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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  June 29, 2017 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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strong and great again in spite of them. president trump said there would be a winning. are you tired of all t t t t t cheryl: breaking news this morning. a major milestone for the bang for the first time since the financial crisis. the big financial firms pass tests to pay big events for their shareholders. trained by republican senators scrambling to put out a bill by tomorrow. the president promising a surprise. train to big gains for bank and technology stocks actually feel a rally on wall street. the dow up 143 points. the nasdaq since november 2016. right now features went to a
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mixed bag with the and s&p higher. lauren: a scandal at the vatican after being charged with sexual assault. training to new rules for airport security. now you can hold onto your laptop that you may have to wait longer in the security line. happy fourth of july. lauren: it gets very confusing. l.a. clippers star chris wallace heading to houston and extraordinary night for the u.s. entrée new york yankees. cheryl: 5:01 a.m. thursday, june 29th. good morning, everyone. i'm cheryl casone. lauren: and lauren simonetti. this is "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. cheryl: great news for investors. the first time all of the u.s. things have passed the fed's annual stress test.
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investors could be reaping rewards. let's get details from our own adam shapiro. >> good morning, cheryl. good morning, lauren. the headline has to do with the fact that the banks right now seeing huge dividend increases hezbollah share buyback programs. the senior federal reserve official said that this year they intend to send back to shareholders something like 100% net revenue. luster was 65%. the dead confederate server quite healthy. two banks that lack of a better term had hiccups. american express adjusted their results in their lot to do that before the test and they came in just fine. capital one will be allowed to pay a dividend. they were not objected to. they have to address some issues according to the fed in order to continue paying a dividend. here's that the fed said about capital one. they did not object to that is
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to claim the firm to submit a plan that addresses identifying weaknesses in its capital planning process. as for capital one they still scored well in their tier one capital ratio of 5.9% 4.5% minimum. this is the first time since they began stress testing the banks that there were no objections whatsoever. back to you. train to adam shapiro, thank you so much. lauren: another twist in the drama to replace upon the care before mitch mcconnell postponed a vote until after the july 4th recess. lawmakers right now scrambling to agree on a bill by tomorrow. president trump remain optimistic for the top democrat at the challenge. >> health care is working along very well. big surprise of the great health care package. >> i spoke with the president
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this afternoon. he and i came up with an idea in this to be a separate this into two bills. one would be the spending bill that has keeping up on the care spending in a lot of things moderates want in the other would be more of a repeal bill. >> so i make my friends on the republican side and president trump an offer. let's turn over a new leaf. let's start over. lauren: according to fox news poll, american voters oppose the current tenet healthcare bill by two to one margin 54% to 27%. by comparison to make it to 4% opposed the house health care bill after it passed. >> big difference in the april polling versus what we see right now versus taken a few days ago. travel restrictions on all international flights into the united states.
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a rollback of the laptop been introduced in march. cheryl: tracee carrascas joining us for details. this could be a big headache at the airport. training has come absolutely. the department of homeland security says it will include 10 screening of passengers and belongings that airports a new protocol while they are in the ground. you remember at march the dhs be an electronic device is larger than cell phone such as laptops from airports in the middle east and africa erika said hi terrorist activity. they will affect 180 airlines operating from 280 airports and over the next few weeks and months. airlines do not comply with the new rules or take too long to adhere to them they could face further restrictions such as banning all electronic devices on board for suspension of the fly. john kelly said they're working
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hard to bring down airplanes and the government must respond by increasing defensive measures. >> we're not standing on the sidelines. the u.s. government is focused on deterring committee tech and disrupting threat. my conclusion is this. timely raise the global baseline of aviation security. the macros would affect 2005 from 325,000 passengers a day. a lot of people. lauren: that it's a lot of people. what does it mean for these passengers? reporter: they are offering new technology for screening out the bad and the wider use of canine unit, which should hopefully eliminate the inconvenience to passengers. they also urge airports to screen passengers before they come to the u.s. lauren: setting the stage for a new level of airport security. thank you very much.
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lauren: president trams travel ban takes effect tonight as well. it could add to the confusion at the airport. the administration establishing new criteria from six mostly muslim countries and all refugees. key guidelines requires a person have a close family or business relationship with someone in the united states. this follows a supreme court ruling earlier in the week to the week the partially restored the president's executive order that was at the time widely criticized as a ban on all levels. lauren: president trump meeting with south korea's newly elected president for the first time at the white house. these two leaders will discuss areas of disagreement that they have on foreign policy and on trade. white house officials downplayed differences between trump and move on how to deal with the issue of north korea as they ramp up testing of their ballistic missile program.
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competition approach with the north koreans. the trump administration want stronger diplomatic and economic sanctions imposed. another option on the table, a better military alliance. lauren: let's get you of the nation market activity. others across the board. the hang seng in hong kong up 1.1%. >> europe right now stocks are actually mixed. the foot in london up by 39. dax basically flat right now. >> one more trading day. the best start to a year. for six months since 2003. weakness for the nasdaq. check out the dow. so close to an all-time high. train to the entire first half of the year. taking a look really quick and a commodity as you can see. a little bit of a bump up in the contract over the last 24 hours. watch the energy names in the
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markets and as far as school goes down more than $2 on gold. >> the big rally we saw yesterday by financials and technology, the question is can that continue. anna johnson, founder and author. >> the answer is yes it's going to continue. it is real simple. we have full employment. americans are working again. this is the best news i could share with you at 5:08 in the morning. record low unemployment. for .3%. that is part of the story. earnings growth about 10% this year. if people are working in making money, they're also spending, creating earnings growth. truth really want to add etf because received a record amount of money right now. >> ask him you're absolutely
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right. cheryl: sorry, i want to let foreign finish. you've got 73 points now away from the record highs. going into the holiday weekend, but the trading activity yesterday seemed to be up with the positive. >> a huge signal from mario druggie. one -- the guy who is the european central bank and he was a real naysayer. he was kind of thought that mr. will do whatever it takes because that's what he told us five years ago. we will do whatever it takes. he changed his tune earlier this week and is taking a punch bowl away from the banks in europe. that's a good team because we are getting back to normal. if he thinks we are getting back to normal, that's a big statement for the market and that's why people are buying stocks. >> are pigs passed stress test for the time since the financial
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crisis. >> janet yellen and country made it easy to rebuild balance sheet. for the past seven or eight years, they have been able to pass excess money. i know that doesn't sound like a lot, but add that up over time and allows the banks to repair the balance sheet. this was the whole goal. a lot would say the fed overstepped its bounds, kept rates too low, but it did repair the balance sheet for now they are passing stress tests as they showed. i is a matter of fact have a brief describer's and a number of different bank. it fits together. cheryl: i've been reading your note and you have been out of the curve. shout out on that. warren buffett is not that big a shareholder since the first converting to common shares. i'm curious what you think of the fact they increased their dividend by 60%.
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is the play over and bank of america? >> still trading very close to value that's way too cheap at about 1.5 times. by bank of america, warren buffett absolutely right. lauren: atom, so good to see you. thank you very much. cheryl: he did call than banks by the way. he was on that. scandal at the vatican as one of the pope's top advisers is charged with sexual assault. we will have the in a disappointing debut for blue apron. pricing starts way below what investors had. you are watching trendsetting. -- "fbn:am" ♪
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lauren: this catholic church is it with sex scandal. he is charged with multiple counts of sexual abuse, alleged to have occurred in australia. the highest level vatican officials pay charges on the abuse scandals that have rocked the catholic church. he vows to clear his name. firefighters continued to battle blazes across much of the western united states in arizona. the growing wildfire killed 19 firefighters for years ago. thousands of people evacuated
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from their homes. major roads closed in smoke can be seen for miles. investor showing little appetite for shares of blue apron, raising $300 million but that is a third less than they had hoped. analysts take amazon's deal to buy or hold food is weighing. but show your stock futures this morning as we wrap up the month of june. dow up 26. nasdaq down seven. cheryl, that is happening now. cheryl: up as tech names we watch. we're also watching what is happening out of washington. senate republicans are trying to agree on changes to the gop health care bill. they want this done by tomorrow. the senior policy analyst at the independent women's forum. capri cafaro, american university school of public affairs. contributor to the "washtington examiner."
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the piece, good morning. i want to start with you and talk about the possibility they can get this done by tomorrow. we are going to a whole weekend. are you optimistic? >> just like me. it's an uphill battle. contention between moderates and conservatives, both of which are finding fault with the bill. everyone realizes that knows the president is adamant he wants to see this pushed over the line. lauren: capri, senator mcconnell said they refuse to work with democrats. >> if we are serious about producing strong policy current democrat and republicans alike need to come to the table. this is senate minority leader in ohio for a number of years and i served 10 years in the ohio senate. i can tell you in that context it was absolutely imperative particularly because we were in the minority to work together with republican and the maturity to craft strong legislation.
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i co-op heard in just that way. i know obviously there's politics at play here, that chuck schumer and others are trying to push the envelope because they are looking towards 2018, vulnerable republicans on the fence in regard to how they stand on health care in light of the fact the cbo score said not only 22 million individuals could potentially lose health care in the individual marketplace, but also an additional 49 million could potentially lose under the medicaid program particularly in the context of expansion. for the betterment of the country, we need to put politics aside. the reality in the swamp is that not going to happen. cheryl: patrice to you, it looks like chuck schumer can say what he will in front of the camera. they will not play along with republicans. obstructionism is the name of the game. critics say within the republican party that there are
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several sticking points they are going to get through particular is medicaid. what are your issues on that side? >> is concerned about keeping the rollback until 2023 rather than 2020. the idea with my other colleague on the panel, the cbo talked about 22 million people losing health care coverage by 15 million of those people are choosing not to have coverage at all because the personal mandate is eliminated. it's the reason we need a personal mandate through the aca so people would buy into the system otherwise people would not want to do it. republicans are saying hey, listen. those say we want to see this expanded, but those looking at the taxpayer who have to foot the bill for this expansion, particularly those who are single without children and not just elderly moms with young
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kids. lauren: final 20 seconds here. we expect a surprise in the president on the health care bill. cute or two versions of senator rand paul has suggested? >> who knows. i mean who knows. that the best option they have to get something over the finish line. obviously the issue is pertaining to medicaid. i don't think it will be resolved overnight. whatever's left over even if they separate them, they will continue to have challenges. >> patrice capri, thank you. coming up in sports, let's make a deal. heading to houston and what an extraordinary night for the yankees against the white sox. we'll show you the highlights. or may not appear in the northeast. whether temperatures across the country. 89 in phoenix, the 69 in new york. stock market features trendy he dead. dow futures at 24. s&p f. three.
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lauren: ready for sports. the blog rest are traded since chris paul to the rockets. but the final year of the contract to become a free agent, but he agreed to opt back in to clear the way for the trade. in exchange the maverick, posture i really been the top three protected 28 team's first-round pick for the clippers. six seasons at the clippers after starting his career in new orleans. ready for some baseball? the yankees dominating white sox yesterday. a two run home run.
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the home are particularly satisfying for judge with unflattering. excelling in its major-league debut with three heads and four rbis. yankees win not 112-3. scary moment for the cubs in their game against the nationals. catching a fly ball and steps on the back awkwardly so he comes up limping after the play. he rolls his right ankle on the back after making a catch. unclear how they will be out. final score a-4. yesterday was the day he will never forget. he was walking across the bridge.
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he saw a woman standing on the outside staring down into the waters over the river. he rushed over to her, starts to talk to her and realizes what she's about to do. he grabbed her and held onto her intel helps arise. >> she says he'll just forget me. i said not know, i'll never forget you. i am glad to say that they can have another being the right place at the right time. >> later in the evening, i'm tired of making between the pirate in the race. >> what a hero. cheryl: we've got a lot more coming out. in washington today, republican senators trying to hammer out the health care bill. the president is promising a surprise.
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the canned good news. you can still take your laptop on board an international flight. the bad news the security lines may be a lot longer that can be happening this weekend. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪
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lauren: breaking news this morning. major milestone for the financial industry for the first time since the crisis. all past has allowed them to pay shareholders bigger dividends. cheryl: on capitol hill, scrambling to hint at a health care bill by tamara tomorrow the president is promising a surprise. lauren: gains yesterday hope for the trump agenda and big gains for technology stocks feeling a major rally. 133 points.
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the nasdaq best day of the year. today they are for the dow and s&p. nested features under pressure. cheryl: is not that two-day losing streak. a few not the vatican to tell you about the pope's top financial czar is stepping aside after being charged with multiple accounts of sexual assault. lauren: find anywhere? new rules for airport security passengers. hold onto your laptop. you might have to a lot longer in the security lines. lauren: in sports let's make a deal. heading to houston. an extraordinary night for the yankees against the chicago white sox. all the stories for you. lauren: 5:31 a.m. in new york this thursday, june 29th. i'm lauren simonetti. cheryl: and cheryl casone. your first look at morning market in the latest breaking news. train for the first time since
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the financial crisis, 34 half past the federal reserve's annual stress test and investors could be reaping the rewards. details from adam shapiro. >> at morning, cheryl. good morning, lord appeared to have that has to do with the fact big tanks are announcing huge dividend increases. in fact, the official said this year they intend to send back to shareholders that they make 100% net revenue. buster was 65%. the eyes of the federal reserve are quite healthy. two banks that lack of a better term, then you're allowed to do that before the test and they came in just fine. capital one will be not objected to, but the missions according to the fed to continue paying a dividend. there is that the fed said about
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capital one. quote, federal reserve did not object to the financial corp. but as requiring the firm to submit a new capital plan within six months but addresses identified weaknesses in the capital planning process. as for capital one, they still scored well in their tier one capital ratio of five by 9% above the 45% minimum. this is the first time since they began stress testing the banks that there were no objections whatsoever. back to you. lauren: adam shapiro, thank you. cheryl: another twist in what has become a big piece of drama when it comes to the efforts to replace about the care one day after senate majority mitch mcconnell abruptly put a vote on the bill until after the july 4th recess. lawmakers scrambling to agree on a bill. president trump remains optimistic while the senate's top democrat is offering a
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challenge. >> health care is working very well. a big surprise but the great health care package. >> i spoke to the president this afternoon. he and i came up with an idea that's really a breakthrough to separate this into two bills. one would be the spending bill that has been keeping up on the care spending in the moderates want in the other would be more of a repeal bill. >> so i make my friends on the republican side in president trump an offer. let's turn over a new leaf. let's start over. trade you will see that they promised to hold firm senator schumer. a poll released last night, american voters opposed the senate health care bill by two to one margin. 54% opposed the health care bill after it was passed by 40% of those actually supported it and
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also wishes to you if you look at the polling, the approval rating is actually dropping. lauren: a new set of travel restrictions on all flights into the united states. cheryl: it might have a rollback of what was introduced in march. tracee carrascas you with the details. good morning. >> good morning, ladies. the department of homeland security said they will include screening of passengers and the longing for airport in the protocol weather on the ground there. in march there. in march, dhs scan electronic devices larger than a cell phone such as laptops from airports in the middle east and africa, areas of high terroristic dvd. new security enhancements will affect 180 airlines operating from 280 airports in 105 countries over the next few weeks and airlines do not comply
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to take too long to adhere to them. they could face further restrictions banning all electronic devices on board. dhs secretary john kelly said terrorists are working hard to bring down airplanes in the government must respond by increasing defensive measures. >> we are not standing on the sidelines wi-fi net aches applied. the u.s. government is focused on deterring, detecting and disrupting threads. my conclusion is this. it's time we raise the global baseline of aviation security. >> rules would affect two dozen flights carrying some 325,000 passengers a day. a lot of people to move through the screening process be a >> to be concerned is what is this going to mean for passengers as well? are we asked that in some this weekend? >> probably not this weekend. as far as the screening process i've got enhanced technologies.
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they are also supposed to alleviate some of that. officials are encouraging airports to enroll in a preclearance process so people can get screened abroad by a customs agent before coming to the u.s. cheryl: at the state department said it ought to give code out, professional organist and family life. fingers crossed. lauren: like the travel ban the first time. thank you. cheryl: senator trump is taking effect today which could add to the confusion at the airports. the administration establishing a new criteria for visa applicants from six muslim countries and refugees. the person has to have a close family united states. we should say that will follow the supreme court window partially was at the president's executive order widely criticized as a ban on muslims.
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lauren: president trump meets at the south korean president nearly like did for the first time today. the two will discuss areas of disagreement on the in tray. moon wants to see a less confrontational approach with the north korean leader kim jong ill and are the trump administration want economic sanctions on the country. >> global market action overnight. first ever to a shed. greener assigned the area. call up anywhere from half to 1%. lauren: in europe, stocks are trading mixed. the bake salé. however, downer has done 29. trade to let co u.s. stock market futures are looking. the devil oppressor team. s&p up by two. nasdaq with the watch obviously snapping the two-day losing streak yesterday. red areas down nine points. lauren: energy is something we are also watching. last week oil hitting bear
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market territory for five days in a row. just shy of $45 a barrel. two bucks at 12546 announced. >> that's good for energy stocks. blue apron is pricing its ipo at the low end of the range. is this an ipo disaster? adam johnson, founder and author with us. we haven't seen a lot of big ipos come especially technology. what you make a blue apron lowering the rates for the price? >> this is a total disaster and kind of a sad story but symptomatic of what's happening now. amazon and wolfowitz coming together can do whatever blue apron is trying to do better, cheaper, more effectively. that's why they have delivered the price. that's the reality of the situation, cheryl. lauren: the iphone with a big anniversary for apple.
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your feelings on the stock. >> i absolutely love this out. one of my favorite teams i like to tell readers is a great company stumble and if your call year ago, apple stumbled. it was the first quarter over quarter earnings decline of 49 quarters. great companies put forth a plan and move forward through the play that apple is real simple. all they have to do is make their global smartphone market share look more like their u.s. smartphone market share. in the u.s., apple command 64% of smartphones. that's incredible. only about 14%. all they have to do is grow their smartphone business overseas and you are going to see earnings double or triple from here. it will take time, three to five years. trade td like apple. let's talk about technology overall. about two weeks ago we had not done one of the big tech stocks
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are following and analyzed say that tech is just overpriced at this point. the one index and the bad is the nasdaq. how do you feel about that? >> i just read about tech. the number one performing group of over 20%. health care is number two almost of about 20% mackinac. the naysayers are trying to go after tag can also help go after attack and also health care and what's happening in washington. investors recognize this is where the growth is in the opportunity is. facebook on the alphabet, i still want to call it google. netflix, on and on. these are powerful names because they are growing 20 to 25%. lauren: alphabets google was hit earlier this week. do you see more e.u. going against other american companies? >> the headline is very impressive. google find to point whatever it
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is for the fact is google makes 100 billion to hear. cheryl: thank you very much. appreciate it, sir. lauren: coming up, republican leaders scrambled to get a health care bill done by tomorrow. what does this mean for the agenda going forward, particularly tax cuts on both sides of the aisle. the trial of pharma bad boys martin shkreli, is he a boy genius orazio fraudster? you decide. you are watching "fbn:am" ♪ n more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be.
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cheryl: is 5:45 a.m. in the art. let's get you caught up on what's happening now. the trial affect being martin shkreli finally underway. the defense attorney called in strange and weird. his own attorney said that. the prosecution framed him as a con man blurring the proceedings because the jurors could ignore the negative press around shkreli. 20 years in prison for orchestrating a ponzi scheme to cover his investment losses. where's the beef? a woman in new york is suing dunkin' donuts because her stake and makes him which doesn't have
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any stake in it. she claims the sandwich is an inferior product and that they are misleading their customers. we are watching shares of nike. earnings "after the bell." analysts expecting a key better than just one year ago. thursday we got two trading days left before the end of june. u.s. futures pointing to a mixed bag. nasdaq is the only one we are watching by 13 points. lauren: the gop can get health care bill tomorrow. does that mean the trump agenda? a senior policy analyst and capri cafaro and executive in residence at american university school of public affairs. good to see you ladies. let's say they get the bill written tomorrow and pass. what do you think ben is the timeline for the tax cuts? >> we have to look at the products they will go through.
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they need to have the budget resolution which will leap into tax reform. ideally, tax reform would have been later than fall but there needs to be a lot to get done in august than july. >> if you look at kind of the timeline, it's not just about health care. we are talking about the budget. all of this has to be done by the end of the year. are you optimistic we can get meaningful tax reform by the end of 2017? >> i think it's incredibly challenging. my colleague is right about the process for the budget resolution inviting to actually happen. one of the things that some of the roadblocks if you will have the trump administration has faced in congress to get their agenda passed is a reflection of their lack of experience in government. for better or worse, donald trump coming you know, there is some good things about reading and private sector to government.
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the way washington works inside the beltway is understand the push and pull of what's motivating the house and senate. it's very specific. when you don't have a lot of lower level staff, you don't necessarily have a robust interface with capitol hill. it's a challenge to get over -- to get your agenda. lauren: tracey, international monetary fund lowered for the year to just over 2% because they viewed the trump agenda to stall that. do you agree? >> i think is scary for corporate level as those individuals. i think there is no genuine concern that because of health care and the contentious battle among republicans stalling it so much that congress will not be able to get done everything it needs to get done. this is a huge election cycle year. but this congress will get it
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back together because again, these are important issues not just for the trump administration but for americans thinking about 2018. >> right around the corner. >> yeah, it is like tomorrow. cheryl: they are going to start campaigning in january. once you have these guys and dolls starting to campaign, they focus on the work that needs to be done. that is a concern here. >> you're absolutely correct. that's one of the reasons that so important to get things done before the recess of the potential of getting a robust agenda in august for example because frankly there are a lot of members of congress that may be running for reelection in the united states senate. obviously the house is all up in 28 team and son running for governor and other physicians. you have a number of funds until they filed to run for election. it is already an election cycle right now.
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lauren: capri, patrice coming thank you for your time this morning. cheryl: thank you, ladies. hundreds of large printers across the country pitching their ideas to wal-mart. they hope they can get greenlighted and get a deal. >> you have to believe in your product into yourself. shape your dream. trade to a big milestone today. apple's iphone is going to be 10 years old. how this device will change the world and changed the company. you are watching "fbn:am." we'll be right back. ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ♪ nothing can keep me from you ♪ ♪no need for greed or hunger
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♪a brotherhood of man ♪imagine all the people ♪sharing all the, ♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪but i'm not the only one ♪i hope some day you'll join us♪ ♪and the world will live as one♪
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lauren: wal-mart holding a single day open call for entrepreneurs to pitch their retailer. casey stegall has the details. >> lauren and share up from executives at wal-mart tell me this is one of their favorite days of the year because it has this open call for inventors and entrepreneurs from all across the country. in fact, 500 or so small businesses have descended on the retail giant's home office to pitch their product to various buyers in hopes of making a deal and getting their invention on store shelves or people like this woman, meet jessica gore for the dallas texas, area and she's been invited because of her brainchild come at pc clean. think of it as edible pure alice you will. and inside that to real liquid that can be sprayed on things like pacifiers amid toys, mouth
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guards come anything that falls on the ground that needs cleaning. did i mention it tastes like candy? she and her husband have worked on it for years. today they hope wal-mart picks it up. >> you just have to believe in your product in yourself. >> 25% of the investors here are women. wal-mart executives say 750 pitch meetings will take place. some could sign multimillion dollar bills before walking out of the building and everyone gets valuable business advice so the stakes are high. >> you will find items that will speak to record to a buyer. i may be close, work on the cost for distribution. we will find great items our customers will enjoy. we'll see what the customer says. >> this is the fourth year for this event. the primary theme product made in the u.s.a. american companies
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and american jobs. cheryl, lauren. lauren: pc coming thank you. cheryl: we've got more coming up on this. a major milestone day for apple celebrating 10 years of changing how the world communicates. we'll tell you about that. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪
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announcer: when they test you, stand firm and move only when you hear the seatbelt click that says they're buckled in for the drive. never give up till they buckle up.
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lauren: guess what, the iphone is turning 10 today. cheryl: is not crazy? lauren: beyond crazy. the company struggled with the initials also the first iphone which was only available to at&t customers. it wasn't till apple introduced the app store with the iphone really took off. cheryl: it's interesting because since the introduction, shares of apple have increased by 744% which means the original investor at $600 richer as in stock the state would now be worth about 5000 activities price. apple is introducing the iphone a. i think this is showing you.
6:00 am
>> and now, it just shows do i feel the need to have two devices than i have an ipad at home and i have a mac book air. i'm the geek that has multiple. lauren: the 10th anniversary iphone will come out. there's going to be three of them. trade with china because i'm sitting here with my iphone six plus paranoia has hers as well. >> i've got six items. what would we have done? >> good morning to you. happy thursday. i maria bartiromo. it is thursday, june 29th. top stories at 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. seems i'm announcing it will create 1000 jobs in south carolina. president trump meeting with the new president of south korea. the caucus over how an obamacare meanwhile. mitch mcconnell trying to rework the


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