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tv   The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan  FOX Business  May 1, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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neil:down about 25 points. want to direct your attention to, a lot of people will ask about the briefing. about the comment at correspondents' dinner. trish regan next hour. trish: you know i will. thank you, neil. a smashingket selling off preet steeply. down earlier in the session. white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders will address the media first time since the controversial correspondents' dinner, the one i'm glad i missed. i would rather be doing anything else, like organizing my sock drawer. this as the white house pulls back on the pressure on our trading partners giving them more time to renegotiate the deals before the new tariffs kick in. i'm trish regan. welcome to
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"the intelligence report." president trump awarding several countries, a last minute one month delay for steel and aluminum tariffs take effect. what happens now? former labor secretary nominee andy puzder is here. he will weigh in and talk about his new book. florida senator marco rubio says there is no evidence whatsoever that proves the republican tax bill helped any american workers. hmmm. what's he talking about? isn't this the guy actually liked tax cuts? doesn't evidence take a little while to show up in the economy? we'll have my intel. stocks selling off. we're just down 18. on heels of disappointing round of corporate earnings, sending investors into a panic mode when it comes to dow and s&p traded companies. we do have apple's big release at the closing bell today. we have a preview for you. go straight to the nyse, our own
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nicole petallides has more. hey, nicole. >> trish, we eked out a gain of 1.25% for the dow jones industrial average average. we were down over 300 points. we're coming off the lows. nasdaq is in the green. tech doing well today. the dow is down 180 points. strong u.s. dollar also providing headwinds. look at dow losers. pfizer came out with quarterly numbers. that is a big laggard. down 3.7%. merck down 2.7%. mcdonald's boeing, which had a deal today, purchasing klx, that is a $3.2 billion deal, parts supply parts services. take a look at tech stocks. we're waiting for apple "after the bell." that is key. that will drive this market. right now, apple, intell, microsoft are all in the green.
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not just a small amount. they're up one, 2%. apple up 1.25%. we're waiting until after the bell. there are expectations that the stock will move 3% up or down afterward. it has been a winner seven times in earnings per share seven out of the last eight quarters but analysts are somewhat negative on the narrative. they're not sure which way it will go. not sure how the stock will react either. we heard a lot about tepid iphone sales. we'll see. back to you. >> thank you so much, nicole. president trump granting temporary tariff exemptions for several u.s. allies including canada, mexico and the eu our very own edward lawrence has latest. reporter: hi, trish. there has been a flury of activity with countries trying to come to the trade deal because of announced tariffs on steel and aluminum. trish, take a look at the list. these countries saw this coming and ended up making free trade deals with the united states.
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as we broke the news, argentina, australia, and brazil all made deals in principle yesterday. the details will be finalized in the next 30 days. south korea made a deal and it was finalized to avoid those tariffs that leaves the europe and china. but the european union is a different story here. as we know the french president and german chancellor were here talking to president trump trying to get them to back off those tariffs. senator joe lieberman says the u.s. will actually need the european union going forward. >> i don't think he wants to get into into a trade war. with europe. i think he also wants to have the european leaders stand with him in these other negotiations which are different, because unlike the europeans he is dealing with enemy, adversaries of the u.s., iran and north korea. reporter: for some china could
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also fall into the category and president donald trump tweeting out this morning about china, sending a delegation there. the meetings start tomorrow, saying they will address the massive trade deficit. steel and aluminum tariffs were imposed on china last month. those are in effect. the chinese in retaliation are saying they're removing exemption of tariffs for 12u.s. projects, pro pipe fittings to pork, to flowers going over there to china. bottom line, trish, talks of trade tariffs on steel and aluminum have brought a lot of people, a lot of countries to the table. trish: thank you so much, edward. joining me right now former cke restaurant ceo andy puzder. i have good news. we're kicking off our summer reading series with you. >> thank you very much. trish: it's a beautiful day. you wrote such a fantastic book. >> thank you. trish: everybody should be reading it and what a food time to be out -- good time to be looking for summer books. his new book,
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"capitalistcomback." the trump boom and the left's plot to stop it. you gave me a very nice inscription. thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> thank you. trish: i like the idea, brazil, argentina, and other places are coming to the table right now but what about those europeans? >> as i say in the book president trump is a capitalist. he wants free trade. but doesn't want trade that is unfair. if your trading partners are cheating you, imagine you're the ceo of ford, to sell a taurus in europe you have to pay a 10% tariff but a bmw wants to sell the bmw in the united states they pay a 2.5% tariff. you're head of ford gm, chrysler, what is going on here? this just isn't fair. the president wants to take out the non-trade barriers, tariff barriers, non-tariff bar yes, sir, intellectual property problems. we'll come to a deal with
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europe. i guarranty you on this show we'll come to a deal with europe. trish: no one else bothered. how come? >> you haven't had a real businessman in this office for a long time. journalists, ivory tower elitist crowd gets very upset when somebody makes strong assertions in a negotiation. if you're a businessman or woman you've been through negotiations. what president trump is doing doesn't upset you or doesn't upset xi xinping. trish: it upsets the market though. >> i don't know why. we're not headed toward a trade war indicated by deals that have been cut. look this president wants a great economy. he runs it as capitalist runs it. he is already doing it. he will make trade deals. we'll have a deal with china. trish: full disclosure, i completely, utterly agree with you. we're the world's biggest consumer. we have a ton of leverage. we might as well use it but the free market attitude surrounding all of this it shouldn't really
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matter. even if they want to put tariffs on our goods, if we truly believe in free markets, we're willing to sell regardless. why is that in your view flawed and, how is it that we are suddenly rethinking all of these things and how they have affected our population now? >> you know, just doesn't make any sense. if you agree to sell my book and i agree to sell your book but you decide to take a 50% higher profit to sell your book than my book, who do you think will sell more books. that may be free but it isn't fair. i at this the president had this nailed. i think others -- trish: why did it happen in the first place? why would any company agree to figure like that? >> a company wouldn't but countries have. we got outnegotiated in a lot of these. some people said we gave great deals to china initially to keep peace. you don't go to war with trading partners. that is pretty fair but this trade deficit has gotten out of
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hand. if they're dumping product, dumping product is okay. dumping products with the intent of damaging american businesses that's not okay. non-trade, non-tariff barriers to trade are not okay. like requiring that you have a joint venture partner who is chinese or you turn over intellectual property to the chinese. that's not fair. and having tariffs that are out of balance with any kind of tariffs we have in the united states, that's not fair trade. they have a big market. we want in there. i think the president will get us in there. trish: i have a funny story for you. you can't relate to this, at least no not on this level. i was down reporting in brazil. i needed some lipstick before i went on camera. i went into the one of the department stores there in sao paulo. i tried to buy some. you would not believe how much clinique lipstick cost you in brazil. it was because of tariffs. they have the rules, if you don't have a clinique factory in brazil, you can't sell it
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without huge add-ons because they're trying to encourage people to buy the brazilian products. so i think i wound up spending 50 bucks on one little thing of lipstick. it tells you what tariffs do and there is no way clinique can sell stuff when it is that expensive in other countries. >> which means it isn't fair trade. it isn't free trade. it is unfair trade. and unfair trade just doesn't work. we've been taking the hit on this we're the world's largest economy. we drive the world's economic engine. i think we've been taking the hit. we have a president who says we're not taking the hit before. we'll negotiate better deals. look what he did with south korea, perfect example. our trade deficit increased 33 billion since we entered into the agreement since 2011. excuse me, 31 billion. the deficit on automobiles increased 33 billion. the entire increase was automobile sales to the united states. well he cut a deal where he says, now we can export more
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cars to south korea. south korea will import our cars. that's inprettiably important. if you're ford motor company, looking at a country where you can import x number of cars you will not spend money investing in market, you will not spend money in a car that appeals to that market. you raise number of cars you can send over there, that is different story and you may try to go into that market. this is great. trish: andy, i don't know if our control room has it. this is a chart sometimes i like to show, this is basically, i know you can't see this, andy can, trade deficit versus wage growth. >> yes. trish: basically as our trade deficit gone up, jeff sachs is on the program, he does to the like the use of trade deficit, we're the world's biggest customer of course we have trade deficit. as you see that, wage growth went down and plateaued. you have the trade deficit increasing. you see that happening in the
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late '50s, early '60s, significantly there in the '70s. then you compare that with wage growth and those two things do not make a pretty picture. >> and it is pretty simple. when you send jobs overseas, right, you lessen the demand for domestic employees. when you lessen demand for workers in the united states they end up competing with each other for jobs. when employees compete with each other for jobs, wages stagnate or go down. when employers compete for employees, where we're beginning to see in the united states, a record number about job openings and record -- trish: forgive me. this is the president. he is talking with the victims. >> he can interrupt us. trish: let's listen in. >> while i'm in route from new york, terp taking that, i've taken that route, i landed at laguardia many, many times. i went from laguardia to dallas's love field last month, engine failed crippling the
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aircraft, piloted by tammy joe joe -- tammy jo shults. her son going to the air force academy. tammie did incredible job. and the first officer darren elizar. great job. that is what i -- thank you very much. our hearts break for the family that of jennifer riordan. we ask god to hold this family close as they grief the loss of a loving wife and mother. and, i have seen so much about jennifer and she must have been a pan fantastic woman, a fantastic woman. we're also joined by crewmembers, catherine sandoval,
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synike mallory, and rachel berthimer. in making a emergency landing in philadelphia. i want to thank you folks. fantastic job. that is really fantastic. you were a little bit nervous up there? >> not at all. >> you knew who was piloting the plane, right? that is fantastic job. they said you were calm and strong and cool. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> captain shults i commend you for your life-saving actions. everybody is talking about it. they're still talking about it. they will talk about for a long time. i understand you were the first women to fly tactical aircraft in the united states navy. you drew from years of training and safety around knew how to land the plane. we salute you and every member of this group. thank you very much. [applause]
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thank you. finally we're indebted to the passengers aboard the flight including tim mcginty, andrew needham, peggy phillips who are also with us. thank you, folks. thank you very much. [applause] risked their safety to pull jennifer inside of the aircraft. peggy phillips retired nurse helped administer cpr until the plane landed in philadelphia. while there is nothing more than they could do, these americans responded with tremendous bravery, and everybody is talking about it. your bravery, compassion, we really appreciate it. thank you all. the actions of the crew and passengers of southwest flight 1380 showed the great character of our nation. we're very, very proud of them and god bless you all, and thank you very much for being at the white house. it is really an honor to meet you all. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. thank you very much, everybody. >> every one, we're leaving now.
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please exit. thanks, every one. we're leaving now. priest exit. [shouting questions] >> nobel peace prize? i think president moon was very nice when he suggested it. i want to get peace. we want to get peace. that was a big problem i think it will work out well. we'll see, we're setting up meetings right now, and i think it is probably going to be announced over the next couple days location and date. i thought it was very generous of president moon of south korea to make that statement and i appreciate it, but the main thing is to get it done. i want to get it done. thank you all. [shouting questions] >> we're exiting. thank you all. thank you. >> i may. i may, i'm not sure. thank you. >> thank you, every one. thank you. >> please exit. trish: you just saw the president of the united states
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there talking to those passenger, congrat lating the pilot on that southwest airlines flight that did lose one woman quite tragically. all those people went through a lot. i'm here with andy puzder, out with a brand new book, "the capitalist comeback." i have to ask you before you go. what did you think of happened through ronny jackson? you went through kind of similar stuff, it shows you how political everything is. it is pretty tragic. you're a guy who has tremendous credentials. who the president wanted on board to help the country. he wanted dr. swabbing son -- jackson as well, but a lot gets in the way. >> first of all thank you. second of all the progressive left wants to stop this president no matter what. they are not afraid he is going to fail. they are afraid he is going to succeed. so they will do anything he can to guarranty his failure f we can have results like we did
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with ronald reagan, where the economy came back, people had jobs, it will take another 20 years before the democrat progressives can convince the american people these big government programs are in their best interests because president trump will prove they're not by his performance on the economy. they want him to fail. they will do whatever they can to deprive him whatever he wants, mike pompeo, embarrassing. trish: he had already been to north korea and back. i was a little kid when reagan was back in office. i remember he liked jellybeans. that was a big thing for me because i liked those too. people hated him. maybe not as much as they hate this president. we've taken it to new levels now. now that you look back historically what reagan has accomplished, what he did for the economy, he has gone down in history as having lots of success. will president trump be the same? >> first of all president trump is facing a different democratic
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party. this is not the party of john kennedy and bill clinton who both did very good things for the economy. this is the party of elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. he is meeting resistance that reagan and hw, w, never really had to face. these are progressive socialist candidates. they're not even trying to hide it anymore. they can not let a capitalist free market economy president succeed. trish: andy -- >> thank you, trish. trish: we hope it succeeds. i want everybody to be making more money and doing better. we certainly want that for the country. congrats on the book. senator marco rubio is slamming the new tax law, the same law he championed and voted for. my intel how rubio is dividing the republican party maybe just to help himself. jeff and susan are heading into retirement.
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>> i want to thank you for fighting for the american worker, behind all businesses the american worker has been forgotten for far too long, whether its taxes, whether jobs sent to other countries this tax reform is about them. trish: that was marco rubio just two weeks ago, praising tax reform, saying it was adjuster risk and he was thanking the president, you heard him there
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helping american workers saying american workers have been left behind. would i agree with him on that. he is saying that the tax changes are going to change all that. that was two weeks ago. now hear what he thinks of the law, and i quote, there is no evidence whatsoever that the money has been massively poured back into the american worker. there is no evidence that the american worker is benefiting from this, or has gotten anything out of this. really? marco, because last time i checked 520 companies actually announced pay raises, and bonuses to the tune of $1000, $2,000. every ceo i talked to recently has said to me, they feel more optimistic. their companies will make more money. they want to share that money. so wages are growing right now. you look at wage growth and that data has showed us some increases. you also can look at the jobs report. we actually added more than
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600,000 jobs since tax reform came into being. so, i don't know why you're saying this hasn't helped the american worker. maybe you don't know either, marco? maybe you need to think long and hard about who you are and what you actually believe in, marco. because i thought you were a guy who liked lower taxes. lower taxes enable people to keep more of their money. enable companies to keep more of their money and by keeping more of your money, i bet you do a darn better job allocating your own money than the government would and that seemed to be something marco once believed in but now perhaps because it is beneficial to him politically, he is trying to divide the republican party. so this is what bugs me right now because i get it, a lot of people don't like trump and he probably doesn't like trump and i understand why he doesn't like trump and president trump is not everyone's cup of tea but what
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we try and do is to be a little intellectual about this stuff and to actually look at policies that will make a difference. the idea that companies can bring money back from overseas to the united states of america, that can help the individual worker. i sure hope we get that but overall tax reform is much-needed, yet marco rubio is saying these things and i'll tell you, the democrats are running with it. already chuck schumer's team put out an email what, marco rubio said what? you will hear democrat after democrat after democrat use this and say, see, we told you tax reform is doing nothing. we told you it would just go to big corporations and wealthy people and wouldn't matter to the average american. but i'm going to tell you it is a fact, it does matter to the average american. we should try to make sure every average american keeps as much of their paycheck as they can.
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joining me right now republican congresswoman from tennessee, member of the house ways and means committee, diane black. good to see you, representative black. what is going on with marco. >> i can not tell you. i do not understand why in the world marco would want to parrot the rhetoric of the left because we know it is not true. as you said in your introduction, i applaud what you said because we're hearing that in tennessee and as i move about, see people in the public, they say thank you so much for the tax reform. thank you for letting me keep more money in my pocket. thank you for the bonus. i even had some folks say, i'm a part-timer, i can get health insurance which is a big deal. the whole feeling, the optimistic feeling is good. i always say the more money people have in their pocket, the more money they spend, which means more goods and services are needed. that means the economy grows. that is is a great thing for every one,.
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trish: yet marco rubio is fighting this. i have to assume this is political motive here. does he not want to see his party succeed? >> i really don't know. looking at what we're trying to do on the ways and means as we move forward in the 2.0 tax reform, we want to make individual rates permanent. we wanted to do that in the house to begin with. it was the senate that fought us on that. we eventually caved in to that some ways. we still have work to do. we're not finished. we knew when we did the massive reform there would be things we have to go back to adjust here and there but always keeping in mind we want more money back into the marketplace, more money into peoples pockets, hard-earned money that is their money and their dollars and they're going to spend them. trish: small business owners, same thing, they should benefit to keep more of what they earn. big business too. more money they're making, easier to invest in their future and invest in their workers.
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this idea that somehow hower taxes is not going to benefit the american worker is truly flawed, and i don't think something marco rubio ever believed in until now, unless he is just playing to his audience, congresswoman? if he has the president in the crowd because he thank them because he wants to win his approval and talk to the "the economist" magazine and has whole different agenda he changes his tune? >> i can't speak to what he is saying but i know in tennessee in my particular district i'm hearing folks retiring, saying thank you, thank you, now the market is coming back, our investments, our life savings we put into these various investments are reaping some gain. we're seeing a difference there. it is all the way across the board. i'm just, really -- as to why he is saying what he is saying.
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trish: has to be some kind of a political thing going on. anyway, you're right. the market coming back a little bit. in fact it is coming back now. we started off the hour down more than 200. now we're down 150. congresswoman plaque, -- black, great to see you. trish: come back soon. white house briefing will be beginning shortly. sarah huckabee sanders first time ad podium after a comedian attacked pretty awfully at the white house correspondents' dinner. corey lewandoski will if i have us his take on all of it and what sarah should say. stay tuned. isfied with the attention you were getting? then i explain that being independent gives our firm more freedom to act in their best interests. independence lets us do that. charles schwab is proud to support more independent financial advisors and their clients than anyone else.
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>> i wouldn't change a single word that i said. i'm very happy with what i said. i'm glad i stuck to my guns. trish: glad she's glad because nobody else is glad. comedienne michelle wolf doubling down on her routine where she took potshots at press
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secretary sarah huckabee sanders at the white house correspondents' dinner. it was uncomfortable to watch. fortunately i was not there. i had many things to do, like organizing the sock drawer. we're minutes away from sarah's first press briefing since the verbal attack when wolf joked, joked, that sanders burns fat and uses the ashes to create a perfect smokey eyeliner. sanders will get asked about a leaked list of questions that special counsel robert mueller wants to ask president trump. "the new york times" publishing four dozen questions covering motivations for firing james comey and contacts between the russian. so disgraceful that the russia witch-hunt were leaked to media. you have a made-up phony crime, collusion never existed and investigation began with illegally leaked classified information, nice, exclamation point.
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joining me with his thoughts on all of it, former campaign official cory lewandoski. good stow sue. were you in the room? >> you missed it. we were in washington, michigan. the president called me up on the stage. i had privilege to be with the american people. so much better. trish: so much better. i made the point yesterday to viewers i don't think she is very talented as comedian. back in 2007 worked at jpmorgan. perhaps she would have been better off staying there. part of a being a comedian is timing. it is voice inflection. knowing how to deliver a joke. i think she needs to go back to square one on all of that. that said, it was difficult, i would imagine for sarah huckabee sanders to sit there be ridiculed like that. a little different being her than say the president. any advice for her as she faces the press in the first press conference since this whole ordeal saturday night?
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>> sarah conducted herself with amazing grace and decorum and discipline and ridicule. the disgusting diatribe, that rant that took place was really uncalled for, you know that is the case when members of the mainstream media call out, say how disappointed they were in the white house correspondents' dinner, what i saw today, i may be mistaken, "the hill," which is capitol hill publication has said they will no longer be participating in the white house correspondents' dinner. that is a major organization here in washington, d.c., that is no longer going to participate because of the way that they handled that whole situation. what we have not seen, was the outcry from the white house correspondents' association specifically, on the attacks of sarah huckabee sanders and kellyanne conway because what kellyanne tweeted out was, isn't an attack on two women an attack on all women? what the journalist said an attack on one journalist is an attack on every journalist. nobody from the white house
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correspondents' association came to the defense of sarah huckabee sanders or kellyian conway. that is why the american people stop listening to the fake news. trish: they would rather watch the rally for sure in michigan. you know, and that bugs me, because i see this all the time, corey. i think conservative women are held much different esteem shall we say by the left than women than are on the left. somehow women on the left are given this pass, and they're allowed to go after the right in a way that is vindictive. let me quickly get to the other big news, which is mueller of course, and comey and i'm sure you have seen all the numerous interviews which i think, actually, just showing us how troublesome oh this is. and actually how slippery he is. for him to sit there and look bret baier straight in the face and say that there was no bias at the fbi? he read all those techs between lisa and peter and clearly no
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bias. for him to say he didn't care, he didn't think it mattered who had actually paid for that discredited dossier? i mean it's bizarre, cory, it really is. >> trish, lying, leaking jim comey made something very clear to the american people, he has such a messiah complex that he and only he will decide what information get out to the american people. we now know he took classified information and distributed outside of the bounds of his abilities. he said well i didn't know it was classified at time. of course he did. moreover, he didn't even ask who paid for the dossier according to him but he was on record as supporting a fisa application to spy on an american citizen on u.s. soil. so only one of two possibilities exist. either jim comey was so obtuse that he no idea transpiring in the fbi in organization he was heading and he should have been fired or was complicit what was
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taking place among all the individuals. i'm anxiously awaiting the investigator general's report that will come out and very likely recommend criminal charges against jim comey just like it did against andrew mccabe. trish: wow. why isn't there another special counsel? why don't we have another investigation? >> it's a great question. clearly these people need to be brought to justice. this is the deep state at its worse. they thought they were above the law. we have seen andrew mccabe lied three times under the oath according to i-f. you will see rats. comey and mccabe will scurry away at each other. they were thick as thieves at fbi and now we'll see what happens. trish: corey lewandoski, we will. >> thank you. trish: deadline looming for president trump to decide the fate of the iran nuclear deal. whatever he decide will have big impact on oil and gas prices. coming up next what the traders at the cme are saying about this deadline. see you here.
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trish: oil above $67 a barrel. all this comes as world awaits president trump's decision on iran nuclear deal. that decision will have big, big impact on oil and gas prices. for latest, let's go to the pits of the cme, we find our own jeff flock. hey, jeff. >> traders talking a lot today. we gave it all back with the netanyahu news, we thought, wow, boom, we got a big boost. if you look at the charts today, in after-hours, we're down about $1.15, so over a percent. traders say some people don't necessarily believe in the intelligence, the israeli intelligence. other people thinking maybe that will not have an impact. i guess we'll see. here is where higher oil prices are, having an impact. leave you with this, trish, that
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is gas prices. we have multitude of states, more than $3 a gallon on average. you know you would think gas prices would start to come down now, but that is not the way they're headed, with oil prices doing what they're doing, demand increasing. who knows where the top is. we'll see. trish: thanks so much, jeff. apple is releasing earnings after the bell today amid a lot of concern that iphone sales have been slowing we have intel on what you need to know about this company next. h me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that.
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jo sarah huckabee sanders is coming out right now. we'll go to her at the white house. let's listen in. >> last month an engine failure crippled the aircraft. because of captain tammie jo shults, one of first women tofyfly tackle aircraft in the united states navy and the crewmembers, the plane was able to land safely in philadelphia w he continue to pray for the family of jennifer riordan who tragically passed away due to injuries she sustained.
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the president thanks all these men and women for their bravery. lastly we strongly condemn yesterday's suicide bombing in kabul. more than 35 people were killed including at least 10 journalists. these journalists were in the area to cover a bomb blast when a second explosion occurred. afghanistan's press corps is powerful illustration how that country has transformed there. is absolutely no justification for such a senseless and heinous act. with that i will take your questions. john? >> sarah, the president has had a suggested list of questions from the office of special counsel since somewhere near the beginning of march. we know that the special counsel wants to look into some 50 different areas of inquiry. is the president had a chance to review those questions, digest them and what does he think about the line of questioning? >> as with all questions of this nature i would refer you to the president's outside personal attorneys, jay sekulow and rudy giuliani. >> would you tell us what the
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president's level of confidence in chief of staff kelly and is he under serious consideration for next nominee of the veterans affairs administration? >> no he is not being considered as the va secretary. both the president and the chief of staff are very happy with his position that he currently holds, which is chief of staff to the president at the white house. and i would refer you back to general kelly's statement that he put out yesterday, specific to the comments, allegations about comments that he had made. i spend more time with the president than anyone else and we have an incredibly candid and strong relationship. he always knows where i stand and he and i both know this story is total bs. i'm committed to the president, his agenda and our country. this is another pathetic attempt to smear people close to president trump and distract from the administration's many successes. reporter: ask you about iran, sarah. you nsc described it as clerical error but it was significant editing error that has polly implications. can you state to the podium what
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the white house believes is the current state of iran's pursuit of a nuclear weapon and if it is in full compliance with the joint comprehensive plan of action as the iaea said it is. >> we think the biggest mistake made was under the obama administration by ever entering the deal in the first place. the typo you referenced, was noticed, immediately corrected. we're focused on moving forward on the safety and security of our country. >> but you assert what that says, there is to current program in iran and that it is in compliance with the deal, at least as it is negotiated? >> the problem is the deal was made on completely false pretense. iran lied on the front end. they were dishonest actors and so the deal that was made was made on things that weren't accurate. and we have a big problem with that. particularly -- particularly the fact that iran's nuclear capability were far more advanced and far further along than they ever indicated.
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which if this nuclear deal maintains as it is right now, the sunset provision hits in seven years, they will be much further along in the process and much, able to make a nuclear weapon much quicker than they have ever indicated before. that is a big problem. john? reporter: thank you, sarah. i want to ask you about the reprieve, eu, canada and mexico are receiving, this 30-day reprieve on the tariffs for imported steel and aluminum. what is going to take place during this 30-day period and what are the chances of that exemption being a permanent for the eu, canada and pecs co? >> we are extending those negotiations because we've seen some progress. i'm not going to get ahead of what that may look like but we have 30 days to continue in those negotiations and hopeful at that we can get something that works for everybody.
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reporter: if i may, i just wanted to ask you about something that took place last week involving the president's personal attorney, michael cohen. he in court documents asserted that he would assert his fifth amendment rights in the stormy daniels lawsuit which was filed against both him and the president. you may recall that in september of 2017 the president at a campaign rally said the mob takes as hit, -- if you're innocent why do you take the fifth amendment. do those ideas apply to michael cohen? does the president -- >> i can't speak on behalf of michael cohen. sara? reporter: president said the leak was disgraceful but former assistant to special counsel robert mueller suggested that the white house is behind the leak. he is wrong? >> once again i can't comment on anything regarding those questions and i would refer you to the president's -- reporter: the question about
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specifically the white house being involved in it. >> it was specific to the president. that is why i'm referencing and referring you to the president's personal attorneys. reporter: question about the white house specifically then. is the white house concerned as congressman adam sieve said, so many of the questions point to obstruction of justice? >> we hear at the white house try never to be concerned with anything dealing with adam schiff. reporter: what john started on the tariffs. wilbur ross said if we're going to impose it, we will have to do it pretty soon or people will game the system. sound like you feel it is moving along, but does the white house agree with the commerce secretary you will have to move forward on this pretty soon and if so, what exactly is pretty soon? >> it's a 30-day extension, we expect for these negotiations to be completed at end of those 30 days. reporter: is this last of the 30 days then. >> i will not get ahead of the
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process but right now we're working negotiating a deal during the 30 day time period. we will keep you posted. reporter: dr. ronny jackson, if he is no longer the president's personal physician, why not? >> he is still a active duty navy doctor assigned to the white house but upon his nomination to the veterans affairs, department of veterans affairs as the sectarian acting doctor was put in his place, . reporter: why is that? why not bring him back in the role? >> again, dr. conley had assumed that role, but dr. jackson is active duty doctor at the white house where there are a number of doctors that are part of the white house medical unit. reporter: does the president have response to the defamation suit filed by stormy why did.
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>> just relates to your third question. >> thank you, you talked about the president has tweeted about it, he's talked about how none of these questions relate to collusion, but that's not true. over a dozen of them do, we talked about accuracy from the president in the past why. is he mischaracterizing these reports? >> i'm not going to get into the back and forth matters involving the special counsel. reporter: it's not involving the special counsel. >> certainly has implications with the special counsel and not going to get into a back-and-forth on that. reporter: the follow-up on the first question, there are some saying that what has happened with the president's former personal doctor was a burglary,
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the way keith schueler busted in. >> not some. reporter: what is your characterization? >> it would be standard procedure for the president and newly elected president, medical records to be in possession by the white house medical unit and that was what was taking place is the records over to the white house medical unit as requested. reporter: if can i ask second question, allies of the president on capitol hill apparently drafting articles of impeachment. is it the president's belief that rod rosenstein committed a high crime or a misdemeanor? >> i'm not aware of belief of that. reporter: does the white house not endorse that drive or not call on the members to pursue that? >> i haven't seen the specific document but we don't have personnel announcements and we're continuing to move forward with the department of justice. reporter: sarah, two questions.
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there are questions percolating about james shaw, jr. and the president. the president, has he called him, planning on meeting to him. he's talking to heroes, has the heroes of the southwest flight. you said something about james shaw, jr. last week. is the president going to reach out to him? will he come to the white house? >> my understanding is that there has been an oun reach effort to bring him here to the white house, and i'll keep you updated as i have more information. reporter: okay, second question. chaos, hush money, comey e-mail investigation on the eve of the election, allegations of c collusion. do these issues go to those who have questions about the president's legitimacy. >> i'm not sure i follow the question. fact that millions of americans continue to support this presidency makes


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