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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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another, so why deter strikes by artillery systems, systems of long-range damage or destruction of aerial bodies in russia, which hit the ukrainian population or ukrainian troops, it makes no sense. for the full version of this story, see the voice of america page in ukrainian on youtube, and also read this analysis on the voice of america website. and we continue the release. former hockey coach and community activist from canada paul hughes has been for over two years. helps ukrainians, chose kharkiv for himself, which he calls a strong city strong people despite the fact that the russians are trying to advance in the direction of kharkiv, he has no plans to leave ukraine. he gathered around him a team of like-minded people, such as a prosecutor from the american state of utah and an american military man, a member of the international legion of the armed forces. how exactly and whom they help and what motivates them, benefactors told anna kostyuchenko and pavlo suhodolskyi. i call its hardkiv, strong city, strong
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city, strong people. 59-year-old canadian paul hughes came to kharkiv in early march 2022, shortly after the full-scale invasion of russia. subsequently, he founded the hags charity fund, which sounds like a hug in english, but is an acronym for the words helping ukraine grass support. together with like-minded people, he has been supporting the residents of the region for over two years. firstly, we have a garage where volunteers repair cars, secondly, we run the smart program, which is an acronym for sports, music, recreation and technology, so we try to help displaced children living in shelters from kupyansk, lyman , bakhmuta, kramatorsk, kostyantynivka, raisins, different places we try to put a smile on their faces so they know that people from all over the world care about them. we
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also carry out evacuations or deliver humanitarian aid. paul guus from the canadian city of calgary served in the canadian armed forces, then founded a hockey academy where he worked as a coach, and in 2011 started one of canada's largest public urban farms - grow calgary, where volunteers grow vegetables for underprivileged townspeople. however, the man has been exclusively employed for over two years the work of the humanitarian headquarters in kharkiv, despite the beginning of the russian counteroffensive in the kharkiv region, paul is not going to return to canada. our organization is called helping ukraine, not escape from ukraine. we help ukraine while in ukraine. we've been here long enough. our network is quite large now. we help many people, shelters, communities.
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children from 15 shelters for displaced persons paul, together with other volunteers, take care of displaced people in kharkiv. the prosecutor from the american state of utah nathaniel sanders came to ukraine already on the fifth. for the first time crossed the ukrainian-polish border in july 22. in kharkiv he met with a husband and now helps migrant children with him. a little over two years ago, when the full-scale invasion began, i heard voices on the radio, and they reminded me of the children i heard when i lived in moscow. right after college, i lived in moscow and taught english. i worked on an exchange program, and part of that program was meeting children who had returned from the united states. so these were children from all former soviet countries states, and then, hearing... the voices of people who
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were fleeing the invasion, who were from the east of ukraine, that is, mostly russian-speaking, i understood what they were saying, and the voices seemed familiar to me, so i felt the need to do something. after his first visit to ukraine, natenielel organized his own charitable organization. i found like-minded people in utah and we formed a small group called utah for ukraine. since then, we have been trying to raise funds to help ukraine. we are also trying to raise awareness of events here in ukraine. it's fun an american, a member of the foreign legion with the call sign cossack, helps to spend time with migrant children. i helped orphans on christmas, easter and other holidays. because i know what it's like to be really poor and have nothing as a child. these kids just touched
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my heart. in the united states, says kozak, he once served in the armed forces. with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, he joined the first... national legion. after the games, he returns to the service with his children, because the situation at the front in kharkiv region difficult - he says. the fact that we did not receive aid and the us dragged it along is very painful. we're running out of ammo and stuff, but things are getting back to normal now , so i think we can stop them. after playing in the fresh air , the children return to the humanitarian headquarters with sweets and small gifts. we work with children. displaced people, they are going through a lot of trauma because of the war, they are children who just want to play, learn and have a positive experience. once again during the day , the air alarm sounds. for residents of kharkiv
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- this is a daily routine for a long time. anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolsky for voice of america from kharkiv. and to american news. joe biden and donald trump agreed on the date of the first debate on the eve of the presidential election. they will take place historically early. on june 27, even before the democratic and republican parties officially announce them as the only candidates. campaign. meanwhile , the economy is in the spotlight this week. joe biden, in communication with voters, focuses attention on the economic gains made by his administration jobs, and donald trump says he will cut biden's infrastructure spending and increase oil production. last week
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, joe biden spoke to voters about the need for technology investment in the us midwest in wisconsin, where microsoft is investing $3.3 billion in a new data center, which biden said, quote, is another example of private sector optimism. so far, we have raised $866 billion in the private sector across the country, almost a trillion dollars, historic amounts in such a short time, and that literally creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs, new factories for the production of semiconductors, electric cars and battery batteries and... the area where the new microsoft data center is located is also the place where 6 years ago donald trump announced the investment of the electronics manufacturer foxcon on 10 billion dollars this complex was supposed to create 13 thousand new jobs for the state of wisconsin, but
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it was not built. biden called it another unfulfilled promise by trump. in fact, he used to come here. with your senator ron johnson, literally holding a golden shovel, promising to build the eighth wonder of the world. you 're joking? look what happened: they dug a hole with those golden shovels, and then they fell into it. trump says biden is mismanaging the us economy, pointing to rising inflation. the economy is not doing well. we see inflation, it's skyrocketing. they will not be able to reduce. in his campaign, trump opposes biden's spending on infrastructure, in particular on projects in the field of clean energy and technology. so upon taking office, i will immediately implement a moratorium on all new grants and handouts under
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joe biden's massive socialist bills, such as the so -called deflationary bill. we plan to save all these funds. biden argues that spending on infrastructure helps the economy. also, roads, highways, and more will be made of american materials, built by american workers, and that will create good-paying jobs. trump says his jobs plan includes lifting restrictions on mining oil and protecting americans from the labor of illegal immigrants. what is my employment plan? my plan for jobs is to mine, baby, you cut the power, close the border, get rid of all the criminals they let into our country. an april harvard caps harris poll found that inflation is the most important issue for us voters, with only one in three saying the economy is on the right track. iryna chenkarenko, scott
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stearns, voice of america. supreme commander of nato forces. in europe, general christopher cavoli named three lessons of the war in ukraine for the us and nato military. among them is the importance of a quick victory at the beginning of the war in order to prevent a long drawn-out conflict . quickly learn tactical lessons, as well as the relationship between the country's civilian and military command. general christopher cavollo emphasized this during a discussion at the atlantic council on may 17. the first lesson of war is to win in advance, quickly and powerfully, or find yourself in a protracted struggle. so, the first lesson is to develop a sufficient number of capacities, to reach a high level preparation so that you can be the first to win from the beginning, because from what we see in ukraine, if you don't, and
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you face a big adversary like russia, it can end up being a protracted struggle, and that struggle requires significant resources. in this case, you should be prepared that the road to victory will be long. i believe that russia will pose a long-term threat to the alliance and will pose problems for us for years to come. moscow will implement its plans to expand the army. and has already announced plans to do it russia is already building a military-industrial complex. russia quickly restores losses. at the beginning of may , nato exercises began in sweden. quick response. nearly 800 paratroopers from the united states, spain, hungary and italy are training together to deter any potential aggression. these are the first such exercises on the territory of sweden since the country's accession to nato. my colleague myroslava gongadze tells from the test site in sweden. swift
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response is part of the defensive 24 largest us-led nato exercises in europe involving more than 17 us military personnel and 23 military personnel from more than 20 allied and partner countries. the exercises are aimed at strengthening nato's deterrence capabilities, says the director of the us european command, major general. nato deters any chronic threat that exists from the outside and, as general cavoli noted, similar exercises in the scandinavian countries contribute to deterring and strengthening nato. christopher cavoli, head of us european command and supreme commander-in-chief of the united armed forces of nato in europe since july 22. the military says that russian aggression against ukraine has dramatically changed the security environment in europe. there are two threats in the world right now that we know about: there's the existing threat, which is
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china, and then obviously there's the threat of russia, and we see their aggression in ukraine. nato is fully prepared for any deterrence or, if necessary, reinforcement of our partners in europe against any russian aggression. new threats forced finland and sweden to join the alliance and pushed nato member countries to increase defense spending. sweden entered the... with a well -equipped army, with the largest air force in the nordic-baltic region. the country's navy is the largest in the baltic, equipped with advanced submarines designed for shallow waters. we are a small country, we naturally have a small armed forces, but our units and our capabilities are strong within the potential that we have in our forces, and this will be a contribution to nato, and we will do it together with. countries, and together we will be strong. thanks to sweden's entry, nato strengthens its
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defense position and strengthens its control over the baltic and arctic regions. this membership gives allies access to the strategically important polish peninsula, which is critical to countering russia's military presence and enhances readiness to address security challenges in the north. military personnel of the united states, spain, hungary and italy detachment. training emphasize their importance in promoting cooperation and readiness to participate in joint operations. i believe that it is very, very important for the brigade, not just for the brigade but for all of nato because we can increase our communication between the airborne companies and we build and raise our standards, our skills and we can create better interoperability and we can increase our joint and multinational interaction and integration. thank you to sweden for hosting us on this training ground. this is definitely
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something we desperately need. we take many lessons from the individual level to the command level. it is planned that swift response will last until may 31. these exercises are conducted in parallel with nato's stadfast defender exercises, as well as national exercises such as spring strike in sweden, fvaadriga saos in germany and ducia-24 in romania. myroslava voice of america, sweden. we are bringing ukraine closer to nato, we want ukraine's bridge to nato to be strong and well lit. he made such a statement this week in kyiv. us secretary of state anthony blinken. he emphasized that the so-called bridge to nato will strengthen bilateral agreements on security cooperation. it is security agreements, urgent and long-term military aid, more weapons, ukraine can count on such results based on the results of the nato summit in washington, according to american diplomats william taylor and john herbst. but
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they say you should not expect an official invitation, neither to the alliance, nor to the start of membership negotiations. this is definitely progress, but as president zelensky said, he understands that ukraine cannot join nato while the war is going on. however, there are things that can be done now, and this is precisely the idea of ​​mosto: c at some point the invitation will come, but the first step may be an invitation to begin negotiations towards membership. it may not happen during this summit, but it is possible later in the fall. i think that at the summit you will hear firm commitments on weapons. some more steps to facilitate the transfer of weapons to ukraine. for now, unfortunately, i think we will see a repeat of the vilniyiv summit. these will be some minor measures regarding the ongoing
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cooperation between ukraine and nato. and this collaboration is a good contribution, but still relatively small. would like to see, and working for it, but i'm not sure i 'll be able to use the nato summit for major new arms packages for ukraine, more sophisticated weapons, or perhaps changes to the us rules on the use of weapons for strikes on russian territory. in my opinion, more important than nato membership is the policy of ensuring that ukraine could better defend itself and return its territory. nato membership is a vital element of ultimate security. which is about the same. and finally, how the norwegian arctic became the arena of the cold war between the russians and ukrainians. in barensburg, a norwegian mining town beyond the arctic circle, ukrainians lived side by side with russians for years. however,
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after the beginning of the great war, ukrainians left the city because it was impossible to stay. why, iryna shinkarenko will tell. barensburg is a mining town beyond the arctic circle. russian flags and symbols of the soviet era are common here, such as a bust of lenin overlooking the harbor. but barensburg is not in russia, it is norway. the city is located on the norwegian archipelago of svalbard, more than 600 km north of mainland norway. by extraordinary legal status of the island group, people of any nationality can settle here. russians and ukrainians have historically made up the majority of bara's approximately 400 residents. burga, but that changed in 2022, when many ukrainians left here. kateryna shabradska, a ukrainian who left barensburg before the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. she now lives in the nearby town of longyearbyen, the main norwegian settlement on svalbard. after the start of the full-scale war, many moved to longyearbyen from barensburg ukrainians 2022 changed everything. didn't want
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to spend time there anymore because there were many problems in 2022. i felt it and knew it, and i said, what the hell, i don't want to communicate with russians anymore. norwegian locals say that relations between the norwegian and russian settlements on the island were historically good, even during the cold war, but that changed in 2022, when joint cultural events were suspended and business ties between barensburg and longyearbyen were severed. maybe it's because the cold war wasn't a full-scale killing war, what we're seeing in europe now is not what we saw during the cold war, it's now a full-scale bombing nightmare that 's really affected people here. kateryna
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shabrayka says that she and the rest of the community are from about 40 ukrainians. in ulongira are doing everything possible to raise money to help the ukrainian military. here we organized dinners, lunches, and held a big concert. this is how we work together. almost a century ago, the svalbard treaty established sovereignty norway over these historic islands, made them open for visa-free residence and prohibited military activities. meanwhile , analysts state that russia is resorting to the so-called hybrid approach to increase its own influence. in the arctic through research, the intensification of maritime activities and even through tourism. thus, in april, russia announced that it would send its own boat with tourists to the archipelago. when asked how it might affect their business, but... i don't think it would affect us, but of course, i understand that
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russian settlements want to continue their activities in the field of tourism. it is geopolitically important to support activities on svalbard. norway's presence on svalbard means it could potentially block the russian northern fleet from reaching the atlantic in the event of a conflict. for this reason, analysts say, russia keeps. on the island, mainly in barensburg, military actions are prohibited here, and this is why observers say that russia is taking a hybrid approach, gradually developing activities permitted by law, such as research, industry and tourism, it is increasing its maritime presence, ultimately aimed at achieving strategic goals, scientists present on the archipelago note the strengthening of russian rhetoric on svalbard. first, official statements. russia, which has been very critical of norway, claiming that norway is militarizing the islands, carrying out nato mandates, and so on. rather harsh wording, which is usually interpreted
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by people as very hostile. russians don't even follow norwegian road rules. they drive cars in barensburg from with russian license plates, instead of the official norwegian license plates they must have. in may. last year they staged a russian victory day procession that many locals said had militaristic undertones, the russian special consul in barensburg, who after an investigation was named by the norwegian broadcaster nrk as an operative an employee of russian military intelligence, declined the voice of america's request for an interview. obviously, russia is working to increase its influence in the arctic, its bases in the region now dominate. nato facilities are outnumbered three to one, and the tourist boat to schitzbergen is probably only the tip of the iceberg. hanna tverdohlip, henry wilkins, voice of america,
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barensburg, norway. and that's the end of it. thank you for watching voice of america in ukrainian. have a great weekend, see you next week. you're welcome, pa-pa. allergies are not overcome by citrilev neo protects against the most common allergens, there are discounts represented by the may discounts on fen 15% in plantain bam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends.
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politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance. society, drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: us boring because there is nothing to fight about. let's make up, they help to understand the everyday and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events. analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat of fr 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. sevastopol is in the dark, more than a hundred ukrainian drones attacked the occupiers in crimea and novorossiysk at night. how large-scale strikes? defense forces may surprise future invaders. dangerous restrictions: the lack of anti-aircraft defense and the ban on striking with western weapons on the territory of russia
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helped. russian offensive in the north, is putin really abandoning plans to capture kharkiv? deoccupation of a historical and cultural monument. in kiev dismantled the scandalous chapel of the uoc mp near the foundations of the ancient tithe church, when the complete dismantling of the russian church in ukraine will take place. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii ordenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. let's talk today about putin's visit to beijing, his talks with xi jinping, about how the americans warn or do not warn ukrainians about the strikes of american weapons on the territory of russia
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federation and... and how more than 100 drones attacked the territory of the russian federation and the temporarily occupied crimea tonight. over the next hour, we will talk about all this with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine valentin nalyvaichenko, major of the reserve national guard, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war oleksiy hetman, and executive director of the institute of world politics yevgeny magda. however, before we start our big conversation, i suggest to see how ukrainian soldiers destroy the russian invaders with the help of bradley, the video of the operation of the infantry fighting vehicle in the pokrovsky direction was made public in the 47th separate mechanized brigade, let's see how it was.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live there now. please subscribe to our platforms and our pages. and take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether the uocmp threatens the national security of ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment if
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it is. is more extensive than the options of our survey, if you watch us on tv, grab a smartphone or phone and vote if you think that the uoc mp threatens the national security of ukraine, 0800 211 381 - 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free of charge, vote at the end of the program, we will tally up the results of this vote, and we have our first guest on the phone, this is valentyn nalyvaichenko, the people's deputy in... ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's integration with the eu, head of the security service of ukraine in 2006, 10, 2014-15. mr. valentin, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. valentin, let's start our conversation with the statements of the american side regarding the possibility of using american weapons in strikes on the territory
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of the russian federation, the pentagon. confirmed his position regarding restrictions on the use of ukrainian, ukrainian weapons that are provided the united states of america within the framework of military aid, spokeswoman for the us department of defense sabrina singh said at a briefing. let's hear what she said. we have not changed our position, we believe that the equipment, the capabilities that we provide to ukraine and that are provided by other countries should be... used to return ukrainian sovereign territory, we asked for this publicly, we would like to emphasize , that the weapons provided within the framework of the contact group on the defense of ukraine are intended for use on the battlefield. in his conversations with minister umyerov, the state secretary also spoke about the fact that these opportunities can best be used on the territory of ukraine. mr. valentin, is it possible to return
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the sovereign territory of ukraine without... hitting the territory of the russian federation.


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