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tv   [untitled]    May 17, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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reliable kors trimmers from only uah 999. call! news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna works in the studio. on broadband defense forces stabilized the situation with the russian offensive in the north of kharkiv region. the occupiers advanced 10 km deep into our territory. president volodymyr zelenskyy stated this during a meeting with journalists. he added that very powerful brigades, which were taken from the reserve and other directions, operate in this part of the front. he also noted that the enemy did not reach the so -called concrete fortifications, but only reached them to the first line. five residents of mykhailivka
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in donetsk region were injured by the russians during the day, seven settlements of the region were covered with fire, the local police reports. 10 shellings were recorded, killed by aircraft, rocket systems, artillery and mortars, more than two dozen private houses, one high-rise building in temporary yar, as well as two infrastructure objects were damaged. but the russians attacked the central district of kherson at night and in the morning. in the townspeople's houses, the roofs were blown off, the windows were broken in the walls . fortunately, no one was hurt. the head of the region oleksandr prokudin said. at the same time, during the day , two people were killed and six others were injured in the region due to enemy shelling. the occupiers shelled one and a half dozen towns and villages, damaged four high-rise buildings and seven private houses. there were also hits. to a medical institution and
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a store. in addition, enemy shells damaged an economic structure and four private cars. one of the biggest attacks on russia: the air defense there had no rest at night. according to the country's ministry of defense , more than a hundred aggressors were shot down drones in several regions of the arf, almost half of them were allegedly destroyed over the krasnodar territory. he was attacked there. several strategic objects at once. in novorossiysk, a hit was recorded in the port where the black sea fleet of the invaders is based. currently, it is completely de-strung. the drones also targeted the railway station, the local fuel oil terminal and the transneft facility. in the city, the lights also went out in some places, public transport does not work, but in tupse , an oil refinery was targeted. a fire broke out there. and on white. chen
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drones attacked a gas station in the village of bezsonnivka, witnesses posted a video of a large-scale explosion on the internet, after which a fire broke out, but the russian ministry of defense, as always, says that there were no casualties and consequences, it was reported that six drones were shot down over the region. residents of the temporarily occupied crimea could not sleep either. explosions rang out in sevastopol and balaclava. in some areas, the world disappeared. the authorities explained that such a blackout is connected with the disconnection of part of the equipment of the sevastopol substation, which is located next to balaklavskaya tes, they say, the wreckage of downed drones fell on the substation. in total, the occupiers allegedly destroyed fifty drones over the peninsula and neutralized six unmanned boats. meanwhile, due to the lack of light today in sevastopol, classes in schools were canceled and kindergartens were closed. they also report electrical failures. transport and
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satellite images of the consequences of the attack on the belbek airfield in crimea appeared. during the shelling on may 15, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed two russian mig-31 fighters and one su-37. the mig-29 was also significantly damaged. about this satellite images published by new york times investigator christian tribert show. the photo shows the remains of burnt equipment, confirmation. as well as damage to tanks with fuel and lubricants used by russian troops. an arbitrarily built temple of the moscow church was dismantled in kyiv. maf was located in the unesco buffer zone on the territory of the national museum of the history of ukraine. it was called by representatives of the russian orthodox church in violation of the law without archaeological survey and permits. by the documents were tricks. wax for 20 km.
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the court ordered the demolition of the building last year, but the religious community ignored the decision. then the historical museum announced the collection of funds for the dismantling of mafu and nebayduzhi ukrainians collected almost uah 800,000 in just one day. the security service of ukraine detained a traitor who was leaking to the occupiers the positions of the anti-aircraft defense covering kharkiv. a 30-year-old resident of one of the villages of the kharkiv district was recruited at the end of 2023. the man was also supposed to mobilize to the ranks of the armed forces and spy for the enemy, but he did not have time. he is currently in custody, facing a life sentence. on the international day of virtual assistants, another 1,410 occupiers became virtual forever, and in general , almost 490,000 russian
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soldiers who died on our land since the beginning of the full-scale invasion will never help their army. the day became black for the russian aviation as well. the armed forces destroyed two planes and one helicopter of the occupiers. a fleet of unnecessary enemy scrap metal also entered. during the day, our defenders destroyed 18 tanks, 14 bmps, 38 artists, two anti-aircraft vehicles, one anti-aircraft missile and 65 vehicles and special vehicles of the invaders. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and i remind you and ask you to join the urgent collection. to perform tasks at the front, the intelligence unit is very. you need a reliable suv, without a car at the front - no way, it's like an island of life where everything around is destroyed, the car you need has already been found and transported to ukraine, it is currently being repaired and equipped, it remains to buy it and hand it over to the front. in general, our goal is
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uah 3,000. now on your screens you see the card account, as well as the qr code for which can be scanned and uploaded. ukraine can use american weapons only on its territory. the us position remains unchanged, pentagon spokeswoman sabrina singh emphasized. she added that during every meeting with representatives of ukraine, defense minister lloyd austin emphasizes that long-range weapons from the aid package are intended only for use on the battlefield. zasyak followed the information. the prosecutor's office of slovakia has ordered not to disclose the details of the investigation into the assassination of prime minister robert fico. simultaneously the country's police publicly denied the rumors that the alleged partner of the attacker was a woman from ukraine, after communicating with whom he
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allegedly became a friend. a council of doctors will meet today to assess the prime minister's state of health, he will probably be transferred to another clinic. valeriya subotina, a participant in the russian-ukrainian war, told how to talk about captivity with former prisoners of war. the topics of captivity should not be avoided, but the emphasis should not be placed on sympathy, but on the strength of the freed spirit. subotina told about it in lviv media form. according to her, such conversations will help military personnel to return to society faster. i will add that valeria also survived almost a year of abuse in russian captivity, in azov she became... a bride, a wife and a widow. her husband andriy subotin died during the defense of the city. limitations and fears, they exist in your heads, if you do not ask about it, if you are afraid to ask the same
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question, for example, about sexual violence against a person, thereby you support, whether you want it or not, the abusers of the person, so what to say about... sexual violence, about beatings, about humiliation of the individual, it is absolutely not shameful, it is necessary to explain to society that it is normal to talk about it, it is normal to hear about it and perceive it as normal, it is not normal to do it, and unfortunately, it is still sad the experience when society says: "we are not ready to hear", we are not ready to read about it, we are not ready to listen, and journalists also think that society... is not ready, all of you are trying to form the image of a brave, indomitable person, and this with on the one hand very good, but on the other hand a lot it would be cooler to show a person who did not break down after going through all these tests, and
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not just speak in some general phrases about the trouble that happened. get to know history, culture, literature better. and the religion of the jewish people, such an opportunity is provided by the one thousand and one book project from the completion of three decades, which was presented by the spirit and letter publishing house, the collection tells about the jewish heritage. which at the beginning of the 20th century was one of the leading literatures in the world, you can familiarize yourself with the publications on judaica from the publishing house in the museum of books and printing of ukraine. today, when we are making this exhibition, which is dedicated to more than 30 years of our activity, i can say that we have succeeded in something. today we are going to talk about judayka, so i can talk about more than. 150 books on the topics of jewish history and culture and world, and mostly on what
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was happening in ukraine. we are not only talking about tragedies, although we are definitely talking about tragedies, we are also talking about brilliant literature and art, and today we are presenting at our event one of the key areas of activity of our publishing house, our work on judaica, in particular we will talk about our future anthology. a jewish story about the special issue of the yiddish issue of our yehupets almanac, and actually let's talk a little about the texts that will be presented within these new editions, in particular about the poetry that we recently translated from yiddish. for now, that's all the news for this hour, see you in less than an hour.
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ivano-frankivsk is becoming even more accessible. the city is setting up infrastructure for residents with limited mobility, in particular near the regional clinic hospitals the creation of the accessibility map was initiated last year by yury gaponchuk, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war and adviser to the city mayor. he understands well. is concerned with the problems of movement of people with disabilities in the city, because he lost his leg due to injuries in the war, so the veteran himself developed a map of the routes along which fighters who are treated in the regional center after injuries will most often move. by the end of the year, the city plans to make five more routes from hospitals to the city center more accessible. previously, when i was still walking, when was developing a map of the city, it was inconvenient, because there were pits and... you can say, there were obstacles in the form of high curbs,
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now this is no longer there, i saw how everything is done here, uh, i saw guys who were in wheelchairs and i asked them if it was necessary or convenient, yes, they confirmed it, they said it all, and that it is very cool that there is such an initiative, just this route, if one of the first that began to be implemented in the city , he is... from the regional hospital to the very center, we started moving from here and will continue all intersections and pedestrian crossings that are not equipped for people with limited mobility, they will be implemented by our department, exactly where there is not enough sidewalk, then a sidewalk will be laid, it will be arranged with a seamless brocade and with all the requirements, with tactile tiles with... anti-parking pillars , so that residents do not drive in, do not park on footpaths, this is
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a regional hospital, lowering, a sidewalk, so that guys in wheelchairs can pass, a lot of people are treated here precisely in the regional hospital, it was the initiative of the participants themselves hostilities, that is why we are making an accessible route from the regional hospital to the city center, from the central city clinical hospital to the city center along vovchynetskaya, that is , we have identified five routes for this year, well , we will... if the pace is good, we will increase , that is why we are doing everything to make frankivsk available and start this work now, friends, we are back on the air, the final hour for espresso is ours with andriy saichuk, with lesia kolyuk, we say good morning to everyone, to all those who are just joining us and those , who 7:10 is watching us, i will remind you about the gathering. let's do a little donation with you at this hour, it moved in the previous hour and
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now we already have 30 00 for this morning, and some 13 00, listen, we are separated from the 600 000 mark, and 600 00 is certainly not the finish of our collection, because the finish line is 4 million, and we still have to walk and walk, run and run, but if we quicken our pace, we will finish faster, i hope so, and finish sooner... our military atvs get our collection faster and these atvs will quickly evacuate our military from the field battle, the wounded, and that is what we are gathering for, these atvs will quickly deliver ammunition on the water, and this is how the muscovites will be destroyed, this is how the life of the ukrainian soldier will be saved, so join in, please scan the qr codes, from above monobank from below privat-24 , which is scanned, if you have the privat-24 application, open it and write down the card numbers, and in the meantime we will talk with yaroslav voydko, a diplomat and international expert, we will talk, mr. yaroslav, we are glad to see you, the first thing
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we are all interested in, of course, is this one visit putin to the seats. they went, they took pictures, they said now that they are brothers, and that this should mean for us ukrainians and for the whole world, it should mean that these two countries are now planning such an alliance, which, from their point of view, is capable of opposing the western world, first above all to the united states of america, which they mentioned separately in their joint statement... about which they adopted a joint declaration yesterday, which says that russia and china, they are ushering in a new era, not just their limitless cooperation, but by they are in all directions there will be more, as putin said in his speech before the cultural event yesterday evening in
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the chinese theater, he recalled the song of the 75-year-old yes... it is clear that stalin's name has ceased to be mentioned, but this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china and accordingly recognition and establishment of diplomatic relations with stalin at that time. union and china, as far as ukraine is concerned, they are talking about what is again called the so-called russian svo, which is taking place today for the second year, a full-scale, general war russia against ukraine has been going on for centuries, the most recent is already the second decade, they
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say that the ukrainian crisis, as they call it, should be solved by political means and... china, which is positioned as a neutral state, and it always says that he does not stand near the origins of this crisis, as they call it, and they blame the fact that it was the unconstructive and aggressive policy of nato and, above all, the united states, that caused such a crisis. the russian federation, of course , is counting on china, and it is really reached out over the last two years . he would conspire with his northern partner, and now we can say a vassal, because china plays the role of suzerain, russia, which was once an older brother in the days of the soviet union, is now clearly a younger brother, and it depends a lot on how it behaves with it is china. china does not need
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russia's defeat at this stage, it is positioned as a global one. the leader of the global south, and he needs even such a weakened ally as russia, although it is, well, considered the second army of the world, although ukrainians have been fighting for more than a year, but only now with the help of such countries as china, iran, the democratic people's republic of korea, this axis that was formed in the last two years, and... in which, of course, china, as the world's second economy, plays a role leading role, only this keeps russia afloat now. china accounts for 33% of russia's trade turnover, while china has russia's, russian exports, or rather, chinese
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exports to russia, and imports, trade turnover is only 3.5%, so, of course, china focused on markets like the united states, europe, asian countries, and china just can play, as it is believed, and a lot of this was discussed with the chinese leader, and chancellor olaf scholz, and president macron, when china's sisin ping visited france, that you can still, i'm sorry, i'll put it so rudely, insert the city ee... to the russian dictator to stop this military operation, because it will not do anything good for russia itself, but for now it is said that china needs such a even a weakened ally like russia federation, and let's still hope that those sanctions are secondary, and
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were imposed not so long ago, other countries will lead such a line and continue against kydayu, so that after all, it is boundless, as it were, this cooperation, like you and them it is called, after all, it was limited and... china, after all , defending its interests, but did not count on the fact that it could continue to encourage the russian aggressor with impunity. mr. yaroslav, if you follow the events in belize in georgia, what are the current dynamics there, will the georgians manage to defend their independence and from russia, first of all, and the course towards democracy in europe. the situation is really difficult. it is believed that georgians, well, they are such a passionate people, they are very nice, they are very hospitable,
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i have been to this country several times, i love it, i had friends, now recently, there is no such opportunity to visit there, but really they are a freedom-loving people who opposed of this law on other agents, which was already adopted in the third final reading, but we saw, if you also look at these pictures from tbilisi, there is a cross on the bridge, there is just hundreds of thousands of people, president zurobishvili, she said that she would veto this law, but there is such information and such a possibility that after all... the parliamentarians will overcome this veto, the president says that it is not necessary to organize coups
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in a country like georgia, but during the elections that will be held in the fall of this year in georgia, to change the parliament, which will not be so pro-russian and dependent on russian... money, the situation is really difficult, there is the use of mucilaginous gas, batons and so on, er, that's why we cannot predict with you, since we could not predict how , say, the same euromaidan will end in our country, we would very much not like the civilian population to suffer, but we would very much not like ukraine to be put, as, say, a former player who... only dynamo, and then he was the minister of energy there, and now he is very influential, such is kakha kaladza, he says that we will not allow the ukrainization of georgia, this
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causes us and you, well, how to say, surprise , because we also believed, like the georgians, that these two countries of ours would go european way, but if really. this uprising will be suppressed, let's say so, people, i would call it that, then european prospects will be closed to georgia, and both american officials and european officials talked about it, and then the talk about ukraine, excuse me, georgia will be stopped to continue negotiations on joining the european union, let's see if the elections in the fall that will be held... can become truly fair, transparent and as democratic as possible, based on these lessons and this pro-russian orientation
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government and parliament of georgia, after all , to return to the path that the georgian people need, namely democracy and accession to the european union. well, i also wanted to ask about... er, about the summit in switzerland that will be held in a month, what can we expect from it, can there really be any concessions in your opinion, or will it be more of a ritualistic nature, when we will understand that this is something serious by what signs? in my opinion, it will be a ritual meeting, 160 countries of the world are invited to them, more it is not known who and how many countries have undertaken to be. at this meeting, there is, for example, double such information about china, on the one hand, the russians say that china is not going to participate in this event,
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we have not heard this from the chinese, and the chinese want to involve the russian federation in this swiss conference , but you and i understand that if the russian federation is there, then no constructive conversation can take place, china and russia will return to our first topic of conversation again, they plan, there is such information that in belgrade after... before xi jinping visited serbia, it was agreed that belgrade could be the venue for the next peace summit, which is expected to be attended by about 50 countries from the so-called global south, and in which then china and russia and the russian federation will already play the leading role, so i expect that, firstly...
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these two countries with their boundless partnership , they will put sticks in the wheels of that swiss forum, and on the other hand, taking into account that , what were the previous meetings in copenhagen, in saudi arabia, in malta, nothing so breakthrough has happened so far, and i do not feel that there should be a breakthrough on june 15-16 in... switzerland, how can you draw a certain analogy, say, with the crimean platform, the idea seems to be good, to liberate crimea with the help of our partners, to create political conditions for this, because of course they will not fight, only ukrainian troops can, uh, but my expectations from this summit are very modest so far, well, what about this one the story of what is possible instructors. countries
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nato can come to ukraine and train a large number of ukrainian military personnel, currently mobilized, on some training grounds, perhaps in western ukraine, how serious can it be? well, it would be a good idea, and not only an idea, but also a practice, because there are countries that favor the arrival of troops here, of course, they, nato troops, they will not be on the front lines. this, it is impossible, eh, but, let's say, the same france says that we do not exclude anything, eh, including the involvement of our military, and lithuania itself said that it is ready to do it in principle, countries like poland or the united states, they are not quite ready to do it yet, and i can understand, to a certain extent, the usa, because
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accusations from the russian side will immediately begin. parties that nato, nato troops are fighting in ukraine, but on the other hand, look at the 61 billion in aid that is currently allocated by the american congress, and which must be spent by september 2025, that is, we have one and a half years for military aid , these funds are allocated, there is information about what is now there will be... 50 employees of the military attaché of the united states of america in kyiv, they will take care that this aid, to use a colloquial word, is not wasted, on the contrary, it gets to the places where it is most needed, and if there are military instructors , i do n't think we should with you...


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