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tv   Making Money With Charles Payne  FOX Business  October 2, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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deirdre: so nice to meet you. thank you for watching us. donald trump is on with charles next. >> good evening, everyone. yesterday i had the pleasure of talking with gop frontrunner donald trump. he has been taking backlash on a lot. here is what he had to say. >> we have to go a little bita little bit slower than what we would normally do and what a lot of people normally do. here backing people that we have no idea who they are. you look at what happened in other places, whether you go to iraq with saddam hussein, look at that mess. no matter where you go look
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at what happened with qaddafi. the mess you have over there. the fto little bit slower. it is a soft. you have to look. last time look. last time i love the fact that russia spending a lot of their money a lot of their manpower. not necessarily going to have to spend as much. it would virtually bankrupt because of what happened. i got bogged down. it. it will probably get bogged down over here. they set of just pouring money down the drain. i understand what you're saying. i think we have to take it a little bit easy. but we have to be careful who we are backing. we don't even no who these
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people are. charles: i got you command i i happen to be one of those people that think the arabs thing backfired, nation buildingbackfired, nation building is probably a business we want to get out of. >> i would say backfired to put it mildly. >> sometimes having said that vladimir putin, a ran beachhead, syria, access to the mediterranean, you know, you have talked about building a large military presence and having the type of intimidation around the world that goes along with that, but having a big stick and being reluctant to use it is a big stick is going to work. >> in this case they were talking about the various zones where we would be, where russia would be. the problem is we have no leadership in this country. when i speak i am speaking a little bit that we will have
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to live for another year and a half with our current administration. our current administration truly has no clue. if you look last week he meets with the, everything seems to be fine and then he goes ahead and does this and obama is in a state of shock we have a president for another year and a half, and it has not worked out so well for our country. i will say that i really think that if somebody else wants to go i knocked the hell out july sis, and you look at this migration, a lot of it is because of tremendous instability in syria. let's just watch for a little while. we want to be strong and saying. the big thing is we don't know who we are backing. they have no idea who these people are. these people could turn out to be worse, as you
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indicated before. charles: i agree 1,000 percent. having said that, i listened to your speech last night which i really liked more so than a lot of recent speeches. you are startingyou are starting to get a settle this to you, a calmness about you, and more humility. i don't know. but having said this, you talk a lot about regaining respect. let's talk about vladimir putin specifically. how does donald trump did vladimir putin to finally respect america? >> respect is a funny thing. some people get it and some people don't. you know, whyknow, why was babe ruth able to hit the home run and no one else could? it is a funny thing how that works, but i have gained tremendous respect over the years in business dealing with international people, great leaders. you know, it's just something. the problem that we have, we
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have a president who is not respected by other countries and certainly not respected by the leaders of some other countries. i believe i would probably get along with it. two people just don't get along. we were blindsided. his modus operandi
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. >> we need to the great redlined it's a bad thing. a lot of people say that was a big mistake. not say he shouldn't have done something. outgoing do that and then don't do it. >> absolutely right about that. our foreign policy is an absolute mess. >> that's one of the reasons i think hillaryi think hillary is going to do badly. she did not do a good job. she did not do a good job as secretary of state. my even surpass are because
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of the horrible deal. so bad, so incompetent. charles: i would watch them. >> you talked about something. i've made many deals. all by a horrible contract and then absolutely be very tough. and make that contract into a good contract. i would be vigilant. there is always something that you can hang your hat on. i would police that contract like they would never believe. and they want 19 of their men and many other things.
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here we are, i want to now negotiate. they want 19 people. is just the way we negotiate. it's after the fact, the deal was done. they seemed like that was low hanging fruit with all of the other things. nuclear power seems like a no-brainer to me. >> the saddest part, they said why that did not happen, they did not want to complicate the deal. all you have to do is say we want our prisoners back. this should have been years ago.
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have you ever seen a deals takes a long to make? we lost every single point and don't even -- and now they want to use the prisoners per a brand-new negotiation. charles: let me ask you about our allies. i just feel -- the idea that you get them to pay for military i don't know if people realize this, but butthis, but poland has a stronger military in germany. there are fighting the cold war. how would you turn that around? is it really legitimate they can get these guys to pay billions of dollars? >> we protect japan. probably we pay them. we protect germany. probably we pay them. we protect -- i ordered 4,000 television sets recently for a big project.
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4,000. they all come out of south korea. we protect south korea. we have 28,000 soldiers their. every time north korea acts ask up a little bit license ships, planes, we don't get anything. these are rich countries. these are really really rich countries. saudi arabia making a billion dollars a day. we protect saudi arabia and get nothing. only put a business mind good one like mine because i've done a good job, but you put that kind of thinking in that charles, i mean,i mean, forgetting. we will start doing good. they are glad to do something. if japan gets attacked we must go to their defense. if we get attacked japan does not have to help us in any way shape or form. >> fifty-four countries around the world.
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i want to shift to the tax plan. there was the reaganesque element. it's a pretty much no-brainer to anyone in the country. that people are more what they want, create a real cycle. i hope you can help me clarify it. on repatriation 10 percent one-time tax mother wonderful opportunity is there. have i read end is a clear that you are actually going to take this money from companies whether they repatriated or not? >> we are going to have them bring the money back in the country in charge a 10 percent tax. it could be as high as 35 percent. too high. i have money out that you can bring in. it does not make economic sense.
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you go through this process to bring money into the country. what we are doing is lowering the tax to 10 percent which is a reasonable rate and leaving it at a low rate, but what is happening is the 15 percent tax which corporations are going to pay for all your lowering it from the highest tax in the world to be one of the lowest. you are actually 3rd lowest at the 15 percent. not going to be stuck in europe and asia and all these different places. the number of 2.5 trillion might be much more than that. it's going to be much more than that. this money would poor into the us. >> why wouldn't you make it 0 percent? >> well, you could. i was thinking about doing
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that. by the way, every one of them whether is my planner bush's plan, they will all be changed drastically for the time they get through. i was thinking about making a zero they want to bring it in. i was thinking about that and would be open. they will pay the 10 percent. he might as well make a couple bucks. >> we start to see factories get built in this country. on the individual side, when jeb bush announced his plan 50 million more people. you get where your coming from. but i believe that every
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american should pay something on the federal level, not necessarily 10 percent. the otherthe other problem i have with this, we have created an entitlement culture. if i make 50,000 a year but there are 5 million jobs why should the government pay me not to give the skills? why can't i become a welder and go get one of those great jobs? >> i agree 100 percent. the one my tax plan is so dynamic this people that are paying taxes will be paying taxes because they will get a bump. they will get above the numbers that were talking about. and i also like the idea of sending in a return and paying something, but the truth is they don't have very much money, especially nowadays. you know what we save in terms of administration and
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all the problems we have when you have to administer all of this tens and tens of millions of people sending in virtually nothing? it is a huge administration cost. we felt we would do that. i think a lot of people like it. there is something nice about sending in something even though it can't be much because we have to let the people live. i do believe i will create jobs so much so that they will start making money. charles: and when we come back more donald trump. how are we going to get 11 million people to peacefully leave the nation? has been done before and we will debate it next.
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charles: welcome back. getting a lot of pushback because of his comments on illegal immigration. earlier this week he talked about eisenhower's immigration plan which got over a million illegals. i asked trump is that would be his model. >> a little bita little bit like that and a little bit like the eisenhower plan which was very successful. you probably heard my speech last night where they originally took him and move them aa little over the border and left them in the key right back. what they ultimately did was move them all the way south to the other side of the country and move them all the way down and for the most part never came back. it was too far. you will have to do something dramatic. we have tremendous problems.
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i took heat because of illegal immigration. in terms of jobs and economics and tremendous amounts of crime. a lot of people now, that's why i'm leaving every poll. going to ask in a minute. you talk about eisenhower moving further and further south. charles: no matter how magnificent, tall, beautiful,magnificent, tall, beautiful, wonderful, as long as we continue to have the sanctuary cities, and pay americans not to work it will be more difficult but we have to get some cooperation. >> we have to get cooperation from mexico. we pay mexico a tremendous
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amount of money in terms of actual dollars and also in terms of our trade balances. about 45 billion a year. the imbalances $45 billion to their side. wewe pay them a lot of money and have a lot of power over them. they ship the people over to the border. if you want to become a citizen of mexico it's one of the hardest nations in the entire world to become a citizen of. yet they drop people right on our borders. >> and your right. we have seen train loads. they let it go straight through. >> if it ever stop someplace in mexico you receive a gun start going off. go right ahead. it's hard ahead. it's hard to even believe. and we have great border security, border patrol people.
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they know what to do. they are told not to do anything. charles: it's a shame. >> so easy to solve. that's incredible thing. charles: all right. when we come back, more with donald trump. why he is defending ben carson. next. ♪
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charles: welcome back. donald trump used to dominate the headlines for controversial comes, now another one. >> ben carson made some comments, i want you to listen. >> people don't speak up for what they believe, then other people will change things
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without them having a voice, that is what i mean. >> nazi germany? >> well hitly changed things there, nobody protested. nobody provided any opposition to him. that is what facilitateed. >> who like hitler here. >> i'm not going going to go into that, i think that example is clear. charles: he said tyranny, it starts that kind of stuff, the quietness of people not say anything, you have taken credit for reawakening the silent majority had this country. is that needed to stave off this tyranny. >> i am so proud of what we have done, last night i was in new hampshire, we had two rooms, it was like a love fest, i called it the silence majority, but sometime it is not silent, they
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are going wild, they just want the country to be great again. that is why i say make america great again, that is what they want, you do have to speak up, ben said if and took heat over it because the word nazi was used. but people have to speak up, they have to speak up like a are speaking up at my rallies, in oklahoma we had 20,000 people in dallas 20,000 people in mobile alabama 35,000 people. and it is just beautiful to see because, there is such love, they want to make this country incredible. >> do you think that we are on cusp of something like, that it was obvious that reporter was trying to bait ben carson who saying it would be patriot act who could be -- barack obama a modern day american version of italyhitachiler -- of hitler, have we fallen to sleep to a certain
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degree in the country to that start of thing. >> i don't think he men anything bad by what his said, his correct of satisfactory to most people by what i heard. i will say -- >> were you the wake-up call. were we in such a slumber, we were giving it all up, and you and then others like ben carson, were you the wake-up call that this nation need snd. >>needed? >> yes, i think that people are tired of incompetance, they are tired of you look at isis, how did that happen? so many different things, you look at how we never make good trade deal, china we're losing $400 billion this year, japan and mexico, every country, brazil, every count we we lose we don't win anything issue we don't win ever, we don't win militarily any more, look at
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iraq and isis, we never lost a war. now we lose every one. we lose them because we're little bit beliepolitically correct, maybe -- maybe we should hot get into them like iraq, we should not get into them like iraq, i was against iraq, brig big articles, trump said don't in in -- go in i said they would going to destable i'd the middle east, look at what happen had. charles: there will come a time when we can't avoid it, how about notion of fighting a war to win. >> we have not don done that in a long time. we didn't do it in vietnam where we should not have been, we just don't do it. i think they are timid, i don't know, almost like they want be
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to politically correct in fighting wars, i think one reason -- 92 -- >> vietnam war is first war that came to our living room, with the body bags, a war in a future will be the same thing, have you a big strong military, there will be someone out there will test this, can we lose soldiers without the country saying give it up, as president trump you would be torn. >> one thing i say, yesterday, to a very talented person, also in your business. you do a terrific job, but one thing i said unpredictability, barack obama is very predictable, when he announced he was leaving iraq on a certain date, the enemy sat back, and said let's just wait, this great. you need to be a little bit unpredictable. and researchly it was written
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about me, they said with great respect, we could not figure out trump, he was so unpredictable people said what would i do here, and there. well you know, i am leading by every poll, every poll, and every state by a lot. every national poll. so i have a chance of doing this i don't' to give all of thigh answers to -- all of these answers so the enemy can say this is what trump is going to do. >> when we come back, final part of my enter view with donald trump, why he thinks that hillary clinton is quote a disgrace to the country and why he feels obligated to run for president, we'll be right back. give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. "how can my car depreciate before it's first oil change?" you ask. maybe the better question is why do you have that insurance company? with liberty mutual new car replacement,
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charles: welcome back, news on hillary clinton's e-mail does not stop. i asked donald trump his thoughts on the latest e-mail dump. >> she should never have been allowed to do it, general petraeus' life of destroyed for doing just 5% of what she did, she should not be allowed to run for office,. yet it looks like she is going to get away with it, it is hard to believe, a lot more are coming but somehow law enforcement does not' to put it down what she did was illegal, in a high sense.
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and you read every statute, and she you know normally she would be in big trouble, they are not doing anything. she should not be allowed to run for office, they talk about row tunely she will run now, she has certainly her poll numbers are way down. she is probably got a little bit of a problem with bernie sanders, i don't see him winning nevertheless, could maybe biden comes in who knows. but, what she did is a disgrace to the country. charles: it does under score political establishment that bernie sanders may or may not win but you capitalize on the fashionfact that people are disgusted with the establishment empowering themselves at the detriment of the nation, that everyone agrees has eroded from the peak. >> true could we have eroded reason i am running, i i think that we could be as good or better than we were before. if we continue to go the way we're going.
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it will be hard topher come back, that is -- hard to ever comeback. >> that is why i'm doing this. this is not easy, i love being interviewed by you, but i can think of other things i would rather being doing, the truth is that, you know, it is something that i fell i hadon an obligation to do, we could be great again, we can making greater than before but we don't have the right blind mind set. charles: you think you're the only man who can do this, you talked about you didn't want to do this, i can see it is weighing on you idea that a long run, but you still feel like you are only person that can turn this? >> well, i won't say the country could but i know my competition, i believe i am the person that would do the best job, i will do
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a great job, i know the weak spots, i am good of this part of my tax plan, someone said the budget balance, i have not discussed this yet but massive cuts, of agent agency that exist that do nothing, like bush loves common core, we do not like common kore, we could -- core, we could cut the level of education like you would not believe. immigration, where rubio is very weak on immigration, bush is weak on immigration. illegal immigration both of them. and you know we can't have that, it costing us a fortune, the illegal immigration costs a fortune, people don't know that, there are so many cuts that we could make, and have a better country, not worse, i am not talking about downsizing, where
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things are unnecessary, you know that is a very important part of the plan, which i will be announcing soon too. charles: we look forward to it we want to feel like we can be great again, thank you for taking time out, you have been very generous, we'll keep watching you, i hope to meet you soon, and discuss this more, donald trump congratulation. >> i think you do a great job, that is why i'm doing this, you really do, your show is terrific, i appreciate it charles. >> thank you, donald trump g.o.p. frontrunner. >> my interview with donald trump now all tucked away, we talked about putin, bin carson hillary clinton and making america great, i have an all-star panel, we'll rehash it, go over. what did donald trump say, cannily pull it off? we'll be right back. with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c.
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charles: he is not the frontrunner for nothing, what did you think of my interview the donald trump, tweet me right now, we'll be right back.
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charles: my interview with donald trump we touched on a myriad of issues. here is the g.o.p. front-runner said about a lack of leadership here in the united states. >> the problem is we have no leadership here, you know when i speak i'm speaking a little bit that we'll have to live for another year and a half with our current administration, they cannot have a clue, this happened, last week he meets with putin, it seemed finding then putin does this, and obama is in a state of shock. charles: joining me now, katrina pearson.
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and vince model, donald trump got into a pick them week, saying, it's okay let putin fight it out in syria, but when the first bomb dropped, they did not drop on isis, a lot of people debating maybe he jumped gun. >> well they have to find something negative to say about everything that mr. trump says. but, what are we going to do? he does have to take criticism he says this a huge mess, the united states took the wrong side to begin work back at arab spring, this president, has drown down our military, and cut generals, we're not in a position to go up again russia anyone saying we should do something in syria today is say we should declare war on russia. charles: mitch to you. donald trump's tax plan, i think
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it would be hard pressed to find a business person that did not say they do not want business rates at 15%. the novel idea the more money people keep the more they spend, you are right there. on ground floor level. you see what average person does with their money. what do you make of his plan. >> it is brilliant. you know more people have more disposable income, they will spend more, pump it back in the system, it circulates, even from a business stand point, if you could cutback your taxes by 20% from 36 to 15, it is brilliant. charles: katrina, some of the criticism, of the plan is that it is populous, i have a issue when you say 75 million people have toulouse holes are -- householdses are not paying taxes. but this is same party that lost because of 47% comment.
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>> well, right. and i think that reason the logic in me speaking, you don't want to go to those people, say now you have to pay taxes or higher taxes, he said leave the population alone right now, get a more sensible tax plan in place, then we can go further, no one said this is only plan ever, this is a good start to pullback from why we've been. charles: katrina, you follow donald trump closely, from my observation, it feels like, that maybe, i don't know if this is a more humble donald trump or trump 2.0, you know this is a long race, and you can't always stay in high gear, i heard him talk about am i am elected -- if i am elected, rather than i will be elected. do you sense, he may have to adjust his fame plan. >> i thought your interview of great, you mentioning that to
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him he acknowledged that too, he first came out of the gate, he was hit by everyone, he was the a joke, it is not serious, not really running, he was really combating from a whole lot of angles, he is a counter puncher, overtime the summer people have kept him on top, now he realized, you know, i need to be me, there is no need to continue fighting like this, the people for the most part of are on my side. charles: i tell, i found that refreshing thank you. >> stock market had an amazing session, that is one for record book, consider backdrop, with low expectations could doom, gloom, free-fall owl of the gate, dow was down 258, and the board we finished 200 higher, i don't think that the day is a celebration of fed being
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accommodative, 0% interest rate, 25 pace25 basis points not a big difference, the market was down because they knew that fed could not do much, a crunching a calling, a good turn. i suspect that underpinnings of the economy were already built in. main thing, don't panic. soon i will start pounding the table on things for you to buy. there are a lot of great oversold stocks in our midst back to oregon, the rampage that killed 9 people, it took a few hours for president obama to politicize the shooting, he said he will politicize gun control to get action on gun safety. in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday.
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cleerp. charles: after the tragic shooting in oregon yesterday president obama is taking every opportunity to politicize the situation and push for stricter gun legislation. take a listen to today. >> i won't politicize it because inaction is a political decision that we are making. it's not just in the republican party, although the republican party is just uniformly opposed to all gun safety laws, and unless we change that political dynamic, we're not going to be able to make a big dent in this problem. charles: jan morgan is a gun expert and owner of the gun cave. and a fox news contributor. president obama in my mind laid out hits or suggestions saying we need to get state legislators, governors, sounds like he was trying to round up
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the posse to mitigate or get rid of the second amendment. >> he's been trying to get rid of the second amendment for years. you got 90 million gun owners with 300 million guns, those of us who are gun owners know the facts. though you don't hear about it on the news 2.5 million times last year, law-abiding citizens pulled a gun in self-defense and saved lives. guns save lives. you don't hear about it on the news but that's the truth. he only wants to capitalize on the times when lone, crazy people who are evil decide to take out innocent people. i know that we all know now that the students huddled on the floor in that classroom, there were moments when they were interrogated by the shooter. and if only one them to think that each of them had a few moments listening to other people answer questions and watch the classmates die, if one opportunity, just one had a concealed carry gun, that
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student banned students from conceal carry students who were legally allowed to carry a gun not only did they do, that they disarm the students and provide security. charles: they have former law enforcement officials forced to carry mace. general mcinerney, the president brought up terrorism, he didn't talk about the senseless killings in american cities. what do you think about this? before the bodies of some the families knew who might have passed away, it really rubbed people the wrong way. >> i thought we had saul lins key up there for a minute, charles, he's brilliant in diverting the attention in the real priorities. he should have gotten the facts before he came out, there the facts are clear, where you have people armed and concealed carry, you don't have the problem, but the real problem is his with russia and
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president putin in syria. syria, despite those who don't think it's important is the key to the arabian peninsula. if the russians and assad and the iranians keep control of syria, then you're going to see jordan fall and then saudi. charles: we know that the dominoes are in effect and we've walked away from it. appreciate it. donald trump stepped up to say he can beat the political establishment. what do you think? tweet me. i'm at cv payne.
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. charles: the amazing and improbable run of donald trump to become the next president of the united states reminds mow
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of an old poem of john henry. he laid railroad track and was legendary for wielding hammer all day and never getting tired, never wanting to take a rest. he was challenged by a steam hammer that could do the work of many men, so the battle is joined. a mighty mountain, john henry beat the steam hammer but ended up giving up his life through a process. that steam hammer is the political establishment except many times more powerful. donald trump stepped up to say i can beat this machine. many think it's an impossible task. the machine lost one of its main cause, hasn't missed a bit. john henry won his showdown using a much bigger hammer and making the ultimate sacrifice. a man is nothing but a man but before i let your steam throw beat me down, i die with a hammer in my hand, lord, lord. if the american people aren't
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his hammer, one day we might say that was a steel driving man who became president of the united states. want to thank everyone for watching the show. appreciate it, every night at 6:00 p.m. can you catch me here. if you can't catch me, dvr the show. also you don't want to miss lou jobs. lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. president obama today speak out against putin's direct military intervention in syria, mr. obama's first remarks since russian airstrikes in syria began wednesday. obama's critics for three days have harshly criticized him saying president obama has outmaneuvered the middle east. mr. obama defended himself and flat foot the administration trying to spend the russian military intervention is an act of putin's weakness, not obama's.


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