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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  February 14, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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solution oriented way. a lot of this comes down to mental health. the isla vista shooter, the mom informed the authorities. but behind closed doors he was writing violent intentions. there has been an fbi and department of education study, in a majority of them' they say the shooter communicates his intent beforehand. david: i was talking to dan bongino about how so many of the causes of these things can't be addressed in a political framework. you can't legislate for families to get closer. the video gamesser.
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>> the songs in the case of the discipline in is something you can do, and that's clearly just make it tougher for bad people to get anywhere. that restricts the movement of everybody. but that's something i can see that can be done in a political arena. >> the dissolution of some of the pillars of society, that really matters. on this first day of lent. when people are dismissive of the notion that thoughts and prayers are valuable, they play a tremendous role. david: one of the most of tragic picture i have seen is people going to collect their children or try to find their children and with a kroos -- a cross in n
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their forehead since today is ash wednesday. the organization that goes to schools and talks to kids about loving one another and about basic human decency. that organization has averted several school shootings. so that makes a difference. thoughts and prayers make a difference. david: as was pointed out by the sheriff of broward county. for people to pay attention of what goes on on social media websites. this guy put out stuff that's so totally unacceptable and nobody did anything about it. >> there are warning signs often associated with these things that we often go back and
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relitigate what happened? the fact that he wasn't allowed to carry a backpack on campus when he was on campus. these things need to get resolved before we get to a national gun law level. david: we need a stronger sense of community in this country for people to get together. everybody is so insular right now. part of that is because of all the devices we have. the electronic devices that allow people not to communicate with one another. if we had had more of that or if people had been more aware. perhaps this guy would have been targeted long ago. >> that's so right. that's so important, that sense of community. we are seeing it play out in florida where one reporter noted
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as the shooting was happening and was still active. there were prayer circles forming outside. groups of people coming together and putting their arms around one another and praying for those kids. that makes a difference in averting these sorts of things. david: good to see you both. i'm david asman in for "lou dobbs tonight." 17 people shot to death today and others wounded at harming are you've stoneman high school. nicholas cruz had been expelled from the school. he used an ar-15 rifle and multiple magazines.
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he used several social media accounts that sheriff described as very, very disturbing. joining me, bernard kerik, former new york police commissioner. the city of new york is a place where people fought for -- thought for decade that the crime situation would get worse every year until rudy giuliani came to town and you worked together to crack down on crime like it had never been cracked down on before. we went from 2,200 murder a year. now it's less than 400. >> it's just over 350. david: can you make any analogy between what you guys did in new york and what need to be common the schools? >> the big focus is
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intelligence. you talk about social media, phones, things that keep people separated almost, but also there is an enormous amount of intelligence there. as this thing goes on today we learned all this stuff this guy was talking about online, weapons, knife, bombs, the syrian resistance. i have two dmairts high school, a senior and sophomore. if they were sitting around my kitchen look at an instagram post by a maniac like this, i m going to call the authorities, i'll call the school, i will be concerned. we live in a society where political correctness is at the top of the heat and people are scared to death to make the wrong call. i'm confident there are parents out there that heard their kid talking about this that feel
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they should have said something. everybodiened the sun at this point -- everybody knew. everybody, the kid, the school, everybody knew. in that case, what was he doing with the weapons. david: bobby, there is so much propaganda about what bernie was saying. if you see something, say something. we are told constantly in new york, economy and los angeles. and i'm sure in miami and broward county the same kind of thing. why isn't it working? >> we don't have the process set up yet. my broirt and father were both nypd detectivists. in their day when they came across a mentally disturbed person, they could put them into bellview for a 72-hour period. kid who are a known threat, they need a system in place to work
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with law enforcement. if they cross a line like this kid clearly did. they could be put into the mental health system and juvenile system while they are evaluated by the mental health system. david: the first group to come down on that would be the aclu and they would probably prevent that from happening. >> we have to fight that fight. we have to make sure if they get up there teary eyed and say why is this happening. we have things to put in place. i think we do it already with certain people in our society. severely mentally ill on the street to be taken off for a certain amount of time and be evaluated. we need to put kid like this who are clearly disturbed. law enforcement didn't have the
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structure set up to deal with this kid other than just arrest him once he commits a crime. but we do it with other people in society. we need to change how we look at definition of mental illness. in conjunction with the juvenile justice can hold him and prevent this. david: the disciplinary standard in schools is atrocious. if you do anything close to what bobby suggested, there are lawyers who will come down on you. >> one thing that bobby said that i think stand out. you have to fight that fight. guess what, that's how rudy giuliani changed new york city. when the "new york times" said it will never work, you don't
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have the right to do what you are doing. you can't reduce crime it's too big to mac. it's -- too big to manage. he said first and foremost we are going to reduce crime. there is one of those issues, you have to fight that fight. david: you also have the broken window theory. you stop small crimes. you don't let people, in this case student, get away with the so-called small crimes. you stop the small ones and that eventually leads to the big ones stopping as well. >> it's about discipline and respect. i was reading a report where military complanlders see the new kid coming into the military who believe they are entitled and have having major discipline problems. that's in the military. you have the same thing in these high schools.
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>> lobby, do you see the same thing at the fbi? are the recruits not as disciplined as they used to be? >> sure. we saw an erosion of standard a couple decade ago with respect to whether you could admit to drug use. when i came into the fbi you couldn't have used any drugs. but now you can use cocaine. there is an erosion of standard for sure. david: how do you build that back? >> i think this is a different situation. i think what we are talking about here are mental health issues. there are enough people that we see the signs beforehand. every time we have an incident like this we go over the signs that should have been seen. now we have to put in a structure to deal with this when we see those signs. years ago it was an unheard of idea to restrict someone's
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travel and restrict their activity in society if they haven't been convicted of a crime. but then we saw domestic violence rise and we got orders of protection. a woman can get an order against annex spouse even if that spouse is not convicted yet. the school needed an order of protect so he couldn't trespass at the school. but gift police the authority to take him off the street. and get him the care that he need. get him the attention of the mental health professionals that need to treat him. that structure is not in place. david: when the aclu and the "new york times" game came at you with all the ammunition and propaganda against what you were doing, how did you fight them? they are not without a lot of
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influence in this city. but you won that battle. how did you win it? >> a lot of it is common sense. to this issue on the guns in florida be he state has different laws for possession to carry weapons. in new york city if you had a license to carry or possess a firearm and you were all over social media. i promise you within an hour of it was brought to the police's attention those guns would be gone. the nypd would have those guns. in florida it's different. that's something that has to be looked at, too, state laws. david: coming up next, teenagers in florida recounting the moror a brush with death at their own high school. >> it was a fully automatic. it was very, very frightening. we although it was a drill.
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david: president trump tweeting his could be dole evens to the families and victims of the florida shooting. joining plea now is washington times opinion editor and fox business contributor, charlie hurt. one thing that's different between the last administration and this one is there is a relationship with law enforcement this executive branch has that the last administration didn't have. there was an antagonism between obama and local law enforcement that led to a federalization of law enforcement. i think you will find a more cooperative spirit. we may be able to use that relationship to the advantage of
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everybody. charlie: there was a definite antagonism with the previous administration on a whole host of issues. one of the things donald trump doesn't get credit for. he sees his job as the country's head cheerleader. in a situation like this where you have police and teachers and coaches risking their lives to do extraordinary thing to protect children in a horrible situation like this, it's probably a good thing for the country to have somebody in the president's position acting as a cheerleader and talking about the great sacrifices people make. it's what heals us. if we don't take anything else away from a horrifying heartbreaking situation like today, my goodness, as americans
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we have to come together and get past whatever our differences are. david: so often when a shooting would occur in the previous administration, you would have cheer leading or sympathy extended in the deepest terms but it wouldn't last or lead to change. i think now, you the beginnings of the mechanism for change. for cooperation between the feds and the local law enforcement that could lead to some change beyond just the week or two of sympathy. >> i would hope so. but even in a case like this. i understand after something terrible like this happens, everybody wakes up and says what can we do? i want to do something so this never happens again. your heart breaks and you want to do something.
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unfortunately a lot of people wage and they do a couple things. we have people in real legitimate leadership positions in america today who look at a situation like this and they belittle or mock faith or they want to use something like this to make a political point to press a personal political agenda. that is the wrong way to proceed in a situation like this. i think it makes things worse and it aught math i can el -- it automatically draws the battle lines and puts people in corners against one another and we don't have the unifying we should have after something like this. >> the last time anything on this skill happened, i think it was -- i may be criticized. but the shooting that led to the severe injury of congressman
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scalise. the shooting on the baseball field. and people did seem to come together. let's hope this is one of those occasions when we could see some of the same iewnify we saw then. >> i sure pray for it. david: tragedy unfolding at a high school in southern florida. >> good thing the door was locked. the short shot in. i was sitting by the cabinet and the bullet passed me and got girl next to me. heartburn.
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david: an expelled high school student opens fire and kills 17 people. the suspected gunman known as nikolas cruz. he was expelled for disciplinary reasons. he had smoak smoke grenades. he set off the fire alarms so the kids would come pouring into the halls. he was arrested about a mile away from campus. class are canceled at the school
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for the remainder of the week. joining me is bill gavin. we are in the middle of trying to figure out what happened with spying on an american political campaign that was allowed by the fisa court, the question being whether it's become too easy to spy on americans, particularly given the various forms of electronic devices we have available now that we never had before. but in this case there was ample reason to suspect an individual based on what he had in social media. there is a balance in this society between the freedom individuals have to do and say whatever they want, and then the protection of the citizenry. in one case we overdid the in one direction, and in this case we overdid it in the other. >> i don't know if there is a
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happy medium. you are on tarring wet this whole thing with the electronic atmosphere we live in. we live in a world of electronic socialization. you have been in a room with teenagers and young people with their iphones with their thumbs typing to john and john is in the same room with him. janes sitting right next to him. things are impersonal. if it were taken to a personal milieu, they would talk about these things. educators, teachers, students need to go through an educational process to be able to be taught when they see something that's wrong like this, when they see somebody who is a little off kilter who talks about guns and doesn't like
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anybody and has made social threats. they need to be able to talk to somebody about it. but they can't talk to anybody unless it's with their thumbs on a phone. and that's a shame. are they going to wrat somebody out? they don't understand the process of being social citizens. i just don't know where it's going. david: they call all this stuff on the web social media. other than the fact people send a message to another person twhribs nothing social about it. the whole idea of social interchange means you improve the communities in some way, and clearly in this case there was no attempt to use social media which this guy mad been using to put out some kind of hate. but we do not was horrendous based on what the sheriff was saying, and nobody did anything about it. >> how could this nap his own home. how could he come up with
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weapons, ammunition. everything that he needed to commit atrocity that he committed today. and his parents don't know? nobody knows? that's ridiculous. parents need to take a greater part of their children's lives. >> along with the kids, the parents are usually there on their iphones tweeting out as well on social gatherings. it's not something that only happens with young folks. none of us are immune to that. >> it's electronic socialization. it makes everything so impersonal. these kids will realize that what happened, what they witnessed as they walked by this carnage is going to bite them for a long time to come. it's going to be defend starting in their lives. i certainly hope and i know the schools in florida will provide
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emotional assistance for these children and for the adults as well. i'm afraid even adults are missing the social skills. david: then the responsibility of companies that are the means of exchange. there have been a lot of questions in regard to terrorism in terms of the responsibility of twitter and facebook and the rest of them. but now this brings it to a more social personal level. do you think companies have to change their ways and become more involved in this process working with the fbi and others? >> i think we all have to change our ways, companies included. but the problem is they cower under the social pressure, if they do something, social groups, the aclu is going to
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come down on them. i wouldn't be surprised with these children and the adults forming prayer groups, the aclu will concentrate on prieng school property rather than the tragedy that occurred. this world has been turned upside down. david: we thought the same was happening in new york. i just had bernie kerik on. he working with rudy giuliani. got the same kind wf grief from the aclu and the groups who were diametrically opposed to what they were doing to try to clean up the streets much new york. but in the end, giuliani went out because as liberal as new yorkers are, they don't want to live in a place that's unsafe. as liberal as all the others who who may oppose the measures that
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need to be taken in our schools, they don't want their kids to go to a school where this can happen. >> people say these groups will be coming against you. what are you going to do? every once in a while in this world we need to take a stand. if you take a stand like rudy giuliani did against the odds. you take a stand and say i'm going to do the right thing, maybe you can start to change things as opposed to i'm never going to win this one. it's not going to be pretty sometimes, and lots of times you aren't going to win. but when you do win, you will win big. david: coming up next. a call for prayers of the victims of a deadly school shooting in broward county, florida. >> there are people still undergoing surgery. just pray for this city, pray
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for this school, the parents, the folks that lost their lives it's a horrific day. david: this on ash wednesday. we'll bring you the latest straight ahead. alerts -- wouldn't you like one from the market when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. fidelity. i want you to pick a new truck for your mom or dad, knowing that they could possibly pass it down to you one day. cool. but before you decide, you should know that chevy silverado's are the most dependable,
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build a better website - in under an hour. with gocentral from godaddy. david: we are getting new video of the horrifying moments at the
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marjory stoneman douglas high school. take a look. video showing students raising their hands above their heads as armed law enforcement officers enter a classroom. joining me is john gillian, former. people think we are just sheep and have to accept what's going on with our culture. >> we are not teaching people in this country to be empowered. every time this happens it goes straight to politics and they say take the guns away. we have a mental health problem and we have a lack of security problem in this country.
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there are literally millions of retired law enforcement officers and veterans who work every day with firearms and carry them in and around the public on a daily basis. myself as an fbi agent and air marshal. why aren't we being called upon to volunteer and stand at these schools? you are never going to be able to teach teachers how to be tactical completely. offer them a tax incentive. give them a tax incentive to come on there and work 10-20 hours a month and give them a carry conceal license. this may not be the only solution. by the is a solution. the only way you get to these is if you empower people to couple with effective solutions, and, two, we have to look at this stuff from the attackers point
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of view. you can do it, i can do it. i'm trained. we talk about your son web's trained. but you don't have to be a military or law enforcement veteran to look at your life, figure out who would attack you why, when and how. you can do it. david: i would think this president in particular would be open-minded with these ideas. >> i think he would. i just don't think he gets -- the majority of people he has advising him are not operators, ground operators. even the generals have long since operated on the ground. he needs to start look at people such as myself, people who have been on the ground and look at these unconventional ideas. david: not part of the bureaucracy. >> that's correct. a lot of of the lot of the attorneys and people without experience are advising on these things. if you want to get away from
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politics, then you need to start look at effective solutions for this. there is no reason for one more child to die in a school from this point forward if we simply did the recommendation that it gave at the beginning of this. there is no excuse for that individual getting into a classroom. he should never even get past the border of the school zone. david: in this case in the parkland school, what would you do? would you hire on a temporary basis, eczema reasons to come in here and carry weapons and respond immediately by walkie-talkie top whatever happened that was questionable? >> first of all, the teachers and the staff, even parents, should have a get together and talk about this stuff. where would they enter if they were going to be a shooter. how would they look at the
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school. then put out the call. if you are a retired law enforcement officer or veteran that served and worked weapons. come and the law enforcement agencies, you buy your own ammo and they put you through a course to see if you are qualified. if you are, you couple there and stand a post 10-20 hours a month. i'm telling you it's that simple. nobody would ever die in a school again. but they want to start talking politics. they want to talk about the kind of gun that was used. i heard representative them on and he was talking about an a.r., and an a.r. wasn't used in columbine. it doesn't matter if it's a knife or fork. if we don't stop these people from entering the schools, the death will continue. david: this president prides himself on cutting through
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bureaucracy. i think you may be speaking to the converted as far as that goes if you talk about this to the president. >> it's not the only answer by the is an effective one. this know reason for to us put politics in front of saving children's lives. if you want to go down that road you shouldn't be in any leadership nothing this country to begin with. david: coming up next, shock and
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david: we are learning the former student suspected of opening fire in a florida high school today may have been identified as a potential threat to fellow students in the past,
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according to a former teacher who said 19-year-old nikolas cruz wasn't allowed on campus with a backpack on him. he said everyone predicted the shooting. cliff may, the president of the foundation for defense of democracies. cliff, there is clearly was not sufficient communication between those who knew this guy was a threat. >> i think that's true and we have seen that in other examples. >> i'm not an expert in everything. but what occurred to me a. israel is threatened by terrorists and they don't succeed that often because israel has a security barrier, some call it a wall, to keep out
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people who want to kill israelis. and in israel everybody serves in the military. and you will see people carrying weapons and a lot of people carrying concealed. when a terrorist attacks there is usually somebody nearby who has a weapon and isn't atrade to use the weapon to stop the terrorist. david: israel is a lot smaller. but there is a social fabric there, a determination on the part of israelis, recognition that survival hangs by a thread there. they are surrounded bid their enemies. everybody is forced to serve in the military, whether you are man, woman. but that social fabric has a lot to do with the fact that you can't get away with a lot. you fry to israel on el al, and
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somebody will say something if they see something suspicious. >> in our country people look for weapons, in israel they look for terrorists. david: there is one thing about mayor cap, every time you think the social fabric has had enough and it's going to be torn to pieces and will never recover, we find a way of recommitting ourselves to the founding principles. and i hate to keep coming back to new york. a lot of people up there don't like this city. there was a time in the late 80s, early 90s that everybody thought the social fabric of new york was impossible to retrieve and sew back together. as a result of that tremendous effort made first by rodey giuliani and the success of police chiefs, we managed to keep this city alive.
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the same may be true nationally. just as we think it's the darkest hour, it's just before the down. >> i lived in new york as a kid. i saw what the streets looked like. i saw what rudy giuliani managed to do. yes, there are ways to recover. i certainly hope we can because the social fabric is frayed and we need recovery. coming up, doctors tirelessly working to save victims wound in a high school shooting in broward county. >> fortunately for everybody we were located close to the high school where the shooting happened. fortunately for everybody it brought patients to our hospital and we were able to do a great job to do the right thing. david: our special coverage continues with former atf agent right after this break.
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springs, a neighboring city, about an hour after he fled the scene. he slipped out of the building by mixing in with crowds of students. joining me next is a faculty member of the criminal justice. how this kid known to the administrators at that school as a troublemaker, how he could get in with an a.r.-15. >> it's incredibly accurate. it does not take a skilled marksman to be effective. it's not particularly a large weapon. concealment is quite possible. it's not like a long hunting rifle of any type. david: could he have dismantled it in any way and concealed it
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in a bag so he wouldn't have too do that? >> you could potentially carry it alongside your pant leg. it's not difficult to conceal that type of firearm. >> we hear a lot about whether there should have been more metal detectors at this school. is this a weapon that would have set that off? >> the campus provides the ultimate complex situation. everybody door would have to be shut down and controlled. generally in the united states the metal detector is not a solution for high population, high transit locations such as this school. david: what is the solution if not that? >> you know, we need to have a vision in the country. one is to teach run, fight.
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we need to pay attention to people who make threats. and compel people making threats to psychological evaluation. we have to make it a standard to run, hide, fight, and active shooter training. even if it saves a couple more people it's worth the time and investment. david: it's far too early to second guess what anybody did or didn't do in this case. but it seems this kid was putting out very clear warnings that he was extremely violent in the messages he put out on social media. is there any way to communicate that to law enforcement? >> it's very difficult to legally compel somebody to a psychological evaluation. you are bumming into threats
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that could be considered as idle. unless they do something in terms of being demonstrative in take an act, there is a legislative and societal fix. david: change the law in the way we define mental illness? >> i would say in terms of somebody being compelled for an evaluation. a licensed psychologist could say i have concerns they are actionable. their diagnosis could be that might have them contained for a further psychological evaluation. even confinement. david: bernard, we appreciate you being here on this awful
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day. that's it for us tonight. remember to pray for those who lost their lives today. thank you for joining us. sebastian gorka and tom fit on n are among our guests tomorrow. it was a tough day, folks. thank you for joining us. good night from new york. model railway... >> do you have any idea what steve spent to put this together? >> i've always heard $1 million. >> ...built by a man on a mission. >> he's telling his life story in trains. >> he is. he is. yes. >> whenever he would add something to it, he said, "you want to see your inheritance again?" >> an inheritance freighted with memories. >> so tell me the truth. did y'all make out at that movie theater? >> no, not that one. [ both laugh ] >> will their plan fall apart? >> your first cut could be the end of this railroad. >> well... [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]


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