three of the cyber threats in the world have been consistent for the last 20 years. it was been china, russia and iran. this is not a threat that is been hiding. what is basically been the lack of a cyber war footing. i think it's been holding us back and allowing free reign. >> interesting that you say that, multiple reports are coming in as iran tried to break into the trump campaign. we know that they tried to infiltrate into hundred 41 accounts, 2700 attempts, they got through four times.
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they are doing it with basically fishing e-mail scams and also faked linked in account. >> i'm surprised they moved to linkedin as a whole new frontier in the social media efforts that they use. these are basically soft targets. these are the instrument that was supposed to make the world more social and supposed to be liberating. but what we are learning the bad guys around the world have been using the tools of freedom and now miller tri-state control, manipulation and data aggregation to use against us, the chinese are doing it around the world and to our citizens in russia got a lot of attention in 2016 and the iranians have never been shy of being a top party also. >> north korea basically accused of shutting down and pushing that to the brink. in opm has been hacked and certainly the d&c has been
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hacked. let me get into this, what was the reaction because to your point you think in u.s. in congress is been behind him with impunity breaking in. we know that israel and the u.s. against iran. there is also an attempt of a rocket launchpad in the infrastructure there. your take on that, is that physician, we have capability at her disposal and this is just another toolset, typically we have had policies in place that have tried to pull back the notion of using active offense of cyber weapons. i do not understand the definition of defense. usually when we talk about conventional arms or weapon is offense or defense whether holding the barrel or handle of a gun. one end of a weapon that is hitting you you consider to be offensive. basically we are allowing them privileged access into our
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country and inter systems by not hardening our targets and networks. >> by the way, that iran foreign minister last month said the u.s. started the cyber war but would not be able to visit --'s finish it. we know that was an embarrassment of insight information from the studio and actors that were associated. and an embarrassing e-mail pouring out of the d&c. what do you think the media headlines will be. the word is a got a lot of information and a lot of data. >> it depends on how wide they cut and who they were gathering from. obviously we learn every day when you selectively pull from any stream of a conversation, you can make people look quite bad. >> you mean ripped out of context? >> they can be put into
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advertisements. we see this play out in hong kong where the chinese will pull together clips and try to make it look like demonstrators in hong kong were the equivalent of the television. the iranians are going to be very capable of using a lot of money as well as the russians and chinese to make sophisticated commute occasion warfare out of what they pull. it's not good to be leaked to reporters i think it'll be a much more polished influence. >> thank you so much. your insights are really crucial on the breaking news. to the other big news, a big market rally. we have angles covered for you tonight. edward lawrence standing by, the federal reserve may be a rate cut coming. the hot triple digit action. let's start with edward. >> it has been 50 years since we've seen a number in the unappointed rate by 3.5%. to store close for the latino community, and for the african-american community. the president very happy. >> wages are up by almost 3%.
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that is a fantastic increase for everybody out there working. we are very happy about those numbers. >> they increase 2.9% over the past 12 months. it could signal that inflation pressures are low. still the federal reserve is under should be the 2% target again and the chairman says their policy tools are effective. >> unemployment is at a half-century low and inflation running close to but a bit below the 2% objective. while not everyone fully shares economic opportunities the economy does phase risk, overall the economy is in a good place. >> larry kudlow pushing back. >> we are still suffering the aftermath of severe monetary restraint in 2018. that restraint is being removed. we are about 6 - 9 months, that's usually the lag.
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the worst may be coming to an end. >> what everyone agrees on, the economy is in a good place. >> thank you so much. to edward's point, your money in the hot triple digit upset today. plus big companies in the news. disney banning netflix ads across the platform, there is a lot more action in news coming up out of the big bore, gerri willis is on the stock exchange with more. >> that is right, traders saw a lot to like in the job report ratrate fell to 3.5%. good news there. payroll coming in at 136,000, it was a little light it was good but not so good with the rate cuts. the dow up 372 points in the s&p up 41 and the nasdaq up 14. for the week the dow and s and p still in red for the third week in the row. the nasdaq turning positive.
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streaming wars really heating up. ahead of the streaming watch, disney banning ads for netflix. how much is at stake, last year netflix had $1.8 billion on ads and most on television. 38%. a lot going on there. >> thank you so much. also the fbi director calling out facebook for its push of the messaging platform saying you do that, you are helping criminals including child predators and child pronoun differs. also we have a special programming note, at 10:00 p.m. eastern time fox business premiers the roundtable hosted by jack, here's a sneak peek of a hot guest, ceo steve schwartzman. >> you're a dealmaker and in your book you read a lot about how you went into deals and you came out and one.
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if you're sitting down with china right now, what would you do for give-and-take to make a deal happen? >> this is all on the chinese side. u.s. cannot negotiate if nobody puts anything on the table. so in a funny way, this is described as a negotiation. but the negotiation is very much within china itself. >> so it's in china's court. make sure you catch it tonight starting with maria burrell, ane roundtable at 10:00 p.m. the impeachment, democrats not going after vice president pence, the president could decipher calling on foreign leaders in the ukraine of china for the potable arrivals. later in the show the washington post giving the leading democrat on impeachment adam schefter and
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accusing him for falsehood, he is taking fire for being a biased arbiter of impeachment. do you think he will stay on the job? that is up next. ♪ this is the age of expression. but shouldn't somebody be listening? so. let's talk. we're built for hearing what's important to you, one to one. edward jones. it's time for investing to feel individual.
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>> the breaking news coming fast and thick. a fox business alert. the united autos work worker union saying it has made good progress with general motors over the week long labor strike and will continue to work through the weekend to get a deal. let's take it to an update on the market soaring with the bullish comments from larry kudlow saying china tree talk
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next week may yield positive surprises and he is saying no recession insight. we did have a mixed job report. look who is here. your reaction to the sunlight? what about the trade talks next week the huge development. >> we will see, it feels to me like the president for another six years donald trump and president for life xi jinping are trying to wait each other out. they both have their crises. president trump has his crisis with congress impression it she with millions of people in hong kong. i think each smells weakness and the other. that makes it kind of hard to make a deal. deals get made when one feels the other is stronger. >> that is debatable. but i want to move on. there's a lot of other things i want to talk, job rate that 50 year low.
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i want to move into this, there is a lot of talk about recession, we know u.s. exports in manufacturing is not in a recession and neither services, your take, manufacturing is a small but important slice of america. i would like analyst in 2016 hitting those we have not seen in two years. what was happening in 2016. what hit manufacturing sentiments. it was brings it, uk buddy to get out of the io. i would love to hear your context and setting the scene right. what is your take and what's going on? >> i believe it's a correct analogy to say this is like 201y similarities there are. you might remember in 2016 the fed went from seven years of your interest rate to where
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there were positive interest rates. for the first time in years, they did that exactly at their own time, the economy was showing a lot of signs but they went ahead and did it. that is exactly what our fed did this last december, they went through turbulence and they raised rates the same way they did three years before. when feds make mistakes like that, the result is six or nine months later is a slowing economy. another thing that happened back in the fourth quarter of 2015 which happened in the fourth quarter of the prior year was a collapse in oil prices. that sounds good in a tax cut for the consumer and auto make the economy go faster but it does not. when they absolutely collapsed, it really hurt the banks and the bond lenders, it hurts the energy industry itself. the america is a huge energy export. they cannot afford a reverse oil
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shock, this is an instant replay of three years ago. >> the basin is seen a slowdown in the oil patch in terms of job growth. they said these important 2020 swing states could go into recession and they are talking that watch out delaware, kentucky michigan, ohio, oklahoma, wisconsin and wyoming are heavy manufacturing state and some grain production. >> it is a real issue, tropicana president in 2016 because of 100,000 voters in those states. that list of state that you named has very different characters, delaware will not vote for trump in oklahoma always will. wisconsin and ohio are purple swing states. if we fall into an industrial recession will have to go into the state and say who is going to get you out, the happy trade worker who is taking on china,
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the guys who caused the disaster to begin with. i can win this, give me another four years. >> they have done nothing but sell out the middle class. >> you see any of them trying to fight for the jobs in the states? >> i think that elizabeth warren will learn from heller clinton and she will go through the state and take vote for me because i will slay the enemy who put you in a recession. but the enemy is the wall street banks. that is just ridiculous. trump is right, the enemy is china that has hollowed out the american middle class. for god sake is not goldman sachs. elizabeth warren has it precisely wrong and the people in wisconsin and ohio and pennsylvania will smell the light on her. >> thank you so much for joining us. come back soon. we will continue that debate. next up the washington post, look at this slamming the leading democrat on impeachment adam schefter got for
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pinocchio's on the post, the debate, he is now a biased arbiter of impeachment and criticized. with tweets knowing the complaint ahead of time. yet another 2020 democrat joined elizabeth warren saying taxpayer should pay for health coverage for illegal aliens. how is that going to fly with voters. we have that debate coming up. ♪ 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars. we wear our work ethic. we work until the work's done. and when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day we'll finally get something done. ( ♪ )
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on the air. i'm going to read what they said, a subpoena that has been conveyed to white house acting chief of staff mick mulvaney from the three cheers that are looking into impeachment, elijah cummings of maryland, adam schiff, and also elliott ingle of new york, after nearly a month it appears clear that the president has chosen the path of defiance, obstruction and cover-up, we deeply regret the president trump has put the nation in this position that his actions have left us with no choice but to issue the subpoena. today was also the deadline for secretary of state mike pompeo to comply and what they might be doing is building a case on capitol hill that they have not complied with these requests from capitol hill of documents and information. that can go into articles of impeachment for obstruction of congress. with a few minutes they finished a lengthily hearing be for the intelligence committee with mike adkins, he is the inspector
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general. i tried to talk to adam schiff after the hearing, i was only reporter who caught up with him and he did not have much to say. he said we will send out a statement later. and i said what's the schedule for next week and he said we will not get a break and that means you will not either in peter welch is a democratic congressman from vermont a member of the intelligence committee, he was in there for a lot of time today. he said there is a difference of opinion of how important the whistleblower is at this point. they don't really know who the whistleblower is or if they will hear from him. republicans have tried to undercut the validity and credibility of the whistleblower. they said this is not as important because white house released the transcript of the call. things are really emerging on capitol hill and i suspect will have the witnesses next week and we confirmed that gordon is united states abbasid or to the european union and he will come in for a closed-door transcribed
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interview. >> look for his reaction in the wall street journal. bill here with us. just on what the president said in the transcript, and what he said about asking china to help, to go after joe biden is that impeachable? >> let's back up, the impeachment inquiry before they read the transcript on ukraine and before they had a complaint. the idea that the investigators are trained to get to the truth, i don't think there is anything to that. i'm in favor of transparency and i would like more things to be out there including the testimony that is now being taken. second if there subpoenaed in the white house, the white house i understand is going to resist and say because they did not take full-blown at the house, you're not really in an impeachment inquiry and therefore not entitled to these
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documents. >> that means -- >> it could be bogged up in the court because congress has some power oversight and has enhanced powers for impeachment because it's considered a proceeding. >> the democrats are saying that president violated federal election law by asking for an in-kind contribution for the ukraine and china to go after joe biden. >> to me i don't think that holds a lot of work. everything seems to be a campaign violation. i think we have to wait until the smoke clears. what we have in this repeat cycle, first the bombshell accusations and then a little later the truth that is not quite as bad, and two years for the truth. >> let's get to the ukraine that were released. let's show the viewer what the text messages said from the envoy in the eu ambassador.
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here's the thing, the democrats are saying that these text messages show a quid pro quo in the enclave shows the white house and they will investigate and get to the bottom. and in 2016 the visit to washington. they explained the text messages show a quid pro quo. but this is impeachable. >> it shows an answer to where the other ambassador from that you said you have to understand the context is different. >> this is what i'm talking about, we have sensational things drop, without any context in the larger context, by understating of the interviews does not support the more extreme accusations against a president. in the processes out of alice in wonderland, a verdict first, try later. >> in they want to get it done
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fast -- >> is it okay for a leader of a country to ask a foreign leader to help to go after the rival? >> it depends on what he asked for the help, if he is using his office to defeat the political rival, i don't think so. >> was he asking for information on people who are not political rivals? >> that is an issue, because it happens to be a political rival, doesn't make it illegitimate task information? we don't know yet. and i'm worried about the process that we have no is not designed. >> because it's getting distorted. >> and again, if they take the vote, the classical impeachment way, the minority would have subpoena power to. he could subpoena other
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witnesses. this is a one side hunt. >> that is the point. the fact that plosive did not put a full house boat means that the republicans have sidelined, there i sat, reverted. >> they cannot ask any sufficient questions if they want or subpoenaed documents out of the witnesses. were getting a distorted picture. >> right. we have these processes for a while. some -- there is no requirement of the constitution that nancy pelosi has a full blow. that's been the practice -- >> along with nixon and clinton. in the both cases got a minority port under party of subpoena power. i think is deliberate. i don't think they want to go to the proper process because i don't think democrats think they can win in the proper process. >> the merck and people are sitting back and saying look at the russia probe, we heard for two years this was collusion and now nothing. >> if donald trump is as bad as
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the democrats say, he should not too hard to defeat them. we try to get this done by christmas because when not defeat him in the election without the great bitterness that you are asked when you go through. >> which is again this is relitigating the 2016. >> you are terrific. thank you very much. the washington post is for pinocchio for also. we are going to dig into that story. does adam schiff care, and did he build a ground for impeachment before anybody knew about the whistleblower complaint? that debate coming up. ♪ nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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a monthly pay checks paid for you called universal basic income, grady trimble has the inside scoop. >> what you are seeing is a robot it, essentially this is loading parts into this machine and parts that look like this and don't have much texture and creating partake this, it used to be that humans had to load the parts into the machine, now they have the help of robots, tell me what cobalt exists. >> its collaborative robots, not like traditional, they work alongside human beings and they are affordable and about a third of a traditional robot. a lot of people are adapting because they're faster to learn and also easier to deploy and less cost. >> there's a lot of talk about humans losing their jobs because of robots, that's not something
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that worries you? >> it actually helps us because now people can focus on more tasks in the company and also have the robust work on all the robotic tasks. >> they can move in the entry-level jobs to programming and move up the ranks quicker. another thing craig was telling me, this has actually made the company a lot more efficient. there are 26% more efficient because they have the help of robots but they have not had to lay off any employees either. >> interesting. let's get you an update of the biggest cheating scandal in american history. another parent sentence today. fox news with more. >> a fifth defendant who pleaded guilty in the college emission scandal has been sentenced to five months in prison. most of any defendant so far. prosecutors say they are unique among the defendants, he alone participated in both the operatives game sending brides under bribes for ed cheating scam and credentials.
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the wealthy inventor who they operate the wineries in napa, california agreed to pay $50000 taber's daughter's sat score inflated and another $250,000 to have it recruited onto the water polo team at the university of southern california. he was arrested before selling out the full amount. prosecutors wanted more time 15 months in prison pulling his daughter into fraud. he involved his daughter in both illicit schemes and told her to adopt a shut your trap mentality about the crime. a test-taker help the teenager take her exam and after his daughter failed to send a photo of herself playing water polo, rick singer snack a phot snag ao of another person. he was ordered to self-report to present on november 4.
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>> thank you so much. coming up we have more news from the supreme court. we will hear the president's bid to revise a law against encouraging illegal aliens from coming across the border. another 2020 democrats joined alexandra locascio cortez and senator warren saying you the taxpayer, you should pay for healthcare coverage for illegal aliens. how will the motor go for that. that story is next. ♪ ly recipe. where a music studio spends less time on hr and payroll, and more time crafting that perfect sound. where the nation's biggest party store can staff up quickly as soon as it's time for fun. this is the world of adp. hr, talent, time, benefits and payroll. designed for people.
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>> let's bring in former fbi assistant director on the washington post. giving the leading democrats on impeachment adam schiff for pinocchio's for falsehood and denying hearing from the whistleblower ahead of time before the complete was filed and became public. your reaction to that? >> , it cannot be a better scenario for the president. let's walk through this. the whistleblower comes to the aid of adam schiff. they tell the aid he's the whistleblower, he has information and detrimental to
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the presidency for donald trump, do you think for a second, don't tell me anything else, go file a complaint and get an attorney. that never happened. what happened, the whistleblower told aid everything, the aide went and told adam schiff, adam schiff thought about it and said maybe i should put out tweets and prepare. with that said, then the whistleblower says and goes before group and said that they provided very rare contours of information. what does that mean, nobody knows and i don't think he does either. now just as reported earlier, adam schiff does not hav think y need the whistleblower, of course he does not think because of the whistleblower gets subpoenaed, they talk to the whistleblower and they tell them, this is who i talked to and this is what i told aid and then the egg comes and says adam schiff on solid ground and ease
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up to his knees in quicksand. >> he is accused of a bias arbiter of impeachment and should not be leading her. here is partisa president trumpm schiff. >> i heard adam schiff has formed pinocchio spread he should've got them to a half years ago. >> adam schiff dog questions. >> i am not going to, and all until after the hearing. except to say, i think the president once again inviting foreign interference in election as a repugnant and violation of the oath of office. in endangers our elections and it endangers our security. >> here is the thing, kimberly at the wall street journal laid out what adam schiff did ahead of time using his advance information that the public did not know to fire off tweets and
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lay the groundwork for impeachment. look at these tweets, adam schiff august 28 tweeted was withholding military aid to ukraine and he said in august 23 that mr. trump was trying to get to his political opponent. it went on and on. in-house intel committee would launch a full-fledged investigation. to your point, adam schiff had inside information that the public did not know about and tweeting out laying the groundwork. >> he absolutely is. the whole democratic party pushing this impeachment is crazy. we got the speaker of the house praying for him, we have kamala harris wanting to remove him, we have maxine waters wanting to impeach him and put him in jail in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. they are drinking something that is not good for any of them. it does not make any sense. it is going to come to bite them. >> thank you so much. come back soon.
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look who is here lou dobbs with a preview of what is coming up on his show. >> take you, tonight we focus on the blowout economy, unemployment dropping to three and half percent. that is the lowest unappointed rate and a half century. all of this in president trump's third year in office and all the experts say it's impossible. tonight we focus on the relentless radical dems that corrupt fraudulent effort to overthrow the president of the united states. we will be joined tom fenton, the heritage foundation and congressman with us tonight. also we will bring you an update on senator mike lee's efforts to undercut the american middle class, working americans all of her country. why do they worry more about immigrants than american workers? we take all of that up at the top of the hour. we hope you will join us.
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>> you have a damped pack show. thank you so much. next up, the supreme court will hear the president's bid to revive the law of encouraging illegal border crossers and yet another 2020 democrats says yes being a taxpayer should pay for healthcare for illegal aliens. will the voters vote for that? that story next. ♪ to open an account. at fidelity those zeros really add up. ♪ maybe i'll win ♪ saved by zero .. you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today.
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president trump will require immigrant visa applicants to show they have medical insurance before they can get visas. it will not apply to asylum seekers or refugees. john, what do you think? >> when you look at president trump, he's a business person. you look around the world, you look at best practices. i have been to china several times on business. they require a letter of financial responsibility. they want a letter documenting who is responsible for you if you become ill, if you need any financial assistance because the government doesn't want to assume that financial burden. likewise here. there are a lot of people who applied for visas, whether it be education or work visa. when you come here you you should be able to financially
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sustain yourself. i'm glad he's doing a carve-out for those seeking asylum. so -- liz: and refugees. liz: congress woman alexandria ocasio-cortez disagrees. >> i will never be in favor of a policy that denies people access to healthcare based on immigrant status. liz: that was a 2020 candidate who says they should pay. >> the president should reenact this law because the consequences are greater now than before. when you look at our national debt, 10 years ago it was $10
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trillion. now it's more than double. when you look at the annual interest payment, we are paying $3 billion a year on interest alone. when you trend at the current spending. we'll be at $34 trillion. which means either the fiscal budget, $1 trillion will be interest alone. we can't afford that. liz: now we have the alexandria ocasio-cortez sound bite. >> i believe we need to acknowledge the contributions immigrants make in america. if you contribute to our society, i believe you should benefit from our society. liz: this is the problem people support legal immigration. legal. these people get in line -- and by the way, the people who did it legally are mad illegal border crossers are stepping in. >> president trump received 29%
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of the hispanic vote. there is a demarcation between legal and illegal. it's not a fair argument. the general public is not receiving the information to do their own analysis, especially before they go to the polls. when you hear the democratic proposal, they mask it in the word free. but the key word is public. you know what that means? that means the working class voters are going to pay for it. liz: meaning middle class and lower income. but to count this as immigration when it's about following the rule of law, hill immigration and illegal immigration, when you use the word immigration as aoc just did, then you can make a leap saying anybody who opposes it is racist. >> what the right need to do
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each and every time they talk about illegal immigration, it's all about repetition. they need to say we are for immigration. we have always been for immigration. but we are not for illegal immigration. liz: democrats would agree with you. >> the ones in the middle will. but the ones on the fast left will never agree. why? because they stick to their talking points. we want to push free. they also want to import new voters and things of that nature. it's a matter of steering the voters count path of the thought process they want them to think about when they go into the polls. liz: the president will be blamed for being racist. that's what his supporters say is wrong. >> but he knows about marketing. in marketing and branding. it's about repetition. so he need to stay on his point.
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liz: thank you for having us in your home. lou dobbs is next right here on the fox business network. have a great weekend. lou: good evening. the radical dimms are accelerating their efforts to unseat the president of the united states. doing so without regard to convention, law, fair play, which is the american way. and speaker pelosi and her hand-picked leader of the overthrow effort lack any respect for the will of the people. instead lying about president trump, his record, and more. >> we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. >> for him to have that dramatic interpretation of the phone call. he's using the


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