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tv   The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan  FOX Business  October 13, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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guest. battle has been joined. november 7th, donald trump always said very serious candidate in the race to become president of the united states, will test the laughs on "saturday night live" on november 7th to prove it. trish regan, what have you got? trish: i can't wait until november 7th. we have a lot of news to get to. neil cavuto, breaking right now, new fox poll says hillary clinton can not win the general election against a republican candidate. i'm trish regan. welcome to "the intelligence report." according to a new poll released moments ago, the former secretary of state is still on top of democratic heap, she is down 20 points since june. she is losing to every top republican candidate. every single one in general election. can she safe herself tonight, the moment of truth? it is hillary's turn to take center stage as four other democrats vie to take her down.
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let me remind you, socialist, a socialist, ladies and gentlemen, is her biggest rival we have complete coverage tonight' event in the next hour. i want to start with blake berman. clinton and sanders circled around each other. they refuse to engage in head on attacks. tonight might the gloves come off? reporter: that is one of the big questions whether hillary clinton will engage bernie sanders, vice versa. if it doesn't come from hillary clinton, who might it come from? or bernie sanders might come from. when i was speaking with martin o'malley's campaign, trish, i asked some suggested, might be martin o'malley goes after hillary clinton. they did not want to bite at that at all. they basically gave me no comment on that one. we'll see who indeed goes after clinton and who she might choose to go after herself. we saw her yesterday in vegas out in front of the trump hotel she lashed out against donald
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trump in front of his very hotel and condominium. that could be a point of focus for hillary clinton later tonight. her and bernie sanders no doubt, they are the two big names here. wan to show you the marquee in front of wynn hotel, normally reserved for celebrity chefs, musicians and entertainers, and the like. sanders and clinton, two politicians. not sure last time that happened. could be the chance for her to regain momentum and summer and early fall, you mentioned polls that see her numbers slide and headlines about her email server as we saw today. this debate seven hours from now, trish. a lot of questions going into it. five candidates on stage but main one hillary clinton. trish: blake, thank you so much. we have best-selling author gina loud done and democratic strategist, matthew littman. how much, in your view, has she been pushed left of center or
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normal positionbe as a result of bernie sanders tremendous gains ceilingly out of nowhere? >> first, trish, based on opening and polls you just revealed, that is, this is a tough, i'm expecting some tough questions from you today. i think she -- trish: always, matt. always. >> i guess so. >> we'll get to that in a second, i know you're chomping at the bit to address it but tell me, in terms of her overall platform, we've seen flip-flopping from her for sure, tpp most recent example. is it report of bernie sanders being so left to the point where he is actually a socialist? >> here is how hard, trish, i will push back at you. i don't think she flipped on tpp she as secretary of state said it was good deal while getting negotiated. she thinks she can get a stronger deal. i will push back on left. going to the left -- trish: do we have quotes we can show, folks.
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hang on, matt. >> that is from a while ago. go. trish: watching everything that she has said since 2013. i have a number of -- >> that is the point. trish: share with you back in 2012. tpp is gold standard of international trade. she changed her mind and said as of today i'm not in favor of it. >> that's right. so, trish -- trish: series of quotations from her. she helped architect this deal. >> yes. trish: she was seen -- >> the not final deal. so, trish,. trish: in teleconference with japanese this would be really important for them. okay so you're going to say, not exactly the deal she wants? >> that's right. so she is not saying she would never do tpp. she didn't say that at all. she feels some of it is needs to be strengthened, she can't support it. that is not change of position. trish: seems pretty political to me. there are union votes still dangling out there she would like to get. gina, should have been a lay-up and a home run. she should be the nominee.
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why all of sudden are we looking at debate with four other candidates on stage? >> so many reasons, trish. i think biggest reason perception problem she has where the american public basically perceives her as a liar. remember top three descriptors of hillary when surveyed are all about deception and lying. people need a president they can trust. even if she does flip-flop on an issue, if she were believable and appeared she came through it with honest deliberation that would be one thing. people know hillary clinton is a liar. that is their perception of her. i don't know how she gets beyond that. even if she makes promises to everyone of their strong groups, but wait, when will she flip-flop on us? that is a problem. >> speaking as democrat -- trish: those are big issues in every single campaign. matt that is one of biggest problems here.
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people don't trust her. they don't believe she is authentic, they don't like her. >> okay. so you just guys just said hillary flip-flopped on issue and you can't flip-flop on issue. >> that is not what i said at all. i said if she were perceived as dishonest she could probably change her mind. we know donald trump done that almost everyone does that in politics. >> wait, trish. trish: go ahead, matt. >> i will make a statement. marco rubio came out against the immigration plan that he wrote. donald trump was a democrat. jeb bush, one week was for the iraq war, if he knew now what he knew then, what he knows now. next week he changed his mind. on republican side, they're flip-flopping all the time to go further and further to the right. so i don't think that somebody changing a position for, either party is going to preclude them from being elected president. >> the i give you that. people have the right to change
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their mind along the way and perhaps it doesn't preclude her from getting nomination. but i would ask you about this, matt. basic likability. this has been factor throughout history, certainly in the television age when it comes to campaigning. this is why kerry stumbled. this is why mitt romney stumbled. this lack of likability why hillary clinton would stumble. >> i have seen the poll numbers, trish. i'm not blind. i have seen poll numbers. hillary in interview was hurt by some results. i understand it. what i think, trish. obviously not objective. not pretending to beobjective, with 17 republican candidates bashing her all the time and hurts her ratings. when it is hillary between one or two republicans. i'm not pretending to be objective about it. trish: we know where you're standing and you back her.
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very important we hear all voices here. so i appreciate that, matt. stick with us. i want to point out fox business has very own debate. tune in on the big night in milwaukee, tuesday, november 10th, only on fox business. we have new developments breaking right now on hillary clinton. and that server story. there is new investigation by the associated press that finds software on hillary clinton's home brew email server was in fact vulnerable to hackers. no surprise there, really. this is the issue that we face now adays with chinese and with russians trying to get you to our systems. you have to once again ask you questions as secretary of state, how could you maintain your own server? how does she defend herself in all of this, with now investigation by fbi going on. peter barnes has more on developing story. peter? reporter: trish, that's right.
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clinton's home server would be able to connection to the internet remotely with the microsoft's desktop service. the government warned this was attack -- vulnerable to attacks to from low skilled hackers. ion through a encrypted connection. clinton's system appeared to accept commands over internet without such protections according to ap, trish. trish: wow. thanks, peter. matt, interesting to hear your defense of this. how will she defend herself on stage tonight because you can be sure they will come up? >> i think they will come up for long. there seems to be a lot of smoke here around a, not a the love fire. one thing we should understand is, government servers get hacked all the time. hillary's has not. government servers get hacked all the time. trish: how do you know that, matt?
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how do you know that it wasn't hacked? >> well, so far no one has said that it was hacked should say that. trish: so far. >> so far. trish: she had a system that was vulnerable. >> so we can go down this road but you guys have gone down this road them trying to kill vince foster on benghazi and everything else always amounts to nothing. trish: always that right-wing conspiracy, right? that is always the excuse. >> at one point will you wait for facts to come out. trish: at one point i would ask the question, at what point if you say i'm running for president of the united states did i make a really big mistake maintaining my own server as secretary of state. >> she said she made a mistake. made a mistake i'm getting idea that you're not voting for hillary. am i wrong? trish: cerus, serious error. gina, is she going to be actually able to defend herself on stage tonight? >> how is this defensible? you compromise our national security. couple that with a whole thing that went down in benghazi.
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couple that with the money that her husband took for speeches, to, with foreign leaders. you put the three things together and something smells very, very upsetting about this now we not only have repeated dishonesty from this candidate, hillary clinton, but we also have pure, utter, straight up incompetence. even if, even if, no one believes this, but even if this was pickup incompetence and nothing else going on here, what is next mistake she makes as president that compromises us? how will that mistake affect news the future. trish: sort of blase, this is just right-wing conspiracy. i never talk about who i vote for and never tell my viewers who i vote for. that is my own personal information. but one of my job is to point out in every single one of these candidates, when you have issues and when you have problems. this one is pretty glaring. you know, this particular case,
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with this particular candidate she wants to shrug it off. why is she somehow, playing by a different set of rules? why would she be allowed to have her own server whereas normal government employee couldn't do that? >> so, hillary said that she did it for the sake of convenience, number one. number two, you could ask the same questions about jeb bush. ask same questions about colin powell, emailing other world leaders -- trish: different day and age. very different day and age. >> that is the answer. right. okay. trish: look at threats we're under from the chinese, from the russians. even internally, within domestic situations, we are very much at risk as a result of the cybersecurity issues popping up. now on a daily basis. i think she will face some very tough questions tonight. lincoln chafee was on this show. he brought this up. bernie sanders has not really gone after this. this might be his opportunity. we'll see. tonight, matt, gina. thank you so much. >> i don't think so. trish: we shall see.
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donald trump everyone, been tweets up a storm today and right now. he tweeted that he will be on "snl.." we were talking about that november 7th. taking focus on democrats and put it back on to himself? you know there is one thing that "the donald" knows how to do, it is to get attention. we've got attention-grabbing tweets he is putting out and reasons for them, all coming up. plus, you say you read "playboy" for the articles, right? now i might actually believe you. we have details on the magazine's big move to clean up its act. stay with us. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes,
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>> think it is not very well rated. i think it is not going to be highly rated, but for 10 or 15 minutes, people will get board and turn it off. trish: got me, yes, that's right. it will not be as exciting without donald trump there. he will do his part to make it more interesting with everyone. live tweet during the whole ordeal, promising in a tweet, that quote, request of many, even though i expect it to be very boring two hours, i will be covering the democrat debate, live on twitter. also making headlines today, on twitter by announcing hosting "snl," "saturday night live" next month. gina is back with me. i have to ask you, one of the things people find appealing about trump is his authenticity. face it, we know he is one tweeting because nobody would actually allow a candidate to say half the stuff he says on twitter. >> exactly. trish: so you know it's him.
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is twitter helping him? >> i think it is helping him from the real guy standpoint, trish. like you said, you know that they're authentic. the way he talks about twitter and stuff, not the way a consultant would refer to twitter. that i will be using twitter tonight. i will be live tweeting. you know his thumbs hit the keys, period. trish: for better or for worse at times. one of the interesting things as well, i was reading article on him and his first wife, ivana, that was written i believe back in 1989 or 1990 in "vanity fair," recently, and way they described him was very similar to what you see today. i mean, very like, what you see is what you get. very rah, rah. comes across as coach on sidelines. encouraging everybody along the way. he had the same kind of
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optimism. that same bravado, this piece i read, it could have been written two days ago, as opposed to that many years ago, gina. that was interesting to me. getting at who is donald trump. is he really authentic? is he who he says he is? your hunch on this one? >> yeah. well, you know, my background is in psychology. and so watching him has been one of the most fascinating political, psychological phenomena ever to come my way especially someone gets to talk about. we've never seen someone like donald trump. those out there started out trying to predict him and behavior. they dropped away from that. i'm not even going to think about predicting his next move. it has worked for him, his entire life. it worked in business. this is not the way business people operate either. they're polished and buttoned up. this worked for him. because it always worked for
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him, he will continue in this pattern. this is what he knows. nice way of being that authentic, you don't have this think what you will say and don't have to remember what you said before. it works. trish: he is his own man. gina, thank you so much. we'll be watching and keeping eye on twitter tonight for trump. >> absolutely. >> billionaire casino mogul sheldon adelson ready to back marco rubio? we have intel on this seeming imminent endorsement. plus the socialist, bernie sanders, flip-flopping all over the place on gun control. so has hillary clinton for at that matter. is he for or against the second amendment? gun range owner jan morgan is coming up. ♪
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awe believe active management can protect capital long term. active management can tap global insights. active management can seek to outperform. that's the power of active management. trish: the state department says it appeared iran's missile test over the weekend violated u.n. security council resolutions of
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the just last hour white house spokesperson josh earnest echoed that sentiment saying there are, quote, strong indications iran was in violation of the resolution. a lot of questions as to what that is going to mean for our deal with iran coming up. let's turn to all the deals happening in the marketplace. world's largest brewer emerging, anheuser-busch inbev taking over sabmiller. big amount of money. part of a flury of megadeals on the heels of the dell-emc $67 billion tech deal. this the kind of stuff happening when you have zero interests rates for so long and money is so darn cheap and seemingly behooves taking out competition? art hogan, ashley webster, joining me. are these strategic deals right now. or are we getting to tipping point where people are globing up anyone they can? >> right, trish, i fear might be
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latter, by the way. appropriate time to talk about beer. this sendly time of the year four pro major sports leagues playing in the u.s. at same time. trish: how about that? lots more beer consumption. >> that's right, that's right. i don't know about the specifics of these companies. strategically and historically when you see flury of mega deals that could be warning sign as you talk about, that this isn't so much about real growth or long-term strategy but rather a consequence of very low growth and low interest rates. companies, i mean they have hoards of cash. they don't want to hire people. they don't want to invest in their own businesses. instead they turn to financial engineering, buybacks, mergers happens a lot in 2007 before the world fell apart. it's a bit ominous it is happening now. trish: it is. something carl icahn warned repeatedly about right here on the show. bill gross echoed that sentiment. we her similar things from
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alan greenspan. people say keep eye on this it's a concern when spigot is open, there are, what i would call unintended consequences. ashley, you're nodding your head. i will get to you in a few seconds. i want to go to art, he defends all the mergers going on and zero interest rate policies. >> separating the issues, i think there are two kinds of mergers going on right now. mergers because of technology. emc, dell, they didn't have each other. they need technology. dell has what they have, servers, emc has what they need, storage. that is strategic. they will pay with that with a lot of debt. that is where that becomes bothersome. price they're pay is reasonable. private taking out public. trish: 67 billion. >> in terms of valuations a long way off where emc was historically. up 28% when they announced the deal. in the case of sabmiller and in
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before, this -- inbev, this goes into mature industry that needs to buy growth. that only way to do that is take out your competition. trish: does that make you nervous? that this is strategic? >> depends what currency they're needed. using cash and stock deal what they have for currency, the fact they have to spin off part of this makes me less nervous. beer sales are going down. people are drinking more spirits and wine. trish: craft beers. >> exactly. declining business model. trish: ashley, we have a market off 33 points. >> yeah. trish: typically on days when you have a flury of deals being announced, you see a little bit more optimism. what is going on? >> these are strange tiles, trish, you're absolutely right. has been flat all day. we've been going up and down, put it that way. not a lot of to thrill about the deal. as you say in normal situation, would be perhaps more bullish sentiment.
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we're not in normal situation. we're waiting and see. treading markets. trish: i like my comparison yesterday to the bad boyfriend. fed keeps telling us and promising us we'll raise rates. maybe we're not ready for that commitment. >> listen, i just wanted to say something on the big megadeals, megamergers, depends on the deal. for the most part, you know, look, if you're trying to expand sales and boost earnings and got very tepid economy here in the u.s., better than elsewhere in the rest of the world but still pretty tepid, one sure fire way of boosting results through acquisitions an mergers. in the i.t. world you have to make moves, continues to be major player. otherwise you fade away. that can't happen. trish: why not do it now. money is cheap. >> cheap money. trish: thank you everyone. we're six hours away from tonight's debate, and one candidate on that stage, not one, one single one of them
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propose ad specific tax plan. how can you run for president of the united states and not know your plan for american taxes? brad blakeman and craig will sound off on this. tom brady not looking for endorsement from coca-cola, clearly. the star quarterback out today claiming the soft drink is quote poison for kids. he's right. stay with us. ♪ [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things.
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trish: breaking right now. joe biden definitely will not be on stage tonight at that democratic debate. the bp will be hosting a high school reunion. afterwards he will watch the debate. the focus is all on hillary clinton who will be front and center. her e-mail scandal is sure to come up, as we were discussing earlier. i have to say, i would like to hear some specifics. i am looking for those. we have five candidates out there tonight. not one of them has put forward a specific plan. all you can come up with when it comes to growing our economy is stuff like this. >> i want to even the odds for those who they are stacked against. we know that the debt is stacked for those on the top.
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we need to resell -- reshuffle that. the rich need to pay their fair share for america. >> let's talk about the fact today that the top one 10th of 1% owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%. trish: clearly, they did not work for it. more on what we should here, not here, should here. let's go to ed henry. no real details. no actual plans when it comes to how much you and i will be paying on our tax bill. >> cannot be more on point with that. hillary clinton says she has all kinds of lance. she has been out on the road. i have been there with her. trying to shift away with the e-mail controversy. waiting on a more detailed tax
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plan. she has laid out tax care plans. she has talked about various issues. a lot of them have not designated for her. a lot of the trust issues have overshadowed it. then you have bernie sanders. she has been having to plaque catch up with some of these flip-flops. i think that the final point is watching the final three. senator webb. will we see governor o'malley? will any of them emerged tonight? the final play, when you talk about in an chance income inequality, the las vegas resort is not a place where you can hear about income inequality. it is a. that drop. trish: that is true. bill that is a luxury -- >> beautiful place. >> he is very republican.
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he has attacked obama again and again. it is very interesting. >> capitalism for you. thank you very much. former bush advisor black blakeman. brad, i have to say, one of the first things i would come up with is a tax plan. we have nothing from anyone. just big broad stroke ideas. appealing the debate in making people feel that it is this kind of a society. >> it is all talk. you would think that someone like hillary clinton, u.s. senator, secretary of state, her husband was president of the united states, bernie sanders in the others on the states, without first, put what was ailing america. that was a cure to our debt. a chore to unemployment. that is the number one issue
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that people will go into the boat in november of next year thinking about. the economy. if they are not focus on the economy and their focus on issues that do not matter to voters, what are they doing? >> bottom line, people do develop pocketbooks. i think that a lot of people in this country feel pretty demoralized as a result of all the antics we have seen. nonetheless, when people go to vote, and a lot of it has to do with a personal, personal aspect to all of this. am i employed, is my next door neighbor employed, do i feel confident about my future? the biggest challenge, all the democrats face what can they do to make people feel better about the future. i will go back to my central thesis here. why have we not seen more details? >> look at what secretary
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clinton has specifically said about taxes. a lot of details out there. probably in her interest to put that into one place so it is easily accessible. for good or for bad, ernie sanders life is an open book. probably a pin of mize is his plan. that may not be popular with the majority of americans. i certainly do not think it will result in him getting the nomination. where you stand is probably already well-established. trish: he is talking about taxing people at 90%. he likes the eyes and hauser race. do we really want to go back to that? >> this is an important issue. we should all talk about it. it is not only about our position in the world and whether we are economically strong, it is the fact that people do want hope and do want to plan for the future.
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i think most americans would not agree with that. we know what he thinks. his plan, his record over the last already or 40 years. trish: i do think that they owe it to us. they owe it to the voting population. i handed it to rand paul, donald trump, jeb bush and some of these others that have come up with tax plans. disappointed we will not have any there to sink our teeth into on stage tonight. stay with me. tomorrow on the intelligent report, bill o'reilly will be here. he will discuss his take and his brand-new book, "killing reagan." tomorrow. marco rubio. more on why billionaire alliston is warming up to this candidate more than his rival. plus, if you are the one that just read playboy for the articles, guess what, you are no
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longer line. more on the magazine. cleaning up its ♪ the biggest financial services firms in the country? or is it 13,000 financial advisors who take the time to say thank you? 'night jim. gonna be a while? i am liz got a little writing to do. ♪ it's why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way.
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♪ trish: okay. welcome back. coca-cola. falling today. football superstar tom brady came out and said that soda is poison for kids. sugary cereals actually food when they are not.
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take a look. twitter is laying off employees. jack dorsey. the cutbacks translate to about 8% of the workforce. shares of twitter up about one 10th of a% today on that news. apple is updating its line of desktop computers. imax enhancing the quality of photos and videos. more powerful processors. we will have more intel. talking about big fundraising for marco rubio. what donald trump has to say about that. ♪
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that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? trish: okay. marco rubio may be getting a little bit of money. leaning towards endorsing. mitt romney in the 2012 presidential election. the big question is, will he give his endorsement to rubio and with that help him pull ahead in this race? i want to hear them way in with craig and brad. brad, money can make or break you. how important is he in this endorsement right now? >> if mr. allison chooses, it would be huge. business, politics, his family
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and pulling up her feet. sheldon does this all over the world. you are also getting something that is well-versed in the economy. he is a good policy person as well. whoever gets his endorsement will be very happy to receive it. remember, and a lot of the pig hackers are playing the field. they are holding their endorsements. trish: i would not be surprised. he is giving money to bush. giving money to feed arena. he said ben carson, i will give you money, too. what you think it is that allison sees in rubio? >> look, rubio is a very, very attractive candidate. plus, exactly where republican should be on the issues. he is a uniter, not a divider.
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he wants to bring our country together. he understands what our economic woes are. he will be somebody that can bring consensus to our party. we are a big tent. i think rubio certainly adds to that. >> greg, i am going to give you a layup here. rubio messe 11% of his votes here in the senate. you see senators missing 1.3. this is the guy that missed over 11%. is he as committed to the job as he is the politics? >> i think he is committed. the high absentee rate is not unexceptional for somebody running for president. i do think it is interesting that the republican party is getting serious finally about getting rid of donald trump and stopping him. the solution to stopping a
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billionaire is for another billionaire to put his money behind one of the candidates. trish: i do not know, though. keep spending and spending and spending. even if you try, he has resonated in america. he has tapped into something that does not seem to be going away just yet. anyway, we're going to take a quick break. speaking to stuart, rubio's rival. playboy is cleaning up its act. the magazine announced it is getting rid of all of those nude photos. plus, bernie sanders cannot seem to make up his mind on gun control. how his latest proposal could be a derailment for gun owners. stay with us. stay with us. we have more intel after this.
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trish: we have some news for you on playboy. playboy will no longer publish photos of fully nude women. playboy already banned the naked images on its website last year. the magazine's way of facing the reality of all the competition out there. they do not want to be in that space. now, good news for all of you. you are just reading playboy for the articles. it appears hillary clinton is not the only one flip-flopping on social issues. historically on the same team.
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not being held reliable for gun related deaths. take a listen to these two sides. >> folks do not like guns, fine. we have millions of people of those people obey the law. i want to see real serious debate and action on guns. >> common sense gun reform. plus a revolution in mental health. making sure that the people having a nervous breakdown, they get the care that they need when they need it. a vast majority of the american people. trish: already. joining me now for more is dan morgan. your thoughts on this. you seem to be sounding a different tune. >> of course. isn't that how all politicians
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are? he is calling it flexibility on the gun control debate. the one thing, bernie is feeling pressure from his base. the nra who actually helped bernie sanders win his first seat. >> the place that i know. from new hampshire higher. vermont is part of the culture. >> trish, people in the deep south. people in the united states love to hunt. we all know that the second amendment is not about hunting. hillary clinton is really pushing the whole gun control thing. no one on the stage tonight has a tax plan. they are so busy going after the
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gun control issue. the gun control debate logic is no longer part of the equation. bernie is just responding. >> something that frustrates me and every political season. how much this economy is actually growing. nobody wants to deal with the nuts and bolts of that. certainly nobody on that stage wants to get into all of that. maybe they think that the american public finds it boring. i think the american public needs that information. pointing to and politicizing these recent tragedies. >> neither one of those candidates, and i have yet to hear any candidate that is really pushing the anti-gun movement. not one has given us one solution. all they keep coming out with our ways to attack gun owners.
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hillary and bernie sanders both are talking about this liability for gun manufacturers issue. how ridiculous is that? >> victims, people who are victims can now go after firearms manufacturers. how insane is that. that would be like car manufacturers being sued because of someone's reckless behavior behind the wheel. let's put the gun manufacturers out of business. there is more than one way to skin the rabbit. let's go after the option. do not let the anti-gun movement tell you anything else. not about safety. trish: dan morgan, always good to have you here. thank you very much.
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take a look here. this video coming in here. dangling off a bridge. mate land, florida. authorities are working to remove this vehicle. this is live; correct, danielle? a truck is actually dangling off that bridge. we will watch this very carefully. fortunately, you can see a different angle. fortunately, no injuries yet reported. is there anyone in the vehicle? do we know at this point? we will have more on this situation after the break. stay with us. i will see you in two minutes. ♪ wow!
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to investigate it. prosecute it. and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers are teaching seniors across the country to stop, spot and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us.
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at ally bank no branches equalsit's a fact.. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. : . trish: everyone, we're continuing to watch this situation there on interstate 4 in florida, where you can see a vehicle is hanging off the side of that overpass.
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this is happening again on a bridge there in maitland florida, authorities are working to remove the vehicle. orange county county fire and maitland police officers there on the scene working to secure and remove this vehicle. it is not known whether there are any injuries just yet. we'll continue watching that story for you. watch this market with liz. liz: how about it? tuesday night at the fights from wall street to vegas to the mideast to local pubs. bulls and bears duking it out on wall street right now. the dow jones industrial average as you can see down just a smidge, by two points. the bears are winning just at the moment but that could actually change because change didn't matter so far today. and will we see the end of the longest winning streak of the year? could happen today. got stay with me. out in vegas, a fight night of a different kind. less than 5 1/2 hours of the first democratic debate of the campaiea


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