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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  October 3, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> answer is banks have to make money or they won't be label to lend -- be able to lend money, they are not making much on 0% interest rates. david: i would pay more for convenience, that is it for "bulls and bears" thanks for watching. we'll see you next time. elizabeth: president trump signing a new executive order he said will protect americans from 2020 democrat takeover of healthcare. >> senator elizabeth warren countering today with her plan to strengthening labor unions. watch out, how her big government he'l health plan woud slam the same unions. >> also how retailers may beat the big government democrats at their own game. walmart, cvs, walgreen, making health care cheaper. >> also debate on washington rules beyond recognition, republicans hollering that the
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democrats are railroad through impeachment. and a shot of asking questions of anyone testifying on that trump ukraine phone call. we have more ono that and president calling on china to look into joe biden. president said he is draining the swamp for all to see. >> a top legal expert, jonathan turley said that media has no reason to blast attorney general william barr for doing his job. and tonight we debate, are democrat fears over the russia probe, fueling the push to impeach president trump? >> more on controversy involving adam schiff, accused of misleading for saying quote, we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. when the whistleblower reportedly had already talked to a schiff staff member.
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tonight, citizenship and immigration service director ken such nelly is joining -- cuccinelli is joining us tonight. and thanks for joining us. the evenin evening "evening edit now. elizabeth: to latest development in washington. edward lawrence is on capitol hill with more. we have gerri willis with stock staks ostock action on the flooe new york stock exchange. another federate cut coming, we kick it off with edward. reporter: president down in florida 'impeachment on his mind, he announced his executive order, he said, laid out plan on how they make medicare better with lower costs, defending medicare for seniors, president said that this what democrats
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are doing, his words, impeachment crap they are doing, he said, to after democrats in the speech. down in florida. >> there is no longer a moderate wing of the congressional democrat, they have gone crazy, they have been hijacked by the radical left. democrat lawmakers are not trying to build up the country, they only want to wreck and destroy. reporter: president now calling for china to investigate hunter biden's time on a corporate advisory board, democrats' to inies pressure, widening their impeachment probe to include secretary of state mike pompeo, attorney general william barr and president's personal attorney rudy guliani. >> president of the united states encouraging a foreign nation to interfere and help his campaign by investigating a rival is a fundamental bleach of the president oath of office, it
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endangers our election and national security. reporter: tomorrow is deadline for pompeo to turnover documents related to this impeachment inquiry. in a separate note, administration moving forward with tariffs on eu. imports to united states, reason they could do this, because the wto said that u.s. wins a case against airbus, airbus gets subsidies, the stuff on the planes, on airbus it be under tariffs, that is french wine, italian cheese, british sweaters, aircraft and scotch whisky . and saying that boeing gets subsidies from the u.s., that case, will be disietde decided t few months. elizabeth: a check of the markets, people call this the
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kitchen sink market, everything thrown at it. bad numbers on the economy. stocks did rise, investor bet that federal reserve will cut rates again, dow up 12% year-to-date, tomorrow is jobs report friday, gerri willis is at the big board with more. reporter: what a day in the market, we end up in green. all 3 major averages. it done start that way, service sector report negative this morning, sending the dow down 3 35, traders were demanding a rate cut at end of october. future market indicates 88% chance of a federate cut. meanwhile, more economic news coming up tomorrow morning, september jobs respect, here are critical -- jobs report, here are critical number, non-farm in at 145,000, unemployment rate
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3.7 per, and average hourly wages up 3.2% year-over-year, critical numbers for the market. the. probably will not be able to dig out from the week, dow down 2. three% on the week. elizabeth: thank you, gerri willis. catch the job reports tomorrow, mornings with maria, 8:00 a.m. eastern time on fox network. congressman greg stuebe thank you for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: controversy over the president publicly uing china to investigate joe biden. president trump saying he is draining the swamp for all to see. >> well, i think anything that was done in prior administration that could be corrupt or that would break american laws should be investigated. i think shortly and i think that is a lot of reasons you hear the democrats talk about impeachment
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and forcing it, they want to take away from what is about to happen with the ig releases their investigative respect on threport onall fisa abuse, and s during the obama administration spying on trump campaign, and a phony dossier. this is to come out soon, i look forward to the ig's report, i think they are trying to distraction from what is likely to come from that report. elizabeth: critics say that the president should never ask a foreign country to look into his political rival. you are saying that fueling calls for impeachment? >> i think that democrats are trying to distraction, because they know it is about to come out, it will not be stellar or likes of comey and mccabe and others that were involved at higher level of fbi during the obama administration. and democrats have been wanting
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to impeachment this president since the day he was elected, even hillary clinton a few days ago called him an illegitimate president, showing her cards. elizabeth: republicans supporters for president say he is getting railroaded, republicans in congress are getting railroaded. president's approval rating 43%. we know bill clinton used his approval rating in his impeachment defense. to rudy guliani speaking with our lou dobbs about his talk with former ukraine prosecutor who he told rudy guliani. >> ukrainians came to me, they told me for a year and a half they were trying to get to fbi, they believed there was something wrong with our fbi because they would not take the investigations, reason i gave it to state department, my witnesses did not trust the justice department, i tried to
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convince them once bill barr was there, they didn't have to worry, but they don't understand, that i said, okay, i gave it to mike pompeo, pompeo they'd say would investigate, i delivered some notes back. i never heard back. elizabeth: democrats say this is all you know conspiracy theories, what your reaction? >> you know, i don't have any evidence in front of me, we know that former vice president biden, while vice president, bragged to fact he was holding the lone to ukraine government until a prosecutor who was investigating company that his son was on, as member of board who had no basis or background to be on a board of an energy company, was getting paid 50,000 a month to sit on the board in the ukraine, and former vice president will withhold a billion dollars of our tax dollars and a loan credit until that prosecutor is fired. i don't have evidence, but i
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think that needs to be investigated. >> here is president trump weighing in. >> biden and his son are stone, cold crooked, you know. his son walks out with millions dollars. the kid knows nothing. elizabeth: joe biden firing back. >> he did it because like every bully in history, he is afraid. he is afraid of just how badly he may be bea beaten in novembe, let me make something clear to mr. trump and his hatchet man and special interesting funds his attacks again me, i'm not going anywhere, you are not going to destroy me, you are not going to destroy my family. elizabeth: that is not the issue, the key issue is the question. did they put hunter biden on his board on inoculate it from probes dit consider to anyone that is why burisma hired the ex
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vice president's son. and using his dad for access. today's show respects a 2013 trip to china, vice president took hunter biden on the plane. who wanted to form a private chinese equity fund, 10 days after the trip, his newfound gets that license to operate in china, hunter on the board. >> let republicans subpoena some of those individuals and bring them. elizabeth: you can't do that. >> we have been blocked from doing it just today, they had depositions of individuals, they would not allow a state department lawyers, in the room, during the questioning. they had limited aim of republicans -- amount of republicans that were able to ask questions, you have a american, adam schiff who is running this for two years had a
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russia collusion hoax, that is who is running impeachment -- >> stay with me, you are on house judiciary and house oversight, correct? >> correct. elizabeth: the republicans are now being blocked from asking questions about all of this by the democrats, is what that is going on. >> yes, that is what is going on, friday last week, we were told on oversight committee, that this meeting would occur, none of us are in washington d.c., we are back home, i am talking here in floridaians, none of talking about impeaching this president, they are talking about how crazy it is that adam schiff continues to lie to the american people. elizabeth: this neil feels you e being railroaded and iced out. congressman stuebe come back soon, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: should president trump back away from the trade fight with china to avoid a recession, is a recession even
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coming, brian wesbury is joining us. high will tell us whether he thinks that president trump will still win in the key manufacturing states, president won in 2015, that means pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, and wisconsin. they feel the pain with the china trade fight. >> and more, mgm resort international meeting settlement with the families over the massacre that left 58 people dead, that story coming up. s fae
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elizabeth: more violent hong kong protests, serious street
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fighting going on now for nearly 4 months, lawmakers plan to ban protestors from wearing face masks at china and hong kong, goldman sachs reporting at least 4 billion has fled -- left hong kong, we bring in first trust advisor chief economist, brian wewesbury. >> great to be here. elizabeth: should president trump back away from dealing with china or hang tough? >> first, i do not think we're seeing a contracting economy. the ism, institute for supply management, numbers are surveys, we noticed over the years, i have been at this for 35 years, they capture sometimes some sentiment. if there is volatility in market and politics and trade. sometimes that sentiment seeps into data, if you go to august.
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we had industrial production was up 6/10 of a percent, durable good order up 2/10 of a percent, that is real data, the ism index within down, we had 135 thousand new jobs. and don't forget 46,000 people are on strike. so, the -- what is up rifles, i think tomorrow's numbers will be a little bit better than people think. and i don't believe we're in a recession. elizabeth: by the way, the trump administration will be meeting with china next week. >> right. elizabeth: sector has been growing for -- your point, the president won key manufacturing states like pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, and wisconsin. the factory belt, people say are
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hurting from the trade war. the best mood elevator is not moptarmop--monetary steroids. it would be a trade deal. >> i agree. but i think that pressure is on china to have the trade deal, they have had higher tariffs than united states for deck trade, partly they house wto on she'lshield them from competiti, they lobby every year to be called a developing country, they get to have higher tariffs than we do. as a result they compete on an unfair playing field, i don't know what people' to do. how do you stop them from stealing intellectual property, how do you force them to bring tariffs down other than use the actuals we have, we don't want to go to war, right? we use tariffs. i loved actually, i -- it scares
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me a little bit to delist all of these chinese companies. but that just a sign to china that hey, you count on the united states for a lot. you count on for financial flows and listing stocks, we could take that away, and i believe it would wind up hurts china more than us. elizabeth: interesting stuff, brian wesbury come back. >> thank you, i will. elizabeth: we're tracking other stories for you. cdc, said that number of deaths linked to vaping is now 18. the number of injuries spiked to over 1,000. it is 1080 injuried from vaping, a new report that mayo clinic, the more likely cause of the vaping problem, inhaling a costic chemical fume, happens when you vape it so bad, mayo clinic said that lung tissue looks like those of world war
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wore frooneworld war ifrom must. >> and sentenced to a month in prison, fined 50,000 for paying 75,000 to have a test proctor who directed his daughter's answers on a college entrance exam. mgn resort, paying 800 million to the victims and families for 2017 massacre at the outdoor music festival in las vegas that left 58 people did, hundred more injured. >> avenu aviation investigator s into cause of the vintage aircraft trash.
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military officials probe how a nighttime training accident went wrong. left 32 paratroopers injured at camp shelby in mississippi, it happened when 89 soldiers, parachuted into a wooded area, from a c-130, but the wind blew them into pine trees, 18 of the injuries taken to the hospital, none of the injuries life-threatening. >> a special ship equipped with a massive floating device, hauled in a huge amount of plastic from the great pacific garbage patch. if sits half way between california and hawaii. looks like clean undevice is working. ocean clean up nonprofit said this could grab and hold trash as small as a millimeter, that floatinfloating trash file out s twice the size of france. >> and in act of heroism, this
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deputy thought he was pulling over a speeding driver at 4:30 in morning in naples, florida, the man driving said his life was in labor, the deputy helped to deliver a healthy baby girl. deputy pound said this is the first time in his 26 years of service, something like this has happend. >> and look at this story, republican house minority leader kevin mccarthy signs a sensor resolution against adam schiff. more on the schiff controversy coming up. >> also, citizenship and immigration service director ken cuccinelli joining us on the city's and states refusing to work with i.c.e., and attempt to stop illegal from hurting americans, coming up.
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elizabeth: i want to stay with what is going on with washington, our next guest, heritage foundation senior legal, hans, we heard from congressman stuebe. he is saying because there was no vote in the house basically to launch -- democrats are role erodinrailroading and democratse now icing out republicans to ask questions. i don't think that american people would go for that, right? >> well, yeah. i think he has a actual point. impeachment is a serious undertaking. only two presidents in american history have been impeached. if democrats don't allow this to be done in a bipartisan manner, a bipartisan investigation, the american people are going to look at this, a por a partisan
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witch-hunt, if they want any legitimacy in this, they have to allow the republicans to participate. elizabeth: does not file legitimate. >> right. elizabeth: under nixon and clinton, correct me if i am wrong, an inquiry was put a vote, now it was not they are railroading on icing out republicans from asking questions. the media critic are blasting attorney general barr. but turley said, the media has no reason to blast william barr for doing his job, claiming it is not uncommon for an attorney general or president to ask for a leader to assist with on going corruption investigation. getting right to it to figure out what is going on. this is what is bubbling below the surface. do you feel that the doj-ig
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probe that is coming out think and john durham's probe coming out, does that have democrats hair on fire. >> i think that possible, remember those investigations are trying to find out how and why the counter intelligence operation against president trump and his campaign got started. because we know robert mueller concluded, russia collection collusion claim was a hoax, steel dossier was a hoax, important to understand who started it. what foreign individuals were involved. and what american government officials participated in basically propagating fal propae claims again the incoming president, that is something thats that to be done to find out who is responsible, and make sure it does not happen again.
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elizabeth: thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. elizabeth: president has an executive order he said will protest americans from the democrat big government takeover of health care. and senator elizabeth warren counters with her new plan to strengthen labor unions, but senator warren left out a big thin, how the single pay are push would cause the same unions to lose their health unions. >> and coming up. ken cuccinelli with us, are democrats not doing anything to stop border crisis, government data shows central america homicide rate is now higher an the middle east, those stories coming up. announcer: fidelity is redefining value with zero account fees for brokerage accounts.
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elizabeth: questions swirling over whether president trump will set up an impeachment war room, fox news david with more. reporter: the president and his team insist there is no official war room, really not necessary. as president trump considers himself to be his open best messenger. this is an impeachment fight continues and ramps up by the hour here in washington, seasoned republican operative, including a former white house press secretary believes that white house may want to consider a former response team. >> if i were white house, mostly to mollify the critics to organize, name an entity in white house as vocal point for rebutting all things impeachment. reporter: white house team mounting a defense, those close to president play down the idea of a formal war room. corey lewandowski does not work for white house, gave us part of
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staff's playbook, called, let trump be trump. >> is there an impeachment war room at white house. >> no, i don't think there should be. reason is, i war room will imply you don't have the internal resources to combat what is going on. reporter: white house may not have a formal war room, but trump campaign has a twitter account called trump war room, bill clinton was impeached in his second term in office, but president trump has a full year to go. resources are at his disposal. elizabeth: republican strategist sylvester smith joins me now, congressman schiff, he is leading the impeachment inquiry, he surplu -- he is under fire fr telling mcircumstanc msnbc for e not spoken to the whistleblower, when the whistle-blowerrer had given an account to a committee
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staff member. >> we would like to, i am sure that the whistleblower has concerns he has not been advise as a law requires as to how he is to communicate with congress. elizabeth: that is being called misleading, "new york times" reported yesterday that whistleblower conferred with that schiff staffer before filing a complaint. then committee staff member shared part of the whistleblower concern with adam schiff. why didn't schiff acknowledge the context when asked? >> well, sounds to me, that schiff is being shifty. and it -- based on facts, appears that all of this is a schemalla -- famous tv show houe of cards, chairman schiff and his staff have helped concoct this ridiculous story about the whole whistleblower, and chairman and his staff helped to
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even potentially for farmlize . elizabeth: we don't know if it is concocted or home cooking. we have yet to hear from the whistleblower, that person. but you are right, schiff's committee did help guide the so-called whistleblower, to an attorney who worked for hillary clinton, chuck schumer, donated to joe biden. that is what "new york times" reports, clapper calls it best written complain he has seen, your take? >> well, that again, suggests that this alleged whistleblower had help in pulling this together. looking at people with most to gain, that points back to chairman schiff, his senior staff people, i was watching the
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interrogation of our national director of national intelligence, chairman kept wants to know what he advised the president, i would like to know what chairman schiff spoke to the staffer about, what direction did he give the staffer with regard how to guide the alleged whistleblower, what to put in that alleged report. elizabeth: adam schiff accused devin nunez in 2017, he shared information about the trump transitransition team and membee being spied on. we hear democrats are eyes all t republicans. i want to get to nanc nancy peli for corrected by george stephanopolous. the parody -- >> you support chairman schiff.
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was it right for him to have that traumatic inter pe interpr. >> i want the american people to know that phone call, using president's own words. >> those are not the president's own words, he said he made it up. elizabeth: not the president's words, right? >> well, it is what adam schiff said, apparently. the democrats want to play this both ways, on one hand they have house committee rules require when party in power learns sensitive information like this. they are supposed to share with majority party, schiff called nunes out on an alleged violation of those rules, now he is violating those rules. schiff is making things up. and he wants to bake -- make a
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lot of hay out of these unfounded allegations about some alleged quid pro quo. elizabeth: and being misleading. he was -- that information -- >> a lot going to. elizabeth: sel sylvester you are terrific thank you. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up elizabeth warren out with her plan too strengthen labor unions, does not mention how it would slam labor unions, causing them to lose their health insurance, next. spokesman: fraudsters - they're out to get your medicare number so they can bill fake claims in your good name. don't give them that chance. fraudster: just calling to confirm your medicare number. do you have your card available? spokesman: for example, if a caller says they're from medicare, watch out. it's probably a scam. don't give out your card number.
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elizabeth: lou dobbs is joining us with a preview of his hit show. >> thank you. >> we'll talk with two of country leading attorneys, victoria toensing and joe digenova. they are working on an historical moment, impeachment inquiry or what rudy guliani calls the illicit impeachment inquiry wh into president trump,
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whatever you call it, is a disgrace. >> also tonight fred fleitz who called out house intel chairman adam schiff and his staff for their advance knowledge of the so-called whistleblower. we'll take that up and find out whether or not schiff should have to leave his post as chair of innel. intel, all that more, at the top of the hour lizzy, hope everyone will have time to join us. elizabeth: lou dobbs, thank you so much. >> thank you. elizabeth: with us now, fox news contributor deneen abou baba we. >> what did you think of that today? >> he signed an executive order in regards to medicare, he is looking out for americans and
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for those who are on -- use medicare. and he is looking for ways to preserve medicare. to cut down on waste, fraud and abuse, also because you have 2020 presidential candidates who want to provide socialized medicine for all americans, that is another reason why the president signed the executive order to protect the current form the medicare, also to help enhance it. elizabeth: important point you made, 2020 democrats would rip apart and do away with medicare as it exists now with single payer, i don't know that american people know that medicare would begun total different if a 2020 democrat wins. and wants single payer and gets it. >> you are right. costs would see rocket, and who would be in control of your healthcare, desire or needs, not
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you, but the government. the stillings are best made for the individual and their doctors, not the government. elizabeth: doe nen deneen borely we ran out of time. >> thank you. >> next up, citizenship, immigration services, ken cuccinelli, we have a lot to talk about with him, when it comes to preserving, protecting the border and american lives, the story next. when i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture, i waited to get treated. thought surgery was my only option. but then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. it was a total game changer. learn more about the condition at
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liz: joining me now is ken cuccinelli, the acting director u.s. citizenship and immigration. we are probably one of the only shows in the country that reports what's going on at the border on a daily basis. 800,000 illegal aliens apprehended at the border. but there are concerns border officials are being pulled away from the interior to deal with the surge. your reaction? >> that's certainly been the case during the worst parts of the border crisis. we are still in crisis numbers. even though the numbers have
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gone down for three, four months in a row. we are at crisis levels in terms of the raw numbers coming in. that doesn't just draw more border patrol agents, it draw more i.c.e. agents to the border, and that means they are taken away from internal enforcement and removals and it draws for officers to do asylum and credible fear hearings. so we are all working together to stem the tide at the border. but there is no question, resources are not you be limited, despite the fact it's the federal government. that's just not the case here. other enforcement naturally gets delayed. it does the help to have sanctuary localities as active as they can without crossing legal lines getting in i.c.e.'s way, even if it means letting loose child rapists, murders and
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so forth back toi -- back into r own community. they would rather do that than deport them. liz: 10,000 of the illegal deported in the last fiscal year were gang members. listen to what tom homan had to say about nancy pelosi. >> i heard speaker of the house nancy pelosi make the comment that i.c.e. agents terrorizes innocent immigrant communities. i.c.e. doesn't arrest innocent people. i.c.e. arrests people who violated the law that you enacted. liz: democrats and people in the media keep distorting this. it's not about legal immigrants which we support. people support that, it's about
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criminal illegals. >> there is no question. there are two different side to this story, one is the legal immigration which my agency is responsible for processing, and we are proud to do that. then there is the whole illegal immigration side of it. and these are people who are breaking our laws. if nancy pelosi doesn't like those laws, she is speaker of the house. she can do something about that. but while they are on the books, law enforcement is obligated to enforce it. that's what they are doing at i.c.e. they are professional law enforcement officers who go to work every day putting themselves in harm's way to enforce our laws. they deserve our respect. not the dumping on they get from so many in congress. liz: you guys are up against a wall of resistance. watch this heated exchange from last week's hearing. this happened with democrat
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congresswoman jiaphal. >> you want to know why there are immigrants in detention because you have failed to secure the border. you refused to close the three loopholes we asked you for three years to close. you failed the american people not securing the border and closing loopholes. >> please respect the chair and the authority of the chair. the time of the gentlemen has expired. >> you don't get to go beyond his time. >> we have approved an agreement between the republicans and democrats. liz: he's saying it's a circus. the congresswoman gaveling him down when he's trying to speak the truth. >> let's be really clear. congress has as tom homan said
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there, failed to do their job. over in the senate you had senator graham before they went on summer vacation make a hard attempt to fix the holes in our system. the loopholes drawing at heat some large am of this rush to the border. so senator graham, the judiciary committee, majority deserve a lot of credit. in the house all you have got is show hearings. god bless tom homan he keeps showing up to testify. but then of them involve legislation. when he refers to the three loopholes. two of them have agreed upon by president obama's and president trump's administration. and congress refuses to act to solve this problem. liz: i'm so upset we ran out of
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time. we have so many more questions for you. will you come back on the show? thank you for joining us. thanks for having us in your homes. lou dobbs is next. lou: good evening. the radical dimms continue to spin up more bizarre tales of fiction, their banality and that of the deep state on lurid display as never before. nancy pelosi defending adam schiff's lies and emails confirming rod rosenstein's role in that previous edition of what is another witch hunt, so says the president. we take it all up here tonight with two of the country's leading attorneys victoria toensing and joe digenova. another bust for the radical


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