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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  August 3, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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entirely doable. john lonski, great to have you here. >> same here. lou: that is it for us. thank you for being with us. tom homan and tammy bruce among our guest tomorrow. hope you'll join us. follow me on twitter @lou dobbs also instagram. good night from new york. good night. david: president trump taking on democrats for putting illegal aliens than our own citizens. president trump: democrats care more about illegal aliens than they do about their own citizens. they put illegal aliens before our own americans and we are not going to do that. >> would your plan cover healthcare for undocumented
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immigrants? david: researchers say they discovered a new blood test that could accurately predict alzheimer's 20 years before the disease sets in. what would you do if you were driving down the road and saw this. that's not a drone. it's a real plane. "trish regan primetime" begins right now. all side pointing to a bombing economy. employers adding 164,000 jobs in july. consider this.
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>> this has to be the party that's not afraid to say we are going to tax the hell out of the wealthy. david: joining me now, jenna ellis, along with former white house advisor under president clinton, doug schoen. happy friday. doug, even "the washington post," the liberal "washington post" came out with a lead editorial today talking about grounding visions. you have to you ground visions. and a lot of the democrats they say did not do that in the debates this week. they talk about proposals that should meet a baseline degree of factual [applause] built. a bar the medicare for all plan does not reach. do you agree? >> we cannot eliminate private insurance. we cannot spend trillions of dollars to extend medicare for
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all without tax increases. it's implausible, impractical. think about how people will react if we are told you are losing the health insurance through your employer you counted on. to my way of thinking there is a simple way to do it. keep private insurance and incrementally extend the medicare system to those who are uninsured. david: which is what biden was talking about. they are not only going for medicare for all. we saw mayor deblasio talk about this wealth tax he has. we should be specific. the wealth tax is not an income tax. it's a confiscation tax. they do something the constitution says the government is not supposed to do, tax you, or take away from you stuff you already paid taxes on. that's what they are a voaf kateing.
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that's bolshevik. >> it's unconstitutional. >> it sounds great to have these democratic talking points. but what does the constitution allow the office of the president to do. if you look at what those 2020 democrats are promising, t are so far outside the margin of anything remotely constitutional, this should trouble american voters saying this is not something we can support because we believe in the rule of law, limited government, and the president is not a dictator. their policy is socialist redistribution. david: we believe in the constitution of the united states. the fur of writing the constitution was limiting the government's power over individuals. not what the government can give to people. that's what the soviet constitution was all about. they guaranteed jobs for
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everyone. of course they delivered on none of those things. doug, i'm wondering if you are concerned that joe biden may become somehow infected by this leftward tilt. you are laughing, but he's already getting his own green plan. >> i am laughing but i really shouldn't. the energy and impetus in the democratic party is to the left and far left. biden's theory of the case is he has to move as far left as he can and hold on to the center. >> is he committed himself to a green plan? >> he's trying to suggest his plan is less substantial than that of aoc, the squad. those who advocate a green new
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deal. he's not for medicare for all. but candidly, how much of the discussion of the private sector, economic growth and job creation did you hear last night? david: none. it was all about growing the government. rush limbaugh spoke to fox news and sean hannity about the underlying purpose of all the democratic green deals. >> it's not even about the climate. it's not about the weather. it's an economic plan designed to get massive federal power and grow the federal government under the pretext that average americans cannot be left to live their lives without ruining things, especially for the democrat party. it's unaffordable. it won't happen, and the premise behind it is bogus. david: i think he's right.
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it's more about switching the power of capital and all else we cher fish the government to the private sector. >> it's the democrats saying we want to take your money and decide what to do with it because we can decide how best to spend your money rather than the conservative notion, we are conserving most of freedom and liberty and individual choices for you and your family because our country was founded on the premise and understanding that our rights come from god himself, not from our government, and you are in control of your destiny and decision making. not only is it fundamentally economically ridiculous, math is not partisan. this is unconstitutional and un-american because we recognize the government does not have the right to infringe like that. david: kamala harris is still for the green new deal. she hasn't taken away her support of that.
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the transfer of capital from the private sector to the government would empower the government to the point which is far beyond what the constitution permitted. >> i'm not here to defend the far left. i think we need a centrist inclusive president who i think joe biden could be. not necessarily will be. we can't just fight and fight and fight. we are one nation under god. not conservatives or liberals under god. david: the aclu might strike that remark. >> we've should be conserving the same thing. we want to conserve the constitution and conserve more liberty. >> i would like to grow jobs. grow liberty, grow freedom. one of the things i'm afraid of is we are not standing up for
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our values around the world. i was deeply put off with what the president did with vladimir putin. it's clear they intrude. it's clear. we have to make it clear enough is enough. david: you quoted john f kennedy before the show who said something that's as pertinent today as it is today. he was a great tax cutter. he said a rising tide lifts all boats. something i think today's democrats would denounce asteriskle down economics. >> he also said our rights come from the lord. his core value ofs and we'll fight any fight, go anywhere to fight for liberty. those were profound word then, i stand by them now and i say our president is not doing enough to propound those core values.
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david: those core values are something we can all agree on. >> i wish we were talking about this and recognizing president trump had the ministerial on religious freedom. he's doing so much that he is promoting those values across the world. >> i'm a free trader. the tariffs hurting the market are deleterious. i am not for punitive tariffs. i remember smith hawley. david: i hope we can stop china now. >> where is the concern about freedom and liberty in china. i haven't heard it from anybody. david: mayor bill deblasio drumming up class warfare at the democratic debate. >> when i'm president we'll even up the score and tax the hell
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out of the wealthy. david: he apaymently was holding up fellow passengers so he and his security detail could deplane first. the friendly skies of southwest airlines. dr. siegel is here on a brand-new blood test. this is important. 94% accurate at identifying early onset of alzheimer's. democrats pushing a lot of 0 free stuff at this week's debate. >> the most of basic healthcare for free. >> tuition free. >> debt free college. >> it's all free. my next guest is wondering why democrats are pushing free stuff while neglecting their own constituents. niger inis is here to speak out
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after this. >> what happened in baltimore is disgraceful. it's not only baltimore. it's other democrat-run cities. you ought to report on it sometime. when i walked through a snowstorm for a cigarette, that's when i knew i had to quit. for real this time. that's why i'm using nicorette. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus intense craving relief. every great why, needs a great how. brad, i've got an idea for a song. nationwide has this app. you can pay your bills, even start an auto claim. so what i was thinking... let me guess. ♪ start a claim right from your app. ♪ have you been looking in my notes? ♪
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we're on the move. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. terminix. defenders of home. the doctor's office might mejust for a shot.o but why go back there when you can stay home
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you're so cute when you get excited... anyways... i've got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. i can schedule a time for them to call me back, it's great! you have our number programmed in? ya i don't even know your phone anymore... excuse me?! what? i don't know your phone number. aw well. he doesn't know our phone number! you have our fax number, obviously... today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'll pass.
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>> raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants. david: every single one of them. democrats all in agreement on the debate anyway that illegal immigrants should get full healthcare coverage. but what happened to taking care of american citizens in places like baltimore? president trump: lawmakers care more about illegal aliens thaj they care about their own constituents. i have a simple proposal for democrat leaders to support are legislation to end illegal migration and we'll use the vast savings to rebuild our inner cities. that's the way we should be doing it. david: joining me, niger innis and brad blakeman. thank you for coming in. this favoring of illegal -- the
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rights of people who are here illegally, even above the rights of americans. it seems like political suicide to me. doesn't it? >> it is. what sense of responsibility or allegiance? their sworn allegiance is to those people of this country. not those who seek to break our laws. they are offering services they can't even provide for americans. illiteracy, nutrition for our children. we can't take care of ourer on and we are committed on a tax burden to pay for people who come here illegally and stay illegally. and sanctuary cities give them protection from law? >> talking about inner cities and talking about baltimore, it turns out the same day that the president tweeted out his statements about baltimore, that
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so many people deride at racist, was the same day congressman cummings had his own baltimore residence broken into. >> a couple weeks before that you had the deputy police chief mugged in baltimore. i'm laughing because of the irony. but the fact is, it's not funny it's a deadly serious. and for over 50 years you had essentially one party rule in that city. of course, that being democrats. and you have this unholy alliance of the so-called progressives. the tasm any hall huxter democrat politicians and crony capitalists. david: we have one of those politicians right here in new york, and he happens to be
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running for president. mayor deblasio. he's a guy who says we need more money. he increased the budget of new york city over 30% since he has been in power. and it's dirtier now, it runs less efficiently. there are more homeless on the street and i think crime is ticking up. we had a republican mayor not too long ago. he turned a crime infested city, one that was filthy he where you went, including times square. he made it cleaner, he made it safer, and he did it by spending less money. he actually cut the budget instead of growing the budget. it's not a matter of money be is it. >> it's not how much money you have, it's how you spend it. the littlest of crimes lead to
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the biggest of crimes. graffiti, he took on the squeezy guys. people saw a difference. and he instituted the comstat reporting that drilled down fan made individual precincts responsible for the crimes happening in their precincts. before rudy we were taking global stats of new york city. including all five boroughs. so rudy giuliani put the responsibility where it belongs. david: it's not rocket science. you have to make sure people are not loitering or using the streets as their bathrooms as they are doing in los angeles and creating health crises. it's relatively simple stuff. but the liberal democrats are not doing it. >> this whole controversy with
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trump's tweets about elijah cummings. it started because a local african-american young lady activist was going in the community and a community member said do you want to see a horror story. and he took her to where he and his wife lived. it was full of rats and roaches and dead bodies and needles and all the things trump tweeted about. it was based on her responding to the local black residents that trump responded. i think we are on the brink of a revolution in the black community. i think the president could have the potential to get 20 to 25% of the black vote quietly. they may not admit it publicly. when they get into that voting booth and look at their paycheck and hook at what 50 years of the
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democrat any rima sheen caused them. they will take a look at that stuff. david: tulsi gabbard accusing president trump of supporting the terrorist group al qaeda. >> not only have we not gone after al qaeda. they are stronger than they were in 9/11. our president is supporting al qaeda. david: the story behind this crazy dash cam video catching a plane's emergency landing into oncoming traffic in the state of washington. a bill that will allow taxpayers to give $3 to $6 to bill the wall. -and...that's your basic three-point turn. -[ scoffs ] if you say so. ♪ -i'm sorry? -what teach here isn't telling you is that snapshot rewards safe drivers
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david: not more than 24 hours
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since president trump announced the possibility of new tariffs on china. now china is threatening to retaliate by pulling out of u.s. trade talks. but the president is standing firm saying china should be the one on defense. president trump: we are so far behind. we have been treated so badly. and i don't blame china. i blame our past leaders and past presidents. right now they have a very unfair playing field and i'm turning it around. china has to do a lot of things to turn it around. but you will see they have to do a lot of things. it goes on september first. if they don't do it i can increase it substantially. >> here with me to react to all of this, republican mark green. thank you for being here.
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what is china up to? first they come close to signing on the dotted line and at the last minute they pull out. they said they would be buying up all these soybeans from the u.s., they fell far short of that. what's going on? thanks for having me on the show. i think a lot of times people think of china in a sort of confucius way. and the warring states period in china. it's about deception and manipulating your enemy. these guys are masters at this. they are in this negotiation trying to get the best for them. you be fortunately, president trump wrote the book.
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he knows. so he's standing to -- toe to te with them. you look at the billions taken off of our gdp from intellectual property theft, that gdp powers our military. th if they continue to go after our country and steal stuff. motorola is a great example. in 1997 it was worth $17 billion. after doing a deal with huawei it was sold for $9 million. they are taking jobs. david: i wonder how much more of this china can take. our economy is strong. it's still going strong with low
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inflation. their country, their economy is slowing way down with high inflation. it's called stagflation. they are on the ropes. how much more of this can they take? >> i think maybe a couple more months. with companies like apple announcing they are moving to south korea, china has to do something. this is their last efforts to get as good a deal as they can get. but this president is not going to budge. i'm willing to bet we get a deal in a couple months. david: you recently introduced a bill to allow taxpayers to contribute a few bucs on their tax returns every year to help build the wall. is this bill getting any traction at all in congress? this is actually a bill fit gets passed becomes law, will allow
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the taxpayer to check that box at the bottom of their 1040 and send $3 to the border wall for their return. the chances of it getting done in this washington, d.c. is almost zero. but it's certainly something we need to think about. i really like the idea and hopefully it can get some traction. david: and it's all about choice. people who don't want to do it don't have to do it. it probably wouldn't amount in the end, even if you got it passes. it would be less than a billion dollars. >> that's right. but this is about the wall. this monday i was in el paso, texas. i did a ride along with cbp. we have to have more wall.
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it's better for the migrants and better for americans and better for cbp to do their job weeding through and finding ms-13. david: it worked in israel, it worked in san diego. coming up. sorry, we'll have to check that luggage. what's the southwest flight attend damage doing in the overhead compartment. 2020 democrat tulsi gabbard accusing president trump of supporting terrorist group al qaeda. >> not only have we not gone after al qaeda who is stronger than they were on 9/11. our president is supporting al qaeda. brad, i've got an idea for a song.
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david: tonight the united states officially pulling out of a three decade old treaty with russia bang ground range missiles because russia hasn't been following the terms of the deal for years. but what comes next is a post-treaty world. could that hold powerful opportunities for our military and a deal that makes for sense for us? president trump: with russia, if we could get a path where they reduced and we reduced nuclear. that would be a great thing for the world. the particular pact that expired today. they weren't living up to their commitment. if they are not going to live up to their commitment, we always have to in the lead. we have more nuclear coming.
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i hate to say it because it's devastating but we have always got to be in the lied. david: joining me bret vilekovic. what's the point of a treaty that's being ignored. >> exactly. when i look at the bigger picture. russia gave the u.s. no other choice but to back out of this treaty because of their non-compliance and violation. it was as if they were using the treaty as a way to gain a competitive advantage over the u.s. because they knew we would not violate the treaty and they could build missiles in the process. they have been building out a land based cruise missile which is a violation. it shows they do not care about
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abiding by international rules. when the inf treaty was created in the 1980s, it was known the protect europe. and the europeans are backing the president in his latest move because they know the russians have been secretly creating this missile system that can strike european capitals within minutes. david: history proves when the united states falls behind, everybody talks about the danger of a nuclear race. the president talked about a lot of people on the left won't like the fact that we pull out. but on pearl harbor and 9/11, when we got lazy because the soviet union died, we thought there was no threat. but we always have to be on the
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cutting edge. >> there is potential it could spark a new arms race and there is talk russia may risk the increase of building up conventional missiles and putting them on the border of russia and the european border. but it's a new modernized world. the inf treaty didn't even have china a part of it. it allowed chinad to build up their nuclear missiles. 95% of their missiles would not be in compliance with this treaty. we need to create a new one that reflects the current landscape. david: tulsi gabbard raising some more than a few of eyebrows at the debate saying president trump is supporting the tear yifort net work al qaeda.
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and she got immediate pushback. >> we are suppose to go staff died where. but we have not gone after al qaeda who is stronger than they were in 9/11. our president is supporting al qaeda. trump is still trying to overthrow the regime of assad and he threatened anyone who goes after al qaeda he'll use our military to go against whoever attacks them there. >> that does sounds like a talking point of the assad regime. david: what is going on? it's such a convoluted way of suggesting the president is supporting al qaeda. what do you make of all this? >> it's absurd. gabbard is flat out wrong. she is a great american for serving her country and i thank her for that. but just because she deployed once to iraq as part of a medical units does not make her
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an expert in al qaeda or their reyou are jerns. al qaeda has been decimated. we heard news of bin laden's son who is supposed to be the successor to bin laden was killed. al qaeda is nowhere near wait used to be. she is flat out wrong and she doesn't know what she is talking about. david: think about what this president has done to decimate isis. she claims to know syria pretty well. she should know their positions in syria have been wiped off the map since this president began his offensive. thank you very much for being here. crazy dash california video catching a plane's emergency landing into oncoming traffic in the state of washington. but first a new blood test that is 94% accurate at identifying
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early alzheimer's. dr. siegel is here to weigh in on the exciting details after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the all-new chevy silverado. with fifty industry-firsts. it's the strongest, most advanced silverado ever. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that.
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david: researchers think they might have found a way to detect
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early onset of alzheimer's. as many as 20 years before the disease begins to take hold. a blood test that could be up to 94% accurate in its prediction is a key discovery. dr. marc siegel, dr. siegel, if true, this is very exciting. is it the real thing? >> i think it i. i think it's the beginning of a new era for alzheimer's research and treatment. we have 6 million people suffering. it's a family disease. it's not just the patient. david: i don't know of any family in my own circle that hasn't haddal alzheimer's affect somebody. >> by the time you have it your brain is filled with the protein
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and there is no way back. we don't get the causes of this protein. but the protein build up from the blood from whatever is causing alzheimer's. we think it many genetically driven. the people in the study with this abnormality called apoe4. the blood test that's now available for testing alzheimer's proteins in the blood made it extremely likely, 4%, that you were going to end up having alzheimer's. you didn't have it at first, you got it later on. david: say i take it and test positive. what do i do to prevent the on set of the disease. >> unfortunately that's what is going to be studied. david: are there drugs or a diet?
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or brain exercises. >> all of what you just said i prescribe. brain exercises, physical exercise. a few years ago we found out an ice lan d icelandic population d lower genetic incidences of alzheimer's in the brain. this marker will tell us before it happens. 10 years from now if you have this protein -- david: if it is -- is there any point during which it begins to work its evil in my brain, there is any point then even if i catch it in the beginning that i may be able to stop it from progressing further? >> not yet. this test will be available in the doctor's office in three to
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five years. but what i have told you, we are work on genetic treatments that will prevent it. that's 5 to 10 years away. i will be able to tell you your risk is extremely high. we know what the problem is. we know how to detect it early, then we have to get the treatment to solve it. david: i think it's very exciting information. >> when you know it's going to happen, the family can prepare. a family can say we have to look for the future for this patient. we need to know about this early to develop exciting treatment in the future. david: bill deblasio drug up class warfare at the debate. >> when i'm president we'll even up the score and tax the hell out of the wealthy.
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david: even up the score. the egalitarian mayor acting high and mighty. not evening up the score on his flight back. apparently holding up other passenger so he and his security detail could deplane first. why is this southwest flight attendant stuffed in the luggage compartment? when i walked through a snowstorm for a cigarette, that's when i knew i had to quit. for real this time. that's why i'm using nicorette. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus intense craving relief. every great why, needs a great how. it's my special friend, antonio. his luxurious fur calms my nerves when i'm worried about moving into our new apartment. why don't we just ask geico for help with renters insurance? i didn't know geico helps with renters insurance. yeah, and we could save a bunch too.
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antonio! fetch computer! antonio? i'll get it. get to know geico and see how much you could save on renters insurance. [ text notification now that you have] new dr. scholl's massaging gel advanced insoles with softer, bouncier gel waves, you'll move over 10% more than before. dr. scholl's. born to move. a cockroach can survive heresubmerged ttle guy. underwater for 30 minutes. wow. yeah. not getting in today. terminix. defenders of home.
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hey, look at this beautiful couple. see. not a couple. i knew as soon as i said that, i was like don't say it, don't assume. did you know more than 2 people die from skin cancer every hour? oh man. it's a bummer. but the good news is, skin cancer is the cancer you can see, so you can go get checked. you can check each other regularly. make it romantic. turns out i'm a matchmaking mirror. you're welcome! love might be in the air.
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>> welcome back everybody. it is time for the lightning round. good to see you cover part happy friday. a small plane making an emergency landing on a washington state highway, it's a next ordinary thing to see. i cannot imagine. >> it happened after a fuel malfunction and the plane was able to safely glide down. my first thought, there's actually a place with her little traffic that you can land a plane. it made me realize i'm in the wrong washington. and if anyone put a single engine prop plane, i'm not going up. thankfully everyone was okay. >> he stopped at the traffic light. but according to a brand-new pull, 22% of millennial say they
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have 0 friends. this is pathetic. people are learning to live with her solitary lives because of the computers. >> i think that's the exact reason. the 3% as well said they consider sometimes they're always lonely. i pick up the good old days, if you wanted to make friends or to your friends yet interact with them face-to-face. now you can feel like you're keeping up to date with the screen. in the study points out that's not a social full, for making people feel lonely. >> in the illusion yelps thousands of friends based on facebook is sad and pathetic. it was our story, a southwest airlines flight attendant is caught hiding in a number had been. >> it was before the plane took off, southwest put a statement, we are known for having goofy
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flight attendants trying to reduce some of the stress. spirits all this and said we could put people above, will charge an extra $20 for that. i would love to put some of the people on my plane yesterday, he took his shoes and socks off. make sure to remind people none of our flight attendants are doing this it was just a goofy thing before. >> that has happened to me. the neighbor taking their shoe off. speaking of planes, new york city mayor and helpful phil de blasio making airplane writers furious when he forced them to keep their seats it is so typical of a socialist, they wantme filming the view. and a lot of people you'd be worried about saying he might lose support for this paper that place you support to start with. and i don't think this will give
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him a huge dip in polls. new new yorkers are used to waiting for things like subways. so sadly people in new york are pretty used to waiting for things. in this case vacancy de blasio was a reason for their weight. >> donald trump rates higher than de blasio in new york city. bernie sanders getting another ben & jerry's ice cream flavor. it is extraordinary how capitalist kids work bernie sanders. >> this is a layer of chocolate on top to signify how 1% has risen to the top, there is a/of cinnamon that is signifying bernie it is holding people's feet to the fire. in the trend where people are taken ice cream and licking and put it back on, that is allowed for the bernie sanders ice cream to the socialist roots of spreading the wealth. don't actually do that. but it is ironic that these big
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corporations are supporting a man that made a career of saint hill breakup corporations. >> vladimir said there's always capitalist willing to sell socialist the rope which we will hang them. there's always useful fools out there. ten sharks have been spotted off cape cod in the past two days and very close to shore. i have a house in cape cod, my sisters out there intro. >> the authorities there reported over 150 sightings off of cape cod. there could be multiple sightings of the same sharks. i will defend the sharks in the situation. they're looking for food in a fun time. in the sharks would like to remind humans are more likely to die on the drive to the beach than in the water at the beach. fisher friends not food. just have fun at the beach. >> there was a person killed by a shark question. they have all these seals out
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there and they been so good to the seals it's created a huge shark population. that does it for tricia regan. you can catch me every >> an expert gunsmith... >> anything i could imagine, i could build, just like that. >> ...with an eye for history... >> this is a copy of daniel boone's rifle. davy crockett rifle that hethe . over here, is a 12-pounder napoleon. >> ...and a goal in his sights. >> collection of every gun of major importance in the history of the united states.ut when itl the incredible arsenal... >> were you shocked? >> oh, yeah, of course. oh, yeah. >>'s his heirs who hear a blast from the past. >> what did you estimate that collection was worth at that time? >> probably a million dollars. that was a small load. if you put a big load in there it'll knock you on your fanny.
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