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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  October 20, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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welch and kmele foster, we hope you join us in moments for the web show, until then, i amro kennedy, wishing you a goodworl start to your week, and a very good night everybody the president is about to go it alone. once again defying congress and the framers of our constitution. the white house is preparing for an onslaught of its own creation expecting a massive surge have illegal immigrants. according to the reporting of
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lou: you will know thatneither d seek congressional approval. center mark kirk saying the move would further efforts to impose new sanctions against iran. >> he will unite the congress against the agreement. the very first vote would be on the sanctions against iran. a bipartisan consensus being pretty strong against iran. lou: taking all of this up tonight, but we begin with much-needed good news for dozens of people on ebola watch list and the effort to prevent an outbreak of ebola
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the people who were closest to ebola patient zero thomas duncan begin to go on with their lives. fox news correspondent is in dallas as has our report tonight. earthquakes could lead to if as i am speaking, the cdc has announced the guidelines they will now be required it to be covered head to toe, something they did not have to do before. it has been a day of relief because 48 people have been cleared or will be cleared very soon. these are the people that had initial contact with thomas eric duncan. his fiancee, some family members who have been living in seclusion in a gated neighborhoods in a home provided by the local catholic community.
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there are still 120 other people here in dallas who had some type of contact with duncan when he came to texas health presbytery in. all of those people are continuing to be monitored, including a dozen people who have voluntarily quarantined this morning around 50 nurses held a press conference to express their confidence. they say that it is safe and have confidence and a hospital as a whole. obviously it comes on the heels of thomas duncan dying . quarantined. the second nurse is in stable c
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>> ground game efforts are making a serious push in the final stretch of the 2014 campaign. knocking on doors in critical states where they are collecting information. >> we are talking to more voters on their doorsteps. >> back inside the war room in washington staffers are working, coming through that data, plus analyzing social media trends to micro target and analyze p
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>> particularly in states where the president's approval ratings are in the low 30's. >> unless that closes in the coming weeks it is going to be a problem because at the
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end of the day you could only bring out voters who want to come out. >> the rnc chairman said that his side had the edge now. >> we are winning on the ground. the democratic age is all but evaporated. in no other state on the ground are we losing. >> they had an agent 2004. the tables turned in 2012. we will not know for sure until after election day. lou: thanks you very much. well, some support to the international effort to expel the islamic state from the syrian border town, a kurdish occupied town. turkey now says it will allow forces from northern iraq to cross its border with syria to join the fight against the islamic state. the announcement marks a major shift from our previously reluctant nato ally and comes just hours after our military announced for the first time it had
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dropped small arms, ammunition, and medical supplies to the kurdish forces. as you can see in these satellite pictures, it has been devastated by the month-long battle. although the islamic state controls all the one-third of the city its forces continued a shallot, and, of course, the u.s.-led airstrikes also taking their toll on the city we are coming right back. stay with us. ebola. the quarantine is over for those contacted by the first those contacted by the first can you start tomorrow? yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid.
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we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. i wish... please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above health. so we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. expanded minuteclinic, for walk-in medical care. and created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everything.
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♪ lou: taxes attorney general
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greg lauren simonetti now has a 12-point lead over his democratic opponent in the race for governor. his opponent, wendy davis, has shown her desperation. apparently there is no depth to which she will not sink. won't say whether he would defend an interracial marriage ban. traveling, but not surprising from someone who defends a poll tax. beyond defensive as he has been married to his hispanic wife for more than 30 years and will become the first hispanic first lady in the history of the state of texas. recently demonstrated why he is considered to be the best attorney general in the country. not only did he get the mayor of houston to stop bullying people of faith and support the first amendment, he succeeded in getting the
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benefit circuit of -- the fifth circuit court of appeals and supreme court to allow the texas voter i.d. law to remain in place. dallas county officials announcing today that dozens of residents who had contact with the only u.s. diagnosed fatality are now heading back to their communities. >> today we are able to announce of the original 48 contacts, 43 of those contacts have ef
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lou: of 42 day interval. a lager into bashan. is that correct? >> that is consistent with the outbreaks that have been studies in africa. lou: and if the world health organization itself does not declare an outbreak to be concluded for 42 days, what are the american people to make of that 21 day time frame, and how reliable is it coming in your judgment? >> the one thing in the u.s., the cases that have been quarantined have had intensive diagnostic and blood work done. hopefully that provides additional reassurance that they are clear.
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the statistical properties have been well reported. lou: in particular which properties? >> well, how long it might take for a blood response to appear in a person who is going to develop a boa. lou: certainly the cdc and other authorities, nih and various others must have contacted you about the report from the study that he led. what have been there questions and level of interest? >> actually, i have not had inquiries. lou: really? are you surprised by that? >> well, i understand particularly cdc is busy fighting fires. i am a bit surprised, yes. lou: what is your recommendation to the cdc in particular?
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what should the agency do here? >> i think there needs to be a panel that they convene, not simply of technical experts, but people who represent potentially affected parties and economists to figure what an appropriate balancing point is between the risks and benefits of quarantine of a particular duration. lou: we appreciate you being with us and thank you very much. professor of environmental engineering. let's take a look at our online poll results. president obama new ebola zaire is an effort to improve communications. 93 percent said you believe it to be an effort to quarantine the truth. be sure to vote. do you believe president obama would be trampling on the rule of law and violating the constitution in giving amnesty to
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millions of illegal immigrants by executive order? cast your vote at at next, the nuclear program have iran may not be entirely for peaceful purposes. i know you have heard that before on this broadcast, but it is now the conclusion of the world nuclear watchdog. so why does president obama keep pushing for a deal that many say would permit just that, a nuclear weapon for iran?
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lou: tonight, billionaire publishing real estate mogul zuckerman is worried about washington and the lack of our government's focus on middle class, we talk with him about that and foreign policy, former reagan political director ed rollins, and michael goodwin on the republican prospects and democratic chances. our troops are dropping ammunition, small arms and medical supplies to kurdish fighters battles the islamic state in kurdish city of kobani, state department making no
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guarantees. >> we have had success against isil strong hold in kobe annie. -- kobani. as successful they have been the less they can folk thundershowers areas is -- focun areas. our support will continue to help them repel isis that says there is stale a pos -- still a possibility that's kobani will fall. lou: our next guest said that u.s. condition characterize strategy as working. joining us tonight. retired four-star arm general, general jack keane, chairman of institute for study of war, fox news military analyst. u.s. and arab allies have conducted more than 135 airstrikes in and around cobany in last tw two -- cobany in last two weeks but we don't have an accounting of casualties, why are we not geting that
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information? >> because we don't control the ground force that i seize all damage, that is syrian kurds, i think there is some communication with them, they have been able to guide to us where to put the bombs, they in last tweak or so have been effective. on isis. i think we know what neighborhoods and what blocks to put those bombs on, best guess from estimate i have seen, study of war is a couple00 vehicles, greater number of isis casualties, what without direct daily communication, ground force will never get to the numbers. lou: we heard, from the pentagon that encourageing, at least tone, words, from the generals that they are looking ford being able to -- forward to being able to see the enemy en masse, in certain locations, and there by
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bringing your superior weaponry to bear, but at the same time, just as we heard from state department, the suggest that we're looking at a fragile moment here, in conflict, and kobani could fall irrespective of these efforts of kurdish fighters. our efforts in airstrikes, your thoughts. >> first of all centcom deserved credit for getting this going. also president for getting involved diplomaticly with his ally in turkey. president, erdogan but this campaign has a way to go, this is a step in the right direct, certainly, the kurds deserve a lot of credit, these are tough, courageous fighters who are fighting efficient their families -- who are fighting
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for their familys and homes, and i think that is grateful that we've been able to help them out with effective air campaign. but overall campaign itself, i think it points up that difference that we have, that is that isis is on its own time table. which is different from our time table, our time table is a year from now, hopefully we'll have forces in iraq that stood up, sunnis and iraqi army capable of retakinge terrory that has been lost, isis is not on that time table. nonnonetheless, an offensive oriented organization o still on the move. lou: still on the move, still successful and not yielding territory, but one can arg but important -- argue about that
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importance of the terrory. this administration seems to be moving with its feet in quicksand, and its heart somewhere else, your thoughts? >> we have said, that the indigenous forces in iraq are the main effort, that the case, half of the iraqi army, are not available. why are we not in there with not hundreds but thousands of advisors, not combat forces, but advisors to help reconstitute the unit, where are the trainers for sunni tribes that are now wills to fight up and fight isis. just does not seem to be that kind of urgency to get on with this thing, and get the resources in there, that obviously are needed, our
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commanders feel are add watt to do what is necessary -- adequate to do what is necessary. lou: at least they have not done the repeat nonsense of generational warfare. it has been dismissed by a decade. any it is afghanistan or iraq. david sanger of "new york times", writing on possibility of lifting sanctions against iran to build a deal on about what will be a nuclear weapons deal, saying that white house has made one significant decision, if agreement is reached president obama will do everything in his power to avoid letting congress vote on it. that's -- that is the stuff that will enrage congress, the senate, and the american people. do you suspect that david sang
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er has that right. >> given his reputation for access to senior white house officials, i think absolutely he is likely to have it right, also the history of the nuclear weapon proposal that congress put together, t the fact of the matter is that white house pushed back on scale of those proposals to diminish them, this is true, i suspect, the fact is that administration is willing to let iran keep its highly enriched uraieded uranium and c, a deal is what they want. lou: the effect it to basically hand them a nuclear weapon, is it not? >> absolutely, the cog on the wheel is the supreme cleric komeny, he is holding out for no diminish am what so ever, he
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does not want to give up sights, he businesses to reduce inspection regime by the iaea . lou: which have now concludeed this may not be the iranian, force for tea peaceful purposes after all. >> after 20 years, he has come to that conclusion, amazing. lou: general thank you. >> good talking to you lou,. lou: general jack keane, only person to be charged in connection with 2012 benghazi terrorist attackst pleaded not guilty to 17 new charges relateed on that attack, ahmed abu khatallah saiding iing nothy during the hearing, facing charges that could result in the death penalty. we're coming right back. lou: midterms two weeks away, we're told that the republicans are going to win, and win big.
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>> real estate and publishing mogul mort zuckerman on what is wrong w w w w w (vo) rush hour around here starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose. but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state.
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lou: some of the top stories we're following here, world health organization today declared nigeria to be ebola-free, after a friday period. with no new cases of the deadly virus, hundreds of pro democracy demonstrateors still on streets of hong kong, ahead of talks scheduled if among protest leaders and government, the talks are to be held tomorrow, both sides are not budgeing. lou: and just in case anyone -ps was wondering president obama does not want to serve on supreme court, telling the "new yorker" that being a justice is quote, a little bit too menastic for me. >> and 14 days to midterm,
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oddsmaker predicts that republicans will take back control of the senate, nate silver with a 62% chance. "new york times", 68% chance. and washington post, 93% chance. joining us now, billionaire, publisher, and boston properties executive chairman, mort zuckerman. my friend juan williams said that women will decide this election, president obama won the female vote, how worried should we be? >> women will help decide the vote, they know that men in their familys, and they, are having a terrible time on the employment scene, and you hole hold the administration in power responsible for what has been a weak economy now for 5 years. >> and as we look at polls, this president is unpopular. 55% disapproval rating in gall
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gallup. what is going to determine the outcome? women, independence? who? >> he has such high negative ratings in every poll that i have seen, 55 percent is low for the lack of approval, i saw one that was 59%, and you realize his support is limited to about 25% of the population. that is why he can't win. no matter what. everyone else is either not going to vote for him, or very likely will not. they see what is happened. >> happening in this country, and abroad. whether islamic state, negotiation with iran, proposition this administration on two levels would permit a nuclear weapon for the iranians, and secondly, would do so by an agreement that would not be ratifyed by our senate. this is extraordinary.
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>> reason they they don't' to ratifyed, the senate would not, they are not silly, what is sad about this administration, that makes me dismayed. is they want the appearance of something, not the can b substa, they will do any kind of an agreement to say, we have an agreemenbutthe grime -- we haven agreement, but the agreement itself does not make sense. lou: a landmark deal. >> i saw this early on, a group of us were asked to give advice on the economy. all the president cared about is how it would look, he it would appear, he did not care about substance of the proposal, that was very disheartening that was a key time we had to do a lot of things that could have made the economy better today than it is. lou: that goes to and degree to ex planexplain the diffusing ofs efforts of governance.
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>> you don't earn a disapproval rating of 55-60% casualty, you really have to look at it, these people are better at that, some they don't understand it, they have lost touch with where the american public is. where the american economy is. where american national interesting are. at some point people realized, what are they about? they realize they are not, and should not be leading this country. lou: if it president declares a successful negotiation with the iranians permitting enriched uranium at some level, permitted sen centrifuge then dd not go to u.s. congress for a proveal what is the consequences? >> i think there would be an outrage.
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if anybody who understand who was going to there, because everyone knows how dangerous iran is, if we let them, get back all of the costs that we were incuring on them in terms of sanctions, for such a little sort of benefit, i think they will be an outrage, that is number one. number two, israelis will be forced to go into a major attack on the iranians to prevent them from gaining the nuclear capabilities, because that is an existential threat, there are others, saudis, and egyptons, and uae they will be in an outrage, they will realize they can no longer rely on the leadership of the united states. >> thank you. >> thank you. lou: on wall street today stocks up higher. volume on the big board, tapering down a bit from last week's heavy trading levels, 3.3
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billion today. listen to my financial reports three times a day, coast-to-coast on salem radio network. >> to week box office, broad pit's new world war ii drama fury took don' top spot for son. and gone girl in second place. and fox's the book of light, debuted in third. up next, president obama casting his vote, but that is about all of the help he is giving democrats this fall, my commentary on what ma may be the end of the harry reid era. do you hear that? that hallelujah chorus? is that what i hear. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster...
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bu(receptionist)about tgunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. lou: a few comments on midterm
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electing now 14 days away. early voting has been underway, in 34 states and district of columbia. president obama cast his ballot in illinois, but mr. obama's return to campaign trail of less than triumph fan, democratic party concerns about president's unpopularity were well founded. a steady stream of people walking out while the president spoke at a rally in maryland for democratic candidate for governor anthony brown. reuters white house correspondent scribeed exodus as noticeable and noisy. calling it unusual. perhaps the walk out should come as no surprise to a administration trapped in numerous scandals, a country most believed be out of control, 55 percent of americans saying they disapprove of the job this about the is doing, 40% approve.
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and according to the latest gallup daily tracking poll, they are not improving. first lady michelle own trying to do what president can't, hitting campaign trail herself for senate democrats in colorado, iowa this week, scheduled to appear with mark uwill du-- udall who decided top his own fundraiser because he would have had to be seen with president obama. it may be too little to late for democrats, a poll reveals voters like 3 cast ballots favor a republican-led congress, those are long odds now against the democratic party, and its candidates. >> which brings up our quotation of the evening, i was thinking about an old practice line from my high school typing class. more than just a few years ago.
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i.i couldn't remember who the author of the line was, it was patrick henry, he said, true today as it was then. now, you may remember these words with me, is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. the original may have said, party. but i prefer country in these difficult times, don't you? up next, bubba, the first lady, hillary clinton auto campaign trail. and former reagan white house political director, ed rollins, and michael goo goodwin joininge here next. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious.
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lou: joining us fox news political analyst, reagan white house political decor ed rollins, and columnist michael goodwin, his latest piece in "new york post", i love that. the toxic president on the growing distrust of president obama. all right, so, let's start with what do you make of the walk out on this president? he confirm that everyone in democratic party's fear. >> it is interesting, i read various news organizations stories about how latinos are disappointed in him, not turning out, web are disappointed in him, not turning out.
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and african americans largely in that audience walking out on him they are not motivated. i think across the board, the democratic coalition is just not happy with this president, is not going to turn ut. >> traditionally in midterm, the president is not a factor, he can help raise money, but this president is. he is weighing down the democratic party, he is more unpopular than nancy pelosi was in 2010. so i think that there are a couple seats coming into play, brown in new hampshire, he is one point up in his polls. that state shifts back and forth, and colorado seat, i think we get a couple extra seats because of him. lou: you say gardener and brown will win? >> i think they will. lou: wow. we look at what is happening here, talk about burden of
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obama. way he has handled so many things, but we start with ebola. bringing in ron chain as his czar to report to susan rice -- this woman had such a struggle with truth on sunday television, it is insane. what do you think of that? >> look, he is just a political operative. but again, it is revealing to who this president is, and his concerns, it is always about politics and how he will look. it is never about the as zuckerman said, the substrain of the issue. that is why i wrote that piece, we have one case, then two nurses got sick. we have something of a national -- not quite panic but a scare, and medical people are saying don't worry, it is impossible here. but because of the lack of trust in this president, and this government, that is why people are not trusting them, you
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cannot trust a single thing they say about an important subject, who knows if he is telling the truth about ebola. once people question your basic integrity the game is over. lou: i think it goes beyond questioning now, i don't think most americans, the word trust would not enter their minds after the words president obama, he has on every front, acted as you said, politically. >> it has been politically, not necessarily good politics, since the beginning of that administration. you need symbolism, a major general, someone like petraeus, that has run big organizations, to come i in and look like he cn take charge. the idea that you will be a political pact, at end of the day someone who is 100% loyal to
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the house is the drill, it is not 71 who will d 71 some one wb but someone who will be 100% loyal. >> he was involved in kerry campaign. involved in gore campaign. he was in charge of stimulus getting through congress. >> that worked out great. >> my sense is, i don't hold him totally accountable but this is the wrong choice at the wrong thyme. loutime. lou: they have a man sitting there facing him, dr. anthony touchy head of institute of nasdainfectious next disease.
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he knows how to get things done. >> debbie wassermann said that they will hold senate, is she ride again? >> that would be number one. look if he said anything else, she would have been former head of the dnc, i thought, her arguments behind it were ridiculous. idea that republicans have failed this country, that is why democrats are going to win the senate, and republicans are trying to put president obama on the ballot because their record is terrible. she has to do better than repeat the talking points if she wants tsto% aid -- persuade anyone the is hope for the democrats, there is a sense it is doomed, that will further surpluss return out. >> they are always down.
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more money is being spend on this campaign, it is turning people off, 95 percent of all advertisement is negative. and president said i'm not on ballot, my policies are, that is a big issue, people making these incumbents stand up and defend policies they voted for. lou: very quickly, that administration preparing millions of documents and identification, what will be the impact if he does? by fiat issue executive order amnesty. >> there will be a huge upheaval. the fact he would do it after the election rather than take it to voters would be a disgrace. >> he will not stop in approval rating until he hits concrete, and destroys this presidency. lou: that is it for us staeurbg tuned for cavuto. tomorrow we'll be joined by
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and only national is ranked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. neil: tonight on cavuto, you want should shut down ebola? how about shutting down our border. what we could learn from niger nigeria. forget about the bad guys focus on the guys funding the bad guys, follow the money, you might be surprised to learn it goes to your bank? and apple pay up? why anyone with an iphone 6 could soon see their credit card bills pile up, up, and away. we kick it up right now. welcome i am neil cavuto, first thank


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