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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  October 16, 2015 5:00am-6:01am EDT

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>> breaking news. asia and europe stocks follow strong gains. u.s. stock futures not showing any follow through. checking u.s. stock market futures ahead of friday's opening bell, dow, s&p and nasdaq a little bit of a flat start. good morning i'm cheryl casone. nicole: i'm nicole petallides. in exclusive intertreasury secretary jack lew warns that u.s. may not be able to pay its bills by november third if congress doesn't act. >> donald trump and ben carson
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threaten to bow cot the next gop debate. we'll tell you what they want. nicole: more trouble for fantasy sports. >> and in sports -- [shouting] >> nail-biter in los angeles as new york mets beat the dodgers to win their division. now on to the chicago cubs. in football the new orleans saints hand the atlanta falcons their first loss. we'll have all the highlights. welcome to "fbn:am," first look what is moving in today's markets and breaking news and what to expect in the day ahead. nicole: after the rally on wall street let's get you caught up on global markets. nikkei gained over 1%. hang seng up 3/4er of 1% but the kospi down a .1. >> let's see how europe is doing. cac 40 is 35 and dax is up about
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96 points. nicole: let's see how the stock market is doing. dow futures up 2. s&p up just over one right now. lauren: look at commodities. oil hitting 47 even. nicole: we're seeing euro and canadian dollar and japanese yen lower. treasury secretary jack lew warning that the u.s. government will hit a debt limit and be unable to borrow money no later than november 3rd. secretary lew sent a letter to leaders.
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in exclusive interview with the fbn. >> the debt limit does not commit us to any new spending. all the debt limit does that give you ability to pay the bills for expenses committed to a long time ago. nicole: liz claman will have more from secretary lew on "countdown to the closing bell" today at 3:00 p.m. eastern time right here on the fox business network. cheryl: sitting governor running for the white house finding their fund-raising battley overmatched by competitors. federal documents show new jersey governor chris christie and louisiana governor bobby jindal have been struggling to raise money. christie has just 1.3 million left. jindal raised less than 600,000. he has 260 grand on hand. the documents show the 2016 presidential candidates are burning through their cash at 25% rate faster than in prior
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elections. nicole: republican presidential candidates donald trump and ben carson threatening to boycott the next gop debate. the two candidates sent a joint letter to saying they will not appear at the debate if it is longer than two hours including commercials and if it does not include opening and closing statements. in an interview with greta van susteren donald trump talking about issue. >> they have sold out commercials and want to increase by an hour. unfair to viewers. too much to watch. they're doing it because they want to make more money. nicole: the next republican presidential debate is scheduled for october 2th. make sure to mark your calendar for the fox business with. sj republican debate. that will be on november 12th, right here on the fox business network. cheryl: vice president joe biden is reportedly nearing a final decision on a possible run for the white house. one of his top political advisors sent and email to
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former staffers the vice president will need help from all of them if he runs. the message also says if biden runs if will be because of, quote, his burning conviction that the nation must fundamentally change the balance in the economy. nicole: new developments in the clinton email scandal. an intelligence source telling fox the fbi investigation is focusing on whether there were violations of a espionage act subsection pertaining to gross negligence in the safekeeping of national defense information. investigators are focused on possible obstruction of justice, for example, actions like destruction of documents. house committee on benghazi will interview top aide huma abedin today. the committee turned much of its attention to clinton's use after private email server. cheryl: president obama welcoming south korea's president to the white house. they are expected to discuss north korea and economic issues as well as china.
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this is after the the president attend ad parade. she was only leader from an american ally to attend the event. president obama and president park will host a joint press conference later on today. nicole: u.s. and scotland seeking two new libyan suspects in the 1988 lockerbie bombing. the two countries are asking libya to allow their investigators to interview the suspects. the bombing of pan am flight 103 killed 270 people including 189 americans over lockerbie, scotland. prosecutors did not name the two libyans in keeping british practice of not identifying suspects until they are charged. cheryl: big blow to the fantasy sports business. fantasy sports sites can can no longer operate in the state of nevada. that is a hub of gambling activity. nevada regulators ordered daily
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supports sights like draftkings and fanduel to shut down. they have flooded marketplace with tv ads and can not operate without a gambling license. phil ruffin says the sites should no the be legal. >> that is gambling. pure gambling. i don't know how it is legal. they're betting by so far it is not taxed and just amazing. i didn't realize you could do that. cheryl: the decision by nevada to ban the sites follows growing backlash after it was revealed that the sites allowed their employees to bet on competing sites. nevada's action could have implications elsewhere. nicole: well, it is a breakfast nightmare. mcdonald's franchisees saying they're not loving all-day breakfast menu. in a new survey they say the new menu slowing down service, reducing average kitchen costs and chaos in the kitchens. mcdonald's insists the all day brake fast is number one request
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from their customers and a success. so it might not disappear anytime soon. cheryl: apple employees may get a commands to own company stock. apple chief executive tim cook said in an email to employees, all employees including those in the retail stores are eligible for stock reward program. employees will be eligible for restricted stock which generally vests after certain period of time you work with the company. apple employees will have to earn the stock awards and cook says managers nominate workers for the awards which are of course approved by board of directs to. nicole: ge will earn 26 cents a share today. revenue projected 28 1/2 billion dollars, down from 36.000000000 a year ago. this is the first report with prominent activist investor nelson peltz in the picture and trian fund he is with.
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it revealed it owns 2 1/2 billion dollar stake in general electric. here is a look at the headlines in today's edition of "wall street journal." u.s. firms fight global cyber weapons deal. there is effort to prevent cyber weapons reaching malicious regimes. u.s. companies say it would upend the way they sell legitimate spyware. nestle had 2% drop in sales as the swiss food giant navigated problems that include ad food scare in india and highly valued swiss franc. card firms push back against netflix. netflix is facing skepticism is from credit cards and experts after the firm said payment miscues contributed to worse than expected subscriber results. nicole: coming up, flash flooding and mudslides trap drivers in their cars in california. we'll have the latest on the situation.
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and in sports -- [shouting] right. the new york mets were jumping for joy because they are moving on in the baseball playoffs. new orleans saints bounced back to hand the atlanta falcons their first loss. we will have all the highlights for you. checking u.s. stock index futures this morning. slightly to the upside. dow futures up 3. s&p futures up one and nasdaq up nine. you're watching "fbn:am," your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ the great beauty of owning a property is that you can create wealth through capital appreciation, and this has been denied to many south africans for generations. this is an opportunity to right that wrong.
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the idea was to bring capital into the affordable housing space in south africa, with a fund that offers families of modest income safe and good accommodation. citi got involved very early on and showed an enormous commitment. and that gave other investors confidence. citi's really unique, because they bring deep understanding of what's happening in africa. i really believe we only live once, and so you need to take an idea that you have and go for it. you have the opportunity to say, "i've been part of the creation of over 27,000 units of housing," and to replicate this across the entire african continent.
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>> scientists in the u.k. found bees are more attracted to sugar if laced to caffeine and some perform dances by attracting
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other bees to the food by wiggling their lower bodies. they're called twerker bees. nicole: very cute for friday morning. let's get you caught up with the global market action. hang seng has 3/4 of 1%, kospi falling back. cheryl: looking at europe which is trading now. stocks are modestly higher. nicole: and taking a look here at u.s. stock market futures this friday morning, the dow futures right now are unchanged. s&p futures up about one and nasdaq up eight. cheryl: well, former nba player and reality tv star lamar odom continues to fight for his life at nevada hospital with family and friends by his side. odom was found unconscious in nevada brothel which officials says was mixture of sexual
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supplements and alcohol. he spent $75,000 over the course of three days at the ranch. a sad story for sports. nicole: overnight the new york mets eliminated los angeles dodgers on their home turf last night with a 3-2 win. the mets are headed to the national league championship series against the chicago cubs. the dodgers scored both runs in the first inning. then the mets daniel murphy and stole uncovered third base and went on to score the tying run. hit a go ahead homer. the mets had last word on chase utley when he pinch-hit to lead off the night. the utley hit a flyball out. dodgers went 0-11 with runners in scorings position. quite a night for the new york mets. their fans will be ready to greet them when they come home. in "thursday night football" the new orleans saints beat atlanta 31-21. it bass the first loss of the season for the falcons. drew brees passed for 312 yards.
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watson racked up a career-high of 121 yards receiving with a touchdown catch. cub fans have a big appetite for their team. the bakery feeding appetite with cubs themed goodies honoring the cubs. they are cranking out cupcakes or cub cake cookies. the manager says the concept is pretty simple. >> you keep the decorations simple. you don't overthink it. you use simple cubs logo, splash of color, red and blue. and it is ready to go. nicole: game one between the cubs and the mets is saturday night. cheryl: well, coming up, donald trump and ben carson threaten to boycott the next presidential debate. >> it is too much to watch and they're doing it because they want to make more money. cheryl: we'll have the latest on their demands as well as who is
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running out of money on the campaign trail. has the kepler spacecraft discovered signs of advanced alien life in outer space? we'll tell you why scientists are scratching their heads about this one. no head-scratching this morning. we have a flat start to our friday. dow futures pointing up by entire four points. s&p up point 1/2. nasdaq up by 10. you're watching fbn. first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ but what if you could see more of what you wanted to know? with fidelity's new active trader pro investing platform, the information that's important to you is all in one place, so finding more insight is easier.
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let's check them out. dow up almost two. for the s&p 500. good friday morning, everybody, i'm nicole petallides. cheryl: good morning i'm cheryl casone. in a exclusive interview with fox business's liz claman treasury secretary jack lew warns the u.s. may be unable to pay its bills after november third if congress doesn't act. nicole: donald trump and ben carson threaten to boycott the next gop debate if the format is not changed. we'll tell you what they want. cheryl: more trouble for the fantasy sports business, nevada will ban daily fantasy sports betting. we'll have the story. nicole: and in sports -- [shouting] nail-biter in los angeles as new york mets beat the dodgers to win their division. it is now on to the chicago cubs. in football the new orleans saints bounce back to hand the atlanta falcons their first loss. we'll have all the highlights for you.
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good friday morning, welcome to fbana, first look at morning markets, latest breaking news and what to expect in the day ahead. cheryl: let's get you caught up on global market action overnight. in asia stocks following big jump we had in the u.s., gaining ground at least the shanghai and hang seng did. nikkei and kospi barely following through on the u.s. numbers and nikkei is up about 1%. kospi down a fraction. nicole: let's take a look how european stocks trading despite the fact nestle gave a weak outlook. we're seeing up arrows. cheryl: looks like a pretty flat friday for you as we close out the week for the u.s. markets here pointing to reasonably flat open. the dow pointing up by entire three points. s&p whole one one and a quarter, nasdaq up by 10. but arrows aren't red so we'll take it. nicole: treasury secretary jack lew is warning u.s. government will hit a debt limit and will not be able to borrow
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more money no later than november 3rd. secretary lucent a letter to congressional leaders urging them to raise the debt ceiling n an exclusive interview with fox business the secretary talking about that issue. >> only congress can raise the i have to remind you and viewers, the debt limit doesn't commit to new spending. it gives us limit to pay bill for expenses committed to a long time ago. nicole: liz claman will have more from secretary lou on "countdown to the closing bell" today at 3:00 p.m. eastern time right here on the fox business network. cheryl: well the sitting governors running for the white house finding their fund-raising badly overmatched by their competitors. documents filed with federal regulators show new jersey governor chris christie and louisiana governor bobby jindal have been struggling to bring in money. chris at this raised $4.2 million in the third quarter. he has just 1.3 million to spend.
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jindal raised less than 200,000. he has less than 160,000 on hand. documents show the 2016 candidates are burning through cash 25% faster than prior elections. nicole: republican presidential candidates donald trump and ben carson threatening to boycott the next gop debate. two candidate sent a joint letter to cnbc saying they will not appear at the debate if it is longer than two hours including commercials and if it does not include opening and closing statements. in an interview with greta van susteren last night, trump talking about that issue. >> what they're trying to do, they have sold out all their commercials and want to increase it by an hour. i think it is unfair to the viewers, because it is too much, too much to watch and they're doing it because they want to make more money. nicole: make sure to mark your calendar for the fox business with. sj republican debate. that will be on november 10th, right here on the fox business network. cheryl: vice president joe biden
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is reportedly nearing a final decision on a possible run for the white house. one of his top political advisors sent an email to former staffers saying the vice president will need help from all of them if he runs. the message also says if biden runs because of our burning conviction that our nation must fundamentally change the balance in our economy. we're already for an answer. nicole: indeed. fantasy sports sites can no longer operate in the state of nevada, the hub of gambling activity. nevada regulators ordered daily fantasy sports sites draft dings r kings and fanduel to shut down. they flooded marketplace with tv and radio ads and can no longer operate in the state without a gambling license. phil ruffin, owner of a casino said the sites should not be legal. >> i think that is gambling, pure gambling. i don't know how it is legal. they're getting by so far it is not taxed. it is just amazing.
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i didn't realize you could do that. nicole: the decision by nevada to ban the sites following growing backlash after it was revealed that the sites allowed their employees to bet on competing sites. nevada's actions could have implications elsewhere. twenty-first-century-fox has an investment in draftkings. cheryl: powerful storm dumping heavy rain in parts of california causing major mudslides. the hardest hit areas include los angeles county and san bernardino county. the mudslides shut down sections of interstate 5 and state route 58. this comes as southern california experiences usually high humidity right now. so far no serious injuries have been reported. a lot of folks strapped in their vehicles last night in california. nicole: before you head out the door let's look at your weekend weather forecast. we bring in fox meteorologist maria molina. hi, good morning, nicole. unfortunately we're expecting more areas of rain out west.
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you saw images of mudslides in parts of california. over next few days an upper level low will bring moisture and producing more rain. that is in parts of arizona. that will increase in coverage and intensity across areas over next few days into the weekend. meanwhile across parts of the northeast, across interior parts and some higher elevations you will get potentially first snowfall of the season across states in the northeast. that is interesting to watch coming up this weekend. no significant forecast, maybe an inch or two. more as we head farther north. across parts of the northern plains we have cold temperatures, 20s and 30s. the cold air continues to spill eastward. places like new york city and boston, morning low temperatures sunday morning could be only in the 30s. nicole, grab the jacket. >> snow fluries. >> snow fluries will be across i-95 corridor but across interior parts. you will feel it.
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it will be chilly out there. nicole: coming up if you're flying american airlines this weekend. heads up the world's biggest airline will merge the airway system with us airways. a test that involves huge technical challenges. we'll have that story. the kepler spacecraft discovered signs of advanced alien life in outer space? we'll tell you why scientists are scratching their heads. let's check u.s. stocks indexes for you. can the dow make it three weeks in row? we haven't seen that since february with three weeks up in a row. you're watching "fbn:am," with morning markets and breaking news. ♪
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cheryl: want to get you caught up on global action in the markets overnight. u.s. stock market futures looking like this friday. up with a flat opening to all the major averages. still green arrows. dow up six points. nasdaq up by 10. nicole: dow up 10 of the past 13 trading days. well, american airlines bracings for the final and moist complex stage of its us airways merger this weekend, reservations. the world's biggest airline saying they tested the heck out of everything for the booking
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systems merger, functionality that controls ticket buying, check-in, boarding, luggage, kiosks, gait readers. they are gradually phasing in changes to reduce risk up by half. increasing airport staffing levels more than 20% to help make the transition period smoother. well take that tinfoil off your grilled cheese sandwich this morning and put it on your head because we have got a story about aliens. yeah, reports of the kepler telescope picking up strange light from a distant star. pictures of the strange light have yet to surface but star's strange light pattern is puzzling because the light pattern doesn't follow normal model. the most compelling rationale is said to be another stars paing through the strange star's system causing a clump comets that theory is not infallible.
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in fact some people are entering into alien theory territory. here is the light is a megastructure created by alien civilization divert, the light to create energy. okay, we don't know. but a group of scientists are hoping to get funding to research the star more in depth. nicole: they're out there looking for those findings. coming up donald trump and ben carson threaten to boycott the next presidential debate. >> it is too much to watch and they're doing it because they want to make more money. nicole: well, we will have the latest on their demands as well as who is running out of money on this campaign trail. more trouble for the fantasy sports business as nevada says it's gambling and will ban daily fan at this sports betting. we'll have that story. check u.s. stock market futures. dow futures up 3. s&p up 1. nasdaq up about nine on great day on wall street and maybe third winning week in row.
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cheryl: breaking news, strong gains on wall street but stock market futures not showing any follow through. the dow pointing to higher open by two whole points. s&p up a fraction. nasdaq up nine 1/2. good morning, i'm cheryl casone. nicole: good morning, cheryl. i'm nicole petallides. in an exclusive interview with fox business's liz claman, treasury secretary jack lew warns the u.s. may be unable to pay its bills by november 3rd if congress doesn't act. cheryl: donald trump and ben carson threaten to boycott
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the next gop presidential debate if the format is not changed. nicole: nevada says fantasy sports sites are betting and it will ban daily betting. cheryl: in sports -- [shouting] nail-biter in los angeles as the new york mets beat the dodgers to win their division. it is now on to the chicago cubs. in football the new orleans saints bounced back to hand the atlanta falcons their first loss. we'll have all the highlights. welcome to "fbn:am," we have the first look what is moving in today's markets and latest breaking news and people continuing to talk about the mets in this studio. nicole: no doubt. let's go mets. we'll get you caught up in market action. shanghai composite index up 1.%. nikkei up over 1% and hang seng up 3/4 of a percent. only kospi did not squeeze it out. cheryl: europe is higher.
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dax in germany up by almost 1%. nicole: we've had a win being week on wall street. utilities and telecom done well. s&p up 1 1/2. cheryl: treasury secretary jack lew warning that the u.s. government will hit a debt limit and be unable to borrow more money no later than november 3rd. secretary lucent a letter to congressional leaders urging them to raise the debt ceiling. in an exclusive interview with fox business the secretary talking about that issue. >> only congress can raise the debt limit. something i have to remind you and your viewers about, the debt limit does not commit us to any new spending. all the debt limit does is give us the ability to pay bills for expenses that were committed to a long time ago. cheryl: liz claman has more from secretary lou on "countdown to the closing bell" today 3:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox business network. nicole: sitting governors running for the white house finding their fund-raising badly overmatched by their competitors.
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documents filed with federal regulators show new jersey governor chris christie and louisiana governor bobby jindal have been struggling to bring in money. chris at this raised $4.2 million in the third quarter and has just 1.3 million left to spend. jindal raised less than $600,000 and has 260,000 on hand. meanwhile documents also show that the 2016 presidential candidates are burning through their cash at about 25% fasterp. cheryl: fiscal management not happening there, huh? republican presidential candidates donald trump and ben carson threatening to boycott the next gop debate. the candidates sent a joint letter to cnbc saying they will not appear at the debate if it is longer than two hours including commericals and if it does not include opening and closing statements. in an interview with greta van susteren last night trump talking about that very issue. >> what they're trying to do, they have sold out all their commercials and want to increase
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it by an hour the i think it is unfair to the viewers because it is too much. it is too much to watch. and they're doing it because they want to make more money. cheryl: make sure to mark your calendar for the fox business with. sj republican debate on on fox business network. nicole: vice president joe biden is nearing a possible decision to run for the white house. one of his top advisors sent an email to former staffers saying the vice president will need help from all of them if he runs. the message says if biden runs it will be quote because of his burning conviction that the nation must fundamentally change the imbalance in the economy. we'll see what biden says. cheryl: time to make a decision. new developments in the clinton email scandal, an intelligence source telling fox the fbi investigation is focused whether there were violations of the espionage subsection
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pertaining to gross negligence and safekeeping of national defense information. also possible obstruction of documents like destruction of documents. house committee on benghazi will interview top aide huma abedin. they have turned much of their attention to clinton's private email server. nicole: president obama welcoming the south korean president to white house. the two are expected to discuss north korea and as well as china. after president park geun-hye attended the massive military parade. she was only leader to attend the event. president obama and president park will host a joint pest conference later today. cheryl: fantasy sports sites can no longer operate in the state of nevada, the hub of gambling activity by the way. nevada regulators ordered daily
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sports sites like draftkings and fanduel to shut down. the regulators say they have flooded the marketplace with tv and internet ads and can no longer operate without a gambling license. phil ruffin, owner of treasure island casino says the sites should not be legal. >> that is gambling, pure gambling. i don't know how it is legal. they're getting by so far that it is not taxed. amazing. i didn't realize you could do that. cheryl: well the decision by nevada to ban the sites following growing backlash after it was revealed that the sites allowed their employees to bet on competing sites. nevada's action could have implications elsewhere. 21st century fox as an investment in draftkings. nicole: this is a breakfast nightmare. mcdonald's franchisees saying they're not loving the awl-day breakfast menu. maybe you do but they don't. in a new survey they say the new menu is slowing down service, reducing average kitchen costs and causing chaos in the
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kitchens. mcdonald's is claiming that the all day breakfast is the a number one request for customers an overall success. so it might not disappear anytime soon. there is call for mcdonald's to spin off real estate assets. cheryl: i heard chaos in the kitchen and workers falling over each other. all kinds of complaint coming from the franchisees. nicole: all over eggs? cheryl: can't get it happening. we've got another big company we'll look at for you today. that is general electric. the company reporting its third quarter earnings before the opening bell. according to estimates from thomson reuters ge will earn 20 six cents a share. revenue projected to be 28 1/2 billion dollars, down from 36.1 billion a year ago. ge's first report with prominent activist investor nelson peltz in the picture. his trian fund management said it own as 2 1/2 billion dollar stake in ge.
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nicole: firms fight the global sigher weapons deal. this is some of the headlines. an effort to prevent cyber weapons reaching malicious regimes is coming apart amid from u.s. companies claiming it would upend the way they use and sell legitimate spyware. nestle lowers guidance as sales dip. nestle report ad 2% dip in sales from nine months to the end of september as the swiss food giant navigated problems that include a food scare in india and highly valued swiss franc. card firms push back against netflix claims. netflix is facing skepticism from credit card industry executives after the firm said payment miscueses contributed to worse than expected subscriber results. cheryl: well, coming up, flash flooding and mudslides trap drivers in their cares in the state of california. we'll have the latest on the situation. and coming up in sports --
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[shouting] the new york mets were, well, jumping for joy because they're moving on in the baseball playoffs. the new orleans saints bounced back to hand the atlanta falcons their first loss. we'll have highlights. dow, s&p, nasdaq all pointing to slightly higher open this friday. you're watching fbna am, your first look at -- "fbn: a.m.." your first look at morning markets and breaking news. ♪ surprise!!!!! we heard you got a job as a developer! its official, i work for ge!! what? wow... yeah! okay... guys, i'll be writing a new language for machines so planes, trains, even hospitals can work better. oh! sorry, i was trying to put it away... got it on the cake. so you're going to work on a train?
5:48 am
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>> scientists in the u.k. found that bees are more attracted to
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sugar if it is laced with caffeine and some performed waggle dances attracting bees to other food. by wiggling their lower body. they're called twerker bees. cheryl: asia kind after mixed bag. shanghai, nikkei up. kospi down .5%. at least shanghai gaining 1.% there. nicole: let's check europe right now. we're seeing up arrows across the board. all three stock indices are up more than half a percent. footsy is up .447 points. cheryl: u.s. stock index futures looking like this. flat start to your friday but a gain nonetheless. s&p up by one. nasdaq higher by 10 in the premarket. nicole: let's turn it to former nba player and reality television star lamar odom, continues to fight for his life at a nevada hospital with his family and friends by his side.
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odom was found unconscious in a nevada brothel ingesting what officials said was a mix of herbal sexual stimulants and cocaine and alcohol. there were reports that odom spent $75,000 a lot of ranch over the course of three days. cheryl: turning now to sports, the new york mets, they eliminated the los angeles dodgers on their home turf last night with a 3-2 win. the mets are now headed to the national league championship series against the chicago cubs. the dodgers scored both of their runs in the first inning but then the mets daniel murphy took over. he stole uncovered third base and went on to score the tying run. and hit a go-ahead homer off zach greinke. they had the last word on chase utley when he pinch-hit to lead off the night. utley hit a flyball out. dodgers went 0-11 in scoring position. new york mets fans will be here in new york to greet them when
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they come home. american league championship series begins tonight. kansas city royals host toronto bluejays. they put in practice time yesterday. they will have edison voloqez against marco es strawed day. new orleans saints beat atlanta 31-21. it was the first loss of the season for the falcons. ben watson racked up a career-high 127 yards receiving to go with a fourth down touchdown catch. great catch. nicole: powerful storm dumping heavy rain in parts of california causing major mudslides. the hardest hit areas are los angeles county and san bernardino county. the mudslides shut down sections of interstate 5 and state road 58. this comes as california is experiencing high humidity. so far no injuries have been reported.
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cheryl: before you head out the door let's get your weekend forecast with fox meet roll gift maria molina. -- meteorologist. good morning, maria. >> it is producing rain across places in california and acrossair sown. that will be increasing in coverage over next couple days especially parts of the four corners region and parts of nevada and pacific northwest. we need moisture. we have drought conditions. it is welcome news in a sense. of course not the mudslides and flash flooding. in parts of the northeast if you live across interior sections or white mountains or adirondacks keep an eye out for maybe some snow. could look at a little snow coming down this weekend t could be first snowfall for the season for some of you. temperaturewise, cold across northern plains and a lot colder across parts of the eastern u.s. it could be in the 30s in new york city and boston by sunday morning. let's head over to you, cheryl.
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cheryl: maria, thank you very much. enjoy your weekend. we'll run down global market action before we hand it over to "mornings with maria." stay with us. ♪ you had some blocks and you had major thoroughfares and corridors that were just totally pitch black. those things had to change. we wanted to restore our lighting system in the city. you can have the greatest dreams in the world, but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesn't happen. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done, the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank. citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. citi had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money. it's a brighter day in detroit. people can see better when they're out doing their tasks, young people are moving back in town, the kids are feeling safer while they walk to school. and folks are making investments and the community is moving forward.
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40% of the lights were out, but they're not out for long.they're coming back.
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nicole: we're seeing up arrows in asia and europe. we gained momentum now. ftse up nearly one full percentage point. here at home stock index futures pointing to higher open. dow futures up five. we'll see if we can make it three weeks in a row of gains for the dow. it is time now for "mornings with maria." today we will be seeing sandra smith. good morning, sandra. sandra: good morning, everyone. i'm sandra smith.
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maria bartiromo has the morning off. with those who i am chatting, dagen mcdowell, fox business network, scott martin to my right. breaking news, going into a big weekend for nfl. draftkings and fanduel shut down in the state of nevada. fantasy sports sites can no longer do business in the states until they get gambling license from the gaming board. draftkings and fanduel say they are skill based games and not subject to gambling regulations. 21st century fox, parent company of this network has an investment in draftkings. two candidates telling host network cnbc not to expect them if it moves forward with a plan to air a three-hour debate and eliminating opening and closing statements. trump went on with fox news's greta van susteren to express his disgust with the network. >> what they're trying to do, they have sold out all their
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commercials and they want to increase it by an hour. i think it is unfair to viewers because it is too much, too much to watch and they're doing it because they want to make more money. sandra: always about money, right? here are the futures markets, speaking about money this morning. pretty flat action as far as we're seeing a few hours ahead of opening bell. green arrows for now. dow futures up six points. over in europe looking to trading to the upside as well. bigger gains to report with the dax and germany leading the way. mcdonald's all day breakfast, have you had your egg mcmuffin this morning? apparently an all-day mess for the franchises. store owners say it slowed down their service, lowered average bill and sparked chaos in the kitchen. owners also saying that the launch forced them to hire more people which increased costs. the credit card industry out this morning saying netflix is coming up with different kind of origal


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