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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  August 23, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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he maintains the integrity of his testimony and said it was actually his investigation that made him want to support president obama. how can we as taxpayers and voters trust anything out of washington? that is my "two cents more". that is that for "the willis report." have a great night and we will see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. president obama's support weakening. his approval falling to 46%. mr. obama's disapproval rating has risen to 50%. that is the level that his approval rating hasn't reached since may of last year. tonight, we examine some of the likely reasons the president's campaign for reelection is running into increasing resistance. a critically important influence on this presidential campaign is the role of the left-wing mainstream media, which is no longer relying just on pushing
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the obama candidacy. rudy giuliani calls them ronnie's biggest obstacle. he joins us here lacquered and also ahead secretary janet napolitano at the center of another lawsuit. again, brought by people under her command. shannon bream has the support. and what was he thinking? congressman scott agent, ill-informed and insensitive remarks. it may cost republicans in the election if there is no resolution soon. doctor robi ludwig and doctor jeff gardere analyzing washington dc. half of the country disappointed in the job that president obama is doing. a brand-new fox news poll shows 50% of the country disapproves of the president's job performance. only 46% approve. in the same poll, governor romney taking the lead overall. the governor is gaining significant significantly with
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one voting bloc in particular print the romney-ryan ticket edging the president and vice president biden nationally, although within the margin of error and 45 to 45%. and governor romney now holding a 10-point lead on the president read. the president's approval rating on the economy still well below 54%. disapproving of his handling of the economy. still silent on the congressional budget office's dire forecast of what to expect if we go over the fiscal cliff? and with weekly unemployment claims on the rise, the president still trying to make a claim that his economic plan is working. white house spokesman jay carney trying to tie the economic policy of the president's to those two former president clinton. president clinton himself showing up in a brand-new campaign advertisement, telling voters that the president's plan does need a little more time to fix the middle class. >> this is a clear choice.
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the republican plan is to cover taxes for income people and go back to deregulation. that's what got us in trouble in the first place. president obama has a plan to rebuild america from the ground up. investing in innovation, education and job training. it only works if there is a strong middle class. that is what happened when i was president. we need to keep going with this plan. lou: his plan and clinton's presidency. what is the problem with that logic? it is a much different time with much different circumstances, of course, and we will be taking up the important differences and smack talk talk. meanwhile, 10 immigration and custom agents filed a lawsuit. janet napolitano, and i.c.e. director john morton are keeping him from upholding their sworn duties. it all centers on president obama's june deportation deferment. fox news correspondent shannon bream with the report. >> we see that our officers are
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being disciplined simply for doing their jobs. that is not right that we have to step in. reporter: can i.c.e. agents who filed the lawsuit on thursday, charging janet napolitano, and saying she is forcing them to decide about following orders or upholding law. directing them. >> the obama administration is ordering i.c.e. agents to break the law. it has to stop. reporter: it refers specifically to the june 15 director of the provides for the the ford deportation action of those akin to the u.s. as children and are no older than 30 years old. the day that the director was announced, napolitano told fox that. >> because it was the exercise our discretion, we did not consult with members of the congress. we made sure that this is in our
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wheelhouse. reporter: in response to the lawsuit, dhs says that it ensures responsible young people who are americans in every way but on paper, have an opportunity to remain in the country and make false contributions. advocates are calling the law frivolous. according to the supreme court's recent decision that upheld the law and striking out several portions. anthony kennedy cited the principle that the removal process be left to the federal government. the head of the union representing i.c.e. agent and the other night agents who put their names on the lawsuit, are risking their careers. they felt they had no other option. >> make no mistake. we fully anticipate that this administration is going to come down on them like a sledgehammer reporter: the agents are asking a federal judge to block the napolitano director. and start done any retaliation
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if they refuse to comply. if necessary, they will fight all the way to the supreme court. shannon bream, fox news. lou: shannon bream. turning back to the presidential politics, next best maintains vice president biden is a joke for the meantime. joining us now on the phone, former new york city mayor 2008 presidential candidate rudy giuliani. great to have you with us. >> nice to be with you, lou. lou: when you make of the latest fox poll? it is within the margin of error, but it is clearly, of likely voters,, it is romney ahead. >> i think that is trivial. the fact is our economy is not doing that. the president is a failure in terms of the promises he made about our economy, what he was going to do and accomplish and where we are.
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all of these months. i think a record 8.6 unemployment. never so low since the great depression. those kinds of numbers would indicate that this president is going to get fired. we fire presidents when they have terrible records like this. i think the only thing that gives him a glimmer of hope is very significant media and being in love with him. i think the media is the mother country they created him in the first place. they are having a hard time coming to grips that they created something with no substance. lou: we are starting to see a couple of traditionally liberal news outlets, news organizations , including "the new york times", beginning to report critically of some of the policies of this president. do you see this as an anomaly or perhaps a return to the watchdog role by the left-wing media? >> we can always debate the meaning. i think that there are people,
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"the new york times" and other places, that probably feel uncomfortable with how far the media went last time. a couple of them admitted that he gets coverage that is way too favorable. you might see a little more breaking of those rights with these terrible economic numbers. it is very hard to make a case for that. lou: as we talk about this economy, we are seeing some strength. we are seeing the housing market, for many, to begin to firm and reach a bottom. we saw existing home sales rise. prices are actually declined slightly. with sales rising. are you hopeful that the housing market may be near a turnaround? >> i think we would've had a turnaround. i think our economy -- it's the recovery. a very anemic recovery. a recovery that is being squelched by the antibusiness,
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anti-free-market policy. which are extremely aggressive. if romney is elected, and does what he promises to do come over and have a great year next year. >> is there risk for governor romney in being too pro-business in his tone and policies here? this is a delicate valance for him to maintain through this campaign? >> is a matter of substance, no. being pro-business and pro-jobs -- [inaudible] the 1980s and 1990s. yester crouched on a little and be careful. the obama administration demonizes their system. some people buy into that. you know businesspeople and i know business people. they are personally angry at president obama. lou: well, it is going to be a
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fascinating couple of months, as you well know. mayor rudy giuliani, always good to have you with us. >> always good to talk to you, lou. lou: on wall street, stock prices ended near session lows as hope for further federal reserve stimulus continued. the dow jones down 115 points, the s&p down 11, weekly jobless claims -- unexpectedly rising by 4000 last week. the highest level, 372,000. meanwhile, mixed signals for the housing market. sales of new homes jumped 3.6% in july. the median price actually declining. down 2.5% last month. up next, obamanomics. all the presidents men trying to tie the president's record to president clinton. one what in the world? we will compare and contrast the clinton record with this president's record.
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yes, he does have a record. we will take that up in the "chalk talk." what was he thinking? congressman todd akin, a fundamental misunderstanding of basic biology. it has this senatorial campaign on life support. inside the mind of a defined candidate. two of our favorite psychologists join us next. there they are hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so...
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life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
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lou: the obama campaign turning once again to technology. to raise campaign money. in tonight's chat cannot. the campaign announcing it will now accept small dollar donations via text message. cell phone users are able to donate a maximum of $10 per text, which will be added on your phone bill. donors will be limited to a 200-dollar contribution per election cycle. the romney campaign also plans to except donations via text message, too. todd akin ignoring calls to drop out of the race after controversial, legitimate rate rape comments. now he is calling upon his opponent to step down, despite a
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poll showing clair mccaskill leading. he had a one-point lead. if she can't break 50% after a race like this, democrats should ask clair mccaskill sat down. end quote. we are joining out to analyze todd akin's comments. doctor jeff gardere, psychotherapist doctor robi ludwig. all right. doctor ludwig, what could possibly have been going through a man's mind has a bachelors degree in engineering, who served in congress and has a masters degree as well. how could such a thing happen? >> i certainly think that his comments were misogynistic. definitely anti-women. and he wanted to show that he was a voice and he wanted to
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show his mission government what he was thinking and saying it's just not biological reality. women are raped and get pregnant all the time. the fact that he used the word legitimate rape, that is particularly insulting. >> i think this is the typical example of just because you have a high iq, doesn't mean that you are an intelligent person. that is why we look at emotional iq. because you have if you have a higher emotional iq, you don't kind of spew that kind of insanity. it is really what planet are you on. what he said was very delusional. >> it is not thinking. >> he is much more sophisticated than that. >> evidently not he is not
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sophisticated and thinking about the emotional or physical well-being of the mother who is being raped. lou: first of all, i don't think there is a soul watching this broadcast requires an education in either anatomy or biology, and i can't imagine this congressman -- i can't imagine what he was thinking. i can't imagine the motive based on a. >> i know. lou: i can't imagine what joe biden was talking about talking to black people, talking about that mitt romney, saying clearly, we'll put them back in chains. what goes through a man's mind? why is there a discreet judgment being made between two highly offensive statements? >> it goes right back to what doctor robi ludwig was saying. this idea of playing to your audience and wanting to be loved by your audience.
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and i think that was a situation where the vice president was in front of a black audience and reach out to them and use certain words. quite honestly, i found it offensive demand democrats saying that and republicans saying that, come especially for the audience you are speaking to. lou: wait a minute. [talking over each other] >> oh, come on. [talking over each other] lou: rationally, we are saying here -- why should we tolerate that kind of nonsense? why should there be a double standard? why should there not be a voice of some sort saying that todd akin is a darn fool. and so is the vice president of the united states. >> they were thinking and saying and not on the air. [talking over each other] >> when you compare what they
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said and what biden may have said, being offensive to people like myself, maybe not as offensive to everyone. what todd akin said was offensive to all women. lou: you are saying there are more women and blacks? >> i'm looking at the idea of sexuality and someone -- [talking over each other] >> basically not demonizing but devaluing women. and their rights. [talking over each other] lou: here is another little problem. the fact is that that is precisely what the vice president of the united states, who has a higher standard of conduct, required of him -- then
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does come as far as i'm concerned, someone on the campaign trail. as vice president of the united states, to go round and vowing that kind of nonsense, it todd akin is to retire from the field of the kinetic, and whether the vice president not be called upon to resign to those who say they are offended? >> to try to compare what these people said -- it is not about comparison. they both said very stupid things. a lot of people were hurt by it. lou: you are saying that you make that comparison? [talking over each other] >> it doesn't matter. >> we are in the 20th century. lou: we are at an impasse of reason. let's turn to paul ryan. watching new imaging in the romney campaign. we are seeing a different kind of person than we thought in the first boxful. within the margin of there --
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error, he has a lead over his president and vice president. what you make of it? [talking over each other] >> there is a new energy. >> a new energy. >> they are addressing real issues and the economy and medicare -- [talking over each other] >> the gloves are off. now, you will get someone who is in many ways a representative of tea party ideology to common and for them in some way. if but in many ways, it will energize them. they made a bold move. >> mitt romney seems very excited about his toys. just from a psychological perspective, you can tell that mitt romney is a really good father because the dynamic is very similar between the fathers dynamic. lou: a good, positive dynamic. not between biden and obama. >> i don't get that same
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feeling. [talking over each other] >> the little other is saying to the big brother, what the heck did you just say. lou: we know what you all think. if i may say, you all -- doctor jeff gardere and doctor robi ludwig. thank you for being with us. up next, president obama trying desperately to titusville economic record to bill clinton. we will take a look at a couple of little problems. logic and fact. that is in the "chalk talk." and obamacare, should it be called nancy pelosi care? the new book claims that. the president went along with the former majority leader. we were taught with the author of "leading from behind"
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>> over the past 27 months recreated 4.5 million private sector jobs. more than bush or reagan. but there is more free do. lou: obamacare dain manager. stephanie cover lean-tos say anything matter how untrue to dispel the obama recovery i have to get over the idea the white house tries to draw a comparison between this president and clinton. this era and that there. since the great depression economy generated
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2.7 million jobs. and that 37 months and what obama wants to do with the same result. 2.7 million new jobs still 360,000 fewer them when obama took office. after that 82 recession the reagan recovery created 9.8 million. to suggest this president does what they did did
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did -- ronald reagan did, which is greater? a special system to the president they should be able to figure that out like bartending that she applied governor romney is a felon. she's not the only one. jay carney today. >> some leaders in the house, republicans stood before us and declared on the eve of the vote for the clinton budget to raise marginal tax rates would cause economic decline and job loss.
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we can agree they were wrong lou: i was there. but he is forgetting relevant contextual considerations. he wants to link those of the clinton policies, all he did was create. if you like him or not, his administration partially responsible for 18 point* 7 million new jobs. the unemployment rate was half from obama's first term.
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it was 4.2%. what is j kearney thinking? clinton benefited did from his republican predecessor. george h. w. bush. would everything of him him, when he broke his promise and raise taxes and created a massive reduction of military spending known as the peace dividend the beneficiary without question was william jefferson clinton. 18% right away the fall of the soviet union.
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where is the peace dividend now, a jay carney? is there anyone with the intellectual integrity to a knowledge these areas as being similar is a lie? there are other factors nothing to do with government. what about the internet boom? crude-oil selling for less than the $10 a barrel third 1999. but don't draw attention to that other than the current economy the numbers are not pretty. and nowhere near as attractive as the clinton
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years. $1 trillion with obama's. give three a break. 42 straight months of unemployment 8% or higher. watery talking about? and a message there are some facts that even you have to a knowledge that simply cannot be ignored. i would be happy to send you a picture to help you through it.
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the rnc prepares for the convention but mother nature may have other plans. tropical storm isaac gross in size and power. feel obama campaign is a leader do his actions show a leader to take action? leading from behind authors it's down with us. next. all energy development comes with some risk,
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purchased -- written under a pseudonym will be released on september 11th. he could face legal trouble and it was not vetted and could release classified information. my next guest said hillary clinton who agreed blighted the raid on the compound claims the white house rejects. please welcome my next guest the author of leading from behind. >> good to be here. lou: did secretary of state? >> she was a major force along with leon panetta and other members but it was
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divided they had the debate whether to send the team or use the airstrike and other voices were opposed. lou: talk about the book on the raid, and no easy day. after the election we will be treated to the traders but controversy of there was disclosure of classified information. your reaction to disclosure? >> i am not surprised the agency put it this out there. day e raced out the narrative very quickly.
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they kept changing the narrative and because some officials were not directly involved in the accounts side-by-side do not add up. lou: what is going on with the administration? the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff admonishing veterans not to exercise our constitutional rights to engage in the political campaign. >> we have a great tradition not making political statements in uniform. lou: what is going on? >> by weighing in on american citizens honorably discharged by the chairmen
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of the joint chiefs makes a political statement criticizing in violation. lou: but ongoing with that comment. the reluctant president? he works awful hard for someone is reluctant. >> the drone strikes have tripled under obama but it was a mistake strategic military mistake to announce the death hours after it happened. that intelligence could have been analyzed and located other operatives in the sources of money for al qaeda and the sleeper sells and their allies around the world. obama's through that military advantage of way to
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claim credit in front of the cameras. that is incredible. lou: the book is the the from behind. >> good to be here. lou: bain capital then tax returns. what does the media wanted next? we have it. the mainstream media is pulling all out 14 obama. next.
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>> forecasters are warning tropical storm isaac could be a hurricane tomorrow before landfall on monday. just in time for the republican national convention on monday. right now reign of 40 miles
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per hour. on a path across haiti and cuba before derives in florida. this city is prepared to call off the convention or delay if it will make a hit. john spicer said there is no such thing as canceling. more proof of the media liberal bias "new york times" says presidential campaigns by major media companies favor obama. the biggest originate from comcast nbc universal they have given 206,000 less than and 21,002 mitt romney. but the labor department gave half a billion to run
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green job advertisements on nbc. the conservative documentary 2016 opens nationwide but is breaking records. already the second highest grossing documentary of the year the 12 highest in theaters and starting tomorrow you can watch it nationwide and we will talk to dinesh d'souza about his movie about our future if obama has the second term and it been appalled of the nastiness of this campaign. candidates are not broken hearted. we have the "a team." big odds.
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lou: joining me now is the "a team" lets start with vice president biden saying it will not cost government 1 penny to refinance 12 million mortgages.
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>> the banks pay it and people can live in their homes. >> do that. that is nice. >> no mention of fannie and freddie? this will cost tens of billions of dollars. >> rfa guaranteed? you are cutting losses. lou: it is money-saving. [laughter] i think it is great to provide the government housing is a great idea. >> does anybody make anything? this started 2006 now the
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president seems to have all sorts of ways. >> it has been a big success [laughter] lou: "the new york times" today it is regular tying obama's to the big utilities and giving access. >> good "new york times" is the paper of record from here to election day. is anything left that romney and ryan have taken a one point* the there looking
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good. >> one has a 4.the buyout of what will street journal has a lead by obama's the electoral states is in place. >> talk about those look at the rasmussen poll romneycare has three points over the last few days. with the swing states romney and ryan are leading within the margin of error. and now in wisconsin this state still in play is ohio. >> i look at the trend since ryan is on the ticket. no bumper. lou: you have the guy you wanted and now you've the large. >> everybody knows.
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[talking over each other] lou: that is not true. 60 -- 65 and older think highly of from the rise in. >> if you want to keep medicare the way it is they say they do they keep it the way it is levee help you out a little bit i will talk very slowly. under 55 they still have a choice. [talking over each other] i don't understand what he meant.
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she is not encumbered by fax at all. is there any requirement at all? to say that he is cutting medicare let's just have fun she said this administration has done better than ronald reagan to create jobs. that is so beyond reality. can you speak about her? [laughter] >> i like her all lot. she should be the spokesperson for the campaign all the time. she is fantastic. lou: i have to say.
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>> i absolutely love her. [laughter] lou: i don't know what to say. >> she has no demerged as the top spokes liar she lied about the cancer ad and romney fln now she is on record lying about the reagan recovery. is it possible for anybody on the left to address? [talking over each other] lou: address the question. i am not interested in speaking about your issues. >> i believe it did not start until 1983 and 1/2.
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it was such trajectory he did not create them at once. >> the first 37 months 2.7 million net gain but the reagan recovery was 9.8 million. lou: just like we said. >> we have the numbers. if you have copd like i do,
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