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tv   Countdown to the Closing Bell With Liz Claman  FOX Business  February 16, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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kids in florida we no longer have them. their poor families will never be the same and our fbi finds time to go take christopher steele's dossier that was fed to him by the russians as some kind of gospel to get a fisa warrant on the trump campaign, something is very wrong. i'm in for lou tonight. make sure to tune in at 7:00 p.m. eastern. >> thank you very much. we will continue on this theme. major development in multiple stories as wall street heads higher for the six straight day. the muller investigation outlining a conspiracy to interfere in the 2016 election. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein announcing the indictment of 13 russian nationals, charging them with conspiracy to defraud the united states, wire fraud, bank fraud, but also accuses people trying to help present trump campaign and harm the campaign of hillary clinton.
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blake is live with more on that developing story. meanwhile, the fbi admitting that mistakes were made in the handling of the florida shooting suspect niclas cruz. a caller to the fbi tip line warned the agency that nikolas cruz owned guns, made disturbing social media posts and posed a threat as a school shooter. that warning was never followed up. we will have the latest details and discuss how something like this could happen. in the meantime, the president is set to leave the white house at this moment. he is headed tomorrow largo for a weekend in florida. there is speculation a stop in parkland where the shooting took place could be in the works. if he stops to talk we will take you there. all that in the markets, they continue to climb higher. the s&p 500 and nasdaq looking to wrap up their best week in six years. good afternoon. i'm ashley webster in for liz clayman. just as you thought it was
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going to be a nice quiet friday, there's no such thing these days. here's how the day is played out. at about 12:45 p.m., news of moller's indictment against the national sent stocks tumbling 245 points in two minutes. not quite to the low of the session but close. then stocks rebounded after the market further looked through the indictment and realize there were no allegation of willing support by americans in the indictment. right now the three major markets all higher up about 30% on the dow. individual stocks, shares of steel company soaring after the trumpet ministration said it is weighing broad-based tariffs to curb imports on steel and aluminum. it ranges of a global tariff of 24% to a more targeted approach focusing on specific nations. steel companies moving up nicely. shares of kraft heinz hitting it to a half year low after
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the macro of kraft make and she's missed estimates. campbell soup, one of the worst performers in the s&p 500. news that one of the key customers/disorders of campbell's premier product, and you guessed it, that would be canned soups. as a result it is down more than 3%. breaking news, major development out of the muller investigation. rod rosenstein announced the indictment of 13 russian nationals as we said, charges involved foreign meddling in the 2016 presidential election. the headline, teen mulle team muller acknowledging no american was a willing participant in this meddling or that it altered the outcome of the election. blake berman is live at the white house with more on this 37 page indictment.
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>> this really dives into this one operation and shows just how extensive it is according to this indictment that named 13 russian individuals, three entities and hundreds of employees that was based overseas in russia and also some people here to the u.s. for they were using social media, fake personas online to try to portray themselves as u.s. citizens and activists in the u.s. political process. it appears, according to this document, this indictment that what these russians wanted to do was to try to drum up support for the antiestablishment candidates before finally got narrowed down to the final two. here's what the indictment said. they engaged in operations primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about hillary clinton to denigrate other candidates such as ted cruz and marco rubio, and to support varney sanders and then candidate donald trump. rod rosenstein was talking about the attempt to sow
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discourse. >> the indictment alleges that the russian conspirators want to promote discord in the united states and undermine public confidence and democracy. we must not allow them to succeed. >> now the indictment says these russians did have some contacts with some members of the trump campaign, but rosenstein also went out of his way to say whoever those campaign members were, just like every other american that came in contact with them, they had no idea about the true identity. >> there is no allegation in this indictment for any american had any knowledge and the nature of the scheme was that the defendants took extraordinary steps to make it appear they were ordinary americans. >> back to this theme of trying to sow discord, ashley rosenstein rode said that after trump was elected they set up rallies both for and against president-elect trump.
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speaking of the president, he is expected to leave the white house at any moment for the white house has not yet released anything, any sort of official statement reacting to this pretty the president sometimes when he walks out marine one stops to talk to us. we don't know what he will do here. we will see shortly if we have a reaction from him or the white house in general. >> keep you on your toes. thank you very much but we appreciate it. let's go back to wall street. what a low and it has been for stocks. last week was the worst five day stretch for the dow in two years, and now the blue-chip index is looking at its best week since november 2016. go figure. as we look ahead, what will be the one thing to move the needle on the market next week? that's a key question. let's get to the show. traders of the new york stock exchange, kim anderson, let me begin with you.
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it's interesting, we hit our low point of the major markets a week from today, on february 9. we were down 10% in correction territory. we've come back since then so is the worst over in your opinion? >> it certainly feels like it is for now, but let's keep in mind if the worst was a couple hundred s&p points below here. were kind of at a critical level right now we are coming up against that really sharp selloff from friday the second in the gap opening lower on monday the fifth, that's the technical spin on it. the fundamentals been is the numbers that came out were pretty encouraging. housing starts and building permits were higher than last month, higher than expected and given the weather we had in january, that was encouraging. so, people are deathly going to continue to look at the macroeconomic numbers going forward and to see if the market continues to catch bids if we have any pull back and i certainly expect that some of the volatility we've seen, not
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to the extremes of earlier this week and last week but the volatility is here to stay for a while and that's not even necessarily a bad thing. >> it's bringing chris robinson. is is a market and can we expect more roller coaster rides estimate. >> think it's one of those things, be carefully worse four. for 500 days people were lamenting that there was no volatility or movement. i think this was the halfway back week. not only for stock index but crude oil. crude oil broke eight dollars to come back for. moving forward i want to see can we extend that? this time next week we may be talking about a retest of the lows or the highs. this is key area, halfway back, everybody gets excited. we'll see if we can get some more policy to the upside. let's bring in phil flynn. chris just mentioned oil. listen, i hear we get the rig counts in the weekly inventories, i still get the feeling there's this overall
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sense that we still have a lot of supply out there thanks to the show producers. >> i think that's a dangerous misperception that a lot of people feel. if you look at, were talking about record u.s. production. here we are where supplies are not building like they should. there is a problem out there. if we are producing so much oil, why aren't inventories. [inaudible] supplies have plummeted to only 32 million barrels. that's the lowest level we've seen in like five years. if we are producing all the soil, where is it going? it's going to a strong global economy and is overtaking this new supply. let's hope these guys keep producing because we will need every drop of oil the way things are going. next week, the big thing will be, is this the end of the russian probe or the beginning. if this is near the end that i think these markets will scream next week because this
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has been something that's been hanging over the market for the past couple months. >> that's an interesting point. >> does the russian issue have an impact on the market? as this issue gets wrapped up in some form or fashion, is that a big positive for the market? >> i think of are likely could be. certainly if you wraps the whole thing up and headed over and done with without an extreme outcome and i think the market would cheer loudly. i think they would cheer any resolution from a other than an extreme outcome. >> when they get back to you quickly. what is the main reason behind all this market volatility? i've heard opinions from different camps, it's wage growth, the rising interest rates, the aggressive fed jumping in with three or four rate hikes in the next year, what is your sense of what's causing all this. >> glad chris.
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>> you had a re- pricing in the bottom market. everyone was concerned of what happens if it gets to 3%. it's very close there and the markets hung in pretty well. that was a number one thing. the second thing was the liquidity issue. many people got hammered, if you read the stories a lot of people lost money, those guys have been cleaned out of the market. now it's really, are we going to extend these highs and that will be the big question here. we still have another week left to go in this month and i'd like to see with the money flows are at the end of the month. people get back in the market we could have an extension higher. >> will have to wait and see as they say in the business. thank you so much for joining us on this friday. the dow is up triple digits up 113-point spread by the way, the markets closed monday so the market is going up as we had in for long weekend. let's take a look at the dow map for you. caterpillar and mcdonald's are doing away with cheeseburger unhappy mail.
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they are one of the letters on the dow. nothing runs like a deer. they are upgrading today and reporting 27% growth in sales in the first quarter. pretty impressive. they are among the leader on the s&p 500, up nearly four dollars at 170. coming up next, the signs were certainly there but nobody stopped florida team nikolas cruz from killing 17 high school students and teachers. our next guest tells us how we can do a better job of stopping the next would be murderer from pulling the trigger. countdown is coming right back.
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as we are speaking, the president is leaving the white house headed toward the helicopter, marine one row he will head to andrews air force base and off to florida pet he suggested yesterday that he may visit parkland florida where the shooting happened this week. he did not speak to reporters which he is apt to do sometimes. he is walking straight to the helicopter.
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then he will be on the floor later on this afternoon. he has left the white house. breaking news, the department of justice is taking action in response to the broward county school shooting. jeff sessions just said, i order the deputy general to conduct an immediate review of our process here at the department of justice and fbi to ensure we reached the highest level of prompt and effective response to indications of potential violence. this has been triggered by the fbi. they got a warning six months ago about nikolas cruz and his potential threat and agents did not do anything. that admission comes that the broward county sheriff department received at least 36 emergency calls to nikolas cruz home where he lived with his mother and younger brother. major red flags. how could this happen? we want to bring in the former
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fbi special agent and spokesman, also author of the book how to spot a terrorist before it is too late. okay. john, the details were quite shocking that the fbi said we actually have a concerned citizen leave very pointed warning about this young man on an fbi tip line. they said he loved guns and he's put disturbing things on social media and he could be a potential school shooter. i mean, it turns out none of this was passed onto the field office in miami. in fact, nothing was done at all. what is your reaction. >> it's extremely unfortunate because the fbi relies on the public assistance to prevent these types of crimes or solve them when they occur. obviously something broke down during the way but it could be because the fbi received so much information deciding how
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you're going to triage, what will be looked at. every day the fbi is being inundated with tips. >> what strikes me as this individual came to the fbi attention back in september when someone reported that nikolas cruz left a message saying he was a professional school shooter. this person called the fbi was interviewed the next day and yet nothing was done. if they knew of this name in september and again on the tip line six weeks ago, is there no database were things can be put in that they wait a minute, this is, before. >> there is a database and that's why clearly something broke down in the process. it could be the computer system didn't relay the information or whoever was supposed to move it onto the miami office so the agents in miami could do their job
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failed to do so. they need to figure out what happened to make sure it doesn't happen again. however, while not making any excuses, it's important to realize this is going on multiple times a day in every single city and the fbi is responding to these things. there are thousands of leads daily and the fbi has to cover everything the one of them. it is not the success of the one your prevent. it's the one you miss the causes of the problem. >> i understand that. i know people are working very hard and this is the last thing they want to have happen. is a resource issue that they just do not have enough people to cover the amount of tips and warnings that come in like this? >> the fbi, along with law enforcement in in general, there is not enough people. they have what congress will afford the fbi to have, whether it's bodies or finances, et cetera. we have roughly 12000 agents in the entire world that cover every single of the 400 plus
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violations for the fbi, but, this is serious and this rises to the top of the list of the things that need to be looked at, yet we can only do with what we have. >> we just heard from attorney general jeff sessions, he is talking about how he will launch an investigation, the governor of florida, rick scott said christopher wray should step down as the head of the fbi. what are your thoughts? >> obviously they need to look at what caused the problem so that it never happens again because the results are absolutely tragic. having director will race stepped down as obviously overreaching and frankly ridiculous. director ray has taken good stewardship of the fbi. no one more than him was to make sure something like this to help you do. it is a problem and it will be addressed. i have full confidence it will be fixed. >> how do something like this happen. you are former fbi agent. there are many disaffected men
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or women out there, he was expelled from school, he's kind of angry, kind of lost, has a fixation on guns, i wonder how many other kids are out there for a also a bit of a ticking time bomb. >> absolutely. i think that's important to note. remember the fbi is to try to prevent this or stop it in the course long before. the ultimate responsibility is the person who commits these crimes and those persons are out there but it's not just the fbi who we don't know until you call the fbi. what about the friends, family, the people around them, they need to be actively engaged as well and it appears many new something but if you came forward with any information. >> as we look at pictures of present trumpet joint base andrews, he will be heading to florida, maybe stopping by parkland florida with high school is located. i just want to switch gears
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and talk about the announcement of the indictment for 13 russians meddling in the united states election, we actually just got a quote, a tweet from president trump on this, he says russia started their anti- u.s. campaign in 2014, long before i announced i would run before president. the results were not impacted, the trump campaign did nothing wrong, no collusion. but there's no doubt that the russians spent a lot of time and effort to try to create discourse in this country. are you surprised at the depth to which they were able to do that? >> not surprised at all. anyone with in the fbi, and most of government has known for years that the russians are not necessarily our friends. not referring to the people, but the government. years ago even mitt romney had referred to russia as being the number one threat which seemed to surprise many people. those in law enforcement know
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they are a threat. >> perhaps will leave it there. we are running out of time. thank you so much for discussing those topics. we appreciate it. we'll be right back.
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i want you to pick a new truck for your mom or dad, knowing that they could possibly pass it down to you one day. cool. but before you decide, you should know that chevy silverado's are the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. which means that ford f-150s are not. (laughs) which truck would you pick? the chevy. the chevy. the chevy. there you go. boom. that was obvious. plus it looks cooler. no doubt about it. now they know what to get me. (laughs)
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what's wrong with washington. you give dhs $25 billion of the money they ask for and they slam you. you give a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million dreamers and the left calls it the worst civil rights abuse in the last hundred years. there are some crazy people around here. >> republicans say lindsey graham was calling out the left and right when an immigration plan he supported was voted down in the senate and that was just one of four immigration proposals that went nowhere. by the way, a congressional recess is now on the horizon. apparently the lawmakers need a break from doing nothing. talking of which they are on capitol hill with more on the
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story. >> thank you. comments from lindsey graham, i don't the committee can argue that there are crazy people around here. it's just that each side thanks the other is crazy. yesterday was a disaster. you have been for failures. they need 60 votes and none of these bills or amendment got there. they got close but the grassley plan only got 39 votes. the president took to twitter earlier today saying i cannot believe how badly recipients have been treated by the democrats, totally abandoned. republicans are still working hard. the attorney general added to that with this. >> it's been very interested in his legislation. i think that is a very generous policy. it goes beyond that president obama had in his policy and
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people who favored daca. he's been very generous and already made compromises. >> they make it a shot at it here on the house side after the senate failures. congressman ida virginia has a bill. the question is does he have support for the bill. here he is. >> we took a whip check. the whip check was positive and we are working on the people who whipped back that they were undecided to make sure that we have the necessary support. we are prepared to make some more tweaks to the bill if necessary. >> even if he gets to support the house there are questions about being even more conservative than the grassley plan. that's why people say were stock that there's no clear path forward. as you say, they move on to what they do best and not take a week off which is what
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they're doing next week. >> give the whip checks a break. >> the old whip check. it's a must-have check. thank you very much. burritos, burgers and fizzy drinks. three main players of the food group. investigators having a full plate of food related stocks moving at this hour. nicole is on the floor of the stock exchange for today's foxbusiness brief. >> who also enjoys those occasionally. we been up and down all day, it's up 109-point right now. chipolte serving to the top of the s&p 500 at this hour. investors are happy about the new ceo brian nichols. the announcement was made earlier in the week. they disclosed he will have an
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annualized salary of one point to million dollars. shares of coca-cola are bubbling up after they reported that profits are down. it wasn't their signature fizzy drink, it was actually their vitamin water and coffee business that caused the result results. when the stock jumped more than 4% after they announced share buyback and boosted quarterly dividends. ashley webster talks to transportation secretary rob slater, when countdown comes bak
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. >> breaking news. we just got a statement from the white house press secretary sarah sanders regarding the russia indictment from earlier today. she says, president donald j trump has been freel fully briefed and is glad to see the special counsel investigation further indicates there was no collusion between the trump campaign and russia and the outcome of the election was not changed or affected. 13 russian nationals have been indicted on charges of meddling in the russia election or for interfering in the u.s. election. donald trump is headed south to florida later this afternoon. with the russian investigation and immigration debate raging on, infrastructure is still sharing some of the spotlight, especially after news that president trump is considering a 25-cent. gallon increase in the gas tax to help pay for that infrastructure building. here the way and, former u.s. secretary of transportation
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under bill clinton, rodney slater. thanks so much for joining us. >> it's an ambitious plan, 1.5 trillion if i'm correct, 200 billion comes from the federal government, that still leaves a lot between the states and private sector to come up with. 1.3trillion to kick in. is this realistic? >> let me just say that anytime transportation is being discussed, that's a good thing. that doesn't mean you've gotten to the end of the road of actually acting on your pronouncements, your dreams, your hopes and aspirations, that's the work that has to be done. i think the administration has spoken, we've been waiting on this proposal and i think the congress is ready to deal with it, dealing with it from its own vantage point as well.
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its responsibilities. [inaudible] it's truly visionary and a significant investment in infrastructure. >> the wall street journal had an article earlier this week saying a lot of the big private equity funds are not really interested in getting involved in this project. they say it's a bit of a paradox because it creates incentives for investment but most of the equity funds in the big fund managers are not really interested because they have to deal a lot with local and state governments who do a lot of the organizing and assessments of these projects and it gets very messy and i can take a long time, even with some of the permitting process speeded up that these big money in the private sector doesn't look at this is a good deal. >> i think, first of all, we've just got the proposal
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this week. i think it will take some action on part of congress to actually speak its mind about what's on the table from the administration and what it might add to it. i think it's very interesting you had some leadership talk about breaking out those parts they think they can move quickly, those parts that may have more appeal to the private sector but clearly what has been put on the table is somewhat reversing what has been the approach in years past with the federal government actually leaves and provides major dollars and then you asked the states and locales to be participants. i also think it's important to provide creative and innovative financing techniques that encourage the private sector to participate. we will know more as the specific certain outlets and put forward and i do think at the end of the day if it's something that's creative and visionary, that the private sector will respond positively.
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>> rodney we have this proposal out there from the administration, the 25-psi gas tax. gallon, i just get this horrible feeling we are going to end up paying a lot more in tolls and nickeled and dined to death on this. is that a big concern? >> let's face it, infrastructure is a major significant investment. it does cost, but what does our transportation system deliver to us, it is the tie that binds. it gives us access to opportunity. it gives businesses access to markets around the world, not only throw the country but again around the world. transportation improves our quality of life. you have to really look at it as an investment, truly there will be additional cost, but if that return is significant,
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then i forget the end of the day we can say it was an investment well worth making. the last time the gasoline tax was passed or increased was in 1993. i was part of the clinic ministration then, heading the federal highway administration. but, i have to admit, when it was initially proposed it was proposed for deficit reduction. the president had made a commitment to cut the deficit in half, but our economic house in order so we could then invest wellin 1998, when we reauthorized the transportation bill at that time, we were able to move the 4.3 cents into the highway trust fund. we do need to look at that issue of increasing the gasoline tax but we have to look at other means of increasing funds as well. >> again, i think the administration has put something forth. let's see what the congress does. >> your point is well taken. i don't mind paying as long as something is done with laguardia. rodney slater, think is so
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much. we're at a time. thank you for taking time to talk to us. >> thank you. >> let's see. you can actually see more of the gop plan, the immigration debate and the trump economy tonight on maria's wall street. her special guest is house speaker paul ryan. don't miss it tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern only on foxbusiness. let's take a look at the big board. we wrap up another week, always interesting on wall street the dow is moving along fine. but if you have paid a pretty penny for our private waterfront view, one government says you have to share that view. jeff is in indiana to explain. >> they are fighting over the beach in indiana. i don't know why anyone would fight over the beach today. can even tell this is the beach? if you own beachfront property you might want to stay tuned.
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stay tuned. l income. bring amlp into the game. l income. before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. read the prospectus carefully at
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breaking news, the broward county sheriff scott israel will hold a briefing at 415 eastern offering the latest details. we will bring that right here on foxbusiness. jeff is live from the beach community in indiana. indiana has a beach? >> it does. i had to be reminded it's on the great lakes, i know.
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nothing west of the hudson for him too. there is water out here. although he couldn't prove it today because it's all frozen. that's normally water back here. what are you buying? are you buying all the way down to the water? there is a big lawsuit. some homeowners claim they owned all the way to the water. the supreme court said no what you own is all the way to the average height line which is where their property ends which means i can legally walk on this beach and so can anybody else. this case could be up appealed
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to the supreme court and that might have some indications for other folks. every community is different in terms of what you own but if you're going to buy beachfront property, i advise you, check out the fine print and check out what you are buying. >> here's a piece of driftwood. i could make a ramp or something out of that. [laughter] >> now it's get off of my beach. and he can do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't go too close to the house. >> so he can't get arrested if he's on their beach. >> enjoy. thank you very much. >> he's going to whittle some wood now. by the way. the department of justice staying busy, not just with the russian they met but fighting a high profile corporate merger. in an effort to block its effort with time warner, as they get ready to go to battle, the governments
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witness list continues to change. >> these were two companies that were thought to be on the wish list and many of the major telecom media companies are that the government wants to say listen, the unfair competition, if you merged at&t and time warner together would hurt these other telecom on their and charter, even comcast might be on that list. we'll get to that in a minute. the two that are not in were thought to be possibly on it, at least right of now are disney and 21st century fox. we should point out that here is why. the cousin of the merger and the sale of fox assets to disney which needs justice approval, they thought this was a bridge too far and essentially put them on the list or someone at least that
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disney are fox thought it too far. we should point out at least initially with the government lawyers and disney and fox with them appearing as witnesses for supporting the governments effort to break up the deal, then came this merger and even when the merger came disney was still on the list. it was unclear if fox would be on the list. from what i hear right now, they are not on the list. the other major telecom players will be on it, not disney and fox. it's fascinating that both sides are putting together the witness list and comcast which is interesting, could be on the list. all the conditions mirrors the at&t time your, those conditions will be up.
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there clearly under scrutiny. one of the aspects that they're trying to knock down this deal is to say hey, look how bad for consumers. they have studies, they say they may call the head of the trump justice to part of the antitrust division. this is getting really interesting. it will be one of most-watched things on wall street. >> how will it turn out you think. they hate vertical mergers because they don't want, they really believe the old media like cnn is in its death throes and in order for them,
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if they merge for at&t, you're giving them more power and there's one thing the trump justice partner wants to do and that is to dislodge traditional medias hold on the public. for obvious reasons. trump eight cnn, he doesn't like the new york times, make any of these entities stronger is something he would not like to do and he believes, his people in the antitrust division believe they do have an antitrust argument to satisfy. >> in the public sit in on these things? >> i believe so. >> are you going to be there? >> i hope not. here's why. it will be like watching paint dry. it's like tell us about this and that and all these very technical items. maybe we should send you. >> thanks charlie. we'll be right back. don't go away. excuse me? let me be frank, he says: you picked the wrong insurance plan.
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♪ i. ashley: chinese knew year and year of the dog. why do i tell you this?
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lpl financial says this could be a good sign for equities. average gains of 12.7%. not bad. let's bring in our good friend, todd horowitz, host of the bubba show and chief market strategist. bubba and head of bubba trading. we'll stick with the dog theme. what are the dogs of dow? who don't you like? >> what do you say, ashley? i don't like any oil sector stocks i think oil will have a very rough year. formation of oil suggests that oil will go lower. they are already down significantly. exxon 52-week low right now. i think it foes -- goes lower. ashley: you don't like ge? >> ge is easy one. you asked for a dog of the dow. i would be a buyer of ge somewhere in here. ashley: what about intel?
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they have straightened out their act. all their troubles are behind them. they will reinvent themselves and become a better business organization. they have seen the pressure. i see them moving higher from here. i think that will be one of good bright spots for the dow this year. ashley: 30 seconds, todd. are we still in recalculation mode? , we have the drop and the pause. is there more volatility? >> i think more volatility. market action suggest as near-term top is in. we should see selling and test the lows we put in last week. overall i think long term you're a buyer of the market. short term here over next six months we have a lot of volatility. then we go lower. ashley: thank you so much. todd horowitz, bubba trading. thanks for joining us, todd. as we head towards the final bell. long weekend coming up. markets closed on monday. dow losing a little bit of
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steam. hases dach turning negative, down 15 points. [closing bell rings] s&p barely hanging on to positive territory. people taking money off the table heading into the long weekend that will do it for me. david asman, melissa francis are here now "after the bell." melissa: a wild week for the markets but it is the dow's best week in nearly a year-and-a-half. all major averages staging a come back following the worst week in two years. i'm melissa francis. happy friday. david: happy friday. a good day for the markets. wild day for news. i'm david asman. this is "after the bell." here is what else we're covering for you. what a busy hour we have for you. the depth of russian interference in our elections is now revealed and it is stunning. russian agents posing as u.s. political activeists spending years to sow distrust on both sides among american voters. brand new indic


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