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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution. to evacuate the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yar in the direction of chasiv yar. the information day of the tv channel continues. martyna bohuslavets, as announced by marta, is with us at communications head of the meza anti-corruption center. glory to ukraine, dear ms. martyna, congratulations. yes, no... we hear, we don't hear, martyna, you
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hear us, we see, we see beautiful luk. good day, i greet you. glory to ukraine. well, you wanted to ask first, right? i think you analyzed with olivchyk, and i think not only you, everything that, so to speak, was reported by the representatives of the official kharkiv authorities, yes, in relation to your, without a doubt, resonant article, devoted to what, possible strange things. coincidence, when a person who wanted to steal a half-liter bottle of jack daniels, it turned out to be extremely important in this chain of building what we call our defense capability, in particular in the kharkiv region, i don't want to say anything, but such a strange coincidence of 100 hours of community service, accusations of stealing wax from half-liter deli, well, it 's kind of a coincidence, ms. martyna, what was the feedback? i will quote, the feedback was from
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the head of the regional military administration of kharkiv region, and it sounded as follows: i don't care if the company was registered even 5 minutes ago, if she can put the grass, i think we can conclude from such a statement that in this way... in fact, we are now trying to legalize the future of any or any such similar devices, that it does not matter who the owner , it doesn't matter when the company is registered, it can be registered, listen, even if it was a few days ago, even as mr. singubiv literally said, even if it was 5 minutes ago, and this, in a normal environment and in the anti-corruption community, it is generally considered to be a sign. a sign
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of efficiency of such a firm, it does not constitute at all, does not constitute any barrier for the authorities, this is the first, and the second, we asked in general, and all the communication is preliminary, as well as the journalists who read our article, who were at the briefing, who were before that at the official meeting of the transparency council, how did you choose these companies, according to what criteria, and to which they said the answer was also official, well, we chose them based on recommendations and did not look at them... there were no connections with the russian federation and belarus and that there were no legal proceedings, you know, if for to select a firm, in ukraine there are fops and firms engaged in the supply of wood, we counted yesterday, there are about 35 thousand, this is generally in official registers, information in official sources, so it is a very strange coincidence that out of 35,00 firms that in ukraine, there are companies that can provide such services, but we still ...
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choose six firms that have questions about the corruption component, that have questions about the fact that there are signs of effectiveness, that is, out of 35,000 firms that these quods work, if you say that you chose them by quods, we would we choose six specific firms that have signs of efficiency that have recently been created, and we are now trying to completely eliminate them, that is, everything that was currently in the publication. it is written that these are fake persons, these are people who may not even know that such firms are registered to them, we are talking now about the owners, not about the directors, but about the owners, these people may not even know that these firms registered on them and that such firms, their firms entered into million-dollar contracts for the total amount of uah 300 million for the supply of wood for construction fortifications, it does not pose a threat, it does not pose a problem, as we see for the kharkiv authorities. uh, and what's more
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, they explained to us that we are actually a part of the russian ipso, and we are a part of propaganda, and let's not spread treason, great, maybe even gunpowder. conceived, who knows, you understand, in any incomprehensible situation , say that and pso, but what concerns, for example, specific numbers, ms. martyna, maybe there was access or in the process of obtaining access, well, we understand, so in order to explain that people, well, let someone there and tried, so to speak, to catch a bottle of wax, in every way, well, relatively speaking, it does not affect the execution of the contract, and here the key story is certain numbers. certain prices, certain services, and of course the attention, the execution of the work, here they can tell you, you know, we can't give you that information because what, because the information is classified, but i, as far as i understand, if you dig very well , i don’t know, to invite these or other investigators, well, then you can help
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people whiten their reputation due to if something bad happens, your martyno ipso, well, of course, it's already... happening, what's more, i understand that we are law enforcement officers, and it was announced that, okay, you, as a public, have reservations about the dishonesty of companies, we requested certificates from the local law enforcement officers, and the local law enforcement officers will provide us with certificates that everything is fine with these companies, great, we in turn have already turned to the law enforcement officers, to, in our opinion, to the independent... anti-corruption institution in nabu, and we would they wanted nabu itself to be checked for corruption component, because we cannot, without a procedural status, without conducting covert investigative search actions and so on, actually prove that, in our opinion, there are signs
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of efficiency in these firms, but were these firms really able to have production capacity, appropriate technical capabilities , to ensure the supply of all this. let the law enforcement officers deal with this further, if we talk about the amounts, what you are asking about, the total amount that was, for which contracts were signed for the supply of wood, for the construction of fortifications, it was 471,317 sia more than 400 million, which is interesting that for six companies and one fop, where we understand that there are unambiguous signs of efficiency in these companies, a contract was signed with them for 366 million, and with forest groups only for 100, that is, in fact, only 1/4 of all of the contracts was concluded with forest farms, and 3/4, that is, almost the entire amount was concluded exactly with these firms, and
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the explanation at the briefing, the explanation at this transparency council, that the forest farms did not have the opportunity in the appropriate volume and as quickly as it had to be done. er put this grass, and six firms that registered there for a few months, yes, and we already know, it's great, the whole country knows who their founders were, they had these opportunities and supplied this cattle, there are a lot of very questions here, unwillingly, i return to our favorite story, you know, about chickens eggs for her people, so bought within the boundaries of a separate ministry, well, we understand it like this, well, when it turned out that 17. hryvnias, well, it began to seem a little expensive, and here the key story is when there is an opportunity to compare , for example, there is a linear meter of wood or there, i don't know, a cubic meter or there, i don't know, there's a ton of stuff out there, and is there any access to such information on prices? uh,
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you need to understand that, unfortunately, the information about prices is closed, uh, and this, there is no violation here on the part of the kharkiv regional military. administration, because this is information that contains a secret, and it is normal, because we are talking about materials for defense buildings, for defense construction, as well as what was explained at the briefing on prices, so i can afford to say make sense, but here you need to understand something else, see the company with a sign of fictitiousness is often a company. which is used as a spacer, which is not a fact that actually delivers something, but is used for the possibility of withdrawing funds, and therefore if on paper, well, in fact, if the firm is registered just on paper, yes, then
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, as we understand, funds are transferred to this firm , contracts are concluded with it, any material is supplied absolutely at incomprehensible prices from an incomprehensible place, or at all. supplied free of charge or supplied at much reduced prices, and here are the firms, which are the firms with signs the efficiency with which these funds are withdrawn, that is, then these funds are further accounted for, often it can be... even in cash, so once again, here the task of the law enforcement officers is to deal with these six firms with which contracts were concluded, er, because it is necessary to understand that is, it must be established, yes, whether they had these capacities, whether they had production capacities, whether they could technically deliver this wood, it is necessary to conduct interrogations, it is necessary to hire people who are actually managers. er, these companies, like this, that is, in chronological order, like this
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everything was happening, here you need to understand what you mentioned about eggs, inflated prices for eggs does not mean that at that moment the units of the armed forces sat hungry and had no eggs for breakfast, no, they did eat something, the same here, okay, forget it, wood was purchased, it does not mean that fortifications were not built, it does not mean that where... it was not supplied, the question is not about that, there is no need to make a causal connection with the security situation, with what is happening now in kharkiv oblast, and with the fact that there could be a corruption component in concrete it is precisely the funds withdrawn, specifically we are talking about these enterprises, that is, we are not fortification experts and not defense experts, it should be decided whether fortifications are built there or not, defense experts, now ms. martynu, we agree with you, finally briefly? there is some alarming information that
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parliamentarians may decide to introduce a bill on restrictions to the register of court decisions, and this is important, because these changes, they contradict the principles of a democratic society and the european integration obligations of ukraine, and i i know that human rights organizations do not support the adoption of this law, we would like your own position and that of the meza anti-corruption center, i want to tell you that almost the entire investigation that we have conducted on these companies is precisely based on open access to the register of court decisions. and i keep talking about this, that this is information that is in the public domain, that is, everything that we found is in the public domain, and we saw signs of fictitiousness of the owners of these firms, because we found cases against them in the court register, which in general cannot testify that these people are real and can be real. by the owners of such enterprises, therefore, if such access is closed, then we can forget about any anti-corruption
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investigations and we can forget about any sign of a generally democratic society of open access to public information, and court registers and court decisions are one one of the most important such registers and such information. thank you for your position, martyna bogoslavets, head of the anti-corruption center , the limit was in ether espresso, we talked about... in fact, the signs of efficiency of those companies that were engaged in the supply of wood for fortification in kharkiv region, and also about a possible draft law that may enter the parliament, which concerns restrictions on the register of court decisions. that was the information, now a short break, after that we will continue our information day, so stay with us. thinking about a new mattress, but here it stops. you: have you thought about what you sleep on? old mattresses accumulate not only
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drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's win. they help to understand the present and predict the future. second for the world trump's presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. meanwhile, russian interventionists are shelling kharkiv again, fires have broken out, there are dead and more than a dozen injured, the head of the kharkiv regional military administration oleg sinigubov and the mayor of kharkiv terikhov reported this. i quote
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sinegubov. be careful, the occupiers are striking kharkiv, according to the mayor. there were several arrivals. fires broke out in the hits, information about the victims is being clarified, according to the previous ones according to the regional military administration, the occupiers carried out two strikes with drones guided by aerial bombs, in particular in the kholodnohirsky district of kharkiv, as of 3:50 p.m. on the fourth , five victims were known, these are civilian men, as of the 15th, the local authorities reported two dead and 13 wounded, among the 13 wounded, four are in... what condition, well, we will now add to our air dana yarova, volunteer, adviser, deputy minister of defense of ukraine, member of the public anti-corruption council of the ministry of defense and the head of the dream of the children of ukraine. ms. dana, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations to ukraine, congratulations to the studio. well, look, we had a visit from united states secretary of state anthony
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blinken, who said that ukraine should not turn into russia, when he spoke about the level of corruption. in our country, well, we understand that there were repeated scandals, which actually related to certain corruption abuses in the ministry of defense, in particular, and you, as a person who is a member of the public anti-corruption council at the ministry of defense, like no one else in our country, probably knows very well about all the points that are related to this, and according to your observations, are we really moving in the right direction, if we are talking, in particular , about purchases and tenders , which are the ministries of defense of our country, thank you for the question, yesterday i was on the air, where the issue of the construction of fortification structures was discussed, where they were supposed to be built, and for myself, to be honest, i did not pay attention, i did not see this, but
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it was announced, that companies are admitted to construction such structures were at the discretion of local administrations. in non-competitive procedures, that is, there are many fops, there are many companies that do not have no-names, that do not have authorized capital, do not have special equipment, and it seems to me that it is in this vein that we will soon hear a lot of investigations and scandals, so that what we counted on when, let's say, building the defense, it was. was not carried out or carried out in the wrong, let's say, not in this quality and not in the volume as it should have been, according to the information. it's official the information of the cabinet of ministers, which was confirmed by shmyhal, uah 20 billion was allocated for construction,
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from the ministry of defense, everything related to the ministry of defense for procurement was contracted and supplies are still going, well, this is purely the history of the ministry of defense, all these buildings were built by the local administration and ... i am very sorry that they did not take advantage of public procurement, did not come out transparently, did not involve companies through competitive procedures, well , we see the result as we see it, well, we understand what you mean actually this information, which was made public by martyna bogoslavets, the head of the meza anti-corruption center, regarding the fortification in the kharkiv region, she was literally in front of you on our airwaves, and that's actually how we talked about it, but look, what do you think... such similar problems we can see it in other regions as well, in other regions, for example, there we have chernihiv oblast, we have sumy oblast, one of the frequent alyona yatsina, a journalist from id sum oblast, turns on, and she
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tried together with her colleagues to access information related to the actual costs of fortification, and this information is not provided to her, that is, it is closed information, journalists cannot even access this information there in general, well, you will remember, this was exactly the same situation with the ministry of defense, yes, when the ministry of defense did not want to communicate, no gave access to information, well, it is clear that access to information cannot be public because of weapons, but to make a big secret about how many socks were purchased and at what price, and or how many eggs were already purchased, i don’t know, that’s already meme and how many jackets were purchased, at what price, what brand of jackets they were, it was all eh... exactly the same hidden, and no one, neither journalists, nor activists had the opportunity to access such information, and then we saw all the scandals we saw, and
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this closedness, well, i'm sorry, but what is the problem of attracting a construction company to falsified structures through a tender, you don't need to write in the announcement what exactly needs to be built, but to carry out the procedure through the system. electronic where you can see document, documents of this legal entity, who is the owner, who are related persons and whether there are any related to local administrations, whether these companies have the equipment necessary for construction, or is it just a company for which money was poured and withdrawn, we saw all this when the ministry of defense was closed, now you see such stories, there are none, because the ministry of defense is now open to the public and such... some serious scandals, grandiose, it is not surprising, but i am more than sure , you know, if it happened once, then why for the second time, non-competitive procedures were launched,
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and of course, when we do, these documents will somehow be opened, somehow become available, and we will see how much it was built for, what, how and where and by whom it was built, uh, ms. dano, i also briefly wanted to clarify, az... what does the situation look like with the prospects of inspecting these or other constructed fortification objects, well, maybe even there, if this or that company is there, i don't know for a moment whether there are any signs of effectiveness there, but built cool, cool and cheap, well, it means, it means you can shoot part of my bias, but here is the question of inspecting such things so briefly, because we still have a couple of questions, maybe you know, yesterday i was on the air with maryana bezugo. and directly asked her a question about whether they will submit it to the committee on national security and defense, which is our specialized committee in the verkhovna rada, whether
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they will submit this issue to the committee, whether all responsible persons who made decisions about it will be involved, about what you say, if it was built, and this a company that came in and is new to the market, but it's just, let's say, it's cool, it's cool. when new suppliers appear, in the ministry of defense as well, the more suppliers, the greater the competitive environment, the better the prices and quality, by the way, er, so er, as i see the issue of solving, let's say, inspection, and even yesterday , the issue of creating a temporary investigative commission on these issues was raised, and i heard from maryana that she assured that the meeting of this issue would be for inspection. these buildings will be yesterday's moyana was somewhere in the fields, so we are waiting for it to return and we will wait for the meeting of the committee on
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national security and defense, panilano, what... we would like to ask you about your own charitable and volunteer activities, we know that it is yours actually, the non-governmental organization children's dream of ukraine organizes an action for the children of fallen heroes, we would like to ask you more about it, well, we go from very difficult topics to more pleasant ones that give you a boost, and when you see the happy eyes of children, you somehow. .. you hold on and do what you have to do. now we have two actions, this is the second year in a row, the summer without war action, in which we, our families, whom we take care of, take out, now paid to bulgaria, and now paid already to the carpathians, the month of june, we take out to regions where whether there are, let's say, active hostilities, or
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other countries like bulgaria. in that year and now a group will go to our place, and we take them out so that the children forget for a moment that there is a war in the country and remember that they are just children, and they have some games, in them there are some friends, and although at some time they are, especially, you know, from regions where there is active, regions that are actively shelled, it is very important for such children to be at least for a period of time without these worries, i remember... how year, one mother wrote to me in private messages that i am, i am so grateful to you, my child woke up at night and asked my mother, if there are no air alarms here, this is what gives strength, and right now until june 1, until the day of protection children, very poignant and inspiring are posted on my page every day such stories, photos of children are posted daily, in which they are with drawings about...
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a wish, this action is called fulfill the dream of the child of the deceased, and immediately there are people who want to close this need and send directly to this child what she dreamed of, you you know, yesterday i had such a poignant story, the guy asked for his pets, i understood so much, he has a lot of them, he asked for food, moreover, the child is already 12-13 years old, honestly i rushed to cover this need... i personally , but in front of me already let's say this, she was already closed in front of me, these are very poignant stories, if anyone wants to join, come to my page every day, the story of the child, as well as her photo with what she wants and what she dreamed of, these are good good stories, that inspire thank you, dana, for what you do, and thank you to all the volunteers and all those benefactors who help make
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children's dreams come true. dana yarova, volunteer, adviser to the deputy minister of defense of ukraine, member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense, head of the public organization dream of children of ukraine, was on our airwaves, we thank her for inclusion. well, what about the russian dictator, well, i don’t want to end on him, of course, our issue, well, but the russian dictator declared that the so-called istanbul agreements, agreements without an agreement, well, because they were not finalized and those lousy pieces of paper that she showed the russian delegation in istanbul, but this... well, it was an outright fiction, that is, without a signature, without a signature, without a visa, it is by no means a domo, but, but, but, therefore, putin considers them a base for negotiations process, this is reported by the russian lying propaganda agency called ria novosti, therefore, the dictator said, russia must understand with whom it is possible to deal with ukraine and whom to trust, and the analysis of the situation continues and believes, let me remind you, that he also added that russia ...
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allegedly ready to participate in the so-called negotiations in switzerland, but she is not invited there, which is strange. well, we say goodbye to you for today, we tell you until monday, and we pass the baton to our colleagues, who will continue to inform you about all the most important things, take care and see you soon next week. greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anna javamelnik and this is news. the russians killed two people in kharkiv, another 13 were injured, four of them in serious condition. the enemy struck two kabama blows.


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