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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 30, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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technology under selling pressure, the nasdaq down. tomorrow i hope you will tune in. we are live from the trading floor. we will talk about europe and the european floor. live on "opening bell." time for "varney & company." david asman in for stuart varney. david: thanks very much. stuart will be back tomorrow. u.s. economy grew 3.5% for the third quarter. wire as ms. still feeling lousy about the economy? it is that feeling driving tuesday's election and that feeling holding back a lot of the economy on main street even though we have record profits. the numbers don't match the sentiment. while it is great, the olive garden and red lobster aren't. five days election day,
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"varney & company" is about to begin. checking the big board, getting a lot help from visa. getting access to the china market. mastercard also getting a boost on that news. pulling up a little bit in the green. gold getting slammed today. the 10-year is around 2.3%, oil at about two year lows and gas still falling about a penny per gallon. it is $3.01.
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here is the bad news, if the average output each quarter this year only 2%. six years ended the recovery, the economy still isn't doing so >> this is not a bad number. it beat estimates. we were averaging 2% economic growth. the real question is obama economy, does it continue to go? some of it you can't attribute to him, some came from the financial crisis, but you own it at some point. everything seems hunky-dory, we start to accelerate. i will say this, it adds pressure on the fed with the bases of continuing to taper, raise interest rates sooner rather than later.
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david: we should mention the decision the only dissenting vote was from a dove. >> they may raise rates in the middle of the year. sooner rather than later. i can say qe, right? printing money, the fed printing money, go ahead. >> have to see of there is this business pay off. it will start raising rates, which i think is a good thing. i don't think you should be investing in alibaba. david: since they started, i was about to say qe as well, since the fed started printing money we have had inflation, as small as inflation is, it is still above inflation rates.
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that is one reason mainstreet feels bad. >> if we get this, it when i great for republican chances, but good for the country, peace and economic growth, the market and the fed can continue to raise rates where savers go out on the risk spectrum, put your money in a bond. david: it is so difficult to get started in this environment. >> one of the problems president obama has come running in the likelihood of an economic slowdown. we will see. david: nice segue into politics.
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new poll numbers show 43% think the economy most important issue leading up to the midterms, this is more than any other particular issue, with five days to go before the elections, a forecast giving republicans 93% chance to the senate. which is good news. the biggest issue on voters minds good for the g.o.p. maybe two years. >> the economy and jobs still remain. the broader economy, talking about gdp growth, a lot of people work, a lot of people can't get jobs or stuck in part-time jobs because of obamacare. perception always comes in reality.
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not feeling the kind of positi positive -- david: let me play devil's advocate. it is not just wall street moving the economy, there is an increase in the number of people bond is goo. what a growth way charlie thinks it might. >> if there is a longer-term trend politically that will shake out to the detriment of republicans and hillary clinton should she decide to run, she will be running on an upswing. in the obama economy, this is month-to-month or quarter to quarter. we see it go up only to come back down again. the obama regulations over this economy haven't kicked in. david: i don't mean to sound like a democrat hold here, but
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is there any way republicans could have come out with a clear platform to say we are for -- by the way, couple of republicans have done that, but not overall. where is the main republican party? they're kind of flipping the real. >> the default for things so bad will carry them through next tuesday. not enough to carry them through 2016. one of the problems is they don't have unifying charismatic leader. >> i wonder if being an obstructionist now is going to work. david: this election it will. >> they don't have to come up with real specifics. they pose higher taxes, they
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oppose obamacare, -- david: so just sit back and win. >> i think that is what is happening. back to the market now. taser is a big winner, why? nicole: the stock has been up almost 10% today. revenue jumped, a weapon revenue about 90% of total revenue value up 26%. for law enforcement, talking about taser stun guns, taser cameras. that only asked for long-term charge, over the last five years this stock has been up every year since 2010. the prior year gained 74%. this year up 44% and international growth accounting for the growth in the last quarter up 26%. now it is up 10.5%. david: those of the cameras on the cops dashboard giving the fun videos we can watch.
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nicole: for the protection of all. david: new jersey governor chris christie calling out somebody who disagreed with his handling of the superstore recovery. take a listen to this. >> turnaround, get your 15 minutes of game and roll up your sleeves and do something for the people of this state. 23 months since then you have flap your mouth. until that time, sit down and shut up. david: clearly he did not look good in that. here is the thing, are things so dysfunctional in washington that people want a kick you know what kind of guy that may not be a nice guy, but can straighten things out.
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>> he hasn't done it in jersey. he had these goons that in behind him with no neck. if you can't take on some clown in the audience with backups like that, there are so many better ways to could have handled this. good evening, sir, i am speaking. >> in defense of chris christie, he is very jersey, the challenge for him, this is who he is, good for him he hasn't changed now that he is running for president he hasn't changed who he is, and people want authenticity. people have had it up to here with lies, dodging around the truth. he is a very straight shooter. this is who he is. >> he dodges constantly. look at all the corruption in
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jersey. take out bridge gate, which partly he has been exonerated. david: has anybody been able to figure it out? >> they used state funds they were not supposed to use. new jersey deficit is still out of control. >> he will have to answer for all of that, but you are talking about style. david: people are fed up with the perception of a nice guy when he is stepping people in the back. he is upfront with his anger. david: can we run that video again? they have necks. >> anybody can yell at a heckler. david: he did standup in front
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of the firemen's union, thousands of people in the audience, he lets them scream at him and get angry at him. he said i know why you're angry at me but i don't understand why you are angry at the politicians before me. >> what has he done for jersey? david: ask the jersey girl. >> he has lowered taxes. david: what taxes has lowered? he hasn't really lowered a lot of taxes. >> property taxes are out of control. david: a little bit like bush one. bush to go cap them low. >> he has served them well. the question is whether or not voters across the country want that luster.
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>> what has he done? zero. he hasn't even lost weight. david: something you would agree on, this guy wouldn't get through the primary. >> he stiff armed republican candidate for new york. david: running against the democrat, cuomo. >> let it all shake out. david: new video out of illinois, voters trying to cast a ballot for republicans immediately changed over. we now have the video with a tight senate race all over the country, you can bet voter fraud will be a big issue in the midterm elections. all rise, the judge is next. the giants beat the royals 3-2. all about the pitching in game seven of the world series.
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david: there is a little rally going on here, folks. 134 points. a lot of this is because of visa, up big time. that is a big component of the dow jones industrial sector but it is drawing the s&p another stockstock as well. s&p stocks track profit falls as hikes hit sales of that. making earnings even more impressive. we have some pretty disturbing video. five days before the election this is from illinois where early voting has started, start early, start often. a voter trying to start the ballot, but instead they choose democratic candidate.
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judge andrew napolitano is here. visit blogger who wrote for illinois, there's no way the machine could have accidentally mismisread if you touch like th. you have to, machine to do this. do you agree? >> i do agree. i'm not an expert on how the machine works. i have seen just about all of these machines. here is what the law is not concerned with the fraud, it is concerned with fraud that changes the outcome or substantial and organize or the government knows about and looks the other way. david: the way this is done -- >> hard to believe this is done by a lone wolf and the
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government doesn't know about this and is not looking the other way. if it doesn't affect the outcome, the court will not get involved because you are entitled to the winner the majority wants, not a perfect count. david: here is something that might affect an election. allegations of massive voter fraud involving non-u.s. citizens. thousands of people in frederick county, michigan, stated they are not u.s. citizens on jury forms, their names came up on election rolls. they went on to cast their votes in election. this looks like a smoking gun. >> that raises serious constitutional issues. issues of equal protection, stated differently if a significant number of noncitizens are fraudulent
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voting, that dilutes the value of those who are authorized to vote. david: this might be happening all over the country. >> the state of maryland will not police itself. they can going to federal court in maryland where the judges are just as liberal as the state. david: eric holde holder is notg to go against this. >> anyone who has evidence of this can commence an action seeking hall monitors as a result of this and most judges will sign that order. a hall monitor tends to scare these people away and they are committing the fraud. maryland does permit challengers so if you are on the ballot and you think it is rigged against you, you can send your people in there to challenge the credentials of anybody they want. you can do that if you don't get
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the right answer. david: shifting congress now, little reluctant now. you are all for this, you don't there's anything wrong with her going out and doing what she wants to do. >> exactly one person has ebola, car into charlie's brother, he is getting better every day. david: is a there is no justification for quarantine. >> iamb in many people of the presumption of liberty. the presumption is would make our own choices. in the government wants incarcerate her because they think she is sick, the government has to prove she is sick. david: the issue of voter fraud, you do richard nixon pretty well. >> in the modern era, swung by
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voter fraud 1960, nixon lost to jfk. the orchestra did voter fraud and it was exactly this, the machines were rigged. david: they were lovers. >> every voter who entered those machines went back for mr. kennedy. >> that was the jimmy hoffa deal. david: mayor daley was the one. >> you are right, that doctors getting amazing hair at bellevue. david: appreciate it. americans out of work looking for jobs. after the break, to businesses looking to hire. stay tuned for that.
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can you start tomorrow?
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yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live...
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charlie: a couple stocks to show you. take a look at gun maker near a two-year low at reporting weak
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sales. and look at weight watchers down 40% as it continues to lose members. they make hazmat suits, company says monkey production jumped 50% from august and is on track to double by january. two companies current looking to hire new employees. starting with the asian restaurant on your list. >> initial claims coming out today continuing claims to rise. unemployment is still not as strong as it could be. i can find jobs. david: it is a kind of jobs and the pay of those jobs. >> this is an asian restaurant company expanding to two locations across the united states looking for cashiers, coax, workers, stuff like that. maybe not high-paying work, but 150 employees by the end of the year and are mostly out west. three guys from seattle decided
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they wanted to open this chain on the west coast. david: sports clips. >> this is a different situation. wages are little bit higher in this company. they do haircuts and things for men and four boys and things like that. 357 jobs by the end of the year. store managers, stylus can make 25-40,000 per year. 60-80,000 if you are a manager. you may or may not get the benefit. >> some girl cuts your hair while you are watching sports. david: great, what is wrong with that? probably a lot of money under the counter. a lot of tip m money that goes unreported. >> in the service industry, another way to do it?
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david: we have to wrap it up. coming up next hour, cheryl will show us to more of the higher-paying jobs available in the job market. his take on voter fraud. president obama, chicago politics and of course no worry, clinton in 2016, the governor coming up next the i. [ male announcer ] you wouldn't leave your car unprotected. but a lot of us leave our identities unprotected. nearly half a million cars were stolen in 2012, but for every car stolen,
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david: check the big board, nice and healthy up 3 digits on the dow come a lot of that has to do with visa. these are and mastercard issuing restrictions on cards. this giving the stocks a boost. jo ling kent is here with the details. it is not about what has been good for visa through china but what might be. >> the chinese government putting out a statement they are interested in opening of the market to foreign and domestic credit card company. no timeline, which is important to point out, but it could happen. right now the terror landscape is dominated by union pay. if you go to any major city, including th new york, you wille the union pay logo.
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david: i don't know much about credit cards in china. what kind of credit cards do they have? >> it is all union patriot david: because the communist government restricts that? >> because of the government restrictions and taking restrictions right now. if you use visa or mastercard you can use it if you have a hong kong or america dress. but a lot of electronic payments are doing very well. visa and mastercard can do very well. david: interesting bid democratic senator up for reelection in north carolina. she has been distancing herself from president obama. she did an interview with the local tv station when asked if barack obama was doing a good job, she said once again this election is not about the president. he is not on the ballot. in the interview asking again is the president doing a good job.
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she said i think we look at what has happened in our country today whether it is afghanistan, iraq, the issue right now is isis, ebola, cementing that hit our country he has a very difficult job. rich edson joining us from the white house. the president out campaigning again today. there is a reason for that. >> he is campaigning for gubernatorial races. safe democratic areas. a political asset, so they are deploying him to areas to campaign in gubernatorial races. these areas in louisiana, north carolina, these other places the president has no place to go and candidates like senator mary landrieu trying to draw distinctions on energy policy from with the president's policy has been.
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the whole secret behind it is the approval ratings. but the the latest fox news poll. that is nationwide. if you look at the six or seven states republicans are trying to capture from democrats, those are states president obama lost in 2012, conceivably his poll numbers are considerably lower there than they are nationwide. david: appreciate it. we told you about two cases of possible voter fraud we don't think is going to matter at all, but president obama joking about voter fraud. take a listen. >> because it runs through this friday you don't have to wait until election day. you can vote all week. you can only vote once. this isn't chicago now. david: ha ha ha. we have a guy from chicago running the white house right
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now, and a woman from chicago who may be running for office in the white house. do you think they will have some shenanigans leading up to that race if she does run? >> you can count on it being a tough effort. with democrats there is a thick line between get out the vote and get out your dead. david: i was thinking of monty python. we should mention for those who don't know, you told me this great story about when you were elected lieutenant governor, you went to your office for the first time expected to walk right in because it was arkansas, used to republicans in arkansas and the history of the clintons, what happened? >> the door was nailed shut on the inside and we couldn't get in.
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we thought they were kidding, but it literally was nailed shut from the inside and as a result we had to wait 59 days before the democrat secretary of state removed the nails and allowed me to get in. when i did, all the furniture had been removed, the budget was zeroed out and office equipment removed as well's we started with an empty room. that was my welcome to politics in arkansas. david: was bill clinton governor at the time? >> he had become president. that is how i became lieutenant david: it was still sort of the legacy of the clintons. what happens when you combine that arkansas style with hillary chicago style of doing politics? >> you're going to see plenty of
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your own blood. it will always be done with a smile but don't ever kid yourself. machine they have built, they know how to play hardball. operatives whoever is running against them had better be prepared for a game on atmosphere. david: will you be prepared to run against a machine like that? >> the good news if i were to do it, it is possible, at least i know what i might be getting into. it wouldn't be my first time to stick my face in the fast-moving fan blades. david: assume for a moment if you are not running and you were given advice republican who is running against the clinton regime, how do you fight fat? >> keep one eye open when you sleep at night. the honest answer is there is
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going to be a level of opposition research done about you, the extent of which the fbi and nsa combined one not have accomplished it. you have to be prepared they have to be some very tough things thrown at you, but that has become par for the course in politics. it causes a lot of people not want to run for anything but it would be very prevalent in a race that will encounter the machine. david: fastener seatbelts, it is going to be a bumpy ride. appreciate it. we have some breaking news to bring you. video from a static camera shot a little while ago from this scene in wichita, kansas, where a small plane has crashed into the building. this instructor says the plane was a hawker jet and two people
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were unaccounted for. this is a live look right here. this will give you an idea of what is actually happening on the ground. there is a lot of activity. we don't know what the details were about the crash, the information is still coming into our news sources. where it happened or perhaps whether it was related as you can see the sky is absolutely crystal clear, so doesn't seem to be a weather-related problem at all. we will bring you more details as we get them on fox business. a nice healthy gain on the dow as we have said, a lot of that has to do with visa, getting a big kick today because of earnings and chilling talking about doing business in china. not so necessarily over the s&p,
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but the s&p has come up because of what is happening on the dow. gold rush on the discovery channel very popular. after the break the most successful old minor on the show telling us how much money he actually makes digging the stuff out of the ground. >> every hour we are not sleeping is an hour we don't get back. we have got to go for it. we will do what it takes to make that happen.
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nicole: i'm nicole petallides with the dow jones industrial brief. 17,100, a lot of that is visa. the nasdaq in fact is negative territory down. these are coming out with great numbers for the quarter, that is up 8.6%. coca-cola, merck, pfizer, rounding out the top five in the dow jones industrial average. watching walmart testing a program to match online deals. amazon, best buy, target and walmart all have of a row. concern from some analysts going
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forward. $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪
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>> dragons. david: "how to train a dragon 2". still typing up on deals with
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oil. at a two-year low. note that means, gasoline still falling about a penny per gallon per day. the national average $3.01. cheapest gas is philips 56 in springfield, texas, $2.29 per gallon. check the price of gold, if you're holding gold you must be trying a little bit today. gold way down, $27 well into the 11 handle. some people wondering if it will go in triple digits. it is not a good day for you. we beat up on millennials, but where we have a 20-year-old working extremely hard mining gold. take a look at this clip. >> trying to start a night shift on the planet. 24/7, start pumping this stuff through it. >> don't agree with running
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24/7. david: joining me from "gold rush," parker. good to see you. how old are you now? >> i am 20. david: have you made your first million? >> working on it. we spent it infield. david: what is the cost of an operation like this? >> we did 1000 ounces of gold, at that event it was worth a lot more than it is now. like $1.3 million. now it is not. david: what were your costs? >> it was our first season, so we have a lot of startup costs. david: did you cover the startup costs? >> not quite. we bought a lot of equipment.
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david: so you are starting even now and make the same amount, with the cost of the employees, how many employees? >> last season there were six of us. david: you have cost for fuel and stuff like that, if you make 1.3 or more, how much are you expecting to make? >> usually 20 to 30%. last season we didn't quite hit that, this season we're going for 2000 ounces. trying to get a night shift going like that. david: i am sure you are working sometimes 20 hour days. >> you can stay alive and still do that. david: but you are working as hard as you can. a 20 something, work very hard. i love gold, by the way. goes down. i wear gold ties, but having
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done that, can't make more money if you work in the computer field or oil prospector north dakota or something? what is it about gold that is so attractive? metaphysical about that? >> i don't really get into that. that is the way we make money. >> how do you make 20% profit margin? the price of gold going down so much. >> what we do is unpredictable. the ground we are mining we don't know what we will get out of the ground. >> that is your ballpark. >> trying to process x amount of yardage should have this amount of gold.
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>> 20% is what you are shooting for? so you don't make it? >> not yet. david: do you get some money out of the show? >> some. that helps. paying $4.90 per gallon for diesel. david: and your 94-year-old grand dad must be pretty proud >> he is the one who started it. he is still going strong. david: take care, good to see you. >> thank you. david: partnering up with country superstar brad paisley b.they are very popular. in new york. we have the ceo coming up next. former mayo mayor of boston has. he had a battle with cancer, recently spread to his liver.
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you can see him right there in the middle be at the attended news conferences in wheelchairs. man of boston dead at 71. means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm.
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david: back to the markets now, we have an ipo. boot barn, the stock is up. joining us now the ceo, jim conroy be at congratulations. tell us what you make and why new yorkers are crazy about it now. >> thank you for having me on the show. boot barn is a lifestyle retailer, western and work product. we have 24 states around the country. david: that is what you do. charlie gasparino is here, why aren't you wearing a cowboy stuff right now. >> one of those nameless, faceless floor guys. >> i had my stuff on earlier. >> why new yorkers? i remember back in the '80s there was a cowboy fad going on. are you hoping we are getting back into that?
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>> the fad isn't the main part of our business. we sell booth, workwear and blue jeans to consumers in the 48 states around the country. our product for the most part replenishment, replacement items, consumers come to us when they wear through their boots or genes. david: what is the stock symbol? >> it is boot. david: go figure. congrats, man. thank you a lot. new at noon, much more on the midterms and the author who says non-fat diet craze is out of date. you have to eat more meat. cheese is good, eat up.
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dave: voters first greeted with the economy, bad enough for the party in power but many voters egging frustrated with what they see as our second rate standing in the world particularly as our enemies appear to be winning and allies are getting fed up with us and why shouldn't they be? this week there was a report of obama officials hurdling insults at our is really allies and got this lame response from the state department. >> anonymous sources in all your stories every single day. if we spend all our time focused on that effort we wouldn't be working on diplomacy. our focus is on continuing to work closely with israel, on their security, continuing to work for many areas of disagreement. >> but this administration -- dave: they don't care about a leaker unless he is from fox news. will this play a part in the election teach our next guest thinks it will. dan henninger error, one of the president's harshest critics says this could be one of those rare elections with foreign-policy will play a role
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in the outcome. our 2 starts right now. we will get to the great dan henninger in a moment but we want to update you on this breaking news. the smoke coming out, this is a scene in wichita, kan.. a small plane has crashed into a building, mid continent airport. this is a twin-engine beechcraft king air reported losing engine power, at 10:00 a.m. this morning. it crashed into a building on airport property while attempting to return to the runway. no word on injuries. a flight instructor says two people are unaccounted for. we will keep updating you on this information as soon as it comes in here. checking of the big board, nice rally in the upside direction. the dow jones industrial is up
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150 points. again we remind you of these up big time today. visa is a big component of the dow. china is easing credit card restrictions and that is giving visa and mastercard a papa. the broader markets are negative. look at the nasdaq. it is down 4 points. the s&p was down but apparently the dow has brought it up a little bit, it has turned positive but not by much. the gold is down by a lot. big day after janet yellen stop the printing presses yesterday. it is down even more into an 11 handle. check oil, near a two year low, makes gas prices go down falling at any gallon per day. the average is $3 and a penny. nazi dan henninger. wall street journal editorial board. he says national security will hurt the democrats five days
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from now and he joins us. very unusual in my memory for a midterm to turn on foreign policy. >> all of a sudden in the last couple weeks you have at least five republican senate candidates raising the issue of national security. arkansas, colorado, new hampshire, north carolina, othello. all those candidates are pressing, democratic incumbent opponents with barack obama's record on national security and what they are doing is suggesting the world is in crisis in the middle east, islamic state, ukraine, problems in china and east asia and you sat there while barack obama led us into one crisis after another and has handled incompetently. dave: while the middle east is burning we are insulting the one democratic ally, calling israelis powers, the obama administration, i don't know many obama officials who fought
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in any war. every is really citizen, surrounded by jihadists. how can someone from the obama administration called cowards. >> it is barack obama's modus operandi. he is upset with benjamin netanyahu because the israelis will not bend to his will, his view of the world. netanyahu does not want to do business with hamas or has the lead in the same way the republicans will not bend to his will. barack obama goes out and criticizes you in public or his surrogates do that. dave: chicken crap is what one of his officials called benjamin netanyahu. the word coward. what that does to me is emphasized the they have no idea what carriage is. >> a lot of these democratic senators are saying this is barack obama's incompetence. why are we getting tagged and blamed for the way the
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administration is conducting foreign policy. his world view is their world view. the democrats historically, and that legitimizes spending defense dollars on u.s. presence, they would rather take a few defense budget and refloating to domestic spending. but it is a high risk foreign policy because if you never commit you will run the risk that things will pop in the world and that is happening right now. dave: is not just foreign policy. is our standing in the world which is more than foreign policy. it is how we look to the world that if you see the way we bumble around with issues like ebola, that in itself causes people to doubt our fortitude. >> the specific problem with obama's attitude is he doesn't want to be involved and he allows these problems to grow into a crisis.
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that happened in ukraine and the middle east. then he addresses them but it is already a flame and that is why the american people have been marking him and the democrats down on foreign policy and it will hurt them. dave: timing is everything and all these issues come to the 4 five days before the elections though it will clearly have some impact but does that carry through to the presidential election in two years? >> i think it could. if the republicans sustain the new attitude they have towards a more muscular foreign policy, then it could put hillary clinton on the defensive. i am a little bit worried that some of these republicans are going to after they are elected the party will say the american people are no longer willing to be engaged in the world and we have to be careful. we do have to be careful but ebola has made it clear that problems over is there come to haunt us in the united states. is what nick state is recruiting
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people online and jihadists are moving in places like new york, major hassan in fort hood. problems over there are problems over here and republicans have to make that clear. dave: has hillary been at all successful in divorcing her role in the obama administration from the role the united states is in the world with all the negativity? >> she will try to end -- dave: has she been successful? >> of person who has been secretary of state for four years while this was happening -- dave: hard to accomplish. >> difficult to separate herself from that other than repudiating obama's foreign policy which would be repudiating one of the stellar points on her resume. dave: the big reset button with the russians. she was there at the airport when the families of those who were slain in benghazi came back and was still blaming of the video. >> the pivot to asia was just reported last 24 hours that next
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year there will not be an american aircraft carrier in east asian waters. they're saying they don't have enough money to go to the middle east. people are disturbed that there will not be a u.s. military presence next year in asia. dave: i love television but those were great years. the issue most important to voters according to the latest fox poll is the economy and it grew 3.5% in the 2% rate for the year. we had that lousy first quarter. john weightfields says things are licking up. choir americans looking down. >> we look at the gdp projections they were almost double what we had for the last couple years. reality is 50% with the white house and administration said was going to happen. this will be as rosy as they
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can. i listened to you with charlie gasparino. i agree with what you are saying that these numbers were not bad but not good. that is what we're seeing with everything, jobs, the economy, across the board. in a long slug here. it is better than a recession but not the booming recovery they try to spin it to be. dave: in wall street things are good, very good and i am wondering because of affect the economy grew -- we are always talking about the disconnect between wall street and main street but a 3-.5% growth shows something more than wall street going on. >> yes, there is. in the middle of the country, fossil fuels from west texas to north dakota, you can't get a home to rant in texas now. they're running out of water which is a separate problem but the growth is phenomenal. that place is dead. i grew up in the 70s and 80s. you see a rejuvenation across the middle corridor of the country. lot of positive things are
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happening in the country. and some pockets -- is back let's talk about chrysler. may be a minor issue compared to the dishes but we want to ask because shares started trading a couple weeks ago. now is spinning off a ferrari brands and yesterday it was a huge as a result of that ferrari news. to date is supple little bit too. the you have a moral objection to investing in a company that taxpayers for a ride. we gave the a 40% of chrysler and they paid a pittance for the rest of it at taxpayers' expense. sergio marchionne was viewed as a hero for doing everything he can. the revenue moral objection to that. >> don't know about investing. investing in tobacco stocks of gambling stocks. i do have a moral objection to buying. i would definitely buy a ford over a gm, they are making better cars but i like the fact
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that ford did not a government money and did not need a bailout. hazmat good to see you, thank you very much. back to chris christie from new jersey, last hour, we question whether his outburst, and toughness the country needs. let's play that, you can't play this too much. >> turnaround, get your 15 minutes of fame and take your jacket off, roll up your sleeves and do something for the people of this state. 23 months since then and value have been doing is flapping your mouth and not doing anything. you want to have a conversation later i am happy to have it. until that time, sit down and shoot up. dave: liz macdonald spoke to some chris christie officials. liz: they don't like the nickname superstorm christi, beating like an oil refinery explosion. what is missing is the gentleman was giving facts about the lack
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of a, the dollar amount of aid going to superstorm sandy victims. chris christie himself admitted admitted there was slow-moving getting recovery aid to individuals, but the inability to debate voters on the facts. is a pity that talented politician continues to demean himself and his office with his lack of civility. the personal -- dave: these are even his people? liz: the personal insults that continue to characterize his public appearances is of concern. this gentleman did invite him to dinner to debated anti scoffed. dave: the gentleman had a record of public service. was questioned about that. not believe the facts were misplaced but the personal invective is were misplaced. dave: he worked at asbury park
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as an offical. also worked on the superstorm sandy cleanup himself so again and again. it is a pity this talented politician continues to demean himself and his office and the unforgivable lack of civility and the personal insults that continue to characterize his public appearances that is of concern. dave: got to pull the back a little bit. it is the most popular story in the wall street journal, it says eat fat. fat is good for you. the offer of that article coming up next. can you start tomorrow?
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yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow.
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i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves.
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dave: quote full that wal-mart shares. the market is way up, shares are down just 0.9%. walmart is announcing it is closing 30 andperforming stores in japan. this was one of the most promising markets that didn't turn out today. overseas sales make up a third of total business and also making a big shift to online sales. it was that they worth pointing out. what is going on with weight
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watchers? nicole: this is about going forward. it is not about the latest quarter where they cannot with earnings per-share that beat the st. louis stock is down 15.5%. that is a big move. when you talk to the analyst at credit suisse, the analysts, it is not clear about new products or marketing initiatives. what they got out of that. margins were moderately worse. this guidance going forward caused uncertainty which is why you see the big sell-off. dave: the only u.s. company making crash test dummies, and studies show a beast drivers are 70% more likely to die in a crash so he is making his dummies a little fatter, raising we from 167 counts to 270 pounds.
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he says this will help carmakers improve safety standards for 70% of americans who are now considered overweight or obese. forget everything you ever heard about that, especially meat and cheese being bad for you. that is what the next guest says. join us is the author of the big fat surprise. bottom line, fat is good. >> high fat diet is far better for weight-loss, diabetes and finding her disease and a diet low in fat. dave: wasn't this the atkins diet years ago? it was all meat and vegetables and no potatoes or french fries. >> you can get your fat from meat, dairy, eggs and a number of sources. there were no clinical trials to show that he was right but now there's a large body of clinical trials show the diet works. dave: what about overall health.
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ids to have as my gp cardiologists to was very much against high cholesterol and there's a relationship between fat and high cholesterol. >> you would lose weight but paid for with architect on the line. that turned out not to be true. your heart disease markers improve a low-fat low carbohydrate diet as well. a number of studies have shown saturated fat, they look at the saturated fat and and saturated fat and it does not cause heart disease as we thought. dave: what if you meet the wishy need every day? i used to go to argentina and they have me for breakfast lunch and dinner. >> americans used to have key bone steak for breakfast and we have avoided meat for your years because for half a century we thought only saturated fat was thought to cause heart disease, that it turned out not to be true. dave: mother said everything -- too much of anything is that.
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every new breed a could not be good for you. >> meat and dairy are incredibly nutritious noon treated dense food. dave: if you need every day? >> nothing to show that. dave: the edge liz: bacon is a gift from god. but why does it work that way that that is better than carbohydrates? >> mainly that carbohydrates, we have been told the big bottom side of the food pyramid, sensed by the u.s. government, 60% of our call of the calories in carbs. carbohydrates convert to blood, triggers the release of insulin which is the king of what makes us that. dave: my wife would kill me if i didn't ask this question. my wife claims that fat is good for the abortion. is that true? >> is true. in trials when they reduce saturated at people at high rates of suicide and accidental death and there's something
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about cholesterol depletion in the brain which leads to depression. dave: you made as all feel better. millions of americans, this is not renews, are still of work but there are companies hiring. we will tell you about two of those companies coming up next. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. enagage with us.
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dave: avon sales dragging on shares, down 7%. craft profit falls as on the upside, debut at the nazi up 52%. we spoke to the ceo. he wasn't wearing a cowboy hat. we disappointed but stock was doing well. let's bring back cheryl casone. she is two more companies that are hiring and these two are a bit higher pay and. >> you sabots stetson cowboy hats. the last hour of the company we should you with the service sector jobs for the most part.
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technologies place works is based in austin texas, and aggregate company that puts these it professionals together, technology geek things, a big business. maliki jobs open nationwide. these are higher paying jobs. the average salary 60 can end up, and software engineers, developers, and silicon valley, breakfast, taco monday, bagel friday and things like that. that is one of the indicative stories. you could do technology or anything. dave: now people in the marriott. >> we have been growing the company. a new hotel.
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you have almost 5,000 now. food and beverage guest services, they also need engineers, people who can work in a corporate headquarters in virginia and d.c. texas, ohio, california. he is very unfocused, basically the benefits are very strong no matter what job you have. now and she conscious decision to remove pornography, to stop the delivery of newspapers to the room. they turned themselves into a family friendly hotel and that is expanding. dave: it works for marriott. we got to leave it at that. thank you very much. democrats meanwhile are running away from president obama, not just politicians but this time his core supporters, the base are walking out on him. more on that next. >> early voting runs through this friday. you don't have to wait till
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election day. you can vote all week. you can or leave vote once. this isn't chicago now.
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dave: updating of the news of wichita, kan. a small plane
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crashed into a building, we're told two people were killed. we suspected the worst. it has happened, at least four are unaccounted for. we don't know if it is a result of being in the building. the f a a said this was a twin-engine beechcraft king air reported losing engine power. just after takeoff at 10:00 a.m. local time. the aircraft crashed into a building on airport property while attempting to return to the runway. we will provide updates and details. yahoo! the senior vp of sales, this is yahoo! which is trying to turn around its ad game, very big task at hand, taking someone on from an online bridal. amazon. to the broader market, the dow jones is up triple digits knew the day's highs. you can call it a rally if you want but it is mostly did to one stock which is doing well.
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visa, a big component of the dow. we say visa is adding 120 points to the dow right now so if it wasn't for visa we would see probably a 30 point gain. visa is doing well because china is easing credit card restrictions giving visa and mastercard which is up a nice 7 those are up. not so with gold. gold is down big time. i am afraid because the fed announced it was stopping the printing press or part of it and it is down a hefty 2%. over 2%, $25.50 on an ounce of gold. oil near two year low. it is trading at $81.12, down 1-3%. gas fallen about a penny a gallon. it is $3.01. thought you should see that year ago. the $2 club keeps getting bigger.
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these are all the states and average price for regular, 21 states at last count. is a busy day "after the bell". got it all covered at all angles. linkedin, starbucks, go pro. you can watch me and liz claman and 4:00 p.m. eastern time. big day. japanese auto parts supplier heading to court in miami, four deaths are blamed on a faulty air bags that they may, it million cars recalled in a class-action suit. jeff flock is in chicago for more on this. jeff: class action lawsuit hearing in miami today, their meeting with nixon in d.c. with regulators and a lot of questions about whether regulators have done enough about this because there is some evidence the company knew about this as far back as 2001. if this is true based on the number of recalls this could make the way gm handled its faulty ignition problem look like they did a good job with it. under a lot of fire right now.
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this is mainly honda vehicles. they with the largest consumer of these airbags. just so you know what we're talking about the air bag is a very sophisticated piece of equipment in a car. it has to essentially inflate in milliseconds and there is evidence that these things have been inflating and exploding the canisters and essentially doing a shrapnel wound on people's that had little fender benders that caused the air bags to deploy. dave: are democrats running away from president obama? crowds are walking out of speeches, this one in particular he was giving in wisconsin when he began to slander republicans people walked out. maybe that is because that is not the number one issue for americans. according to fox news 43% believe the economy is the most important issue facing the country right now. blood feud author ed klein is with us to talk about this. the number one issue we were talking in the break, how all
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this is affecting the psyche. the way the president feels can affect the way he performs. >> i have been doing some reporting on this issue. valerie jarrett's closest adviser says that she has never seen the president as listless and lacking in fire. >> this is a direct quote to you from her? >> there was a debate in the oval office between valerie and the president, come on, get out there. campaign, don't believe these polls, they are skewed, skewed to democrats. to democrats and white people, not -- you should get some balls
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if you will and campaign. he has not responded to this. dave: he is going out and campaigning. interestingly not in the key states. i thought that was primarily because the handlers of the democratic party were concerned that he could be a drag on those candidates. >> inside the white house they believe bill clinton and the clinton group have been spreading the word that the president is toxic and they are furious about clinton doing this. they think this is all part of the clinton strategy to separate the democrats from the president for the hillary run. dave: the president -- you have to ask, hillary, the question rapidan and anger, how successful has hillary been in disassociating herself from the president's policies when she was right in there as secretary of state with the reset button with the russians and the
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benghazi victims, she plays a huge part in that which he is getting slammed 4. >> four years as his secretary of state, it will be a hard sell for her to go out and say i didn't have anything to do with this. dave: this story that the clintons may be spreading this poison may have truth to it. >> the fact that they believe this has some truth to it. i believe they think that bill is really behind the president's lack of popularity within the democratic party right now. we know there are some real reasons why democrats don't want to be associated with him. this has been widely reported. ebola, his bundling of that, isis, ukraine, the economy being number one but also a sense the president doesn't have the fire in the belly used to have. dave: he is still the commander-in-chief and president of the united states.
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there have been cases in the past where a president's depression affected his behavior. withdrew woodrow wilson or richard nixon, that is bad for the united states of america. it could be bad for foreign policy decisions, things that he could do like lower the corporate tax which would affect businesses directly. is it possible his performance as president will be negatively affected? >> i think so. in his book dreams from my father he talks about losing the election to bobby rush and how he would walk down the street and see in the eyes of other people word loser. i think he is feeling like a loser now and i can you are absolutely right that his depression will lower at effect on his performance. dave: what happens after the election if the democrats take the senate. will he be more combative than he has been? historically we know he doesn't like to debate or discuss the opposition but easygoing to
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become more and closed in this little space where he won't talk to anybody? >> the question is whether michele obama and valerie jarrett will have the effect on him that they are trying to have which -- this is also from my report, shake up the white house staff. they really feel they have to bring in some tough chicago operatives for the last two years. i don't know who they have in mind but surely there will be people who bring a gun to the battle rather than a knife as they say in chicago. dave: terrific reporting, thank you, appreciate it. the latest hit to mcdonald's's brand is the new slogan, loving beats hating. what does that mean? we will try to dissect that next. how could switchgrass
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in argentina, change engineering in dubai, aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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nicole: i am nicole petallides, the dow jones industrial average not far off the session highs. of 150 points. it is a gain of 1%. the s&p 500 up 1/3%. with the dow winners, the second
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new high and came out with a numbers of 9%, coca-cola, pfizer, american travelers among the leaders on the dow jones industrial average. tough day for elizabeth arden and avon products. both of these hit new lows today. avon is down 7.3%. elizabeth arden down 1/3%. these are names to watch. groupon, linkedin and starbucks report after the bell.
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dave: we talked about the dow but look at gold, almost exactly $1,200, a big drop-off of yesterday's drop which was because of the dollar firming and that because of the fed firming, getting a little more hawkish but $1,200 gold into the 1100 handle. let's bring in dan from the cme. how much further does gold dropped? >> the reason well we have seen is 1180, that can easily be done. if you look at gold, what has done the past week particularly in october, we had this year premium built in that the economy was going to drop because of europe and everything else, that is gone, the economy has done well in inflation -- the question becomes will interest rates go up. dave: is anything else pushing
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it with regard to supply and demand? >> not supply and demand. the dollar has a lot to do with it and the reality is the economy has grown right. if you look at the town of the minutes we had yesterday they are a little more hawkish and that is what people are looking at. dave: thank you. the san francisco giants winning the world series last night to a large part to pitcher madison baumgartner. he won the ndp award, came off of two days rest and chevy give him a new truck. the 2015 chevy colorado was recalled for defective air bags a month ago. oh oh! we hope chevy fixed the problem before they handed over the keys. as long as he can roll down the window to spit out his chewing tobacco. was bidding the whole time he was being interviewed. mcdonald's's new slogan, loving
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be taking. it is not resonating to customers. denise, author of what great brands do. i couldn't figure out the slogan. could you? >> it is quite problematic and it is problematic on several levels. first of all, it has nothing to do with the product or the brand or the experience of mcdonald's. it has -- it drops the n and the gs, sound like they are trying too hard to be cool. also taking an opinion on a social issue which i am not sure is appropriate for a fast-food restaurant. dave: a social issue? which social issue? loving is better than hitting but that is not a social issue. >> they are trying to speak out against the negativity out there on the internet and the hate but i will save the most problematic
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-- mcdonald's has more bigger problems to deal with than an ad campaign. they are buying a spot on the super bowl to run this campaign. last year that cost $4 million apiece. why not fix the problem is a company is having, >> and tunnels, movies are made about how the food is bad for you. is it a good strategy to roll out an ad campaign that has a mixed message where people admit people are hitting their product but love it anyway. >> it is a mixed message. but nestle, the week before they launched the question and answer campaign, our food, your questions, they invited people to submit questions about mcdonald's foods. that to me is a much smarter way of addressing the concerns people have about mcdonald's. dave: i want to get you on
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another subject. samsung, they are revamping their phones to take on competitors like apple which seems impossible to do. to the stand any chance at all. >> it is not just -- apple is giving them strong competition on the high end but samsung is also facing market pressure on the low end, low-cost chinese competitors, lenovo, it is hard for a company not to offer apple atop end design and functionality but at the same time come out with lower-cost products that appeal to the losses in these international markets. very difficult to do both and obviously they're not doing either right now. dave: hard to fight against that. the apple products sometimes seems to be a better product long term. finally coca-cola, their sales have dropped in the u.s. especially since obesity went
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up. they're selling to overseas. maybe that will work. they're not as self-conscious in places like china and other parts of europe as we are. >> probably not but that is the kind of impression western markets want to have on these emerging eastern markets? it doesn't seem like a smart strategy from coke's perspective. they need international growth. they need to focus on making their products more relevant to consumers in the u.s.. the things coke used to stand for like usefulness, freshness, all those things are not what coke is today and they need to offer products that appeal to people here. dave: the only time coke stood for holiness, i don't know if you remember but when you were sick to your tummy your mom would give you cough syrup. that is the only time. i should mention dr. pepper is another company whose name could
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be associated with bad eating habits, made a very good transition. their stock is up so it can be done. >> they have more of a cool factor and that is what coke is missing. dave: thank you very much, appreciate it. new polls are out and if college kids show up to vote the majority of them will end of voting republican. that is what their report says. the 4 port coming up next. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro.
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your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. enagage with us.
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dave: midterm elections four days when the latest polls on millennial voters showed 51% for for a republican controlled congress. never thought i would say that. 20% say they will vote this midterm. kelly joins us now, were you as shocked as i was to see this? >> i was absolutely shocked, particularly when you compare it to 2010 when 43% of millennial voters preferred republicans. mark improvement for the gop. the general populace of young voters, a large majority preferred democrats as opposed to republican so this is only one definite voters. dave: do they finally put together -- i have a millennial living at home, 22-year-old, you
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can survive on your own with minimum-wage out there. she finally put together the policies, political, economic policies with political parties and realizing the people in power have not let her live outside her home. >> you have a very smart millennial at home because the general millennial population has not put together that. dave: forgive me for interrupting but isn't that what this poll shows? they're putting that together. >> this is definite voters in the polls. definite voters ig of the meaning individuals who do understand the political process. these are midterm voters, not general election voters. when you look going forward to the presidential election is a different game. republicans have to define themselves in an appealing way. dave: is the political predilection of this poll showing millennial willing to vote republican because they're
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fed up with current debt policies, not because they like republicans that they dislike what they have? >> that is exactly right. look back to the polls over the summer, millennial prefer elizabeth, hillary clinton and joe biden before they will never appear for a republican. republicans have a long way to go. they have an opportunity but they have a long way to go. dave: is there any republican politician who they like? >> rand paul. i hear it on campus every day. they love rand paul. dave: good to see again. more varney coming up next. hi, are we still on for tomorrow?
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tomorrow. quick look at the weather. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow.
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distancing themselves now from the president. i think that is absolute. joining us now is deirdre bolton to take you through the next hour. deirdre: great to see you, thank you very much. new data points show the u.s. economy growing more than expected. what it means for investing in gold and other hard assets? south korea's samsung logging lowest profits in nearly three years. we're going to tell you how much the slowing hand set business is to blame? hbo may pick a partner as it offers apple tv, microsoft xbox, just a few of the contenders. apple's biggest smartphone competitor is samsung and the global market share leader is reporting a profit drop. jo ling kent is with me for more. lack luster sales of the galaxs 5. is this the reason? >> a lot to do with it. phone shipments dropped 8%.


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