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tv   The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan  FOX Business  October 27, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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i stand corrected it began at 10:00 a.m. eastern time, not noon. our charlie brady clarified that he is our very bitter boomer but exacting with details. so they have been, now meeting, i guess, trish, close to four hours. take it. trish: not a lot will come of it. but we'll watch it, we'll watch it. thank you so much, neil. breaking everyone, donald trump find himself in unfamiliar territory, second place. i'm trish regan. welcome to "the intelligence report." after falling behind in two recent iowa polls, donald trump is now coming in second in a new national poll. dr. ben carson surged to the top of the pack with 26% of the vote followed by trump at 22% and today, for the first time, donald trump is acknowledging he may not win the nomination. >> i'm in it to the end. now, i think if i don't make it, which of course, people say, oh, he said -- but it's a certainly a possibility that i won't make
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it, i will still be proud of my effort because i think i have done very well. trish: you can be sure he is going into attack dog mode. heres a glimpse of it. >> carson is lower energy than bush. i don't get it! i saw him being interviewed. he is lower energy than bush. he is a nice guy. he is not going -- you know these chinese negotiators? they come in, they're fierce!, fierce. trish: you thought the last few months were interesting i'm guessing we haven't seen anything yet. blake burman, joining me right now. how is the donald going to handle this setback? reporter: trish, we got a little bit of a preview the last several days. you showed a little bit of it. four of last five polls in iowa show dr. ben carson taking lead in that state. donald trump began focus more on carson. trump says he doesn't know about carson's faith. he also called carson weak on immigration and not up to the challenge to negotiating trade deals.
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there is now poll out from cbs news "new york times," shows someone other than that trump on top of a national poll for first time in a little more than 100 days. there once again emerges carson. trump reacted to that very poll this morning, a little while ago. he had warning for carson. expect more scrutiny. >> a lot of things will come out now, we'll see how holeds up to the scrutiny. i've been there 100 some odd days, we'll see how ben holds up to the scrutiny. reporter: trump added in his words, trish, he thinks carson has a lot of problems and those problems will start to come out. you have to imagine they will be soon. trish: it will get interesting. blake, thank you so much. joining me with more is democratic strategist. neil: bonnie williams and former george w. bush advisor brad blakeman. brad, starting with you, what do you think? is it too dramatic to say this could be the beginning of the end? or is this a temporary setback
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or something bigger we need to be watching here for trump? >> remains to be seen. what goes up must come down. trump loved the polls when he was on top and doesn't care for polls and doesn't trust polls when he is not. trump loves to play king of the hill. the king may be nothinged down a few pegs. hard to come back when you've been on top as he has and in politics when you start to decline it is usually sign of things to come. the most interesting thing how does trump reap act tomorrow night for the big debate? trish: he has been struggling in these debates. we've seen that. this is where he falters because he is a little bit short on details, big grand ideas but not a lot of nuts and bolts. that said, ebony, not as though dr. carson has been tremendously forthcoming with lots of details either? >> that's true, trish. here's the thing, the numbers show for donald trump, his die-hard supporters, 55% of them will support him regardless how he does in debates.
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so that is really good for him, versus ben carson supporters they're a little more like dr. carson, they're more pragmatic. 80% say they think they will lean toward him on election day. it is still too early to decide. in that one demographic that bodes well for donald trump. trish: i have to say, donald trump kind of has gone a point when he talks about the lack of energy of dr. carson. he comes across as very sweet man, a very nice man. >> very cerebral, very smart. two sides of the same kind. both wildly successful what they do. donald trump is bombastic, loud, almost aabrasive. dr. carson more cerebral and bedside manner. >> not what you saw but how you say it, right? don't american voters someone is little more emphasize fattic delivering a message than dr. carson is? >> i'm not so sure. dr. carson is real appeal is like trumps but their demeanor are totally different.
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they're outsiders, don't come from a political background. they're surging in the polls, why? they're different and anti-establishment. trish: yeah. >> the question will that resonate? i happen to believe 2015 is year of outsider but i think 2016 may be the year of the insider. trish: in other words we'll pivot. >> sure. trish: still early in the game. that could quite turn out to be the case. look at dr. carson, to me so many ways symbolizes how great this country can be. how we really are the land of opportunity. this is a guy who had odds severely stacked against him. his own mother did not finish third grade. she went on then to get married at the age of 13. turns out her husband is a bigamist. she has to raise her two boys on her own. he said he often didn't see her. she would leave for work at 5:00 in the morning but wouldn't return until 11:00 at night. she always insisted they get education. that is a tribute to how great
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this country an be. he went on to become success he has become. now running for president. he had a lost struggle there on the way. he turned to god. he turned to jesus. that saved him. that message, resonates with america. >> that you described brilliantly. that is resonating. why we're seeing the surge. there is something, look there are two approaches politically, tapping into the head which can be effective and there is tapping into the heart. that is where dr. carson is a advantage in that regard. to brad's point we're a long way to 2016. we'll have to see how that translates. he looks like adult in the room. personal narrative very much replicates this, making america great again. it might be donald trump's slogan but dr. carson looks like he lived with so certainly very attractive. trish: why do you think, brad, that donald is stumbling right now?
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>> people, wears off, the showmanship and bravado. look no further to the last debate when he stood silent on policy for over 30 minutes. when he is not attacking there is not much that donald trump has too say and the fact is there is nobody behind the curtain. like the wizard of oz. trish: you have to believe this is a smart guy. he built a heck of a biz on his own. he started with a little bit of advantage. we'll share that with you right now. >> it has not been easy for me. you know i started off in brooklyn. my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars. i came into manhattan. i had to pay him back and pay him back with interest. >> you say it hasn't been easy but my dad gave me a million dollar loan. that will probably seem easy to a lot of people. >> million dollars isn't very much compared to what i built. trish: point taken. he had a little bit of a head start obviously when you compare him to ben carson. nonetheless, he has done a tremendous amount, building a company.
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this is a guy who knows a lot about the world and knows a lot about business. why is that not evident on the debate stage, brad? >> trump is really good at building buildings but not really good at building a campaign and having people around him, policy people and people he relies on other than newspaper by his own admission or television. who are people advising him? we haven't seen one name after substantive general. trish: you can say that all you want but part of the reason why people like him he doesn't stack the deck with a bunch of advisors. getting all the political types telling you got to do this, got to do that, because americans feel this way or that. who wants that? >> a president can't do it alone. a president needs an ensemble cast of people to implement policies in his directions. if you don't have that, it is just you. trish: you have to assume that will come forward at some point. doesn't get to be successful
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without people having people along the way in his infrastructure that can operate. >> successful campaign is not that different from a successful business. you're right, he has to be careful to not build the awful echo chamber where a lot of politicians get in trouble. pluck from here and previous administrations. next thing you know they are no different than previous leadership. it is appealing. yes, he might be number two right now, people that love trump love him regardless. they will love him whether he does well or doesn't do well. that is part going in his favor. dr. car sons and some other candidates like carly fiorina they're much more as a resulter inable. the goal is to stay in the top three and you peak at the right time. trish: thank you so much, ebony and brad. another story we get to breaking as i speak. we're down to the final moments of the decision on whether to raise the debt ceiling. it looks like the president pushed his way through on this one, using the debt ceiling, our
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good word when it comes to paying our bills by the way, into pushing john boehner to a two-year budget deal. did boehner capitulate too soon. peter barnes on this developing story. peter? reporter: this would punch through the 2011 spending caps, by 80 approximately billion dollars over fiscal 2016 around 2017 with higher spending split evenly between defense and non-defense. they try to pay for it, crackdowns on partnership taxtation and waste and fraud. would keep the government running through march of 2017. for his part speaker boehner who is ready to retire at end of this week, he was trying to clean up the budget mess with his paul ryan. >> i made it clear a month ago when i thought it i was leaving
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that i would do my best to clean the barn. i didn't want him to walk into the barn full of you know what. i done my best to clean it up. >> by the process, i say the process stinks. this is not the way to do the people's business. under new management we'll not do the people's business this way. we're up against a deadline. that is unfortunate. reporter: ryan said he is reserving judgment on the budget deal until he reviews it. trish? trish: thanks so much, peter. back with the panel, brad blakeman, eboni williams. brad, your reaction to the news republicans may have had to capitulate on this one? >> this is like small claims court, if both litigants go away unhappy it is probably the best deal. republicans are not happy, democrats are not happy, president is not happening. they have wanted tack increases. we raised the budget $80 billion in $4 trillion budget. trish: money going to the pentagon. >> yes we saved medicare part b. we saved cuts to
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social security. this is a bandaid on open heart surgery victim. it is up to paul ryan as leader to bring order to chaos. not careening from crisis to crisis. so he distanced himself from this agreement. i think there is going to be a new sheriff in town come january and will be preventing crises instead of reacting to it. trish: is he going to be able to handle it? will he bring cohesiveness to the party, in your view, ebony. >> i'm not surprised that he is stepping up to do this. for long this was rumor people said he might. i didn't think he would. unfortunately he will see how difficult this will be. easy to sit back an monday morning quarter back oh, this process stinks. to brad's point it is crappy process all around. there will be cuts. not going to be increases. no one will be happy. no one's political agenda will supersede anybody ales es. that is what a budget deal looks like. it is messy, and ugly. no one will walk away happy.
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trish: to see paul ryan in action, he is such a fiscal conservative, such a responsible fiscal conservative whether it comes to recognizing you can't just spend, spend, spend and expect to be an economy that will lead the rest of the world. when that kind of stuff eventually catches up with you. he gets that and i think, i think he can sell that message. i think he can help bring people around to his way of thinking. it will be a very interesting thing to watch. >> absolutely and we have now at least some breathing room until march of 2017 to do just that. it will take a lot of lead time in order to bring type of order that has to be restored to the budget process. let's face it, you and i couldn't live the way the government lives. we would be broke. paul ryan has not only bonefides but the title to get things done. trish: you're right. americans over the last several years they realize they cut back on their own budget.
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>> absolutely. trish: they don't understand why their government can't do the same. brad, eboni, thank you very much. charles cook, everyone, half of the billionaire republican duo, there is no substance and no civility on the gop campaign trail and that is why he hasn't yet chosen a candidate to book. so who might he be looking at? who might get all of that koch money? we'll have answers for you next. >> i'm calling 2016 the year of the freebies. hillary, bernie, the whole gang, they want to give out your money to get more votes. who exactly will really pay for this in the long run? stay with me. (vo) what does the world run on? it runs on optimism.
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neil: the koch brothers -- trish: the koch brothers blasting the 2016 race for the white house. businessman charles koch is holding back donations because of lack of substance and civility so far on campaign trail. in interview with "wall street journal," it is mainly about personalities and your mother sucked rotten eggs. of the charles koch is certainly not only critic but definitely one of the richest. the koch brothers back a network of gop donors planning to spend over $750 million to influence the races. best-selling author gina loud don't joins me for analysis. what is your reaction to this? are they holding back because of the trump factor? >> i do think it is the trump factor. i don't think we can possibly deny that. it is throwing them a curveball as much as it has thrown many of us a curveball.
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this is phenomenon we have not witnessed before in politics and it's fascinating to watch the chips sort of start to fall as some of the old players like the koch brothers. trish: the koch brothers point outlook of civility, i want to share with you perhaps what they're alluding to, gina and viewers. watch this. >> bush has no money. he is cutting, he is meeting today with mommy and daddy. and they're working on their campaign. rubio way behind. i mean you're talking about, you talk about a guy who is sweating. now he is really sweating. trish: that of course is a reference to back when rubio was giving the address following the state of the union and had to take the big gulp water during the middle of the speech. he went on to say rubio need as lot of water. perhaps that is why he is sweating so much. it is amusing a and did is different. i agree with you, we've never seen anything like this before, gina. but now as we watch the latest polls he seems to be dropping off a bit.
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what's going on? >> i think we're going to see fluctuations like this. i think this whole koch brothers thing is yet another thing that plays directly to into trump's hands who seem to be somewhat teflon. trish: because he is outsider? >> because the koch brothers have been vilified. look at real numbers. the koch brothers put i believe 400 million into the races in 2012. trump earnings that much in free earned media in a week. he hasn't spent much of his own money at all, if any. trump has essentially marginalized influence of the largest influencers in republican politics. this plays into trump's anti-establishment brand. trish: you may not want the koch brothers on your side if you're donald trump. talk about the amusing sound he provides media with. who needs to do commercials when you say things like this? watch it, gina. >> we won it with the women over there don't have to wear the you know what.
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then i said, oh, that makes sense. that's nice. then i saw women interviewed. they said we want to wear it. we've worn them for a thousand years. why would anybody tell us not to? they want to! what the hell are we getting involved for? fact is, it is easy. you don't have to put on makeup. look how beautiful everyone looks. wouldn't it be easier if, right? wouldn't that be easy? i'll tell you, if i was a woman i don't want -- i'm ready darling. let's go. trish: this is of course a reference to the burka that women wear in the middle east and over their middle eastern face. kind of libertarian statement as he lives in the live free live e state like new hampshire. can you blame hem? they don't want to get ready for dipper. this is keeps people interested. you never know what he will say next. >> you never do. he is masterful getting media coverage and working it out
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where it seems to stack in your favor. when i heard this initially, i thought, holy cow, where in the heck is he going with this. i thought how many conservatives heard on whisper campaigns say things exactly what he is saying. so i think it may be things that people never really had to say publicly. there is a sentiment in this country, hey, if you don't like this country, go to the one you do like. if those people like that country, let them keep it the way it is. there is a large anti-interventionallist segment of the conservative branch that i think he is playing too right there. trish: look, pendulum swings in very different ways, at different points in history. and we seem to have reached this inflection point where people are fed up with being politically correct. they want to be able to say what they think. part of the whole freedom of speech issue. gina, stay with me. issue of what to do with increasingly assertive vladmir putin has a lot of gop candidates unified but not trump.
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he is glad the russians are in syria. he praising them for doing the world's dirty work. what would this mean for our foreign policy come 2016? interesting discussion coming up next. we'll see you right here in two. ♪ ♪ ♪ (charge music) you wouldn't hire an organist without hearing them first. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck.
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neil: there is a. trish: there is a new sheriff in town these days and his name is vladmir putin. the russian thug is calling shots and our president is not doing anything to stop it. that could change if republicans are elected. how would he or she combat the russian leader depends entirely on the candidate? each candidate has different strategy, from arming ukraine, invoking new sanctions and refusing to pick up the phone. carly fiorina says she will not even talk to him. then, folks, there is donald trump. whose strategy seems to be let russia take care of the world's problems and give as you break. watch it.
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>> if he wants to fight isis let him fight isis. why do we always have to do everything? i say there is very little downside with putin fighting isis. putin wants to keep isis out of russia. trish: how do we best tackle vladmir putin? i'm joined by author of a new article that outlines all of these plans, check it out in the "wall street journal" "the wall street journal"'s own jerry seib. gina lowden is also back with us. jerry, as you look at all the plans who is the most extreme here? is it donald? >> on one side is donald trump. he staked out a position quite different from anybody else's except maybe rand paul. his view is let vladmir putin play the game he wants to play in syria. we'll step back and let him handle this one. ukraine is a problem, germany's problem in particular. i'm not going to shun vladmir putin. i will get along with him. i will have a great relationship with him. i will talk with him plenty.
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he is basically staking out different position that most candidates by various degrees want to shun put pout or punish him with more economic sanctions or increase military pressure on him and europe. trish: that historically hasn't worked out as well. you think of isolationist approach we took ahead of world war ii and look what happened? >> that is where most of the republican party is but there is definitely anti-interventionist wing in the republican party. that is visible. donald trump some extent speaking to are and for that wing. so is rand paul. some in the electorate are tired of 12 and 13 years in afghanistan and iraq on both republican and democratic side. there is resonance to this argument this is definitely against the mainstream of the republican party though. trish: you look at carly fiorina saying we're just not going to talk to him, how does that work? >> i don't think that is a very good policy at all.
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i think this is actually fascinating. this is another thing, trish, amazingly plays to donald trump's strength. he understands how the very, very wealthy understand what is really going on here and a lot of those who understand commodities and understand business at this level understand that this is a blood for oil or in this case, blood for natural gas argument. a lot of people see it that way. a lot of people don't see it necessarily as an anti-interventionallist situation. and so donald trump says, hey, i understand that. when you have arab nations offering to pay the u.s. military, all right, to go after assad, you just have to smell a little bit of a rat here. so even though i am someone who never sided with rand paul on those issues i'm wondering where the occupy wall street are on issue. we're not hearing a lot about it. there is something fishy going on. trish: bernie sanders. >> exactly. why aren't they screaming about
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this? trish: you're getting at something i brought up before, that is very interesting, jerry, curious to get your thoughts, whether or not trump can bridge this divide. in other words if he perhaps on some of these issues in the middle might have the appeal to occupy wall street movement, while at same time, also appealing to some extreme conservatives. i mean, it is interesting because he doesn't fit the classic mold of how a conservative would be thinking about our place in the world right now? >> no, he does not. on many fronts he doesn't think like a classic conservative. he is kind of a radical centrist i would say and he is definitely not talking to the lindsey graham, john mccain wing of the party, quite the opposite and i do think there is a left and right coming together to some extent on this front. i mentioned rand paul. ted cruz is a little bit in that space. he says we should be active in the world and be involved but that doesn't mean we need to get involved with troops on the
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ground every time there is a problem. ted cruz is trying to find middle ground, point in the triangle he refers to it. not only donald trump. trish: we can see bush is suggesting we need more sanctions. that new sanctions might actually do the job. jerry, in terms of your analysis you guys have done at the journal, is that successful enough strategy or do more? >> that is interesting question. the sanctions on russia are definitely working, in sense they're pinching an creating economic pain. what is not working that vladmir putin has figured out how to basically bring forth nationalist sentiments in russia make people willing to do endure the pain. this is the west, this is the price you pay to make russia great country. trish: nationalism, again i hate to make these comparisons, look where the world was pre-world war ii. you saw a lot of that nationalism and sort of blaming there in germany. anyway, thank you very much, jerry, gina, always good to have you guys on the program. coming up, everyone, free college, more paid time off,
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free child care. sure, why not. my intel why the democrats won't be able to deliver on their big promises for all these freebies. stay with more. ♪ jeb bush: this president, with all due respect, believes that america's leadership and presence in the world is not a force for good. america has led the world and it is a more peaceful world when we're engaged the right way. we do not have to be the world's policeman. we have to be the world's leader. we have to stand for the values of freedom. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? but for the united states, who? who's going to stand up for the dissidents inside of iran that are brutalized each and every day? but for the united states, who? who's going to take care of israel
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and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? but for the united states, no one - no one is capable of doing this. the united states has the capability of doing this, and it's in our economic and national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forward. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. i use what's already inside me to reach my goals. so i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating what's within me. with once-weekly trulicity. trulicity is not insulin. it helps activate my body to do what it's supposed to do release its own insulin. trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. i take it once a week, and it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen and i may even lose a little weight.
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status. not to seek criminal charges. gerri willis has been all over this story. no -- jo gerri: hundreds of stages. lots of information. there is no object every view that proves that we targeted conservative groups. this was shocking to me. the republicans focus on what is best. have you held anybody accountable? i want you here as an exchange. listen to this. >> if there is anyone involved in this, a flap on the wrist and then talked to in a certain manner. you are saying everything is fine. >> it is not find.
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it is a problem of the recommendations that you make. a better operation to serve that it does not happen. >> this is what is amazing is and everyone watching. we never targeted these conservative groups. the testimony that it happened. going down this road. you know, the union -- >> the union has been involved in all of this. people believe that two thirds of our workers are unionized. it may have helped develop a political culture inside the irs. trish: thank you very much. is this slow we have come to? going to the polls. the editor. in a lecture in last week. scoring 10 geez.
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showing up to vote. it is all designed to encourage civic engagement and voter turnout. and then there is this. >> a special discount to be able to pay off your loan. >> should be able to get a high school education work are those of the income. i think that we have to say that is true for everyone going to college. >> i know that we can afford it because we will make the wealthy pay for it. >> it is incredible. we need to give handouts in order to mobilize. getting voters to stand up. barely half the population right now doesn't pay a income tax rate now. >> creating a society's.
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i want you to look at this. all of the benefits. some people are receiving. hawaii here top of the list. if you are a single mother of two, here is what you get, over $49,000 worth of benefits. that is the equivalent of a $61,000 salary. let me ask you, why would you go to work? why would you go to school to study to get that job. now, there are people that need it. they should get that need. children should not have to worry about a roof over their heads or food on their table. we also need an environment where there is responsibility. leadership could have a big effect on all of it. >> my fellow americans, ask not
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what your country can do for you, ask your country what they -- ask you what you can do for your country. tonight when i am on with bill o'reilly. do not miss my conversation with dell. it is happening at 8:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. president obama is set to address stricter gun laws today. expected to speak on stage in chicago. we are going to take you there live. we will get reaction from second amendment advocates. plus, hillary clinton wants to take guns away. all of them. just like australia did. all of these issues. it will not solve the problem. stay with us. we will be right back. ♪
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♪ trish: president obama is expected to speak in chicago. you are looking at a live picture. about 20 minutes from now. the international association with police chief. dan morgan is with us. the largest gathering. 1400 public safety professionals. homicides in 30 u.s. cities are up. nonfatal shootings up 62%. the president seems to be in a tussle with his own at ei. now he thinks it may be due in
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part to the ferguson defect. viral video coming from police actions. >> nothing has changed in policing. in today's youtube world, officers reluctant to get out of their work. officers answering 911 calls, but avoiding the informal context. >> the white house disputes this argument saying there is no evidence to sub warded. the president will suggest a rising crime rates, lack of resources and weaker gun control. trish: thank you so much, peter. getting your idea and thoughts. what the reaction may be from a police officer there in that room. >> you know, trish, officers
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there in the chicago area are asking for stricter gun control laws. it is hard to believe that you can get any stricter they wanted already is. president obama, he spoke of bitter americans claiming to their guns. he made it perfectly clear back then. he was willing to support the first and second amendment. president obama and chicago laying the groundwork for is a kid of action. trampling the second amendment. trish: we will continue talking on that. is this really going to solve anything and how is this going to deal with the mental health problem in this country? >> we will talk about this and debate it next. i will see you right back here. ♪ ♪
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>> the president thinking about signing an executive order where he wants to take your guns away. not going to happen. that will not happen. it is a tough one. the second amendment. trish: that pesky second amendment. if only we could be more about australia. >> we know that other countries in response to one mass shooting has been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. friends of ours, allies of ours, great britain, australia. >> the australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons offered a good price for
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buying hundreds of thousands of guns and then they basically clamped down going forward. trish: you know what they are not telling you about australian gun control, the country bands most guns even for self defense. hillary clinton is talking about, it was a mandatory confiscation program. joining me now is dan morgan and executive director of new yorkers against gun violence. dan, we will start with you. they keep talking about australia. >> of course they are. you can't order a gun in australia. america is not australia. 9 million gun owners, we will never let that happen here. while they have almost stopped mass shootings in austria, what they are not talking about the increase of violent crimes against innocent people.
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rates, assault, beatings, robberies, muggings. redinel still have guns there. the bad guys still have guns. they have started wearing bulletproof vests so at least they have some sort of defense. trish: now, australia has even outlawed. there is a movement. they also are not telling you about this. a movement against citizens to regain their second amendment rights. i am wishing them. >> is it unconstitutional here for the government to tell, say, a domestic violence victim that she cannot defend herself by carrying her own gun. >> even justice khalil. she has said regulations, sensible regulation of guns is
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fully compatible to the second amendment. it actually reads a well regulated militia. the national rifle association amidst the first closet of the second amendment. we no longer have a need for militias in this country. we have a standing army and we have a national guard. we have 30% of a population in 90% of a homicide. trish: so you are in favor? >> we have a gun problem, trish. you do not know that. not talking about it. trish: guns. getting into the wrong hands. doing what australia did.
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>> you are not listening to me. you are not listening to me. we need to close the loophole on background checks. connecting without a background check. you want more -- >> our position is to reduce the number of gun deaths and injuries. trish: you can manipulate the numbers all you want. >> the nra represents 5 million -- trish: i think you'll find it very interesting. we look at australia as the example. solving the gun problem there. >> can i finish? >> when they did this buyback,
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they had 3.25 million guns on the streets. they have 3.2 million guns. >> it does not mean a darn thing. it takes away the ability. >> far more likely to use a gun yourself for suicide or -- i get three seconds. leah. leah. i have 30 seconds left. here every single week. i cannot hear you. >> a well regulated militia. trish: i cannot hear anything you're saying because you keep talking over us. >> your problem is, the fact that you do not want to carry a
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gun, that is your problem. trish: thank you very much. thank you. ♪ ♪ hi, tom. how's the college visit? does it make the short list? yeah, i'm afraid so. it's okay. this is what we've been planning for. knowing our clients personally is why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way. : innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america.
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. trish: that does it for today, watch me tonight everyone on the o'reilly factor on fox news at 8:00 p.m. i'm talking to bill. liz, over to you. liz: four huge stories gripping america from wall street to main street right now. we have the markets lower but moments from now president obama will take the stage in his hometown of chicago, illinois to address the international association of chiefs of police. he'll call for tougher gun laws and overhaul of sentencing laws. former new york police department commissioner bernie karras is here to read between the lines. it appears john boehner may find success in final act as speaker of the house by pushing through a bipartisan budget that will lift the debt ceiling so the u.s. doesn't default.


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