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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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who makes any decisions, mr. oleksiy, thank you, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of nsu, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war was with us, and now with a moment of silence we will honor the memory of all, both military and civilians, whose lives were cut short by the russian war against ukraine. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that is... and unleashed by russia.
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a fire broke out at the belbek airfield in the occupied crimea after a missile attack, the media reports. putin went to china, the agency announces the clearing of the northwestern outskirts of vovchansk. these and other topics. today we will discuss in our broadcast, this is svoboda ranok, my name is oleg galiv, and greetings to everyone who watches us, in the comments, by the way, write where you watch us from, it is interesting to understand what the audience of radio svoboda is like. well, before the events in crimea, something is burning again at the belbek airfield in occupied sevastopol, for the second night in a row, local and russian telegram channels are writing about explosions and air defense work over the peninsula. telegram channel krymskiy vetir, in particular, citing a source, informs that there is a hit at the belbek airfield. on the fuel
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composition and the fire and publishes such a video, we cannot identify it promptly in the conditions of war. the occupying authorities of sevastopol report that the forces of the russian federation have repelled an attack by the armed forces of ukraine. the ministry of defense of russia declares that five missiles were shot down during attacks on crimea. locals in telegrams also report the sounds of explosions in simferopol, yevpatoria, dzhankoy and gvardiyskyi, where russian military airfields are also located. about the attack on the airfield belbek has been reported for two days in a row. the day before, the correspondent of the crimea realia project reported that he heard explosions characteristic of hitting the target, there was also a glow, after the second wave of attack several explosions similar to detonation were heard. about the previous attack , the ministry of defense of russia wrote that they shot down 10 missiles in attacks over crimea. the ukrainian edition of the league, with reference to its own source, reported, i quote, that this was a planned work of gur, but officially the main directorate of intelligence did not comment on these explosions. well... the pace
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of the russian offensive in the north of kharkiv region declining after russian troops captured less protected areas. this is reported by the american institute for the study of war. according to their data, russian troops there have advanced to a distance of no more than 8 km from the border, and it seems that they intend to create a buffer zone, rather than penetrate deep into kharkiv region, analysts assume. the general headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine reported late in the evening about four successfully repelled attacks in the north of kharkiv region, three of them in the direction of lybtsi and slobozhanskyi. another one in in the direction of staritsa, which is southwest of volochansk. everyone and analysts of the ukrainian cyberflour project published footage of the storming of a house in the village of hlyboke. the deep state team claims that it is the fighters of the 42nd separate mechanized brigade who are clearing the area between hlyboki and liptsi. the video also shows ukrainian soldiers taking russian soldiers prisoner. i noted that the russian ministry of defense announced the capture of hlyboky and the lukyans the day before, as well as the fact that they were taking action. in this
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direction, in addition, they say about reflection counterattack near hlybokoy. the ukrainian general staff writes only about the battles in the direction near hlyboky, the occupation of the village is not mentioned. and regarding the situation in vovchansk, according to the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian units are carrying out defense and stabilization measures there. in the evening report, it was reported that the north-western outskirts of the city had been cleared. around 10 p.m., the vavchan city military administration reported that the russian military was covering the city of a... with bombs, and later wrote about street battles in the city. before there they showed a video of such fights in the area of ​​high-rise buildings. tasks related to the installation of fortifications, i.e. tetrades with egos on the border with russia in the kharkiv region , have been 100% completed. this was announced by the head of the kharkiv regional military administration , oleg sinyuguv. we are talking about the tasks that the military set for 2023. this year they were installed as planned. and
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they continued to install it, but due to constant shelling in some areas, they suspended it, says sinyohobov, i will note that tetrahedrons are concrete pyramids that are used as barriers from tanks, and i will kill him for that. dread. sinygubov made such a statement after the accusations that were made after the offensive of russian troops in the north of kharkiv region on may 10. in particular , military officer denys yaroslavsky accused the kharkiv regional military administration of the lack of fortifications on the border with russia. but the analysts of the deep state project have published a photo of what they claim are barriers on the outskirts of the village of leptsi, which, i quote: have been lying idle since the summer of 2023 . so, sinyohobov says that he collected the photos distributed on social networks. the remains of materials that were allegedly taken out by the contractor for further installation at the request of one of the brigades, and that this is only 0.4% of the total work on fences of this type, and such an amount would not be able to affect the course of hostilities. sinyoi calls the distribution of these photos disinformation, says
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that it discredits the military and those performing defense work. i noted that a few days ago the head of the kharkiv regional military administration promised that every contractor who built fortifications in the kharkiv region publicly... reports on the work done, and we go to the situation in the kharkiv region, serhii bolvinov joins our broadcast, he is the head of the investigative department of the main department of the national police in the kharkiv region, i welcome you, i welcome you to the studio, thank you, mr. serhiy, that join in, let's start, maybe with the security situation, what do you know, what is happening in vovchansk, what your colleagues are reporting, well, in fact, the enemy has opened a hunt for us civilians. the enemy entered the city of vovchansk, as everyone knows, and he began to kill the locals. we are already we record a lot of facts of war crimes, we have already registered criminal proceedings about the shooting of a civilian car, these were
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volunteers, two guys who were going to evacuate civilians, the russians shot them, it was a civilian opel vivaro car, it was clear that it was not there. military, but the russians opened fire. we learned from witnesses that one man probably died, one was wounded, and he ran away. however, as of now, we cannot know for sure if these guys are alive or not no, we received information from relatives about the missing and disappeared and registered this criminal proceeding based on this fact. in addition, we have registered and know such events that... russians tried to break into a private house of an elderly man, he could not open in time, so they opened fire with automatic firearms through the door, as he approached, the man's finger was shot off, and then they said
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run away from here. mr. serhiy, zmi has already been informed about this incident, let's stop for a while, maybe on these volunteers, as you say, and according to preliminary data, when exactly this happened on the first day... when the russian forces began the offensive on the kharkiv region, or did it happen later, it was the very first day, and people probably did not know where where are the russian military, besides, the russians fired, first we believe that it was a sniper, and then with an automatic weapon a police car, which is also working and is currently working on the evacuation of civilians, we are saving people's lives, how much... how much is it perhaps given that it place, the city of vovchansk is under constant bombardment, artillery, and mortar fire, and lately, since yesterday , the russians actually started hunting civilian cars, police cars with the help of drones, the situation is difficult, and for people who
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were actually held hostage by the russians, the police appeals to all of them to independently as possible... as far as possible, be able to evacuate, be able to reach the police, there is one of the bridges where there is a shelter, and there on this bridge the police pick up and evacuate people, saving their lives. mr. serhiy, i understand correctly, the police of the kharkiv region, they are staying today in ovchansk where possible, where there is no conditionally on those streets where there are no street fights and they continue to evacuate, and they expect that people will approach them and have the possibility of removing them from danger. areas, so true that the police work both today and yesterday in these hot areas, they work in the city of vovchansk, they work in the village of liptsi and other settlements where it is possible no matter what, no matter
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what shelling, we use the equipment and armored cars we have as much as possible in order to secure people's lives. mr. serhiy, we are addressing everyone and we will be up to date. there were more than 35 applications from civilians, well, to put it simply, people call 102, people call volunteers and ask for help to get them out, people are there, of course. there are many left, but they all need our help, because they are mostly elderly people who are not can get out on their own, they can't get out of this hell on their own, that's why it 's important for us right now, please tell me, i'd like to say yes, i'd like to clarify more, you said about the village of liptsi, that law enforcement officers work there, but about the village deep, which is also mentioned so often, in particular in various reports, the police have access there, now they have access to the village of lybtsiv, there is a height above the village of lybtsi, and therefore
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it is dangerous to work there, this height is under fire. of course. you said about 35 calls that you received on the 102 line itself the police were able to save these people in this way. and regarding the missing persons, you say that they received statements that these two volunteers, as you call them, who were opened fire by russian forces, according to your information, they are considered. kline is missing and reports of their disappearance are with the law enforcement officers, how many more such reports are there, how often do people contact about the fact that someone has an, i don't know, an elderly mother, an elderly father, someone has other relatives left in the territories where whether there is no access or the situation there is complicated, how many such reports are there and in general about missing people in this area, there are not so many reports about missing people, but according to the numbers i can say that more than 200 people were evacuated from the vovchan direction yesterday. lipetskoy is more than 180. as of today, in the morning, there was information and
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requests for the evacuation of 35 people, but this number is for the police, but this number may increase. i want to say that we not only evacuate people, we also work with them, we receive information from them about russian war crimes, we register criminal proceedings and we begin to investigate such proceedings as, for example, we received information from the chairman. of the starytsia village council, that she learned from a local resident that the russians had shot a civilian man. unfortunately, we do not have more details and detailed information now, because contact with the witness who provided this information has been lost, there are problems with communication in these settlements, but we immediately begin to investigate such proceedings, immediately register because we believe that... understand, gather evidence and establish all the events, all the circumstances that took place at that time in this territory. i
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understand correctly, now the law enforcement officers, in addition to investigating the case concerning these two volunteers, are also investigating the case concerning the shooting of, as you say, a resident of the village of staritsa. yes, indeed, in addition to this case, we also have a case about a young 19-year-old guy, whose russians broke into the house where he was, he also came because... to take the woman out, they stripped him naked, searched him, left him only underwear and in this form, they threw him into the basement, he spent the night there, tried to evacuate, escape, the russians saw this, opened fire, fortunately he remained alive, and only the next day he managed to escape, reach the police with his grandmother, and he was evacuated , we have... initiated criminal proceedings on this fact, mr. serhiy, i would also like to clarify about
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the people that the russian forces, the civilian population in particular, that the russian forces could capture on the first day when the offensive on kharkiv oblast began , on may 10, there was information in particular from the media, and then we saw these footage, the public reported about those people who were captured by the russian forces precisely in the settlements that are closest to the contact line, what do you know and how many such people could there be in general, did you find them? on which the russian forces could take them captive, well , as of this moment, such information has not been received, if it comes to the police, we immediately register a criminal proceeding, but i want to say that in fact the people who ended up in these in these settlements they they don't have the opportunity to move freely, they sit in basements, given that they are elderly, elderly people... who cannot go out on their own, get there on their own, somehow get out there, given that this
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area is constantly under fire, to go outside safely it is impossible, the situation for them is extremely difficult, and in fact they are hostages of the situation in which they found themselves, the russians broke into and are breaking into private houses, and they, despite everything, do not follow the rules of warfare. they kill, shoot, unfortunately, we are horrified imagine what we can see at the time when this territory will be freed by our defenders of weapons. forces of ukraine from these gas workers. that is, the most crimes committed by russian forces, according to ukrainian law enforcement officers, are precisely in the context of the fact that they open fire on the civilian population. yes, indeed, they just randomly shoot anything that moves and they don't care if it's civilian or military, so that's the, that's the main problem,
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because they're not the ones who follow the rules of warfare, they kill, shoot, just at... everything, everything that lives, everything that they see, not to mention the frenzied bombardment with kababs, frenzied bombardment, artillery, mortars with thrones. please also tell me if there are enough law enforcement officers to work in this area, or if it is possible that the national police in the kharkiv region needs additional reinforcements from other regions in order to have time, actually to fix all the cases and have time to evacuate people. no, as of now, the police do not need additional forces. the police are equipped with all the necessary personal safety protections, these are body armor, helmets, we also have armored cars, however, realizing that there are not as many as we would like, it is clear that this is a war, and all the police who are working now on these hot areas , in vovchan region, in lybtsi, they are, well, in my opinion, real
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heroes, those who work under fire, those who, despite everything, try to save... the lives of people, people who found themselves in these, well , in this hell. mr. sergey, i thank you for joining, told what the situation is and what the ukrainian law enforcement officers manage to record from what is happening today in the kharkiv region. serhii bolvinov, head of the investigative department of the main department of the national police in the kharkiv region, about the difficult situation, in particular due to the offensive of russian forces and what is happening to the civilian population. thank you. in the comments, write about where you see us from, if... in particular, you are from the kharkiv region, write what the situation is in your region, because we understand that kharkiv is shelled almost every day, yesterday there was also information about the arrivals, so it is important for us to understand what is happening with you, well, at this moment, roman kostenko, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, the people's deputy of ukraine from the voice and the colonel of the sbu are joining our broadcast. mr. roman, my greetings to you. good morning. well, let's continue
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to talk about kharkiv region, the pace of the russian offensive in the north of kharkiv region is decreasing after. about how russian troops captured less protected villages, it is reported american institute for the study of war. do you agree with the thesis of the analysts that most likely russia is interested in the buffer zone in the kharkiv region, and not in advancing deep into the territory of the region. i think they had several goals, first of all, it is still to draw our troops from other directions, because they, well, see that it is quite difficult for them to advance, and they are suffering heavy losses in the east. of our country and they are actually stuck, yes, they have some small advances there, but they are given to them at a very high price, and they wanted to delay the second - it is still yes, the buffer zone that putin once talked about, that they want to do, so that the line of defense of it goes through our territory, and
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not through the territory of the russian federation, is a line of defense that will include mining there. engineering barriers, and the russians understand that it is better to build it here, so they are trying to seize territories, now we see that they, i think, they expected more, there according to some information it was said that they wanted to go up to 20 km there , but from the very beginning, well, in principle, there are many experts in ukraine as well they said, not only in ukraine, that they did not have enough strength for this, so we saw that with a normal response, raising reserves - thanks to the fact that help recently began to arrive to us, the enemy was not able to break through beyond the gray zone, yes, there are heavy battles there, but this is a war, we understand that there will be no way without battles, therefore, but the fact that the enemy did not let them break through, says something about this, about the fact that our military leadership reacted quite quickly and normally, and
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she is already trying to stabilize this situation more or less stabilized, but i will say that the battles... are going on, the enemy must be knocked out. sir, mr. roman, what does it mean that the situation is stabilized, i would like to clarify, that is , there are no russian forces in vovchansk today, for example, in the surrounding villages, are they there, just that these battles there are small, they continue on separate streets, that's how to understand this context of the conversation that the situation is stabilized, what in particular is the ukrainian military leadership reporting? well, we compare it with the situation that started when the enemy was almost there in the first place hours there... days without such great resistance, he was advancing on our territory, we saw many videos where they practically walked in the gray zone and there was no resistance and it looked like enough there. this is, let's say, difficult, everyone thought that they were going in the direction of lypka, would capture vavchansk and could advance further
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in the direction of the road to kupyan in order to cut off the rear of our troops, and there were difficulties, we did not understand , how much the enemy will be able to raise reserves, now the situation is that the enemy is stopped, he is not advances practically, if it advances, it is enough with heavy losses. and we see that he cannot restore them in time, that is why the fighting continues, but such a movement is even strong, well, let's say, there is no operational enemy, so vovchansk, despite the fact that, let's say, there was a lot of information that the enemy was captured, according to my information, that the enemy is in the western part, controls some part there, but still controls most of the city, is controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, that is... defenses, and the enemy is there tried several times, then tank attacks, then infantry attacks, and, but they were unsuccessful, our defense forces, well, practically destroyed them, and
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now our reserves are being pulled up, so according to the estimates of those who are there, directly, that the enemy has little chance go further, but this is a war, look, we are watching and there it is under the condition that it will happen now, if the enemy will pull up his reserves, if the enemy... will be there, we will remove them from somewhere or find them and throw them in this direction, the situation may change. mr. rowan, that is, a threat re-occupation of vovchansk still remains, but as of now, because it is a war, but as of now, the situation in the city looks positive for the ukrainian side in that the majority is controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, according to your information, and the russian forces are actually being eliminated, that's right, look, in war there is always a threat, well , occupation, let's say, of a populated place, especially during the front line. everything depends on that, and if the enemy wants to and throws a large number of news there, then the situation there will be difficult, at the moment, according to the information of those who is there, what do we control, but how things will
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develop, how things will develop, we will watch them, you know, make predictions now yes or no, it looks like we are more in control if we do everything right, reserves will arrive, and let's say there will be good support from our guys, then there may not be a threat, but once again... the war, we are talking about the situation that has developed now, it is quite difficult to predict, because the enemy is still active, but there is a buffer zone , which russia actually wanted on kharkiv oblast will find out whether russian forces will try to establish themselves there, perhaps they have already established themselves in those territories of 8 km, which the analysts of the institute for the study of war say is the only way they managed to advance, and why is this buffer zone of russia in general, so that it is i don't know there, the subject of the negotiation table was the territory of this test... first of all, that we carried out approximately the same actions on the territory of the russian federation, well, we,
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the russian volunteer corps, carried out the same actions, practically in these same areas there border, belgorod region, and well, it was really due to putin's reputation, due to his authority, and i think that first of all, this task is to build a continuous line of defense, he said, on the territory of ukraine, in order to prevent these penetrations of volunteer corps, our intelligence and sabotage groups to the territory of, let's say, the administrative russian federation, i think their task is to transfer all hostilities along the border to the territory of ukraine. tell me more, please. i want to finish the topic of kharkiv oblast with a specific context about fortifications, a lot in recent days in zmi from experts. from deputies, from the military, from the regional authorities of kharkiv about the fortifications, whether they were built, whether they were built, the national security and intelligence committee, which one way or another
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listens to the military, which has access to more information than ordinary ukrainian citizens, ordinary, plans to possibly gather for an extraordinary meeting in order to raise the topic of fortification, or plans to possibly summon and listen to the military for in order to understand what actually happened in kharkiv region and whether the fortifications were built in accordance with the limits and norms that... were provided, whether certain mistakes were made, so you plan to raise this issue with your colleagues? i will say that we have already raised this issue with him for a long time, and he reported to us, even then the acting general who was responsible for this direction, general naya, came, he was fully responsible for the northern border, fully presented to us all the developments, mining and what the positions were dig, well... many probably have excerpts from the movie in their heads, i don’t know, about the second world war , or about the same ones there on the western front without
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changes, about the first world war, when there are continuous lines of defense for hundreds of kilometers , and there are soldiers in them , that 's why they showed us, there are these fortifications, they are built there, of course, not on the border itself, because we are talking about military affairs, and military affairs are a little different from just the wishes of everyone, that there should be an anti-tank ditch along the border, but behind behind him already trenches were built. well, it was unlikely to be done under constant russian fire, but the next question is that these fortifications are dug, they are there, maybe they are, but the military needs specialists to see how much they are, let’s say, they are enough, if not enough, then add , but we must understand that from a military point of view, the border line and
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the defense line, well, do not always coincide, they do not coincide, and this is correct, because the border line is where it is, after the collapse of the soviet union, and in our country some are inhabited points, were divided in half by the border line, that one part is in russia, and one part is in ukraine, and we understand this, so we must now do everything so that in the future we will not have any... any settlements on the border line at all , i think there are 10-15 km, we have to make sure that we have continuous lines of engineering barriers, because, well, returning to how fortifications are built in military matters, there once again the administrative border is an administrative border, since he is, and the line of defense, it is usually tied to the area, therefore the area is chosen as it is, there is a support zone, and now, in principle, the fact that
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the enemy has been stopped once again shows that... in principle, there are no big problems there, but it is necessary to work on the mistakes, it is up to the military to determine those the mistakes that were made, and correct them. mr. roman, but the committee will talk to the military about it in order to make it impossible to make such mistakes in the future. well, probably it will be, we haven't talked about it yet, i think that when we get together, we even have a committee today, we... that's a question let's talk, but once again, the representatives and members of the committee at one time, you remember, even went to sumy and kharkiv region, so this issue was under control, so yes, of course, well, the deputies really talk a lot of treason , well , there is still a lot of treason, well, look, we have an information policy, now we are spreading treason, that there is no fortification there and everything, and all that, well, i
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think that now, first of all , it will be necessary... for the military to report, what are the problems with fortification in general, because you don't need to occupy these fortifications to the deputies, and to the military, and the military are there on the ground, and they, if they have bad fortifications there, they have to either prepare them or give, let’s say, her proposals for their completion, the control, of course, is ours, but still once i say, we called all the people, they reported to us, they made slides like that, plus the deputies went to the places and looked, of course, there are 10 people's... deputies will not be able to travel all 3,000 km of the russian border, of course, but here there are more military, because they should sit in the trenches, but so or not otherwise, deputies will be able to pay attention if there are any problems, and have more access to those who can influence it. another question will be related to the fact that blinkin said that ukraine itself decides whether to attack russian territory with us weapons or not . can this actually be considered as the fact that the united states of america gave the go-ahead to the ukrainian armed forces to hit targets that ukraine considers
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legal on the territory of the russian federation? targets during the war, look, well, he said it publicly, we didn't we know that he did not say publicly, to say publicly is one story, and what they agreed on, for example, with the president or with the minister of defense, is another story, so i do not have such information about what they are talking about, but what that they, he made such a statement, already suggests that, well, at least we can hope for the fact that it will be possible to strike directly on russian territory. on military facilities, er, based on his words, but we will see how events will develop, we see successful and quite effective strikes in crimea, er, the newest equipment is also carried out by er russian planes, let's hope that this will also apply to our territories adjacent to the russian federation, namely military facilities, especially when we will see accumulations, such as in the kharkiv region, which after...


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