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tv   The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan  FOX Business  February 28, 2018 2:00pm-3:01pm EST

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that would be the catalyst for any of that. or it could just pass. like this crisis it too would pass. we shall see. trish reno take you through the next hour, 10-year ne still stays under 2.8%. trish: attorney general jeff sessions standing by his decision to appoint michael horowitz to lead the fisa probe after mr. trump slammed mr. sessions of handling of this massive investigation. this is story we're following on "the intelligence report." our justice department relied on a fake russian dossier to spy on former trump advisor, carter page. this is a very big probe. so is the inspector general the right person now to lead the charge i'm trish regan.
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welcome to the tell against report. we're up 39 points. we'll do more on the markets as we heard neil point out, where treasuries are standing these days. get back to the breaking news. we have blake burman at white house. reporter: president trump made it absolutely known he was four with us with jeff sessions this time last year, shortly after he got into office as attorney general to recuse himself from the russian investigation. there have been other instances since then which the president has not hitten some of his displeasure with sessions that continued once again today. as it relates to the sessions's announcement that it would be michael horowitz, the inspector general within the department of justice and look into potential advise is a abuse, not lawyers from the department of just would look into the matter. it was this tweet president trump sent out earlier today,
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quote, why is ag jeff sessions asking inspector general investigate massive fisa abuse? will take forever. no prosecutorial power. already late on reports from comey, et cetera. isn't the ig an obama guy? why not just the does tis department lawyers? all caps he writes in all caps, disgraceful. this is his statement in full, jeff session sitting quote, we initiated appropriate. as long as i am the attorney general, i will continue to discharge my duties with integrity and honor and this department will continue to do its work in a fair and impartial manner according to the law and constitution. trish, it is fair to say there is a whole lot to talk about with this one. this will only ramp up the speculation about the relationship between these two
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and how much longer jeff sessions might stay as the attorney general, his own words saying today, quote, as long as i am the attorney general. by the way, republicans past and present are weighing in on this the last republican attorney general, michael mukasey, who was in the bush white house during the last couple years there has come to michael horowitz's defense. he is the department of justice inspector general pointing out he was also within the bush administration, saying quote, his reputation for skill and integrity is impeccable. trey gowdy, a former federal prosecutor in his own right says he has complete confidence in horowitz. clearly president trump wanted to see this go in a much different direction. trish: lots of drama yet again out of d.c. blake burman, thank you very much. joining me to analyze this breaking story, american majority ceo ned ryun. wow, ned. >> hey, trish. trish: never a dull moment.
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i thought horowitz had a certain amount of respect. everyone is talking about the ig report. he is the one basically clueing us in on the bias with the fbi because of emails between lisa and peter. >> the strzok and page, right. trish: and now that president is not happy about him leading this investigation into the fisa court abuse, what do you think is behind that? >> this is on going theme between trump and sessions started with his recusal from the russia probe. in this situation jeff sessions is absolutely right procedure practically. the investigation should be done by inspector general michael horowitz. the inspector general's office is right to do this.
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i know people that who know horowitz. that is one team. that there is rule of law. there was absolutely no love lost between the obama administration and michael horowitz. he is a very straight-shooter. he wants to see the right thing done. there are two other things need to be noted, trish, the lawyers that work inside of the inspector general office are in fact doj lawyers. the other thing the inspector general can't actually make criminal referrals. procedurally jeff session is absolutely right in this situation. trish: so you're saying ag sessions doing the right thing yet the president is clear mad about it. by the way, don't they talk to each other? >> i don't know what the level of communications between trump and sessions. there has been a little of frustration with sessions for quite a long time.
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>> i understand that where this is coming from, you understand procedurally this is what it happens. i didn't think horowitz was a thorn in anyone's side. he seemed to be the doing the right thing. >> he is doing the right thing. we wouldn't know about lisa page and peter strzok's texts. we wouldn't know about the lost and found texts. these are things coming out leading into investigation of doj and fbi, senior level became very corrupt under the obama situation. we know all of this because of michael horowitz. the right step, going to fiz a abuse, trish, there was absolutely fisa abuse with the doj and fbi. lawyers signing off on the application. the first step is with the ig. he maybes criminal referrals and then go to doj lawyers who can then prosecute. trish: so is no one telling the president this? i guess, ned, i would just say
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if this is the right procedure why is he so upset about it? >> i again, it is frustration that has built up on other things, trish. i wish, you know me i'm a trump supporter since the primary. trish: i know you have. >> i love 85, 90% of trump's tweets. every now and then i wish he would sake a few moments to tweet out. this is one of those examples he would have teen a few moments. i'm a little frustrated with sessions. i would like to see things done differently but maybe i shouldn't send this tweet out. the important thing at the end. day -- pardon? trish: does session stay in your view? >> he is there for the time-being. what that looks like -- trish: that is not a big endorsement, ned. >> i don't know what long-term ag session looks like for him to be at the department of justice. i will say this, that in the presence he is the doing right
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thing in this example. i want to say this, people have to understand, regardless whether you agree or disagree, if you're on trump's side or sessions's side how to approach this, the right thing is being done, there was abuse, in how the fisa warrants, applications were put in place. it centers around the doj and fbi lawyers, who quite frankly who falsified application through lies of omission, i think they did it for political purposes. we hope fellly get to the bottom of this issue because deep reform is need the at doj and fbi and with entire process of the fisa courts. >> thank you, ned. >> thank you, trish. trish: markets are up 43 points right now t has been kind of a rough month. here we are in the final trading day of the month, stocks are fluctuating yet again you see
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all the red and green on your screen, wall street remains on edge because they heard hawkish remarkses from fed head jerome powell. we have gary kaltbaum and mark luschini. come on, mark, hawkish remarks. that means it is good, right? our economy is good. wages are going up, so yes the fed is going to have to increase rates. i don't have a problem with that why is the market all on edge? >> i have sympathy for your view. i don't think either. i think what jerome powell did yesterday was elist eight pretty bullish response what he perceives to be the conditions that would warrant the federal reserve to continue on the path of rate hikes. he didn't come out to say definitely it would be four and market participants, you're only expecting three, adjust accordingly. that is why we had a 300 point drop in the dow jones yesterday. investors are still on their heels evidenced by today. we had a morning rally on news that the gdp came in a little
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cooler than what was originally reported. that seemed to create enthusiasm in the market community that is fading a little bit. trish: but it is coming back. >> this is good for corporations. this is great fornash -- for earnings and great for stocks. trish: we're an upward trajectory as we to into the final hours of trading. gary kaltbaum, are you surprised by the gdp number? hey, it's a good one, right? the administration says if we can get to three that would be great. but the atlanta fed by the way had been predicting 5.4% in the first three months of the year. we basically got half that. >> they were way off and they came down pretty quickly. 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 i think is where we are right now. and as far as powell yesterday, i don't call him hawkish. i call him less dovish. you have to remember -- trish: that's fair. >> with bernanke every time markets went down he would print more money. so he is doing the opposite by
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saying we're not worried about markets. if we have to raise rates we're going to raise rates and we'll see what happens. we're still 1.25% fed fund, 2.8 10-year. we're very easy. europe and japan are slowing down printing and but still printing and still have negative rates. so we still have easy money around the globes helping things. trish: we sure do. >> as far as the market we went too far, too fast 15 months i think we'll be in a trading range a little bit driving everybody up the wall. trish: that's okay, right? >> sure. trish: people need to see the growth and see growth in the earnings, which should happen, mark, right? you're talking about bringing all the foreign profits home. you're talking about people having more money, consumers 2/3 of our overall economy. having more money to spend. this means good things to spend, justifying valuations we see in the stock market? >> i certainly believe that to be the case, trish. we have yet to see the full
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effects of fiscal impulse comes through corporate and individual tax cuts, let alone the appropriations bill that will len fiscal positive impulse as well. so i think, of course the missing ingredient up along until year-and-a-half ago has been business spending which is coming on strong. so collectively i think we see economic activity accelerate going balance of this year, not to be put off by a gdp print in the fourth quarter last year, whether revised up or down by .1 of% is to me a rounding area at this juncture. trish: gary, what disit mean for the 10-year what does it mean for the 30? >> we'll stay in this range, maybe up a little, maybe down a little. trish: not worried at all. >> let me throw in a little bit of cold water just in case. trish: okay. >> our wonderful republicans and democrats just put out a budget where another trillion dollars will be added this year, next year, for years to come.
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that will provide a major headwind going forward. if interest rates back up because of it, they probably should, that is where we could see trouble to the only from markets and slow down the economy as cost of capital and cost to borrow goes up. that is something to watch very closely. republicans forgot who they were. trish: suddenly democrats have become fiscal con sy tiffs. so you got me on that one. >> not. trish: if it is expedient politically and they can go after trump with the idea we're spending recklessly, suddenly they become the fiscal conservatives. funny how politics work. gary, mark, good to see you both. my next guest was in the room, by the way for chairman powell's testimony, north carolina congressman robert pittenger. he joins meet rye now. what did you think? jerome powell was there first time testifying before congress. how did you grade him? >> he was very open with us. we asked him, i did particularly about the transparency for the
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fed and more openness and transparency what they're doing, how they operate. he understands the need to normalize interest rates, to address our balance sheet of $2 trillion to normalize that. i think he has a good understanding of the economy but we don't need the fed to contribute to a possible recession. trish: you know one of the criticisms, congressman, about the fed is that it responds too quickly to what markets are telling it. that is why we used to have the taper tantrums and we saw that market went down on particularly on better economy. so we lived in this "alice in wonderland" world where everything is upside down where good news is bad and bad news is good. one of the reasons the market went higher, we didn't get a four handle on gdp print and didn't get 5.4% as the atlanta fed predicted.
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don't we need to, however, resume some kind of a normally, and isn't it refreshing to see the head of the federal reserve say, no, i'm not going to react to whatever markets are doing, i will look at fundamentals of our economy? >> sure. we need a open, free market policy, to control markets. what they have done, we need consistency. we need to understand like the taylor rule predictability. i think what the chairman understands today is, open, free markets work. let's not impose fed policies in to try to interdict how markets can correct themselves. trish: gosh you know, i haven't heard that in a while. it is encouraging to see that. so often you get the academics figure they can tinker and tinker away and get so worried any downside in the market translating to downside in the market and many ways the market and economy are divorced, not in
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perfect correlation. the jeff session news, what is your take on this? the president considering our attorney general for putting inspector general horowitz in charge of the investigation into the fisa warrants? >> well the president is entitled to his opinion and i would respect that general session said what he needed to say. he is going to fulfill his obligations under the law and responsibilities under the justice department. and i think both are compatible statements. trish: is inspector general horowitz the rightfy to lead this. >> i don't know much about him. i'm not in position to speak to that end. with any measure of true understanding. trish: does it bother you he was a president obama appointee? >> well it is, always somewhat troubling when you understand about perspective as they come in to do their job. you know, i think at the end of the day we want people to abide by the law. we've seen how some people have gotten disqualified in the fbi
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and justice department who came in with a political agenda. we trust that is not true for him. trish: congressman, it is good to see you. thank you very much. as i said, refreshing to hear kind of a different perspective from a fed-head chief. thank you. >> thank you so much. trish: has nancy pelosi finally worn out her welcome with democrats? you would think by now she has. facing heavy primary challenge from three opponents. don't forget all the comments she made and doubled down on which she called the tax cut bonuses crumbs? that is not playing so well even in california. our panel is debating it after the break. [ phone rings ] hi, tom.
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trish: we are making our way higher on the dow, up 46 points. it has been a little bit after volatile day. 25,453. we have been in the green. we have been in the red. what is helping out, tech stocks. they're leading the dow right now, microsoft, apple. apple trading ad $185 a share. shifting back to what is happening in crazy d.c., are democrats turning on nancy pelosi. congressional candidate connor lamb, is not letting his
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opponent make her an issue for him. watch. >> my opponent wants you to believe the biggest issue in this campaign is nancy pelosi. it is all a big lie. i have already said on the front page of the newspaper that i don't support nancy pelosi. trish: ah-ha. and at least one other democratic congressional candidate, paul davis of kansas has disavowed his party's house leader as well. she is facing the backlash, after ridiculous comments, such as when she referred to the tax cut bonuses as crumbs, or as up patriotic. when did it become unpatriotic for us to keep a little more of our money? she is facing a very heavy primary challenge not from one, not two, but three opponents. how does she remain popular among democratic donors, raising $50 million last year, nearly all of it for other democrats? we have a former bush administration aid and a
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democratic strategist an antwan seawright is she the best spokeswoman for these days? >> not uncommon from candidates separate themselves from leadership. we see in last cycle, candidates separated them from donald trump. that is not uncommon. that is part of the political process. keep in mind there is nothing wrong with a good old primary. primaries are like good scrimmages, figure out the best person to lead the team in the big game. trish: really. >> there is nothing wrong with that? absolutely. i think competition is good. trish: i like the primary systems sometimes, it feels like you have to move so far to the right or so far to the left in order to get elected. maybe the centrist in the middle has much harder time, antwan? >> that may be true but again,
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competition is very good. i think it is good for miss pelosi to have competition. she hasn't had strong competition in a very long time this will get her a chance to get out to tell her story, remind voters what she has done over the years. the fact she brought in record-breaking numbers for other candidates across the democratic party. i think it is good. in the end i think she will be reelected. >> as they say you have to look how it will play in peoria. matt, i want to know how this stuff is doing to play? let's run the tape on the crumbs comments. >> in terms of the bonus that corporate america received, versus the crumbs, versus crumbs they are giving to workers -- this is like giving awe bowl of doggie dao. you're doing a great sis service to our country. >> unpatriotic. >> unpatriotic.
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the tax scam a ripoff of the middle class. trish: yet if more middle class workers get jobs and more middle class workers see pay increases, how is it really that big of a ripoff? trish: this is one of the really interesting developments in the last two months the tax bill maybe in december looked like it might have been a political problem for republicans because they voted for it, now looks like it will become a political problem for democrats for voting against it. we've seen that almost four, five million people received bonuses or wage increases, massive new investment from companies like apple. strong fundamentals inside of the economy. there is a lot of good news and obviously pelosi's tone deaf comments about crumbs that campaigns on republican side use throughout the fall. it remind me the deplorable comment hillary used. >> that's what i said. the president, most of them thinking what i was thinking, i remember saying that exactly to my team, he later came out made
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that analogy as well. you have to be very careful, right? the biggest problem i think you guys have you have gotten away from your roots. you have gotten away from your fundamentals. you used to care about the middle class. you have the globalist types come in. suddenly the middle class worker that used to be your core voter, your core constituent didn't matter anymore. you're looking at a situation not one of these democrats, antwan, voted for tax cuts. how come? >> trish, keep in mind, all that is relative. all that is inside the bubble talk. what i can tell you, around the country, legislative seats, alabama, virginia, new jersey, democrats are winning up and down the ballot pause we have message that resonated with the middle class. trish: what is your message? tell me what the message is? >> well it's a message that look we need affordable, reliable health care in this country. we need jobs pay decent wage in
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this country. trish: how is that different than donald trump's message and republican message? >> it is totally different obviously because voters around the country are rejecting donald trump and republican party message of hatred and bigotry. trish: that is what we get back to. >> no, just like you said -- trish: you're consistently harping on that because you don't have any policy. our economy is actually doing well. our stock market is doing well. so if you don't have any economic policy, you got to go back to your well, no play on words there, unintentionally play on words, going back to the well and bring out the same, divisive issues that you guys do over and over and over again. i think it is getting tiring. i don't think you win on that. >> keep in mind -- trish, the voters are saying yes to the democratic message up and down the pa ballot. there is regard to prove that look what happened in house seat -- trish: i don't have a ton of time. i missed what you said, reacting to what, antwan? the message of what?
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>> democrats, the democrats strong message about jobs, education and environment and health care. >> i, i beg to differ. i beg to differ. i would love to see some actual policy out of you guys. you could have come up with tax cuts. you didn't. matt, antwan, thank you very much. acting i.c.e. chief says hundreds of criminal illegals eluded this week's massive i.c.e. raids after the mayor of oakland warned them of impending operation. the mayor doesn't regret her decision. can she be liable? we watch a market up 35, being led higher by none other than than tech stocks. see how long it lasts. see you here.
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trish: the president praising i.c.e. and border agents today following the arrest of more than 150 illegals, including gang members in northern california this week.
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get this, the acting i.c.e. chief says hundred of criminal illegals managed to escape the raid. what do you know? because the mayor of oakland warned them about the impending operation. wow. so, yeah, this mayor would rather protect illegals than her own constituents. i'm supposed to ask that question but i'm not making it a question. i am making a statement, right? ashley webster here with me with former prosecutor david diepetro. ashley, walk us through what is going on here. >> this is mayor, in my mind, david could comment, she should be thrown into jail for aiding and abetting a crime. at very least obstruction. these people committed the law in the first place, being here illegally. giving them a head's up when federal agent come in to arrest them. 150 illegal aliens were picked up this weekend from sacramento
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down to stockton in the central valley of california. 50% had criminal convictions. one had been deported to mexico eight times. yet the mayor of oakland who put out the warning that i.c.e. agents were coming says i want to protect my community. nothing about what she did protects those legal citizens in those communities. trish: david, i talk about the federal reserve occasionally and markets being in a "alice in wonderland" world but my gosh, our whole society is in a "alice in wonderland" world. the idea that she is protecting people with criminal records and here illegally because somehow she thinks that is the greater good for oakland? at what point does federal law supersede state law? when do the fed have the right to do this and throw her in jail as ashley says? >> i think ashley is absolutely correct. when you become an elected official you always take an oath, the oath is to uphold and defend the constitution of the united states but it is no shock
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that the mayor of the city with the third-most crime, one of the highest murder rates is worried about people that can't even vote for her or not even here legally following the law. she is more worried about protecting lawbreakers than law-abiding citizens. it is disgusting. rises to level of malfeasance at very least t could be obstruction and or aiding and abetting, some criminals were looking for were wanted for crimes. they were wanted fugitives. trish: what about the commerce clause where it gives the federal government more power to go after the states in cases like this? it, could something like that be used? how do you actually enforce the law of the land when you have local municipalities saying no, no, we run things? >> you start arresting people for obstruction of justice when they obstruct. you pull the purse away. you pull funding away until they follow the laws. like the federal government
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wanted to make drinking age 21, they told the states if they didn't comply we're pulling back money for roads in your state. that is how they do it. the power of the purse is powerful. this rises to a higher level when you have a mayor, by the way an attorney who does immigration work, doing this kind of obstruction of justice and not following the constitution. we have election. we have a president. follow the laws. if you don't like the president, go out and vote put in another president next time. we can't have obstructionists violating the u.s. constitution and superseding power of federal government. it is not right and irresponsible for elected officials to do that. >> it makes my blood boil. david is absolutely right. what about the rule of law. trish: you came here by the way legally, you can tell from ashley's accent. >> yes. i came from iowa. i came from england. went through the whole process and interviews at u.s. emba system all of that. it is a slap in the face of those people who do everything legally.
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it encouraging illegal behaviors. encouraging people to come into the country illegally. just get to california, just get to oakland, any sanctuary cities, doesn't matter if you're here illegally or breaking the law, violent criminals in some cases all of that is okay. i don't understand her reasoning is completely -- trish: tell you what it is. >> if you let a criminal back out on the street, that means i.c.e. agents have to go out and capture that person, and at same time, threatening the safety the public at large. it is crazy. trish: perhaps she thinks get more votes from immigrants here. perhaps she thinks she will win over crazy liberals at uc berkeley. this is city, did i ever tell you about the beta breakers race in san francisco? >> i heard of it, yeah. trish: they run naked. and somehow that is like normal. >> yeah, well -- trish: anyway. san francisco, it is california. we should really be minding our federal law. ashley, david, thank you very much. we have breaking news we have to get to right now.
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music streaming service spotify is filing for a one billion dollar ipo. spotify will list shares on the new york stock exchange under the symbol, spot. spotify reportedly has 140 million users, one of which is me. another wish i ashley. >> that's right. love it. trish: most don't pay for the service. do you get commercials? >> no, i pay for it. trish: i pay for it too. i can't stand the commercials. i love the music. sure beats the days when i i had all the cds. >> oh, god, yes. trish: we'll be right back. quick break. i will see you here. thanks. today, a focus on innovation in the southern tier is helping build the new new york. starting with advanced manufacturing that brings big ideas to life.
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reported at least two more employees have been fired amid a sexual misconduct investigation. these employees were reportedly interfering with the investigation of inappropriate behavior of a top executive fired back in january. children's clothing companies carter's latest to give out bonuses and retirement contributions in the wake of president's tax reform. but you know the dems, they're still out there trying to make repealing this law a centerpiece of their midterm election message. with nancy pelosi famously calling bonuses crumbs. we showed you that earlier. how do voters respond to that especially when they're the ones that are benefiting from the increases in salary as a result of the bonuses? joining me right now republican congressman tom reed of new york. congressman, good to see you. >> thanks for having me on, trish. trish: i don't know how that is going to play in peoria as they say given how much money people have in their pocket.
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i don't know the message of tax cuts being unpatriotic or simply crumbs is one that really resonates. your take? >> to me it shows a complete lack of touch with hard-working americans across the country. in our district, you want to call $1500, $1600, bonus of $1000, minimum wages instituting unilaterally not by law but choice crumbs? that shows complete lack of ability to communicate and stay in contact with the people that we represent, which are hard-working folks struggling paycheck to paycheck. they deserve this money. it is their money. i'm so glad we supported this law. to me this isn't crumbs. this is their life and future definitely is. trish: i will give the democrats a little bit of advice here. the viewers know, i toll them before i grew up in a irish-catholic family. my father grew up in a very big irish-catholic family, where i grew up you were democrat like
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you were irish, like you were catholic t all went hand in hand. that generation, especially my father's generation really saw the working class as the foundation and the backbone of that party. it shifted a lot, congressman. it shifted a lot that it is no longer a working class. it's a class of people that seem to want handouts and redistribution of wealth so they don't have to work as hard while everybody else does. so what happens to some of those people in that sort of older blue-collar, working class generation? do they start coming over to your side? >> i believe they do. i can share that story with you, trish. i'm the youngest of 12. eight older sisters, three older brothers, who my father passed at two, raised by a single mother. she taught me the value of hard work. she taught me value and dignity of work, what it does for a person's soul. that is the message i carry as a proud republican, who believes in people. believes in the ability to control your own future.
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not being dependent on government. we have situations in life where government need to be there, to get you through the safety net and get you through the hard time, stand with you as partner. best opportunity for the american people going forward are the american people themselves and empowering them. that is what tax reform is all about. letting them use their hard-earned dollars they have earned the way they want to deploy them. i believe in the american people. you trust the american people, you can grow this economy. you can provide gray things for future generations. >> there used to be some shame in collecting a welfare check. increasingly those days are gone. it would be nice to get back to that, congressman, because i agree with what your mother told you, hard work is good. >> it is good and not only good for the bank account, good for the soul. when you strengthen your soul and strengthen your bank account, that is a winning combination. that is it what we're leading on. that is the proud of the policy i supported. you see people recognize value of employees. i'll tell you this, just the
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beginning of this opportunity we're going to see coming down the pipeline from tax reform. trish: congressman reed, good to see you. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me on. trish: dick's sporting goods is changing its gun sale guidelines following the florida school shooting. we're going to talk about this. we got some intel next.
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last years' ad campaign was a success for badda book. badda boom. this year, we're taking it up a notch. so in this commercial we see two travelers at a comfort inn with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at". who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. nobody glows. he gets it. always the lowest price, guaranteed. book now at
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trish: breaking news right now, everyone. the white house will announce a package on gun control and school safety measures tomorrow. fox news is reporting that the package will include issues the president already talked about, raising the minimum age, banning bump stocks, and put meat on his proposal to train and arm teachers. meanwhile dick's sporting goods is already taking action on its own saying it will immediately end sales of assault-style rifles. it has, the right to do so. gerri willis is at a dick's store in new jersey with the latest. hi, gerri. >> hey, trish, we're in paramus. this is the front line of safety for schoolkids. dick's put out an extensive statement today. they're banning assault-style firearms in 700 or so stores. they did this during sandy hook
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in 2012 this extend it to additional 35 "field & stream" stores. they're raising the minimum age to purchase firearms to 20 one. keep in mind the federal threshold is 18 for the long guns. they're banning high capacity magazines. as i said the statement was long. i quote it in part. they say, we support and respect the second amendment. we recognize and appreciate that the vast majority of gun owners are responsible, law-abiding citizens but we have to help solve the problem that is in front of us. gun violence is an epidemic they say that is taking the lives of too many people including the brightest hope for the future of america, our kids. now they tweeted out all of the statement and let me tell you, they got incredible numbers of comments on twitter. more than 7,000 people weighing in on both sides of the aisle. by the way, trish, we also reached out to the nra, the national rifle association for comment. we're yet to hear anything from them. trish, back to you. >> gerri, thank you.
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we'll take a quick break and be right back.
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a un report shows north korea shipping 50 tons of material to syria which could be used to build a chemical weapons facility. this is what we all feared. general, this is why you are so worried about them having a nuclear capability, right? because it might not even stay in north korea.
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>> absolutely) the consent we've always had, the concern we've always had is there pointing icbms at the u.s. but they will proliferate their weapons because they've always been doing that and they will proliferate a miniature nuclear eyes weapon, not just to iran, they would proliferate to al qaeda, isis, anybody who would put up the money, they will sell the weapon to and that's who north korea is and that's what this production facility that the syrians are going to try to establish, which they've done before with north korean aid. obviously we should shut it down before get started. >> how do we do that. >> strike it? use cruise missiles. take out what threatens any u.s. fighter pilots whatsoever. it's an early, easy target.
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>> do we know where it is. >> absolutely. >> what are we waiting for. >> we will see. there may be some other issues larger than that. if he's going to use chemical weapons which he did in 2017 and we responded to that, if he does it again, i think the price should be considerably larger if he does it again and that may be giving the president from other options. we will see what materializes. >> what happens with vladimir putin and russia. >> what's really happening is the iranians and russians have successfully propped up the asad regime. they have won this thing. the syrian moderates have lost. their confidence is really striking. that's why the russian mercenary tired attacked the us-led base on february 7. i'm absolutely unprecedented that something like that
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happened. that's why they are encroaching on the israelis and beginning to put in missile bases so they can strike israel. this is what the iranians are up too. now they have a political and military alliance with the russians and it is significant and we have got to start getting our act together to push back on it. >> i agree. we've got a lot of problems of the world. i hope they get fixed. i know we all appreciate your advice. thank you. >> good talking to you. >> take a look at this. we are now up 136 points at the low of the session right now. we had been higher as we went into the day and that was in
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part because of the response to the gdp report which came in a little lower or softer than expected. were still growing at a healthy clip. now investors are digesting all of this and trying to determine what it means for our economy as we move forward and set policy. i'm sorry to turn it over to liz but like i said, you can't go anywhere, forget the commercial rakes. >> you know it. breaking news, we do have some dramatic new developments. trish touched on them but they are altering the course of the assault style weapon sales are about to take form in just moments. we are waiting president trump was about to hold a meeting at the white house with a group of bipartisan lawmakers to discuss school safety and gun control but fox news is reporting they have learned the president is about to say he will support raising the minimum age to purchase a long gone, specifically, he will say he wants to raise the federal minimum age requirement from 18 up to 21.


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