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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 24, 2014 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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maria: next week more earnings but we are watching the stress tests, european central bank will bring of the result of all the banks to fail. a lot of people expecting 25 banks, at least more than 20 to fail the european stress test we will learn on sunday and see market reaction monday. that is it for "the opening bell". let's get to "varney and company". stuart: ebola arrives in new york and so does lone wolf terror and the market shrugs. at least for now. good morning. ebola and terror hurt stock prices, not so far today. that may change. it is friday and some may not risk their money over the weekend.
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the e issues remain the same. the government is slow, troubled response to the ebola threat and the government's reluctance to acknowledge terrorists are now living among us. the performance of the obama government is the backdrop to the election which is two weeks away. today mark stein on terror and votes. votes and to business and herman cain on race and the senate vote in georgia. "varney and company" is about to begin. we are waiting for new york city mayor bill deblasio to give an update on the new york city ebola case. we will monitor it and bring it to you if he develops a news for us. check did big board. surprise surprise, stocks are up. despite ebola and terror headlines may be the fear factor has cooled a the war the markets just wants to go up.
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and point to microsoft and procter and gamble they are the stocks in the dow which are leading the dow 44 points to the upside. stocks are also up despite amazon. look at that. stocks are up big time. kenna of money, $473 million, biggest quarterly losses, but for to% jump in revenue, they spent all of that money and then some. the fire phone, total failure and amazon says they will take a $170 million charge on unsolved phones. look at these ebola related companies. this is a colorful group making some news on the news -- big moves on the news the we do have a new case in new york city. quickly to the price of oil heading south earlier. it touch the dollars a barrel, 87 the 5 as we speak and now friday morning here is your daily economic stimulus report,
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talking about the price of gas, down again, $3.07 is the national average. overnight it is down 1/$0.02. where is the cheapest gas in the country? of all the stations in this great country where is the cheapest? $2.38 a gallon as an end mark station in south carolina. best buddy will tell us which day next week the national average for gas drops below $3 a gallon. back to the stories that are providing the backdrop for today's market action, ebola in new york. dr. craig spencer treating ebola patients in be in the for doctors without borders. he traveled around york city and took subways, he took an uber car, came down with a fever yesterday, he is being treated at new york's bellevue hospital and is the leading trauma center in the city. a man who posted violent
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anti-american brands on facebook caught on tape attacking two nypd officers with a hatchet. one officer in critical condition. fox news confirms he served two years in the navy. police shot and killed him at the scene. this could be a lone wolf terror attack similar to ottawa. mark stein is with us this morning, welcome, good to see you again. i don't think the administration has come clean with the fact that there is a body of people in this country that wants to kill us. they're here and wants to kill us. i don't think the administration has admitted it. >> the term loan wolf is a cop out. i say somewhere in my book that there are card-carrying members of local amalgamated union of lone wolves. this is what is going on. the idea they somehow have to have a membership card in islamic state or al qaeda for it
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to the full the credentialed terror like getting a hair dresser's license in new york state is completely preposterous. that is the advantage of this thing. it is the coolest club on the planet. anyone can join and they will take you -- the guy in quebec had a honda civic. the guy in ottawa had a double barreled shotgun. this guy here has a hatchet. you use whatever you have and join the coolest club in the land. stuart: why can't president obama called it terror, domestic home grown terror? why can't he call it that? why can't we monitors these people? we're profiling if we monitor? >> it is a conscious decision. to modify to pony all jihad is local. that suits them. this is a mentally ill guy in ottawa and this is another guy bit goofy in new york and there is no connection between the two because otherwise you have to treat it like your other big
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story, like ideological ebola and you have to stop the infection and the ideological infection, this president, this administration has no interest. stuart: i don't get that. >> because obama in 2008 won by deciding americans did not want to live in september 12th for another 4 to 8 years and to admit that there's a global ideology that wants to kill us as much as communism or nazi isn't does is too big a leap for him. stuart: state for a second. a lot more to discuss with you. back to the other big story of the day which is the new york case of ebola. a patient, a doctor, some are saying he should have known better or so says our doctor who joins us now.
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you say this doctor, the ebola patient, did he act irresponsibly? >> no question about it. he acted irresponsible, he gets credit for being part of the doctors without borders and going there to help but that doesn't stop right there. this is more than a doctor being irresponsible. we need to learn from these cases not just blame the guy. what do we learn from this? screening. he came from the hot zone. he was in downie three months, he was working with all these high-risk patients, did screening held or not? he came through the border, no fever. everything is fine. he came in and this is a case of tom duncan but he is a combination. if you combine tom duncan's case and the nurse that got into the plane and how the sec felt this case is about that. he had no symptoms, no problem. at that time the new guideline is we were able to trace these
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people for 21 days. in his testimony, dr. stevens said we are able to trace all these people from the hot zone. what is he being traced on? if you are tracing you don't let him go out -- he is not doing a good job. the irresponsible part comes out. stuart: he was feeling ill and went bowling. >> he was checking his temperature and we know fever is not the only symptom you have to worry about. if your body is getting weak the virus is taking over your immune system, you will be really tired. stop going out in public. that is what happened with the nurse that got in the plane. stuart: if he was feeling ill, he got the symptoms, he was able to transmit ebola to people around him, intimate contact with people around him. >> i can't tell you 100% but that is where he is at highest risk. when the symptoms kicking you are contagious. stuart: sorry to cut this short
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but some questions. how did this doctor get it? >> that is my question. stuart: you is over there with doctors without borders. he is treating ebola patients, presumably with hazmat suit all over him. how did he get it? >> that is the secret i am bringing up all the time. everyone is talking about body fluids. we know it is not airborne. how did the nbc camera crew -- i don't know how he got it. 230 doctors and health-care workers have died over is there. they are using hazmat suit. there has to be more to this virus. stuart: when you are raising doubt that it can only be transmitted by close bodily fluid contact. are you raising doubts on that? >> without creating a lot of panic, whenever you say this everybody freaks out. stuart: are you? >> yes. there is of little more to this virus than we see today. we need to be supercauses. why are you going bowling in public? he should have been going to one
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of these biocontainment, they should have watched him for 21 days and said now you are clear. until then, that is when i said close the borders, don't give visas if you can't take care of these people. stuart: last word to you, mark. >> this guy goes to two bowling alleys, gets on the subway, goes and it taxicab. why not take in a broadway show and visit the bronx zoo all in one night and he is an expert. the cdc say we can trace in. you can trace the people in the subway? the bowling alley? this is nonsense. the cdc, this idea -- this is an expert and this is what the guy in the hot sun for three month, this is the frivolous the senate absurdity of the cdc's so-called phrasing which boils down to -- >> we should have doctors with
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borders. >> an excellent frontier. stuart: back to the markets. let me show you apple. record high yesterday. down a little bit. what is going on? nicole: i enjoyed your conversation. you can see apple to the downside. it has hit record highs. the high today was $105.49. it has since pulled back, $104.77. it has been a real winner and it is 30%. stuart: shall we get to my retirement stock? the audience knows what it is. mark doesn't know about my investment in microsoft. revenue up year over year. how is it doing today? nicole: looking pretty bleak. year-to-date 22% to the upside. 35 people -- stuart: i saw it go by $2 higher
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earlier at 47. nicole: the high of the day was actually $46.90. where did you see 47? anyhow, maybe you were hoping for 47. anyhow going through the strong sales on the phones and cloud computing, going to the outlet and doing great. stuart: not a word, not a word. bought microsoft. >> started carrying my book, they lost $473 million. don't go in that one. stuart: democrats losing ground in key states among women voters. victory appears within grasp for republicans. maybe that is why stocks are not taking despite ebola and terror. the latest polls coming the practice is. ♪
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connell: when people on the left are often late and we're waiting for new york city mayor bill deblasio to give an update on the new york city ebola case. you will hear the news right here. check the big board, the backdrop is terror and the
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bullet in new york. the market is a lot 44 points. the price of gold $12.30 per ounce. ups ready to go for christmas. big delays on the holiday season. some didn't get their presence on time. ups invested $500 million to improve their infrastructure. they say they won't the problems this year. stock is up $1.19. proctor and gamble made money last quarter and announced they will be accepting the duracell battery business. stock is up. colgate-palmolive, foreign-exchange rates costing money, makes no never mind for the stock. is a $0.02. new polls from the wall street journal suggests the gop is equal to more ahead of democrats among women voters. first time we have seen that in decades. in colorado republican candidate corey gardner believes his democratic opponent 46% of the
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female vote, mark udall getting 59% in early voting. in arkansas a closer race between time cotton, democrat markets prior was caught nick had by 3 percentage points among women. mary kissel, wall street journal, is here, that is a game changer. >> it is a game change rented is notable in these two states because democrats are pouring money into these races to the left to win. the gop has not had a problem with women writ large. they have a problem with single and married women the these are college-age women, in their 20s and 30s and that is what is changing that is a big problem for democrats. stuart: you get these numbers from early voting. you can do early exit polls it you say yes, to deal vote for? >> the question is why is this
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happening? the democratic strategy has been to demagogue republicans. they hate women and don't want you to have access to birth control, they are against you. that is what you see in colorado and arkansas and texas but first of all the gop is figuring out how to counter those attacks. corey gardner is saying i am for over-the-counter birth control and secondly it is tied for the democrats to explain the pocketbook issues a lot of these women care about. college age women like to get a job, working age women, why can't you get a job or why haven't you got a raise? hard for democrats in the fifth or sixth year of a lousy recovery to say it is the republicans's fault. stuart: when if all the democrats of god as we should ways the minimum-wage that doesn't ring very well with most women i don't sing. >> raising the minimum wage, and lot of women are starting to understand raising the cost of labor means fewer jobs.
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stuart: next topic listen to what alaska senator mark begich set about his support of president obama. here's the quote. i didn't vote for him but that is irrelevant. the president is not relevant. he is gone in two years. that is not just walking away from the president. that is hostile abandonment. >> sprinting away from the president. president obama is saying i am not on the ballot but my policies are. he is saying those things because you wants to motivate the base democratic voter to get to the polls, largely minority voters and women. stuart: that is not working. >> it is not working. you can't run on a record. running against something is not as powerful as running for something. the successful gop campaign, campaigns like corey gardner coming out and saying this is what i am for, this is how i will get the economy on track, this is what i will do on
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obamacare that is the platform the gop needs to have. stuart: very good. >> only my mother calls me married elizabeth. kissel is better. can i call you varney? stuart: is your mother patricia watching? >> i am sure she is. stuart: welcome to the program. look at this. put the dow up fast because we are 57 points. coming with this backdrop of an ebola case in new york and terror in new york. you would have thought the market would be all little wobbly. we have a 57 point game. 57 for the dow industrials. time is money. three stories. first off, redevelopment in the irs scandal, they were targeted by the irs, this lawsuit thrown out because true the vote did eventually get their tax-exempt status. incredible. next, the service that lets you
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rent out your apartment or home, air b&b, valued at $13 billion. in march was $10 billion. this makes it one of the most valuable private companies of silicon valley. i-man shooting what is called musical targets with his rifle. it plays out of the national anthem. t-cells those targets and guess what, can you hear that? it plays a tune. he is on the show at 11:50 this friday morning. he is on. question for congressman peter king on the homeland security committee, also chairman of the counter terrorism and intelligence subcommittee, he is up after the break. which is the bigger threat to us? security, ebola or terrorism? what is the biggest threat to our security, ebola? he is next.
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stuart: pandora, it is an internet radio service. user growth, cure customers signing up. that is not good. down 15%, under $20 a share. oppenheimer giving go pro and underperformance rating and lower the target price. go pro share taking it down 74%.
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the house oversight committee holding a hearing right now to get the latest on the government's response to ebola. rich edson is monitoring this. what have you got? >> government officials say they have improved their responses after the department of homeland security inspector general testified at the agency's stockpile of protective gear will be unusable after next year and the department asks inventory of anti virus improperly storing some of this, and some of these agone to fight it here and back in africa. the chairman of the committee darrell issa acknowledge that and talked about the case that developed in new york here. >> ebola is a serious threat to public health around the world. an outbreak in american city or any major city of the world could be very costly to contain and major economic impacts. yesterday's news was a doctor in new york city tested positive
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for ebola and this is distressing. >> good news one of the nurses that contracted ebola after treating the patient in dallas has been released from the hospital. national institutes of health are about to hold a briefing on that. he is ebola free. stuart: but the performance of the government, the cdc in particular does not look good in the hearing you are reporting on right there. back to you later when something develops. i want to bring in congressman peter king joining us by phone. the congressman is a member of the intelligence subcommittee, knows what he's talking about. two threats. ebola, lone wolf. which do you think is the bigger threat to west? >> long term i would to be no doubt islamist terrorists, lone wolf, because that is going to be a struggle with the enemy, not going to surrender and to we destroy them. i have enough faith in our science and medical communities that we will find a stop to
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ebola. in the short run mysterious mistakes have been made the we are concerned about but in the long run islamic terrorism. stuart: do you think the administration has acknowledged this threat from within? and seen it clearly and is going to confront it? the fact the we have people who live here who want to kill us? >> no. the administration is not. the law enforcement people have, the fbi does and the police do but the president himself seems very reluctant to acknowledge this. he has not called what happened in canada a terrorist attack. stuart: why has the president not acknowledge the threat? >> it goes against his entire liberal upbringing, the feeling that we have to air on the side of caution when it comes to going after -- going -- as far as terrorism -- and abusive american power overseas or here
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at home, not willing to acknowledge there are equal people and right now they come from the muslim community. a small percentage but that is where they come from. stuart: congressman peter king, thank you for joining us on a busy day for you in new york. thank you, appreciate it. may bill deblasio is going to give an update on ebola. we are waiting for his press conference to begin. all late. when he makes news we will report it. terror are arrives in new york city. new york police attacked by a man who posted pro terrorist comments on social media. this as ebola comes to new york. former nypd detective bo dietl liz next. does he think the city is ready? go ahead and put your bag right here.
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to holding onto a game of 57, 58 points. up goes the dell. amazon have been a bad day. they made a loss of $400 last quarter. that fire phone, not selling. failure. no stopping apple, though.
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the stock closed at an all-time high yesterday. shall we get to microsoft? revenue is up 25% year over year. how good can it get? look at it go. ford motor company. it warns its profits will be lower. national average for a gallon of regular is $3.07. the yield of the treasury right there. tear were hits new york city. a man with connections to radical islam attacking with a
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hatchet. should we bring back stop and frisk? >> first of all, we never should have stopped. he took the first swing. hit the cost is not. he took the second swing. my prayers go out to the cops family. here is the problem. we have an intelligence agency. even with the new york city police department worried about the privacy of these parts that are preaching violence and everything else. it is out the door.
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you know what happened in canada, it is coming here. we have to get more into it. he stripped them to their ballot. stuart: you can see the merit and his colleagues. the mayor and his colleagues are about to appear at a press conference in new york city. when that starts, we will go there. do the police have the power that they need to go after potential terrorists? >> what happens now, we have to get guys like peter king to go
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in there and say we have to get measured now. we have to improve our intelligence. we have to get into the internet. stuart: reversing the policies. >> absolutely. stuart: they will not allow intense monitoring. we have to be safe. you have to give up some of your responsibilities to be safe. it is so important. we are a target. guys are in the subway shooting it up. it is going to happen. we should be investigating these
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radical mosques. what are we waiting for? look at what happened to canada with a poor young man. i am really fired up about this. stuart: we hear you. you bring passion to the program. we appreciate it. the senate appears within the grasp of the republican party. will it change with a gop controlled senate? we will discuss it next. e ♪ aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price,
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now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything. nicole: i am nicole petallides with your fox business brief. holding on to some stellar gains today as well. the s&p 500-1960. some of the downwinders today include procter and gamble. goldman sachs with up arrows. the nasdaq is hitting a new low. came out with a third-quarter
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profit. selling off after that though. more "varney & company" coming up. ♪ my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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stuart: this market is gaining a little ground. of 92 points on the dow. a look at some of those ebola accounts. let's get to the election. we are posing this question. six years after, will that antibusiness climate change? apple metro ceo. do we change the business climate in america? no. he has his telephone. what congress can do is cut off his funding.
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republicans have not been that great either. what it does is change the psychology of the business climate. it certainly does for me. it will only be on the base of psychology. >> we closed the show. stuart: i did not see it. stuart: we will get a breakthrough on the drilling. i think it is inevitable.
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it is inevitable. stuart: how much longer do we have to sit on this? >> as long as this guy is sitting in the white house. it changes the world. it will happen, but not by revolution. it will happen but evolution. it inevitably needs to happen. stuart: i am trying my best, as difficult as it is, to be a realist on the ground. the reality on the ground is what determines how it goes. do i know that we will inevitably change that? yes. do i know when? we have a difficult situation in
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washington. stuart: you cannot sit on that engine. one way or another, it does. it is the when, not that it. i am in agreement with you. i almost bust loose on the show yesterday. i had a billionaire on the show yesterday. he says he wants rich people to pay more taxes. roll tape. >> if you have more revenue, you have money you can invest in the middle-class. that is a source of growth and prosperity. stuart: take it from rich people, give it to the government and the government will use it better than rich people. >> absolutely. >> i thought i was watching a fight yesterday. other than stupidity, to your
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guest yesterday, what happens is, and i have seen it time and time again, people reach a certain stature in terms of their pocketbook. they are in a disconnect from the reality on the ground. >> it is not common. there are a bunch of guys that just have this disconnect. let's break that down for a second. give it to the government and they will use it more wisely. they have to pay for overhead. by the time you give them a dollar, you have $0.20 left over to give to the people. that is reality. you have to pay for overhead.
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i am saying, let's break that down. i hope everybody paid a lower tax rate. they had reinvested the money in the economy. you get a lower tax rate. if you put it under your mattress, there is no tax rate. at the 20% capital gain rate, you get that as an incentive to reinvested in the economy. for a man, to say you do better by giving it to the government, then we distribute income. stuart: what a pleasure.
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thank you very much, indeed. i want you to take a look at something. it is a video. you can hear it in the background. it plays out the national anthem. you can do the same. he is up next. see more of this. ♪ she's still the one for you.
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youtube. first of all, meet the ceo of the company that makes it. welcome to the program. >> thanks a lot for having me. stuart: how much? >> we have a few different products. entry-level is $250. a full octave set is $600. stuart: a very limited musical repertoire. >> a much more affordable target. stuart: you have to tell us how many of those lower levels, how
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many sets have you sold? >> a couple dozen so far. stuart: how many of the high-end double octave have you sold? >> probably around five so far. stuart: you have a million views on youtube. if i want to buy, how do i buy? online? >> we have a website. musical stuart: where are you based?
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>> we are based out of denver, colorado. stuart: musical >> that is right. stuart: i am going to double your sales. you just watch. chas, good luck. nice to see you. i have a rally on our hands. mary, i say that that is despite terror. >> these investors are not panicking over ebola. also, i think, there is some and
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it puts the patient of the election in a couple days. stuart: it goes up in preparation of that event. do you agree with me? thank you, mary. we are still waiting of mayor bill deblasio of new york city. there is a hearing on capitol hill about the government's response to ebola. we have a big second hour for you. ♪
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stuart: i saw a bumper sticker the other day. thank heaven we do not get all the government we pay for. well said. two examples dominate the news
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today. the doctor diagnosed with ebola in new york. anti-american rants calling for violence here at home. they seem to be reluctant to acknowledge the lone wolf threat. this is government all the time president. ♪ stuart: is nina pham the first texas nurse to speak about catching ebola.
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that is the young lady. she is out there ebola free, we believe. she was just introduced. it is great to see her back. very good shape. a very good thing, indeed. markets shrugging off. we are up 86 points. we are up microsoft proctor and gamble. pushing the dow up. different story with amazon, though. look at it go down. the biggest loss in 14 years. the fire phone is a gross failure. it is down 21 objects. some minor problems with apple
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pay. it posed an all time high yesterday. those evil of stocks are still volatile. it is a mixed performance for that group today. mr. spencer. thirty-three years old. he tested positive. spencer rode subways, used uber cars, visited a boeing alley the day he'd came down with the fever. >> it does not stop right there. we need to learn from these cases. we cannot just blame the guy. stuart: the other big story of the day is terror.
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the suspect is dead. bo dietl says this never should have happened. >> it is coming here. we have a more need to get into it. >> it makes me so angry. if they had stop and frisk, maybe they would have first the guy. >> he is supposed to be giving another one.
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rich edson is monitoring a hearing on the government response of "imus in the morning." >> it is usually about money on capitol hill. the response needs hundreds of millions of dollars more. listen to this. >> might we be better. yes or no. it could have been applied to the question and answer. mark zuckerberg is far more than most countries have given. let me get this right, a
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democrat says he needs hundreds of millions of dollars more. that is correct. he did not say how much of that had to. he just said that the need was there. congressmen, i was not strictly looking at ebola. even with the new protocol, we will not be put in place until next monday. would it have stopped this doctor getting into america and falling victim to "imus in the e city? >> no. it is not sufficient.
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that is why many of us have called for a travel ban. we need to make sure that we do not needlessly spread. stuart: what was the response of your authorities? how do you think that they did. i think that they did a very subpar job. it is a great concern. i asked in particular about our ability to get our men and women from africa here at home. none today have, painfully. the response i got was we did not yet have the capacity to bring them back to the best care on the planet. it is very disconcerting.
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stuart: would you go to the heart of this matter for us? is it a political problem where the president and the administration is unwilling to take the incorrect action? >> that is a very deep question here. you have doctor lori who is head of an agency that was created in 2006. this is an agency that has been around for eight years. it is clear that they have not coordinated a response necessary to give the american public confidence. the government is doing the right thing. the question of politics here, i will leave others to make that determination.
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i just want to fix this problem. stuart: what is your feeling about the administration's response? what is your response to the administration's response for that? >> regardless of whether or not the president said there is an ongoing war, the fact is, they are still actively plotting and planning against us. whether it is individuals or larger groups. we have to have great diligence with our american law enforcement. we have to make sure that we
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have the best training. the best equipment and the best protocol possible. thank you for joining us, sir. appreciate it. let's get to the market. we have a rally. not the case. it says profits will be lower. that is not good news. nicole: let take a look. profit fell, but it was better than expected. that did actually eat the streets. they did have a full year profit forecast. the aluminum body is actually right on track. it was costly to make the change. that hit their numbers in the latest quarter.
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there were some sales that were lower. a tough quarter, but they did beat the street. they are transferring over to the aluminum bodied truck. stuart: i think it is somewhat of a gamble. thank you very much, indeed. check the price of oil. we are down again. as oil goes down, so does the price of gasoline. we are still at $3.07 for the national average. the cheapest gas in the country right there. $2.38 for a gallon right there. here, from chicago, the man that
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tells us where to find the cheapest gas. here is the question, patrick. the audience knows what is coming. do we see the national average of regular drop below $3? >> i think it started to swell while you were asking me that. i will have to say right around election day. maybe november 4 or five. you were on this program not too long ago saying that it would be next week. i do not want to be too critical. by election day, under $3. that is extraordinary. that is not too shabby. at least one of the interviews, i got it right.
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the cheapest gas is 238. it looks like i am heading down more. you think we will get to a station somewhere that has a dollar 99 regular. >> it is not impossible. so far, it has been tough. i know oil prices are down again today. the longer we go without seeing oil prices break, the less likely it is. we really need to push through that barrier soon, if it is going to happen. >> i will not complain. here is the lineup for that hour. brian will be here.
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the hardest working guy in television. and then we have doctor herman cain on democrats. trying to hold on to the power in the midterm elections. losing ground on women voters. the nfl goes to london this weekend. when will england get a permanent nfl team? will they? getting fed up with amazon's business strategy. start awarding stockholders, please. all of that is coming up. ♪ introducing synchrony financial
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bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us. ghave a nice flight!r bag right here. traveling can feel like one big mystery. you're never quite sure what is coming your way. but when you've got an entire company who knows that the most on-time flights are nothing if we can't get your things there too. it's no wonder more people choose delta than any other airline. can you start tomorrow? yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train.
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big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves.
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stuart: you have to say that this is bad news from amazon. revenue went up 20%. they dumped it all back into the company. they lost money. also, they took a $170 million loss from outside your phone. the stock is getting hammered.
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david nelson with me now. wall street will not tolerate their business model. they will not tolerate it anymore. at some point, you need some food on your plate. they just have not delivered on that front. it was like 94, $0.95 a share. it is very telling. operating margins minus .97%. >> does that mean that they make a loss on most transactions. >> the fire phone was a complete bust. it is not just a story. at some point, you have to get dividends and earnings. i do not think investors will give this company a pass in the future.
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stuart: apple keeps going up and up and up and up and getting better and better and better. >> i own it for all of my clients. it is a very attractive stock even at these levels. you could make an argument that it could go to 150 depending on the way you want to look at it. they have made mistakes in the past. they are in the middle of a massive product style right now. i have been going to the store in ground which. i even know this secret code to use when you walk in the store. you have to call up and say do have an iphone six or an iphone six plus and the walk in inventory? that apparently is a secret word. the walk-in inventory.
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some kind of special inventory. we have some ebola headlines for you. nina pham, this from the hospital today. she spoke just a couple minutes ago. >> i have a special appreciation for so many people. not just the doctors and nurses, but the entire support team. i believe in the power of prayer because i know so many people all over the world have been praying for me. i do not know how i can ever think you for your prayers. >> we think that is a great thing. doctor craig spencer. he took subways. he took an older car. it is a friday.
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do you think that this guy, his doctor is being called irresponsible on this program. unable to contract this disease in wisconsin or nebraska. we feel terrible. how were we supposed to know. he came back on the 12th and was walking around. he had symptoms and kept going. i watched that press conference last night. taking three subways. you have to be kidding me. going boeing twice with a slight fever. he is obviously a superhuman being. you have to be responsible for american as well as africans. stuart: relax. do not panic.
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you cannot get it unless you are very close with a person. >> is no one at the bridal shop got it, that is great. if anyone on that subway get sick, if anyone in herald square get it aside from his girlfriend, clearly, that could be an issue there. i think that will be a huge problem. stuart: we had congressman peter king tell us that terrorism is a bigger concern than ebola. he is saying islamic terrorists. that is much worse. >> i agree. absolutely. he does not believe that they are taking a serious enough.
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>> just got off the radio and i am watching as i am coming down here. the assailants with the acts and an action plan to fill our guys, not a g hardest. where do you mean he is not age of hardest. you are talking to us like we are children. he looked at us, the enemy. attacking law enforcement and attacking the military. >> political correctness, isn't it? >> how politically correct is the family of the officer? we are not idiots. we have been down this. we have 13 years of experience. stuart: hold on there, please. new polls on the pulse of
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america. why young people say they are better off than their parents. next. ♪ smart sarah. seeking guidance. just like with your investments. that sets you apart. it does? it does. you're type e*. and seeking another perspective is what type e*s do. oh, and your next handhold... is there. you don't have to go it alone. e*trade gives you the support and guidance to make informed decisions. are you type e*? i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health.
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a rally. the dow is up 90 points, 16,700. we are monitoring the hearing on the government response to ebola. minutes ago there was exchange with dr. nicole laurie, the official in charge of preparedness. dowdy wants to know why she is not the ebola czar. >> if this were an outbreak uncontested collections in west africa i would say hire mr. klain but it is a medical crisis. why are you not? >> i have a full time job doing my job in the department of health and human services. i appreciate the vote of confidence in mr. klain. >> why not another doctor who is an expert in infectious disease or the delivery of health care? god forbid we pick somebody with a background in medicine instead of a lawyer and in the interest
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of full disclosure i am one. >> with respect i think the role of the coordinator at the white house doesn't recall of a doctor, it requires someone who is expert at coordination and bringing the parts of government together to enhance the coordination. >> i make use this promise and told me to it. the next time there is an opening on the supreme court i want you to see whether or not the president contenders -- considers a doctor or a dentist for that job. we are about to have a vacancy for our attorney general and i want you to consider or be mindful of whether or not he considers a tattoo artist to the next attorney general. i promise he will not. he will pick a lawyer for the supreme court and he will pick a lawyer to be head of the attorney general department of justice. i am at a loss why he would not pick someone with a medical or health care background to be the
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ebola czar. >> along fight but we thought we would run it in its entirety. >> you can tell he is a prosecutor at how good he will be on the benghazi investigation. i saw authenticity, frustration, i don't see a politician. i had a chance to meet him. he is not comfortable with it. we see each other in the halls. we are not looking to score points or talk about ratings. is this as dumb as it looks? for him not to show up, they said some things like what are you going to do it? didn't show up. stuart: the ideology, this is not left versus right or right versus left. this is the performance of government trying to keep us safe from terror and in this case ebola and not doing it right. >> what do we need in this situation? you have more management experts i will meet, on the plastic desk
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which -- a little disappointed. and what we want for example. and what airport in come in on. what is the screening process? can we put in some parameters for medical experts. and the doctor in new york to discipline themselves. will we make a decision on that i'm a political expert. >> he is about to start of the first case of ebola in new york, and see what he has got to say if he is introducing his colleagues, skip that come back to the program but listen to this. >> there is no cause for alarm. new yorkers need to understand
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the situation is being handled and handled well, no cause for every day new yorkers to be alarmed. ebola is an extremely high disease to contract. it is transmitted only through direct contact with the blood or other bodily fluids of another individual, only through that direct and intimate contact can the disease the transmitted. it cannot be transmitted through casual contact. it cannot be transmitted in airborne fashion. new yorkers who have not been exposed to infected person's bodily fluids are simply not at risk. there is no reason for new yorkers to change their daily routine in any way. i want to talk about the people who are here with us at this point and i want to say at the outset every new yorker should be proud of the leaders of the city agencies who have responded
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with extraordinary ability, we should be proud of the men and women who have done the work of addressing this crisis. some months of training and preparation -- stuart: we are going to break away from what the mayor is saying. he is about to introduce his colleagues in new york city. going to break away from that. we get back to the mayor if and when he brings the news conference about the ebola case. brian kilmeade is still with me. you brought up an important point. is sweat about we fluid? this doctor who has come down with people in new york city went jogging in new york city. >> he went bowling. you might kid about bowling but it absolutely is, you are bowling two places in the same night. i am not positive. i love the we talk to these doctors and they're all competent but all have a big
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question mark. we think 21 days is about the right time that might be 41. we think it is bodily fluids that had this expert in africa. and jim will mutate and adjust and a nice point to add to it. stuart: as mayor he came out and started with a flat out reassurance. he is reassuring, which is the mayor's job but i want more details. i want the question answered. is what about we fluid? if i get somebody -- an ebola victim's sweat on me can i get ebola? 5 blow my nose and check if the tissue into a trash can, can somebody who touches that to get ebola. >> those very microphones rudy guiliani, everything michael bloomberg, used to make decisions, maybe if you're making an announcement decides thanking your buddies for doing a great job it has only been 28 hours, how great a job can you be doing? instead of thanking everybody used the time to say here's my
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new program. this is what we're doing at jfk and laguardia. they have to be workforce to quarantine themselves and from now on from three african nations coming over here, just -- it will hurt doctors with borders, when you come back bernard: 1 days until you get out. if you make those decisions you are in charge. stuart: a travel ban which says if you have been in the hot zone in the last 21 days you cannot come to america. you will surely deny new cases coming here. >> rent 33 rooms at a hollywood in, a 33-year-old dr. and you landed. stuart: adam shapiro is live at bellevue hospital with news. >> reporter: discussion of the incubation period on october 15th that tom friedman issued a statement about people who are exposed to ebola.
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he was referring then to the nurse who traveled on a commercial airliner saying cdc guidelines prohibit someone exposed to ebola, medical workers treating someone with ebola from traveling on public transportation. cdc guidance in this setting outlines the need for what is called controlled movement including a charter plane, could include a, but it does not include public transport. on october 15th, two days before dr. spencer returned to the united states the head of the cdc said we will ensure from this moment forward that no other individual who is monitored for exposure and the goes travel in any other controlled movement. it begs the question whether or not doctors without borders was in communication with the cdc educating their staff about cdc guidelines. stuart: very important point because dr. spencer had been working in guinea in the hot zone of west africa, treating ebola people, people who have
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ebola, hands-on treating them, comes back to america, he should have known, he is a doctor, should have known the protocol for the cdc. you don't go on public transportation, that is what the cdc said. >> the head of the cdc referring to amber vinson, the nurse, a group of individuals known to have exposure to ebola she should not have traveled on a commercial plane and reiterating cdc guidance that you do not include transport in the public transportation system. stuart: i am confused. i realize what you are saying and the implications of what you are saying that there's a great deal of confusion about what you should do if you have been there, if you come to america. a great deal of confusion about who is going to impose what standard and once they did you impose on yourself. there is a great deal of confusion. adam: it grows worse because you
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have dr. lowry, the assistant secretary of the department of health and human services who just an hour ago said that ebola response is a work in progress and taking steps as we learn more. stuart: we just heard from the mayor then the patient, dr. spencer, his girlfriend is now quarantined. let's listen in for a moment. >> we have been able to retrace those steps, our teams have visited each of those establishments. i want to emphasize again. and the bottle the fluids of someone who has this disease. before i turn to my colleagues i want to do -- ray is one important point because people in a moment of crisis, what
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should they know. it is important to help new yorkers understand the crucial information that they need. we made clear all the things ebola is not, all the ways it does not transmit but that still does not mean people cannot do something to help in this crisis first. if you or a loved one feel you may meet the qualifications, meaning you have traveled to the three countries in west africa that are affected, in the last 21 days and you have a fever and other symptoms it is crucial to call 911 immediately or the other alternative go immediately to a hospital emergency room. i want to emphasize those are the only two acceptable actions. call 911 or go to a hospital emergency room. did not wait, do not hesitate, do not wait to see if you get better, did not go to a private
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doctor's office, call 911 or go to any emergency room. if a loved one is afflicted and it's those criteria call on their behalf to 911 or bring them to any emergency room. we have no other cases reported that it is important people understand that is the protocol. second, we have to make sure our medical professionals can focus on this crisis properly. they don't need to have false reports or misleading dynamics clogging up their efforts which leads to something every new yorker can do if they haven't already which is to get a flu shot. sounds counterintuitive but it is important. when you have the flu it can seem like the same symptoms as ebola. every new yorker who gets a flu shot not only does it help prevent flu for them and their family but helps our medical teams to not have to deal with
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something that may falsely indicate ebola. that is something every new yorker can do. it will help us to address this public health situation in every new yorker and those now and get a flu shot. i have gone over the precautions' people should take like the flu shot or there's a situation call 911 and the emergency room. i want to say a few words in spanish and turn to our medical professionals. stuart: a couple points. the mayor said you cannot get ebola by casual contact with an ebola victim. you cannot get it by casual contact. i would like to know what casual contact is. i want it defined for me. >> why don't they ever defined that? they say is this. ebola virus flu is like blood,
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sweat, urine if they come in contact with your eyes, mouth, nostril and years, groin area or open wound that is how you get infected. if i am sweating and you have a cut or for some reason i touch you and happen to put my hand to my mouth, a game off. stuart: don't go jogging, don't work up a sweat. if you have got ebola. because your sweat gets on somebody else can affect them. >> if i am sweating and you brush against me and have a cat, according to these reports it looks like that is how you get it. stuart: next case dr. spencer's fiancee, called his girlfriend, she is his fiancee, she is in quarantine, obvious reasons. the mayor before we left the press conference the mayor was saying that out there, get yourself a flu shot because the symptoms of the flu if you get flu, the symptoms are somewhat similar to ebola and medical professionals will get a lot of
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help if that not flooding into the emergency room with the flu as opposed to ebola. that is good advice. >> i wonder where the tentacles will go. everybody was there, the bridesmaids, everybody was there and people -- bowling alleys are close. i don't know if you answered that. tell me right now if you were bold and next to him, use the same bowling balls and you have to go to the hospital now? or 21 days you have to worry if you have this in you? i don't know the answer but frontier airlines had to contact every one of those passengers. stuart: adam shapiro has more news in bellevue. >> they are reiterating from the cdc that on october 27th they will begin what they're calling the active monitoring, a new monitoring that will start this coming monday. active post a rival monitoring of travelers whose travel originating in liberia and sierra leone and guinea where
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the ebola outbreak is worse, that will be daily follow-ups from health-care workers in a state like new york every day calling someone who has traveled from that area. pennsylvania, maryland, new jersey and georgia, 70% of incoming travelers seem through those states airport and a break of other states as well. conceivably dr. spencer. >> nurse zellweger who we saw being presented, she will meet with president obama in 50 minutes. 1:30 eastern time. she will meet with president obama. i want to bring in herman cain. he was with us earlier. come in belize. you in a georgia, the senate
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race in georgia. of big and important one. is ebola and the government-treatment and handling of the ebola case, is that an issue in the senatorial race in georgia? >> it has not come up as an issue in the senatorial race but i had governor nathan deal on my radio show talking about the steps that he and other governors are taking that they can do in the state, in the event that some other cases are detected. as you know we have the cdc in georgia but they are taking some steps to be prepared not just to react to it but do everything they can do if in fact we get a case similar to the one in new york. stuart: brian kilmeade is with me. we are watching bill deblasio in new york city called news conference. not the we are confused but we want more objective, throw information.
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for example, what is casual contact? apparently you cannot get ebola from casual contact but what is casual contact? a bodily fluid that will give it to me? there is nothing precise in this? are you as confused as we are? >> i am. so are a lot of other people. we the public have not gotten a good definition of casual contact, and a list of all the bodily fluids but when you have cases that popped up after this whole thing started, it raises a lot of questions that had not been answered yet and that is one of those questions. let's talk a little bit about the good news. the good news is like the young lady that was released today, like the young lady that was released earlier this week and the other cases where people are out of quarantine, it says that they are making progress on containment. that is the good news but we
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still don't know what casual contact means and i don't think we will know until the medical authorities give us a better definition. stuart: in general terms what is your judgment on the government's response to the ebola crisis? >> it has been slow. they should have taken more aggressive measures early rather than as i describe trying to sneak up on a solution. they should have imposed an immediate travel ban because even african nations imposed a travel ban. if they had done that we wouldn't be backtracking saying we are going to try to keep track of everybody it comes to the united states. this administration has a tendency to try to sneak up on solutions rather than to as much as they can to avoid the things we are running into. stuart: you got to give me an update on the senatorial race in georgia. how do they stand in the polls?
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>> statistically tied and the reason they are statistically tied, is because of the negative advertising outside democrat groups in georgia to basically discredit the reputations of david perdue. i believe that negative advertising will wear off. secondly the democrat party in georgia put the most despicable flyers earlier this week trying to tie the situation in ferguson to the need to vote democrat so we don't have a ferguson all over the country. i didn't think democrats could stoop any lower but they proved that they consume pretty well. statistically tied but i believe the momentum is in favor of david perdue. stuart: i have to ask another question here. you saying the ferguson card if i can put it that way, by playing the ferguson card do you
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think that is likely to increase the black vote in georgia? >> i don't think so and here is why. many of my listeners, have a lot of black listeners to my radio show. the good news is a lot of black people are not that stupid, not that ignorant to respond to something like that. 40% or 50% of the black population probably include it other than party name and candidate. i don't think that is going to cause a lot of people to get out and vote just because of that. stuart: herman cain, thanks for joining us, appreciate it. before we move on i want to have everybody look at the dow jones industrial average because we are up this a amount we were before the mayor's press conference began, before this issue with ebola came back full front and center, no change. you heard everything from the mayor, no change on the market, we are up 85 points. i will stay with the elections.
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brian kilmeade is here. i will read this quote from democrat senator mark begich responding to a question on whether he voted for president obama, does he support him, he says i did vote for him but that is irrelevant. the president is not relevant. he is gone in two years. that is running away, sprinting away. >> it is embarrassing because clearly he says anything to win an election including the relationships that mean anything. if you want to say -- here are the places we disagree. i like him as a person and the president next two years will define what his legacy is, here's what i'm going to do but you don't have to show so little character and say the president is irrelevant. we all know that. some great things got done with ronald reagan, eisenhower, great things got done with president bush, the prescription drug program came from congress and got free-market principles in there and the surge came in the final treaty is. why can't he say listen, the
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president's decisions of the last three years, i don't agree here and this is the way i voted, don't pretend like he is irrelevant. that is making voters seem as though they don't pay attention to social studies in eighth grade. stuart: seems disrespectful to the presidency. >> in new hampshire. stuart: ebola lone wolf terror in new york. stock market rally happening today. amazon way down. more varney after this. over 12,000 financial advisors. so, how are things? good, good. nearly $800 billion dollars in assets under care. let me just put this away. how did edward jones get so big? could you teach our kids that trick? by not acting that way. ok, last quarter... it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ ghave a nice flight!r bag right here.
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stuart: breaking news, let's recap all the news on ebola for the day. bill deblasio saying the fiancee of dr. craig spencer's been quarantined. positive news, nina pham was tested positive for connell: release from the hospital and made a statement to reporters moments ago. she will meet with president obama. look at the big board. stock shrugging off the ebola news at least so far up 69 on the dow. procter and gamble and microsoft, making money. both of them up. reports that sales of apple's itunes music store could be down maybe 13% this year. new jersey? investors don't. stock down 1%.
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amazon loss 400 million, worst loss quarterly in 14 years. revenue went up, they spent it all. the fire phone use less. terrible. it is not my judgment. it is the market's judgment. they took at $170 million charge, stocks down 24 bucks. price of oil 80 one dollars a barrel, that brought the national average for gas down to $3.07. last but not least the yield on a ten year treasury 2.27% as of now. you know it is friday, dealing with a completely different thing on friday. football. i have two guys who know more about it than i do. fox sports 1's peter schrager, brian kill me always year. there is a game in london. i think it is this weekend. don't tell me. falcons/lions. here is my question just to show that i know football.
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what comes first? an nfl franchise in london or los angeles? >> i will say london. this is a major litmus test this weekend because it is being played local london time starting in 9:30 eastern, if americans tune in and the ratings are what they are usually for nfl sunday this will pick up more momentum and you will see a lot more talk about this. so many politics and so much red tape, three teams, chargers, raiders and rams, to los angeles. stuart: i will go one up on you. you don't know about this. peyton manning got a angry at the school board died last night because he fired off the crowd because peyton manning was on the field. you didn't know that. >> date windup -- i get sued from roger ailes. can i answer that question or do you have another? the silent treatment after the show of finance is this?
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will be los angeles, the rams that move in and you will be hollywood where they build across the street in downtown los angeles. i don't think the british people care about it. i think the ratings are fine. i would love to see football and 9:30 in the morning. fox news sunday starts at 8:00 a.m.. "imus in the morning" when you raise an issue. a lot of african runners and coming to the new york city -- i don't want to raise a scare here. >> curious to see if anyone is talking about that. is a great point. stuart: it is not an issue because the runners from africa are from east africa, not west africa. >> i can generalize. stuart: finishes from west africa. this keep coming back to you. stuart: more varney next. jewelers to sporting good stores, we provide financing solutions
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for all sorts of businesses. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us. can you start tomorrow? yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves.
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>> ebola reaching new york city. sending e-mails from fake health organizations. we will tell you how to protect your self. best buy geek squad. that is a picture of ron johnson. we will tell you more about the retail pan and a little bit. running out of patience. it is the biggest quarterly loss in 14 years. on the earnings call, one analyst asked what was the most important to amazon. jo ling kent is with me now. she has more


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