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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. plans were disrupted russian the armed forces did not allow the enemy to go deep into the vovchansk building. our defenders managed to reduce the activity of the occupiers in the bordering kharkiv region. this was reported in the general staff. currently, the ukrainian military is keeping the invaders under fire control. he helped the russians prepare an offensive. an enemy agent was exposed in kharkiv, he revealed. all 18-year-old local resident, this was reported to the security service, the attacker collected information about the units of the armed forces defending the city, researched the locations of ukrainian defenders, all the coordinates marked on the map: the boy was arrested red-handed while taking photos of a military object. evidence of his cooperation with the occupiers was found in the phone, the perpetrator faces life imprisonment. tragic car wreck in mykolaiv. on the highway blogovishchensk-mykolaiv
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there was an accident involving a car and a truck. as a result of the accident, the driver of the car died, his body was unblocked from the mangled car. this was reported in the regional emergency service. the circumstances of the tragic accident are currently being investigated by law enforcement officers. two people died. in consequence of the shelling of donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. the russians hit the village of kar. a private house was destroyed there, two guided aerial bombs were dropped on an apartment building in the village of velyka novosilka, lehman and katerynivka were also under enemy fire. the russians shelled the settlements of sumy oblast. they searched 36 times in bilopolska, myropilska, esmanska and seredinobudska communities. this was reported in the regional military administration. fortunately, no one was hurt. and 19 people were
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injured due to an enemy attack in the kherson region. the occupiers aimed at the residential quarters of the settlements. 12 high-rise buildings and 11 private houses were damaged. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the invaders also hit educational and medical institutions, a kindergarten and an administrative building. in nivychchyna, there is a farm building and nine cars. and yesterday at the military. at the belbek airfield, two migs, a warehouse of fuel and lubricants and an s-400 complex were destroyed. two occupiers were also killed, thirteen others were injured. it is reported russian media. according to the information of the partisan movement, a hit to the main structure of missile and artillery weapons was recorded at the airfield, the ministry of defense of the russian federation announced the alleged downing of 10 atakams missiles. and all our love. due to
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enemy shelling, i offer to convert into donations for our defenders. i am asking you to join the urgent collection. intelligence units need a reliable off-road vehicle to perform tasks on the front. our soldiers work in difficult conditions, there is no way without a car at the front. the suv transports personnel and ammunition, and from them drones are launched. they are like an island of life where everything around has been destroyed. good news: the necessary car and transport have already been found. to ukraine, it is currently being repaired and equipped, it is a little less good, it remains to buy it and transfer it to the front, and this task is for you and me, in general we need 3000 hryvnias, thanks to you we already have almost 40 hryvnias in our accounts, but we still need to collect , now you see all the necessary details on your screens, so please scan and donate. on the day of vyshyvanka ukrposhta. presents two new brands at once
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our journalist kateryna galko has already seen the redemption of new postal issues. she is with us live. katya, congratulations, tell and show the unique designs. new stamps, i congratulate katya, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, very symbolically, on the day of embroidery , ukrposhta introduces two new stamps with symbolic designs, the first is dedicated to the embroidery of the kharkiv region, which depicts a fragment of a 19th-century female embroidery with the image of roosters, the other stamp is dedicated to embroidery of the autonomous crimean tatar people republic of crimea. which shows the embroidery of a woman's shawl, which is made in a special technique using metallic gold and silk threads. i suggest you hear more about the symbolism of ornaments right now. ukrainian embroidery is the code of the nation.
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crimean tatar embroidery is the code of the crimean tatar people, they want to kill us, but we say never. the girl liked it and it went around ukraine and the shirts were used very often. pivin is a symbol of light, victory over darkness, hope is the best, well, the awakening of life. so, for the sketches for the stamps , samples of ancient ukrainian embroideries were used, which were provided by... the national museum of ukrainian folk decorative art, i would like to note that since 2018 , ukrposhta annually presents new stamps with new ornaments dedicated to different regions of ukraine, to date there have been 12 and today, respectively, the 13th and 14th
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samples were presented. according to the general director of ukrposhta , new designs are already being worked on, and it is quite possible that new stamps for the collection... will be presented much earlier than before embroidery day 2025. why kharkiv and crimea were chosen this year, let's hear in the comments. sometimes you just have the feeling that, as you know, ukrapovych stamps sometimes predict something, and when we were planning which particular stamp, which region of embroidery to release today, it seemed to us that these two regions would be the most important this year, and i think we do not... i should note that the circulation of both types of stamps is 800,000 copies, today in kyiv people's deputies, public figures and even the head of the mejlis joined the redemption of the stamp, tomorrow the stamp
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will also be extinguished in kharkiv, because embroidery is important, it is beautiful, it is the preservation of traditions, memory and the genetic code of the nation, this is all that i have time to share now, katya, so i am passing the ether to you. thank you katya, let me remind you, it was our kateryna galko, she saw and showed us how ukrposhta presented two new unique stamps before vyshyvanka day. ukraine will have the support of nato every day, said the head of nato's military committee, robert bauer. he noted that a meeting of the nato military committee at the level of chiefs of general staff is taking place today member countries. a meeting of the ukraine-nato council will be held as part of this event. the leadership of russia has chosen the path of impunity, they act as they please, they actually want to spread their power abroad so as not to lose it at home. that is why the leadership of russia sent hundreds of thousands of its citizens to war, and they do not even take their bodies.
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moscow uses food and migration as a weapon, and therefore now in this hall we must do everything to prevent this plague from spreading, to maintain the international order. prime minister of slovakia robert fitson currently stabilized, but in a very serious condition, it was reported at the hospital, where the head of government was operated on for 5 hours. let me remind you that yesterday fitso received gunshot wounds during an away meeting of the cabinet, the prime minister went out to meet people and at that moment shots rang out, he was taken to the hospital by helicopter. according to preliminary data, the attacker was detained, he turned out to be a 71-year-old man. he allegedly fired with a short-barreled rifle due to disagreement with the policy of the state leadership. ukrainians abroad also celebrate the day embroidery in warsaw, festive events were held in the park. my colleague maria chernyakhivska will tell you more.
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maria, congratulations, you have a word. congratulations katerina. today, the smallest ukrainians are adults in warsaw. also honor traditions, everyone dressed in beautiful embroidered clothes, and today the vyshywanka fest is taking place here in the park, it was organized by one of the ukrainian... schools in warsaw, but invited students from four more ukrainian schools located in the polish capital to join, children, children there are many people of different ages, and actually today they are all in in a good mood, because they will demonstrate their singing, dancing, and culinary talents, the students, together with adults , have prepared delicacies and will sell them to raise money for ukrainian children who need it... of course, today there will be a lot of entertainment, competitions, sports entertainment, actually about the emotions and
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impressions of young ukrainians, let's listen, we all want to return to our homes and see our relatives, because because we are abroad, we do not have such a chance that to see my relatives, and that is why i congratulate everyone with vyshyvanka, everyone have a good and peaceful day. we just want to support ukraine, we love it very much, and this is a very important holiday for us, so kudos to ukraine. we join the ukrainian community in warsaw, we also congratulate all ukrainians on vyshyvanka day, and of course, we wish for more good news. that's all i have, katerina, you have my word. thank you maria. let me remind you, it was our journalist maria chornyakhivska, she told and showed how ukrainians abroad celebrate vyshyvanka day. on this
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i have all the news for this hour, we will see you tomorrow, take care! today in the program is the verdict with serhii rudenko, hundreds of... those occupiers and dozens of units of burned equipment. the invaders near vovchansk suffer huge losses. will the defense forces succeed in thwarting putin's plans to attack kharkiv region? rock and roll in the free world. anthony blinken promised ukraine a lighted bridge to nato to the accompaniment of an electric guitar. does the us make its support for ukraine dependent on the fight against corruption? undermining georgian democracy: is the country threatened by
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us financial sanctions due to the so-called law on foreign agents? can street rallies in tbilisi turn into a new georgian revolution? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in... for the next two hours we are talking about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory, in particular we are talking about what is happening today in the direction of kharkiv, we are talking about the attempt on the life of the prime minister of slovakia robert fitz, well and about the results of the visit of anthony blinken, secretary of state of the united states of america to ukraine. we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our veteran guests. of the russian-ukrainian war by yevhen dyky, political expert maksym rozumny and the chairman of the board of the institute of world politics
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viktor shlinchak. the second part of our program will feature political experts volodymyr fisenko and viktor boberenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian fighters destroyed 11 pieces of equipment near novomykhaivka in donetsk region. coordinated work was carried out by fighters of the 70th ninth separate airborne assault brigade of tauriy , four tanks, six infantry fighting vehicles and an armored repair and evacuation vehicle of the attackers were eliminated, let's watch this enchanting video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine, death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please subscribe to ours page, and also vote in our. today we are asking you about whether the countries of the european union should return conscripts to ukraine, meaning men who went abroad and are conscripted. if you think so, please vote on 0800 211 381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, if you watch us on youtube, pick up a smartphone, forgive me,
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if everything is quite simple on youtube, or yes, or no, write your comment below this video. and we should have yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a former platoon commander of the aidar battalion, on the phone. for now, we are connecting mr. dyky and we hope that he will get in touch, we are talking today about the situation that is developing in kharkiv direction, battles near vovchansk and lukyantsi, president zelenskyi announced this evening that it was possible to partially mobilize in kharkiv region. to stabilize the situation, the occupier who entered is destroyed by all means, at the same time, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports that the defense forces have partially pushed the invaders out of vovchansk, and defensive actions continue in the northern and northwestern outskirts of the city. on the air of the united telethon , the spokesman of the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces, dmytro dmytro lykhovii
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, stated that in the kharkiv direction, in the lukyantsiv and vovchansk districts, ukrainian defenders withdrew in order to... preserve the lives of servicemen and avoid casualties. let's listen to what dmytro lykhova said. units of our troops in the kharkiv direction repulsed 18 enemy attacks, in particular in the directions of hlyboke liptsi, lukyantsi-lyptsi, borysivka neskuchne, shebekino, the territory of russia, vovchansk. in separate areas in the districts. lukyantsiv and lovchansk, as a result of the enemy's fire and assault actions , in order to preserve the lives of our servicemen and avoid casualties, our units made a maneuver and moved to more advantageous positions, the fighting continues. this is the information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. we monitor this
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situation, of course, and especially in the context of statements general budanov that... the russian occupiers are now trying to enter the territory of kharkiv oblast in order to later carry out a maneuver in the sumy region or in sumy oblast, whether this is true or not, it is very difficult to say yet, because the situation is developing and changing enough actively, but, but, the most important question, which was and remains, is why the army of the russian federation managed to... break through in this direction, meaning in kharkiv, and whether there is a threat to kharkiv, we will talk about this now with yevhen dyky, a veteran russian-ukrainian war, to the former platoon commander of the aidar battalion, mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, well, we have already started talking about the situation that we have in
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kharkiv oblast, and the question remains open, why after all... the russian army managed to break through in this direction and do you think there is a threat to kharkiv? well, let's start from the end, looking at what exactly is the threat to kharkiv, if you mean a real attack on a city of two million people, an assault on the city, etc., then the russian forces are gathered on in this direction, to put it mildly, they are not enough for this, they, well, moreover, they are not enough, not a little bit, but they are... not enough by an order of magnitude, well , let's remember, let's remember that bahmud's military population is 70 thousand , it was taken by a group of approximately 120,000 russian troops for nine months, avdiivka was taken in just four months, with a military population
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of 16,000, the group that took it was more than 4,000 and... now we take two million kharkov and extrapolate it, we understand that those 50,000 gathered there are opposite of the entire kharkiv region, well, for such a campaign , this is an absolutely incomparable amount, but what are they trying to achieve in this case, they have a minimum program and a maximum program, a minimum program, which, well, we must give credit, they have already actually fulfilled it, it is to force us to transfer there, and our reserves are already very acutely deficient. they actually felt our weak spot, they see that their only advantage is that they now have many more soldiers, and they are trying to use this advantage to the maximum. that is, by opening, let's say, a new, new section of the front, they force us to transfer some reserves, some combat-capable units there, accordingly, these units
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will not reach pokrovsk or kurakhove in time, there they will not reach pokrovsk or kurakhove, that's where they have the main attack, but they also have a maximum program, a maximum program they have, which fortunately they have not yet come close to, but given the distances there, i would consider this threat to be serious, so about... the maximum they have is to go to kharkov at such a distance and take stationary positions there, with which the city can distribute artillery. in general , it’s like this, i’m sorry, it’s like that in my opinion, it’s such a sad, but very instructive story for us, it’s very important that we draw the right conclusions from it now, because yes, let’s go back for a second, well, a little bit back, autumn 22- th year, september. our armed forces receive an order for a fairly limited operation, that is, to push the orts away from kharkiv, so that they finally stop terrorizing residential areas with barrel artillery and hail. this operation
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turns into a collapse of the russian front. the operation turns into the liberation of huge territories of slobozhanshchyna up to the svatovo kremin line. and it becomes one of the turning points in this war. ot. and unfortunately, from this, from this operation. we and the russians drew very different conclusions, they drew the right ones, and we didn't, but they just after our kharkiv operation, they realized that there was no self-defense, that they underestimated the enemy, that they began to respect us, even fear us, and after that began to fight with us as they fight with a serious worthy enemy, who is respected and they are afraid, and switched their entire country to such a big, serious war, and we , on the contrary... and we were so inspired and fell into such euphoria after that that we decided for some reason that if we had already driven them so well near kharkov, then then it
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will somehow roll, then we just have to wait for the winners, and now a year and a half passes and the circle closes, we now have the task of preventing them from being in a position from which we can shoot the residential quarters of kharkiv with barrel artillery, this is an absolutely natural result of that , like us and like them lived these six months, they are in the mode of a great war, and we are in the mode of waiting for an allegedly guaranteed victory, it is very important that we now draw the right conclusions from this, it is late anyway, but it is not too late, well, in general, yet another déjà vu, we repeated on such a micro scale on february 24 , 2022, but then we were all warned, it was known how the war would start, from where? will come in, and still no one was preparing. now a micro scale, but exactly the same: in a week, at least, gur warned about enemy activity in this direction, about the fact
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that a strike group was being formed, but they still jumped in by surprise, anyway, no one was prepared for anything, yes, we learned to react quickly, the reaction was swift, we repel them, we repel them, relatively successfully, but in principle this was not... it should not have happened, it should not have happened at all, they should have been met in a completely different way, but for some reason they were not met, but now the situation that is developing in the kharkiv direction has forced president zelensky to cancel his visits to spain and portugal, which were supposed to take place a few days ago precisely because of the russian offensive, and as noted in the press, zelensky was supposed to meet with prime minister pedro sánchez in madrid to sign the security agreement, but now... the signing is being postponed, as for the forecasts themselves, sir yevgeny, as to whether and how and who and in what way predicted there would be
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an offensive in kharkiv oblast, there would be no offensive, the head of the gur kyrylo budanov generally says that the russian attacks in the kharkiv oblast will last 3-4 days, after which the troops russia will make a decisive offensive in the direction of sumy. later, general budanov denied. said that he was misunderstood, and on the air of the united telethon, he clarified his words regarding the offensive of the russian federation in the sumy region. from the very beginning, the russians planned an operation in the sumy region, as of now they are keeping small groups of forces on the border. they have this city of suja. from our side, this is the sumy direction. but the situation did not allow them to take active actions and start implementing their plan. how do you rate ot'. of the fact that sumyshchyna can be another the point or line where the russians are forcing us to withdraw troops in donetsk region, in fact
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the entire blow is directed at donbas. i believe that budanov is right, especially in his very first forecast, that sumyshchyna may well start literally overnight, the fact that, by the way, even this second retreat does not change anything, that the situation has not yet allowed them to start, it does not mean that they will not start tomorrow, but here the very fact of budanov going out with this into the public space, it seems to me, is the result of the fact that gur's warning on kharkiv oblast didn't hear, so now it's just a warning about sumy oblast, it's already public. and no one will later be able to say that they did not warn, well, i really hope that those who are responsible for security in sumy region, that they, they are now taking urgent measures and that this will not happen again, what happened in the kharkiv region, that is, the russians may very well go there, it is very likely, but i hope that they will be met there in a different way, because what
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happened in the kharkiv region, yes, it is a very big about... against this background , the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, visited kyiv, he spoke about the fact that the united states of america does not encourage strikes on russian territory, but in the end, ukraine must decide for itself how to conduct this war, and this is about he said this today at a press conference with dmytro kuleba. they want to say clearly that the united states of america will, they have undertaken to help ukraine in order for... it to win, so i am sure that we have not shown by our deeds, and we will continue to help ukraine, of course we never want and have never done it for ukraine to do it outside the territory, but in the end ukraine decides for itself how they conduct this struggle, because they are defending their freedom and sovereignty, their territorial integrity, that is , in the context of what anthony blinkin said, mr. yevgeny, i wanted to ask you, here in the kharkiv region,
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that is, on that side, in belgarishchi... no, we saw this gathering, did intelligence see a gathering of russian troops, there is not such a large group, but well still a few tens of thousands of russian troops were stationed there, and it is obvious that the ukrainian armed forces did not strike on this territory, which indicates that the americans, despite not advising, or as he said there, did not encourage strikes on russian territory , can be that after blinkin's statement that the ukrainians themselves decide where to hit, and the americans will not encourage them, or could it be that the troops standing near suja are literally behind sumy, sumy oblast this place, the city over there to kursk, is it possible that the ukrainians will use these western weapons in order to prevent them from entering the sumy oblast, well
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, pay attention, blinkin did not... say that they allow their weapons to be used for this, but he completely avoided actually this question, he said that they do not encourage strikes on russia, but that is our business, but he did not say that this our business can be done with their weapons, as far as i know, no lifting of the ban on the use of american weapons on russian territory yet hasn't happened yet, besides, again well, the concept of strikes on the territory of russia is one story, but in ... all this time there was a strict ban on our troops not to cross the russian border, and again, nothing in blinken's words is for me a lifting of this ban, i will remind you why, for example , the raid of the russian volunteers was not so successful, because actually three battalions of russian volunteers went behind parevnik, all our mechanized units did the most they could - this was to cover them with a little artillery from our territory, none of our soldier. not
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could cross the barrier, because it immediately caused huge problems with the allies, i did not really hear a change of position in this statement, the fact that they tolerate our strikes there on military airfields, on refineries, for example, russian ones, which we make our own with weapons, well, they have been putting up with it for a long time, that is, i haven't heard anything new here, to be honest. another event that happened on the night of may 15 in the temporarily occupied. explosions rang out in st. petersburg, russian propagandists announced a massive rocket attack and hit in the area of ​​the military at the belbek airfield, they say that one of the 31k migs was apparently hit there, so far there is no clear confirmation, but we see that ukraine is trying to deploy its actions on the temporarily occupied territory in crimea, like this...


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