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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  April 19, 2017 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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recipe. we'll put on page. [close bell rings] market selling a billion shares to close, to sell on the close is what lori just told us. we have a lot of earnings to come. there is the closing bell. david and cheryl, over to you. cheryl: liz, thank you very much. david: stocks getting slammed. for the second straight day the dow sinking in the final hour of trading at a two-month low. down about 120 points. nasdaq managing to hold on to some of its grains anyway. a little bit of a green arrow. i'm david asman. cheryl: i'm cheryl casone. i'm in for melissa francis. we have you covered on the market movers but here is what else we've got you for this hour. tax cut timetable. mixed messages coming from washington what we'll actually see perform.
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a group of former trump campaign advisors, big economic names are wondering why it has to be so hard. they have got their advice for the president. political nail-biter in georgia with national implications. both democrats and republicans claiming victory in first round of a special election. who will win the runoff? the latest from atlanta. competition heating up for both american express and ebay. how this is affecting the bottom li wheth companies release results. we'll have results at any moment for all of you. david: the dow sinking for the second straight day. oil a about drag on stocks with exxon, chevron the dow's biggest losers with gold town. we have team coverage. phil flynn watching big movements in energy from the cme lori rothman on the floor of the nyse. lori, we're down triple digits again! what are the traders saying? >> let me give you the scuttlebutt, david and chairman.
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delay in tax reform first and foremost. we heard from boston fed member eric rosen again. he is a non-voting member of the he he commented on the balance sheet. that set off some flags. fed with the beige book. not terrible, but the comments equally split. u.s. economy that is, equally split between modest and moderate. not overwhelmingly rousing in terms of the fueling the fire of growth here. so that kind of led to after ibm after the bell last night, this time 24 hours set the tone and slashed all points off the dow. kind of a meltdown from there on. cheryl: thank you, lori from the floor of the new york stock exchange. phil, you have got oil, really getting slammed today, settling down nearly about 4%. what happened to the contract? >> cheryl, it started as a trickle. we got inventory data today was actually kind of supportive for oil.
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we saw a drawdown in crude supplies. that usually drives prices up but it didn'twe got a little bit of a rally and the market couldn't follow through. part of that with increase in gasoline supplies. gasoline demand flipped a little bit. then it became a macroeconomic concern. the market didn't move for an hour after the report. then it gained momentum on the downside. we saw when it came to the market today, we do have the may contract going off the board today. we started to see people in the may contract really have to get out of that contract. this was more about macroeconomic fears, it really was. when we got fed minutes later in the day, talks about, concerns about how much money people are making, that raised fears of high interest rates and a higher dollar. that pushed that down. one of the reasons why gold had a hard time as well because of that strong dollar and those fed minutes. but the gold actually held up better than oil did. a lot of fears on the gold side can drive the market higher. whether north korea, pushing
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back tax cuts from paul ryan a little bit earlier. all the concerns are playing into this market right now. but for oil, it was really a bloodbath. it wasn't expected. inventories overall on oil are the lowest they have it been since year-over-year since 2014. cheryl: right. >> but this doesn't act like a market that is tightening. it looks like a market oversupplied. it looks more oversupplied when the economy doesn't look that strong. cheryl: phil, thank you very much. david: the president's former campaign advisors now are pushing publicly very hard for tax reform. steve forbes, larry kudlow, art laffer, steve moore all have a message for the president on taxes. collectively they wrote a piece in the "new york times," why are republicans making tax reform so hard. jonathan hoenig, capitalist pig hedge fund. james freeman "wall street journal" editorial page assistant. they're both fox news contributors but i have to say, james, as a former editorialist at the journal myself, that really, look at those four guys,
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their pieces appeared year after year after year why tax reform is a good thing. for them to get together and to say this publicly in "the new york times," this is, this is an important statement, is it not? >> yeah, it is really a statement on the calendar. they're gets nervous. a lot of us on pro-growth policy, white house is saying the fall at the earliest. there is argument, cut rates. the economy needs this boost. we got to get growth going. we would love a big reform that simplifies taxes for individuals and businesses. maybe time to cut the rates and give the economy a chance to grow faster. david: that seems to be holding the marketown. to that point, jonathan, they said a failurei'm oting here, a failure would be negative for the economy, that is a failure to get tax reform and the stock market and could stall out the trump bounce we've
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seen since the president's election, are they right? >> without question, david. i think so much of the run-up in stocks after the election was predicateed so long on the gop's brand. party of tax cut and economic freedom. knowing the gop running the table, a lot of investors myself included would be first we would see them. first by august according to treasury secretary steve mnuchin. we're hearing later in the fall. now why the stock market below its 50 day moving averages and a lot of investors getting nervous. david: tax cuts now, everybody. breaking news, american express reporting first quarter results. go back to lori with the numbers. how does it look, lori? >> this is what we call david, upside surprise. better top and bottom line for american express. shares are rallying in the post-session up 2%. let me show the numbers. $1.34 is what american express is reporting. only expected $1.28.
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a big beat in profit. revenue strong as well, $7.8 billion. versus expectation of only $7.75 billion. there was a lot of concern, lower fees and lower rates to merchants would weigh on the bottom line for american express. more competition from competing wards programs, specifically from the sapphire reserve card from jpmorgan. i have to look at my notes, very popular with millenials obviously not me. david: good stuff. >> quickly blaming, crediting their rewards program. more and more people are signing up for the rewards program. that is the ticket. david: good news for american express. lori, thanks. cheryl? cheryl: holding washington accountable when it comes not just to the economy but a lot of policies from president trump. president trump is working to keep his promises but sean hannity says he can not do it alone. >> while the president is moving at a rapid pace to put his agenda in place, there is still plenty of work to be done.
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he can not do the rest of his agenda without the help of republicans in congress. it is time for you republicans, especially you republican leaders, quit the bickering, end the infighting and the obstruction. cheryl: jonathan, james are back with us. jonathan, whether it is immigration, whether it is epa reforms, whether trying to make moves with health care, sean has a point, that the president can not do this alone. are republicans willing to get on board with president trump? >> that is the whole nature of our democracy. he is not supposed to do it alone, and the infighting, bickering, cheryl, that is part and parcel after representative democracy. why we have three branches of government. congress president would love to move ahead on all these programs but congress is an important check on the executive branch. if he wants their votes he will have to convince them with reason, not just threats. cheryl: james, obviously easter recess is coming to a close for congress. there are starting to be signs out there, reportable signs, that the conservative
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republicans really are not any close to agreeing to health care, to a new bill under paul ryan. and that pushes away tax reform but these conservatives, these conservative groups, this freedom caucus has to get on board, james. will they? >> this is an area where you certainly can't blame the president. he is ready to sign, he was ready to sign an obamacare repeal and replace. a lot of focus on the freedom caucus, i think they're probably maybe starting to regret turning down the deal. what it really done allowed moderate republicans from more liberal districts to basically get a pass and not have to vote for what they maybe really didn't want to do, which is get rid of obamacare. obviously there has been a lot of blame at the freedom caucus. i think they should taken the deal. now a big part of the reason it is not happening now, moderates in the republican party do not want to be accountable for changing obamacare.
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david: tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts. that is my mantra for now. despite all the political conflicts and economic pressures around the world, the imf just boosted its prediction of world growth to 3.5% for the year. is this just another example of the imf getting it wrong, or could they be on to something? james, we first heard word of this with liz claman's interview with the head of the independent mf on monday. now we get it spelled out in a figure. they don't have a great track record with predicting the future. did they get it wrong or right this time? >> they have been wrong about a lot of things, given a lot of bad advice around the world for decades as you documented i think, but on this one, look, let's understand, they're looking at a little faster global growth. they think the u.s. is improving but they're still saying, 2.3% next year. i mean, if this is an optimistic forecast, then it is just underlining what we've been talking about. it means we're still stuck in
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obama style growth, in the obama era of a slow recovery. and so, we need those tax cuts to -- david: we need tax cuts, jonathan. besides the tax cuts we've got problems around the world. we have middle east problems. we have north korea problems. we have a french election which a leftist might win that election. turkey voting to increase the power of its leader, we have a lot of things going on. do you really think 3.5% growth is reasonable. i'm sorry, that is for jonathan. >> quickly discount anything the imf says. if you think the fed is european style socialism, and the fed is european style socialism. as james said they have been wrong time and time again. a better indicator is the stock market than what comes out of the fed or imf's mouth. david: jonathan hoenig, james freeman, we trust what comes out of your most. we appreciate it. cheryl: certainly do. you have a powerful republican congressman making a major announcement today.
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we have the details on that. david: also carrier confusion. the white house answering or trying to answer some questions over why the uss vinson is just now headed to north korea. we get into that. cheryl: helping our heroes. president trump signing a bill into law that is aimed at improving care for veterans but does it go far enough? lieutenant colonel oliver north is going to weigh in on this and a lot more coming up next. >> the veterans have poured out their sweat and blood and tears for this country for so long. and it's time that they're recognized and it is time we now take care of them. your insurance company
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you won't have to worry about replacing your car because you'll get the full value back including depreciation. switch and you could save $509 on auto insurance. call for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. >> statement put out was carl
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vinson group was headed korean peninsula. it will arrive there -- >> headed there now. it wasn't headed there -- >> sure but that is not what we ever said. we said it was heading there. it was heading there. it is heading there. >> she is on her way up there, that is when we thought it was most prudent to have her at this time. david: did say on its way up, when it was on its way down. confusion and location of carl vinson carrier and group of ships with it. the white house say it is currentlien rout to korean peninsula. colonel oliver north, "war stories" host and fox news contributor. what part is misleading? the part when general mattis is on its way up, clearly is on its way down. up is up and down is down, right? >> maybe the word should have been enroute. this is rich. american journalists in mainstream media, that the president of the united states mislid the north koreans and mainstream media where the carl
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vinson strike group was heading. i would like to point out, 75 years ago yesterday, when this controversy began, 75 years ago, 16, army 3-25 bombers, 80 airmen led by jimmy doolittle, on the uss hornet bombed the beans out of tokyo and three japanese cities. when the president was asked, that would be fdr, he was asked where did planes come from? shangri-la nobody complained about it. david: colonel that was a different time. i understand, prident trump is we're not going to st of telegraph what we plan to do, which makes a lot of sense to me. however there's a question whether disinformation or just miscommunication. what do you think? >> what do you think shangri-la was? david: obviously that was disinformation put out there to con fees our enemies, but was the same thing going on here or was it miscommunication.
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>> i don't know. i hope it was an effort to deceive the adversaries going on. i think it is great. the kind of thing we should be doing all the time. david: i have to ask you breaking news. we're hearing syrian planes, some involved in the chemical bomb having now been moved to russian hangers inside of syria. is that a big problem for us? >> look it, here's the good news. by the way what happened is now, every aircraft in the syrian air force that could fly is now based at the russian airbase, russian airfield at latkia, over on the mediterranean coast. here's news. more than a dozen syrian aircraft are still at former bases meaning they couldn't be flown. second point, it should make for interesting living conditions for russian pilots and crews. syrians have entirely different dining and toilet habits. david: on that note i have to put you on pause for a second, colonel.
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we have breaking news on ebay. they are reporting first quarter results. go back to lori. >> shares of ebay collapsing in extended session. immediately following the report, you can imagine it is not a winner. earnings per share 49 cents. that is penny better. revenue in line with expectations. 2.22 billion. i believe this is the problem, margins collapsing. non-gaap operating margins fell to 33%. i don't have expect comps to compare it too. david: bottom line, you see it there with the after-hours number, down 3 1/2% after-hours. clearly wall street is not happy. lori, thank you very much. colonel i want to get back to you, get your take on the bill the president signed into law to
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help veterans get better health care. >> i'm pleased to sign into law the veterans choice program improvement act. this bill will extend and improve veterans choice programs so more veterans can see the doctor of their choice. you got it? the doctor of their choice. and don't have to wait and travel long distances for va care. david: colonel, whether veterans or average joe on the street. when you're making decisions about your own future, instead of the government making those decisions i think we're all better off, don't you? >> that's a good thing. for a long time. actually four years or more, there have been many of us who have been arguing for this kind of a program to get stimulated. here's the challenge, however. the bureaucratic problems of, in the choice program remain. there are delays. there are paperwork issues. there are filing claims issues. and bureaucracy of the va has got to get up on the step to handle this kind of stuff quicker. let me give you an example.
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u.s. marine lost his leg. he was provided with a high-tech prosthetic device at walter reed national military medical center in d.c. my freedom alliance helped him. others helped him. potentially a competent for for the olympics about. he has a site on david: okay. >> local va -- david: i'm sorry to do this, colonel. secretary of state rex tillerson is talking. let's go to that immediately. >> the world along with it. the united states is keen to avoid a second piece of evidence that strategic patience is a failed approach. the comprehensive iran policy requires that we address all of the threatposeed by iran and it is clear there are many. ir continues to support the brutal assad regime in syria, prolonging a conflict that killed approximately half a million syrians and displaced
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millions more. iran supports the iran regime even as it commits atrocities in on its own people including chemical weapons. iran financing and funnels foreign fighters into syria. it sent members of the iran revolutionary guards to take part in direct combat operations. in iraq, iran provides support to some iraqi militant groups, primarily through the quds force which is undermining security in iraq for years. iran maintains a long-standing hostility towards israel, providing weapons training and funding to hamas and other palestinian terrorist organizations. indeed, and in propaganda iran foments discord. just yesterday the regime reportedly an exhibit, marked, death to israel, during a military parade. in yemen iran continues to
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support the houthis attempted overthrow of the government by providing military equipment, funding and training. thus threatening saudi arabia's southern border. interdictions by emirati forces in yemen and coalitionorces in arabian sea revealed a complex iranian network to arm and equip the houthis. iranian vessels continue to undermine freedom of navigation in persian gulf by harassing u.s. naval vessels operating lawfully. iran conducted cyber attacks against the united states and our gulf partners. iran has been behind terrorist attacks throughout the rest of the world, including a plot to kill al jabar, the then saudi ambassador to the united states. whether it be assassination attempts, support of weapons of mass destruction, deploying destablizing militias, iran spends its treasure and time
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disrupting peace. iran continues to have one of the world's worst human rights records. political opponents are regularly jailed or executed. reaching the agonizing low point of executing juveniles and individuals whose punishment is not proportionate to their crime. iran arbitrarily detains foreigners, including u.s. citizens on false charges. severals citizens remain missing or unjustly imprisoned in iran. a part from the abuses within iran's own borders, it is the threat it poses to the rest of the world. iran's nuclear ambitions are a grave risk to international peace and security. it is their habit and posture to use whatever resources they have available to unsettle people and nations. with its latest test after medium range ballistic missile, iran's continue development and proliferation of missile
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technology is in defiance of u.n. security council resolution 2231. it previously state it will conduct a second test flight of the space launch vehicle which would put it closer to operational intercontinental ballistic missile. any discussion of iran is incomplete without mentioning the jcpoa. the jcpoa fails to achieve the objective of a non-nuclear iran. it only delays their goal of becoming a nuclear state. this deal represents the same failed approach of the past that brought us to the current imminent threat we face from north korea. the trump administration has no intention of passing the buck to a future administration on iran. the evidence is clear, iran's provocative actions threaten the united states, the region and the world. as i indhe indicated at the beginning, the trump administration is currently
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conducting a comprehensive review of our iran policy. once we have finalized our conclusions we will meet the challenges iran poses with clarity and conviction. thank you. [shouting questions] >> andrea mitchell. reporter: by your own -- speaker of the house iran is complying with the terms of the nuclear deal. if you break out of that deal, won't that send a signal to north korea and other rogue nations that the u.s. can't be trusted to keep its end of the bargain? and iran is already being sanctioned for its terrorism, for its missile events by the u.s. is another option one that many republicans on the hill suggested, to increase those sanctions, to punish iran for those -- >> andrea, i think it is important in any conversation on jcpoa, i think this is one of the mistakes in how that agreement was put together, is that it completely ignored all
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of the other serious threats that iran poses. i just went through a few of those with you. that's why our view we have to look at iran in a very comprehensive way, in terms of the threat it poses in all areas of the region and the world. and the jcpoa is one element of that. so we are going to review, completely the jcpoa itself. it really does not achieve the objective. it is another example of buying off a power who has nuclear ambitions. we buy them off for short period of time. and we deal with them later. we don't see that is prudent way to deal with iran, certainly not in the context of all their other disruptive activities. >> [inaudible] >> reporter: mr. secretary, you mentioned that the jcpoa is another example of the failed approach, likeningo strategic patience with north korea.
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on north korea, is there serious consideration being given to relisting it as a state sponsor of terrorism, something that was, designation removed in fact by the bush administration? >> we're reviewing all the status of north korea in terms ever state sponsorship of terrorism as well as all other ways which we can bring pressure to bear on the regime in pongyang to re-engage, but rean gauge with us on a different footing than the past talks have been held. yes, we are evaluating all of those options. [shouting questions] >> [inaudible]. reporter: are you worried situation in the streets of caracas? >> i'm sorry, i didn't catch all -- reporter: the situation in venezuela, turmoil, a lot of people are on the streets of venezuela protesting the government of nicolas maduro. are you worried about the situation there? >> well, we are concerned that the government of maduro is
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violating its own constitution and not allowing the opposition to have their voices heard, nor allowing them to organize in a way that expresses the views of the venezuelan people. yes we are concerned about that situation. we're watching it closely and working with others, particularly through the oas, to communicate those concerns to them. >> thank you, everybody. thank you very much. david: okay, secretary of state tillerson mincing no words saying the united states will no longer pass the buck with all the bad intentions of iran, suggesting that the iranian deal passed by the -- or put forward by the obama administration ignored all of the serious threats of iran and the united states will no longer ignore those threats. very tough talk. also suggesting that there's a parallel with the approach with north korea and iran saying that the idea of strategic
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patience, a notion that was put into power by the obama administration will no longer be in place, that, in fact, it's a failed approach and will not be applied any longer to either north korea or iran. colonel oliver north, familiar with the iranians and way of doing business is here to respond. what do you think? >> i think this is brilliant. the first time we've heard in eight years someone who is putting first the existential threats to the united states. look, there's no doubt that isis terrorism is awful. it's horrific, particularly for people in that part of the world, but it's not an existential threat to the united states. nuclear weapons in the hands of the north koreans and the iranians who are, by the way, working a joint vent our this and have been for years, those weapons in the hands of those governments is an existential threat to the united states, and it's wonderful to hear a secretary of state stand up and say that. we didn't have it with
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mrs. clinton, sure as the devil didn't have it with john kerry. david the only thing i can think of, reminds me of john bolton at united nations, he used the same language that you don't often here from the secretary of state. what about the notion we're not going to be buying off bad powers anymore? that, by the way, not only happened during the democratic administration of obama and clinton, but also happened during the bush administration but that's not going to happen anymore. how do you think, they the bad actors will react to this? >> not just the bad actors because sanctions against the ayatollahs in iran or against the government in pyongyang aren't going to work by themselves. those sanctions are imposed on people who don't have bank accounts in the united states. no iranian mullah or imam or ayatollah has a bank account here. what has to happen is any company in any part of the world that does any business with the sanctioned entities in
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pyongyang and in tehran are going to be subject to sanctions. if they do that, it will work. look, north korea could not build nuclear weapons and icbm's without iranian money and iranian scientists helping them do it. david: and the chinese banks helping to fund it. >> and russians standing by to influence the outcome of events. all of the things congealed and particularly over the last eight years, starting as far back as the clinton administration. what has to happen, and this is a breath of fresh air. david: quickly. >> is the secretary of state who's going to say we're going to defend america. put america's safety and lives first. i think that's a very positive thing. david: colonel oliver north, thank you very much for sticking with us through the presser. appreciate it. you can catch oliver north on "war stories" every weekend on fox business. great ratings for good reasons for that show. cheryl: there you go. a new warning on terrorist attacks here in america. why the homeland security
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secretary says the threat keeps him awake at nigh coming up, lieutenant colonel ralph peters is going to respond. plus failing to flip the six. a high-stakes contest forcing a runoff election, but the democratic candidate is liking his odds. >> there is no doubt that this is already a victory for the ages. [cheers] think your large cap equity fund has exposure to energy infrastructure mlps? think again. it's time to shake up your lineup. the alerian mlp etf can diversify your equity portfolio and add potential income. bring amlp into the game. before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. read the prospectus carefully at
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. david: a victory for the ages. that's what democrat candidate jon ossoff said, touting his success, kind of, in the congressional georgian race, but ended up falling short, failing to gain the majority he needed to win outright. now the race heads for a runoff election in june because he got 48% instead of the majority. fox news' jonathan serrie is in atlanta with the very latest. hi, jonathan. >> reporter: hi, david. it was a wild and wooly race with 18 candidates. a long shot that any one candidate was going to be able to win the special election outright yesterday. deocrat jon ossoff did come very close. his commanding lead of 48% fell short of the 50% plus one majority he needed to avoid a runoff. on june 20, he faces that runoff against the second highest vote-getter, republican
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karen handel who came in with 20% of yesterday's vote. now that the crowded republican field has been reduced from 11 candidates to one, handel hopes to unite her party. the former georgia secretary of state who ran for governor in u.s. senate enjoys strong name recognition. >> she can't pretend to be an outsider. she's going to have to be independent, experienced voice who can represent the mainstream republican values of this district. in a way that jon ossoff can't. >> reporter: democrat ossoff who no longer enjoys a splintered republican opposition enjoys a challenge against handel. georgia's district favors establishment republicans and the moderate republicans if he's going to win. >> he's got to instantly go to the middle, and we as democrats got understand the ultimate goal here is to win. >> reporter: this morning, president donald trump weighed
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in on the race, tweeting dems failed in kansas and are now failing in georgia. great job karen handel. it is now hollywood versus georgia on june 20th. the hollywood reference there, donald trump is talking about all of the celebrities that have been supporting jon ossoff throughout his campaign. david? david: it's true he couldn't vote for himself, right? because he doesn't live in the district. >> reporter: that's right, he lives 10 minutes outside of the district. he explained on cnn he grew up in the district but currently lives outside with longtime girlfriend to support her while she finishes medical school. david: land of opportunity. jonathan, good to see you. thank you very much, cheryl. cheryl: erin elmore former surrogate for the trump campaign and neil sroka for democracy for america. and erin, i have to start with you, we saw the tweet from president trump, he seems to be kind of saying, look, what we've seen with gaerj is you've
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got hollywood coming. i want to play you this robo-call from samuel l. jackson. this is kind of what jackie johnson has become, to give us all some context. let's listen. >> stop donald trump, the man who encourages racial and religious discrimination and sexism. remember what happened last time people stayed at home. we got stuck with trump. cheryl: all right, erin, if the strategy didn't help hillary clinton is it going to help ossoff? >> no. first of all, my mind is blown because samuel l. jackson swears more than anyone i have known. to call him a role model or someone you should listen to probably is not the right answer. this election is special. truthfully, right? >> donald trump, wow. >> they tried to spend $8 million to get ossoff elected here, and that didn't work. as we know donald trump uses twitter to seako the world, he now hasveryone in america, let alone georgia, hey, let's pay attention, get out and vote
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on. june 20th, let's make a difference. and in trump land and the republican land where we rally our troops and make decisions and execute on them. this could really happen. cheryl: it's interesting, neil, doug schoen who contributes on fox business wrote an op-ed, he said georgia democrats blunder resist trump is not a winning strategy. neil, he is saying this is the wrong strategy to take if you are in the ossoff camp. this is going to help handel? >> more than resist trump, i agree on that. listen when you're in a district that hasn't sent anyone but a republican to washington in 37 years, ipg the victory that jon ossoff got is darn remarkable. the fact we're competitive in a district like this is significant, and listen, again, i like ossoff's chances against someone like handel who's been rejected repeatedly by georgia voters and folks know well and don't like at all when you look
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at her favorability ratings. cheryl: when it comes down to her, erin, her versus ossoff, democrat versus republican, and this is the state of georgia. >> that's right, and ossoff -- excuse me, neil, she asked me to speak quick leashing thank you very much. if you watch ossoff's videos online, han solo doing keg stands? stop it. he is completely unqualified, completely unprofessional. he doesn't live in the place he's supposed to live. shame on him and shame on the voters who voted for him. cheryl: to be fair, neil, he did explain that, neil. and i want to give neil a chance. >> the republican nominee took down a breast cancer organization by attacking planned parenthood. that's what her politics are. extreme right-wing politics are not going to fare well in this district. cheryl: again, this is a democrat versus a republican, you have two candidates versus a completely split republican
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ticket. fascinating. we're going to be watching it. erin and neil, thank you very much. >> i like the slogan he used, we're going to work our ossoff. remember that slogan? good slogan. i appreciate jokes like that. cheryl: that's good. david: venezuelan protests are getting quite violent. anti-government protesters taking over the streets. we have the frightening details coming next. one prominent member of the patriots not making the trip to the white house to celebrate the super bowl win, but a special guest did stop by the white house, take a listen. >> can i just -- [laughter] >> i think i got this, but thank you. maybe. all right, thanks, man. see you in a minute. [laughter] predictable. the comfort in knowing where things are headed. because as we live longer... and markets continue to rise and fall... predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts.
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anti-government protesters flooding the streets in venezuela and the violence
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continues to escalate. no end. fox news' steve harrigan has the latest devastating details. steve, there's no bottom to this, it just keeps getting worse and worse. >> reporter: you're right, david, has been building for two weeks. we've seen water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets. opposition promised the mother of all protests bringing everyone they could into the street of caracas, the capital of venezuela and across the country as a whole. this was sparked off by paragraph by the president nicholas meduro, he and the supreme court tried to shut down the opposition in the national assembly. they failed to do that. people are in the street and angry about a lot of things. one thing venezuela has the highest inflation rate in the world. more than 700% this year, and really they could be the murder capital of the world as well, and there are shortages in what could be a very wealthy country. venezuela has more oil reserves than anywhere. meduro is trying to arm his own militia.
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he wants to give 500,000 supporters a rifle and uniform. so what we're seeing now is bad but certainly could get worse in the weeks ahead, david. david: amazing, one of the richest countries in the world and folks are eating out of garbage cans. steve, thank you very much. cheryl: the brady list bunch, the new england patriots taking in the tradition of visiting in the white house as nfl world champions but in rare fashion showing up without fearless leader and quarterback tom brady who said he could not attend to personal family matters. that's all we know. but his mother's been ill. david: he did it under the obama administration, too. he's done it under both. done it under both. obama and trump. republican, democrat. standing up for tom brady. what keeps the man in charge and keeping our country safe at night? the terror threat on our southern border. lieutenant colonel ralph peters weighing in. you always pay
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cargill. cheryl: keeping him awake at night. homeland security secretary john kelly warning of, quote, an unprecedented spike in u.s. homegrown terrorism. the department says that federal authorities have opened investigations into radical islamic terrorists in all 50 states. let's bring in lieutenant colonel ralph peters. fox news chief analyst. all 50 states, colonel? that's pretty incredible. >> well, to me it's not incredible. that's the tragedy of the thing. this is to be expected. cheryl, the are two primary causes. the first one, we have little control over. and that is this violent global crisis in islam with fanatics
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of various stripes trying to impose a barbarous version of the average muslim. the one thing we can control and we don't is we confuse tolerance with gullibility. we, and especially our left seas tolerance, our fanatics seek gullibility and turn our freedoms against us. this is a bipartisan problem, cheryl, because the bush administration and the obama administration both made the mistake of listening to the most radical voices in the american muslim communities giving them organizations like cair, the most attention. as a result, we empowered the worst dominants and made it harder for the average muslim to get on in his own neighborhood. we're fools. cheryl: the council of american islamic relations is cair, to make clear to the viewers. the southern borders he was talking about when he said this
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is keeping me up at night is the fear that isis-inspired, al qaeda-inspires terrorists would come through the southern border into the united states to commit jihad here. we talk about that in theory, how realistic is that, sir? >> if massive amounts of drugs can get through the southern bord, terrorists can, too. we face multilayered threats. obvisly, there's the american threat, the native born threat or the jail bird convert threat here, who people are radicalized by saudi funded mullas in radical mosques or by the internet. but by the southern border, it's because we have not enforced our laws. because we have taken an absurdly tolerant view toward the crime of crossing our border illegally. cheryl: not anymore. not anymore though, colonel. donald trump is saying that. >> let me make it clear, i
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favor a relatively liberal legal immigration approach, and we're a nation of immigrants, but illegal means illegal means illegal, and when we have people on the left in this country defending thugs covered in gang tats, it troubles me because when you and i talk about terrorism, it's become code for islamist terrorism. islamist terrorism on our own soil is intermittent. drug gang terrorism from latino and mexico, that kills americans every day. cheryl: colonel ralph peters, you are such a great voice on this. good to see you. david: he is so consistent. cheryl: it really is, we talk about earlier all of the policies and executive orders of donald trump, the president now trying to push through but got to get congress on board with all of that. these are the things americansy elected him for and want to see happen. david: we've got to move onto something more important. dishing out the dough.
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these bags, take a look at them, this is important, they look the same but wait until you hear how much more you pay for one of them based on little more than their brand. cheryl: i am a purse expert, david. i'm here for you.
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cheryl: why spend moneyn a designer bag when you have a perfectly fine ikea bag left over. the shopper tote bag looks a lot like the ikea bag. david: the design ear bag, $2,145 versus a bag that's less than a buck.
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i know you have got a lot of bags yourself. but you have got to admit it ain't worth it. cheryl: the ikea bag is a little less quality, i will say that. >> international inspectors will have unprecedented access. if iran cheats, the world will know it. if we see something suspicious, we'll inspect it. if iran violates the deal sanctions can be snapped back into place. >> in vienna the united states and five other nations reached an agreement with iran halting their nuclear program. >> under the deal we and our allied partners reached with iran last year, iran will not get their hands on a nuclear bomb.


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