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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  April 11, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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still. they have higher long-term expected return. [closing bell] liz: 10 years ago had a billion in assets. today he has 8.7 billion. thank you so much. dow snaps three-day winning streak as geopolitical tensions speaking the markets. melissa: wall street is worried about possibility of a real war. these are rising tensions, with syria hitting the dow ending the day down 216 points. s&p and nasdaq closing in the red. i'm melissa francis. >> great too see you in town. i'm david asman. here is "after the bell." here is what is happening in an hour as jam-packed as any we have ever seen before. breaking the press briefing just about to begin at the white house, what will sarah sanders tell reporters about the white house response to the suspected chemical attack in syria?
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is all that affecting the market. we have a live update. facebook founder mark zuckerberg passing or failing in the second day of capitol hill? are new regulations comes as a result of this testimony. washington, d.c., rocked by a bombshell announcement from house speaker paul ryan on "after the bell" weeks ago. what it means for the future of the republican party. among our guests, caylee mcdonald -- kayleigh mcenany. we have georgia representative buddy carter. melissa: new concerns over syria are weighing heavily on investors. nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange talk to us about the market day. >> not too far off the lows of 257. people are optimistic big picture. so many headlines drove the
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market. unitedhealth and boeing were among big laggards on dow jones industrial average. all three major averages dropped to the downside. jpmorgan, another laggard, we'll watch for financials reporting on friday. many of them. we'll keep a keen eye on that. tensions, so many headlines, obviously what is going on in syria, trump missile warnings, tensions in syria, boosted oil to more than three-year highs. oil really surged there were reports that a missile was intercepted over riyadh. it was up nearly over 2%. we have the facebook story and also the feds, right, on track for raising rates. we looked at oil, that was to the upside. we only saw a couple of dow winners, exxon and chevron, right? nobody talked about china and tariffs today. airlines, yesterday we heard from american. yesterday we heard from jetblue. heard from united and delta trying to give upbeat outlooks.
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yet this group is not coming out of the doldrums. united continental down 4%. american down 4%. couple stories, we're not buying. not believing in airline story at the moment. coupled with the fact you have higher oil prices which weighs on transportation stocks across the board. melissa: they're warning about airspace over syria as well for commercial airlines. that is not big story impacting the stocks connected to syria. nicole, thank you. david: we have jonathan hoenig from capitalist pig hedge fund. a fox news contributor. todd horowitz, the host of bubba trading. markets moving on syria concerns today. >> i mean moving partially on syria concerns but the bottom line the tops are in for now. the markets are going lower. you're seeing pressure in areas that you wouldn't expect. look at rally in gold and bond. there are fear underlying the market. we're headed lower, we'll find support but i don't think for a while. i think we go lower from here.
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david: jonathan, one thing affecting gold inflation is kicking up? >> it is breaking out. that is a warning sign as i think has been said. that is pretty worrisome time at times. we know strikes are coming. if the president said he wouldn't telegraph geopolitical moves. we know strikes are coming. we don't know when. they are kind of late by the president's own timetable. that for prospect of more tariffs and trade war and potential real war, those are weighing on stocks. only three dow winners. david: we're deregular rate the economy because of president trump but there is question whether we'll reregulate or have brand new regulations of some kind on internet because of facebook. >> i think facebook wanted to be regulated. the whole testimony i watched it seems like he is getting regulation and puts them in the top seat and stops any competition. david: todd, let me stop you right there. what business in the world would
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want more regulations for his own business and why? >> well, i think that what regulations does for somebody like facebook is it stops competition. it keeps startups from coming in to compete against them. very similar to the big banks. why are there only some big banks and little banks can't make it? regulations are so onerous they can not afford them. melissa: lawmakers questioning facebook ceo mark zuckerberg for the second day in a row over privacy concerns. deirdre bolton live on capitol hill. what can you tell us? >> so, melissa, a lot of takeaways from the combined 10 total hours of questioning but i did want to tell you that i caught up with the chairman of the house energy and commerce committee, representative greg walden. i asked him about, basically what form of regulation is most likely to come, given the prior two days. here is what he told me. >> today was really about hearing from facebook directly
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and we will be widening our lens to hear from others involved in the tech industry about how they protect online data and consumers. and what can be done. i would like to see the industry step up and do more. we want to be careful in this space, not to overregulate and overreact because the reason innovation occurred in america first because we have had light touch regulation but these companies as they have grown from a dorm room to 15 years later two billion users the enormity of their responsibility has grown with them. >> melissa, i think given, as you heard the representative's answer to my question, mark zuckerberg represented himself and facebook pretty well. some of the standout, more fiery exchanges, dick durbin sticks out in my mind. senator durbin saying to mark zuckerberg tell what hotel you're staying in? give us list of email you've been sending and give us
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content? the point was being made, the right, personal space, some privacy sand then senator john thune as well sticks out in my mind, saying why would we believe you after 14 years of apology why is it different this time? mark zuckerberg answer was we're turning a page philosophically, we're shifting a little bit of our focus for what that is worth. melissa: that story they're pedaling, we asked came binning analyst can, they said yes and took them at their word. 64 billion-dollar man, i'm sure they took him at his word that really smelled rotten. >> mark zuckerberg was part of that 87 million data set which is particularly interesting. cambridge analytica ceo out as of today. melissa: lots more questions, deirdre. thank you. >> the first line of our terms of service say that you control and own the information and content that you put on facebook. >> you have told us today and you have told the world that
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facebook was deceived by alexander kogen when he sold user information when he sold it to cambridge analystca. cambridge was on notice he could sell that user information. have you seen these terms of service before? >> i have not. david: wow, incredible testimony. senator blumenthal challenging mark zuckerberg's contention that facebook doesn't sell data to third pares. a member of the energy and commerce subcommittee who questioned mark zuckerberg on the hill. do you believe mark zuckerberg when he says they don't sell customer data it third parties? >> i have no other choice to believe him. david: you do, excuse me for interrupting, congressman, we had testimony and the contract between cambridge analytica and facebook that senator blumenthal put up, showing, proving beyond
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a shadow of of a doubt he sold data. >> he told us that the platform changed in 2014. this is the testimony that mr. zuckerberg gave. this is the testimony i have to believe. however, i believe the message got through to mr. zuckerberg this is not going to be tolerated. if they can not getty business straight, we in congress will have to get it straight for them. david: so how do you create a wall between the customer data and advertisers who may go ahead and sell that data? >> well that is the kind of information that we're trying to gather. that is why we had mr. zuckerberg here, we wanted to know and that was a question asked of him. tell us what you will do to make sure this doesn't happen again? we need the assurance this will not happen. this is very serious. i think mr. zuckerberg to the the message in the three days he was here before congress. david: cambridge cambridge anala halves been a lot of focus of
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testimony. it was not just cambridge analytica, it was to the only them using it for political purposes. during obama election cam minute in 2012, officials bragged about it and media patted them on the back doing prachtally, exactly the same thing n a "new york times" that was very complimentary what the obama campaign had time from five years ago, says the obama campaign's exhaustive use of facebook triggered the site's internal safeguards, and i'm quoting from an obama campaign engineer, it was more like we blew through an alarm that their engineers hadn't planned for or knew about. they would sigh, say, well you can do this as long as you stop doing it on november 7th. why weren't flag, red flags drawn up and congressional committees drawn up pack back then five years ago? >> i wasn't here five years ago. but i tell you again first of all we have been assured the platform is changed so it
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doesn't happen again. most importantly we made it clear to mr. zuckerberg and i think to the industry itself we will not tolerate this. if they can't get it fixed themselves we will fix it from them. trust me, you do not want this. i don't want to do this i want to do everything i can to keep the government out of the internet and off these platforms. that would be the worst thing in my mind t would stifle innovation. david: it's a legitimate concern, very legitimate concern. you don't want things to gum up the internet which has been a generator of capital in this country. i have it ask you finally, doesn't have to do with facebook, the question of a new speaker after paul ryan takes off in january, are you a scalise man or a mccarthy man. >> we're way too early for that. they're both very good friends. they're both very capable. i suspect they will get it worked out amongst themselves. that they won't be running against each other. which everyone of those two we would be very fortunate to have
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either one of them serve as speaker. david: congressman, lastly, thank you, you were hanging around during the zuckerberg testimony for us. we appreciate it. thank you for coming back today. appreciate it. >> sure. melissa: jonathan and todd are back to react along with tech expert lance ulanoff. lance, let me start with you, watching this whole thing, do you buy the idea they went over to cambridge analytica after they figured out they took all the data, cambridge said, yeah we erased it and we took them at their word, does that sound like what could have possibly gone on? >> yeah, it does, considering the way in which mark zuckerberg first reacted to what happened with the 2016 election and how he poo-pooed the whole idea there was russian interference and his platform been abused. they were taking everybody at their word. don't worry about it, it's fine. i think they were like sure, thank you for deleting that stuff, cambridge analytica, we shouldn't have let that happen. they were not being proactive
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about it. i feel like they were soft pedaling the whole idea. melissa: they just don't care? they don't care is that they're making money. >> no. melissa: so it doesn't matter as long as they're making money? i mean what do you think is behind that attitude? >> i still don't think they at that time they saw the ramifications. of course remember, this is going back to 2014. so this, these are changes that happened years ago. but it has been this slow kind of rolling out and revealing. as facebook continues to grow and our engagement with it continues to grow, and there was all that activity on facebook with bad actors happening. it all built up to a crescendo, which really made mark zuckerberg and facebook wake up. this is not our fault, this is not our problem. now they obviously know it is really their problem. melissa: todd, what do you think? they figured out how to sell all
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of our information, good for them, but at any point you push back on any of these things going on this was bound to happen where people will eventually freak out. >> first of all i think they knew they were selling it. i don't think they pushed hard enough. here is a guy allegedly stole this platform from the winkelvoss boys in harvard. he is a smart man. they, i give you my word, i didn't do it, i promise. it is silly and nonsense. if they believe it as congressman said or senator said, they believe it, i can't believe they can actually believe that. he is is under oath. i don't believe it but he was more evasive in most of his answers. melissa: jonathan, who told him with the answer first word, senator, congressman, every time, made him seem like a robot. what do you think about this company at this point in time? it is clear they had found a genius, fabulous way to get people give information for free, you don't own it anymore
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an monetize it? it was a genius business. does it continue to be now though? >> as long as bobby rush doesn't get involved, as long as senators and congressman. this was bone-chilling to watch these senators and congressmen, melissa, have zuckerberg complain how a computer works for three days, two days in a row. how much of his time, zuckerberg is very smart man. how much time is value ab, to explain to those power lusters. that is the point to make zuckerberg some kind of a criminal which he is not. so they have a reason to go ahead and regulate the internet and regulate facebook. they need to keep their grimy hands off. this is very risky. melissa: it's a risky stock because they won't stay away from regulating it, right? >> that's it. >> guys, thank you. david: president trump taunting russia. the press briefing underway at the white house. what sarah sanders is telling
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reporters, what it reveals about the commander-in-chief's decision on syria. melissa: plus president trump lashing out at robert mueller. why the president is taking a rare shot at the special counsel. coming up judge andrew napolitano sounds off. david: if you've been watching "after the bell" paul ryan's announcement was not a surprise. it managed to shock some inside of the beltway. we're breaking down the race to replace the house speaker. the man who knows the house inside and out, fox news senior capitol hill producer chad pergram. later in the hour, kayleigh mcenany from the republican national committee responds to it all. actually, i want to know what you're thinking. knowing that the most important goals are yours, is how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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>> i am announcing this year will be my last one as a member of the house. to be clear i'm not spending. i will be retiring in january, leading this majority in good hands with what i believe will be a very bright future. david: house speaker paul ryan, announcing today he will not be seeking re-election in november. the wisconsin lawmaker says he will serve out his term and retire in january, shifting focus to his replacement. here is chad pergram, fox news senior capitol hill producer. it was no surprise to us. we were talking about this three or four weeks ago before the news came out. i am curious whether he will stay in the role. he will stay in congress until january. will he keep his speakers position until then? >> he is insistent he will stay in position until january 3rd. they have leadership elections for republicans in late november. that is internal election.
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if republicans retain house of representatives. you could have steve scalise the whip or kevin mccarthy run but internal election for majority leader. that is probably going to be kevin mccarthy because he is leader now. paul ryan will still be the speaker. what might he try to do? will he try to move daca or something like that? a source close to the speaker indicated would like to address that i spoke with ilana ros-lehtinen, congressman from florida, would like the speaker to address daca. he will not be a rogue speaker. he will not do a bunch of things not popular with republicans. david: talk about what he has done, some people see success or biggest failure. the suck soes is the tax cut. that changed the economy since it was instituted. i can't think after single thing that changed the economy. the biggest failure was the failure to get an obamacare repeal and his insistence it had
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to be done before a tax cut which took up eight months of the trump administration. what would you say? >> well a lot of people would argue about health care being a failure. some might say the biggest failure by paul ryan was the fact that he was supposed to be mr. fiscal responsibility. he had ryan budgets when he was chair of budget committee, supposedly balancing the budget in a few years. guess what, they passed the $1.3 trillion omnibus bill. the tax cut bill contributes to a the deficit. congressional budget office came out with daming report that the deficit will balloon. paul ryan leaves with 21 billion-dollar deficit. he didn't address entitlements. part of that is he didn't get obamacare done. that is his legacy. david: cared a lot about entitlement reform and didn't get it. he cared about taxes because his mentor was jack kemp.
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jack kemp was biggest tax cutter in my lifetime, like paul ryan, history doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme, like paul ryan he was failed vice-presidential candidate. he ran with dole and failed to win the presidency and vice presidency. maybe he is following in kemp's footsteps for run for the presidency. >> people are asking what will he do next? will he go into a private sector. a senior source familiar with the speaker's thinking, who indicated he will not have any conversations about that until january. we heard rumblings that might not be the case or considering other things. aei, american enterprise institute has an opening. we heard rattling about the gates foundation. at the end of the day the speaker will not leave before january 3rd. you talk about his legacy, what has he achieved at the end of the day. you talk about jack kemp. that was his mentor. he wanted to get tax reform done. that was his hallmark issue. at the end of the day he did
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achieve it. a lot of people thought maybe this decision, this, david, why this was worst-kept secret in washington maybe he would have made this announcement back in january after they passed tax reform. david: if he runs for president, it will be for jack kemp. i guarranty -- >> indicated he would not seek elective office. david: we have to leave it at that i find that hard to believe. chad, good to see you, my friend. thank you very much. melissa: mark zuckerberg back in the hot seat. the facebook ceo facing a fresh round of questions from house lawmakers about protecting the privacy of two billion users worldwide. can he save facebook's reputation. david: bruce turkel. i love it francis and turkel. melissa: following the deadly chemical attack in syria, is his warning for russia next. >> they made a mistake. they have gone too far. this is not going to be some fictitious red line obama dealt with. president trump will take care and protect the united states
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david: sarah sanders just telling reporters no final decisions have been made about syria and action there. blake burman was in the room with sarah sanders. reporter: white house says all options are on the table including potential retaliation in syria. president trump sent out a tweet this morning made it appear some sort of retaliatory measure was imminent. russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at syria. get ready. because they will be coming nice, new and smart. you shouldn't be partners with a gas killing animal who kills people and enjoys it.
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president trump on monday said this was a chemical weapons attack. press secretary sarah huckabee sanders says they really can't get into the intelligence but they are still confident in their analysis so far. >> certainly there are things being assessed. i can't get into the details but we're confident part of this process that we're in to feel comfortable making the as assertions we have today. reporter: russia respond through one of hisits spokespersonses at their foreign ministry, she responded to the quote, smart missiles must fly towards terrorists not a legitimate government that is fighting international terrorism in their territory for several years. that is their take. in the briefing, sarah sanders pointed the finger directly at russia and syria, and said russia is in part responsible because they have enabled syria. david: if you listened to them
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at u.n., you realize you can't take one word from them seriously. they lie through their teeth. they doesn't think the attacks. >> they said it was staged video. david: melissa. melissa: here is respond is the director of defense studies, of the center for the national interest. first of all what do you think is going to happen from here? the president's tweet seemed pretty clear, as much as they're saying they're still considering. seems more likely they're maneuvering for position physically with troops, what do you think? >> melissa, i think the path here is very clear. i think president trump will launch retaliatory strikes on syria. in terms of a timeline, we're probably looking at very late tomorrow, but probably more likely right around this time friday afternoon. so those of us in the news media or pundits, i couldn't take any time off there. they will need probably at least another day to get all of the assets into the region. we have submarines, guided
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missile cruisers and destroyers out in the med getting ready for this. i think the path is clear. everything the white house is telegraphing, we're going towards conflict in syria. melissa: if you listen to experts, general jack keane for one, the response has to be pretty intense, you know given the tomahawk missiles of a year ago didn't have an impact, and people like general keane make the argument you can't deter assad. you have to destroy all of these weapons where they are. that is a pretty big effort. what do you think? >> well, what we need to do here is we need to eliminate assad's ability to use anymore chemical weapons against his own people, whether that is sarin, chlorine. how you do that, i think it is pretty straightforward. you have to take out his air force, which means any mig fighters, helicopters, artillery. you will need at least couple 100 crews missiles and one to two air campaign and couple
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different salvos. we have to make sure we're not near any russian military assets, russian personnel. we don't want this to be a situation where we accidentally kill russian troops and enter a much bigger sort of global conflict. that would be a disaster. melissa: what about the russian airbases that syrians use? >> this is where things get a little bit tricky. the syrians are pretty smart here. they're actually moving different air assets to russian military bases knowing that we're not going to strike those. so what we have to do, we can't get all the air assets we can take out command and control nodes. the things that would relay orders to launch more chemical attacks. it isn't perfect, melissa, but better than what we have right now. it would do a lot of damage so they can't keep hurting their own people. melissa: what is the impact on russia? how do you think vladmir putin responds? this would be a direct affront to him and what he is doing in the region. it would certainly be the president, you know be pushing his weight ahead.
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how do you think he responds to that? >> i don't think the russians would launch a cruise missile strike on our assets or anything like that because i think they realize that would raise the stakes dramatically. we would be on a path to, you know, potentially a world war type scenario. we both have to remember as well here, that the united states and russia both have nuclear weapons. we would be in a very dangerous gambit. i do think the russians would do though, they might try to shoot down some of those cruise missiles. i think that is very possible but i think that is as far as they are going to go. melissa: harry, thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. david: why the markets were down today. melissa: yeah. david: president trump giving a cryptic answer whether or not he would fire special counsel mueller. even if he could legally should he? house intel committee chairman, devin nunez taking matters in his own hands threatening to impeach fbi director chris wray. judge andrew napolitano here on all of this coming next.
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>> the worst thing trump could do ask start firing people. that is what he is being goaded into doing. many of you think that is what trump should do. many of you think this is the just and proper thing. but this is more than just and proper right now. this is about survival. david: rush limbaugh saying it would be a mistake for president
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trump to fire special counsel robert mueller or others involved in the russia investigation or involved in the raid on the premises of trump lawyer michael cohen. will he? to fox senior judicial analyst judge andrew minneapolis. judge, i played that today on another show i was on fox news channel because it was such an intriguing thing, firm, hardcore supporters of donald trump don't do it. your instincts may guide you to fire mueller but don't do it. you know the law but you also know donald trump, what do you think he will do. >> i agree fully with what rush said. i might tweak it ever so little, don't fire people, don't pardon people. if he starts pardoning the people that have pleaded guilty and become cooperating witnesses with bob mueller, it will have the same catastrophic political effect, prevent them from testifying against him as if he started firing people. what will he do? i hope he does not fire
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bob mueller or rod rosenstein. david: away from your hopes, what do you think he will do. >> on an impulse? he doesn't take advice well. he believes that he has a better grasp on his contrary political situation than anybody else. >> even from people who wish him well? >> yes even from people, no question rush limbaugh wishes him well. no question a lot of people on our network said, mr. president, restrain your impulses are saying that because they wish him well. they want a president to stay in office and do what he was elected to do. he sometimes is so strong-willed he will do things against advice of some of his advisors. david: particularly if you think some of the absurdity going on, i would put some of that in regards to the raid on the lawyer's office but we may disagree, we got word from john roberts, there is confirm pages
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that the raids had to do with "access hollywood" tape. how does that fall in the purview of special counsel mueller? or how does that, is that significant enough to violate lawyer-clint privilege in order to be done? >> i don't know how the "access hollywood" tape would come in but i will give you a little basics. there is no lawyer client privilege if the client is using the communications with the lawyer in order to discuss or mask an ongoing crime, an ongoing fraud, an ongoing tort, private civil wrong, or an ongoing administrative violation. i don't know how the "access hollywood" tape fits in there, but i can suggest to you how the other relations, alleged relations with these women fits in there. david: but you see the unequal application of the law is what infuriates a lot of people about what is going on now with the fbi investigation. with the mueller investigation, you think how hillary clinton's lawyers were treated, and their special relationship as with
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their client, lawyer-client relationship was respected by investigators back then. >> tell you why i reject that argument. donald trump and jeff sessions can change that on a dime. they can take all the evidence that jim comey said, no prosecutor would use to prosecute, present it to a grand jury, she gets indicted. what they're waiting for? i don't know. we're talking about the way the president is being treated, i'm sorry to tell what you happened yesterday, monday with michael cohen is unusual but not unheard of. the reason we know about it in case the klein is -- client is the president of the united states. david: prosecutors have all the information, everything personal and professional about donald trump. >> if they seized something not under the search warrant to which they were not entitled, the law requires they present it before independent eyes before they even look at it. david: a lot of people don't prosecutors right now to do that that is the problem. >> they're human beings. they are the best we have. they are not angels. david: leave it at that. melissa.
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melissa: you want help from the med ral government. you better get to work, president trump signed an executive order to improve the nation's welfare programs. details are coming up. plus paul ryan is gearing up to life the nation's capitol. what does the speaker's exit mean for the republican party? kayleigh mcenany, rnc spokesperson gives us her take next. >> i think we'll have a good speaker. our job is to beat the democrats and make sure we have a majority. ♪
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at crowne plaza, we know business travel isn't just business. there's this. a bit of this. why not? your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. which is what we do. crowne plaza. we're all business, mostly. melissa: passing the torch, house speaker paul ryan announcing he will not seek re-election, will be stepping down in january. his announcement adding a new layer of concern for republicans already facing a tough battle, holding on to the house in november. majority whip steve scalise responding earlier today. >> but there is a lot more work we need to get done and we need to stay focused doing that,
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keeping house majority. if nancy pelosi is speaker next year, everybody dreaming of titles and gavels all that is gone because pelosi would be the speaker. melissa: here is kayleigh mcenany, rnc spokesperson. i have seen you all over the television today. you have your work cut out for you with the big announcement. what is your initial reaction? >> well it's a great loss for us, there is no doubt. when you look at the fact that speaker ryan over his entire tenure passed more than 500 bills. that is a striking pace. a lot of those conservative bills that really are whole party is looking for, like passage of "kate's law" and banning of sanctuary cities, passing pro-life legislation. he was really able to bring together a caucus that is very fractured at times, very different ideas. when you look at establishment of the conservative wing, speaker ryan was the glue that held that together. big loss. melissa: are two-ways to spin it and look at it.
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could be the departure of speaker ryan, somewhere else we're looking for new talent, that certainly that is positive way to look at it. you know, there is the concern it makes moderate republicans feel like this is a shift in the party more towards trump if speaker ryan goes away. maybe some of those moderates are afraid of things being too much trump and go over to the democratic side? >> well you know, i look at speaker ryan, while during the election, during 2016, he had different ideas than president trump. he got on board with president trump pretty much right away. so speaker ryan was one of the greatest trump allies out there as of the beginning of 2017. if you look at the guys primed to take over, if it's a steve scalise or if it's a kevin mccarthy, we'll see who it is but either one of those individuals are very much in the mold of paul ryan. i don't think much will change. melissa: so our viewers are really focused on money issues, tax policy, and debt and
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deficit. that is, those are things that were near and dear to paul ryan's heart. do you see people stepping in to carry those man tells? when we look at future of our nation and you kind of put petty politics aside, you think about the growth comes from lower tax variety. it is immoral to pass along this sort of debt, to your children and grandchildren, do you think there are those rising up the ranks who have the same values as paul ryan on those issues? >> there are. you look at the freedom caucus. they're a bulwark against big spending. they are a real anchor to our party, when it comes to the spending. rand paul routinely votes against some of our budgets can be a thorn in our side to get it done. it's a great reminder what we need to focus on to reduce these entitlements. paul ryan passed entitlement reform during his tenure in the house, there are people ready, will be able to step in to be that voice. melissa: one of the points, that
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democrats will impeach the president. kayleigh, thanks for joining us. i appreciate it. >> thank you. david: they will impeach the president if the house -- it will happen. versus what happens in the senate. did mark zuckerberg help or hurt the facebook brand while giving testimony this week? a big debate between brand genius bruce turkel and fbn genius melissa francis. they are opposite sides of this coin. you don't want to miss the big debate coming up after the break. with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at ♪ ♪ bring all your apps to life on a cloud that runs on premises. ♪ ♪
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bring. facebook has grown, people everywhere gotten a powerful new tool staying connected to people they care about, for their voices heard and building community and businesses. it is clear now that we didn't do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm as well. melissa: critical step for facebook ceo mark zuckerberg, admitting company did not do enough to protect user data. is it enough to save face? joining me bruce turkel, turkel brand ceo. this is definitely a crisis situation where you call bruce turkel in middle. night. but i digress. i want to go over the performance that we've seen so far for this company, because i think you and i sort of fundamentally disagree on this. i thought there were a lot of problems with mark zuckerberg's performance, starting with, you're a substance and style guy, but let mae start with the style. somebody obviously coached him to say senator, at beginning of even answer, and congressman, at beginning of each answer today, made it seem very coached and
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robotic. if you look at twitter and like they were all calling him a robot. do you think that was a good call? >> i think his coaching was terrific. i agree with you, he looked a little stiff, when we've seen him before, he is almost an any electronic. this time he said senator and congressman, he was clear and respectful. each time he did that, and he would say things like let's make this clear. i want to make sure i understand. i thought he came across as firm, confident, strong leader. melissa: i also, i don't know about, there were parts of it seemed very disingenuous to me, when he talked about the idea that he just took cambridge analytica at their word, that they dethe looed data. you don't become the 64 billion-dollar man by doing that. in order to do what he has done, you have to be brilliant, have a great idea and follow through on the great execution. that is not, somebody who has created a business like his takes no one at their word on
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anything. do you think that was a wise answer? that opened him up to a lot of criticism? >> i think we have to look at two parts. the way he did what he told us was true, makes you wonder how the heck he could have done that we're talking about the performance. and in the performance, i think the way he always went back to his origin story i started this business in my dorm. i started it. i run it. i'm responsible. i took them at their word. now we see we have to do better. i thought he was consistent and clear. whether or not that actually is what he should have done, i don't think that is the point here. i think what matters is, the perception that viewers get. let's face it. this is not a guy we see very often. this is not a guy we expected to look like that. we thought he would come out in a hoodie. melissa: no. >> we thought he would mumble. instead we saw a leader. remember what i always say, we talk about it all the time, melissa. leadership is the brand. the brand is leadership. i think he lived up to it. melissa: all right. bruce turkel, thank you for
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coming on. i wish we had more time. i get you next time. >> so do i. melissa: see you later, bruce. thank you. david: that was kind of easy debate. you let him off. melissa: i let him off a little bit. we were talking steelers stylewise i think he is right. even on welfare, president trump make as major change to welfare programs most hard-working americans should applaud. we'll talk about it next. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma.
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melissa: i don't know if i believe it, they say if you want help from the government you have to work for it president trump signing an executive order, with stricter work requirement for welfare and public assistance program. david: directed at well-bodied americans who are able to work, to reduce depends that americans have on government programs,
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