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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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concert of tushonka yalovychyna, but what is interesting is that one woman wrote in a telegram that she wanted to warn, because representatives of the occupation administration came to her grandmother and handed over these grocery sets, the grandmother was very happy, this woman writes, but then the grandmother i ended up in the hospital, and the woman ends her message by saying that you should check the expiration dates of products before using them, as i understand it, my grandmother ate some kind of canned fish from that product set, i don’t know if there is something else like that, because buckwheat it doesn’t spoil, in principle, isn’t that buckwheat already kind of overcooked, you know, it’s such a, well, as they say, a cheap act that’s not even worth paying attention to, but what else can be done, oh well, on the part of these traitors, well, i i looked there on may 9, 7.5 people went there, how did they put it... flowers, well, and there it is, who
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came there, i think it’s more for photos or for reality, but what is needed to be careful, it is absolutely correct, well , literally 5-6 days ago, i was talking to people, well, one man, there is a broken leg, they put him in a tile, in a neighboring city, because there is no place to put him in a new one, to the hospital, treated, treated, in the end, as a result , a week later, a person died there, and a statement of the fact was recorded, a diabetic of quality, here are the results, because there, i say , today people are afraid of these services, even pushing themselves to the extreme once again, but to apply for some services that you can do without, especially hospital services, because the very trip to the neighboring city is through roadblocks, inspection, not everyone can withstand them, so and the quality of products all the more, well, i'm not surprised, i just know that it is real.
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look, but there are also echoes of the soviet past, these are the lessons of denunciations that children are taught to do, the occupiers come to schools again and tell them what children should pay attention to, what should arouse suspicion in them, and with with this they should come, they say there are some extremist, nationalist, terrorist statements, if someone makes them, even if the parents do it, and well, it's some kind of i don't know knock. knocking on one's own parents, you know, well, fortunately in novaya kakhovka, no school has worked in in this regard, as they say, some parents and children are left behind, so they left somewhere on the rabatskaya arrow, in skadokh or in henichetsk, but this problem exists because, talking to the residents, as one person told me: i am near " i don't sit while driving in the evening, because i don't know who's breathing what, and i say extra, well, that's how our ukrainian girl says, and she says: i don't know who
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's breathing what, since they went there, well, one says the truth is that we have it, but she took that certificate, i don't want to sit, because i don't know where what i'm going to say about, where it is, how they say, it will appear and whose ears it will be put into, so there is such a problem, the enemy, well, it's not enough that they disguised themselves there in civilian clothes, they walk around the city, as they say, sniffing around the community as well, they also try through a certain category of people, if you can call them that, to get some information, well, you understand. the front line, so to speak, fear, it is real, that's why there are such actions, but in our city it is in relation to adults, because there are almost no schools and practically no children in our city, i don't know, or something is it real that they show pavlik morozov to the children in reality, they tell about it everything that is simply unbelievable, that it is real, and what else should they show, andriy, they don’t have embroidery, well, pavlik morozov, that is, none... this is a legend it's just some kind of
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legend made up by yakimos propagandists, but the very essence of this legend is that the son turns his father over to those chekists, well, because he's just doing business, in fact, yes, i remember it, i went to school, i i remember this case, we were told about it, and now and then somehow yes, this is a visual instruction for children, what should be done, what should be done? so what do they mean? it's true, it's true that in the evenings my mother read taras shevchenko's kateryna to me, so what, but my mother read it to you and said: don't tell anyone, i remember when i was little, er, very little, my family, three sisters lived there, and in the evenings they gathered and sang songs, and i, well, i was six years old there, but i always tell everyone this, some songs are ukrainian, i don't remember them anymore, but there were words. that he lost his soul there
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maskalik, she left, she was tired, and i was little, sitting on the stove and crying, tirelessly, how is it that she left and drowned, so , as they say, from a young age i understand what to do. and how, you see, they say that small children do not understand, sometimes we see now, and it is so unfortunate when, uh, parents continue to speak to their children in russian, if, well, you can at least make some attempts, because small children, they like sponges, they absorb everything, and even such small memories, it is what your mother read to you, katerina, it somehow it was added to this and that piggy bank that you then took your employees to chernecha gora. and they showed them, shared everything that you had somehow been laid somewhere there, i was actually born in siberia, so all kinds of difficult things happened to our family, well, my dad also read the kobzar there, for example, i remember the kobzar that we had one,
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you know, an old one of such an age, i remember how it was lying on the table, so icons, we always had icons, the lamp was burning. so i remember this period, well, that's the situation, it's so different testimonies of ukrainians from different parts of the country, even in canada, for example, roman vashchuk, who was the ambassador of canada to ukraine, who has a ukrainian surname, but according to his passport , he is canadian, because he was born there, because his parents fled from the soviets, again, from the soviet occupation, they fled there, and he said that his parents took him to sunday school, he said, my god, all the children had saturday , sunday, the weekend, and i taught some ukrainian songs on saturday and sunday... let's say how we we will return crimea, how will we return kherson, we must ask another question, and what did you say to your children, to your grandchildren, have you planted the seed that will sprout in 10 years, 20 years, then, then those lands will return, and if you did not plant them,
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they will never return, because returning them simply for the sake of the lands is this is not our method, this is not our method. well, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr kovalenko was with us, the mayor of novaya kakhovka, to know more interesting and relevant information, by the way, go to the espresso tv website, subscribe, there are all our videos, watch them too, live broadcast, the record says so samo, they are in shorts, subscribe, put likes, it is very, very, very important, friends, we will now move to kharkiv oblast, here the audience compliments andriy about our embroidered dresses and also say that what they are wearing today is... this is good , friends, if there is an opportunity and mood, then wear them, but i don’t know if this is some kind of kremlebot, or what it says that this is an outfit from a museum, i’m not, if you are writing this from russia, listen, dear friends, if you would went to the streets of ukraine today, you would see how many people wore outfits from
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museums, but it is not from museums, it is from their shav, you know that from museums, muscovites, muscovites, this is a museum, an anthropology department, such a first, and a prizinanthropy department, well... you know, there is also a javanese person, well, what are there also, at putin's place, oleksandr skoryk, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, is with us in kharkiv oblast, we are moving, it is not so fun there, but mr. oleksandr, you smile, you know when you smile, i somehow feel calmer then, christ is risen, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, i'm just from your broadcast, just about on the account of clothing, well, clothing. from the museum, uh, i, we would very much like, both in kharkiv oblast and all of ukraine, for russian cats to see us, it was also a museum exhibit and that they would never again enter our territory, and even their bad leg, so that never set foot on ukrainian soil, and in our museum
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there will be katsap, whom we will definitely dress correctly in the ukrainian uniform and be, and so that they understand that whatever they want. all they want in ukraine is at the level of a museum exhibit and memories of our children about the current war, nothing more, our embroidery, they don't understand that we don't wear it for pathos, but it's our genetic code, it's what 's in our hearts, it's what we love, it's what which is very beautiful, when i, for example, see people in embroidery, i have completely different emotions, i... understand that these are our people, that these are people who love ukraine, and this is simply the identification of a real ukrainian, a patriot, as it were it wasn't there, they won't understand it, because, well, kokoshnik, what's there, quilter, what else can they do, what can they do, what, what can they
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can resist our powerful ukrainian culture, well, practically nothing, they just took five rockets at midnight today and fired them at kharkiv. two of them fell in the city, we don't even know where, everyone was practically all awake, because it was loud, there were flights, there were five flights on all telegram channels. plus we constantly see directly the outbreaks of hostilities that are going on in our lyptsi district in the vovchansk district, well, for kharkiv, the lyptsi are closer and we can hear and see them very, very very much, planes are constantly taking off, they are constantly hitting our positions with kababs, and i was there in vovchansk the day before yesterday, so i will tell you that there even so... well, a kind of déjà vu with the 22nd year, when everything was on fire, constantly,
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constantly working artillery, very intensively, the constant movement of the military, you know, a little like they brought us back to the 22nd year, when the beginning, the beginning of the aggression, when everything was very difficult, but for the last day our defense forces did not allow them to advance anywhere, to gain a foothold, even in some cities, they counterattacked, there we have powerful, powerful forces, reserves have been pulled up, i think that in the near future, in the near future, they will be from this, from this part of the front, and this is already a full-fledged part of the front, we cannot speak of any breakthrough, offensive here, this is a full-fledged part of the front, we think, i think there will be, there will be good news, because the russians don't count on anything at all, they go in groups of infantry,
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then they try to set up equipment that our defense forces destroy, because it's impossible to set up in such an area equipment, and they simply die by the hundreds, inexplicably what, but they are still trying to gain a foothold there in the northern part of vovchansk, they are trying to gain a foothold in the village of hlyboke, but... they are not succeeding, well, they already have this dust, you know, on may 10, already today, may 16, dust they have already passed, and they are trying to gain a foothold in order, as i understand it, to show their propagandists how much, how powerful they are from the point of view of the fact that they will somehow win. or vavchanska, but i think that they will not succeed, and by the way, they behave absolutely
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non-civilian, with regard to the volunteers, what with regard to the civilian population, because they are openly hunting, the volunteers report that they are simply being openly hunted by a sniper, and they are not giving the opportunity to evacuate, they are constantly in a regime, in a regime of very, very great danger, so the situation in principle what we see, all the counterattacks are controlled, our armed forces are firmly holding the defense and counterattacking, they have not had any serious advances, and we hope that there will not be, you know, i saw the video, they made it public how they are being fired from belgorod region kharkiv, kharkiv region, that is, they just drove out their mlrs, that grad and... and just put it on the road, such a traffic jam accumulates, and it just
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shoots in the direction of the ukrainian border, and i look at it, and i and i'm just one of the propaganda, they just show a large number of their civilian population, but they just show their civilian population how they behave in relation to, but for example, the counter-battery fire starts from... accordingly, all those people in those cars die, what, what are they too they just drove and were forced to stand in that traffic jam, because it suddenly turns around, but they say that they are small, people don't decide anything, so if they don't decide, they die anyway, i'm just talking about the fact that this or that they don't overlap , firstly, by the civilian population, and secondly, and secondly, you start to think, maybe we should someday think about creating such a sanitary zone on russian territory, in order to push... really, russians away from this border on the other hand, it simply
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could not be done otherwise, in fact, watch that video, which they showed, well, it’s purely a cover for the civilian population, because our counter-battery fight, well, there won’t be, there won’t be, all the artillery, it is corrected from the drone, so, well, with such a number of civilians, well, it’s definitely simple... then the cover for so that they are not hit, and even with the banal cover of the civilian population, our artillery will not hit with such a large number of civilians. around, this is 100%, but as for the sanitary zone, the ukrainians would make a sanitary zone up to the very north, to the very south of the northern globe, so that there would be none of these orcs in our territory at all, it would be wonderful, but at least, at least, to make
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sure that our people do not die and that these terrible stories. testimonies from pensioners and what they tell about how the russians this time are no longer trying to please you, you know, when they come to our settlements in the kharkiv region, the first time they somehow tried to pretend, to keep a good face, but now they just they hate all ukrainians, and these testimonies are terrible, these people who are in their old age have to run away from their home... and some walk very badly, some don't. yesterday , i saw my grandmother talking about the fact that the policemen evacuating people said that there is no place for the policewoman to live in that car, it's just terrible shelling, and she says they go into the yard and just shoot them, she says they shot an older couple people, for what, it is not clear, this is simple, this is already
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a real face, this is when they tore off their masks and showed who they are, and when you listen to these testimonies. kharkiv villages and towns, and you hear this beautiful ukrainian language, because for a long time these pro-russian people from kharkiv region told us about a separate slabazhan language, you hear that this language is beautiful, ukrainian, colorful, with some of its own dialects, slurs, but it is ukrainian and for that very it hurts, we were very good friends with them until the 14th year, they... were constantly in kharkiv, in all establishments, restaurants, in all those places where you could relax, they were always with us, there were simply vyrenitsy on the barabashov market buses with russian license plates, and we are very much with them, they came directly to us in thousands of people, and we did not
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have any there, there was absolutely nothing with them. they loved kharkiv, because it is impossible not to love kharkiv against the background of what they have there in belgorod, belgorod is just such a province that absolutely does not reach our regional centers there, that is absolutely certain, and as for how much we had relations are good, but now they are, well, for example, kharkiv residents, between kharkiv residents and residents of russia, and we hate them the most in the world. for us , the biggest hatred is the people we are with we made friends with whom we spoke in the same language, what can we say, well, kharkiv residents still speak russian, but you understand, it is one thing to speak in russian, and another thing is to mentally love them, you see, in our now it's not like
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love for them, we have such hatred there that will not pass, well, in my opinion, for 100 years. this hatred will not pass, we despise them, hate them, and our children, who constantly hear the arrivals, who simply understand and are afraid of these arrivals, they will definitely not love them, and their children will not love them either, therefore, we can make a sanitary zone with the enemy for 100 years, and it is not known whether in 100 years something will change, mr. oleksandr, thank you for the sincere conversation and a peaceful day, we wish, thank you for the mood that you always give, despite the fact that that kharkiv is in a difficult situation, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was with us, dear friends, we are now going on a short break, then we will return and move to occupied mariupol, stay with us, we are tired of heavy and
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we are returning to ether, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, today we are working for you, and now we will move to occupied mariupol, we will try to understand what life is like there now, and petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, will be our guide, there, mr. peter, we congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, you have a beautiful vyshyvanka, i see that you also posted a video on your telegram page about how vyshyvanka day was in mariupol, there were many people who talked about what it was only the outer axis is it wearing a vyshyvanka, mr. peter, or - in your opinion, what else do you think ukrainians need, apart from wearing a vyshyvanka, to start speaking ukrainian in order to be ukrainian? yes, well, you're not ukrainian if you don't wear a vyshyvanka, and if you don't speak ukrainian, again, yes, well, there's such a thing about the ukrainian language, let's say, it's, it's, it's
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difficult, it's really difficult for people, who lived in the east, to move, but it seems that they are trying, well , at least we can say that everyone has become completely bilingual, and this is already a great achievement in the last 10 years, unfortunately, the reason is not very good, but over time it moves, i will say that our children are from mariupol, they do not know how to write in russian as it should be, even if they write in russian words, and we even see this in the occupation, and this is a separate history, who are being re-educated, for almost a year they were re-educated so that they stopped writing the letter i as ukrainian with a dot, and started writing it as ours, well, that’s why it’s in the blood already, it’s not going anywhere, and these days vyshyvanka, why are they very important for us there were, because the admin never turned on. tive resource is what i say absolutely frankly, that is, it was always announced and people gathered themselves, and their condition, well, there were more of them, more every year, and
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more embroidery of various happiness. people, well , everything was in trouble, in fact, if it weren't for this rusna, well, in general, everything was fine, mariupol was, is and will always remain ukraine. no wonder, even now at these mass events, where they involve children to draw something on the asphalt, they are not given blue and yellow chalk at the same time, so that suddenly they do not draw again that they are so afraid of our flag or something else, so who says that it is some kind of external. about, well, there is an external manifestation of something, it is an external manifestation of the internal conviction that we are ukraine, well, no, i don’t see anything wrong with it, you know, on the contrary, and this is the biggest difference, by the way, between us and the russians, no one can't say that they wear a holiday, what national clothes they have, no, no, yes, they get a red flag and that's all, this is the maximum they are capable of, in fact, they, they have national clothes - these gymnasts
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and. .. pilotka, yes, yes, black bag, me i think how now, but you said about the language, we have a wonderful story for you, our acquaintance, so much so that he was a witness to this story and decided to even write a post about it, the host of radio halychyna, oleg manchera, a journalist, and who is now in kyiv, and he actually said that he was in one of the supermarkets in kyiv, and asked the saleswoman not to speak to him in russian, because she... they addressed him like that and to enforce the law on the state, and she flew up to her from the red and says: i'm from krasnogorivka, if you don't know what that is, well, they say, what are the claims in general, yes , in russian, and he says that i did not know of such mitigating circumstances, but he says, he says, i am not going to discuss with you where you got the law from, i ask you to implement it, that's it and was already hoping that there would be a... now
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there was such a quarrel, and the girl at the cash register, who was standing next to him, suddenly said to the one from krasnovorivka, what russian language, she said: and i'm from mariupol, well, i i speak ukrainian, and why can't you from krasnohorivka speak ukrainian then, you think, and less than you endured, and that's all, well, there have already been some discussions and so on and the like, but here's some such and such an interesting story, you know? well, it is, i tell you such stories, you know, when the evacuation started, at least in the form in which it was from mariupol, we met people in zaporizhzhia who were leaving the city by the thousands, and i will say that almost the first thing that happened well, these are such stories, yes, i won’t tell how they kissed the ground, like a flag, and, but from the point of view of language, it was the first thing that people tried to immediately switch to ukrainian language, because yes, mariupol was mostly...
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russian-speaking, well, it is, it's not our fault, but that's how it turned out, as they say, yes, but well , it doesn't mean anything, in fact, that is, people strived and strive, and now communicate to a large extent in two languages, and in due time our children will already be completely ukrainian-speaking, and that is normal, well, in fact, but let's keep quiet, but today, i know that people will come to all our centers in vyshyvanka, and a significant number of people will come in those vyshyvankah, which they took out of this hell from mariupol, and it seems to me that it is very important, i also have a mariupol vyshyvanka, that is, during all those times she was there at all these parades, well, it is more than any words, if a person wears such a vyshyvanka, i'm sorry, she can speak any language and be ukrainian more than any other than any vyshyvata, because, well, it's not worth comparing and pulling, you know, it seems to me that vyshyvata, cotton wool, this margin is in our information space, because, well it's not the best, it doesn't unite us, in fact ukraine is united, that's
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for sure. and there 30 years ago no one could to say that mariupol and lviv will really consider themselves as a single entity that defends the borders from one city to another in ukraine, well , that is more important than anything else. as a matter of fact, the embroiderer that someone stung, that they could not evacuate and take with them, someone first of all packed it in that small suitcase in this panic and in this shock. mr. peter, thank you, thank you to those mariupol residents who understand... and the importance of embroidery, the ukrainian language, and ukraine, and the ukrainian flag, and all ukrainians, in principle, who understand this importance petro andryushenko, the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, was with us, and now kateryna shirokopoi will be with us in her beautiful embroidered dress and will tell us the news, congratulations lass, congratulations andria, you look incredibly beautiful today, after all, as usual, but on such a day it is more special, in a moment i will tell our viewers about the hourly blackout schedules in ukraine and what to talk about...


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